tv FOX and Friends FOX News February 26, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PST
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my hand for the rest of the day. rob: there you go. hey, it was the last chance before south carolina and super tuesday. this was the big moment. jillian: thanks for joining us. thank you. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good day. ♪ ♪ >> vladimir putin thinks that donald trump should be president of the united states and that's why russia is helping you get elected. >> hey, mr. putin, if i'm president of the united states, trust me, you're not going to interfere in any more american elections. >> at least i didn't have a boss who said to me "kill it" the way that mayor bloomberg did. >> i never said that. >> 150 million people have been killed since 2007 when bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability. >> domestic abusers can't go out and get an kk 47.
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ak-47. >> i didn't write that bill. >cuba on education. i think really? really? >> if we cannot pull this party together? if we go to one of those extremes. we take a terrible risk of reelecting donald trump. >> you said medicare for all will cost $30 trillion. >> over 30 years. >> can you do the math for us? >> how many hours do you have? >> it adds up to four more years of donald trump, kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house and the inability to get the senate into democratic hands. >> do something for the people of america instead of a bunch of broken promises that sound good on bumper stickers. ♪ ♪ steve: welcome to the post game show as we watch three days before the south carolina primary. there was a big debate last night. the democrats needed a good one. they, instead, got a bad one. ainsley: it was a shouting match. seven democrats on stage.
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this was their last chance going into the south carolina primary to actually prove that they should be the front runner. and they talked over each other for two hours. steve: disaster. brian: i will tell you what the cover of the "new york post" says party bashers. pretty clear that's exactly what happened. i understand where they are coming from. a lot of them this is their last gasp. blown out in south carolina and smashed on super tuesday march 3rd. this is their last chance. i understand it. i understand too it's tough being a moderator in this situation but, having said that moderators had no control and candidates showed no self-control and the people who lost most were the viewers and voters. steve: absolutely. it was a terrible debate. a word to cbs, there is a thing called a volume control. if somebody is talking and they haven't been recognized, just turn off their microphone. let's go to the cover of the "new york post" again.
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brian pointed out the cover says party -- oh, i tell you what, they moved the camera. never mind. we will talk about that later. ainsley: meanwhile go to charleston because griff is live in charleston, south carolina this morning. griff: good morning. it was messy, it was chaotic. it got down right personal. it was clear from the start that every candidate wanted to take their best shot at bernie. here's a little bit of how it went down. watch. >> vladimir putin thinks that donald trump should be president of the united states. and that's why russia is helping you get elected. >> oh. >> i think i would make a better president than bernie. >> if you think the last four years has been chaotic, imagine spending the better part of 2020 with bernie sanders vs. donald trump? >> bernie sanders analysis is right. i don't like his solutions. >> bernie, in fact, hasn't passed much of anything. >> it matters if you can actually get things done. >> i'm hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight. [laughter]
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i wonder why. >> sanders spoke the most and he relished being the frontrunner perceived by all the candidates. although bloomberg returned and all eyes were on him to see if he could do better than that debacle in nevada. again, senator warren going after him over women. listen. >> at least i didn't have a boss who said to me "kill it" the way that mayor bloomberg is alleged to have said to one of his -- >> come on. we released these women from a nondisclosure agreement. i don't know what else she wants us to do. the trouble is with this senator enough is never enough. griff: other take away, guys, is biden had a strong passionate night but marked with a lot of gaffes like we played in the open mentioning 150 million americans which would be essentially a third the country killed by gun violence since 2007. obviously not accurate. and actually none of the candidates actually challenged him on that. biden predicted a win here.
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three days we will find out whether or not that comes true. brian, ainsley, steve. steve: that's right, steve. ainsley: he is not running for president, right? he is running for senate. steve: i heard that yesterday. so going in the dynamic was going to be would bernie sanders be unstoppable? and after that performance last night i don't think it changes that much. people thinking a clever michael bloomberg going to show up? the best appearance of michael bloomberg was his commercials in between. and as for joe biden, well, griff pointed out he did have some gaffes. it was his strongest debate out of the last 10 debates. so, as you look at the polls going into south carolina, i think biden still wins in south carolina but ultimately i don't think bernie can be stopped. ainsley: but you know what? last night if you watched the debate it was more about being heard? they all wanted to talk over each other. they wanted to have that big moment when they had some soundbite that everybody was going to play in the
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morning. steve: like the last debate. ainsley: what i wanted to learn was about the issues. i want to know, bernie, how do you plan on paying for medicare for all and they questioned him about that. steve: do you have a couple hours? ainsley: they said no, two minutes. buttigieg says number keeps getting lower and lower change the number constantly. amy klobuchar said something really interesting. she said this is going to cost three times our economy. not the federal government. the entire economy. how are you going to pay for this? brian: klobuchar was the one kept knocking him down on that. and also he takes his free time to praise nicaragua's government and cuba's government. but let's look at what the trump team thought of the actual debate itself. they obviously are feeling pretty good about it. they tweeted this out. the democratic party is a hot mess. and tonight's debate is further evidence that not one of these candidates is serious or could even stand
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to toe with the president of the united states. i don't know how bloomberg did it but he seemed to have a lot of south carolina support in that audience. the dnc said well we handed out tickets evenly. but i will tell you, bernie sanders was thrown by the fact he goes really you? guys usually cheer this. why is everyone supporting what michael bloomberg said in the other thing to keep in mind i never remember a frontrunner where people on the stage don't say i disagree with you. they tell you you can't win. from pete buttigieg to amy klobuchar to joe biden. they are looking at bernie sanders and say you know if we nominate this guy. you realize if he does win, we all lose? ainsley: they talked about the black vote and bloomberg said i have a lot of black support. many of them are here in this audience. steve: what was interesting though interesting dynamic with bernie sanders was the fact that when he was asked to your point, ainsley, about how much is this going to cost he said do you have a couple hours for me to explain it. people who are going to vote for bernie sanders don't care about the cost. they don't care because they have been told that
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millionaires and billionaires are going to pay for it. nonetheless, it was super chaotic and you look at some of the headlines politico says dems yell, scold and interrupt intense south carolina debate. "new york post" democratic debate turns into school yard screaming match. "new york times" combative mood at messy forum in south carolina. to prove it was messy watch this little montage we have snipped together. >> bernie i was talking about. [talking at the same time] >> goal post before. >> i would like, senator sanders. >> if you get nominated we will be re-litigating this all year. >> not do what i ask. >> first of all. >> let me go. >> we would ask respectfully if you would all please try to keep to the time. >> good idea. >> you got people believing something that is false. >> billionaires. >> new topic. >> new topic. senator klobuchar. if you could honor the rules of the debate, thank you. >> senator sanders allowed a
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quick response. [talking at the same time? >> [. >> moderator, guys. >> senator sanders. >> it's my turn? brian: total chaos. steve: free for all. brian: tough spot as a moderator you might be looking at the next president of the united states. you can't treat them like school kids looking to get in line. steve: they were breaking the rules. brian: i 100 percent agree with you. etiquette wise i know it's all about time but you are ignoring me and disrespecting the audience that you are trying to win over. one point about bernie sanders i was staggered to see even though his popularity was strong in iowa, strong in new hampshire and overwhelming in nevada, he is not growing the base. the turnout is not greater for bernie sanders. what he is doing is holding on to his base and with all these. steve: which is strong. brian: that seems to be enough. if you look at joe biden, it was good for joe biden but
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he doesn't put together three coherent sentences. i know it's better than usual but there is a real concern here that is making no sense over the course two of hours over the last 10 times. ainsley: i like the fact he would say look i'm not going to stop talking. i still have time. all of you have talked you need to give me my time. he looked strong in a that moment. you can't blame the moderators they knew in in this was the debate that we were all going to watch because they were all going to talk over each other because they are dying to get that nomination. steve: absolutely. at the end. but ultimately the moderators are doing a tv show and we talk over each other it's live tv i get it. with a free for all you want the people at home to understand what's going on. as we saw in the montage it was completely unfocused. somebody would be talking about something. somebody else would interrupt them and then suddenly the debate became about whatever that person wanted to talk about. it was a disaster. cbs now stands for chaos on the big stage because it was
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terrible. ainsley: it's hard. seven people on stage vying for top position. four moderators. you know when we interview a big crowd of people it's hard when you have two-minute segment or three-minute segment to get everyone in. they this two hours to get everyone who wants to be the democratic nominee to be heard. they are all yelling over each other. i don't blame the moderators. i think. steve: they lost control. brian: what's crazy is we are talking about socialism as a main focal point for the last two months. and now lately over the last two weeks we have been talking about cuba and the magic of fidel castro who brought back the firing squad. but, instead, and got rid of cars and brought back oxen. ainsley: you work so hard for your business and you say i'm taking it from you and you are going to be poor now murdered people. >> took away healthcare. doctors so good sold them off to brazil sold them to brazil to bring back more
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money for the communist government. bernie sanders keeps doubling and tripling down listen to the big cuba debate. >> what i said is what barack obama said in terms of cuba. that cuba made progress on education. yes, i. [boo] >> really? really? what barack obama said great progress on education. >> what you were doing is -- >> healthcare. that was barack obama. >> excuse me. >> you did not condemn what they did. >> uncategorically true. >> what did you tell them. >> i have condemned authoritarianism whether it's people in the saudi arabia. >> how about cuba and nicaragua. >> cuba or nicaragua totalitarianism of any stripe is bad. that's different than saying governments occasionally do things that are good. >> oh, come on. steve: he said repeatedly
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that's what barack obama said. so we will show you what barack obama said in march of 2016. >> president castro in cuba. i said, look, have you made great progress in educating young people. every child in cuba gets a basic education. that's a huge improvement from where it was. the life expeak assistance of cubans is equivalent to the united states despite it being a very poor country because they have access to healthcare. that's a huge achievement. they should be congratulated. but you drive around havana and this economy is not working. it looks like it did in the 1950s. brian: right. that's what he wants to emphasize. bernie did leave that part out at the end. it's also important too when you educate a population you brain wash them to believe that fidel castro will solve all problems and go. is the answer to all issues
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and turn in your parents should they ever say anything like let's lace together a raft, honey and try to float to freedom. it's just so insane that we are talking about elements of cuba's economy and their mormoreys in order to put them into america. that's what was on that stage last night. it was in many ways embarrassing and embarrassing for democrats. when you see people like rahm emanuel and james carville they are panicked the guy in the middle in the precipice of winning believes nothing american about america. ainsley: establishment democrats. cuba comments going to hurt him in florida, definitely. so many people had to lee cuba had their businesses taken away from them. relatives murdered by castro. and they will take offense to this. that's going to hurt him in florida. i think what's going to hurt him around the other parts of the country actually help him is his promises like the kid in second grade that stands up there and he wants
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to be by the president. free candy, more drink machines. you know that's not going to happen but second graders don't know this. all these millennials hearing free education, free medicare for all. healthcare for all and the billionaires are going to pay for it. rich people are going to pay for it. they hear that message and go to the polls and vote. if you ask them how you are going to fund. this he doesn't have an answer for this. the answer is always different. steve: speaking ainsley about rich people. the richest person on the stage is michael bloomberg who is screen left. one other soundbite for you. don't know if you caught this or not, but when he was talking about how he personally spent $100 million to elect house democrats in 2018, he seemed to say that he personally bought something. what's he talking about? listen to this. >> let's just go on the record. they talk about 40 democrats. 21 of those were people that i spent $100 million to help
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elect. all of the new democrats that came in, put nancy pelosi in charge and gave the congress the ability to control this president i got them. brian: mike bloomberg trying to buy an election did they complain then in 2018. only complaining he is competing against them. he was a democrat. first a republican. then an independent. then a democrat. he got a total pass on that. question of why in 2016 you supported all those republican candidates. and the answer for a democrat would be how are we supposed to know what party you are going to be by the end of your term if you are going to flip flop like you did. other thing no one has asked him about is this disdain for farmers and mocking what they did. he has a total pass on that. including about 90 different things that he said over the past few years. not so much the way he ran his company but the things he has done behind the scenes and is on the record of saying. and, also, he got a pass on china. what are the rules that kept
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bloomberg in china? did he give up free speech and access in order to access the chinese market? they just glossed over that. steve: maybe he got a bunch of passes because all eye were on bernie because bernie was the frontrunner and everybody wanted to derail them because the party elders feel he can't beat donald trump. and meanwhile, you know, bernie sanders may praise fidel castro, but he is blasting the leader of israel. >> through b.b. netanyahu, you have a reactionary racist who is now running that country. steve: a reactionary racist? tony katz calls that disgusting and he is coming up next. brian: why is that okay? president trump back in america. air force one just landing at joint base andrews. that happened moments ago. it's actually happening right now. so, we will bring you that and that's live. there is a chance we will stay with this right now. ainsley: look how beautiful that plane is they are going to change the colors red, white, and blue i believe.
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brian: i thought it should be done already. someone go to earl shibe they can spray it there. steve: do they do airplanes now. ainsley: welcome back, mr. president. we'll be right back. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase. i need all the breaks, that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hi with the world'se first invisible trailer. invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views -
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steve: welcome back to "fox & friends." bernie sanders last night blasted the leader of the biggest democracy in the middle east in one of america's strongest allies calling him a racist. >> i am very proud of being jewish. i actually lived in israel for some months. but what i happen to believe is that right now sadly tragically in israel, through b.b. netanyahu, you have a reactionary racist
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who is now running that country. steve: wow, that comes as the democratic socialist praises the work of communist fidel castro. here with reaction is radio talk show host tony katz joining us from out in indiana. tony, what do you make of that b.b. netanyahu is a reactionary racist. >> yeah. we should be clear about what it is that we saw here and bernie sanders needs to understand that when you take the endorsement of ilhan omar, when you take the endorsement of ocasio-cortez who likes to buddy up of corbin a virulent anti-semitic. czar in rashida tlaib's office who placed over israel wiping it off the map. you don't get to talk about the problems of b.b. netanyahu. benjamin netanyahu has done more for america and humanity than bernie sanders has ever done. b.b. netanyahu is a better man than bernie sanders. and anybody who doesn't understand whether they be christian or jewish or what have you is what we out of
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their mind. this was embarrassing and pathetic from bernie sanders. he needs to take a strong look in the mirror and maybe a sit down with a an israelite who isn't just like him. steve: while you were just soundbiting right there the president and melania just got into suburban one for the trip to the south lawn of the white house just moments ago. the president are a tha presideg three-point india. here is a soundbite. bernie vs. the others on his medicare for all. watch. >> what we need to do is to do what every other major country on earth does, guarantee healthcare to all people. >> let's do some math. it adds up to four more years of donald trump. >> it will take 149 million americans off their current health insurance in four years. >> this conversation shows a huge risk for the democratic
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party. steve: tony, it is a huge risk. when you do the math, as we have heard one of the moderators last night said your math doesn't quite add up. can you explain that? and he said do you have a couple of hours because the math does not add up to a lot of people. >> yeah. he said do you have a couple hours. and joe biden, on cue said that's the problem, which was really impressive that joe biden was so incredibly, for the most part lucid in this debate. bernie sanders' plan is not popular. it's popular amongst the bernie bros. it's not popular amongst the american populist. now that he has showed you how full of holes it is. the entire plan on his website is full of what ifs. if i can put the fax on these people and this people those people are your grandma when you break it down in terms of stock transactions and retirement fund transactions. if he can put all these taxes on, maybe he gets something done. but he can't get it done.
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he doesn't have anything that's realistic. you take a look at donald trump who just got back from india. take a look at them in that stadium 110,000 people cheering him and prime minister modi on. do you think they are ever going to cheer bernie sanders on with these kinds of plans, attitudes and policies. all the other candidates are right that beernd's plans don't add up but their plans don't add up either. not a one of them is able to really truly differentiate themselves. the person who got closest is amy klobuchar last night who seems to be the only person who realizes she is talking to voters. everybody else is talking to each other, yelling at each other, yelling at the moderators, yelling at the guy in the rafters. amy klobuchar is actually talking to people. i might disagree with her on policy but at least she knows who her audience is. steve: there you go. talking to our audience tony katz from out in indiana thank you for joining us with your post game analysis. thank you, sir. >> thank you, steve. steve: residents feeling the blues in the golden state. >> california is for the very rich and the very poor. you can't live here in
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california anymore as a middle class citizen. steve: tomi lahren lives in california and weighs in on residents fleeing her state. she is on deck. ♪ hate me ♪ but it ain't no lie ♪ baby bye-bye bye ♪ trucks there vehicles parked for blocks both directions. you have protesters with their homemade signs. >> the ranks of protesters swelled, turning the situation along the road block into a powder keg. >> just hundreds of people filed, in skin heads from all over. [bleep] >> race traitors. >> government. >> disgrace to the race. >> you are a disgrace to the white race. >> it was just a very tense atmosphere. a lot going on and a lot of unknowns. very difficult to cover journalistically. >> a very dramatic scene
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that grew day by day with attention. >> randy weaver's wife teenage children and newborn baby in the cabin. federal agents now must worry how these local residents will react if there is violence on the mountain. (howling wind) (howling wind) it's not getting in my way.? i had enough! joint pain, swelling, tenderness... ...much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are feeling real relief with cosentyx. cosentyx is a different kind of targeted biologic. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic
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arthritis to help you look and feel better. it even helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability... fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen... ...or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i just look and feel better. i got real relief with cosentyx. watch me! feel real relief. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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37-year-old corporal andrew gillette was shot in the chest. >> everyone here at the sheriff's office loved gillette, he always had a smile on his face and he loved what he did. jillian: the suspect also shot dead. gillette's fellow officers saluted their fellow comrade and air force veteran. gillette leaves behind a wife and 11-year-old son. 7 officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty this year. an american cruise passenger who tested positive for kron virus is moved to nebraska. they join their spouse and 13 other people and brought to omaha more monitoring last week. the patient was originally quarantined at california air force base and the first american soldier is infected with coronavirus. they are being self-quarantined in south korea. the outbreak causing san francisco to declare a state of emergency. there are no cases in the city but they need to be prepared as the number of worldwide cases grows to more than 80,000 with 57 in the u.s. and take a look at this.
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an explosion sparks a massive fire at an oil refinery overnight. the flames and smoke climbing 100 feet into the air just south of los angeles. explosions from the fire causing nearby homes to shake. the fire is now under control. it's not clear what caused the explosion but no one was hurt. that's a look at your headlines. send it back to you. brian. brian: thanks, jillian, i owe you a favor. meanwhile sparks fly in south carolina as 2020 democrats make their case to be the next president. >> that cuba made progress on education. >> he literally thinks he is go over and bring a hot dish to the dictator next door and he thinks everything is going to be fine. >> that's why russia is helping you get elected. >> imagine spending the better part of 2020 with bernie sanders vs. donald trump. >> one at a time. >> here's the deal. >> i'm not out of time you spoke overtime and i'm going to talk. here's the deal. [cheers] >> why am i stopping? no one else stops. brian: out of stuff to say.
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ainsley: what does all this say about the state of the current field. here to react is fox nation host tomi lahren. what did you think. >> i will tell you what it says about the state of the democratic party it's pathetic. it's sad. i actually tweeted last night that debate stage reminded me of was a nursing home cafeteria that ran out of jell-o. everyone was very upset and angry and old and pushing a lot of strange ideas. yet again, that is the bed the democrats made for themselves and now they have to lie in it. steve: the problem for the democratic party though, tomi, is the fact that they have a democratic socialist who currently is on the verge of becoming the nominee. and so everybody else there saw that great big target on bernie sanders' back and did the best they could but, you know, i don't know that bernie sanders supporters really care about that. they still like the free stuff. >> well, of course they do. but, at the end of the day, now all these so-called moderates are going after bernie and the establishment is upset. they did this to themselves. they have been pushing
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radical ideas. they have been having people at the helm like alexandria ocasio-cortez, ilhan omar, rashida tlaib and the rest of them that have been radical for months on end and now they end up with bernie sanders as their frontrunner and now all of a sudden they are confused and think they have to do something about it. they did this to themselves. they should have been paying attention and shouldn't be pushing radical notions because this is what they are left with. brian: i was hearing about governor newsom even addressing for the first time that california is in a bit of a crisis not only homeless big problem they have people are leaving one of the most great states in our country. why are they leaving and what did you discover? >> well, brian, how long do you have? i could. steve: two hours. >> a book of reasons why people are leaving california. it's funny though that although people are fleeing the state of california the voter rolls are incredible bolstered this year. funny how that works out. one of the reasons people leaving california
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unfordable for average americans taxes and regulations out the wazoo and the democrats never met a tax and regulation they didn't like. and, yes, gavin newsom is finally a addressing the fact we have a homeless crisis and other crises to deal with. his solution is throwing money at the problem. if throwing money at the problem worked, we wouldn't have this problem. the problem is the democrats we keep electing to lead this state. there is an idea. ainsley: prager u has docu series or documentaries and they featured you in one about california. take a look. >> california is for the very rich and the very poor. everything is more expensive. you can't live here in california anymore in the middle class system. >> many realizing it's becoming unaffordable and that's heart breaking. >> californians when they move to texas, they are shocked their standard of living goes up 40% to 50% overnight. steve: you know, it simply is not the state so many people regard as the golden west. will be in. >> no.
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absolutely not. and if you talk to californians, which i do every single day because i still live here, they will tell you that most of the people you talk to, the reasonable, average people out there, they didn't vote for these policies and they didn't vote for these people. they are ended up how we ended up with this. they are wondering how everything that goes through sacramento seems like a horrible idea. we are wondering how we got here. well, if you want to change the state and return it to its former greatness, you're going to have to change who you voted for. that's the education process that needs to begin and maybe it has to get so bad before the pendulum swings. ainsley: how is it affecting the housing market so many people leaving and not as many people moving in. are people trying to sell houses and they can't do it. >> well, the housing market, our housing surprises are still incredibly high. for mows though can't afford housing prices there are homeless camps in tent city to pick from. hotel california is doing strong even though the housing market is so high. housing is still unaffordable but plenty of tents for people to choose from. brian: tomi lahren your series on fox nation no interruption is still
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available. go to fox nation and sign up if you have not. and i believe if you sign up you get martha mccallum's book. that will be signed and sent. steve: if you get a yearly subscription. ainsley: that's right. thanks, tomi. >> thank you, guys. steve: meanwhile 6:38 here in new york city. the video is terrifying. a fire breaks out inside a home while a child sleeps on a couch. watch screen left. ainsley: gosh. [coughing] [smoke detector] okay. so there is a child in there. were they able to escape? yes. how? we will tell you next. ainsley: plus, what are voters saying about last night's debate? todd piro is having breakfast with friends in my hometown of south carolina. we're going to talk to them coming up. is that my dad? ♪ ♪ ♪ my patients
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♪ here i am ♪ rocking like a hurricane ♪ brian: scorpions from germany. ainsley: what are you calling them scorpions? brian: no the name of the group. steve: as we look at the candidates who would like to be the next president of the united states. i have got to say ainsley is so a little jealous of todd
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piro right now. ainsley: i am. todd, you are at the lizard spigot there are a lot of these restaurants owned by the williams family. a great catholic family in our hometown. they own a bunch of these restaurants and you are at one location with all my friends, right? todd: ainsley, there is so much love for you here. ainsley: thank you. todd: love for the democratic debate not so much. let's begin with presley retired navy chaplain. thank you for your service. >> thank you. todd: you called last night an snl skit why. >> comical all those candidates raising their hand they looked like school children, todd they really did. todd: you already voted who did you vote for. >> i'm a republican a trump support ir. we have an separation chaos going on all over the state encouraging republicans to go vote for bernie because we believe bernie is the best-worst candidate in contrasting his socialism against president trump and his capitalism. todd: thank you.
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retired military police general schwarzkopf that's awesome. what did you think of last night's debate. >> too many personal attacks on each other. they are eating each other. todd: at the end of the day though, you think biden will win the primary on saturday. why? >> because of black vote. african-american vote. todd: okay. going to be interesting to see how that plays out. everyone is looking at that thank you, sir. everevidence leteverette you called the debate terrible. >> not much content just everybody attacking each other. if they're not careful bernie is going to be the guy. they need to start going after him. todd: you told me you think bernie wins on saturday. why? >> is he going to ride the momentum into south carolina and take it. i don't see any reason why he wouldn't. todd: finally mike, you say the debate strategy of attacking the economy was a horrible strategy. why. >> i know it is here in south carolina. we have the lowest unemployment we have ever had. our governor henry mcmaster is doing a fabulous job. everyone has a job that wants a job. our gas prices are lower.
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people have a lot of money to spend in business. i have been in business for 45 years. it's the best year we have ever had. todd: and like everette you think that bernie is going to winnen saturday. with that there is a table of gentlemen over here. one of them says they are related to ainsley. we will interview people and find out which one it is coming up on "fox & friends." ainsley: they are actually all related to me. those are like my real dad and then all of my dad's best friends who are like my other dads. todd: we will see, ainsley. brian: do what's my line thing. line up four men around your dad's age and ask them a series of questions about ainsley. ainsley: or about you. steve: all eyes on south carolina because of the big primary this weekend. meantime all eyes on the news. jillian: i can't wait to hear from them good morning, guys. hillary clinton opens up about campaign donations she received from now convicted rapist harvey weinstein. listen to this. >> he contributed to every democrat's campaign.
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he contributed to barack obama's campaign and john kerry's campaign and al gore's campaign and everybody's campaign. jillian: even mike bloomberg had help from harvey when he ran for mayor for new york city. according to a report by the new york sun in 2005 weinstein recorded a robo call for bloomberg saying quote new york city is a great place to make movies and we have a great leader in mike bloomberg. weinstein rushed to the hospital following guilty conviction for heart pain and heart heart palpitation. is he great spirits. house fire breaks out in a house with a sleeping child. stop what you are doing and watch this. [smoking] [. [smoke detecter alarm] jillian: can you see how close the child is to that father as it broke out. surveillance video shows the child get up from the couch as the fire spreads from the
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porch to inside the home in missouri. a smoke alarm woke the family up. they all got out safe. a porch pirate gets unwanted surprise. watch as the doorbell camera catches the woman taking a large envelope from a home in canada. turns out the thief walked into a sting operation. as she walks away, cops surround her on the sidewalk and tell her to drop the package. she is facing several charges. >> did they have a problem with that house? how did they know? brian: sounds like. of course it doesn't happen in the u.s., only canada. we do not do that here. steve: jillian, thank you very much. brian: that's where janice dean was raised in another country. janice, how do you feel about your home nation? janice: somebody robbed somebody? brian: porch pirate got caught. janice: very rare in canada. what's your names. >> melissa. >> and faith. >> where are from you. >> kenny bunk maine. >> do you want to say hi to anyone. >> and boston. we want to say hi to our family. janice: love it. thank you for waking one
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"fox & friends." i want to show you winter storm heading across the great lakes, portions of the interior northeast as well as the ohio valley. several inches of snow are going to fall here along the coast though. it's going to be a rain event. we could actually see some thunderstorms along the mid-atlantic and northeast it's quite blustery here in new york city where i'm pretending that i'm in a beyonce video. [laughter] i love to do that when there is a bit of a breeze. steve: there you go. [laughter] steve: she is channeling her days as a runway model. brian: she loved those days with a hair band in the '80s. 11 minutes before the top of the hour unless my time is all wrong. democrats taking on race in america at last night's debate. >> i know that if i were black, my success would have been a lot harder to achieve. >> there are seven white people on this stage talking about racial justice. brian: did they address the key issues affecting black voters i ask? we will discuss this next.
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apologizing for. >> we let it get out of control. >> when there is racism in the criminal justice system, then we need to fix it. >> there are seven white people on this stage talking about racial justice. ainsley: 2020 democrats tackling the issue of race in america. did it resonate with the voters? here to react former social justice director for bernie sanders 2016 campaign tezlyn figaro and christopher harris. good morning. >> good morning. >> hello. ainsley: tezlyn, start with you. what did you think. >> my focus on the sanders' campaign was social justifiable. one of the things not just with this debate but with democrats period seem to always forget black folks are not just interested in making $15 an hour. although that's important. that's the floor not the ceiling. senator sanders talked about how it's important for black businesses to be able to open up weed shops. he should understand that's not everyone's goal. i actually own a staffing firm with 300 employees. more important to me to put people to work. not all black people are focused on buying weed,
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selling weed and distributing weed. that was a bad shot. greenwood initiative he is committed to 100,000 black businesses. black businesses being started. so i think there was a misshot. we also care about education as well. i have a 12-year-old daughter. social justice is not my only issue. i have taught in the public schools. these are things that democrats time and time again fail to talk about and always generalize us with minimum wage and criminal justice. again, although that's one of my most important issues it's important to address us as a complete body of voting block that cares about more than one thing and i think that was missed last night. ainsley: christopher, how about you? >> i have to agree. they fail to address one of the bigger things is economic mobility. you know, i really saw so much pandering going on last night. i really was waiting for somebody to talk about how much they lo the new chicken sandwich from popeye's. i figure elizabeth warren might pull out a bottle of hot sauce. all those things that were
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so stereotypical caricatures what they think black people are all about. they don't talk about economic mobility. when parents have good jobs and then they have choice, they want to put their kids in better quality schools. and, you know, what you have is that if you were to take the black characteristics, the best qualities of every one of those candidates up there and make a composite candidate you still have someone who could get spanked by president trump. ainsley: see what happens on saturday and next tuesday. good to see you tezlyn and christopher. good to see you all. >> thank you. ainsley: still ahead senator rick scott, senator josh hawley, charles payne and larry elder. stay with us. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked...
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or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. ♪ ♪ >> imagine spending the better part of 2020 with bernie sanders vs. donald trump. >> we will elect bernie. bernie will lose to donald trump. >> i'm hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight. [laughter] i wonder why? >> they are running away from your platform as fast as they possibly can. >> whoa, whoa. i guess the only way to do this is jump in and speak twice as long as you should. >> i'm surprised they show up because i would have thought after i did such a good job at beating them last week that they would be a little bit afraid to do that. >> the core of the democratic party will never trust him. >> i'm not out of time. he spoke over time and i'm going to talk. here's the deal. [cheers]
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>> donald trump thinks he is incompetent as a steward of the american economy. >> the biggest misconception is that i'm boring because i'm not. >> misconception is that i'm 6 feet tall. >> i have more hair than i think i do. [laughter] ♪ brian: when the question came out to all the candidates misperception. i think i have more hair than i think i have. it kept me up all night. ainsley: i think he said i think i have more hair than i actually do. brian: i'm not sure how to deal with that. steve: those were some of the few moments of clarity where you could actually understand what people were talking about. it was chaotic. brian: that was clear? steve: bernie sanders was the frontrunner for the democratic party going in and so it would be interesting to see how everybody attacked him. they did. michael bloomberg it was like is a clever michael
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bloomberg going to show up this debate unlike the one who stunk up the place last time? he was a little better. joe biden, i have to say the frontrunner in the polls going into south carolina. i think it was his best debate. i still predict he will probably squeak out a win in south carolina. ainsley: i agree with you. he said why am i going to stop? nobody else stops. i'm going to eat up all my time. i'm not going to stop. he said i have been here working like a devil in south carolina trying to get the black vote. brian: right. every sentence is a word jumble. i have to put it re-together. i have no idea what he is talking about almost all the time. and even last night he was yelling at me for two hours again. griff jenkins never yells at me. that's why i'm going to toss to him now. is he live in charleston, south carolina this morning with the biggest moments that he thinks were important. hopefully we will agree. griff: yeah, we will. brian, ainsley and steve. good morning. you know, you talk about clarity. listen, there was messy, yelling, combative, cross talk. but what was clear is that
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all those candidates felt an urgency, if not desperation to take down and slow bernie sanders. they all piled on and took their best shot. watch this. >> vladimir putin thinks that donald trump should be president of the united states. and that's why russia is helping you get elected. >> oh. >> i think i would make a better president than bernie. >> if you think the last four years has been chaotic, imagine spending the better part of 2020 with bernie sanders vs. donald trump. >> bernie sanders' analysis is right. i don't like his solutions. >> bernie, in fact, hasn't passed much of anything. >> it matters if you can actually get things done. >> i am hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight. [laughter] >> i wonder why. griff: sanders had the most speaking time answered defended his positions as well as his castro comments but joe biden showed up and you are right, steve. he was at his most passionate. he had some gaffes. but he really laid down, despite his narrowing lead in the polls, he laid down
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the marker that he is going to win here. watch this. >> the people know me. my entire career has been wrapped up in dealing with civil rights and civil liberties. i intend to win south carolina and i will win the african-american vote here in south carolina. >> if you don't win south carolina, will you continue -- >> i will win south carolina. griff: bloomberg tried to build on his disastrous performance back in nevada. elizabeth warren, though, going after him again on women. warren clearly trying a line of attack to separate herself from the pack. she is pulling fifth here in the latest nbc poll. i think she is looking ahead to super tuesday in massachusetts where she hopes to do well. she picked up the "boston globe" endorsement this morning. brian, ainsley, steve? brian: i guess, griff, we might find out too 9:30 today if congressman clyburn will endorse joe biden which has been rumored and that could help this state, we
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will see. thanks, griff. get off the street. ainsley: that will definitely make a big difference. he is loved there. he is one of the top leaders in washington representing south carolina. the black voters, if he says vote for this person, it will definitely be something that they will think about at the polls. steve: joe biden who was emphatic, you know, i'm going to win. i'm not going to drop out because i'm going to win south carolina, he really needs that meanwhile, you know, this morning we are talking about the winners and the losers. don't know your perception of who won, but you know who really lost? cbs. the moderators, if you watched that debate, it was unfocused and a free-for-all. it was a mess. watch this. >> bernie i was talking about. [talking at the same time] >> goal post keep moving. >> program. >> i would like, senator sanders. >> we will rebe re-litigating this all year. >> do what i ask. >> first of all. >> let me go. >> we will ask respectfully if you will all try to keep to the line. >> good idea. >> once and for all.
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>> got people. [billionaires. >> new topic. new topic. senator klobuchar. if you could honor the rules of the debate, thank you. senator sanders a quick response and. >> moderator, guys. >> senator sanders? >> moderator -- it's my turn? steve: that is not how do you a television show. people talk one at a time. we're going to have a dramatic interpretation of us doing that show last night as we introduce our next guest. so; let's go rains ains let's bring in senator tim scott. steve: of south carolina. tim scott, good morning to you. ainsley: south carolina and washington. brian: recognize please recognize me. excuse me. i had my hand up. [bell] brian: my name was mentioned. okay. ainsley: let's talk about everything that doesn't matter. steve: good morning to you, senator. ainsley: what did you think last night's debate? to me, i wanted them to focus more on the issues. >> i thought it was a hot mess. so embarrassing for the democratic party. no one on that stage was presidential. frankly the winner of the
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debate last night was simply donald trump. listen to amy klobuchar's praising of the first step act and then watch how they denigrated each other. steyer owned personal prisons, private prisons. they talked about biden passing the 1990s crime bill. they talked about bloomberg. they bombed bloomberg on the stop and frisk policies. they praised the first step act passed by president trump. they talked about african-american home ownership up under president trump. it was a really good night for republicans. and it was an embarrassing performance that was patronizing to african-americans. pandering to african-americans. and pathetic performance from my perspective. brian: senator, yeah, your perspective is invaluable. being from south carolina, african-american, in congress. what does the african-american community want to hear? do they want to hear about reparations? do they want to hear. >> no. brian: that it's harder to get a loan? do they want to hear through history it's been harder to get a job? you tell me. >> well, the bottom line is the reason why the rear view
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mirror is so small and the windshield is so big on the car we want to focus on the future. i did a panel this month for black history month and on the left and the right of the panel they all said we need to focus on the future, economic future of this nation. it is one of the bright spots of the trump economy is we are seeing the lowest unemployment rate within the african-american community but more important than that, brian, you are seeing people coming back to work. the long-term unemployed is now participating in the great comeback story. that's one of the reasons why the black participation rate workforce participation rate is up in the community. the issues that we care about as african-americans are the same issues that every other american cares about. and that's one of the reasons why the current approach of president trump is everybody is in the same boat. what you saw on the stage yesterday was as if there were no white folks watching seven white candidates talk about black people. [laughter] >> it was the most remarkable performance -- i
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can't imagine that on our stage i would be embarrassed to have a conversation specifically about one race. ainsley: senator, we were talking earlier, we heard different numbers. what percentage of the democratic party in the state of south carolina are african-americans and do you think going into 2020 some of that percentage will vote for president trump? he got 8% in 2016. what percentage do you predict nationally in 2020? >> about 30% of the overall voters in south carolina are african-americans, probably 60% of the democrat primary on saturday will be african-americans. trump had 8% in 2016. i'm predicting he will have at least 12%. a 50% increase coming president donald trump's way. because his policies are percolating at the right time. it is really hard to deny the success of this administration. steve: during the administration of michael bloomberg, one of the policies was stop and frisk with the police. he was for that before he has started apologizing for
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it and saying that was a mistake. nonetheless, mayor pete hit bloomberg on that last night. listen. >> we let it get out of control and when i realize that, i cut it back by 95%. and i have apologized and asked for forgiveness. >> it was about profiling people based on their race. and i come to this with some humility i'm conscious of the fact that there are seven white people on this stage talking about racial justice. [laughter] none of us. [applause] >> wait a second i know that if i were black my success would have been a lot harder to achieve. i know a lot of black people that if they were white it would have been a lot easier for them. that's just a fact and we have got to do something about it rather than just demagogue about it. steve: so, senator, at the very beginning, he was talking about stop and frisk. how important is this particular issue as the people of south carolina go to the polls on saturday? >> the fact that he is apologizing and apologizing and then repenting and
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asking for forgiveness tells you that it's incredibly important to the people of south carolina. what people want, african-americans, white folks, hispanics, what we all want is a fair system, a fair chance to succeed. what you saw last night was really pandering and patronizing and trying to make up for the gaffes and the policies of the bloomberg administration so that he is more marketable as a presidential campaign but we have to compare that and contrast it to what president trump has actually done. one of the things that you have to focus on is a comparison of the two sides. right now the left looks like they have no other other than to pander from reparations to the uvi, the universal basic income of $1,000 to every american. you can't continue to give away what you do not have. and if it's going to cost three times the american economy, according to amy klobuchar, we're all in for
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significantly higher taxes. brian: i know where you stand on stop and frisk -- by the way, african-american officers, two of which told me brian when it comes to stop and frisk, understand what we did. we thought the people in the minority communities needed the most protection. of the goal wasn't to arrest minorities. it was to go where the crime was to protect people in that area. and they were not just walking up to people frisking them. they were walking up if they were suspected of having a firearm. so just for the record, for the law enforcement agents, most of which are minorities in new york city, that was the goal even though mike bloomberg doesn't want to say that anymore. but, real quick. congressman clyburn will be endorsing, we believe, joe biden in about two hours. what does that mean for joe biden? >> well, probably means that increase in african-american votes for joe biden. the truth of the matter is three weeks ago, brian, three weeks ago joe biden had a 30-point lead in south carolina. it is now down to 4 to 4.5
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points. that says that bernie sanders has doubled his black vote in south carolina and that means that biden now needs someone to come rescue him and jim clyburn's endorsement will be part of that rescue strategy. but it won't make enough of a difference. if biden does not win by 10 points or more on saturday, super tuesday might be the collapse of biden campaign. steve: senator, your prediction on south carolina on sunday morning what's going to happen? >> i think you will see about 26% for joe biden. you will see bernie sanders coming in around 20 or 23%. and tom steyer, who will be losing votes, if, in fact, clyburn endorses joe biden, you will see him fall down from his numbers from 15% to probably 13% or 12%. those numbers will come from steyer, not from bernie sanders. brian: senator, i have a sense in a few years you will be one of those people on the debate stage going
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for 2024. i would not doubt it. wwe are going to save this tape. >> get president trump reelected. ainsley: proud of our state. live shots of charleston and live shots astley zerdz thicket in south carolina. >> on fire for the red party not the blue. ainsley: we have ainsley in new york. ainsley: oh yeah. >> come home, ainsley, come home. steve: tim scott joining us from the russell rotunda. ainsley: thank you, senator. steve: meanwhile, 7:14 in new york city and jillian joins us with coronavirus news. jillian: that's right. good morning to you. here is the latest an american cruise passenger who tested positive for coronavirus is moved to nebraska. they join their spouse and 13 other people brought to omaha for monitoring last week. the patient was originally quarantined at california air force base. the first american soldier is infected with kron virus. they will be
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self-quarantined in south korea. causing san francisco to declare a state of emergency there are no cases in the city but the mayor says they need to be prepared. as the number of worldwide cases grows to 80,000 with 57 currently in the u.s. these three senators are the only democrats to vote for a bill that would have protected babies that survive abortion. casey doug jones and joe manchin. sasse sponsored the bill. he blasted the rest of the democrats who voted no. are we a country that protects babies born alive outside the womb after having survived a botched abortion? that is what this is about? are we a country that says it's okay to actively allow that baby to die which is the current position of federal law. christians around the world are marking the beginning of lent this ash wednesday. today the faithful are flocking to churches to receive ash crosses on forehead. the mark meant to show a
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person belongs to jesus. met with crowds in saint peter's square. he will mass and give out ashes today. steve: first time we have mentioned you are right it is ash wednesday. ainsley: we will be getting ours later this afternoon? steve: um-huh. ainsley: thanks, jillian. remember when davidson apologized to dan crenshaw on snl? turns out he is not that sorry. steve: bernie sanders coming up with a new defense about his comments on castro. >> what i said is what barack obama said in terms of cuba. that cuba made progress on education. steve: well, is that what barack obama said? charles payne with reality check coming up next. ♪ ♪ as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance
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>> tom, i think she was talking about my plan. not yours. >> i think we were talking about math and it doesn't take two hours to do the math. >> let's talk about math. >> let's talk about math. >> okay so here's the math. >> can i respond to the attack? brian: total chaos as bernie sanders is thrown into the hot seat because he is leading, forced to defend a 32 trillion-dollar medicare plan which, by the way is a little low compared to his other plans. ainsley: it was 60 trillion at one point. brian: it keeps dropping. steve: these are all squishy numbers. charles payne is host of making money of fox business right now. when asked by one of the moderators, you know, can you explain because your math doesn't add up. he goes do you have two hours? how much time do you have? >> got four years? here's the thing. he did bring up this yale
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study that. steve: he did that last week, too. >> 450 billion. i looked into that yale study to see exactly what he is talking about because he didn't elaborate. they kind of took existing medicare numbers and applied it to everyone. so, they would take about $100 billion in salaries from hospitals, doctors, nurses, another 260 billion from administrative costs and then they would think they can lower drug prices by up to 180 billion. so, you know, that in and of itself. just think about that. the first thing when we think about healthcare we should be thinking about is the quality of care. the quality of outcomes. steve: sure. brian: nobody was talking about quality. >> no one was talking about quality of anything certainly not of math. ainsley: wait a minute. they are going to take a away lot of money from doctors? don't we want the best of the best operating on us? >> if you apply existing medicare fees to every doctor, most doctors will take a serious financial hair cut. brian: do something else for a living. >> exactly. the bottom line though is i
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think, listen, the bernie fans do not care about the cost, as long as he can say wall street was bailed out, these big businesses get tax breaks, you know, i'm surprised he has even bothered to go down this lane to be quite frank with you. steve: because when you look at what bernie stands for and what he talks about out on the stump he talks about medicare for all, free tuition, now he is talking about child care up to the age of 3. but also legal weed. he wants to, by executive order, make weed legal everywhere and a big part of his core audience loves tha that. >> young voters do like it. you know, there is this feeling that weed -- the war on weed was misguided. you know, you talk to almost anyone under 30 they certainly believe it was overcriminallized i do, too. i know kids who went to jail for, you know, a small amount of marijuana that, you know, you talking about criminal justice. you know, people who commit murders come out in six years and it's just a dumb system. we should put away the hard core criminals forever and
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have ways of trying to get redemption for others. bottom line is there was a lot of pandering. there that was another extreme example of last minute pandering to the south carolina audience. ainsley: we remember what bernie said he said it three or four times over the last week about cuba and complimenting fidel castro and his policies. listen to this. >> what i said is what barack obama said in terms of cuba. that cuba made progress on education. yes, i think. [boo] >> really? really? literacy program. what barack obama said. >> barack obama. >> great progress on education. >> all you are doing is making excuses. >> healthcare. that was barack obama. ainsley: to barack obama, charles, in the past, we went back and we found the soundbite in 2016 did praise fidel castro and cuba because every child gets a basic education. but, at the end of that. >> and healthcare. ainsley: at the end of that soundbite he went on to say you drive around havana and
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i say this economy is not working. it looks like it did in the 50s. >> i have to say that in many respects bernie sanders is the logical outcome of barack obama. and it's not just on cuba. it's on forgiving college tuition. barack obama planted that seed. almost everything that bernie talks about to the extremes were planted by obama, including the trip to havana. go back and look at the news in 2016. it was the new falling of the berlin wall. it was the end of the final chapter of the cold war. 1200 people went down in the delegation. president obama did the fidel castro. there was a serious push to normalize cuba. why is anyone shocked that this is what we have seen out of that. this is almost all of bernie's things, his ideas, you know, under the obama's presidency those seeds were planted. he is taking them to the extreme. they knew they would grow and he is the one who has latched on to it. brian: all right. making money with charles
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payne. hopefully the market makes money today: debate moderator under fire for losing control of all of the candidates. >> talk about it. >> look, first of all. >> bernie. >> let me go. >> we would like. >> moderator, guys. brian: did anyone have a chance to stand out over all that chaos? that's next. ♪ ♪ that's just what they will do ♪ one of these days these boots are going to walk all over you ♪ i'm your 70lb st. bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. who's the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40%
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yes to 30% off dental services. and yes we'll take care of you, no matter what. call 1-800-aspendental today. ♪ >> can't allow that to stand because it's just not true. >> give everybody an opportunity to respond. >> mr. vice president. >> i was mentioning this. >> go ahead, senator. >> i'm not out of time. you spoke over time and i'm going to talk. here's the deal. [cheers] steve: joe takes charge over the den. it was a clash in charleston during last night's democratic debate as it seemed like everybody was talking at the same time. nobody was in control of the cbs news democratic debate. brian: here to react and give husband assessment is media reporter for the hill
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joe con challenge. joe, last night i get to two objectives one hurt bloomberg if you are the opponent and number one damage bernie because is he about to run away with this. were either things accomplished. >> bernie got out with maybe a skinned knee, flesh wound overall he wasn't hit too hard. elizabeth warren has a big problem with michael bloomberg she doesn't seem to with bernie sanders. only way she gets in the white house is a vp nod. cbs give them credit. they some hous somehow in polarg country unified the left and right. that was like watching "the view" whoopi at least has control of that romp room. she knows when to put people in a time-out. they ran roughshod over the time allotted. why have five moderators when two or three will suffice. in the end tom perez said cbs news shouldn't get a debate. i'm not saying that because i'm on fox news channel right now. the debate team here did a better job than anybody
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else. and actually get tough questions on things like coronavirus, for instance. the most relevant story this week. 83 minutes in to that debate until we saw one question on coronavirus. steve: sure. and so the dnc did not give fox any of the debates. >> right. steve: but we did a town hall with amy klobuchar and we did one with. >> bernie sanders. steve: and bernie sanders who is the number one person right now. ainsley: outline top three out of iowa and new hampshire. they second-guessed our viewers. our viewers are centrists. our viewers are independents. we have a lot of democrats who watch fox news. >> pugh research showed there are more people that aren't conservatives and republicans that watch fox news than those who do. steve: we are the number one channel. why wouldn't they want to be on the number one news channel? >> particularly this those states that matter, right? let's face it. elections come down to seven states. florida, north carolina, ohio, michigan, throw in new hampshire or arizona. yes, you want to reach those people. chris wallaces and bret
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baiers and martha mccallums would ask real questions about the number one topic for real voters according to gallup that is taxes and the economy. we barely saw, again, anything on that. they want to raise all these democratic candidates trillions of dollars for social programs. and no one can explain how to pay for it. again, we had two hours last night and almost nothing on that. brian: one comment. i want mike bloomberg to somehow rationalize his comment on farmers. no one has asked him about that. and that is the midwest. >> i would think. we did get something on the soda ban last night. so we had that going on. by the way, joe biden can you take credit for every bill and every law that was written? steve: i on that. >> why did you make up a story about being arrested in south africa because of the imprisonment of nelson mandela? >> i would think a republican candidate would get that i have a spin class to get to. i got to go. steve: spin class today. level 2. >> level 1. steve: all right. joe, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: still ahead, talking to voters in south carolina
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to see what they thought about last night's debate. todd piro joins us from. ainsley: colombicolumbia, south carolina. lizard spigot. ♪ ain't always pretty ♪ but it's real it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. including your interest rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. and you can get your money right with sofi. check your rate in two minutes or less. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. it's not getting in my way.? i had enough! get a no-fee personal loan joint pain, swelling, tenderness... ...much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting.
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♪ >> the biggest misconception about me is that somehow i'm defined by business, success, and money. >> biggest misconception is that i'm boring because i'm not. [laughter] >> i have more hair than i think i do. >> misconception and you are hearing it here tonight is that the ideas i'm talking about are radical. they're not. >> well, i suppose one misconception is that i don't eat very much. in fact i eat all the time. >> but, i think the biggest conception, misconception that i'm not passionate. >> misconception that i'm 6 feet tall. [laughter] steve: he has quite a joke writer. brian: he bombed at least
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four times. ainsley: okay. 2020 democrats revealing the biggest misconception about themselves during last night's fiery debate. steve: so what did the voters think? todd piro talking to voters astley sadr's thicket restaurant in ainsley's hometown of columbia, south carolina. where, todd, i understand the number one item on the menu lunchtime meat and three. ainsley: todd, a big menu on the wall pick one meat and pick out three vegetables. steve: three sides. ainsley: meat and 3. todd: jack, take a quick look at the board ainsley has called out meat and 3. ainsley: there it is. todd: there you see the meat and vegetables and ainsley is so happy. biggest misconception is that this is called columbia, south carolina. this is incorrect. this is called ainsleyville. >> all right. >> we can give that a clap. now let's get to content, ainsley. john, you called last night looney tunes.
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why? >> when i was growing up all the cartoons were loony tunes. all the chaos running all over the place and pointing fingers total chaos and that's what it looked like last night. todd: you said bernie is going to win on saturday. >> he will get the aged african-american vote they will still vote with his relationship because of his relationship with obama. todd: scott, you say not many minds were changed last night, why? >> i think they played it pretty safe. everybody piled on bloomberg in the beginning. i just don't think many minds were changed with the content of last night. todd: you say biden narrowly on saturday? >> narrowly safe bet for pretty unsure population in the state as far as who their democratic candidate is going to be. todd: scott, thank you. let's go over to makayla most complicated spelling ever but still makayla. you called complicated mess why. >> too many people believe in his message of people getting free stuff and i think people don't understand the consequences that will reap on our
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economy, shout out to my father who actually worked hard for everything he had by joining the united states air force. he worked for everything he had and he gave us that life as a consequence. i think that's two different viewpoints and we choose to work hard. todd: makayla, thank you. clay byrne, your thoughts on the debate. >> south carolina is going to be important. you saw candidates making their last stand. joe biden really stuck out there and thought often sounded a lot better when he was going after people. what's interesting with joe is i mean he, of course, had another slip-up again when he was asked about china. start -- or asked about north korea and started referring to north korea as china. i thought also that's interesting with bloomberg we have to go after the african-american vote in south carolina. has two very good politicians behind him, supporting him in the state of south carolina. and then it will also be very interesting to see tom steyer has been campaigning very well here. and he has been around. it will be interesting to see the vote that he takes
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away from joe biden. i think joe biden is not going to wins a much as he would. todd: thank you. finally this gentleman has a question for one of the hosts. >> ainsley, who is your daddy? [laughter] >> that's your daddy. >> could you please send that money that you owe me back home? i'm needing a little bit. thank you. ainsley: hey, dad. dad, introduce all your friends. todd: hey that's what ainsley said. >> tell her i got some of her -- my friends who are her good friends i'm going to introduce to you them if that's okay to do that. todd: we are running out of time, sir. it's ainsley's show. not yours. ainsley: i say give him back the time he can introduce. >> i have wonderful dora. todd: she is giving me the wrap. ainsley is giving back time. i don't know what to do. first day on tv. i will stand here and weep. ainsley: i will introduce everyone. that's rabbit right there. we call him rabbit on the right. he gives us football tickets to the carolina games. todd: who is rabbit? >> rabbit is right there to your left. and then the guy sitting to my dad's right is mr. pate.
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john pate has a beautiful rife. i love their family. she is interior decorator. and johnny creche has been known to do my taxes. s back of him you are seeing right there. his daughter went to college with me they live in our neighborhood. i love all of them. steve: all right. todd: that's all i have. steve: welcome back to ainsley, this is your life. brian: then later we will get ainsley's taxes. steve: todd, thank you very much. that guy is going to be working on them very shortly. ainsley: i'm not running for president. you are not getting them. jillian has headlines for us. jillian: so cute. your dad i is so wonderful. actor jussie smollett charges. pleading no not guilty lying to police in chicago. frustrating fight or die at this point. he adds, quote: i don't claim to be innocent. i am innocent.
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smollett's original charges dropped by the state's the stats attorneys office. ilhan omar's republican rival is giving her a lesson in patriotism. candidate responding to the democrat after she tweeted this list of six ways she describes herself. american isn't on there. a muslim refugee responded by writing simply, quote: i am an american. she came to the u.s. in 1993 to escape the regime of saddam hussein. and then there is this quote: if you can't stand for our national anthem. you don't need to sit in this bar. a veteran of foreign wars club isn't backing down from that bold message hanging on a sign outside their building in minnesota. a neighbor complained it was racist but the bar's manager says it's not going anywhere. is he even thinking of getting a bigger one. that's a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you.
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steve: patriotic. all right. thank you very much. ainsley: okay. brian, what's coming up? brian: still ahead on this show unless i have the run down totally wrong. hillary clinton making this promise as the 2020 race heats up. >> i will support the nominee, and it won't surprise you to hear me say that i think that it's imperative that we retire the incumbent. steve: how far left has the party moved if she is even willing to support bernie sanders? we have a republican strategist and a former advisor to barack obama both here who will join us live ♪ we control our destiny. >> we exercise our right. >> and hold our leaders accountable. >> and we always speak our minds. >> we may be separated by issues, but we are united by a common truth. >> america's ultimate lies
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sentenced to five months behind bars in the college admission scandal. the former frozen foods executive pleaded guilty to spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to help her kids cheat on tests and get accepted to school. and a college graduate is suing her alma mater for serving gluten. the university of maryland served her food with gluten despite knowing she can't eat it because she has been diagnosed with seal yack disease. smith says she was hospitalized several times and wants the school to be held accountable. steve: all right. jillian, thank you. last night in south carolina did you watch it 2020 democrats going after each other in the final debate ahead of the state's primary on saturday. so who were the big winners and losers? here with the conversation we have republican strategist john thomas who is screen left. along with fox news contributor and former economic advisor to president obama robert wolf who represents the democratic point of view and you're screen right. good morning to both of you.
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>> good morning. steve: before we get to winners and losers. i want to know did michael, do you think, hire a joke writer? robert? >> i think he could do better than ones he told last night. i think most people didn't know what he was talking about. steve: no kidding. he is talking about this. >> let me also say because just since i have the floor for a second that i really am surprised that all of these, my fellow contestants up here, i guess would be the right word for it, given nobody pays attention to the clock, i'm surprised they show up because i would have thought after i did such a good job in beating them last week that they would be a little bit afraid to do that. [laughter] steve: what was that? >> i think he was just trying to show that he has more of a personality than he showed the week before. steve: maybe it shows that even with $65 billion you can't buy a sense of humor, john. >> yeah. also, you know, i prep candidates for debates for a
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living. it's one of the things i do. we always tell the candidates run the jokes by us first. don't be spontaneous. the bar was so low for mike bloomberg last night he imagined tmanaged not to even oe that. >> i disagree. he certainly performed a lot better than did he in nevada although i wouldn't say he was one of the winner winners in last night. steve: did he terrible in nevada. >> i'm only responding to that he went over the. steve: it was a low bar. going in ultimately it was about bernie sanders. it looks like he is on the verge of winning the nomination if super tuesday goes his way. everybody was taking shots at him. but, joe biden has been positive in the past. i think he had his best bedate of the last 10. >> no question. it was joe's night right from the beginning. i think the best part of his night was the beginning where he talked about the emanuel church. he compared it sanders not
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voting for the brady bill five times. it really preempted bloomberg talking about every town. it got ovation. showed he is caring about the people. i think from then on it was the beginning of his best debate by far. steve: of course, john, he would be peaking just when he needs to. >> that's right. steve: i was just reading in the state newspaper down in south carolina that he has gone up a little bit. he has lost 20 points in the last couple of weeks. largely on what has happened in iowa and new hampshire and then that not so good debate last time. >> nationally if you look at subgroup of experience bernie sanders eclipse joe biden with his share of african-americans but biden did last night exactly what he needed to do which was remind southern african-americans about why they have a fondness for him. he did a good job at that. honestly he still showed me at points that he con flights passion with yelling. there is still these oddball things. maybe joe can win south carolina. i think he did what he
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needed to do. i still don't think he is going to be the nominee. >> just to add. it's not that joe has gone down the last few weeks. it's that no one has coalesced around anyone in the moderate lane where bernie has dominated the populist lane with warren coming off. it is still is a three or four way race in the moderate lane. i think joe will win in south carolina. he will get the clyburn endorsement. steve: today. >> then we go into super tuesday. it still feels like bernie will get a plurality. i just don't think he will hit that majority. >> biden has not aired one television ad in any super tuesday state yet? steve: is that right? there aren't any left. biden can't buy one because steyer and bloomberg have bought them all. >> joe biden and mike bloomberg spent 500 million and does not yet have a delegate because he hasn't competed. so i think, you know, donald trump, the president showed, spending the most money doesn't mean you win. >> you need to spend something. steve: what about the fact
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that bernie sanders has been talking a lot about what barack obama said regarding castro, you know. he increased healthcare and doing a better job with education and things like that. but, the part that bernie leaves out is the fact that president obama, john, said at the end, but ultimately, at the end, it still looks, you drive around havana it still looks like it's the 1950s. >> bernie is trying to use the barack obama shield to protect himself from the attack. look, i don't think that kind of thing would work in a general election. in a primary election, i think he did what he needed to do last night. he blunted the attacks. and maybe it slows down his momentum in south carolina. but i still think he is going to rip into super tuesday. >> i just have to reply not to be clichish. i know barack obama. i was actually in barack obama in cuba. steve: that's why we brought it up. >> in march of 2016. he was not supportive of castro in that speech. he hammered him on human rights and the economy. this was really about helping the people progress and about doing a trade deal with them.
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steve: are you saying that bernie sanders is mischaracterizing what barack obama said? >> i'm saying that bernie did a good job what all politicians do. he deflected and pivoted to where it was a strength. steve: speaking of all of politicians that is why hillary clinton said yesterday whoever the nominee is on the democratic party she is going to support them. not surprising. >> not surprising. she is going to support whoever it is. >> each a socialist. >> we call it a democratic socialist. >> okay. steve: democrat talking about a socialist. >> trust me, this isn't easy. steve: no kidding. john thomas, robert wolf, thank you. great conversation. >> thanks. steve: michael bloomberg admitting on the debate stage he bought democrats' majority in the house? kind of sounded like that. we're going to talk aboutt that coming up next. out about . i knew for years epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate.
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>> vladimir putin think donald trump should be president of the united states and that is why russia is helping you get elected. >> trust me, you're not going to interfere in any moral american elections. >> said to me kill it the way mayor bloomberg -- >> never said that. >> 150 million people have been killed since 2007. >> do mystic abuses, ak-47s.
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>> i wrote the bill. >> made progress. >> i think really, really? >> if we cannot pull this party together we take a terrible risk of reelecting donald trump. >> he said medicare for all. can you do the math for the rest of us. >> how many hours do you have? >> it adds up to four more years of donald trump, kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house and inability to get the senate in democratic hands. >> do something for the people of america instead of a bunch of broken promises that sounds good on paper. ♪ >> hard to handle last night.
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they almost need moderators with new candidates. >> two things, the moderators were prepared and classy but not prepared for that type of brawl. the audience seemed all bloomberg. nothing he said they weren't cheering for. when elizabeth warren went after him they were booing bernie sanders. i don't know if they put their hand on the scale but it gave bloomberg a win at his back. >> moderators had a tough job because a beauty on stage. it was their last chance to make it on the big ticket. the only complaint i would say about the moderators is i wish they had focused on the issues. they talked about the apology tour, this thing or that thing that didn't matter when it comes to substance. >> it was a free-for-all. look at that. showdown in south carolina.
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every one of them has a hands-on because they want to talk, interrupt, going out of order. it was a free-for-all. moderators lost control. when you look at the winners and losers everybody said cbs was a big loser because it was just disaster. >> put your hand up a little higher. >> in new york city it is 8:03 in charleston, south carolina. in king street in the heart of that beautiful city with highlights and low lights from last night. >> reporter: in fairness to the moderators i'm not sure anyone who could have controlled that, as of john belushi walked in and yelled food fight and everything went haywire. every candidate knows they've got to do something to slow sanders's momentum and they took the best shot. watch. >> vladimir putin thinks donald trump should be president of the united states and that is
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why russia is helping you get elected. >> i think i would make a better president than bernie. >> if you think the last four years have been chaotic imagine spending the better part of 2020 with bernie sanders versus donald trump. >> bernie sanders's analysis is right. i don't like his solutions. bernie hasn't passed much of anything. >> it matters if you can actually get things done. >> i wonder why. >> reporter: sanders relished the attacks but biden was most animated with the most passion. 's lead is narrow but he is out front and says he is going to win but gaffes like this may dog him. >> 150 million people have been killed since 2007 when bernie
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voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability. more than all the wars including vietnam from that point on. >> reporter: none of the candidates challenged him on that. bloomberg, to improve on the nevada debate came under heavy attack from elizabeth warren on stop and frisk, over women and mdas. worn is trying to position herself for the supertuesday contest and got the boston globe endorsement earlier this morning. the other part of that debate, south carolina republican party posting on twitter video of a dozen or more supporters holding trump signs shouting for donald trump. >> along king street. one thing was clear throughout the debate, there were attacks. they wanted to take out bloomberg, takeout bernie. we have stats on attacks, the ones given and once taken.
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>> bernie sanders delivered the most attacks and was challenged more than 30 times. if you look at these numbers look how many times he got attacked, 33 times, bloomberg got attacked 17 times. everyone else was getting attacked five or two times. >> why would biden and warren not get attacked? they are not the front runner. look at the attacks buttigieg and klobuchar, tom steyer 11 as well. >> i'm not surprised sanders got attacked 33 times but i'm surprised bloomberg was right behind him, he was attacked 17 times. after last debate i didn't think he would be a big contender. >> is numbers are strong on the national debate and on supertuesday. >> he paid for commercials in the middle of the debate. >> those were his best appearances. the debate was hard to follow
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in the free for all. when you got to the commercials and there is michael bloomberg with 30 interrupted seconds, that is not the guy who was on stage. >> two things he made a mistake, they didn't go over well. he slipped, $100 million into the 2018 election, i bought, he stopped himself, but the last election and nobody on that stage, to avoid being democrat said i have a problem with that. your money is a problem when you try to run against me but not when you try to put democrats in the white house. >> it is the foreign, invested money and republicans including somebody who ran against her. >> they talked about the black vote. bernie sanders -- not bernie sanders, joe biden went to
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south carolina to try the black vote. he is connected to obama. we talked to tim scott, senator from south carolina, a republican, we asked him, 30% of that state's african american. 60% of the democratic voters go to the polls on saturday are democrat. >> tim scott said what he saw last night on the debate stage with democrats was pandering to the black vote. >> we let it get out of control and when i realized that, backed by 95%, i apologize it asked forgiveness. >> it was about profiling people based on their race. i'm conscious of the fact that we 7 white people on stage talking about racial justice. none of us - >> i know if i were black my success would have been a lot
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harder to achieve. i know a lot of black people that they were white it would be heavy easier for them. that is a fact and we have to do something about it rather than demagogue about it. >> it was so embarrassing for the democrat party. no one on the stage was presidential and the winner of the debate was donald trump. it was a good night for republicans, and an embarrassing performance that was patronizing to african-americans, pandering to african-americans a pathetic performance. the issues we care about as african americans are the same issues every other american cares about. that is one of the reasons the current approach of donald trump, everybody in the same boat. there were no white folks watching 7 white candidates talk about black people. i would be embarrassed to cut talk about one race.
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>> tim scott said something for those people who are donald trump supported like he is who think bernie sanders will be easy for him were not paying attention. the only person who believes bernie sanders would match up well against donald trump and a lot of states. the other thing that was important and unique, i can't believe how many on that stage were telling us at home bernie can't win. not only do they want to be elected but he would be a disaster. i don't remember a front runner being told like that. >> we said that, reading what we heard from top democrats in the establishment. not the democratic socialist party and their standardbearer going into an election during a booming economy regardless of what is going on, a rough
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couple days. if the past is prologue, the incumbent, easier for me to say, generally always wins. >> they ask how long i am staying, i wish we were more like cuba. >> all the great things cuba did, bernie sanders didn't run from his support from cuban education. >> this is what barack obama said in terms of cuba. that cuba made progress on education. really? really? what barack obama said, great progress on education and healthcare. >> did not condemn --
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>> untrue categorically. i have condemned the authoritarianism whether it is people in saudi arabia, cuba, nicaragua, authoritarianism of any stripe is bad. that is different than saying the government occasionally does things that are good. >> he believes authoritarians are so bad why is he claiming to be a socialist. many people thought he would send our country in the same direction as venezuela and cuba. >> bernie sanders was not accurately seeing what barack obama said, the castro made strides in education and healthcare but when you drive around the streets of havana it reminds him of the 1950s, barack obama said. >> people driving around in studebaker's, and over the w.
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>> charles payne was on the show earlier and had a good point we haven't heard before. listen to this. >> bernie sanders is the logical outcome of barack obama and not just on cuba but college tuition, barack obama planted that seed. everything bernie talks about were planted by obama including the trip to havana. look at the news in 2016, the new falling of the berlin wall, the final chapter of the cold war. there was a serious push to normalize cuba. why is anyone shocked this is what we saw under obama's presidency? he is taking them to the extreme. >> doesn't bernie remind you what happened with donald
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trump, the establishment they won it by and then they wanted bloomberg. mayor pete said he's really democrat up there. the president in 2016 had jeb bush, ted cruz, marco rubio, that is to the establishment wanted. they didn't want donald from. donald trump had true conservative grandfather after publican party kind of policies, the difference here is bernie sanders is a totally different democratic party than your grandfather's. >> in a published everything, two dedicating post offices. >> he is still the national front runner. i don't know anything changed less light. joe biden will probably win south carolina but then next tuesday, super tuesday bernie will probably wind up with the most delegates by the end of the day. >> all precincts reporting jillian is poised to give us the news. >> good morning, begin with a fox news alert, donald trump announced there will be a news
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conference at the white house tonight about the coronavirus outbreak as an american cruise passenger who tested positive is moved to nebraska for monitoring of the first american soldier infected with coronavirus, being self quarantines in south korea. the opera causing san francisco to declare a state of emergency. there are no cases in the city but the mayor says they need to be prepared. the number of worldwide cases is topped 80,000, 57 of them in the us. a man accused of trying to blow up a car at the pentagon heads to court tomorrow. matthew richardson stuffed a piece of fabric in the gas tank and tried lighting it on fire. what "cavuto" the confronted him he said he was going to blow up the suv and himself. richardson faces 20 years in prison. a new red flag gun law or reside. that is what mexico's governor is telling law enforcement,
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democrat grisham side the bill yesterday saying it will allow police to confiscate guns from people who pose a threat to others and themselves. the new mexico sheriffs association claims the new law goes too finances sheriffs don't work for the governor, we work for the people who elected us into office. 2020 democrats not only spending money to feed their campaigns but also their stomachs. that we 7 leading contender spent 600,$000 on food in january. tom steyer's campaign spent the most, a quarter of $1 million, michael bloomberg at staff had figures, the status camp, 11,$000 worth of pizza and buttigieg campaign, 10,$000 on wine. my favorite friday activity. . we got to give it up for lend. i'm doing line and cheese and
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that will be hard. >> beer and scotch. >> what are you giving up? >> know. every denomination is different with mine you do. >> some people want you to acquire some. >> do more for other people. >> that will be great on your bible study. as we heard from jillian the president of the united states will be having a press conference tonight at 6:00. chuck schumer said the president has no plan involving coronavirus at 6:00 pm where special report normally is, the president will hold the news conference and everybody wants to know what is going on. >> close to a vaccine. moderate democrats sounding the alarm about bernie sanders on the debate stage. >> we should tensions where the voters of the country are. >> we have assented to worry about.
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>> we should pay attention to where the voters of this country are. they are not with you and do something for the people of america instead of a bunch of broken promises that sound good on bumper stickers. >> time to stop acting like the president is the only office that matters. not only is this away to get donald trump reelected but we have a house to worry about. steve:if bernie sanders hits
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the nomination, some moderate candidates on the debate stage warned bernie sanders's nomination could cost the democratic party not just the presidency but the majority, the house and a shot at winning the senate. josh holly, welcome back. you heard when pete buttigieg said that, is he saying elect me, not bernie or does he have legitimate fears there? >> he is probably right about that. bernie would be a disaster for the democratic party and this shows how far left the activist core of the party has gone, a socialist who wants to remake this country in the image of cuba and china, can you believe what he is saying about cuba and china, being a model for lifting people out of poverty, really? the most authoritarian government on the face of the planet a model? i don't think so. pete: tell it to the people of china who are trying to survive
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and living without any freedom. marco rubio called a marxist. do you agree with that? >> if you please cuba -- praise cube and china i don't know there's another option. he thinks the united states needs to look more like these authoritarian regimes, that isn't america and when people listen to this you see other democrats know that bernie would be a disaster at the top of the ticket and i can tell you from conversations i have had with democrats on capitol hill they are terrified of the idea of bernie being there standardbearer but i think it is going to happen and donald trump will begin november. ainsley: let's talk about the coronavirus. the president earmarked $2.5 billion to go toward the vaccine. are you close to a vaccine? >> there are potential vaccines under development.
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there are two that are underway in the testing process which is great and the cdc put it all hands on deck effort together. i'm introducing legislation today that will help bring medical supply chains out of china to the united states. when it comes to vaccine and antibiotics, too many are in china. they let those drugs go to china. we need to bring them home. pete: it is not just the drugs but every american industry is having supply chain problems because rely on the cheap labor in china. what other things could they tell you yesterday that people need to know? it is not if but when it is going to get here. that freaks a lot of people out.
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>> we are seeing the virus spread in other places, japan, south korea have significant numbers of cases, italy as well so it is getting harder to screen passengers to come into the united states which i call for travel restrictions a month ago. travel restrictions from china. it is going to get more difficult as cases come from all different countries. we have to step up our efforts. no need to panic but there is need to take every precaution and every available step. the administration will do that. i upon the president's request for additional funding. we may need more than $2.5 billion. and we need all hands on deck effort. let's not get into a situation where we are dependent on the chinese for drugs or antibiotics. we need to make steps to make sure it doesn't happen. pete: we need to pay more for that to happen. the fast food drugs, retailers
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shutdown at dominoes, pizza, domino's pizza and lulu lemon have shutdown in china and here, places like john deere, they are dropping 10 percent-15%. that is why markets are dropping. we are feeling the hit. >> absolutely. this affected china with so much of their manufacturing and a lot of their economy shutdown that is driving the market fears and this goes back to the fact the communist party did not take steps to protect their own people. they lied about that and try to keep it under wraps and ms. lettuce and won't allow doctors into china to figure out the extent of the pandemic so this is on then. we have to take steps to protect their own people. pete: that is one of the reasons the president will be addressing the nation. thank you for joining us.
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ainsley: the dnc and georgia and texas to its list, policies like these play in the red states. >> how about a wealth tax in america? >> gun manufacturers i am going to take you on. pete: cpac takes off today and the chairman talks about what matters to conservatives. ♪ old-time rock 'n roll ♪ at today's best western, stay two nights and get a free night for your next stay. one night, two nights, free night. book now at
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steve: michael almost lips while touting the millions he spent when helping the democrats take the house. >> we talk about 40 democrats, 21 of those were people i spent $100 million to help elect. all of the new democrat who came in, put nancy pelosi in charge and gave congress the ability to control this president, i got them. steve: i bought them? here is the chairman of the conservative political action committee about to launches the campaign this weekend. matt schlapp. he just slipped. he did a lot of damage to republicans in 2018. >> he did. got to love michael bloomberg.
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he thinks buying the majority in the house of representatives from nancy pelosi is like an exotic sports car. he got the checkbook, i just bought it. it was a moment of honesty. the hypocrisy of people like michael bloomberg, public financing of campaigns and strict limits on money, doesn't apply to michael bloomberg who is spending millions of dollars on politics in this country. brian: the candidates, five others, tom start doing the same thing, condemning him for using his money to get on that stage, dead silent in 2018 and didn't challenge them on the millions he spent in 2018. >> hypocrisy is up on that stage. the american people as they watched that debate see a competition to be the head for the dean of the arts and letters program of your nearby radicalized college. you don't see a president. they are not talking about issues that matter to americans
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who are in the middle or less political. they are trying to out extreme each other and do it with their checkbook. it is not very appealing to most voters. brian: the dnc targeting places like georgia, arizona and especially texas in 2020. some were concerned about the success of beto o'rourke against ted cruz. what is your answer? >> we don't get to hear about beto anymore. he is off the screen. my feeling is democrats are very cocky in 2020 if they think the election of 2020 is going to be about picking off red state. let me make a bold prediction. it will be just the opposite. the republicans are going to make gains in the house of representatives because of the rejection of adam schiff and impeachment. i think democrat states they picked up last time like new
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hampshire and maine will be on the target for republicans. minnesota is a state that could flip to the republicans. we have other states after them in play. 2020 is going to be about realigning state along the trump agenda. the american people are optimistic and we have a resilient economy because of trump deregulatory policies that continue to hang and even though we have the scare of this virus and what is going on in the stock market. the american people feel better today than they did any day of the obama administrative. steve: you know where the conservative movement is. as the guy who runs cpac, a force among the conservative movement, it kicks off today. how does it get that way? >> reporter: the event in washington dc will be 50% high school and college students. it's hard and seoul is the fact we have not lost the next
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generation like the media tell you but what we see is college kids feel alone, every institution, even state colleges need a place to go. god told us in the 10 commandments we should come together and assemble it church, god knows there is a time when people have to come together. it is true in politics. we don't believe in safe spaces but we need to know there are others in this fight and there are a lot of young people who feel alone and feel they are ashamed and feel like they are not allowed to express their conservative views or pro-trump views. it is the most exciting thing to be at. he will be there kicking it off with senator lee, you will see the most optimistic americans and it is a reflection of where most of the country feels. steve: is there more buzz about me being there with the president? >> we didn't want to release
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that you were coming because we were afraid of the mobs of supporters. we are concerned about your safety. you have so many fans and they will be buying your book. brian: that will be interesting. it is me more than the president. he might be watching. >> you are going to get me a phone call. brian: i will see you tomorrow. straight ahead the media wasting no time picking the winner of last night's debate. >> i thought biden had his best night. >> it was a homecoming for joe biden. >> biden looked presidential. >> larry brian: larry elder says expectations are really low. he is on deck. ♪ molly: my np spends a lot of time
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if you could honor the rules of the debate. >> the moderator. senator sanders? >> is it my turn? >> it is everybody's turn. steve: what a mess. nobody was in charge. let's bring in larry elder. you are a professional broadcaster. the job of a moderator is to keep control of the festivities. what happened last night? >> reporter: it was a train wreck. as somebody who wants to get 45 to get a fresh forward i cannot be more delighted at the chaos i saw last night. i'm hearing joe biden had a great night. joe biden showed up, he wasn't sleepy. in 2007 bernie sanders signed a bill to allow gun manufacturers, and 150 million people.
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many have been killed since 2007. joe biden didn't say my name is joe biden. my name is joe biden, i'm a candidate for senate. vote for the other biden. i don't know if he was referring to jill or hundred didn't say i got arrested visiting south africa trying to see nelson mandela and he congratulated me for trying to visit him when mandela got out of prison. washington post gave biden four pinocchios. he didn't say my late son was attorney general of the united states, he didn't make a bunch of mistakes or knock over the punch bowl. but the bar is very low. has far as bernie sanders goes his fans couldn't care less the numbers don't add up. they believe there is a free lunch and you guys are stopping us from eating it. it was a train wreck and i couldn't be more delighted. doesn't matter who emerges whether it is bloomberg or
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sanders, donald trump is going to win. we are talking 90% of americans saying they are happy, all-time highs, for satisfaction, consumer confidence. how do you beat this guy? pe brian: the last polls were 48%, 49%, the coronavirus is something you can't expect that the reaction will define him. the media disagrees with you. >> i thought biden had his best night. >> he made people remember why he was strong. >> is best debate, not just forceful but substantive. >> he was strong and emphatic. >> it was a homecoming, he did everything he had to do. >> biden had a good night have a good night.
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>> probably on his way to victory in south carolina. >> he looked presidential. >> the reason for all of this is they know bloomberg if he gets the nomination a bunch of democrats will stay home because this is the anti-billionaire party with your self-made or not. bernie sanders can't win. biden is there only hope. he is the same moderate they are betting on. if the party were rational, one of the party elders, barack obama, moderate to the room would say two of you have to leave, only one, the one has to stop bernie sanders. obama will not do that and if they don't they would won't listen to him. the parties headed for thelma and louise. bernie sanders is thelma. it will be his louise? ainsley: listen to larry elder. >> i wish i had said that. brian: you will be on hannity
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tonight. ainsley: let go to jillian for the headlines. jillian: today the doomsday mom will ask a judge to reduce million dollar bail. she is being held on charges of child desertion, her kids, jj and kylie have been missing since september. there stepfather, chad dayblow was confronted about the disappearance. >> i can't comment. >> anything you want to say? >> we are going through the process. jillian: kylie was last seen at yellowstone national park. detectives will search for her when the snowmelt. jj was last spotted on surveillance video near their idaho home. these three people are accused of vandalizing a bloomberg campaign office, they spray-painted windows with
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words like racist and oligarch, statements the bloomberg campaigns is, quote, we don't know who is responsible but we do know bernie sanders and his campaign have repeatedly invoked this language when discussing mike bloomberg. they have reportedly been vandalized. remember when a comedian said this about congressman dan crenshaw on saturday night live? >> you may be surprised to hear he is a congressional candidate from texas and not a hitman in a porno movie. i know he lost his eye in war or whatever. jillian: he apologized in 2018 but he is walking that back in his new netflix special. >> i made fun of a guy with an eye patch and got forced to apologize because people were threatening to shoot me in the face. my roommate thought i should
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apologize so that i didn't get shot in the face. jillian: he said previously his roommate was his mom. steve: he is not sorry. jillian: that is what it does like. steve: thank you for the update. ainsley: 49 after the top of the hour. what are voters saying about last night's db. todd pyro having breakfast with our friends in south carolina coming up next. steve: sandra smith with what is coming up on her show with that guy it. >> it is 49 minutes after the hour, reaction is pouring in from last night's big debate, who came out on top and first reaction from the bloomberg and trump campaigns, donald trump announcing a news conference on the coronavirus, what we are learning about the spread of
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the deadly disease. we are about 40 minutes from "the opening bell" on wall street after the dow lost 2000 points. how are things shaping up this morning? join ed and me from america's newsroom at the top of the hour. and possibly... tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax.
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todd: we are getting solid opinions. >> i thought the candidates decided to talk over one another rather than debate policies. todd: and bernie went on saturday. >> tom steyer had a strong performance. siphoning away from biden. todd: a pretty personal reaction to the debate. >> i stood in line for sugar, coffee and meat as a child. to me clearly the candidates don't know what they are
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talking about. todd: micah, what did you think of the debate? >> it shows the democratic party switching to democratic socialism and that is where younger folks are going. todd: you say biden will win the primary. >> he has the american community behind him. todd: they are giving me the rapid. more "fox and friends" after this. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. i love you! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> so the next edition of ainsley's bible study on fox nation dropped. if you want to watch it. we have beth moore, best selling author, knows the bible like the back of her hand from texas. she came to our bible study, which was awesome and talks in this sound bite you are about to hear how our lives are like wine. listen. >> maybe you've heard the saying that stressed vines makes the best wines. god is looking for us to be in that center where if it's simple there is no stress, there is no pressure, there is nothing making us feel like man, i may not make it. it is going to be all outward and nothing inward. but if we are where this is pretty rocky, this is pretty tough, that central place and then all of a signed we start
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really getting serious about fruit. >> great, cannot grow unless the terrain is rocky. her message is awesome. watch it on fox nation as soon as you can. >> sandra: a contentious and at times chaotic debate last night. good morning, everyone. it was a late night watching that all. >> ed: i'm ed henry, good to see you. the headline in the post sums it up. party bashers, the lion's shares at those attacks directed at bernie sanders and michael bloomberg as several campaigns fight for their political lives. >> you are hearing it here tonight. the ideas i'm talking about are radical. they're not. >> that's why russia is helping you get elected so you'll lose to him. >> imagine spending the better part of
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