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tv   Watters World  FOX News  February 23, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PST

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i am greg gutfeld, i love you america. 2020, i am jon scott, thank you for watching. >> welcome to "watters world", i am jesse watters. bernie sanders continues the search for the democratic nomination winning the contest and i will in nevada before we get to watters' words and the rest of the show we will take you live las vegas where we have fox news correspondent mark meredith at the dnc headquarter. >> that is right as you are talking about fox news protecting that bernie sanders had a good night with the nevada caucus, the results are still calculating but is not likely to change after what we seem bernie sanders putting a lot of time and effort in nevada and his supporters seem to be coming after him. there was a tremendous amount of pressure on the state i'm sorry
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the democratic party, that was handling the caucus because the party that is running things not to say what was on hampshire a week ago, the state party did not use the same app that was used in iowa in the caucus, remember all the trouble, precinct leaders were using ipads to calculus the result in the two different ways of reporting them to the state party so we get an idea of what is going on. we heard reports that there were shortages of volunteers at different precincts but the state party is pushing back that they don't believe there was any massive problem that something was not impacting the majority of the results and you can imagine some of the people were watching what was happening in nevada and whether or not repeat of the disaster in iowa, we sell the candidates come out to speak for the road ahead no matter what happened. we also heard from the chairman of the democratic national committee that was on the ground in nevada, we did not see him in iowa but he was here in nevada
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and he said everything that happened they still think the conversation needs to happen with caucuses about whether or not they want to uses going forward. right now the discussions will have to wait. as you mentioned, a big night for bernie sanders. >> thank you very much. i appreciated. it's a tough time to be a democrat, that subject is waters words. tonight, saturday, february 22, there is no scandal hanging over donald trump's head. bloomberg blew it in a socialist is racing towards nomination. the impeachment field, so democrats have to face trump at the ballot box. democrats know they cannot be him so they're trying to get an old rich republican to do it. the bloomberg show, he paid $400 million, maybe he's into that thing, that is none of my business. but that was brutal. and now he is getting clogged
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on. >> the democratic incidental debatpresidentialdebate in las . >> michael bloomberg a global partisan who spent millions of dollars to run in the race. >> marjorie hunter majority parsing the house priority of beating president trump. jesse: he does not have what it takes and he looks like a mummy up there. >> i like to talk about who were running against, a billionaire who calls a fat broad in lesbians. and no i'm not talking about donald trump, i'm talking about mayor bloomberg. >> the mayor said we passed the signature piece in this demonstration, it's a disgrace. >> bernie's exact words, look it up. mr. bloomberg had policy in new
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york city of stop and frisk with african-american and latino people in an outrageous way, that is not a way for voter turnout. >> it is difficult to spin a debate so we got the truth. >> the real winner in the debate last night was donald trump. the person that won the debate is donald trump. >> donald trump destroyed michael bloomberg last night. >> it was a great night for donald trump, i thought it was a terrible night for the democrats. >> i don't think anybody can win. >> trump won every debate. but the internet never loses. [cheering]
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[inaudible] jesse: president delivered color commentary on what went down in vegas. >> mini mike did not do well last night. i was going to send him a note saying it is not easy doing what i do is it, how about klobuchar, she choked. she choked. he looked at her and said something slightly derogatory and she said are you accusing me of being dumb. that was the end of her campaign in my boat. how about sleepy joe and his performance. great to be with the great people of ohio, no joe, you're
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in iowa, iowa. he did it five times. you're going to vote for one of these people come up probably crazy bernie he seems to be leading. jesse: besides that, trump has the power of the presidency all behind him. he touched down at the daytona 500 and air force one, amazing spectacle, drives the presidential limousine, they call it the beast around the track and then he started the race himself. >> daytona international speedway we love our country and is truly an honor to be with all of you at the great american race, gentlemen start your engines. jesse: the majesty of moments like this plus the red-hot economy, the sharp tongue, it's gonna make them hard to beat. bernie sanders is a long shot. half the democratic party hates him. because he is not even a
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democrat. but he is surging because his troops are on a mission. sanders and bernie cannot be controlled. they are a threat to powerful people. so powerful people are now fighting back in the shadows. the cia briefed bernie last month that russians are trying to boost his campaign. then the cia leaked to the washington post, the day before, bernie was not happy. >> when were you briefed on this? >> i'm guessing a month ago. >> a month ago how do you think it came out now if you had a briefing a month ago. >> i'll let you guess, one day before the nevada caucus, why do you think it came out. jesse: snakes in the intel industry are doing bernie just like they did trump, with the russian rulers and make them suspicious. at least they briefed bernie
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instead of wiretapping and like they did with trump. we'll see if bernie can handle the heat. here's reaction, trump 2020 national press secretary and fox news contributor dan. what do you think so it's going down. >> i know these can be funny and you laugh and sometimes you cry, but i'm being serious as a heart attack, are we really doing th this. [laughter] i'm serious, we live in the united states of america, the freest country, right now for the likelihood that a socialist is going to be nominated for a major party for the presidency, think about this, not only a socialist but a fraud, a millionaire socialist, limousine that owns two homes in a summer camp. i was not aware that they called your third home a summer camp. but this is serious stuff, this guy is a step away from running
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from the presidency of the united states advocating for a system that is snuffed out fortunes of hundreds of millions of people. this is not a joke, this guy is almost there, this is insane, i never thought i'd be saying this. >> is so dangerous even the democrats themselves are trying to stop this guy. because they know not only -- he is not just going direct the country, he will wreck the entire democratic party if he gets in charge. do you realize what they are trying to do, they are trying to kill his campaign however, they can do think bernie will be able to survive that? >> that's a powerful force he's up against. in 2016 the election against bernie sanders they are doing the same thing this time and in iowa they deprived him of his victory night and change the debate rules to get this crazy lunatic billionaire on the stage untalented for michael bloomberg, they are going to try
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to take this away from him but to another advantage point is unbelievable that they are nominating someone with the american dream and the soviet union who praises al castro, this guy is nuts, he's a lunatic but the good news is he's up against the hottest economy of modern history with president trump, new trade deals, america first on the world stage, american socialism, the great values of this country are going to be the socialist mark my word. >> do you think bernie surge speaks to the power of the mission or do you think it's weakness of the rest of the democratic field that they are allowing someone as crazy as bernie to get a head start? >> i think it's a former not the latter, we cannot just keep saying every ten bernie sanders has a primary with two presidential cycles, and hillary
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was bad imputed judge was bad inviting is bad, no at some point this guy has to appeal. let's not be hyperbolic, what is bernie's appeal, it is obvious, it's hard to figure out, free school, free lunch, free dental appointments, plastic surgery, everything this guy gives a waste free, and they actually believe it's true. jesse: that's because is not specific at all, he says were going to do this and this and give you that, he cannot pay f for. there's no way he could pay for, i don't know if his support is just not smart enough to know that this whole thing is an impossible deal or fish just along for the ride insuring this guy on to stick it to the man. do you think they even know what
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he is selling does not exist. >> i don't think they know at this point but they will know because if bernie has to stand toe to toe with president trump on the debate stage and president trump will annihilate him, he can make the case against socialism and at the end of the day i would be concerned if it was for any other republican president but i'm not concerned because this is president trump for the first time with low and middle income americans pay checks are going up for the first time, median household income is a high, the people benefiting the most are the people before and nevertheless they are smart enough to say i reject that because i'm buying prosperity. >> i don't know why you'd run a socialist during a boom, usually run a socialist during the depression, but what do i know. dan, donald is already weighing in on this and he said crazy bernie is doing well in the great state of nevada, biden and the rest look weak in no way mini mike will get this competing after the worst debate
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performance in the history of the presidential debates. congratulations bernie and don't let them take it away from you. it does look like the president wants to face bernie by the way he's making mischief in the field and doubling down on the fact that they are reading it again sanders, do you think this affects the race? >> yeah, the problem is you have a bunch of people on the not bernie side, not socialist side and then you have bernie and elizabeth warren who is become increasingly weak, bernie is splitting in two ways, his supporters while you have biden, buttigieg in klobuchar splitting it different ways. biden does not know, buttigieg cannot get any minority support, they all have fetal flaws. it's a runaway trade. >> he is running against reality, i just cannot wait to
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see what happens next. thank you guys very much and we will see where this all takes us. >> steve scalise and the several others were shot yesterday while practicing for the annual congressional baseball game and congressman still in critical condition after being shot in the hip, he is undergoing emergency surgery but doctors say it will require several more procedures before is out of the woods. >> it is been to a half years since steve scalise was shot and nearly killed by a deranged bernie sanders supporter. he recovered and president trump said he's even in better shape now. >> steve scalise, honestly i think you're better looking, more handsome, you were not that good looking, you look good now.
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he looks better now, can you believe that, i don't know what the hell that is. jesse: all joking aside, were not blaming bernie for this shooting but his supporters are angry and looking for a fight, remember the undercover video that says if bernie doesn't get the nomination they will bring it to the ground, here is some of his supporters behaving this week. >> we need to elect bernie and we need more working people and we need a powerful socialist movement to end depression and deportation. >> bernie i'm your biggest supporter and i'm here to ask you to stop popping up animal agriculture. jesse: all my god revolutionaries, fights, naked protesters, oh my. what a week. here's with his reaction, steve
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scalise. i don't want to get into the whole thing that the rest of the media does whether predicting violence from supporters, that's not what we do here, as you see the bernie movement rising in the polls, do you fear any energy from that crew? seeing what you been through? >> well i mean you can see from his rallies, his supporters are very strong supporters of bernie but they want something very different than what america of you and i know. they do want socialism in the least of all the democrats on the stage he may be the most genuine because he articulates in defense socialism while the others want to move a socialistic agenda and the talk as if there mainstream and they are not. those are dangerous policies, go to any country and i'm sure none of them would want to go and live for a month or two months and any of the socialist countries that exist can because their disasters. we will not let that happen to
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america. jesse: i don't think we will either. but let's say bernie gets the nomination and things heat up and maybe coronavirus kills us all in bernie is a president. politically speaking, bernie gibson and his commander-in-chief. bernie has an executive order banning fossil fuels, banning ar-15's, you get iran on the dollar and gasoline price is the devil, you will have trouble in the streets of this country if bernie sanders is president, do you think the american people reckon is that? >> i think more and more people are seeing the dangers of socialism. i hope they have a debate every single night because if you look at the last debate, you literally had bloomberg criticizing socialism and communism and they're saying it's okay to be socialist but then they try to criticize communism as if there's much of a difference at this point between the things they are talking about. green new deal, you get rid of fossil fuels and you talk about
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some of the other ideas, medicare for all and private insurance that over 150 million people have and not think that the public will buy. i think it's what democrats are scared because bernie sanders really is doing the best of all the democrats in the trying to reagan against him again than most people look at what happened four years ago, i think they rigged it against bernie and bernie folks know that and they will try to reagan against him this time maybe as far as the convention in milwaukee it i think it would be a disaster for democrats to have a fair process and whoever wins the nomination, you will have to own that and i think they're scared to death they want to quietly embrace socialism but they don't want anybody else to talk about it. they see what's going on. jesse: what's going on with you, you look better as the president said and were glad you're doing great. and thank you for coming on "watters world". >> always great to be with you. i owed the president, he built a new image for me. [laughter] jesse: excellent.
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up next, donald trump, now that he's out of jail, is he ready to spill the beans on barack obama, he's on "watters world"
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jesse: former illinois democratic governor rod blagojevich for trying to sell barack obama peace. [inaudible] jesse: the feds have him on tape and after that that was all she wrote. donald trump commuting his sense to eight serve. >> rod blagojevich, i don't know him very well i've known him for a short while at the apprentice a few years ago he seems a nice person but i do not know him but he served eight years in jail, a long time to go and many people disagree with the sentencing he's a democratic not a republican. jesse: one of the main reasons he pardoned him because he was on celebrity apprentice. >> did you raise money or was it
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conflict. >> when i get money is because i'm soliciting. >> joining me the former governor of illinois, freeman rod blagojevich. you obviously paid a big price, you know what you did is wrong, you surgery crime, crazy sense to begin with that's all in the past. did you ever talk to barack obama, did he have any knowledge about what was going on or not? >> first of all, a crazy sentence for things that are not crimes and routine politics in that particular charge was reversed by the public court and they rightfully said it was routine political law, horsetrading. president obama began the whole conversation because he sent someone to me as a middleman, mediator, not unusual in politics on the night he was elected president to say he would like to talk about his choice for the senate into see
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what i might be willing to ask for, political horse training, not with the corrupt prosecutor said it was. jesse: who is the individual that was the liaison with barack obama. >> i think it was tom the big union leader. >> so barack obama's understanding that his liaison was going to work with you to appoint the guy that was going to fill barack obama's sentencing in barack obama the coming president wanted to know what was going to be in exchange for the seat? >> he was basically asking whether the representative that president obama was interested in the candidate for the senate and he asked what would you be interested in, those kinds of things and we begin a discussion over the telephone on what we might or might not ask for as part of a horse deal, routine policy, not corrupt or illegal but they tried to say it was and
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how it is not at all the truth. jesse: when you were saying money was involved in the exchange for the sentence seat that barack obama was aware of, without a campaign contribution directed at you or where was this money come from and where was it going to go? >> i never said anything like that, i never said there is money in exchange, we talked about cabinet positions, frankly money, federal money for the state of illinois to address the issues, we talked about ambassadorships, they wouldn't even offer me macedonia. [laughter] jesse: i understand. this happens a lot especially in chicago and i'm sure the prosecutors have a different opinion about that. are you angry at barack obama? >> i am disappointed in barack obama, i am not angry. jesse: do you know things about barack obama that you have not spoken anybody about? >> let me say this generally, i know a lot of things about him
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and a lot of different people in politics that i haven't spoken about and i would not exclude him from that list. jesse: are you planning on speaking about what you know about barack obama and how we came up in the chicago system. obviously it's a very corrupt city. >> i'm interested in telling him the truth and doing it without any malice but to be truthful and talking about things that might be adventurous and might serve the public good. jesse: is there anything that you want to get off your chest about the former president with regards that you haven't told anybody before? >> also the former president -- let me say this, the current president has trumped the former president when it comes to do the right thing and undo injustice. i went to prison and spent nearly eight years in prison for
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saying things that are routine politics, a lot of the same fake stuff that they tried to do to president trump they have done to me and some of the very same people, some of the characters who did it to me are involved in doing it to president trump, president obama must've known something like that and those were the circumstances around my situation. it could've acted at the appropriate time considering when he left office, he did not do it and how ironic that president trump who i met briefly on the celebrity apprentice become the first president in american history to fire and free the same guy. jesse: it sounds like there's more things that you want to get off your chest. we are here for you if you ever want to share more. let us know. thank you very much and enjoy free life. >> thank you for having me. >> michael bloomberg reeling from the bad debate performance is now buying off democrats with free beer in free food. wait to use what he has going on. later, rush limbaugh talks about
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♪. jesse: mike bloomberg got savaged by elizabeth warren at the debate this week. >> mr. mayor are you wanting to release all the women from the
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nondisclosure agreements? >> we have a very few nondisclosure agreements. >> how many. >> none of them accuse me of doing anything other than they did not like the joke i told. the agreements and the parties that wanted to keep it quiet and that is up to them. >> sum is how many? jesse: mike should've said i would release might nda when you release yours and it did not work out too well. mike is not that quick on his feet. he is just rich. he does not have a message he just has money, if you separate mike from his money he does not make the debate. waters will discover that mike was giving people free food to show up at his rallies. so you go to a typical mike bloomberg event, it's a fully catered affair. if you go to see him speak you will have your choice of pastry, pulled pork, sliders, all kinds
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of delicious food. mike is even given away free beer at some of his event. in the campaign swag every camping cells in order to raise money, he just gives it away for free. he gives away free close, free beer, free food and the best part is he doesn't even talk to the voters. he shows up, speaks for 20 minutes and then leaves. no questions, no handshakes, no nothing. the question is, how many democrat voters are for sale. joining me now conservative actor john snyder, this could work, i'm not quite a lot i'm seeing this event and he gave out a thousand free t-shirts. he's cashing ou passing out cas. >> it's a little premature for him to enter into a quid pro quo arrangement where you vote for me and i'll give you a sandwich.
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>> it seems so odd that someone would try to do that. it is so out of touch with humanity with on the shadow of a doubt that he is rich and rich cannot buy you brains, it cannot buy you a personality and it cannot buy you compassion. i think on a shadow of a doubt it cannot buy you vote. jesse: how shallow do you think it is to think mike is in his conference room and thinking let's give him a bunch of free chicken, free beer. [laughter] how easy and basic does he think the democratic primary voters are. he probably think it's not easy. >> apparently very easy and when you say that i get the picture of let's shove a few crumbs in the do what we say. it's just absurd, there's a wonderful biblical standard, if
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you give amanda fish he'll leave for a day and if you teach them how to fish live for a lifetime for what president trump has provided since day one is opportunity that they are willing to work if they're willing to do their best, they can and will succeed because america is great again. that is not the message that bloomberg sent, the message he sent was your mind, you will do as you're told and here is some brie. and you have. reporter: here, in his little stock in manhattan, brie and wine. if voters are hone hungry for m. it was great for talking to you. will mayor pete kissing his husband on the stage play a role in the democratic primary. rush limbaugh analyzes that when we come
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clip of pete buttigieg husband on abc. >> what your response. >> i've been dealing with this my whole life, i dealt with a multitude of buzz when i was walking through the hallways of my high school. use lp is ready to go toe to toe with the president and to take on rush limbaugh. >> so brandon, this is definitely going to come up, i don't know how it'll come up but in the come up as pete continues to perform well at the debates. right now he's leaving the delegate count, i don't know how
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long but this is something that is in play and people are now starting to wrap their heads around it. >> i actually agree with chris 100%, i give trump enough credit that this is an issue -- to meet i think he would be lowering himself to point this out and make a joke about someone sexuality. i don't think that something he would be interested in doing. i also think pete buttigieg has enough problems with policy and connecting with voters, there is nothing to poke fun at him about without having to go below the belt and talk about his sexuality. i don't think that will be something we should be concerned about president trump about. he gets a hard time in the present people says he goes too far and he makes too many nasty jokes on twitter but in my personal opinion he doesn't hit below the belt i think he hits right at the belt. jesse: many people would disagree with that. >> he does not need to do this right now, obviously he hit
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pocahontas way too early so anything to do with mayor pete at this time. thank you very much. san francisco war on trump supporters continue the baseball team, trying to free first baseman for backing the president. that is next. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it - with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa
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[ fast-paced drumming ]
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jesse: in 2010 the san francisco giants beat the rangers in the world series. giants first baseman was a big part of the wind and he batted around 300 with a homerun and four rbis in the series. he also won the world series two years later. but the giant organization do not like him i guess. the team celebrating their 2010 world series championship with a big reunion, everybody on the team was invited except him. it looks like it has to do with the fact that aubrey is a big time trump supporter and likes to cut loose on twitter once in a while. joining me now aubrey huff. not a classy move by san francisco, come to expect that, we cannot find another example of this happening, i guess the
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last time something like this happen the philadelphia phillies and 93 when they celebrated the 93 world series, they did not invite lenny because lenny had drug offenses in making terrorist threats, you did not do anything like that, would you think this is about. >> i'm a good friend of lenny on twitter ironically. but i have every inclination that had to do with president trump, is said in the giants really statement it was about politics and a lot was said it was my twitter account, but nobody was complaining how they got in the locker room could lose that sense of humor on twitter was the exact sense of humor that the media left, the fans loved, the front office loved and i brought it to twitter and now it's unacceptable. jesse: what was the trump connection, just because you were vocal in supporting the president? >> if you look at my twitter account i would say 75% of my first support of president trump trade i have every reason to
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believe in my heart apart it's all about president trump. jesse: was at one specific tweet that you think really caught their attention? >> not really, when i talked to the ceo he was very vague, i asked him the questioning what was it on my twitter that really got you guys and he said he was very vague and it was basically the entire twitter in general and it's very upsetting he said it was a unanimous decision i find erotic because the entire board got one of these. because of the 25 guys in the 2010 team. they did not care then but the care now which is hypocritical. jesse: you had one tweet about iranians and usually did that which was a good idea that might've been a little edgy, the ceo larry baird, the giants was caught on camera pushing his wife down, i saw that and you had barry bonds at the giants for long time. he was so hyped up on steroids for so many years i don't know what the giants knew or did not
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know about that. it just seems really petty that they are doing this considering all the contribution that you made to the championship team, i will give you the last word. >> absolutely. i appreciate more than anything the unbelievable amount of support in my messages, i've had thousands and i don't think the giants no of conservative giants fans of bernie throwing away their hats, canceling season tickets and pretty overwhelming, i want to say thank you to my conservative friends that are supporting me. jesse: keep us posted. and say hi to lenny for me. >> you got it. jesse: coming up, last call ladies are shellshocked when a conservative congressman comes on and lets loose onset. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me. >> tech: hi, i'm adrian. >> man: thanks for coming. ...with service i could trust. right, girl?
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at [♪] jesse: the ladies of the view bit off more than they can chew when they invited republican congressman matt gaetz on this week. >> i was wondering if you were wearing black as a consequence of the death of the left in the political debate last you night. >> don't count the dead yet, the bodies. >> joe biden as well. i was hoping whoopi's bell could wake up the biden campaign. >> he didn't do any harm to
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himself. >> what states is he going to win. the whole premise of the bind campaign is he's electable. now you have socialist bernie sanders against billionaire michael bloomberg. the democratic party is likely not going to nominate a democrat. they are either going to nominate a socialist order someone who used to be a republican. jesse: couldn't have said it better myself. remember i'm watters
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3:00 am
♪. ♪. pete: oh, what the future holds. >> this is very, appropriate song. bernie sanners lit up the democratic party last night they are freaking out. i don't know if you had a chance


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