tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News February 23, 2020 3:00am-7:00am PST
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pete: did he light it up or burn it down. "new york post" says, burning down the house. jason, depending who you're talk to. jason: they never really thought he would actually pull it off. he goes into nevada. not exactly close to his home state of vermont. what does he do, he pulls off a big one. democrats are going to haveown this at this point. pete: who knows, 30, 35%. they have 50% of the vote. they called it for bernie almost right out of the gates in the afternoon. i was watching. talking about 45, 50% ever vote in nevada. this was a runway. lisa: doing so well with every group of voter with the old and young. majority of nonwhite voters as well. really blowing away some of the criticisms of him he can't win this group. he did. pete: our own griff jenkins is live in las vegas.
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he has been there all week. he knows what is going on. he is up early. we love him. griff, what have you got? reporter: good morning pete, lisa, jason. lisa you put your finger on it. he absolutely decimated the field and in texas where he will face similar challenges he was claiming a big victory saying this was going to grow. listen. >> no campaign has a grassroots movement like we do. we are going to win here in texas. we are going to win across the country. reporter: let's go to the race board numbers. show you how he did. sanders 46.64%. follow by biden, 19%. buttigieg 15. warren, 10%. steyer and klobuchar not getting above 5%.
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biernely double the next best, biden. biden, buttigieg claiming a source of victory setting their sights on the vermont democratic socialist. >> senator sanders believes inflexible idealogical revolution that leaves out most democrats, not to mention most americans. >> he ain't a socialist. i'm not a plutocrat. i'm a democrat. [cheers and applause] and i'm proud of it!. reporter: now what you're going to hear a lot about even though it is so early, this is only our third state as we all head to south carolina is whether or not bernie is on a path that is now unstoppable. he is by all accounts undebliley the front-runner. pete, jason, lisa. pete: you call someone a plutocrat. lisa: that is knock out.
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jason: of all people to be called out by pete buttigieg. pete: their ability to counterpunch as weak as i of ever seen. this is nominee on top only getting stronger. jason: look at the vote count, percentage of the vote, bernie sanders literally got 300% more than pete buttigieg got. he more than doubled joe biden. biden did say, i will give him credit, he was projected to be in second. that is where he is at, second. elizabeth warren and others fading off into the sunset. lisa: bernie sanders removed the criticisms from the table. demonstrated he can win with different age groups and demographics of voter. he heads to south carolina with the wind at his back. he basically won iowa, new hampshire, nevada. he has been in second place in south carolina. he heads into south carolina maybe pulls off a win there. jason: for him to say he has,
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nobody else has a grassroots campaign like him, exempt for donald trump. who lines up by tens of thousands. pete: look across the aisle. look at someone joe biden ran on electability, hasn't won a thing. you're not winning anything when you claim second place is your win. bernie keeps making result i'm electable this is result of leftist propaganda in the media, culture. the revolution is here. it captured the democrat party which is a democrat socialist party. the president weighed in yesterday as results were pouring in. he tweeted this. looks like crazy bernie is doing well in the great state of nevada. biden and rest look weak. no way minute my mike can restart his campaign after the worst debate performance in the history of presidential debates. congratulations bernie, an don't let them take it away from you. jason: would think after this they would coalesce around somebody but are you kidding me.
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look what james carville had to say. he knows a thing or two about democrats winning the white house. >> the entire theory that buy expanding the electorate increasing turnout and win elections is equivalent of climate denial, all right? when people say that they're stupid to political scientist is as a climate denier is to atmospheric science. if you vote for him because you think he will win the election, he will galvanize heretofore sleepily parts of elect rat you're a fool. i don't think they all have the facts making this judgment. >> sounds like a political suicide. >> it is. lisa: honestly i feel like we're reliving the 2016 election because the dynamics are so similar. james carville said republican party would be committing suicide by nominating president trump. that hillary clinton would win in a landslide. i warn republicans should take
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heed, pay attention to the fact even if bernie sanders is the nominee, the country is so divided. you're fighting over a small sliver in the middle. democrats will get behind bernie sanders. that will not be an easy victory. i think james carville is actually wrong here. i think president trump will still win but it is going to be a race. pete: really important point. he represents the negative trump per wing of democratic party of 2016. which said it couldn't happen. if you have all the energy and grassroots. that is very important thing. over time democrats who said they would never become socialists. yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the "miracle on ice." we celebrated the victory there the democrats nominate ad guy it is not clear who he was cheering for in 1980. it is not clear! was he pulling for the russians or the americans. we don't know. your point is they may actually, they're going to move in that direction. they will claim young people,
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old people, black, white. everything formidable. jason: i'm not there yet. lisa: going on the record saying yes. jason: radical. so far to the left. i think this is gravitating. i think much more like some of these other races where you know, ronald reagan was able to win every state except minnesota. i think donald trump has -- it is a huge race. listen to sarah sanders. sarah knows a lot about these elections. let's get her take on it. >> i think republicans have to be extremely careful. we can take nothing for granted. at this point the stakes have literally never been higher. if crazy socialist bernie sanders is the democrat nominee as well on track to be, literally the way of life and our very freedom is at stake at the election in november and republicans have to come out in full force make sure they get donald trump reelected. lisa: sarah sanders is so right. republicans should not take this for granted. there was even an article in the
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"washington post" last year, how capitalism is in crisis. essentially billionaires are to blame. do not think for a second if bernie sanders ends up the nominee, which he likely will, will have the media is trumpeting this. capitalism is bad. he is not a socialist. a democrat socialist. this is not going to be venezuela. pete: precisely the contrast the president will use to demonstrate how far the left has gone. it may be formidable. may be a mini movement. it is a contrast that will be easy to define. not easy to define but clear to define as thing move forward. as we talked about yesterday, the media, "washington post" weighed in, said, not only did russia interfere for president trump. now interfering for bernie. there is a new wrinkle on this. because, here is the headline from the "washington examiner." you will remember that president trump picked richard grenell to be his dni. richard grenell seeks intelligence from briefing on
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russian election interference. they want more about accusations being made, that russia is tilting yet the scales again in 2020. robert o'brien. national security advisor, he talked about what he knows, what is actually going on. here is what he had to say. >> i think this is at same old story that we've heard before. i haven't seen any evidence that russia is doing anything attempt to get president trump to be reelected. our message to the russians stay out of u.s. elections. we've been tough on the russians. we've been great on election security. i think it is a non-story. i have not seen that analysis. i've been with the leaders of the intelligence community. they don't have it. if lower level people at dni came in and gave this analysis to the house look i would like to see it. i veep seen it. jason: got to tell you, i love this guy. he is perfect for this job. the rest of this interview will air later this morning. that was sort of a preview what he is saying but what he is saying what grenell is
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questioning, what you heard from jake tapper questioning it, how did this headline pop up? he is saying. he is the head of the national security council. there is not intelligence that says that russia wants trump to win. we have known for decades, it is not breaking news that russia wants to sow the seeds of discord in an american election. going to do so on both sides of the aisle, but to take it that step further to say putin is rooting for trump is more fake news that they have been peddling for the last three years. lisa: also, you look at russia, went after ukraine, i think in 2015. they're accused of it, cyberattacks on the power grid. shutting down power for a quarter of a million people. germans accused russia of cyberattacks on the state computer this is what russia does. jason: donald trump is the worst thing to happen for russia. look at hundreds of millions of dollars he was able to garner for nato forces. look how tough he has been.
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he has been giving lethal aid to ukraine. donald trump is not good for russia. lisa: any parting words? jason: pete: you're right. fake news is not exposed unless people on inside are willing to call the media to the carpet for spinning headlines. lisa: talking about headlines, we're now turning to the headlines. white house set to ask congress for emergency funding to combat the coronavirus outbreak. "politico" reporting that the amount could be one billion dollars. that is much lower than public health officials say is necessary. leaders in alabama try stopping coronavirus patients from being transferred to a fema facility. the u.s. health department announced plans to quarantine the patients after they were evacuated from a cruise ship in japan. alabama officials say they didn't know about the plans. they will ask a court to intervene. coronavirus cases spiking in south korea. 556 people are diagnosed with the infection and they have died. five have died.
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president trump heading to india in just a few hours. it is his first state visit to the country. he is holding a massive rally tomorrow with hundreds of thousands of people expected to attend. it is expected to be the largest rally of his presidency. president trump and first lady will visit the taj mahal and presidential palace during their trip. boxer tyson fury entered the ring as king and left a champion. the brittish heavyweight winning highly anticipated rematch over deontay wilder by a technical knockout in the 7th round. wilder who suffered his first loss was taken to a las vegas hospital as a precaution. the fight brought in nearly $17 million at the gate. a record for heavyweight match. those are your headlines. i told you yesterday i didn't anything about fights. pete: unbelievable. jason: bernie didn't have much of a fight. pete: there you go. there is the similarity.
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remember when ronald reagan said this. >> are you better off than you were four years ago? is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? pete: what about now? americans satisfaction hit a 15-year high. peter morici joins us on that next. ♪ - [announcer] look around, millions of people aren't happy with their hair because it's thinning, breaking, or falling out.
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♪. >> are you better off than you were four years ago? is it easier for to you go and buy things in the store than it was four years ago? is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? if you answer all of those questions yes, why then i think your choice is very obvious as to who you vote for. pete: then candidate ronald reagan asked voters if they were ready for a change in
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the white house in 1980. what if vote were asked that question today. aigal reagan asked that question in '84 with a very different answer. here to react economist and university of maryland professor emeritus, peter morici. thanks for being here this morning. really appreciate it when you look at a number like that. gallup, a polling agency not known to be pro-trump at all, has his approval rating first time above disapprove. 49% approve, 48% disapprove. with that's numbers can president trump run on the ronald reagan line? >> finally the public is seeing through the media hype for disinformation. the reality is family incomes are up, wages are beating inflation. talk about inequality? most of the wage gains, a larger percentage on a percentage basis of wage gains goings to the lowest quartile.
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the people who didn't go to college. women are starting businesses at record paces. minorities are switching jobs more. which indicates they're finding lots of new opportunities to improve themselves. i can go through a lot of other independent can it toker as well. perception is -- voter perception is finally catching up to the fact that donald trump is good for the economy. pete: takes a long time to cut through the misinformation. depend on where you sit. for job approval. his approval amongst republicans, president 93%. independents 43. democrats, 6%. does that explain how we factor person bierne into this. an avowed democrat socialist? people are satisfied but they're grasping for socialism? >> i think people feel that they could be doing better. they always feel that way. and bernie offers simple solutions. i will pass a law. this mentality, somehow or other, rich folks have unlimited amount of money to tax.
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if you look what bernie sanders would cost, $60 trillion for all his initiatives, that is three times the gdp. i have this basic rule in economics you cannot tax somebody three times what they earn. it is kind of like you can't get more clowns into the volkswagen than interior space without cheating, with a curtain on the other side. pete: he is very good defending it. will be held to at account for his calculator?? >> what killed elizabeth warren's candidacy, she published a health plan how she explains to pay for the same thing and it didn't add up. we're up to bernie sanders national health care, 22.0, he talks about what is to be done but he doesn't talk about where he will get the money. that is, that is the thing. we'll tax billionaires that sounds appealing to people without a lot of education. you look ad nevada.
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nevada is heavily unionized state, okay? it's diverse and so forth but heavily unionized. the union mentality -- pete: we have to leave it there. they will cut us off. thank you for your time. more "fox & friends." in' good in the neighborhood. 100% online car buying. carvana's had a lot of firsts. car vending machines. and now, putting you in control of your financing. at carvana, get personalized terms, browse for cars that fit your budget, then customize your down payment and monthly payment. and these aren't made-up numbers. it's what you'll really pay, right down to the penny. whether you're shopping or just looking. it only takes a few seconds, and it won't affect your credit score. finally! a totally different way to finance your ride. only from carvana. the new way to buy a car.
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♪. jason: some quick headlines. millions of americans are running out of time to get a real i.d. driver's license. airports say if you don't have one by october 1st you will not be allowed to fly within the united states. unless you have a passport, global entry card or military identification. u.s. travel association says 181 million people still don't have the i.d. senate minority leader chuck schumer warning the tsa using social media on
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tiktok. the agency said they posted after the homeland security banned the china-owned app. lisa: all right. one ever the nation's top immigration officials calling to boycott greyhound after the company announced it will no longer allow border patrol to conduct immigration checks on its buses. >> it is a sad day to see something like this. and hopefully #boycott greyhound will pick up this is not something they talked about before they made their public comment. so for us, it is ultimately about how we can all work together and effectiveness of our law enforcement efforts. pete: greyhound explaining their decision the primary concern is the safety of customers and team members. here to react the president of the national border patrol council brad done judd. thank you for joining us here
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this morning. my own personal feel, i worry the government says let's boycott a company, a individual company but it was really based on this internal document that came from homeland security. so what, how is this supposed to work? >> well, right now i'm fired up. i look at the reason that greyhound gave, the safety of its e employees and its passengers. i question what about the safety of the american public at large? i personally gone on to greyhound bus and arrested an individual that was convicted for sexually molesting a young child. i mean what about that young child? what about the people preyed upon? how about sex trafficking? we know sex traffickers will exploit every single opportunity they're given. the agencies can't go on -- jason: brandon what greyhound is saying you have to have a warranted to do that you can't just go on the bus to start searching people. >> we've always been able to do
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that. these are consent wall encounters. if i go own a bus, force somebody to talk to me, i do have to have a warrant. that is the law. the law allow us to go on buses to have consensual conversations with individuals. these individuals have never been forced to speak with us. if they voluntary speak with us that is consensual encounter. why greyhound stopped the process is beyond me. i don't understand the reasoning behind it. pete: we're looking at sanctuary buses right? you know you get on the bus law enforcement can't touch you? >> pete you hit the nail on the head. that is exactly how it is going to go. look how smugglers are going to exploit this new policy that greyhound has put into place. we always been able to go on to buses and conduct these consensual encounters very
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safely. so greyhound reasoning doesn't make any sense. it doesn't add up. they're putting profit above the safety of the american people. lisa: i want to get your take. bernie sanders looks like becoming the democrat nominee. i will listen to the sound and get your answer after that. >> what our administration will be all right, rethinking, understanding all of our people, when i say all, i also mean the undocumented in this country. that all of our people are entitled to basic human rights. lisa: won't this encourage illegal immigrants to take that dangerous journey to get to the united states? >> if a policy like this was ever enacted the floodgates would burst wide open. there are magnets that draw people to the united states, that invite people across the borders illegally. benefits are one of them. if we give benefits to every single person. if we incentivize illegal
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immigration. if we incentivize crime, then crime is going to be committed this flies in the face of reality. the american public will reject it. the trump administration is doing a great job on the border right now. every time he takes two steps forward somebody wants to knock it back to make it difficult to secure the border. doesn't make sense. jason: why they call him crazy bernie, he takes radical positions like this. thanks for your service. >> thanks for having me. jason: coming up a war of words between pete buttigieg and new york city mayor bill de blasio as he rushes to defend bernie sanders as 2020 dems pile on the front-runner. our political panel breaks down the state of the race coming up next. ♪. ♪ upbeat music
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millions of patients are treated with statins-but up to 75% persistent cardiovascular risk still remains. many have turned to fish oil supplements. others, fenofibrates or niacin. but here's a number you should take to heart: zero-the number of fda approvals these products have, when added to statins, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ask your doctor about an advancement in prescription therapies with proven protection. visit ♪. jason: bernie sanders wins the nevada caucus, cementing himself as the clear front-runner in the democratic primary. the democratic socialist taking nearly 47% of the vote with half of the precinct reporting. sanders planning to ride momentum straight to the nomination. >> we have just put together a
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multigenerational, multiracial coalition which is going to not only win in nevada, it is going to sweep this country. jason: sanders either won or tied in every primary contest so far putting him as the national delegate leader. we have a political panel today that is going to join us. joseph republican strategist, cathy he will more a republican strategist and ed larue a democrat strategist. >> joe biden, grandfather, driving very slow in a single lane highway. he has a logjam behind him while bernie sanders is playing his socialist leading children over the cliff and democratic party with him. jason: erin, what is your take on it so far? in nevada. coming up on south carolina. super tuesday is looming. >> bernie sanders is what happens while ever kid get as participation trophy. face it, this is terrifying for
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democrats or republicans. we know he is a, not a democrat or republican. he will not win in the big show. "gallup poll," not friendly to republicans 51% say no way to socialism. 52% of voters nationwide at social i am. look at new hampshire, quickly, turn out down by 50% in 2016. trump incumbent off by 24%. it its telling. jason: enthusiasm westerns elections. cathy, i keep telling you, i keep making the point over and over the leader in the democrat field is not a democrat. >> i know. i'm so glad you said that i called his offers, independent or democrat. they said independent. he is an independent. he put out a tweet couple days ago, to show you democrats and republicans but you said you're a democrat. even bernie is confused with what he is. jason: what is interesting here i think democrats are in a bit of a meltdown. it is hard, when you're getting called out by bill de blasio.
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look at this tweet. hey, pete buttigieg, try not to be so smug when you just got expletive kicked. you know how, how we form a winning coalition to beat trump? with a true multiracial coalition of working americans something bernie sanders has proven he can do and you haven't. dude, show some humility. well -- >> hide your wife, hide your kids, bill de blasio has spoken the worst mayor in new york city. clearly the election is over. there are a bunch of democrats paying a lot of money to keep telling people we'll rebuild the obama coalition. news flash, you cannot rebuild the obama coalition without obama on the ballot. unless they will drag, change the constitution and put barack obama back on the ballot, or get michelle to decide she will run for president or vice president, good luck. we're looking at a situation right now where you have democrats, have a socialist leading the fray. it was very telling at the last
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debate that we had democrats who would not admit the fact hey the person who gets the most votes the person we support because they all know -- jason: erin, you have the former vice president who says he is going to be the comeback kid. i will come in second, which i don't understand is a winning strategy in nevada. he did. he actually thinks he ultimately will win. >> as ricky bobby said in talladega nights, if you're not first you're last. jason: good movie reference. >> this is his swan song in south carolina. he better bring the heat. because otherwise it is over for joe biden. jason: that is true, right, cathy? he has to win definitely in south carolina. >> yeah. so interesting at the end of it, warren took most of her time to criticize bloomberg. bloomberg was talked about by everyone. bernie won but everyone started talking about bloomberg. they're afraid of super tuesday. they're getting ready for bloomberg. >> say a prayer, hold your hand
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and say, god, bring us bloomberg. we can all agree with that. jason: they have the congressional black caucus on tuesday night will have the debate there in south carolina. it will focus them there in south carolina, you got that vote a couple days later you have super tuesday where more than a third of the votes will actually happen. so that is really -- >> that is when fun begins. >> at the end of the day majority of african-american voters who are older identify moderate or conservative, their number bun priority who can go toe-to-toe with donald trump. they thought it would be biden. they're running like rats from burning ship. money talks, fourth place walks. jason: thank you so much for joining us. pete, up to you. pete: jason, well-done. more headlines, three people are dead and 18 hurt in a charter bus crash. the bus swerving on a rain-slick road in california, rolling down an embankment 45 miles north of
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san diego. several people were thrown from the bus because there were no seatbelts on board. one of the passengers, a five-year-old girl remains in critical condition. americans might be drinking themselves to death? new study of rates of death among women increase more than 3% each year between 2,000 and 2016. deaths among men increased 1 1/2% at same time. researchers say alcohol induced deaths for both men and women have gone up in recent years. i will need to see the data. porch pirates could get five years in prison. georgia lawmakers are proposing a new bill right now, package thieves face penalties under the state's general theft statute. the new bill would make it a felony punishable by half a decade in prison. michigan passed a similar bill as porch piracy cases rise in the u.s. as amazon takes over
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the country. those are the headlines. >> porch pirates, so rude. pete: you don't know what you're getting. jason: i have a camera on my front porch, they should, i hope they step up the personality. pete: they might. rick, what do you think, five years enough for porch pirates. rick: i don't have a strong opinion. i don't have a strong view. i have only 15 seconds. pete: really adamant position immediately? rick: you're so right. that was truest thing anyone has ever said on the show this morning. here is my strong opinion. winter has been way up towards the north all winter long in parts of canada. it has not come down into the lower 4much at all as everybody is aware. see it latter part of this week. cold air gets back in here, friday, parts of northern plains, sweeps across the east. we'll see a few little bouts. nothing that cold.
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that said right now, another pretty nice morning. still cool. across panhandle of florida. south florida looking pretty good. we have couple showers along the eastern shores. this is the next storm. it was in the four corners. now moving across oklahoma, kansas, missouri, arkansas. that will be the biggest area of rain. eventually an inch or two in some spots. the water will make its way to the rivers. flooding across the south i'm not too concerned with exacerbating that with moisture coming in. rain and mountain snow across the four corners. guys back to you. i will think about my strong opinion. pete: thank you, rick. tonight you will get a chance to watch an amazing documentary put on by martha maccallum based on a book she has written, unknown valor a story of family courage and sacrifice. airs tonight at 10:00 p.m. on the fox news channel. she has written a fantastic
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book. a family member of hers what it took in the pacific to ultimately win the world war ii. the 72nd anniversary of battle of iwo jima. here is preview. >> 75 years have passed since the last days of world war ii. lives have been lived. children and grandchildren born. men of iwo jima wonder why they were spared and others were not. >> what we had to do to keep the country free. lisa: unknown valor, 10 p.m. eastern on fox news channel. free copy of mart that mcdonald's book, unknown valor with any description on "fox nation." see some interviews with some of the veterans. they have been amazing on her show. that will be awesome to watch. jason: i love shows like this. she has been working on this for a long, long time. will be a great book. i look forward to that.
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pete: she is passionate patriot. loves this story. did a documentary i watched on "fox nation." minutes to iwo jima about the first two atomic bombs. get that when you sign up for "fox nation," you get her book. lisa: 10:00 p.m. tonight. it will be awesome. jason: coming up he was rushed to a hospital after terrifying crash at the end of daytona 500. friend and fans were worried about ryan newman's survival. pete: then the incredible picture of him leaving the hospital with his two girls. joey jones reached out to his race team and that coverage is coming up. ♪. alike and customize your car ae insurance so you only pay for what you need.
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slow heart rhythm has been reported. tell your doctor about bleeding new or unexpected shortness of breath any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. if you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor if brilinta is right for you. my heart is worth brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. (sensei) a live bookkeeper quickbooks for me.tomize (live bookkeeper) okay, you're all set up. (sensei) thanks! that was my business gi, this one's casual. (vo) get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ lisa: back with some quick headlines. a soldier father surprises his
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teenage daughter after a nine-month deployment. watch this. >> take off your blindfold. >> oh, my gosh. lisa: so beautiful. army sergeant ray cartwright surprising his daughter piper at a virginia restaurant. she wasn't expected to see him until next month. what a beautiful -- marine veteran sets a world record for planking. george hood spending more than eight hours in a plank reclaiming his begin necessary book of world record. i don't think i could do it. jason: i can't sit for eight hours. let alone -- lisa: impressive well-done. pete: nascar driver ryan newman out of the hospital after a horrific crash the a at the daytona 500. jason: as the fans rally around him, our next guest has been
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close with ryan and has update. we have fox news contributor joey jones. really appreciate it. give us an update. we all saw the crash, riveted by the race, and how it finished. how is ryan newman doing? >> good morning, guys. i spoke with richard childress, ryan newman used to be a driver for him few years ago. richard childress is famous for the number 3 car that dale earnhardt drove and unfortunately passed away at daytona. he is in great spirits. i heard from kurt busch. they are surprised he recovered essentially washed away from the hospital. not unsurprisingly his character smiling, holding his girls picture and walking out the door. what is interesting, ryan newman had a crash 2009 talladega. there is support bar welded to the frame up by the windshield called the newman bar. it played a role ensuring ryan
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newman walked away with minor injuries. lisa: you used to work for nascar? what is the nascar community saying right now. what are they saying? >> i worked with a military non-profit, we take wounded veterans to the track every week. give them a behind-the-scenes look. i worked with kurt busch as a spotter. what the nascar community sees, what ryan newman is upside down getting hit in the driver window by another car, there are 3other drivers out there that could have the same fate. there is vested interest by all teams, not only ryan newman being safe, what is the next thing we can do? i toured richard childressing last week, the amount of technology that not only goes into the making them fast but making them safe is more on the safe side than anything. it becomes r&d for manufacturers that roll out the cars for us to drive. their technical alliance is very strong. jason: technology they have, one
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the most dangerous sports out there. thank goodness he is well and walking out of the hospital with, hand in hand with his kids. very cool. pete: joey, thank you for your insight. thank you, brother. >> thanks, guys. pete: still ahead, bernie may be in the lead now but the challengers are counting on the next big contest, south carolina, super tuesday. they're coming around fast. we'll break down the numbers, what it means for bernie to win the nomination or the other contenders to overtake him. ♪. - do you have a box of video tapes, film reels, or photos,
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♪. pete: we got this big wall, we figured we would use it. we're in the middle of the political showdown on the democrat side. so far three states are in. this is the delegate count, guys. bernie sanders in the lead after nevada last night. still kind of close t has been early. only a few delegates as broken down. lisa: didn't realize i was standing in front of nevada. there are 36 delegates at stake. bernie sanders has 28 delegates in total right now. now they're heading into south carolina as well, jason. jason: look at it, joe biden is in fifth. he promised he would come in second in nevada. he did but his firewall is south carolina. if he doesn't pull off south carolina, if he is isn't victorious or at least lion's share of them. pete: look at number 54. there have not been that many at stake. joe biden led every single poll so far. the last few were in margin of error.
bernie sanders is closing. it will be interesting to see whether nevada translates into south carolina. lisa: one thing pete was saying earlier on the show. if you're joe biden, you're saying i can beat donald trump. i'm the guy that can win, you don't win, you start to the lose the argument. the big, big prize will be on tuesday, march 3rd. that is super tuesday. pete: exactly right. >> 14 states will be in play. pete: south carolina, six days away from today, saturday. look at the amount of votes on the map. this is what michael bloomberg was counting on. skip the first few four. 10357 delegates on tuesday. this is where. jason: this coming tuesday, will be the debate in south carolina. democrats gather together in south carolina. after south carolina look how many delegates. more than a third of the votes in the whole contest. they lead up into july in milwaukee for the nomination.
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♪. pete: we're not playing d.j. this morning. the nevada caucuses are playing d.j. for us. it is bern and bernie all the way if you are watching. lisa: who knew there were that many songs about burning? jason: one of the things that happen when bernie sanders are leading the field. you figure out how many songs have the word, burn. pete: burning down the house. lisa: still have three hours of show left. i hope there is more burn songs. pete: not totally burned out yet but the democrats are on the way
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to do it. jason: there is one obvious song. see if you know it when we get to it. lisa: i want to know now. i will ask during the commercial break. jason: yes. democrats are feeling the bern. senator bernie sanders cementing himself as the front-runner after winning the nevada caucus. the democratic socialist winning nearly 47% of the vote with half of the precincts reporting. pete: griff jenkins live from las vegas with reaction. the rivals have to say something, don't they, griff? reporter: good morning, pete, jason, lisa. bernie laid down a marker with non-white voters winning more than half of the latino vote here. he sent a message to the democratic electorate. he went to the heart of the texas to let it be known. >> we have put together a multigenerational, multiracial coalition which is going to not only win in nevada, it is going
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to sweep this country. [applause] reporter: let me quickly show you the numbers, right? sanders more than 46%. biden 19, buttigieg, elizabeth warren. you would think all the candidates would take the microphone be cautiously optimistic, not the thumping they took. wrong. >> we're going to south carolina and win and take this back. [cheering] >> we want to win this big and get our democracy back. let's go to work to do this. >> i think we'll have a good night next saturday in south carolina. >> together we will light up this country in november. on to south carolina. on to the nomination, and on to the white house. >> we have a lot of states to go and right now i can feel the momentum. so let's stay and fight. [cheering] reporter: all right. so you're going to hear a lot of talk about whether or not bernie can be stopped in the
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nomination. i'm in vegas. i look up the vegas odds to give that to you. "real clear politics" averages those with the main betting houses here in vegas. 32% jump on sanders at 55. followed by bloomberg, buttigieg, biden, hillary clinton at 5% is ahead of warren and klobuchar. get this, michelle obama is ahead of gabbard and steyer in the vegas betting odds, guys. pete: amazing griff. it is always fascinating the folks that lose to spin why the loss is actually a win. in this case they have to explain why they lost. griff, thank you very much. why they lost to an independent democratic socialist not in the party at all, instead is running away with the field. lisa: what blows my mind from the entrance polling last night is that bernie sanders was just one point shy of joe biden with conservative and moderate democrats and pete buttigieg is one point behind him. this is a guy who is a socialist, right?
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he is a socialist. like a hardcore socialist who previously called for the nationalization of programs in the '70s, who is getting, like 22% if my memory serves me correct, i could double-check, with conservatives moderates, behind joe biden. that blows my mind, jason. jason: what he wants to do in terms of health care, what he wants to do -- by the trillions of dollars. it is a total takeover and invasion into people's lives. it takes away liberty about. when america wakes up and actually sees what this radical leftist actually wants to do, they're going to be absolutely shocked. lisa: i hope you're right. pete: open up the "new york post" this morning they help explain what is happening. here is the headline from the "new york post." democrats happily backing bernie sanders, the most left-wing presidential candidate ever. inside the op-ed goes on to say, sanders goes big. he doesn't care about what things cost or specifics how to make change happen. he is short on details and long on vision.
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that vision is rooted in the implicit view of the united states night as a fundamentally unjust country awash in the evils of untrampled capitalism and in need of revolution. he is the logical end result of american leftism. so it appears is the party he is probably going to run. a lot of people will try to draw parallels between how donald trump bum-rushed the process in the republican side and bernie sanders should he get the nomination. the difference is quite clear though. donald trump is running to remind republicans america of core values, patriotism, why you should love your country. bernie sanders is trying to run away from that. he says we need a revolution. reject the things that made the country special. they are fundamentally different but they're tapping into the same grassroots energy. lisa: what is interesting, you have two outsiders basically taken over the, two major parties in the united states in 2016 president trump was an outsider. then candidate trump won the nomination. bernie sanders is not a democrat even. he is a an outsider and probably
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going to get the nomination. maybe both parties should rethink some things here. i'm not of the mind set somehow bernie sanders would be easy to defeat. don't underestimate what a sell to tell people you will get free health care, free college, all these things. we know they're not free, jason. but that message sells and it is scary. jason: i think it is selling to the far radical left. i don't think it will sell across the board. people will look up and see, as an example, look what his position is on illegal immigrants, what he thinks they're entitled to, watch this. >> our campaign is about, what our administration will be about is rethinking america, understanding that all of our people, when i say all, i say all i also mean the undocumented in this country. that all of our people are entitled to basic human rights.
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jason: that was yesterday. this isn't reaching back 20 years ago. that was his comment yesterday. we heard earlier in our show from brandon judd, the national border patrol council president. he is warning about the dangers of what bernie is promising. >> if a policy like this was ever enacted the floodgates would burst wide open. there are magnets that draw people to the united states, that invite people across borders illegally, benefits are one of them. if we give benefits to every single person. if we incentivize illegal immigration, if we incentivize crime, they were crime is going to be committed. this flies in the face of reality and the american public will reject it. the trump administration is doing a great job on the border right now but every time he take as single step forward somebody wants to knock it back to make it more difficult to secure the border. it doesn't make sense. lisa: i don't know this is winning argument against bernie sanders. the arguement against bernie
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sanders that the entire thing he believes, is fake, is phony. socialism does not empower every day men and women. it gives power over to the government. once you start nationalizing those programs, you nationalize industries the government is then in control. look at venezuela, they used food as a means to control the citizens and so that is what the problem is. so i think that is the argument. also he is a complete phony. the guy owns three houses. capitalism for me, socialism for you. i think that is how you go after bernie sanders. pete: the left is working hard to allow illegals to vote. driver's license. jason: already doing it. pete: concerted effort. as of today in 2020, for the most part citizens are ones that vote in our country. ultimately donald trump who appealed to tax paying, hard-working, citizens who have played by the rules and are not interested in what happens, how much government benefits we can give away to people who came here illegally, who jumped the line. you hear it from legal
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immigrants all the type. with a bernie sanders candidacy, you will get base issues, capitalism, socialism. legal immigration versus illegal immigration. you're going to get "green new deal," total take over of your life versus environmental stewardship that makes sense but also allows our energy renaissance to continue to stay energy independent. it is going to be really basic stuff. it had been joe biden or pete buttigieg, anybody who hedges, on one hand and the other, donald trump would have more of a challenge drawing a contrast. now when he says america will never be a socialist country, that is a warning that is real and the vote will be had. not to say that sanders isn't formidable but the contrast becomes very clear if he becomes the nominee. jason: no, it is absolutely huge. it will be stark. the reason in the nation we need to have the discussions but i got to tell you this week it is a very full week. look what is happening. today the president and first lady, they're traveling to india. monday a rally at motera stadium
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in india. folks you have never seen pictures like you will see out of this rally that donald trump is going to. there will be millions of people lining the road, hundreds of thousands of people to actually see president donald trump. on tuesday, the democrats have their debate. it is conducted by the congressional black caucus. i think it will be a real tough time for a lot of those candidates to answer those questions. saturday is the south carolina primary. that takes us to next saturday. looming over the horizon super tuesday where more than a third of the delegates will be allocated. lisa: nothing has stopped since president, then candidate trump went down the golden escalator, 2015. everything, every week, there is just so much stuff going on. you just laid out. president trump has a big week there is a big week within the democratic primary. you have south carolina, looking ahead at super tuesday as well with the debate. what i'm looking for during the south carolina debate, just mike
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bloomberg fall on his face again? pete: we'll see. jason: doesn't have to fall very far but it's true. will he be on a box? pete: we'll find out. maybe that is why he lost his mojo. south carolina will be, can biden hole on? can bernie attract amount of minority voters and does bloomberg show up at all? watch the president in india. how much do the left like they always do attack him while traveling overseas. jason: should never attack a president overseas. pete: of course they're going to do it. he will leave the white house in hour and 20 minutes. if he does, to make remarks we'll bring them on the program. he might have a few things to say after crazy bernie. jason: i'm guessing he does. lisa: he does that sometimes. pete: we have a lot of news this morning. additional headlines and a fox news alert. a desperate search for survivors after a deadly earthquake rocks the iran-turkey border overnight. 5.7 magnitude quake killing at
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least seven people in neighboring turkey. so far no deaths are reported in iran. mardi gras celebrations take a tragic turnover night. a man dies after getting struck by a parade float in new orleans. it comes days after a woman was killed by a similar float. city officials banning all tandem floats, two or more floats connected by hitch trailer, trailer hitch, excuse me. police canceled overnight celebrations to investigate the man's death. hundreds of protesters flooding the london streets call for julian assange's freedom. >> only one decision. >> no extradition. pete: no word whether pamela anderson was there. they demand his release ahead of his hearing tomorrow. the hearing will decide whether he faces charges here in the u.s. pink floyd co-founder roger waters and fashion designer
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vivian westwood were among the protesters. assange has been in jail since police removed him from the ecuadorian embassy last april. those are the headlines. jason: pamela married. not married. available again. pete: likes julian assange. visited him multiple times. we feel there will be a protest. lisa: not confirmed. pete: unconfirmed reports are my favorite. jason: coming up, some in the media not feeling the bern after sanders big win in nevada. >> people are freaking out, melting down all across the country. >> democrats need to sober up and figure out what the hell they're going to do about that. lisa: meltdown from some in his own party. that's next. ♪. (narrator) this is chet.
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♪. >> no one else is as hungry, enraged and determined as sanders voters. democrats need to sober up and figure out what the hell they're going to do about that. >> people are freaking out, melting down across the country. >> if you're voting for him because you think he will win the election, he will galvanize heretofore sleepy parts of electorate politically you're a fool. jason: james carville as only james carville can say it. some in the media are wasting no time blasting bernie sanders as the democratic socialist reinforces his front-runner status. here to react, media reporter for "the hill," joe concha. you watch this stuff for a living. what's your take on it so far? >> oh, boy. yesterday was my super bowl as
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far as some of the reactions. chris matthews, the most senior personality at msnbc, compared bernie sanders winning to the rise of the third reich. jewish percent deng candidate whose family wiped out in the holocaust he is comparing to the nazis taking paris in 1940. let me go through a couple. nicole wallace, used to be a republican, some level, communications director for bush. bernie has not been vetted by the press or other candidates. only someone gave her a show for an hour five times a week. said the press does not have as much power as they had when i was young. boy, that is true. "the hill" in 2016, jason, we did a compilation of 59 newspapers who they were endorsing before the election. 57 for hillary clinton, two for donald trump. what did that get hillary clinton a concession speech and impact of steak knives. impact of media, telling what to think, who to vote for does not
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have remotely impact or influence like it used to 20 or 30 years ago. jason: how can the media complain? they missed the whole story? bernie sanders is leading and leading strongly and some others are not even close. >> shocked when he wins, right. like 2016. how did trump take michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, ohio. i don't know, if you left new york and washington once in a while panned got to the grassroots to see what people are thinking that would be telling. here, look, this is hilarious scenario we have shaping up. if bernie sanders captures the nomination, many in media as we're seeing are petrified or downright loathed of a bernie sanders candidacy, they think he is going to lose. on the other side you have donald trump. they don't like him either. the press is good picking a side. who will they pick here? more importantly they go after sanders his supporters just like donald trump in 2016, the deplorables. don't go after people's supporters. jason: quickly, only 20 seconds or so, what is the bloomberg factor and hundreds of millions of dollars that he is throwing
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into advertising. >> $400 million in advertising. 10 times more than bernie sanders. but you know what? he bought a paper straw to a gunfight at the debate last week. unless debates better, can only buy some ads to have a perfectly packaged candidate. he has to prove he can take the lumps, fight back, have a message that resonates with the american people. i'm in the sure he has that. jason: he will have a tough time tuesday in a debate sponsored by the congressional black caucus. having the debate on the heels what he said about stop-and-frisk and others. >> insulted farmers, blacks, latinos, women, seniors, only -- cast of "frozen" too. jason: thank you,. >> thank you, jason. jason: alexandria ocasio-cortez launching a new pac to challenge fellow democrats who some say aren't left enough. rachel campos duffey says it is all part of a dangerous trend. she joins us next. ♪.
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♪. pete: back with quick headlines. former san francisco giants star aubry huff and his take why he was snubbed from his team's reunion. >> 75% of my support of twitter account is president trump. absolutely. i have every reason to believe in my heart of hearts it is all about president trump. pete: giants ceo vaguely mentioned his tweets were the reason. 42-year-old emergency backup goalie plays his first nhl game and wins.
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[shouting] david ayers is usually the practice goalie for the toronto maple leafs to help out the hurricanes. that is how i got my start on fox and friends. the backup, to the backsup, to the backsup. lisa: all that matters you're here. a recent "gallup poll" revealing 76% of democrats would be willing to vote for a socialist candidate as well as 45% of independents and just 17% of republicans. this is self-described democratic socialist bernie sanders takes the lead in delegates after the nevada caucus but does the rise of popularity of politicians like sanders and aoc show that people are underestimating the dangers of socialism? here to react to all of it is rachel campos duffey, fox news contributor, host of "moms" on
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"fox nation." hey, rachel. >> hi lisa. how are you? lisa: socialism took venezuela from being the richest country in south america to one of the poorest countries in a corrupt country as well. so why does so many democrats and even 45% of independents support it? >> yeah. it is's crazy. you're right, it was the treasure of latin america, the richest country. now the poorest. there is lot of irony that a latino woman, aoc is leading the charge because so many hispanics know the results of socialism. 46 candidates ran in the midterm election with the endorsement of the democratic party, socialist party of america. aoc when she was elected the membership to the democrat socialist party of america absolutely surged. and it's ironic, you saw in the last segment you had, all the media types. how do we get bernie? how is he winning? when aoc was elected they
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celebrated it. they put her on every cover. he is her sense -- sensei. he is her teacher. people say did bernie win the debate? other people say trump won the debate. i say aoc won the debate. no matter what happens to bernie, if he wins the nomination and becomes president of the united states, god forbid, she will have a powerful cabinet position. she may run the epa. if he loses this because they rig this against them, he become the defacto leader of the future of the party because the party is socialist. that is what they did at the universities. they have indoctrinated our kids. they are coming out normalized to socialism. lisa: first like the karate kid, wax on, wax off, bernie sanders and aoc you're talking about. she endorsed two progressive candidates challenging sitting
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democrats. one of the democrats i think supported abortion. another one i guess she is concerned about his record of being pro-gun. but so what do you make, is this a hostile take over the democratic party? aoc ramping up her efforts with this pac? you see bernie sanders probably going to be the democratic nominee. is this a hostile take over or a willing one? >> listen, she is so powerful, she is not giving to the dccc, democrat congressional fund-raising wing. she has her own pac. she is moving the party radically to the left. henry cuellar represents his district very well. she is challenging a democrat who is a moderate. she is making the sure the future is full of radicals just like her. this pac is a sign of the power. remember these go candidates, many candidates she is supporting through her pack have been endorsed by nancy pelosi. so she is her powerhouse and i'll tell you, she is part
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celebrity, part politician. she is extremely powerful. it is an incredible concoction and i think we're going to see aoc well into the future and if, not just democrats, republicans and just good americans who like free enterprise need to take it seriously, because the schools, she is the fruit, she is the product much what happened in our school system. lisa: rachel campos duffey, thanks for watching us. watch moms on position nation. >> thank you, thanks, lisa. lisa: nice to see you. could a religious renewal be on the horizon? how american churches are attracting new generations of believers. ♪. could switching to geico really save
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♪ ♪ applebee's new irresist-a-bowls now starting at $7.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. jason: bernie sanders wins the nevada caucuses cementing himself as the democratic front-runner. lisa: the democratic socialist taking nearly 47% of the vote with nearly half the precincts reporting. his 2020 rivals slamming the victory. >> senator sanders believes in inflexible, idealogical revolution that leaves out most democrats, not to mention most americans. >> i'm not a socialist, i'm not a plutocrat. i'm a democrat. [cheers and applause]
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and i'm proud of it! jason: sanders won or tied in every primary contest so far putting him as the national delegate leader. pete, down to you. pete: thank you very much. endless entertainment. speaking of democrats, for a party of accused to be anti-religious, 2020 candidates talk a lot about their faith. listen. >> i go to mass and i say the rosary. i find it to be incredibly comforting. >> god does not belong to a political party. i won't be afraid to talk about how my positions are informed by my faith. >> making sure that people know that kind of interfaith alliances that still exist and having a president that wants to talk about it, i think that makes a big difference too. pete: those interfaith alliances but the left's new focus on faith may not be working as data shows the party is failing to win over the largest religious
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demographic in america, white christians. our panel to discuss. fox news contributor robert jeffress, fox news contributor jonathan morris and the pastor at ame church. what is the left missing about evangelicals in america today. >> last august the dnc issued a statement saying democrats were no longer going to try to attack faith voters but go after the religiously unaffiliated, those who didn't go to church because the values more closely aligned to theirs. they ought to, pete, stick with that strategy because it doesn't how many bible verses the democrats spout, they are not fooling anybody. they are the wrong side of every major faith issue especially abortion. every single democrat running unrestricted abortion up until the moment of child in the birth canal in my mother, the people of faith. people with scintilla of a conscious, that is absolutely
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barbaric. as long as democrats keep embracing these extreme positions, they don't have a snowball's chance in hades of attracting faith value voters or beating donald trump in november. jason: father john, that is the core question. are they attempting to pull over those voters or just sort of addressing it and recognizing that ultimately their policies are trying to appeal to other folk. >> no. the data you gave us, pete, that you referred to, goes on to say 81% of white christians voted for president donald trump in 2016. jason: yep. >> that the democrats realize they have to do something. what are they trying to do? they're trying to talk the language but let's look at, this is a non-partisan analysis, very quickly look at the major issues that christians, not just white christians, christians voting their conscience and their values are looking at? number one, as the pastor mentioned, pastor jeffress mentioned abortion.
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number two, school choice, the ability to send your kids where you want to send them, to be able to afford that. three, religious liberty causes. these are huge issues, the democratic platform, i'm not just talking about the candidates but democratic platform says nobody who stands for those things, limits on abortion, or religious liberty issues, not all of them, but most of them can even be in this party. that is, that is segregating a huge swath of the voting population, very dangerous for the democrats. jason: when democrats talk religion to any race and background in this country, are they, are they singing the right tune? are they talking about the issues that connect with religious voters? or are they just talking in code to see if they can bring them along? >> i think the danger in all of this you can't weigh into election season to start talking religion. i can speak for the african-american community because we have always been a faith-led people and very
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spiritual in everything that we do. so our interpretation of scriptures actually lead us to some of the things people would call socialist because we believe in things like, what did you do to the least of them? you fed the hungry. you clothed the naked. went to see those in prison. for some reason that the messages that these democrats are left in this race are trying to reiterate or relate is not crossing over well to white evangelicals. i'm not understanding why. >> let me jump in. jason: absolutely. >> i could not agree with more what you said there dein terms of that is what christians are called to do, to take care of the homeless. to take care of the foreigner but the problem with the democratic party right now they said it has to be my way or the highway. if bernie sanders, it is that times 10. my way or the highway is, government must be the principle caretaker of our needy and that is just not going to work for a big, big part of the united
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states of america and especially for value voting americans. jason: that is important statement. >> truth you do not have to be a socialist to be compassionate. 53% of americans, gallup says will not vote for a socialist and even higher for christians. socialism is absolutely antithetical to christianity and if they nominate bernie sanders and. >> i totally disagree. >> they will not attract any faith voters. jason: dee, you disagree, why? >> i disagree. people would said jesus was more socialist than anything else we are talking about today. we have to be careful -- jason: why was jesus a socialist. >> jesus did not sit with the establishment. he overturned tables of the tax collecttores. he sat with people who were lepers. he made here sure he healed people who people should be healed or people thought should not be healed. we have to be careful how we use
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language, take ownership of who god is and people's faith. jason: hold on that is a big claim. i have a lot of thoughts. but we have experts to talk about it as well. pastor jeffress, was jesus a socialist. >> no, jesus was not a socialist. render unto caesar, to caesar, and god to be god. he is compassion not. the church is to be compassionate. you don't have to believe in socialism which is nothing but communism lies is absolutely opposed to everything christian. jason: jonathan, real quick. >> she brings up a very quick point the republican party has to be careful not to allow anyone else to say, we have complete control overtaking care of the needy, right? that is kind of headline been bought and been sold. has nothing to do -- calling jesus a republican, calling jesus a socialist, calling jesus a democrat is totally out of line. those are present day political terms. we have to get back to ideas,
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values, and principles and allow those things to shine. jason: wow, you guys, this debate will continue, especially if a democratic socialist is atop the democratic party ticket. jonathan, robert, dee, thank you very much for the perspective. i wanted that to go on for 10 more minutes. maybe we'll do it again. jason, over to you. jason: interesting, discussion, pete. self-proclaimed daredevil dice after his homemade market crashed. he was in the rocket himself. authorities say it crashed straight into the ground. moments later. hughes was 64 years old. terrifying moments on a colorado mountain. two snowmobilers accidentally starting a avalanche, riding a seemed like very calm landscape until large chunks of snow started tumbling downhill. this rider faced the the full
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brunt of the cascade but was dug out of the snow. it comes a week after an avalanche killed two people in the same area. not so great escape. watch as an inmate tryies to break out of ohio jail climbing into the ceiling. as deputies rush into stop her, she comes crashing through the ceiling panels on to the floor where she was arrested yet again. she was awaiting trial for assaulting an 85-year-old man. she is now facing additional charges. those are the headlines. pete: i guess she hopes not to end up. jason: darwin awards, candidates in that script. pete: right in the garbage can. lisa: rick reichmuth. rick: that looked painful. i cringed as she hit the trashcan. but can't feel that bad. take a look at maps, guys. we have a pretty nice day again in store for most of the
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country. temperaturewise thinks looking not that bad. we will get colder later on this week. get ready for that, by thursday, friday. far northern plains we'll have much colder airdropping in here. guys, my maps will not move for me. there is a really pretty picture. the purpler colors are colder air. we'll see if we make the maps move. back to you. pete: work on the maps, rick. we'll come back to you. we know you can do it without the maps. multifaceted man. thank you, rick. lisa: a lot coming up. 2020 democrat hopeful mike bloomberg skipping the nevada caucuses and setting his sights on super tuesday. so is the billionaire banking on a brokered convention? we'll ask one of his campaign senior advisors. that's next. ♪.
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♪. jason: 2020 democratic hopeful mike bloomberg skipping the nevada caucuses and setting his sights on super tuesday as prospects after brokered convention seem more and more likely as strategists say none of the candidates will secure a majority of delegates before the july convention. bloomberg campaign senior advisor tim o'brien joins us to discuss. thank you so much for being here. >> great to be here. jason: really do appreciate it, the strategy has been, skip the first two contests, wait for super tuesday. you have a big debate on tuesday. then super tuesday. how well is mike bloomberg going to do? >> i've been in most of the super tuesday states at this point. we're very optimistic with all the data we're seeing. we have a very sophisticated polling operation. we're in 45 states and territories. we have 2100 people on the ground. out of democrats coming into the primary states will come into the big ground operation we
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have. we're doing very well and continue to do well. jason: where do you expect him to be in south carolina? that vote will happen in super tuesday. >> we're not on the ballot in south carolina. first four states we're not on ballot. only 4% of the delegates at stake. we driving the ship into super tuesday. we're looking great in california. we're looking great in texas. we're looking great in several other states. jason: is that because of money? the criticism has been that the bloomberg campaign is paying $2500 a person to go out on social media and tout this mayor from new york city? >> well, look, you know, better. i think you can buy exposure. you can't buy an election. if you can buy an election tom steyer wouldn't be still polling 1%. he spent a ton of money. the reality voters see mike's record self-made businessman, as philanthropist, three-term mayor of new york. jason: you don't think there is any backlash paying people $2500 to post -- >> that is people test in a teapot.
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mike has more experience than anybody else on the debate stage? jason: than joe biden? >> joe biden is legislator. the joe biden hadn't to deliver services day in, day out. jason: he was vice president of the united states. i'm not here to defend him. >> what legislation bernie sanders had? get account of what people done in the world. mike bloomberg is the most significant person on the debate stage, delivering solutions, health care and education, jobs that are authentic avenues into the middle class, climate crisis, gun violence. nobody else on the stage can do that. jason: i think we will debate that on tuesday. >> he will be ready, the bloomberg camp is blaming sanders supports for some of the violence we're seen in tennessee, ohio, michigan. is there any direct evidence that sanders or sanders campaigns involved in this violence? >> no. our campaign manager put out a statement that a lot of, a lot of it bore the hallmarks of traditional bernie bro kind of thuggery. i've covered trump for a long time. i'm used toe seeing this from
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the trump side. i'm surprised how much of bernie sanders -- jason: i don't see there is much evidence of that kind of stuff happening from the donald trump side. >> threatening supporters, threating opposition, that is not a new phenomenon. bernie is trump-like in lot of ways. mike bloomberg is happy medium between both of those people, he is cool, calm, collected. knows how to get things done. jason: tim o'brien, thanks for coming. >> thanks for letting me be here. jason: tensions between harry, meghan and the queen. ♪. at today's best western, stay two nights and get a free night for your next stay. one night, two nights, free night. book now at
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♪ jason: pete: they call it a battle royale. prince harry and meghan markle sounding off now that they can no longer use the royal sussex brand. the couple saying there is no jurisdiction by the mom arcky of the word royal overseas, the duke and duchess of sussex do not plan to use succession royal or any iteration of the world. jason: joining to us discuss, media correspondent, neil shaun. we watch it different in the united states than across the pond. how do you view it what is happening in london? >> this is not going down too well at all. who is advising these people? they're slowly turning into dumb and dumber. the bottom line, her majesty the queen is more than gracious you can keep the titles, you can do this but anything with the word royal -- the way it is playing out over here, guys, let me tell
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you this. if anyone like meghan a two-bit tv actress can think she can take on the her majesty the queen she has to learn how it truly works in or out of the royal family. it has not gone down well here at all. lisa: what does this mean? they put out the statement originally, they're working towards being independently, financially independent. so what does it mean for that, now that they can't use that royal sussex brand? >> what is interesting, lisa, the bottom line, they have a connection. what i find kind of interesting, prince harry is meant to be back in the uk later this week for a couple of royal engagements. next month, they're all supposed to be coming back. that will be a frosty meeting. from my view, i think meghan could be unavailable or maybe archie might not be too well. i can't imagine her wanting to come back to face this backlash but as a brand they will still make a lot of money but diminishing brand as you were,
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simply because it doesn't look good to argue with the royal family. the 93-year-old monarch is all powerful. you just don't take her on. pete: exactly, she gave you a license to do something no one else is doing. you want to quibble over the word royal technically you can use it if you're not in the uk. at some point you look bad. you poison your old press. you start not to be an attractive entity. >> absolutely. that special on social media made the doomsday book look like a stamp. he went own and on. he looked petulant, childish, whoever is pulling harry's strings, we know that, the sister and father consistently attacked meghan but she is playing right into their hand what they're saying could now be true. she really need to reassess with her people that she is paying a lot of money to work out exactly how she can move a brand forward along with harry, baby archie, to try to become independent.
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lisa: neil sean, thanks for joining us. >> a pleasure. jason: poet pete coming up this side of the pond, bernie sanders takes nevada with a landslide win. joe biden is convinced he is the comeback kid. a live report from vegas at the top. hour. thanks for coming. ...with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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battle for second place. buttigieg needs a bounce to get back to his mojo after iowa and new hampshire, and bloomberg is going to be having to prove that he is the guy on the debate stage that's in these fancy ads. only time will tell. he has another chance on tuesday in south carolina. meanwhile, we're in vegas, so i've got to show you those odds because bernie got a 32% boost night. he is the most likely to win the nomination at 55.2% followed by bloomberg, 23; buttigieg, 11; biden, 9.1; and hillary clinton at 5%. clinton is the top woman that is winning the odds ahead of klobuchar and warren and michelle obama is ahead of til is city and steyer. tulsi and steyer. maybe i'll hit that on the way out. pete: all right, i've got $100.
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i think that's about right. >> reporter: i was actually trying to look it up, i think, pete, you have to bet 170 to win 100 on bernie at this point, that's how strong his odds are. pete: wow. we'll apologize to everybody with that hillary clinton. thanks for the reporting. i mentioned the plutocrat thing from joe biden, i didn't even know what it meant. i looked it up, it meant your power's derived from your your wealth. i'm not a socialist, i'm not bloomberg, but you're also not winning. jason: and when you have to go to dictionary -- every time you see joe biden, a, he's got his back to the camera, or he's got his three supporters surrounding him -- i think it is painful to watch, but you're seeing the demise of a vice president who has never been able to galvanize people. back from 1988 through 2020, he's never been the guy, he just isn't. lisa: we're talking about the use of plutocrat, this is the
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guy who was on a no malarkey tour, and he called someone a pony face whatever it was -- pete: dog face pony -- lisa: not exactly the big zinger of all. if you're joe biden, money cannot buy an election. we saw this with jeb bush, he spent 30 times what trump won, he came in third place, trump won new hampshire. you have to be a good candidate, you have to have a message. those are are two things that both joe biden and mike bloomberg lack, among other things. pete: well, the prime minister weighed in yesterday -- the president weighed in yesterday with this tweet. he said, looks like crazy bernie is doing well in the great state of nevada. biden and the rest look weak, and no way mini mike can restart his campaign after the worst performance in the debate. that's part of the conversation today, with that big of a win, how to do you stop that momentum?
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if he cuts into the minority vote in south carolina, that's devastating for joe biden. then you go into super tuesday, bernie has the energy. he's built a grassroots army. jason: he has. if he doesn't get the nomination, i think those bernie supporters are going to go absolutely nuts. but in many ways, i don't believe bernie has had the type of scrutiny, certainly not from the mainstream media. but now that he's suddenly leading the pack watch what the media's saying about him. >> no one else is as hungry, angry, enraged and determined as sanders' voters. democrats need to sober up and figure out what the hell they're going to do about that. jason: people are freaking out, melting down all across the country. >> because you think he'll win the election because he'll galvanize heretofore sleepily participants of the electorate, then politically you're a fool. jason: those are democrats talking about democrats.
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earlier, i was able to talk to joe concha about the impact the media's actuallying having on the election. >> the impact of media and people being told what to think and who to vote for does not have the influence like it used to even 20, 30 year ago. this is a hilarious scenario we have shaping up. many in media, as we're seeing, are petrified or downright loathe of bernie sanders' candidacy because they think he's going to lose. then on the other side you have donald trump, and they don't like him either. the press is very good at picking a side. who are they going to pick here? lisa: one, they will pick bernie sanders' side, i guarantee it. as i mentioned last year, washington post, capitalism in crisis story, talking about how billionaires are bad. so so they'll definitely take bernie sanders' side. i don't think the media attacks or attacks from the left are going to impact him. similarly to how those attacks don't hurt donald trump, they just make him stronger.
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he comes back stronger when he gets attacked. i think bernie sanders is very semi. you cannot -- very similar. bernie sanders has been running for president since like 2015 or even earlier, is so he has had an operation in mace since then. here -- in place since then. he has a strategic and infrastructural advantage. pete: i love that point you made, the more they attack him, the stronger it makes him and 'em boldens his support. if they're coming after him this way and they're trying to rig it against him, i could find a way to vote for a socialist. and those weak attacks by biden, by buttigieg, bloomberg trying to buy it, in fact, bloomberg's the perfect foil for bernie. the question is how quickly do democrats consolidate, because the establishment hates the guy because he has not been part of their club. we saw the same thing on the republican side. whereas donald trump created a
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movement of patriots who wanted to get back to first principles, america first, what made america strong and free and prosperous, bernie sanders is selling a revolution, a result of a left-wing indoctrination, socialism, illegality, climate change control, he's selling something very -- it's hard to expand a map into republicans or independents with that message, so it could be an electoral message where a lot of democrats say i'm just not quite ready to sign up for bernie. jason: when america truly gets exposed to the radical positions, i just think donald trump is sitting better politically today than he has ever been as he now gets ready to take off and go to india and see literally millions of people that will turn out in india to support and cheer on the president of the united states, it's going to be pretty amazing. lisa: i disagree with both of you. i think people are totally underestimating the power of free college tuition, the power
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of all these things. we know they are not free, but i think that message sells -- pete: not underestimating it -- lisa: even aoc -- i think it's 45 percent of republicans support that. so i think people are underestimating bernie sanders. there is a litany of candidates who underestimated their opponent, aoc with crowley when she took on, i don't think president trump's going to underestimate it, i think they are playing ball -- jason: i just think america's smarter than that. america's smarter than this. thaw figured out donald trump in the right way, and they're going to figure out the democratic socialist, the person who won't put the democratic name, they're not going to suddenly go run to that guy. lisa: i don't think it's going to be that easy though. pete: you don't have to underestimate him to call out the fatal flaws in the candidacy to try to win nationwide. that's not underestimating, he's just got a big challenge. we shall see. who do you agree with, or not
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agree with, turning now to your headlines, president trump is heading to india with later this hour. it's his first state visit to the country. he's holding a massive rally tomorrow with hundreds of thousands of people expected to attend. it's expected to be the largest rally of his presidency. president trump and the first lady will also visit the taj mahal and presidential palace during their trip. they're going to leave the white house, we believe, this hour. if he makes remarks, we will bring them to you live. in the meantime, the white house set to ask congress for emergency fund dog combat the coronavirus outbreak, the amount could be around $1 billion which is much lower than what public health officials say is necessary. alabama tries to stop patients from being transferred to a fema facility. the u.s. health department announced mans to quarantine -- plans to quarantine the patients after they were evacuated,
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alabama officials didn't know about the plan and will ask a court to intervene. cases spiking in south korea as well, 556 people are diagnosed with the infection, 5 have died. and caught in the act all the way from iraq, a soldier stationed in the country calls police after seeing burglars on his home doorbell camera. he was looking at the camera from his iphone when he noticed two men stealing power tools from his garage in chicago. officers quickly caught up with the alleged crooks and arrested them. they're facing burglary charges. they probably thought, hey, guy's in iraq, we're big scum bags, we're going to steal -- jason: technology working, i love that the. the all right. still ahead, after a distant second place finish in nevada, joe biden says he's making a comeback. >> well, y'all, y'all did it for me. now we're going on to south carolina and win, and then we're going to take this back!
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jason: yeah, we came in second! we'll ask a former member of obama's finance committee what he thinks about that, coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ever since we moved here, i've been noticing it. i think the house is changing him... -[ gasps ] -up and at 'em! ...into his father. [ eerie music plays ] is it scary? -[ gasps ] -it's in eco mode. so don't touch it. mm-hmm. i can't stop this from swinging. must be a draft in here. but he did save a bunch of money bundling our home and auto with progressive. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. -hello? -sorry, honey. [ telephone beeps ] butt dial.
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the best advice i can give anyone... don't wait. at aspen dental, we're all about yes. like yes to free exam and x-rays for new patients without insurance. yes to flexible hours and payment options. and yes, you'll start smiling more too. don't wait, book at or call today. a general dentistry office.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> well, y'all, y'all did it for me. now we're going on to south carolina and win, and then we're going to take this back! you know, the press is ready to declare people dead quickly. [laughter] but we're alive, and we're coming back and we're gonna win. lisa: former vice president joe biden says he's making a comeback after coming in a distant second place in the informed caucuses. is his move up through the ranks
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enough to keep the campaign afloat? here to discuss is founder, chairman and ceo of the people's corporation and a former member of president obama's national finance committee, don peebles. hi, don. >> good morning, how are you? lisa: doing well, thank you. bernie sanders has 28% on joe biden in nevada, so is it really a comeback for joe biden? >> no. look, second place is still losing -- lisa: 28%? >> yeah. i mean, look, i think bernie won happenedly in nevada, he's done -- handily in nevada, he's done very well in caucus states. think biden's moment of truth comes in south carolina. i think he's got to win that and win it big. if no, i think by the time we look at super tuesday, bernie sanders may have an insurmountable lead. and i blame this a lot on the democratic party elites. they sat on is saidlines,
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president obama sat on the sidelines, hillary clinton, john kerry, al gore on the sidelines. if they want to stop bernie sanders, they should have learned what happened in 2016 with donald trump and the republican party. they are killing off each other by bloomberg taking biden's african-american sport. but it's -- support. but it's going over now to bernie sanders and not all to bloomberg. lisa: and, look, you've got joe biden's argument has been, as you kind of laid out, hey, look, wait til south carolina, wait til nonwhite voters have a say. but bernie sanders got a majority of the vote with hispanics, second with african-americans. so, i mean, does that argument still hold? >> i think it can hold. you know, yesterday was, i'm sure, disappointing to the vice president, but the silver lining is that it's a caucus state. bernie sanders' supporters are much more engaged and energized, ask if biden's having very much a difficult time motivating voters -- lisa: but new hampshire wasn't a caucus, that was a primary
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state. joe biden lost substantially in new hampshire. >> yeah, but -- yeah, of course, and that was bernie sanders' neighboring state. south carolina, look, i don't believe that biden is positioned to win the nomination, but i think he should be able to give it a better fight than he's given so far. i don't think mike bloomberg is in a position to win it either. i believe that they are killing each other off and have left bernie sanders kind of all to himself. and if they don't go at bernie sanders right now and start calling him out on many of these issues that are motivating voters and offering an alternative, this nomination's going to get away from them, and the democratic party's going to have sanders. lisa: are you ready to embrace a socialist? >> no, i'm not. there's no way i could vote for bernie sanders as a socialist. look, i believe things need to be shaken up, and voters on the republican side as well thought they did, and that's how trump got the nomination, and that's why he's president. i think these centrist democrats
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need to articulate a much more aggressive vision to moving the nation forward and bringing everybody else into the prosperity that we're seeing right now. but to attack trump and attack each other, that is a losing combination, and they will end up with sanders as the nominee. lisa: don peebles, thank you. interesting discussion, we appreciate you joining us. is have a great day. >> thank you for having me. lisa: still ahead, as some in the media play out another russian collusion theory, our national security adviser says, hey, not so fast. so what's the real story? a live report from washington, next. ♪ muck in 1950, king's hawaiian was born from an irresistibly delicious idea. in 2020, the jones family also had some delicious ideas. what if we make king's hawaiian breakfast sandwiches? yum! and king's hawaiian monkey bread! yum!
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pete: welcome back. some quick headlines for you. boeing admits it found debris in fuel tanks of grounded 737 max gents, the company making the discovery in 35 of the 50 jets during an inspection. authorities say the debris could have started fires on the plane. the jets have been grounded for a year after two deadly crashes. and millions of travelers are running out of time to get a real id driver's license. airports say if you don't have one by october 1st, you'll knotts be allowed to fly -- not be allowed to fly within the unless you have a passport, global entry card or a military id. glad i got one of those. all right, the u.s. travel association says 181 million people still don't have the id. lisa: i don't. jason: u.s. intelligence officials reportedly telling lawmakers russia is trying to meddle in our elections to help president trump. lisa: heard that before. but a key security official says
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he hasn't seen any evidence of interference. pete: garrett tenney live in our nation's capital with more. garrett, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. u.s. intelligence officials have been saying for more than a year that russia's once again attempting to meddle in our election, so that is nothing new. last week intel officials briefed lawmakers, and according to republicans, there was some suggestion that the kremlin was working to help president trump be reelected. this weekend national security adviser robert o'brien disputed those assessments but admitted he hasn't looked at the intelligence behind that briefing himself. >> i is have not seen that analysis. i've been with the leaders of the intelligence community, they don't is have it. if there's some lower level people at dni that gave this analysis to the house, look, i'd like to see it, but i haven't seen it. >> reporter: president trump, who is very sensitive about any suggestion that russia helped him win the 2016 race, slammed reports about these latest russian efforts as a democratic disinformation campaign. and while ryan repeatedly
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dismissed the idea that russia is trying to help the trump campaign, he didn't push back on reports that the kremlin is trying to boost bernie sanders, saying that's no surprise. according to the washington examiner, they've already requested information to see where things stand for himself. back to y'all. lisa: thanks, garrett. pete: thank you very much. all right, coming up, just call it a republican resurgence. gop candidates are filing to run for congress at a record pace. up next, a panel of military veterans all running to be in the house of representatives tells us, they all tell us why they're getting in the race, next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ lisa: bernie sanders wins the nevada caucuses, cementing himself as the clear front-runner in the democrat primary. jason: taking the nearly 47% of the vote with half of the precincts reporting, sanders planning to ride his momentum straight to the nomination. >> we have just put together a multigenerational, multiracial coalition which is going to not only win in nevada, it's going to sweep this country. lisa: sanders has either won or
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tied in every contest so far, putting him as the national delegate leader. over to you, pete. pete: no word as to whether he'll redistrict some to of those delegates. lisa: probably not. pete: well, republicans are running for office in the house and senate at record pace. last year 781 republicans filed to run for house seats, the most ever in an odd year. president trump weighing in on what makes the party so strong during his rally in vegas with on friday. watch. >> republicans are fighting for citizens from every background, every community and every single walk of life. the republican party is the party of the american worker. the american family, the american dream and the late, great abraham lincoln. pete: honest abe. joining us now are three republican veterans running for office, infantry captain sean parnell, gavin rollins and army veteran peter meyer.
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gentlemen, thank you all for being here. of sean, so a socialist wins in nevada. if he's atop the democrat ticket, how do, you know, republicans running for the house, how do they run against a socialist? >> well, i mean, the contrast could not be more clear. of it's about we're in a fight, pete, for the heart and soul of our country and what our country was intended to be. you know, it's about freedom versus socialism, it's about the ability to chart your own path in this country for the next generation or total government control over every aspect of your life. the democrats, the far left, the new democratic party is about to nominate somebody who honeymooned in the soviet union, who said bread lines were good, someone that said that a 50 plus percent tax rate on every single american is a good thing and who said on his first day in office will ban hydraulic fracking and gas jobs, 117,000 plus jobs in my district. and bernie sanders would put them all out of business with
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the stroke of a pen. pete: absolutely. gavin, you're down in florida, as you're going to primary amongst fellow republican, what message is resonating the most? >> i think people are concerned, like sean said, about the spread of socialism, and they're concerned that if we don't fight back and send reinforcements to support our president, that we might lose our country. and that's something that as veterans i know you're a veteran, pete, and we didn't fight overseas to return home and see our country become a socialist country. so that's why we're working very hard to make shower we continue to main -- sure we continue to maintain the freedoms that our forefathers and many of us have fought for. pete: peter, unfortunately, young people have a rosy view of socialism. the selling point is easy to make. how do you cut past that simplified version? >> you know, the same young people you're talking about, i mean, they grew up in the recession, they saw what type of
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economic devastation policies of bailouts and handouts can lead to. and when the democrats are just peddling more nationalization, socialization, subsidization when the very same principles that made this country great are limited government and economic free dodger it's an easy sell -- freedom, it's an easy sell. pete: i'd be remiss if we didn't shift to another topic overseas, understand the military and the national security dynamic. the president announced we're on the cusp of a peace deal with the taliban, a seven-day reduction in violation. "the new york times" ran an op-ed from the deputy of the taliban saying what we, the taliban, want -- so, sean, america had to hear from "the new york times" what the taliban wants. what do you want out of a deal in afghanistan? >> well, i mean, i want peace and security for the afghan people and for that country. i mean, we went into afghanistan after 9/11 to keep that country from becoming a petri dish for terrorists and to go after
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osama bin laden. i think we still have a duty and respondent to make sure that -- responsibility to make sure the country has a peaceful transition. haqqani, i fought him for 48ing 5 days. he went after civilians, he targeted schools, he kidnapped women and children. "the new york times" should not be giving a platform to one of the worst terrorists on the face of the planet to spew propaganda. he makes it seem like we're invaders and came into his country and they're just defending themselves. we went to afghanistan because al-qaeda, who was aided and abetted by people like haqqani, attacked our country and killed 3,000 people. so we want what the afghan people want, and that's a peace and prosperity, and haqqani is the last person that wants that, and nothing that he says should be trusted. and the new york times shouldn't be giving a platform to say the things -- pete: shame on "the new york times," but we know who they are, for sure. gavin, when the american people look at afghanistan, it feels like t been going on forever, it
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feels like the mission is ambiguous, and it feels like the afghans, after all this tame and training from americans, are still not ready to take on the taliban. what should they make of all of this? >> well, i applaud our president for seeking a peaceful solution. the thing the american people know is that our president is going to be tough on terrorists. so we can trust that he'll keep the safety and security of america at heart and also work for a peaceful solution to return our troops home. pete: peter, that's a great point. when you trust that your commander in chief -- just like ronald reagan in the cold war -- wants to win that war, when they reach a happened out for an they were, you can believe that it's possible. do you think peace with a positive outcome for america is possible in afghanistan? >> absolutely. i mean, at the end of the day this is a civil war that we are stuck in the middle of. and the president understands that. i mean, looking at this op-ed, i think it's clear that the left can't get the their heads around the fact that president trump is on track to be the first
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president to end old wars without starting new ones since gerald r. ford. i mean, that's incredible. finish. pete: well, sean, gavin and and peter, i believe it's pennsylvania, florida and michigan respectively. good luck in your races and thank you for your service. >> thanks, pete. >> and thank you for your service, pete. pete: jason, over to you. jason: turning now to headlines, a high school history lesson compares president trump to nazis. a powerpoint slide in a baltimore high school class showing president trump above pictures of a swastika and soviet flag. the school says the lesson was about world wars and immigration adding the image could be misunderstood without context. prince harry and meghan markle are speak out saying the queen doesn't own the word "royal." earlier we poke with correspondent neil shaun for his
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take. >> who is advising these people? they're slowly turning into dumb and dumber. i mean, the bottom line is that her majesty the queen has been more than gracious in saying, look, if you keep your times, you can do this, anything but the word royal. jason: they said while there's the no jurisdiction by the monarchy over the use of the word "royal," they won't continue to use their sussex royal brand. boxer ty tyson fury entered the ring as king and he left as champion, winning his highly anticipated rematch over delaware ontoday wilder. finish wilder, who suffered his first loss, was taken to a las vegas hospital after the fight as a precaution. the fight brought in nearly $17 million at the gate, a record for a heavyweight match. and those are your headlines. lisa: that's a lot of cash. pete: one dude is 6-7, the other
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6-9. jason: i don't think i'd last ten seconds. pete: over/under, that's the question. how quickly could you run away, that's what you'd have to do. jason: you might, you know, take one. i don't think i'd ask. you'd take the shot, wouldn't you? rick: you couldn't run away in ten seconds. jason: you don't think so? rick: no way. [laughter] you would last three, max. not just you, any of us. all right. let's talk a little bit of weather. i've got my clicker working this time, take a look at the map. cool air across parts of the far northern plains, not cold just yet. the cold air comes in friday of this week. today across the mid-atlantic and the northeast, if you liked yesterday, you're going to like today even more. 44 up towards burlington, tons of sunshine. it's going to feel almost like early spring. down across the southeast another nice day as well, up to 76 in tampa. rain showers across parts of
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kansas, oklahoma and missouri, that's going to be the worst of it. and finally out across the west, tail end of the storm, a little bit of snow across the four corners. all right, guys. lisa: thank, rick. i think you could do better than that. jason: i notice you're looking at pete, not me. [laughter] lisa: no, you too. yeah, yeah. jason: right? pete: trying to think of various ways to run around the ring. jace it's not a big ring. pete: i know. fox news alert, this is a live look at air force one. president trump will head to india this morning for his biggest rally yet. we'll bring it to you live, coming up. lisa: plus, california's governor offering up an unusual proposal to fix his state's homeless crisis. >> doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin is and antibiotics. [applause] lisa: so how exactly would that work? we'll talk about it next. so when my windshield cracked...
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the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me. >> tech: hi, i'm adrian. >> man: thanks for coming. ...with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ let's get down to business. the business of atlanta on monday... ... cincinnati on tuesday. ...philly on wednesday. ...and thursday back to cincinnati . modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business keeps going, our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at
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♪ ♪ lisa: we're back with some quick headlines. business insider reporting bosses frequently slept with subordinates under former ceo adam newman. newman walked away from the embattled company in october with a nearly $2 billion exit deal. and intuit is closing in on a $7 billion deal to buy credit karma. the payment would be in cash and stocks, according to "the wall street journal." experts say the move would push the maker of turbotax into the world of finance. jason: california governor gavin newsom comes up with a bizarre proposal to tackle the state's homeless crisis. >> health care and housing can no longer be divorced. what's more fundamental to a person's well-being than a roof over their head?
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doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin and antibiotics. pete: here to weigh in is california resident mike slater. mike, help me out here. usually -- [laughter] seems to be some rational rationale for something like. this i'm missing it here. >> no, the democrats have been really good at coming up with proposals that are is so ridiculous, so off the charts that you don't even know where to begin on, like, deconstructing what they're talking about. i think what he's getting at is that an old progressive idea that everyone has a right to a house. but first, fundamentally, you can't have a right to something that puts a burden or obligation on someone else. but it also fundamentally misses the problem here. the progressives think that homelessness causes addiction and mental illness, but it's the exact opposite. so we're not getting at the root of the problem. you can't take someone who's
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high on meth and put them behind a door and say that the problem's solved. that's what progressives are trying to do,and of course that requires more money and taxes. lisa: you've got 151,278 people experiencing homeless in california, up more than 16% between 2018 and 2019. why do you think california is having such a problem with homelessness particularly in comparison to some of these other states? >> yeah, because we're spending billions and billions, literally billions of dollars to fix the problem, and you're just subsidizing more of the behavior. gavin newsom, it's so weird, he comes across as this outsider who's coming in and changing the system. he's been in charge in a high level of california government for 23 years including 8 years as the mayor of san san franciso where homelessness there started to go through the roof. he's not going to solve anything. this is more of a same failed ideas. bernie won nevada, so we're all
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wondering what's going to happen to america if a socialist wins the presidency. we have it right here in california. california's been run for socialists for decades already, and you're seeing the effect of it. that's just one metric that's terrible for california. jason: how is this supposed to work? you get a prescription, you take it down to your pharmacist, do you go to your local realtor and say i got a prescription for a two-story in van nice, and i -- van nuys, and i need to get in. is anybody challenging the governor on this ridiculous assertion that you get a prescription -- >> how do i get a prescription for gavin newsom's -- 6 million house, right? we've been trying to do this forever. 2016, l.a. passed a $1.2 billion tax to build 10,000 units for homeless people, right? three years later we've built 72. not 10,000, but 72 units at $700,000 a pop, right?
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$700,000 each unit and 40% of that money, 40% has gone to bureaucratses and lawyers and regulation are. so all that money, billions of dollars taken by the taxpayer, and almost all of it goes to the government. and gavin newsom in that same address said we have to respect union protections and environmental regulationings. this is still just a power grab and money grab from sacramento. lisa: mike slater, thank you for joining us. pete: broke it down, appreciate it. >> thank you. pete: all right. we move on to a fox news alert. air force one, president trump will held to india this morning. awaiting his movement from the white house to that location at joint base andrews. one of his biggest rallies yet, and we'll bring it to you all live. jason: plus, the search continues for a tennessee toddler missing since december as two people are arrested in connection with the case. but our next guest says there are still a lot of unanswered questions.
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oh no, here comes gthe neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his xfinity customer service is. i'm mike, i'm so busy. good thing xfinity has two-hour appointment windows. they have night and weekend appointments too. he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass.
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♪ ♪ >> [inaudible] the reason i didn't report it or anything is because i knew the person who had her, and i didn't them to run away with her. they just kind of managed. so i'm just worried about, you know, where they're at, what they're doing with her at this point in time. jason: that's the mother of missing 15-month-old evelyn boswell. the little girl vanished in december, but her disappearance was just reported this week. lisa: two people were arrested friday in connection with the case. our next guest served as the first-ever national coordinate iter in child exploy -- ever for
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child exploitation. francie hague. >> hi, lisa, how are y'all? lisa: so there are a lot of questions about the mother in this case. what questions do you have about her? >> well, lisa, i have a lot of questions with about her. her attitude is completely inappropriate for a mother who has a missing toddler for any length of time that the child has been missing. this reminds me most of the casey anthony case where you had a mother who doesn't report her child who was supposedly missing and, unfortunately, in that case the child was actually dead. i don't know what's happened to evelyn boswell, but her mother is acting like she has something to hide. jason: well, it sounds like the sheriff is also extremely frustrated. listen to the sheriff here. >> unlike anything i've ever seen. we usually, we have to act really quick and usually a one-hour, two-hour basis is when it's reported, but we're talking two months, and it's hindering
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our investigation. some of the information we're getting is conflicting, it's inaccurate. jason: i mean, this is a devastating case, and it's not totally dissimilar from what's happening with these idaho children, two idaho children and the mother arrested in hawaii. what's your, what's the latest on that story? >> well, jason, in both cases you have grandparents who are the ones that report these children missing. it's not the parent, which in and of itself, of course, is suspicious. but in the idaho case, you've got her activity is even more of a red flag -- lisa: why is that? >> took out a storage locker and put all the children's possessions in it including j.j.'s backpack. she lied about where the children were when they initially checked on them. and i fear that j.j. and kylie are also in imminent danger. lisa: what are the next steps with that case? what should everyone at home pay anticipation to? >> well, i'm really happy that
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idaho authorities have taken out a warrant and have askinged for the mother's exthat tradition. that won't take that long. she will face charges, i expect the first thing they'll do is put her in an interrogation room and ask her questions. i think they've probably already started to build a case about the children, checking their digital footprint, looking for photographs, looking for video images on doorbell cameras and the like trying to figure out what the last known moments were for those children. jason: and so, i mean, what do authorities do and what should the public do? because, you know, i look at that as a parent, and i look at this, you know with, idaho case, i look at what's happening in these other states, what do people do? >> they need to be on the lookout for these children. look for them. they could be with strangers. it happened in elizabeth smart case. she was eventually spotted months later after everyone assumed that she had been killed. she was spotted months later with her captors.
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so look for these children, look on your own video footage, see if you have seen these children or if you might know someone who has seen these children. lisa: francey, thanks for joining us. we are praying for those children. >> thanks. lisa: a big hour still ahead. jason: plus, we're awaiting the president, top of the hour. ♪ ♪ flush do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging? prevagen is the number one pharmacist-recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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[laughter] it had to be before you were born. lisa: 35, so i'm not sure when the song came out. all morning long we have been playing songs that are about burning down the house because of what pete's got in his hand. bernie sanders won big last night at the nevada caucuses, pretty much winning with almost every demographic group. pete: yeah. the revolution was completed in nevada at least for now inside the process as the democrats continue to play it out -- there it is, bernie sanders, 47%. joe biden, he was of the front-runner, remember, a month ago? lisa: not so much anymore. jason: came in second, but the a pretty a pathetic showing. we have somebody on the ground in las vegas, our own griff jenkins with reaction from bernie's rivals. griff, what's the latest? >> reporter: hey, jason, pete and lisa. what happened was a sanders storm came in here and devastated the field, leaving a bedebris of candidates in his wake. he dominated across multiracial,
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multiethnic lines. and when you look at those numbers, it's unbelievable. bernie, if you add up biden, buttigieg and warren, even that sum doesn't meet the 46.6 that sanders won with by, and it has left these candidates scrambling, and they know it. if you needed any evidence, just look at the false confidence compute exiewlded after these races -- exuded of after these races. watch. >> we're going to south carolina and one, and then we're going to take this back! [cheers and applause] >> we want to win this big and get our democracy back. let's go to work and do this. >> i think we're going to have a good night next saturday in south carolina. >> together we will light up this country in november! on to south carolina, on to the nomination and on to the white house! >> we have a lot of states to go, and right now i can feel the momentum. so let's stay in it. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: so the obvious takeaway is can anyone stop the
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sanders storm, but what does this mean for mike bloomberg? he's presumably getting ready for tuesday's debate stage. he's within take on donald trump, but it would appear that if mike bloomberg hopes for his super tuesday strategy to work, he is now going to have to defeat bernie sanders in the open on the debate stage. we'll see what that ring brings. pete, lisa, jason? pete: thank you very much. only gets more interesting and more muddy as it's supposed to get clearer. we head to south carolina, the debate and super tuesday, it's all on the line, and is right now the energy seems to be with the man from vermont. jason: tuesday's debate is pivotal. mike bloomberg and his billions of dollars are going to do anything, he can't just buy his way -- he bought his way onto the stage, but he has to answer questions, articulate a vision, and after a couple hours of of doing this once before, he's shown he's probably the least likely person on that stage to actually put forward a case
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that's going to create a winning campaign. lisa: i just think it's too late. it's too late for these so-called moderate even if you look at entrance polls, bernie sanders did as well as joe biden and pete buttigieg with people that identify as moderate or conservative in the democrat partiment you can't buy an election, ask jeb bush. he spent 30 times as much as donald trump did per voter in new hampshire and ended up in fourth place. so i asked don peebles about all of this and particularly if he would be willing to embrace a socialist earlier today. don peebles is a member of obama's national finance committee. listen to what he had to say. >> there's no way i could vote for bernie sanders as a socialist. look, i believe things need to be shaken up, and voters on the republican side as well thought they did, and that's how trump got the nomination and that's why he's president. i think these centrist democrats need to articulate a much more aggressive vision to moving the nation forward and bringing everybody else into the prosper
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by that we're seeing right now. but to attack trump and each other, that is a losing combination, and they will end up with sanders as the nominee. jason: i think it was interesting, there's somebody on obama's national finance team critical of obama and some of the other big names outs there, the john kerries of the world, for not engaging and just allowing bernie sanders to rise and now be in the pole position going into super tuesday. lisa: right. pete: you know, the vote came on the eve of the news from "the washington post" that supposedly the russians are weighing in to help bernie. he talked about how well they treat their people. i think it would only be prudent right now for the fbi to cook up some fisa warrants, time to tap some phones, maybe send someone on the inside. you can never be too sure or that bernie isn't a russian agent. so, you know, they did it in 2015 and 2016, just to be prudent now that we've got the evidence, might be time for some
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surveillance. i don't know, seems to be something they can get away with, with no consequences. lisa: get peter strzok and lisa page on the case. a big week ahead both for the as well as some of the democratic primaries. sunday, which is today, the president and the first lady travel to india. tomorrow, monday, there's a rally in india for president trump. on tuesday you've got the democratic debate in south carolina, and then on saturday you have the south carolina primary. what i actually think is interesting about president trump being in india, you can sort of see the juxtaposition between what president trump's doing and what the democrats are doing. remember, president trump signed usmca while democrats were in the midst of the impeachment saga. president trump signed phase one with china the same day that nancy pelosi signed the articles of impeachment. so while democrats are kind of in disarray, president trump is carrying out his official duties and being the president of the united states, actually getting
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things done on behalf of the american people. jason: well, i think donald trump is stronger politically today, and i've been saying this for a number of weeks now, than he's ever been. and if you have people like bloomberg who think they can just go out and spend, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars, but he's been skipping all the races that count. he's going to skip in south carolina and put all of his marbles on this vote on super tuesday where roughly are a third of the vote will actually take place. earlier i was able to talk to tim o'brien who's bloomberg 2020 campaign senior adviser, very on optimistic. >> the first four states, we are not on the ballot, but it's only 4% of the delegates at stake. we really drive this ship into super tuesday. we're looking great in california, we are looking great in texas, we're very on optimisc and all the data that we're seeing, we've got a very sophisticated polling operation. we're in 45 statements and
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territories with 21 is 00 people on the ground. all the democrats out of these first four primary statements are going to come into this big ground operation we have, and we're doing very well. pete: a while ago it looked like bloomberg might have been playing the smartest hand. maybe he can swoop in and win more delegates and take it to the convention. then the debate happened -- jason: yeah, then he had to speak, to actually say something, yeah. pete: there's also the point where he was counting on in-fighting among democrats. not a total implosion of the mod rates and a consolidation of support around a socialist. i mean, biden's firewall is south carolina, and bloomberg may not do as well as people think on super tuesday. if you get second or third place as bloomberg spending $500 million and you're losing to bernie, your firewall's gone too. lisa: and that's the thing, democrats really put their hopes in michael bloomberg. first it was pete buttigieg, then amy klobuchar -- president beto first.
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lisa: whatever, new each week. they were already getting ahead of it, being this great candidate without even having done a single debate or won any delegates. we till don't know if mike bloomberg despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars can win delegates on super tuesday. jason: he agreed he should release some of these women -- we don't know, are there 3,000? 30 of them? at least three of them are going to get released. going back to my point about trump's political prowess at the moment, look at some of these job approval ratings. 49% approve if, 48 disapprove -- pete: that's gallup. that's a number that hasn't been on that side i believe for his entire presidency after what he's gone through and to your point about getting work done, it's not just accomplishments. he's trying to end the war in afghanistan. and t not clear how that's going to go. making a deal with the taliban, a seven-day period where you
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think violence will be reduced is fraught with risks. i'm skeptical. i don't know what the future will hold there, but he said i'm going to end these wars, i'm going to do the difficult thing. we'll see what happens, but people respect someone who ran on something and then follows through on it. that's, i believe, why the democrats respect bernie sanders. he's been real about his socialism and his love of the soviet union for decades. we know who he is. other people have tried to have it both ways, voters see through it. so we're going to get that contrast, i think, in november. lisa: and look at a continuation of some of these numbers, americans who are satisfied with the direction the country is going, the way that things are, 45% -- which is not a majority, but that's a 15-year high. that's the emphasis. that is a 15-year high. and this is a question, you know, that ronald reagan asked, are you better off now than you were before, and the answer is yes under president trump. so i think the challenge if you're someone like bernie sanders, although i don't think he should be underestimated, the challenge is you're calling for
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a revolution, but americans are happy. they're happy with the economy, president trump's approval ratings are the highest they've ever been. so do you really want a revolution when things are looking pretty darn good? jason: i mean, you want to get rid of everything in your health care, the 180 million something people that have health care? you just go down the list, and bernie sanders fundamentally wants to change everything. or listen to what peter morici says americans and how they feel about the economy. >> well, finally the public is seeing through the media, you know, hype or disinformation. the reality is family incomes are up, wages are beating inflation, and talk about inequality, most of the wage gains -- or a larger percentage on a percentage basis of wage gains are going to the lowest quartile, the people who didn't go to college. women are starting businesses at record paces, and minorities are switching jobs more which anticipates they're finding lots
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of new opportunities to improve themselves. voter perception is finally catching up to the fact that donald trump is good for the economy. pete: yeah. you think about the amount of misinformation he's had to fight -- jason: i think the biggest surprise that the mainstream media never understand is how well president trump is doing in the minority community. he's making great strides, he's going to put up record numbers, and it will be definitive in the election. lisa: i can see that. pete: wow. okay, take a deep brent we don't even have a nominee yet. starting with a fox news alert, right now president trump is leaving the white house as we await his arrival at joint base andrews. he'll board air force one for his first big visit to india. the president is expected to hold his largest rally ever there with 100,000 people expected to attend. we'll watch that. also breaking right now, a desperate search for survivors after a deadly earthquake rocks the iran/turkey border
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overnight. the 5.7 magnitude quake killing at least eight people in neighboring turkey, so far no deaths reported in iran because this aren't many reporters there. and mardi gras celebrations take a tragic turn overnight, a man dies after getting struck by a parade float in new orleans. a woman was killed by a similar float days earlier. city officials now banning all tandem floats which are two or more connected by a trailer hitch. police are investigating the man's death. and you can take over a man's lifestyle for $11,000. artist david art wales is selling the lease to his own, his one-bedroom apartment in manhattan and even a list of his favorite restaurants and best friends. he told -- [laughter] he told "the new york post" that he wanted someone else to enjoy the life he had in the city. the rent for his 625-square-foot apartment is $4,000 a month. so you can buy his lifestyle.
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jason: how much did yours cost? you lead the lifestyle. pete: is that right? maybe a little more than that. lisa: you said $50? [laughter] selling yourself short. jason: you want to take advantage of pete hegseth's lifestyle. lisa: yeah. what are you willing to pay? jason: all right. still ahead, after bernie sanders takes nevada, all eyes are on the next stop, south carolina. david webb joins us live on that. david, thanks for being here with us. [laughter] ♪ ♪ you know that look? that life of the party look walk it off look one more mile look reply all look own your look... ...with fewer lines. there's only one botox® cosmetic. it's the only one... ...fda approved... temporarily make frown lines... ...crow's feet... ...and forehead lines...
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carolina -- [cheers and applause] and then super tuesday. jason: 2020 democrats now banking on south carolina as bernie sanders cements his front-runner status. pete: the candidates are headed to charleston for their next debate on tuesday, so who will face the biggest test there? lisa: here to discuss is radio talk show host on fox nation, david webb, who's holding up "the new york post" cover right now. >> bernin's down the house, love that. lisa: joe biden's been saying wait til south carolina, wait til i have a chance to win with nonwhite voters. bernie sanders crushed it last night, so what does that mean for joe biden's candidacy? >> joe bide season the jeb bush of the current race. a lot of money, a lot of expectation, and he's done. he's hoping for the back country firewall if south carolina, but i said this and, lisa, you know
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this, that bernie has a large appeal. he's been working groups, radical left black groups, and they're working their way in. every church in south carolina is going to be visited by the bernie bros, bernie supporters, biden supporters, that's the fight. and unless biden can win in south carolina, he's done. jason: well, there's a lot at stake because there are 54 delegates there in south carolina, but that's just the precursor to super tuesday. but before all of that, you have the debate. what is the dynamic with bloomberg? he's not on the ballot in south carolina, but he's the person that a lot of people are thinking, yeah, let's wait for him because maybe he's the way that can buy his way against donald trump. >> and i said this, lisa and i debated this on outnumbered on friday. i think everybody's wrong on bloomberg. he's been really committing a hostile takeover of the democratic party that started when he ran for his third term
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in new york. the midterms, the investment in other groups, he's ap anti-constitutionalist especially when it comes to the is sec amendment, and then you've got the anti-constitution constitutionalist against the -- it made no sense for bloomberg to come in and debate. it made sense for him to work toward p super tuesday. look, going after him the other day, that was expected. there's nothing new. bloomberg is buying his way in. follow the money, follow the investment, he wants a return on his capital. lisa: it didn't work for jeb bush though. >> it's a separate party, a different party and a different voting electorate, and you can capture those segments. the democrats separate themselves whereas the republican party has differences but comes together at least on common principles. of. pete: what's the most effective attack against bernie sanders for these other democrats? it seems the attacks against him slide away or even make him stronger. how, on the debate stage, how do they go after bernie in.
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>> on who he is. all these democrats that are really leftists because there are no moderates left have to pretend that they're moderates and go after him, and they're going to go after him as his far-left policy, never answered the questions for medicare for all, the last segment what he's he going to do with this. bernie is a movement leader, he's going to hand off that, the neomarxes who want to continue to drag the country there, they're not acceptable to most americans, but that's what he's doing. so watch this dynamic play out. they're going to eat each other alive, and my money's still on a brokered convention -- jason: i am with you on that. lisa: we'll see what happens. president a reality check from david wen. all right, well, he dominated as a wrestler standing 7 feet tall, weighing 300 pounds. how the wwe superstar has
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vipers. today we'll see the new york guardians take on the is st. battle hawks and the d.c. defenders face the l.a. wildcats. and -- pete: two forward passes. lisa: all right, i've got to get to headlines. and a 42-year-old plays his first nhl game and wins! [cheers and applause] usually the practice goalie for the toronto maple leafs, but was called into action to help out the hurricanes. that is pretty cool. and jason, thanks a lot. [inaudible conversations] [laughter] pete: from the beginning! jason: talk about lifelong -- houston? houston roughneck fan. lisa: you'll have the sewer city at home.
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pete: i've watched it. when you can listen to the coaches and the quarterback and listen to the referees, it's actually -- jason: it's actually pretty entertaining. lisa: the nfl take notice? pete: moving on to this story. from the wrestling ring to the political arena, a 7-foot-tall wrestler steps into the new role of the mayor of the town he calls home in longwood, florida. actually, we've got to pause in the middle of our instruction. >> i hope it's not going to be a repeal because there's a lot of bad things going on, and i hope it's not going to be one of those. we'll see what happens, but i congratulate bernie sanders, and if it's going to be him, or he has a substantial lead. we'll see what happens. >> have you been briefed -- [inaudible] if so, what's your message --
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>> nobody said it. i read where russia's helping bernie sanders. nobody briefed me about that at all. what they try and do is certain people like certain people to have information. no different than it's been. but i have not been briefed on at that at all. nobody told me about it. they leaked it, adam schiff and his group leaked it to the papers, and as usual, they ought to investigation adam schiff for leaking that information. he should not be leaking information out of intelligence. they ought9 to investigate adam schiff -- [inaudible conversations] >> you'll have to ask the attorney general. i don't know where with it stands. you'll have to ask the attorney general. >> [inaudible] >> you'll have to ask bernie
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sanders that. i mean, he'd know better than me. i have not been briefed to that effect, but you'll have to ask bernie sanders that. i think, you know, the democrats are treating bernie very unfairly, and it sounds to me like a leak from adam schiff because they don't want bernie sanders to represent them. it sounds like '16 all over again for bernie sanders. and he won, he had a great victory yesterday but you know what's happening. you can see the handwriting on the wall. and i watched last night, they might have tried to do it with me b, but i was with able to catch it. that'd be a terrible thing -- [inaudible conversations] if they came together -- [inaudible] >> well, i'd like to see them come together. i think if they came together in the sense that they got awith each other -- along with each
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oh, it'd be a great thing for the world. if ukraine and russia could work out some agreement where they get along, to me, that would be very good. >> [inaudible] >> yeah. he's here now. >> mr. president, what's your updated thinking about -- [inaudible] roger stone? >> well, i've seen a very sad thing going on with respect to roger stone. you have a jury that's, obviously, anticipated. she was an activist against trump, said bad things about trump and said bad things about stone, and she somehow wiggled her way onto the jury. and if that's not a anticipated jury, then there is no such thing as a tainted jury. i think it's a disgrace, and i could say plenty more about that whole situation, but i'll hold it. i don't know why they gave a judgment, why the judge ruled prior to ruling on that because in theory you should rule on that and then see what happens. but the judge gave a sentence without discussing that, and i
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guess they're going to bring that up at a later date. i do think this, that juror so biased and is so anticipated that that shouldn't -- tainted that that shouldn't happen in our criminal justice system. [inaudible conversations] >> we'll see what happens. >> [inaudible] >> we have four or five people, very respected. in the meantime, we have our ambassador to germany who's a very smart person, and he's doing a great job. >> [inaudible] >> i can't tell you that, but i'll be announcing -- >> why did you dismiss him? were you unhappy? >> his time came up. i think it was march 11th his time came up. he ran out of time. because i think it was a date of march 11th. he's a very nice man. his time came up so he a had to leave on march 11th. [inaudible conversations] >> [inaudible]
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>> well, i look forward to being with the people of india. we're going to have many millions and millions of peopler it's a long trip, but i get along very well with the prime minister, prime minister modi, he's a friend of mine. i committed to this trip a long are time ago, and i look forward to going. we're taking, as you know, the first lady's coming, some of you are coming. i hear it's going to be a big event. some people say the biggest event they've ever had in india, that's what the prime minister told me, this'll be the biggest event they've ever had. so it's going to be very exciting. i'm going to be there one night, and then i'm stopping in south carolina, we're doing big rally, and then i'll be doing cpac on saturday. so there's not a lot of time for rest, i will say that. [inaudible conversations] >> will bernie be the nominee? >> i think so, unless they keep him out of it, i think so. i think bernie is looking more and more like he'll be the nominee. unless they cheat him out of it. a lot of people thought he was going to be the nominee last
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time and that didn't work out. think they're watching it very closely. i would imagine so. [inaudible conversations] >> we're very much involved. we're very cog cognizant of everything going on. we have it very much under control in this country. >> [inaudible] >> well, it's, it's a big situation going on throughout the world, and i can say the united states we very much -- [inaudible] we'll see what happens. but we have the greatest doctors in the world. we have it very much under control. we accept that a few peel, a maul number of people -- small number of people, they're very well confined, and they should be getting very soon. very interestingly, we've had no deaths. i mean, you know, we've had a -- >> [inaudible] >> we had 12 at one point, and
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now they've gotten very much better. many of them are fully recovered. >> do you think president xi is doing something different? >> i've spoken to him, he's working very hard, i think he's doing a very good job. it's a big problem, but president xi loves his country and works very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem, okay? [inaudible conversations] >> i'll be appointing a ambassador to germ incentive. i will say -- to germany. i will say ambassador grinnell has done a fantastic job. this is just a temporary job. we have five people that we're looking at very seriously, expert people. and at a certain point in the not too distant future, we'll be announcing who they are. diane? >> [inaudible] >> well, the ambassador will be doing that. he did a great job.
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he's very familiar with the people, can and he will -- he has tone a fantastic job. he's going to continue to maintain that because he's got such a good dialogue. everybody said that was a deal that couldn't be done, and we got it done. it's a great thing for those two countries. [inaudible conversations] >> i'm not involved in it. i'm not involved. i don't have to but i stay uninvolved. i don't have to, i could be totally involved, as you know, but i slip stay uninvolved, and it's all working out very well. [inaudible conversations] >> afghanistan -- [inaudible] taliban at their word? >> look, the taliban's been fighting for decades. we've been over there 19 years, we're like a -- [inaudible] we we think they want to make a
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deal, we want to make a deal. i think it's going to work out, we'll see. we're right now in a period that's been holding up. you know, we have a certain period of nonviolence. it's been holding up, it's been a day and a half, so we'll see what happens. people want to make a deal, and i i think the taliban wants to make a deal too. they're tired of fighting. >> [inaudible] >> we haven't made, we haven't decided. i want to see how this period of a week works out. we could to that very quickly. >> [inaudible] >> yeahment. yeah. until we get worked out over the next less than a week, i would put my name on it. time to come home. is and they want to stop. you know, they've been fighting a long time. they're tough people, we're tough people, but after 19 years, that's a long time. >> [inaudible] >> we have to be very careful. national security, huawei, national security. we have to be very careful. thank you very much, everybody.
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pete: well, that was the president just moments ago. this is a live shot right here on air force one as it is preparing to depart joint base andrews op on its way to india. what you were just seeing was moments ago on the south lawn of the white house, the president addressing reporters. almost striding up and down the line hike he's conducting an orchestra, answering all the questions of the press before he jumps on that plane. he was asked if he thinks bernie will be the nominee, he said, yes, unless they cheat him out of it. he says no one has briefed him that russia is trying to help bernie. he said they're treating bernie very unfairly, took on topics, and when asked about the taliban, we'll see how that works out and he'd be willing to put his name on the actual document of the peace teal that says we've been here there long enough before he gets on air
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force one. jason: yeah. the president going to india, what will be one of the biggest rallies the world has ever seen for a political rally. it'll be interesting, because then the president will come back, go to south carolina, then as he mentioned going to cpac. i thought one of the most interesting comments was at the beginning when he talked about adam schiff and leaking information yet again out of the house intelligence committee, the frustration that now to not only what donald trump has lived with, but evidently bernie sanders is also having to to deal with. lisa: what i thought was interesting, in addition to the things you laid out, he also said he hasn't been briefed on any of this. he's the president of the united states which, you know, to me, it raises questions of why hasn't he been briefed? and also as bernie sanders pointed out, why is this now? president trump knows all too well when you have this weaponization of these russian meddling attacks and particularly when you have one party on the left and people like adam schiff weaponizing it as a political tool against him.
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jason: well, you had the national security adviser, robert o'brien, on the sunday shows who i believe is actually aboard that plane also mentioning that the intelligence as he has, it has been presented to the national security adviser, it goes to the national security adviser, then it goes to the president. there was no information that was specific to wanting to help donald trump. of course the russians want to manipulate and involve themselves on u.s. elections. they have for decades. they will continue it again. but to suggest they're playing favorites with one or the other, that's just not -- >> yeah. i think he and others are tired of the insinuation that russia's pulling all these strings behind the scenes. it always seems to be use by the establishment and d.c. to go at the outsider. now that outsider who's a candidate in 2016 is aboard air force one as we just saw the salute rendered to the commander or in chief as they are about to
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head down the runway. he has mastered the option and the ability to go before reporters who are no longer on camera, you can barely hear the audio of the questions, but then he controls what is answered and nor how long, setting the narrative of what we're talking about right here as he heads on air force one overseas to do america's business. lisa: and you look at russia too, i'm sure the frustration is you see the democrats trying to delegitimize his victory in 2016. he won full on on his own, people that felt left behind by the obama administration, so that's got to be frustrating as he looks ahead to 2020, and it seems like they're at it again. jason: they are. as we watch at joint air base andrews, if you recall, the india prime minister did an event in the united states, has a good, solid working relationship with president trump. that was a massive, massive rally here in the united states. and it sounds like the president, based on his comments
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there on the south lawn, made a commitment to go over and visit india, he's doing that now. it'll be a massive event. they've expecting millions of people to line the streets and watch as air force one lands in india, and the president is able to make the journey, visiting the taj mahal, making this big, massive speech in front of approximately 100,000 people. pete: jason, have you been on air force one? jason: i have not. pete: you have not? oh, i was assuming you would have some inside knowledge, i wonder what happens on the plane -- jason: i was in congress during the obama administration -- pete: ah, there it is. pete: you weren't invited. jason: i don't recall being invited on air force one. buts it is one of the most perform symbolic aircraft of the united states, huge logistical issue for the secret service and all the support structure that it takes to pull off an event of this magnitude. lisa: and importantly as well, expectations, conversations potentially around trade deals,
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sort of easing potential tensions. this comes on the heels of usmca which president trump signed into law, also phase one of china as well as getting these deals done which was something that he had promised when he ran for president that he would, you know, work -- pete: he's flying off to india on one of the largest stagings of the world with a huge rally with a foreign leader who also came to office as a populist with a huge groundswell of the sport of the people -- support. he's leaving behind the jet fumes of air force one, democrats scrambling to figure out the future of their pearkts running all across the country, lose dog a socialist with a billionaire looming willing to spend another billion to wreak havoc inside that party. you think about that split screen of international opportunities, the relationships being forged on the world stage vis a vis see the democrats running around south carolina and sometimes in super tuesday states, but do they have the money to even go any further? we don't know as bernie sanders
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appears to be the ascendant choice amongst democrats. jason: the president actually alluding to the potential of a trade deal with india. obviously, great trade deals with china, with japan, mexico, canada, working on the u.k. but i wouldn't be surprised -- usually when a president travels overseas, there is so much attention, there will be something that they will announce jointly. my guess is there will be improved trade recommendations there, potentially something to deal with how we do visas and what not between the two countries, that could be part of it. india is a great partner, a lot of indians who live here in the united states, indian-americans, great part of our community. i think very supportive of donald trump and his outreach and effort to forge the relationship between the two nations. lisa: and, pete, you mentioned sort of this contrast, right? president trump heading to india while the democratic party is in disarray. we've seen this contrast play out before, as you mentioned. we saw usmca signing during the midst of impeachment.
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we saw president trump signing phase one with china as nancy pelosi was signing articles of inpeachment. so we've -- impeachment. we've really seen this play out where you have the democratic party really trying to figure out what's their vision, who are the other parties as president trump carries occupant his duties -- occupant his duties of president of the united states. pete: we also heard him mention on the south lawn, i'll be back in south carolina, the south carolina debate is on tuesday as the president has done throughout this process, as he takes off, he has mirrored the democrats across the country, drawing much larger crowds than they are in the middle of their process. so the domestic politics continues as the president heads overseas on our behalf. jason: yeah. wheels up, headed to india. but then the president will be back in south carolina. pete: that's right. could there be a trade deal in the works? we will discuss that and more with maria bartiromo, there she
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♪ ♪ >> we're back with an exclusive fox news interview i with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> you read american newspapers, and the israeli medical field breaking, breaking, breaking things. it's a tiny little country, how do you explain that? >> it's a tiny country with gigantic talent, and i had to unleash this talent for enterprise, for innovation, you know, from the bonds, the surly bonds of socialism, you know? i got rid of. that i hoped up the -- opened up the economy. i just destroyed bureaucracy. pete: don't miss the full, exclusive interview tonight at eight eastern with mark levin, the amazing interview. jason: now to a fox news alert, president trump moments ago speaking to reporters before departing for india.
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>> well, i look forward to being with the people of india. we're going to have many millions and millions of people, it's a long trip. but i get along very well with the prime minister, prime minister moldy. he's a friend of -- prime minister modi, he's a friend of mine. lisa: could there be a trade deal in the works? pete: here to discuss, host of "sunday morning futures," mark ya red carpet bow -- maria bart bartiromo. what's going to be the deal? >> india has the highest tariffs of all on american goods, so no tout the president's going to want to get those down in india. so perhaps that's part of a trade deal. i think what he just said in terms of all the people that are going to be greeting him in india is is really important. don't underestimate the power of seeing those millions of people there outside rule are rooting for president trump and a partnership between modi and the president. and i think that also speaks to the fact9 that there are a lot of americans with p indian descent who will be voting.
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so there's that. peter navarro calls the tariffs out of india the ma that raja of all tariffs. there's not a lot in terms of trade, and i know that one of the issues is getting india under the fold in terms of security against china. so that would also be something that is a discussion point with prime minister modi. lisa: so you always have a ton of big guests for your show. who do you have on today? martha: we're going to have a lot of exclusive breaking news coming up, senator lindsey graham. he said this is the week, everybody. i know a lot of our viewers are like when is he going to call people down to testify. this is the week he's kicking off his investigation into the fisa abuse as well as the investigation into the origins of the probe on trump and the russians. then peter navarro talking about the coronavirus, doug collins, congressman collins broke news on my show on fox business on friday that he doesn't want the dni job. he's going to talk to us today,
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because he had a conversation with president trump. and then going into south carolina we're looking at the black vote. you talked about it earlier, i'm going to continue the conversation this morning with candace owens of the candace owens show, try to find out what is the support in the african-american community for president trump going to south carolina and the november elections. jason: all right. 10 a.m., mornings with maria. maria: see you top of the hour. pete: all right. up next, we're celebrating the new york toy fair on fox square, this year's new toys and a turn on the show. ♪ ♪ as someone with hearing loss i know what a confusing and frustrating experience getting hearing aids can be. that's why i founded lively. affordable, high-quality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. i use lively hearing aids and it's been wonderful. it's so light and so small but it's a fraction of the cost of the other devices.
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next weekend, shall be back from maternity leave. it's great fun everybody. >> bye, guys. ♪ 's. >> thank you for joining us. i am paris. straight ahead, a landslide at the nevada caucuses. bernie sanders, now onto south carolina. coming up, south carolina senator lindsey graham on the 2020 election and plans to follow through on promises he made right here on this program. plus breaking news, what he told the president this weekend after denying the president's consideration for the next director of national intelligence. candidates with that
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