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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  February 24, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PST

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is important but it can't be overstated that there are issues that continue to divide the united states. the issue of kashmir is a big one, particularly for modi. this has been a flash point since -- since 1947 when they drew the lines between pakistan and india. and it cut through the heart of a predominantly muslim region and made it hard for a hindu country. that's a point of contention with modi. he said if we are going to solve the kashmir problem we have to solve it on a bilateral basis
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between india and pakistan. the president will say i'm a good deal maker and i can bring you two together. and the pakistani prime minister does not like the fact that president trump is coming here to india but is not making a just it or talking to pakistan. even though he has been to the oval office. in 1999 before president clinton cape to india, i was invited to a state dinner. i sat at president clinton's table and we started talking about his upcoming trip to india. he said john what do you think? i'm going to india, shall i go to pakistan as well?
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and i said to him, mr. president, given the tensions that exist between the two countries, if i were your advisor i would suggest you have to go to both. you can't just go to india. you to go to pakistan as well. and when he went to india he changed to an unmarked g-3 and fine to islamabad and met with the prime minister. now we are hearing massive cheers coming from the crowd as some indian officials cop out through the back stage area. they know they are getting close to president trump coming out. i think it' an issue that will cop up at the -- at the bilateral meetings.
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>> there is a lot at stake here. i didn't see ivanka cop out. i have got my back to the crowd.
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so if you don't mind. i will continue around. that's national security advisor robert o'brien. the people traveling with the president are coming out now. which means president trump and. he modi are very close behind. it's interesting watching robert o'brien. he's out here wave together crowd, and the crowd cheering back. let's listen to the crowd for a second here. they are anticipating the president and prime minister are going to to come out very soon. we talk about china being the united states biggest trading partner and how we need to level the terms of trade. i want to see what's going on here. and this is the only way to do it. we recently did the
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mexico-canada free trade agreement. we have a big trade relationship with japan. right now the trading relationship between the united states and india is not what president trump wants it to be. it's still too favorable for the indian side. they have policies president trump would like to bring down. he believes in his heart of hearts, citing a different trade relationship. and benefits from both
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countries. that will be the sales pitch he makes after we get through. after he gets through, the pomp and circumstance, the ceremonial part of this trip. he's in bilateral and extended bilateral meetings. it's shock to be here in ahmedabad and listening to elton john. aishah: god love you for anding out there in that heat. when you get back -- john: now it's the village people. aishah: obviously it's hot out there. it's 80 degrees which is why you are seeing white he where. people are wearing wait has the to protect themselves from the sunlight. when you get back i'm going to send you a fruit basket and some
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simosas for all you are going through. john: the caps aren't just protection from the sun. here are the caps. aishah: yeah, it's an incredible sight. any moment now we are going to see the president come out along with. he modi of india. they will share the stage and north modi will speak first and first and the president will make remarks to 100,000 people, the world's largest cricket stadium. you can see the close-up shots
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of people. they are having a good time. it's almost 2:00 local time in ahmedabad, india, the state of gujarat. modi's home state. and basically him welcoming. he'sing ar -- he's having him an his home state of gujarat. it's incredible as we look forward to having the president cop out on the stage. from ahmedabad the first couple will go to agra to tour the taj mahal. then they will move to new delhi. then he will take place in a
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wreath laying ceremony for mahatma gandhi. then the president and the first lady will be honored at a state banquet. this is the first trip to india as president but it's his 8th meeting with prime minister modi. they have obviously created a close relationship. he will only be there a total of 36 hours. this is a jam-packed two-day visit and an important photo open. india is the world's largest democracy, and president trump is expected to get ait is gener
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view you have americans s gener president prime modi has cultivated, a pretty healthy relationship with the president, even as that tensions -- here we go watching -- prime minister modi take the stage here let's listen in live. >> [cheers and applause] >> the aim to deep-the ties, as we see first lady of united states of america, and both globe leaders to chairs by the spectators. .
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>> we request for national anthem. ♪ [plag -- playing national
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anthem]. [playing national anthem]. ♪ ♪ [cheering and applause]. [chee
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applause] dated and on to prime for his remarks. [in native language]. india here -- long live long
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live. >> india usa -- friendship. >> india u.s. friendship. spp india u.s. friendship. >> translator: today a new history is being created, at the stadium we are also seeing history being repeated. five months ago, i began my visit to america with the modi
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event in houston. and today my friends, president donald trump is beginning his historic trip to india and ahmedabad. you can imagine he has come directly here from america. as soon as he landed in india after such a long journey president trump and his family then to ahmedabad they've come here for this program.
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welcome to all of you to the world's biggest democracy. we are gathered here in good luck but the enthusiasm to welcome you is shared by all of india. this enthusiasm these loud cheers the says to resound with this whole atmosphere, from the airport to the stadium everywhere, colors and more colors the very colors of india's diversity and in the midst of all this, the president of president trump first lady melania trump ivanka and jared.
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the presence of president trump here with his family imparts a new sweetness and closeness of family ties to their relations between india and the united states dwib india-usa relation are no longer just another partnership. it is a far greater and closer relationship. the event is trump also has a very deep meaning. it is a word from one of the
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world's oldest languages it signifies that we bow not just to the individual, but also to the divinity within the person. my great full thanks to the people of gugarat and to people of other states living in gugarat for this event. mr. president, friends, not far from where we stand today the sanctity of 5,000 years ago, and also, where existed the xheem was almost as ancient, today iron the banks
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of the sabarmati river a breath story of india's independence you are in an india that is full of diverse, where hundreds of languages are spoken, a where there are hundreds of kinds of attire, several kinds of cuisine, several religions and communities. this rich diversity of ours unity and diversity and the vibrancy of unity is a very strong foundation for the relations between india and america one is the land of the free; the other believes that the whole world is but one
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family. one has pride in statue of liberty the other takes pride in the world's tallest statute statue of unity. >> there is so much that we share shared values and ideas, shared enterprise and innovation, shared opportunity and challenges, shared hopes and aspirations. i'm very happy the leadership -- between india and united states has further deepened and that is why this visit by
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president trump marks a huge upturn in relations a new era of focus and prosperity for the people of the united states and india, friends, president trump thinks big. and what we have done for realizing the american dream is well-known. today we warmly welcome the trump family first lady melania trump, your presence here is a great honor for us. . >> your effort for a happy
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america are using good results. what you're doing is praise worthy we often say "be best" the best is what this reception by people have surprised to be. you would have felt it to a ivanka you were here two years ago told me then you would like to visit india again. i am very happy that you are with us today. you are very welcome. [cheers and applause] >> jared, you are known to
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stay away from limelight, yes what you do is very effective and has a far-reaching impact. wh whenever we meet you often mention your india friends, i'm very happy to meet you again and to see you here amongst us. friend. today along with every indian and american the entire world is here to hear president trump speak at this event. after his address i will have the opportunity to say a few more words when i thank him.
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>> three billion indians-invite president trump to address us, then i present to you my friend, india's friend, the president of the united states of america, mr. donald trump. [cheers and applause] >> please give him a round of applau applause. [cheering and applause]. .
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>> hello to india, this is such a great honor. let me begin by expressing my profound gratitude to an exceptional leader great cham of india man works night and day for country a man i am proud to call my true friend prime minister modi first lady and i you will traveled 8,000 miles around the globe to deliver a message to every citizen across the nation america loves india, america respects india, and america will always be faithful and loyal friend to the indian people, five months ago the united states welcomed your
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great prime minister at a giant football stadium in texas, and day india welcomes us it is a the world's largest cricket stadium right here, in ahmedaba ahmedabad. it is a profound honor to be the beautiful new stadium to be here with you, motera stadium so beautiful joined by so many distinguished guests from all across your nation and all across the world. to the hundreds of thousand dollars of everyday citizens who come out and line the streets in is a stunning speculative of indian culture and kindness to 125,000 people in this great stadium today thank you for the spectacular welcome to your magnificent
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crown country you have done a great lon to american people melania my family we will always remember remarkable hospitality we will remember it forever. [cheering and applaus [cheers and applause] >> from this day on india will always hold a very special place in our hearts. [cheers and applause] >> the life of prime minister modi underscores limitless promise of this great nation he started out by his father's side as a -- when he was a young man he worked at a cafeteria in this city --
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[cheering and applause] -- everybody loves him but i will tell you this he is very tough. [cheering and applause] today prime minister modi is the tremendously successful leader of this vast indian republic. last year, more than 600 million people went to the polls and gave him a landslide victory like no other in the largest democratic election ever held anywhere on the face of the earth. [cheering and applause]. prime minister modi, you are not just the pride of gugarat you are living proof with hard work devotion indians can accomplish anything, anything at all, anything they want.
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the prime minister is a moving story of an incredible rise and so does this entire nation your nation is doing so well, we are very, very proud of india. [cheering and applause] the story of the indian nation is a tell a of astounding progress a miracle of democracy, extraordinary diversity above all a strong and noble people. indian gives hope to all of humanity in just 70 years, indian has become an economic giant the largest democracy every to exist and one of the most amazing nations anywhere in the world.
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[cheers and applause] >> since the turn of the century india's economy has grown more than six times in size, in a single decade india has lifted over 270 million people out of poverty. under prime minister modi for the first time in history, every village of india now has access to electricity. 320 million people more indians are right now connected to the internet. [cheering and applause] the pace of highway construction has more than doubled over 70 million more households think of this, 70 million more households have access to cooking fuel, 600 million more people have access to basic
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sanitation, and incredibly 12 indian citizens are lifted out of extreme poverty every single minute of every single day. [cheering and applause] india will soon be the home of the biggest middle class anywhere in the world, and within less than 10 years extreme poverty in your country is projected to completely disappear. [cheering and applause]. the potential for india is absolutely incredible. india's rise is a prosperous and independent nation is an example to every nation all over the world and one of the most outstanding achievements of century it is all the more inspiring because you have done it as a democratic country you have done it as a
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peaceful country you have done it as tolerant country, and you have done it as a great, free country. [cheering and applause]. there is all the difference in the world between a nation that seeks power through coercion intimidation and aggression, and a nation that rises by setting its the people free unleashing them to chase their dreams. and that is india. [cheering and applause]. this is why indyibd india posse comitatus over the last 70 years is completely unrivaled no matter where you go your face in strength of a free society your confidence in your own people your trust in your citizens and respect for the dignity of every person
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that makes the united states and india such a terrible, beautiful, enduring friendship. while our nations have many differences they are both defined and propelled by a fundamental truth the truth that all of us are blessed with divine life and every person is endowed with a sacred soul. as great religious creatureer swami once said -- [cheering and applause] -- the moment i stand in reference before ever human being, and see god in him, that moment i am free. [cheering and applause] in america, and in india we know that we are all born for a higher purpose, to reach toward our fullest potential
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to work toward excellence and perfection to give all glory to god. >> powered by this spirit indians and americans are also a striving to be greater our people are always seeking to be better and so our nations have become thriving centers of health care and commerce and civilization give life and vitally to all the world this is a country produces nearly 2000 movies a year from hub of genius and creativity known as "bollywood." [cheering and applause] all over the planet, people take great joy in scenes of music, dance, romance, drama classic
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indian films like btlj the country your people cheer on some of the world's greatest cricket players --. [cheering and applause] . >> the greatest in the world. this is the country, that built the tallest statue on the face of the earth to honor the namesake of this stadium the great indian patriot native. india country hundreds of millions light candles to celebrate good over evil. it is where days from now
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indians of all faith will pour out on to streets to celebrate the beautiful festival. india is a country that proudly embraces freedom liberty individual rights rule of law dignity of every human being your nation has always been adamateured around the earth as the place where millions upon millions of behind behind schuss, buddhists, worship side-by-side in harmony where you speak more than 100 languages come from more than two disease states, yet you have always stood strong as one great indian nation. [cheering and applause]. >> your unity is an inspiration to the world, about in america we have come
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to know the splendor of indian culture personally through the four million indian americans living in the united states, as our wonderful friends colleagues and neighbors, they are truly spectacular peek. are indian americans enrich every aspect of our national life they are titans of business the biggest the best by owners of science masters of the arts innovation of technology few people have seen anywhere you go anywhere in this unveers nooib one in four trace roots right here in a special place. so on behalf of the entire american people thank you and
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this you all for the contributions your cultures terraces have made to my beloved country. americans are eager to strengthen these beautiful ties between our two people. this is truly and exciting time in the united states. our economy is booming like never before. our people are prospering, spirits are soaring. there is tremendous love, tremendous like, we like and we love, everybody. unemployment has hit historic lows and small business confidence has hit an all-time record high in the history of our country. our military has been completely rebuilt it is now stronger than ever before, and we are quickly revitalizing
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alliances friendsships ail are on the world we have spent 2 1/2 trillion dollars rebuilding our military. it is the most powerful military you are in in t-- anywhere in the world by far that is why i have come here to india the spirit of fondness good bill to expand our cherished partnership of incredible power, and possibly the first lady and i have just had a pleasure of visiting mahatma gandhi's ashram a few miles from here, tomorrow in deli we will lay a wreath plant a tree, in honor of this leader, who is referred --
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revered all around the world the first lady and i look forward to visiting one of the country importants most iconic landmarks we are later today going to see the majestic taj mahal. [cheering and applause]. >> the prime minister and i will also continue our important discussions about how to deepen the relationship between our two great countries. both of us understand that when leaders put the interests of her own citizens first we can forge strong and fair partnerships to build a safer more prosperous world. just months ago this critical partnership took a major step forward when the u.s. military and your brave indian armed forces conducted the first ever air, land and sea military exercises between our two countries. it was something to behold. we called it tiger trial.
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. [applause] . >> as we continue to build our defense cooperation the united states looks forward to providing india with some of the best and most feared military equipment on the planet, we make the greatest weapons ever made. airplanes, missiles, rockets, ships, we make the best and we are dealing now with india. but this includes advanced air defense systems and armed and unarmed aerial vehicles. spp and i am pleechd -- to announced tomorrow will sign over 3 billion dollars in the absolute finest stated of the art military helicopters and other equipment to the indian arms forces. [cheers and applause] >> that i believe the united states should be india's premier defense partner and that is the way it is working
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out, together we will defend our sovereignty, security, and protect a free and open yi indo-pacific reasonabling for children and for many, many generations to come. united states and india firmly united in irowner liquidated revolve to did he have our citizens from the threat of islamic terrorism both countries have been hurt by pain and tour turmoil of terrorism under my administration we unleashed full appear of american military on thirsty killers iraq, syria today the territorial caliphate has been
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one hundred percent destroyed the monster known as al-baghdadi the founder and leader of isis is dead. [cheers and applause] >> in united states we have also made clear that while our country will always welcome new comeers who share our values, and love our people, our borders will always be closed to terrorists and terrorism and to any form of extremelyism that is why we have taken historic steps to improve screen vetting of applications for entry working to ensure that anyone who threatens the securities of our citizens, is denied admission will pay a very, very big costly price. [cheering and applause] every nation has the right to secure and control borders.
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the united states and india committed to working together to symptom terrorists and to fight their ideology. for this reason since taking office, my administration is working in a very positive way with pakistan, to crackdown on terrorist organizations and militants that operate on the pakistani border. our relationship with pakistan is a very good one. thanks to these efforts, we are beginning to see signs of big progress with pakistan and we are hopeful for tensions graekt stability in the future of harmony for all nations of south asia yundia has an important relationship to play shaping a better future as you take on greater responsibility
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for solving problems promoting peace throughout this incredible region over the course of economy visit prime minister modi and i will discuss efforts to expand economic ties between our two countries we will be making very, very major among the biggest ever made trade deals. [cheering and applause]. we are in early stages of discussion for an incredible trade agreement to reduce barriers of investment between the united states and india, and i am being optimistic that working together, think are prime minister and i can reach a fantastic detail good even great for both of our countries. except that he is a very tough negotiator. since my inauguration commerce between our two nations has
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increased by more than 40%. india is now a major market for american exports and the united states is india's largest export market. will [cheering and applause]. a booming america is a great things for india, and it is great for the world, and that is why we are so happy to announce that we have had the greatest economy ever in the history of the united states. in america we have proven that the best way to attracting jobs and opportunity is to reduce burdens on business, knock down barriers to new investment, and eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy red tape regulation and taxes. prime minister modi has already made significant reforms here in your country as you very well know. the world loose forward to
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even more rapid introovment under his leadership he want to do it doing it at record pace two years ago prime minister modi warmly welcomed my daughter ivanka to global entrepreneurship summit and she is back with us today ivanka, thank you. thank you for being here. [cheering and applause]. we are delighted to be joined as well by dozens of indian women interrupts who are helping to build your nation's future, they are great and natural interrupts and i ju-- national entrepreneurs i just say to the men be careful they are really good. >> united states india working closely together, on the future of space exploration. you are making impressive strides with your exciting
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lunar program. s . >> it is moving along rapidly far ahead of schedule america looks forward to expanding our space cooperation with india as you push even further you are pushing the limits and that is a great thing, including in the realm of human space flight. the united states and india will be friends and partners or our voyage into stars and space it is truly extraordinary what this nation was accomplished and under the leadership of prime minister moyed it is absolutely incredible. mr. prime minister congratulations you have come so far, but it is nothing compared to how far india will go into the future, and the
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prime minister is laying the foundations for a future like few other countries can even think of. this nation is blessed with many treasures from sacred banks to the golden temple, and the jama, the home to some most cherished cultural heritage anywhere on tether land every setting vistas astounding national wontdz from rugged paekdz of himalayas, india has been a wellspring of deep wisdom great i didn't understand all the way to more than india nation. but standing before all of you see thank you, i know that true strength of india is not found in textbooks its land
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marks or landscapes the true strength of india is found in 125,000 beating hearts in the stadium and the millions and millions of people who have scene witnessed our great friendship and aspirations day all found in the soul and the spirit of the indian people, your courage won and secured this nation's independence your devotion built this great enduring democracy and it is your dreams that will power this country to a future even greater progress prosperity equality and opportunity for every citizen across your land. so today i say, to every indian north and south hindu and muslim. >> ewish, christian rich and
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poor young and old take pride in glory of the past unite for even brierlt future let our two nations always stand together as power defenders of piece and liblt and hope of a better world for all of humanity, thank you again prime minister modi for your hospitality, and thank you india for this phenomenal welcome i want to just leave by saying god bless india god bless united states of america we love you, we love you india very much, thank you. thank you. [cheering and applause]. . >> you are watching modi-trump rally live from ahmedabad india you heard from prime minister modi and prime minister trump looks like prime minister modi coming back to say a few more things,
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listen in. >> thank you. thank you mr. president. [speaking in native language]. translator: the way you spoke about the abilities cultural the people of india kind words you used about me, president trump, has not only honored us but also indians living in the united states. mr. president, this place from where you addressed the
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indians today is the biggest stadium in the world. facilities still under construction. however, despite all that your presence here today will reach each and every person involved i would also like to express my deepest gratitude to the association for providing this spectacular venue. this may have affected the completion. but i am sure that they will make up for it. then the basis for a relationship between two individuals or two countries is trust. faith in each other.
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and india also said in other words, friendship is, trusted, unshakable. many in the last few years, it has grown and friendship between india and united states to reach new heights is truly historic. during my own visit to the i remember when i first met flume washington, he had said india has a true friend in the white house. president trump special love for india has always been evident.
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as you also mentioned, when the festival of light is celebrated in the white house, the 4 million indians who live in the united states feel a sense of pride in being travelers in america's journey of prosperity and progress. friends, like in the united states, there is unprecedented impatience for change in india. today, 1.3 billion indians are building a new india. our youth has many aspirations. setting ambitious goals and then achieving them is becoming the hallmark of new india today. today, there is not just the world's largest cricket stadium in india, it also has the largest health insurance scheme in the world.
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today, india is not just building the largest solar park of the world, it is also operating the largest sanitation program in the world. today, india has set the world record of not just the largest number of satellites launched in one goal, it has also set the world record in rapid financial inclusion and in the 21st century, whether it is infrastructure or the social sector, we are using global benchmarks to move forward. in the last three years, india has not just done away with 1,500 old laws, it has also passed many new ones to empower society, whether it is the rights of genders, respect for
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muslim women by legislating a case of instant divorce, giving priority to the differently abled, providing for 26 weeks of paid leave for pregnant women, indeed, there are many such rights that we have ensured for different sections of society. well, i'm very happy that in this context of many positive changes in india, the u.s. has become its trusted partner. today, it is the united states that is india's largest trading partner. today, it is with the united states that earned india is organizing the largest number of military exercises, today it is with the united states that india has the most extensive research and development
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partnership. today, whether it is defense, the energy sector, health, it, in every single field our relationship has been continuously growing. friends, during this decade of the 21st century, new india also brings with it many new opportunities for resurgent america. both our countries can gain a lot in every area of development. the growth of manufacturing in india, the expansion of its infrastructure will create new opportunities for the united states. in this age of industry 4.0, the expansion of india's digital economy will also create multiple opportunities for investment for the united
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states. mr. president, in the last few decades, digital technologies have played an important role in shaping the relations between india and the united states. indian talent and american technology have given a new leadership to this sector and i believe that in the 21st century india and the united states can together provide leadership to this digital age to industry 4.0. friends, in the 21st century new alignments, new competition, new challenges and new opportunities are laying the foundation for change at such a time the relations and cooperation between india and the united states will play a very important role in


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