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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 17, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST

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make sure the taliban follows through on reducing violence and making sure we are safe here at home. >> sandra: earlier called it a long, collocated process, it will be watched. that's it for monday morning. >> ed: will be back tomorrow. in the meantime, "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ >> dagen: this fox news alert, 2020 democrat michael bloomberg facing yet another firestorm, this time of her remarks in 2016 that are now coming to light. the former new york city mayor appearing to belittle farmers and manufacturing workers during a discussion at a university forum. watch this. >> i can teach anybody, even people in this room, no offense intended, to be a farmer, it's a process. you dig a hole, you put a seat in, add water. you could learn that. then 300 years of the industrial society, put the piece of metal, turn the crank, the direction of
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the arrow and you can have a job. >> dagen: this as bloomberg's 2020 rivals are making hay out of a slew of other controversies he's facing, including a recording of him defending stop and frisk policing and a new "washington post" report highlighting allegations that bloomberg fostered an environment of harassment at his company. >> i think he's going to have to answer for that and speak to it, voters are looking for a president who can lead us out of the days when it was just commonplace or accepted to have these kinds of discriminatory attitudes. >> he needs to go on shows like this which he hasn't done, he can't just hide behind the airwaves, he has to answer questions. >> $60 billion combined is a lot of advertising but it can't erase your record, there's a lot to talk about. >> the simple truth is that mayor bloomberg with all his money will not create the kind of excitement and energy we need
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to have the voter turnout we must have to defeat donald tru donald trump. >> dagen: this is "outnumbered," i'm dagen mcdowell. here today, fox news contributor lisa boothe, fox news contributor jessica tarlov, host of "the evening at it" elizabeth macdonald and in the center seat today, fox analyst and natn host, lawrence jones. use our "outnumbered." >> lawrene>> hello, ladies, thar having me. let's get to the michael bloomberg comments about farme farmers, he's reinforcing a narrative that some people in the republican party and conservatives have certainly heard and felt from democrats in the last decade. >> lawrence: you really can't apologize, this is not something where you say, i've gotten more information -- this is how he truly feels, just like how he felt about stop and frisk.
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i think there's a problem because he's not willing to go on the record and defend these ideas. they can't spin this, there is no way of spinning this information, i also think it shows you -- i mean, they are gunning for him, it's very clear to other candidates as well but all of this stuff is just magically appearing. >> dagen: we don't know where it's coming from, is totally possible that it's coming from somebody associated with bloomberg just to get it all out there but jessica, the fact that all the other democratic candidates, many of them are pushing back on this or at least pushing back on bloomberg, they see him as a threat. >> jessica: he was one of the main story lines out of iowa and new hampshire, didn't appear on the ballot in either state, i was on air and the fact that he was a right in on both sides they are getting three of the first five votes means that his ads are working in places that
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are not just the big metro poles, that's not an l.a. market, not a new york city market, iowa and new hampshire and people are afraid of him because he can just keep spending until the end of time, everyone else has a limit, i guess tom steyer could keep going as well but there is a lot to apologize for, i'm not sure who leaked it, everybody wants that information out including republicans, i'm sure the trauma team is also doing things that are advantageous but it makes se for him to go on the offense against bernie sanders and for that story about hillary clinton essentially being his vp because that "washington post" story in the era of these conversations about workplaces and ensuring that women are treated fairly and having the opportunity to go ahead are totally toxic on the democratic side. >> elizabeth: "bloomberg news" was not allowed to work on or investigate this bloomberg campaign, the women in this toxic work environment had to
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sign nondisclosure agreements and he's not going to the debates so -- all of the 2020 democrats right now just made valid points, he needs to come out and talk about it. the crack about farmers, you have to be like an electrician, plumber, a scientist to be a farmer, if it was that easy we wouldn't be sitting here, we would all be farmers. and did you see brit hume's tweet about it, "it seems mike bloomberg learned about farming from watching an episode of "heehaw"." >> dagen: i would argue that all those people could smell of phony. >> lisa: watching that video, that's a problem with mike bloomberg. mike bloomberg's problem is mike bloomberg. so far what we've seen from him is hundreds of millions of
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dollars, paid advertising, this perfectly tailored message, we haven't really seen mike bloomberg and when we do and what voters do, they're not going to like what they see. go back, watch his announcement video. you want to fall asleep, he is the most boring, out of touch candidate that's potentially on the democratic debate stage and his challenge is going to be if he actually ends up on the stage, we might find out, we will find out tomorrow if he will end up qualifying for the nevada debate if he decides to do it or not but he also could qualify for south carolina and that's going to be his problem. when voters actually here from the unfiltered version of mike bloomberg they will not like him. >> lawrence: it's not just paid advertisements, he has a foundation when it comes to local politics, right? literally across the country, after his stop and frisk comments, the mayor of houston still endorsed him after that,
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those local politicians, congressmen, because he got involved on the ground level and these people aren't going to buy out yet. they won't say anything -- >> elizabeth: 60% of the delegates will be picked by march 17th so we are in the home stretch right now and you're going to possibly see even more leaks, now we have another sound bite of mike bloomberg saying the safety net, that's going to be the next headline. >> lisa: does that comment from mike bloomberg, do you think voters are going to look at him and say you are out of touch, trying to buy yourself into this election? what you think democratic voters will say? >> jessica: i think some of them will care about it but it just comes down to who democrats think is electable, it used to be 55% uniformly said it was joe biden, and other are people making a strong case for bernie, pete, amy klobuchar in new hampshire. what lawrence said is really important about these endorsements, they are not local
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endorsements, they are african-american endorsements. he has been through every town and other organizations really tackling this issue, climate change, his health care initiative, he has won the hearts and minds on a lot of people out on the ground that can sway voters. i imagine he's going to be standoffish and -- >> lisa: you go back and look -- >> dagen: i want to point something really quickly, that it's a column written those "wall street journal" today, he points out the danger of all of this spending, that bloomberg is in danger of becoming a pro-sanders spoiler, that you can only run these ads so many times, the one with him and president barack obama, you see the effectiveness diminishes rapidly. he also writes, the other element of his spending that has
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the toxic potential for the whole democratic party, the sight of so many party stalwarts dropping everything for a financial opportunity for themselves. he looks like a plutocrat, looks like an american oligarch trying to buy this election. >> lisa: we saw in 2016, someone like donald trump who had a strong message, a dynamic candidate, he was outspent by his primary opponents, hillary clinton spent twice as much as he did, money is not anything. >> lawrence: donald trump had a great ground game and a great communication strategy when it came to knowing with the polling was, he went everywhere. why this is going to be a heated election, if it's against him and bloomberg, local foundations, polling data from all these other candidates, it would be an interesting race seeing them go toe-to-toe with each other. >> elizabeth: what is going to turn out the vote or because we know the african-american voter is a swing vote, they pick the
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right candidate out of the seven election since 1992. who is the exciting policy platform to bring out the voters and right now bloomberg's message is getting swamped by these negative stories. >> lawrence: i say this because of the state of the union, he put out a great agenda for black americans. the question is, will they go into black america to recruit those votes? they made it very clear, they hate bloomberg but they would vote for him over donald trump and that's going to be problematic which means the trump administration -- they feel like bloomberg is the better guy over trump. i don't agree with them but a lot of people feel that way. >> dagen: the column ends with this. mr. bloomberg would be a revolution of the paid off a leech. the trump administration ramping its fight with sanctuary jurisdictions, deploying border patrol agents to ten major cities to help agents carry out
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their duties. how this impacts the fight against illegal immigration, plus, hundreds of americans quarantined due to the coronavirus now back in the united states. as one senator blasts china for its handling of the outbreak. we will have a live report next. ♪ here's record-breaking news for veterans. va mortgage rates have dropped to near 50-year lows. newday usa can help you refinance your mortgage and save thousands a year. newday's va streamline refi makes it fast and easy because there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. i urge you to call newday usa now. güéhky j÷9úmix@0q-b3akuirúñ"÷pk there's a company that's talked than me: jd power.people 448,134 to be exact. they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality.
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cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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i'm happy to give you the tour, i lohey jay. it. jay? charlotte! oh hi. he helped me set up my watch lists. oh, he's terrific. excellent tennis player. bye-bye. i recognize that voice. annie? yeah! she helped me find the right bonds for my income strategy. you're very popular around here. there's a birthday going on. karl! he took care of my 401k rollover. wow, you call a lot. yeah, well it's my money we're talking about here. joining us for karaoke later? ah, i'd love to, but people get really emotional when i sing. help from a team that will exceed your expectations. ♪ >> dagen: this fox news a large, two state department charter planes touching on u.s. soil overnight, carrying hundreds of americans evacuating from a coronavirus stricken cruise ship in japan. 14 of the passengers testing positive for the virus,
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claudia cowan's live in california. at the site of one of those air force bases. claudia? >> hi, we are outside travis air force base, 90 minutes north of san francisco, where the first of two charter flights touched down just before midnight's, flights didn't exactly go according to plan with at least 14 expected patient sporting these flights and possibly exposing other passengers. the whole group, about 340 people were already headed to the airport for the nine plus hour long flight. according to the state department, the newly infected were isolated on the aircraft and treated at medical facilities off base. everyone else will be in a new 14 day warranty period. despite the additional time, videos about the experience on the ships that her parents are happy to be back in the
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united states. still, it is not over yet, the new quarantine comes on top of the almost two weeks, everyone was stuck on board the diamond princess which became a hot spot the coronavirus. at least 44 americans are tested positive are being treate at a l in japan while others chose to stay on the ship and stay out the original quarantine. meantime, another cruise ship to worry about after an 83-year-old american woman tested positive for the coronavirus after getting of off the holland amera ship in cambodia. officials there had allowed the ship to dock after other parts of asia had turned the ship away out of fears the coronavirus could spread. passengers and crew from that cruise ship, more than 2200 people are being tested for the virus and carefully monitored. back to you. >> dagen: thank you so much
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for that report. meantime, arkansas senator tom cotton ripping china's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, slamming beijing's lack of transparency. >> they have lied consistently about this virus in the beginning. we don't want to have a public panic, we do want to err on on the side of caution when so much is unknown. >> dagen: you never know if the numbers coming out of china are for real or not, whether they are legitimate. this is a bigger problem in terms of we don't know what's going on on the ground. >> elizabeth: you track freight traffic or electricity uses within china, so now you
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see the same kind of problems and disclosure we saw in sars. we are two months into this, when you see russia, mongolia, north korea closing their land borders with china, you see china right out of the box censoring the doctors who are the whistle-blowers, cracking down on them and this exploded. it was striking here is china spend a lot of time censoring, cracking down, social media crackdowns instead of stopping the live animal markets that are the vectors for these pandemics. sars, bird flu, swine flu, you can go on and on. >> jessica: i totally agree with everything you said, the footage of the main whistle-blower doctor who ended up losing his life early on in
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this process is deeply disturbing. this seems like a great bipartisan opportunity and to make this part of the general treatment of china, we are obviously still a mid-deal with them. we are in a very good position to be pushing china, more than anyone else in the international community to be more open and honest about it. this is a real risk to us, we've heard the story it now getting bubble wrap from china, the air and the can have coronavirus in it, people need to be conscious of everything you are buying, it's very serious. >> dagen: this is a juxtaposition of our freedom versus the lack of freedom, when you have a communist government controlling the health care system. china still has three times higher infection rate of tb then
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mexico. 70% fewer general practitioners than the world health organization requires. a failure at a basic health care level coupled with them trying to cover up what's happening. >> lawrence: why it's so strange as they still don't want any help, the cdc is still not able to go there, they clearly need help. i don't think the changes passes the smell test. speak to the doctor who was the whistle-blower, look at the way he was treated, he and seven other people were brought in by police, forced to sign a document essentially saying they were spreading lies and when he passed away at age 34 from coronavirus there was -- people in china were very upset over this, rightfully so and that information was censored by the
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chinese government. if the information we've gotten is real, in a single day there was a jump in 15,000 cases so a lot of concerns, is the information we are getting for real and is china essentially censoring some of them? >> jessica: they have millions of people in concentration camps, we shouldn't be surprised that they are behaving this way. >> dagen: communism will either kill you accidentally or intentionally. joe biden with another excuse for his poor performance in iowa and new hampshire. plus, with the nevada caucuses just days away, some democrats reportedly fearing another debacle like the one in iowa. details ahead. ♪
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where hundreds of billions in funding will go each year for things like education, healthcare, and programs that touch us all. shape your future. start here. learn more at >> jessica: 2020 democrat joe biden facing growing pressure ahead of the nevada caucuses in the carolina primary
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which are seen as make or break for his campaign after poor performances in iowa and new hampshire. the former vp has a new excuse for these showings. >> i got outspent overwhelmingly in both places, i think bernie spent $25 million, i haven't spent the time going out, doing the fund-raisers and moving the way i have but i think you're right that my being outspent has had an impact. we are going to be able to compete from here on in including these two. >> jessica: we talk about this all the time at work and then we go home and text about it as well. do you think that it's fair for so many people to be writing joe biden's political obituary without hearing from voters of color who are the core component of the democratic voting bloc? >> lisa: i do because he was the former vice president of the united states, a huge network
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donor base as well, he came in fourth in iowa and for thin new hampshire so that is abysmal for someone of his stature and his connection. also his challenges of being outspent are only going to get worse now that he's suffered such great losses under his belt and a potentially lose nevada as well. what i found interesting is even before new hampshire, one-third of his campaign donation had come from people who are now maxed out. where is he going to get that money. if you look at bernie sanders only 4% of his donations come from donors who have given more than $2800 so that money is going to keep coming in where joe biden, where is he going to get the money and why would you invest in a losing candidate see? >> jessica: lawrence, where is joe biden going to get his mon money? >> lawrence: i don't know. >> jessica: i'm not maxed out yet. >> lawrence: i think he has a problem and i think it's so unfair that he is depending on
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black voters to save the day for him. he has no message and that's the problem, he's running on being barack obama's wing man and it's going to take a lot more than that to not only get the black vote by get the country behind you. if he wanted to run on obama's presidency he should have ran the last time, now you have a new administration and quite frankly i think if the trump administration were to go to black voters and i keep talking about the state of the union because he talked about the economy when it comes to opportunity zones and working for black voters, if the rnc were to target black voters because the president has something to run on, i think he'd give joe biden around for his money. >> jessica: i disagree with that wholeheartedly which is not shocking here but i want to get you in on this, joe biden had a pretty good reason to not run for president in 2016, he was grieving the loss of his son who passed away, so that he does
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best, emphasize her in chief angle. >> dagen: a couple of the reasons he didn't run, he has a history of being a poor fund-raiser and he's undisciplined and i know it was an issue of it just die beau had just died and it was very fresh but i think you're seeing those problems show up now, what i mes in these debates when he could've sold the idea of electability and being the sole of the nation, he didn't even do that. amy klobuchar whipped him in new hampshire and she only raised, less than $12 million in the fourth quarter. it sounds like amy klobuchar is fund-raising -- all these issues were covered over the weekend, tom steyer who i think is in second place in the average polls in south carolina, he has a 93 person staff, the largest
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state operation on the ground, his wife has been on the ground there and joe biden's team is all from people who are out of stage, southerners don't like that. >> lisa: with the nevada caucuses days away, 2020 democrat campaign officials and other activists are sounding the alarm, according to "the washington post," some are complaining they are still in the dark about how parts of the process will work and problems with new technology deployed at the last minute. one 2020 democratic aide telling the post, it feels like they are making it up as we go along. nevada party officials deny any communication issues, it looks like democrats are going to have another iowa on their hands? >> elizabeth: i am astounded that this is going on, that we had -- how many years for this party to get their act together in such a critical time period.
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60% of the delegates by marc march 17th, stuff that is still in beta, i'm not even sure they are still ready for prime time, nevada is talking about this, other states are talking about it, this shouldn't be happening. it is about messaging, it's about common sense, joe biden was good over the weekend going after bernie sanders, saying essentially medicare for all has been out there, it's gone nowhere. bernie sanders has been in the senate, he never got 60 votes for anything. they've got the message that likely would've pointed to a moderate centrist democrat who can take on trump and win but now this messaging is being swamped by the state electoral problems that they didn't get their act together on. >> lawrence: he just now
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started to do interviews, but back to nevada, i think it's pretty sad that democrats basically own silicon valley and they can get a nice app but they still haven't been able to accomplish it. these are people that want to run every single program in your life, republicans do just fine. >> dagen: there's truth to that come on. >> jessica: i am more annoyed than anybody on this couch about what happened in iowa. speech of the democratic party is divided that there is not this abundantly clear front runner. how problematic is that for a democratic party leaders right now? >> jessica: this is what it's all about under republicans went through this in 2016, obviously bernie sanders is having a great time eating to be that a front runner at this moment, his
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margin in new hampshire was ti tiny, if amy klobuchar hadn't existed pete buttigieg would have blown them out of the water. i happen to think joe biden has more of a message that "i was just president obama's wing man" and i heard that when i went to his rally in des moines, there are a lot of obama-clinton democrats like myself who want to go back to that period, who want to talk about obamacare and all of that. >> lisa: do you want to leave us with any parting words of wisdom? >> jessica: about communism, may be? >> dagen: here's the deal. push-ups now. that's a quote from vice president biden, it is an ineffectiveness at these rallies. it's -- >> lawrence>> jessica: it's a je thing. >> dagen: anti-power,
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actually. >> lisa: the trump administration ramping up pressure on sanctuary cities as far north as boston and detroit. why officials say they have no choice but to deploy elite border patrol agents to help enforce immigration law. that's next. ♪ veterans. with mortgage rates near record lows,
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all day strong. i'm happy to give you the tour, i lohey jay. it. jay? he helped me set up my watch lists. karl! he took care of my 401k rollover. wow, you call a lot. yeah, well it's my money we're talking about here. help from a team that will exceed your expectations. ♪ >> dagen: the trump administration taking new action against sanctuary jurisdictions, deploying 100 in the highly trained border patrol agents. the operation will run from february through may and in effort effort to assist ice officials to enforce federal immigration laws. >> these sanctuary jurisdictions cause us to have to go out and make more arrests at large in the community.
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the safest thing for our officers and the public is to turn these individuals over to us when they have them in their custody as they've already been arrested for a criminal violation in those jurisdictions. but they refused to cooperate with us, leaving us no choice but to go out and work these cases at large. >> dagen: lawrence, is this too much on behalf of the trump administration? >> lawrence: i don't think it's too much, i think it's too much on the border patrol. they are understaffed, these agents are responsible for securing borders, for example, 85% of it but they can only really secure 15% of the border. so it's unfair, their backup is 6 miles out, but it's also an indictment on these cities. no one is asking these local law enforcement to go out and round up people. what they're saying is, they are already in your custody, don't release them, let the federal agents come and pick them up and the fact that many of these liberal cities are refusing to do this is shameful.
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they are all supposed to be brothers in law enforcement, and the fact that they won't work with them when they get all this grant money, donald trump should start taking some of that money away. >> dagen: i want to listen to chicago's mayor, she posted a video to twitter pushing back. look at this. >> we will not be bullied, period. if anyone thinks they can come here to our city and terrorize our residents into the shadows, let me say this. they've got another thing comi coming. chicago will always stand strong and we will use all of our tools to keep everyone safe. >> dagen: jessica? >> jessica: that's a lot like what we heard from andrew cuomo who had a meeting with the trump administration last week where they weren't able to iron out details about having given undocumented people in new york drivers licenses and not turning over data to federal
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law enforcement. this is a hot button election issue that the trump administration wants and they need. when we look back at the 2016 election, it's a fallacy because he won on the economy, he won on the issue of immigration. and being able to portray democrats as open border advocates and i believe that's what they want to do again here. >> lawrence: we are not talking about -- >> jessica: i understand. >> lawrence: the criminals are already locked up in custody for criminal acts, why would they just turn them over? >> jessica: it's part of, i'm not saying i agree with this because there are times in sanctuary cities when local law enforcement does need to cooperate especially when someone has been convicted of a felony and a violent one at that but this is a larger issue that goes back to president trump coming out and saying criminals and round up -- >> lisa: it makes it pretty easy to attack democrats raising
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their hand on the stage talking about giving health care to illegal immigrants and decriminalizing the borders. you look at -- >> jessica: i'm agreeing with your. >> lisa: last year, 32 sexual predators were arrested on one of the victims was as young as four years old. the question is why our cities protecting those individuals? >> elizabeth: here's the issue, the border security guys, many of them are immigrants from places like mexico, central america, they are immigrants. this is a crime issue, chicago, that county covering chicago released 1100 criminal illegals accused of rape, child molestation, homicide. ten ice detainer requests were met when there were 7500 criminal illegals doing the same
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kinds of crimes. 17,000 crimes. so this is a crime issue, not an immigration issue and the border guys are sick and tired of hearing that. >> dagen: you crack down on these sanctuary cities, depriving them of money but the house of representatives when it was controlled by republicans did a disservice to president trump because you need congress, the house of representatives to say you do this or you don't get this and it's all on them, even the court pushed back on some of president trump's policies because he is not allowed to take money away that's already been appropriated to these cities and we got out of that congress over a thousand former justice department officials calling for attorney general bill barr to step down over his handling of the roger stone ca case. they say he is doing president trump's dirty work. we debate. ♪ as a struggling actor,
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>> jessica: that a judge in the roger stone case scheduling a conference call to discuss next steps. in the meantime, 1100 former doj officials are now calling on attorney general barr to resign after the justice department overruled that prosecutors recommended sentence for stone.
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in their open letters, doj officials right "it is unheard of for the department's top leaders to overrule prosecutors in order to get preferential treatment. governments that use the enormous power of law enforcement to punish -- i o go to you on this, why do you think the president didn't just wait and pardon roger stone. >> lawrence: that's the magic question. i don't think they have any conversations about this. >> jessica: the president asked him to stop talking about the institution and back off and out of its purview. >> lawrence: he's a real attorney general, he's been fa fair. even when i disagreed with him. he didn't feel like there was enough evidence.
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all these prosecutors that are going after him, i think it's because he's still effective. so many people are scared of the investigation, i don't think there was anything wrong with him going on tv and saying look, i just wish he didn't tweet about my investigations because i had to deal with this court and these judges in a court of law. >> jessica: there were four cosenior prosecutors resigned over this, a lot of people who have been career doj officials there. 1100 former officials signing the letter, it's substantive. >> elizabeth: i think this is a big deal because our nation is governed by law, not governed by men. a great point, the president does have pardon powers, not just to forgive people but for excessive action, that's what the pardon power exists for.
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when you have senators mcconnell, collins, lisa murkowski saying let them do his job, back off, ag barr saying let me do my job, back off. >> dagen: it's a sentencing recommendation, this is what they are angry about. i sat on last week that that's not the way it went down, justice leaders were taken by surprise, the early decision was reversed. >> lawrence>> elizabeth: if youe the power of the executive some of the white house -- >> dagen: it didn't happen. >> jessica: trumpeted step into it. >> dagen: the filing took justice department leaders by surprise, the decision was made with no communication to the white house, that's the issue. it's a sentencing recommendati recommendation.
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>> lisa: it's a sentencing recommendation, after the court to determine what the actual sentence would be. 7-9 years, normally reserved for armed robbery, not nonviolent offenses. the criticism is insane, it's not like he sat on the tarmac of the plane like loretta lynch did with bill clinton. >> dagen: that judge, we've got the conference call tomorrow, maybe it's about the foreman of the jury who, to read a headline, a roger stone case with a trump-hating russia collusion hoa hoax. >> lisa: this is all the left does, the media does, they find things out of nothing. >> lawrence: they should and it was unfair, this was
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recommended and i think democrats who are against nonviolent offenders serving jail time should be consistent on this. >> jessica: okay. now for more from this leftist. >> jessica>> dagen: you are nota leftist, you are a democrat. >> jessica: somebody who very recently laughed at the idea of being anyone's vp. speak up someone asked you to be vice president, would you do it? >> [laughs] that's not going to happen but no, probably know. >> you don't know that's good not going to happen. >> i think i do, yeah. i think i do. e ra♪ overtime so every veteran can save $2000 a year. xdoprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand.
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"we are focused on the primary end of the debate, not a vp speculation." somehow this managed to get out there. why? >> lawrence: i think this was pull testing to see how the country would react. i honestly don't think -- me and jessica were talking about this, i don't think they will pick hillary clinton. i think they'll pick a minority. >> jessica: people are talking about speculation. people want a sanders and warren take it. stacy abrams, et cetera. bloomberg had a really bad weekend. "the washington post" piece was going to come out about the toxic culture at work. he needed to go on the defensive. you get talking about hillary clinton and then their heads explode. he went directly after bernie sanders. >> lawrence: i don't think heads were exploding, i think they were cheering. >> elizabeth: do know what's
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interesting? you are talking about hillary? she won the popular vote. here's the issue i think with the interesting story line, should bloomberg make this a strategy move. pick the candidate to get more name recognition nationwide. i've read stories out of the "l.a. times," people don't even know who michael bloomberg is. with that help them with his prominence issue? >> jessica: what it? >> lawrence: i don't think so. i think is best strategy is going on with the people and talking. he needs the grassroot, progressive, stacy abrams of the world to satisfy the progressive base. >> jessica: i want to give you a plug here. be sure to catch lawrence jones on "keeping up with jones." he will host a panel discussion focusing on anti-conservative bias in our nation's school. do not miss that. i promise you want to watch it. thank you for watching.
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jessica, we are back here tomorrow at noon eastern. dagen mcdowell is in for harris. ♪ >> this fox news alert, michael bloomberg under fire as more controversial remarks surface. just as his rivals are stepping up attacks on the billionaire. the multibillionaire. this is "outnumbered overtime," i'm dagen mcdowell and for harris faulkner. facing backlash over his comments from my 2016 discussi discussion, he appears to be belittling farming and factory jobs as requiring little brainpower compared to working in the information economy. here's what he said. >> the agrarian society lasted 3,000 years and we could teach processes, i could teach anybody, even people in this room, no offense, to be a farmer. you dig a hole, you put the


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