tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News February 29, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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greg: we are out of time special thanks to ed henry, kristen soltis anderson, kat timpf anti-reese, i love you america. [cheering] judge jeanine: breaking tonight, the south carolina primary results are in and joe biden wins big. hello and welcome to justice, i am judge jeanine puro, thank you so much for being with us tonightt and thank you for making us number one, last weekend, all day, all night all weekend and all news cablele long. we have a packed show on deck with an in-depth analysis of the 2020 race with cory lewandowski, my exclusive interview with the u.s. surgeon doctor jerome assesses the first death from the coronavirus here in thee u.s. and trump fired off his bases
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at sea pack today, we have the highlight you do not want to miss. our own peter doocy joins us live with abiding campaign in south carolina. >> south carolina is the state that joe biden decided to come to before the new hampshire results were even in, he put all his eggs in the basket and for the first time of three residential campaigns is given a victory speech on a presidential primary joined by jim clyburn, the democratic congressman arguably the most influential democrat in south carolina politics, it is a very beginning, he escaped the big high-five and said can you pull me through her pull me across the finish line and had a little bit more of that right here. >> my buddy jim, you brought me back. [cheering] and man of enormous integrity.
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all those you been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. ♪. reporter: joe biden did not name drive any of his rivals but he did specifically talk about all about bernie sanders essentially, he was thinking democrats want a revolution, they want results. sanders is still the delegate leader by going into super tuesday, joe biden was appealing directly to democrats who might be watching at home and looking for something else other than bernie sanders. that's what we had here. on the south carolin home vollel court, they are leading on to super tuesday. gregjudge jeanine: thank you so much, a loss of bernie sanders but will he dominate on super tuesday? mark meredith has the latest on what to expect for the virginia
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primary where bernie is campaigning tonight. reporter: good evening, bernie sanders on the stage behind me and virginia beach speaking up to a fired up crowd,d, the campaign is already looking ahead to what happened today in south carolina bernie sanders winning multiple rallies, one in northern virginia but he expressed wha in south carolina. >> you cannot win them all. a lot of states out there and tonight we did not win in south carolina. [crowd boos] and that will not be the only one, there's a lot of states in the country and nobody wins them all. reporter: former vice president joe biden will make his way from south carolina to virginia, tomorrow he will hold an event in norberg and they are celebrating after the former governor and the current
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senator everyone remembers he was hiller clinton running mate four years ago. he will not bee' in virginia muh longer, he's heading to california to event tomorrow and then we'll swing through utah, minnesota and then through super tuesday, the supporters out here are very fired up ahead of the contest coming up a couple of days from now. judge jeanine: thank you mark meredith. joining me now with reaction to guidance when in south carolina and what it all means for super tuesday and beyond. trump 2020 campaign press secretary andup former trump campaign manager cory lewandowski. biden is the big winner tonight with more than 51% of the votes but he has not had the greatest campaign. is his when out of fear of a bernie candidacy. let's start with you cory. >> there's a couple important
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thanks, bernie sanders is going to qualify to get three delegates out of south carolina so it's not a complete victory for joe biden, it's the first time joe biden has one estate in three presidential races and what isic transferred, congressman's endorsement, when you look at the exit polls, 47% of african-americans voted for joe biden said that was a determining factor in voting for him, that's a huge factor. joe biden's campaign is still on life support, no question about it. the person who had the worst night is minnie michael bloomberg, no question about that and bernie sanders going to live to fightbo another day and he will win in california and super tuesday. >> in three days, super tuesday, 38% of the delegates with 1357 of the 1991 delegates needed to secure the nominatio nomination, you massachusetts where elizabeth warren is from and thenet you have klobuchar
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from and a soda, those two states are in there, alabama is only state of those states on super tuesday that has the same african-american majority in the democrat primary, the question, does joe biden hang on or was tonight an unusual night because of clyburn? >> i think sleepy joe hangs on a little bit, we are heading on to what will be the most chaotic day for the democratic party. this is a field in complete disarray. joe biden walking away with 29 delegates most likely your bernie sanders doing quite well, crazy bernie, the socialist or communist president trump said today yet mini mike who put aut lot of money in and he will walk away with the delegates and klobuchar to do well in minnesota and warren in massachusetts.
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we are heading to a brokered convention where the superdelegates come in and rob it fromer bernie. this is in chaos and president trump is riding high in the modern history. judge jeanine: this will be the igfirst time the sense we will see mike bloomberg and the results of his campaign and hundreds of millions of dollars that he spent show any kind of result on tuesday in the super tuesday primary. how do you think he will do? >> i think bloomberg will have a really tough night to be honest with you preheat the hundreds of millions of dollars already, he's trying to position himself ass alternative to bernie sanders as a moderate to the socialist agenda but tonight when into the biden sales will put a hamper on bloomberg's ability to be o successful. what no one is talking about, tht what we should ismp the trup rally that the president did down there just yesterday. the numbers say that 38.6% of the people that were there were democrats or independents and
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16% of the people that showed up were african-americans that the huge number in the state that will be a republican stronghold in november election. judge jeanine: if there is a problem with bernie sanders is a candidate it almost seems as the democrats have a choice between bloomberg and biden. who do they choose? >> it appears tonight that biden is the guy, bloomberg has given it away, he spent so much money, nearly half a billion dollars for nothing. he will have they highest delegate to dollar count because he spent so much money and will walk away empty-handed. the guy is not likable, you cannot buy a likability or voters, as hard as he's tried to buy food and booze at his event to track people, he so pathetic but mini mike has done in sleepy joe on the rise, it's outer and sheer chaos and i'm trying to figure out whether
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biden knows he won the south n carolina nominating contest or he still thinks he won the north carolina senate primary. judge jeanine: obviously hedg hd it and there will be more as we go on. how much pressure will there be on the other candidates to drop out in the hopes of supporting a candidate that the democrat establishment really wants to be the candidate. specifically, buttigieg did pretty bad, 7.9%, stiers did better with 11%. now we have elizabeth warren and amy klobuchar, the women who are not doing well at all. how much pressure will be put on them. >> there is a lot of pressure come tuesday in pete buttigieg donors will dry up very quickly if he does not win in some places as you have expanded the map. winning in iowa is great in new hampshire is great but you have to be able win a national campaign in pete buttigieg and warren and klobuchar don't have
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the bandwidth to do that, mini mike has the financial resources but not the supporters. this is coming down to a two-person race between crazy bernie andrs sleepy joe and what we see is bernie's people are clearly fired up, he is a fundraising base, people will revolt to make sure donald trump victory come november. judge jeanine: it seems to me, you bloomberg and i made it clear, and my open last saturday night that bloomberg is a total waste of money unless you get the personality change. or get new people running his campaign. the truth is we don't know how he will do on super tuesday, because there will be those people that look at biden who can put two sentences together, he ran a good speech tonight and bernie is the democrat socialist who is really a socialist so who do they vote
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for? >> trump. >> there left with one option, it's president trump that is who will win because neither of the candidates are good candidates, if you look around the field and they are socialist, joe biden, sleepy joe as president trump pointed out, he will have a team of socialist running the government because he's asleep at the wheel, he could never be president, he cannot govern the idea today socialism, 55% and exit poll, the government to take over the healthcare in the democrat primary. this is a field where we know the ideology that will and and we know it'll lose at the hands of president trump. judge jeanine: you know the president well, he tweeted today, actually tonight, sleepy joe biden's victory and south carolina the democrat party should be the end of mini mike bloomberg joke of a campaign. mini mike now as biden split up his very few voters taking many away. what does he mean by that? >> what he means is exactly
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what we talked about when mini mike is trained to position himself as alternative to crazy bernie amongst the democrats, someone who is an adult that is rational, we seem joe biden winning in south carolina, that goes to the heart of mini mike. he had two terrible debates where he literally said he bought those t congressional seats to take congress back. mike thinks throwing money at the problem is a solution, it does not work, he cannot win and that's going to be evidentio come tuesday when bernie has a big day on tuesday because bernie will win in california against joe biden. this will go all the way to the convention. >> what is interesting, joe biden tonight talkedd about the obama biden team is back and yet obama is nowhere to be found and he continues to be quiet during his primary, not even in south carolina after james kleiber comes on supports
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him. what do you think about all the. >> it is very telling that present obama willll not be endorsed by biden. biden at one point put out a picture of a best friend bracing between him and president obama but it appears president obama lost his half of the friendship bracelet because he's not endorsed and he knows joe is not cut out for the job and he has to sit back knowing his legacy is being decimated by his vice president who does not have the wherewithal to stand on the an election, win and there is simply no denying that obama is nowhere to be found but biden trying to make it seemed like he's there on his side. judge jeanine: last question to cory, if it goes go to a brokerage convention what happens there? >> what happens is the first round if you don't have 1991 delegates which is a requisite number to get the nomination to go to a second round. then the superdelegates come in.
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these are the senators in congress and governors who get to vote in the delegates to vote in the fruit round get half a vote, is to vote for the superdelegate, half a vote for the regular and they will steal this from bernie sanders and they will try to give it to michael bloomberg because he promised money and support and pledged that he could take his financial resources and beat donald trump, you cannot fight personality and you cannot run from your record from new hd yok city. judge jeanine: what is interesting, it reminds me of the fact that new yorkk city mayor with two terms, a two term position, he made it three terms, michael t bloomberg -- >> but judge remember he said that was not me that was the city council, i had nothing to do with it. everything in this guy in new york has done, he is apologize for, he is a liar and we know it and he'll never be the president of the united states. kayleene mcinerney and corey
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lewandowski. fear spread over the coronavirus,s, what we are doing to protect americans. i will speak with u.s. surgeon general jerome adams. we are back in just a a moment. ♪ hey, hey-we're all winners with the hilton price match guarantee, alright? man, you guys are adorable! alright, let's go find your coach, come on! book with the hilton app. expect better. expect hilton.
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judge jeanine: other developing stories tonight, the coronavirus, new fears as the u.s. has the first confirmed death out of a virus of washington state. the president speaking about the situation. our country is prepared for any circumstance, we hope it will not be a major circumstance, we hope it'll be smaller but whatever the circumstance is, we are prepared and i would like to just ask and caution that the media, weed respectively asked the media politicians and everybody else involved not do anything to incite a panic because there's no reason to panic at all. >> nijoining me now in adjusters exclusive, the member of the task force, u.s. surgeon general jerome adams, thank you so much for being with us on just as tonight, we appreciate your time, we know how busy you must be during this extremely busy time.
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we have the first confirmed america death, a man in his 50s from the state of washington, do we know how we contracted the virus? >> we do not know how this individual contracted the virus but the cdc has a team helping washington investigate, i've been on the phone with the state health commissioner of washington and i want to say my heart goes out to the family of the individual who lost their life due to coronavirus but it's important for the american people to understand that the president place of the four most important health and safety of the american people is why we've had a strong aggressive stance on containment. the truth is, if we hadn't had such a strong stance on containment, more people likely would've died in the united states, it is because of the approach we have taken and the risks to all of america still remains low. you cannot get the coronavirus
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if you are not exposed and because of the aggressive containment t the risk of exposure to coronavirus in the u.s. remains low. judge jeanine: as you are speaking what we have is full screens having the coronavirus cases around the world. china has the highest number is 79000 and south korea at 3000. what is interesting, when you compare the number of people who have the flu to the number of people have the coronavirus, the numbers are staggering low for coronavirus. can we expect that number to increase, number one, and number two what can americans do to protectan themselves and make sure that they do not get the virus? >> we have always said that we expect the number of cases to go up, that's what we've been preparing for. for most people who get the coronavirus if you are young and healthy it will be like a bad cold or flu, you have a mild illness, you will be at home but the majority of people
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recover, the 14 original patients who conducted the coronavirus in the united states and diagnosed, they all recovered or recovering. what is a point for americans to understand that. i'm grad you brought up the flu, i was with the president on friday, they had well over 100 people die of the aflu in florida and have not hd a single diagnosis of coronavirus. it's important for americans to keep things ineo perspective. we do expect to see more cases but there's things people can do to keep themselves safe. i tell my kids, wash your hands, cover your cough, clean your surfaces and keep your distance away from people who are sick and stay home if you're sick, it's important for people to understand. judge jeanine: what do clean with, i read there are different kinds of wipes you can use, clorox wipes, i'm not promoting one company or another, what do you used to suiclean the surface on airplan.
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>> we talk about public health hygiene, simple wipe will work, most have the substances in them, i do want to promote a particular product but most are antibacterial and antiviral and will kill most germs predictable thing, wash your hands, it's so much more effective than many other things folks are talking about out there to protect themselves from coronavirus. judge jeanine: why you are speaking we are video people walking around with masks, we hear about the n95, people walking around with masks, do they help prevent this and what you see on the screen right now is a mask that most people have, the surgical mask which is like paper in the n95 which is like a painter would use in the in 99 which has a filter. talk about the masks, do we get them or know. >> the coronavirus is a respiratory virus and a surgical mask, it does not protect you from a respiratory virus, it has leaks all around
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it and it's really designed as a barrier protection for people in the operating room that's why they call it an operating mask the n95 which is what people are buying up in important understand the n95 mask, i have to be fit tested for, i have to make sure i'm the type feel to wear as a healthcare provider, the average person or citizen that mask will not protect them, as a matter of fact most cases are actually going to increase a risk of being contaminated withh the virus when they're wearing the mask improperly because they tend to touch their face, move it around, it's very uncomfortable and hard to breathe and not only are you notcobr preventing yourself, you may be increasing your self by wearing the mask. a tweet i read today, when people buy up the masks and hoard the masks, then they may not be available for healthcare providers to actually use them for patient care.
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again you could be harming yourself by exposing yourself to a virus moving the mask around on your face and harming your community by hoarding these masks. there's things you can do to keep yourself safe, wearing a mask if you're someone from the general public is not one. judge jeanine: wearing a masks prevent you from infecting someone else then from you being infected by somebody else. so you're protecting them from you. >> in some cases as a healthcare provider will advise people to wear a mask and that is somebody who is sick themselves so they are not spreading it. judge jeanine: let's talk -- there's a scheduled meeting on monday with certainle pharmaceutical companies and the possibility of creating a vaccine with this virus. >> absolutely we were in the situation s room for about four hours at the white house and the president has said we want to do everything that we can to make sure we are accelerating the approval and development of
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new drugs so we could treat the novel coronavirus and so there will be pharmaceutical companies coming in meeting with the fda to figure out how we can accelerate vaccine production and o development in the production of antiviral. were still looking probably next year before we get a vaccine at the earliest so it's important to folks to understand we have been through this before mers, sars, we did not overcome these situations with a vaccine even though we wanted to make sure we have it in case we need it. week overcame her with basic public health precautions. >> a final question, as we approach springtime in summertime, the possibility of the virus spreading is less and less i assume. >> again, we know viruses tend to spread when people are in tight enclosed spaces, the reason you see seasonal variation is because the wintertime people are packed inside.
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one thing we know that keeps people from getting viruses is social distancing. we hope we will see this virus start to weigh in in china we see a number of cases starting to go down but we don't know what to expect that's what we tell people to do things that we know, we will protect you such as cleaning your hands, ngurcover your cough social distancing, but panic is not warrantedd here, we expect most cases people will be mild and we expect if we do the right thing as individuals and communities that we can get to the t coronavirus situation just as wehi got through mers and sas in the past. judge jeanine: thank you so much and thank you for what you in the administration and especially the vice president are doing for us. >> the vice president said to tell you hi. judge jeanine: thank you. up next the gloves are coming off as i get ready to take on the democrat live, we are ready to rumble right after the
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u.s. signed a historic deal earlier today, the u.s. will start withdrawing troops from afghanistan as part of that agreement and return the taliban will not allow the country to be used in terror attacks against the u.s. the deal calls for complete withdrawal and for two months but that is only if the taliban fulfills its end of the bargain. thousands of american troops have died during the conflict. meantime at least three people were injured during an explosion in los angeles, it happened out of textile business in an industrial area. two victims are still in critical condition after suffering severe burns, no word on the cost. now back to "justice with judge jeanine". judge jeanine: this just in, democrat candidate and billionaire tom steyer dropping out of the race tonight after coming c in third in south carolina. joe biden scoring a decisive
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victory, has he taken back front runner status? at least until his next gap, host of the aggressive progressive podcast joined me now to battle out and more. are you happy about what happened today? in south carolina? >> i'm not endorsing anybody but like many i was wrong to count joe biden out, the reports of the demise have been greatly j exaggerated. i agree with what some people have been saying we might head toward the tactic convention, i don't think that's necessarily about thing, i think things will be worked out and whoever the ahi candidate leaves will be okay. i would not count joe biden from taken out his a lot of momentum, the first day they had amo clear victor that actually voted, nevada was a clear win for bernie with the
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caucus and very few people show up for caucuses, this is a primary and you have hundreds of thousands of votes in joe biden will be the front leader after tonight. judge jeanine: if bernie went super tuesday, do you think bernie will winho it? >> i think bernie is in the best position right now to pick up the most delegates on super tuesday he is competing in every state, joe biden is not is funded or organized as esenator sanders. i think mike bloomberg is cutting into joe biden support. that said, tonight when will send a strong message across the country over the next couple of days that will help joe biden. if you stay in contact with bernie sanders on the delegate count, he could pick up a pass bernie sanders in the context later in march an early april. there's a lot of delegates to be had over the next couple of weeks. judge jeanine: a if bluebird, if it does go to a a brokered convention, do you think bloomberg will be the one to win the convection, he throws
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money around any did in new york for years. >> i think that when you will see the moderate wing of the party come together to the candidates. somebody said the superdelegates have two and half votes to the houseboat of the regular delegate. that is not correct at all. there's only 800 or so superdelegates, there's only 4000 superdelegates. the regular ones will choose the candidate in deals made between the people who have delegates as long as they stay loyal to the people they were00 pledged to they can make a dea deal. >> in the end none of it matters because will win don't you agree? >> you know judge if you were to ask you the question on monday is it more likely that trouble get reelected i would've said yes, after the wiki had i say i don't think so, i think of things keep going the way they're going with the economy and the virus and i don't blame him for either the american public will and that's the problem he faces right now, he knows it which is
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why he had the w recess today on the coronavirus which was a good press conference and i'm not one to praise the president. but the press conference he had was very scary for a lot of americans it showed in the market results the next day. judge jeanine: the markets are down all over the globe and you want to blame it on donald trump -- let's go to the facts, will trump the reelected in september, was 46% yes, octobery that the virus is now going to make a difference but this country according to john hopkins is the most prepared country in the world for a pandemic or an epidemic. so how could any of this go against the president when he has done everything possible including stopping people coming in from china unless there american citizens whose
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quarantine. what are we supposed to do? >> i think the president going to south carolina last night and calling the coronavirus was a hoax is a huge mistake, he recognized that. judge jeanine: he did not call it a hoax. >> he did call a hoax. judge jeanine: he said as part 's the democrats. it's like the russia hoax, it's like the ukrainian hoax, this is another hoax that is his fault, you guys don't speak english. every time the guy says something you blame him for something else. he did not say it was a hoax. >> let me tell you what i'm saying, i don't think you heard me earlier, i don't blame the president for the economy or the virus but the american people will vote how they feel and the american people are on edge about the economy and the virus and that is not good for this president who they do not trust to tell them the truth. he did not tell them the truth on wednesday. judge jeanine: he saying they're better off than they
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were three years ago. >> i would like to see that pole next week, i think those numbers would be very different. judge jeanine: i doubt it. >> they change the shape of the race and that helps joe biden in south carolina and will help him onha t super tuesday he hasd steady hand. and his endorsement was worth 47% of the vote in the state. greg.judge jeanine: here i got , the problem there's only one other state like south carolina, that's alabama and 14 other states, biden is not able to put two sentences together. that's the end of that i'll probably see you next week. >> he had a great speech tonight. judge jeanine: thank you very much pre-president trump is reassuring thee: nation over the coronavirus today but now can you protect yourself, infectious disease specialist doctor bobta arnot will be right
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judge jeanine: the first confirmed death from coronavirus in the u.s., what do we need to do to protect ourselves, let's askhe the nest guest to break it down, infectious disease specialist bob are not. you have incredible career, you know a lot about infectious diseases, talk to us about pandemic epidemic and what is happening into either of those categories in terms of coronavirus. >> it is very mild disease as a surgeon general was say about 80% of people, 50% of people maybe ill enough to go to the hospital and someone in ico and 3% make it very ill. the key is, what is the death rate there's been so little surveillance at mik little low.
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what i would say, the finest surveillance team ever put togetheree is a centers for disease control, worldwide, fantastic,. tony saatchi is the bestrs infectious disease expert you can imagine. a fantastic team and you are looking very carefully at each community and i think it's unlikely you will have any kind of amassed enter mass casualty situation. there may be disruption, that's what you want to worry a little bit about if there's a number of cases in your community, they may have the kids take off school for a while, you may want to work from home, that kind of disruption but i'm not particular concern about our masks 1918 epidemic. i think it's overblown and there's always a balance between public health authorities trying to calm everybody in the media trying to say it's ag big story.
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judge jeanine: is really reassuring that you have so much confidence in the cdc. as you can imagine this is become politicized because anything in the world of trump is politicized when his cdc and his team with factory in the surgeon general is doing incredible stuff. when you look at some parts of the world where thiswh is happening, we seem to have done pretty well, we have some numbers here where china has 79000 cases, why do they have so many cases, south korea 3000, italy a thousand. and we say pandemic it is all over the world. >> and the wu han wuhan province laboratory there, there is speculation about the laboratory, it was not
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particularly well in the power averages, and the virus might have escaped from thatas laboratory. but remember we have much better healthcare here in a population with better shape. we had tragically one death but we have not had dozens or hundreds that they found in other countries. i'm quite confident were in better shape. you have to look at who's in risks, the average ages, 59 for people getting ill and people at real risk are in their 70s and 80s, meal, hypertension, diabetes, respiratory conditions, this is not the disease i need to worry about my kids or middle-aged individuals. those at risk i was to go to see your doctor and make sure your diabetes is under control that you have as much as i do is under control and you're in good shape. but the most interesting tip is this, you are not going to know whether you have the flu or corona because similar
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symptoms. the flu ort to have you think it is the flu, call your, healthcare provider and ask about antiviral drugs like tamiflu for example, it works quite well for the flu and may work for corona. i would be very aggressive that if you have the first symptoms, jump on and call your healthcare provider and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. judge jeanine: so good to see you. we will have you back soon. up next, we will look ahead to the high state super tuesday, trump 2020 katrina pierson is here. we will be back after that. ♪ (narrator) this is chet.
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>> together we're defeating the radical socialist democrats, the fake news media, a good politician and the hate filled left-wing mob. that was the worst debate performance in the history of presidential debates. do we agree? [cheering] but he will keep spending the money, this weekend i hear his and stops on tuesday. he's going for tuesday, who
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will spend a lot of money. we'll go biden first, scream like hell if you think i should run against him. [cheering] would you like me too run against him? crazy bernie sanders. [cheering] judge jeanine: president trump fired up the conservative base today with a rousing address marking the 2020 democratic candidates and railing against the washington swamp. here was the 2020 senior advisor christina pearson. he was a rare form and a very, very trump like. who would you rather see the president run against? >> i think that's a great question. i think today what we saw, the president definitely in campaign mode not only talking about serious business that he was interweaving that with fun and excitement and entertainment which is the trump way to campaign but i think any of these candidates will be great to run against because people forget, yes we
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had several years of the media biased in this filter put over to what makes it to the public eventually donal donald j trumpl have the debate stage with him over the candidate will be and he will be able to set the record straight. judge jeanine: now thatut biden today has one south carolina, the question is whether or not that will continue but this deepak strong result, they think sanders is the one who win and they think bloomberg is coming in second period so bloomberg, what do you think, how far will the money take bloomberg? >> i think we found out today that money cannot buy love. but moving forward when you look at super tuesday, i heard you mentioned earlier, alabama is similar to south carolina but bernie is ahead in north
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carolina, he's heading california, texas, this is definitely headed towards the convention and i'm not sure biden can hold his team because as you mentioned you cannot put two sentences together half the time he doesn't know what state he's in and the other hafeez not sure which office he's running for. judge jeanine: really is amazing that the democrat o establishment would fight so hard to make sure he went but again the last four years they fought tofo make sure with the superdelegates. what is interesting, we have a strong pull from c pac hundred c pack called romney a political opportunist. what do you think his future holds for them? >> i think he's pretty much peaked at this point. what he did to president trump really is truly unforgettable when you had every single republican sticking together knowing that this impeachment style trial was a hoax. it was fake, contrived and it's
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really sad for romney, it's a bad mark on him, what it does to the american people it goes to show that romney has sour grapes still. everyone knows this was a joke in the russiae collision hoax was a mueller investigation and search of a crime and everyone knows the impeachment hoax was a trial in search of a cause, they are trying to get rid of president trump, they don't care about the american taxpayer or our families, they just want to beat trump. what will happen in november, trump it is voters will give him a fight, they want when we will give him one. judge jeanine: we only have a few seconds but last pull from cpac says 80% that their life has improved since donald trump has been president and 95% approved of donald trump as president. no surprise there? >> no surprise, numbers do not lie, this president delivered promises he did not make and will continue to make more and accomplish more. judge jeanine: katrina pierson thank you so much we'll be
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9:00 pm
>> tonight thanks for watching i'm jeanine and frank is nec don't miss him. says are you stupid? coronavirus crisis is going to get much worse for donald trump. we know at least that much. he will probably stay physically healthy throughout the crisis. but his mental health which is weak on his best day can only get much worse every day of this crisis. [laughter] >> well at least no one is politicizing it you jackass. [cheering] ♪ all right. now before we get to the fun stuff, let's address the viral elephant in the room the coronavirus. now when there's little info out there you're with often
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