tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News March 1, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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other programs i've done for fox news from politics to profiles to my three days history series about pivotal moments in the presidency of fdr, eisenhower and reagan. for fox nation and fox news, thanks for watching. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i'm mark levin. this is life, liberty and levin. we have a great guest, charlie kirk, how are you. you are knowing to our audience from turning point usa but i wanted to have you here because the bernie sanders movement, the youth movement, that the youth will go democrat, were socialist. i want to discuss this with you and you've also written
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magnificent book, the maga doctrine and it relates to the topic. let's jump in. first of all, i have said the conservatives better stop celebrating what the democrats are going through with bernie sanders. the democrat party is the biggest political party in the country. the fact that there are a lot of people voting, they can call it the democratic socialists all they want. i know what it is, he knows what it is, he won't sit in that chair are you are right now so he and i can discuss it. this is very troubling to me. i don't think we should be rooting for bernie sanders to be the nominee of the democrat party, am i wrong? >> you are totally correct. in fact, when i go to conservative groups across the country and i say bernie sanders can be president of united states, i'm usually met with scoff and people dismissing it. no, it can happen. when i visit college campuses,
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more so than anyone on the conservative circuit, i am getting daily, if not hourly intel reports of exactly what's happening on the ground, and i can tell you that there is a base of supporters that can grow rather significantly ahead of the election that bernie sanders can capitalize on. look, i for one don't want to go the way of the democrats in 2016 and be so dismissive of the other party nominee and say that person can't be president. we don't know if bernie sanders will be the nominee or not, but we do know his rise is fueled by a broken culture. and a culture that we as conservative have not engaged in enough, especially on college campuses. the university system in particular, and the thousands of professors that occupy most of the history department and the humanities department have been teaching the next generation to hate our country
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, and they have not been teaching them american history properly, if not at all. they have not been teaching them the founding of our country. when you are not thankful for something, mark, why would you want to conserve that something? if you're not thankful for our country, of course you would want the support of a revolution to overtake it, and it's rooted in and no understanding of economics or what the idea of free actually means. so what i do every single day is try to bring the ideas of freedom and liberty in the constitution to these college campuses, and a little point of optimism on it, there is an extraordinary amount of young people that are waiting for this message to be heard because they have been silenced by the intelligence on college campuses that believe the there should be only one set of ideas on a university campus. mark: so you seem to be saying charlie kirk that bernie sanders is the end result of what's been going on for
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decades in government schools, colleges and universities with pretty much a monopoly of ideology, a monopoly of faculty, ideologues, and it's starting to have consequences, serious consequences, and you see republicans, i see some in broadcast, and their actually giddy. we don't know if bernie sanders will be the nominee, but the fact that we don't know is problematic. i posted something when i was in israel and i set my fellow conservatives, what are you dreaming about and not only that he has moved the party and others. really fringe characters. they've moved the center of the democratic party. they moved the center of the political debate and this is something we have to battle and be aware of, is it not. >> we have to understand that whatever happens on college
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campuses will happen in the halls of congress. we should not be cheering on the rise of a marxist in our country in any shape whatsoever. we defeated communism when the berlin wall fell down but then we fell asleep at the wheel and we allowed the same marxist ideas to infiltrate the mind of the most prized possession in our country which is our young people. you are exactly right, mark, when you say that you should not be celebrating the rise of a marxist and you're all the sudden scene ideas that otherwise would be considered radical now become mainstream. people ask me all the time, what can we do about this smart what can we do about the rise of socialism in our country and you hit the nail on the head. it's government run schools that are the primary culprit for why this happens. bernie sanders is just a byproduct of a broken culture. he is exploiting a generation that has been trained to be victims. he is exploiting a generation and a populace that wants to take other people's money
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away. it's very easy to be generous of other people's money. in fact, we you and i have to communicate to the american people, liberty and freedom is actually a harder sell if you will. it's harder to tell people to work harder o wake up earlier or pull yourself up by the bootstraps. bernie sanders is talking about student loan forgiveness, debt cancellation. >> you don't have to get out of bed. >> that's right. work less, get more free stuff mediocre agenda of the party. make no mistake, the socialist movement is not going away if we defeated at the ballot box in november. we have to defeat it. no matter who the nominee is, they will have 4250% of the party who are socialist. the question i always ask people is do you think america will be more or less social in ten years. the only correct russian is what's happening in culture.
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what are students reading? or they reading the founding fathers? do they understand american history? at the appreciative of the gift we been given from god and the answer is, more times than often, no. that's why we offer with the sense of urgency at turning point usa. we have been winning politically as conservatives over the last ten or 15 years but we been losing culturally. mark: you look at this progressive movement which is really the child of marxism. [inaudible] pushed over a hundred years ago by the likes of woodrow wilson and john dewey, theodore roosevelt and others. you can see it devout as one institution and another. the media work for the perspective of the left, social activists. it's progressive. you see it every day. you see it on the sunday shows. you look at hollywood, same thing, but our public schools,
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that's where they're targeting. don't teach math without teaching it in a social setting. don't teach chemistry without teaching it in a social setting, a social engineering setting and it has an impact on society at some point. is the progressive movement, the radical progressive movement, there was some resistance, has it devoured that party now? >> i hope not. for the good of the country we should want at least moderate democrats to have a voice. there is nothing good for the future of our republic, this gift that we been given, to have the opposition party go full over in marxist. i'm so glad you mentioned because he was the gateway to karl marx and plato was the gateway to russo and. >> your well read. >> thank you. >> and aristotle and plato who would be the age old student and teacher dynamic, of course
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socrates taught aristotle. [inaudible] they said is private property a good thing or a bad thing. they also argued against the nuclear family but aristotle says i think private property serves a role. if you try to take their stuff away you would take away their meaning and ability to pass on wealth and ideas to the next generation. this divide between aristotle and plato is playing out today in our politics, and we have to understand that bernie sanders does not think private property is a right and we kind of skidded away from this as conservatives. we don't mention that in the original drafts of some of our founding documents. it was life, liberty and private property.
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you informed me of this at a young age by listening to your radio show. why is this important? if you don't believe that being able to own private property is a right, then a course we can take away 16 of the american economy and healthcare. if you don't believe that's right, then you don't own your own speech. mark: this is a great point. madison did and entire essay on private property. private property is more than just material. it's in your head and more than what you have to say. it's crucial. the reason the left rejects private property is it's one of the barriers against their agenda, against their ideology and that's why they attack it constantly. they don't care because there attacking the middle class whose wealth is redistributed and all the rest of it. they can talk about billionaires all they want. >> that's right. going back to russo to complete the point, he was one of the most amazing hypocrites
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in philosophical history. he argued private property was the worst thing ever yet he lived like a plutocrat and potentially one of the 1%. to your point, you have people in the ruling class that are arguing for marxism but they're really arguing for more power and control for themselves. they actually don't want to live under the very proposals they are offering to the populace that they are offering to the people or the citizenry. so what i think is so instrumental is, if the left had their way, what would they allow in terms of private property? they would take our guns away, they would take our speech away, they would take our right to privacy away in the fourth amendment, and so this is a fundamental disagreement right now where if any journalist had an ounce of integrity, they would look senator sanders in the eye and say do you believe private property is a right? he would probably try to dance away from it but eventually he would say no. that's the core debate that's happening right now. mark: and what is private
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property. private property is the manifestation of your physical and intellectual labor. you get up in the morning, most of us, you work and you go to bed at night. you get up and do it over and over again. your existence, on the planet as a human being, is linked to what you create, to what you develop. that is the manifestation of your liberty, of your human being. somebody steps in and said you don't have the right to this and you need to redistribute that and what they're saying is i'm going to attack your individualism and your liberty, no? >> that's right. and john locke taught us this. he was an inspiration of the american founding and he moved us forward hundreds of years philosophically and brought us right up to the precipice of the american revolution where he had the correct and brilliant revelation that everything you think and everything that you believe, and everything you invest in as a human being is your own
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property. the left actually hijacks this language against us. they use it incorrectly when talking about life and abortion. they say well it's your body, your choice. while that's a deeper discussion for a different time, however, what they're trying to say, they're trying to play on the tendency of young people to want to be free. they are arguing that human beings should have sovereignty over their own choices. that's what they're getting at which is actually a lockean natural rights for government that our rights come from god, not from government. bernie sanders doesn't believe rights come from god. i'm not sure he even believes in god. that's another important point that the left as it's becoming more and more marxist is increasingly becoming more secular's. mark: we will get into this in a moment. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx: doorbell] hello, i saw you move in, and i wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood
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relevant to what we are talking about. mark, the subject is so heavy. yes it is. if we don't do it, who will. this word liberty, when you hear, and it's not just sanders, you hear the squad, you hear the left, you hear the media talk about liberty, but define liberty to the guys of government programs, welfare, redistribution of wealth, wealth tax, free education, free this, that's not liberty. at some point that's tierney because you're stealing from other people and not just billionaires. we don't have enough billionaires to fund all this. you're stealing it from men and women who get up every morning and work for living. this word liberty has been hijacked, just like the word democratic socialism. there's no such thing.
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you're either a socialist marxist or you're not. what does liberty mean to people who really understand and believe in liberty? >> for those of us that understand what this word means and not the misrepresented part of it, it means first and foremost we have natural rights from our creator. the right to your own consciousness, right to your decisions, the right to make good decisions and bad decisions. going back to the idea of private property, but also that idea of liberty is quite honestly a new idea governmentally in the last hundred years. very few societies allowed citizens to have liberty in human history. the norm was typically the absence of liberty. the norm was tierney. the norm was a permanent serf class and a despot dictator or ruler exploiting the citizenry and people dying for some war probably by the age of 30 or 35. when liberty came around, not just economic liberty or personal liberty, either you have liberty or you don't. you don't get to pick and choose what kind of liberty you want. it's not a buffet option.
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that year of 1776 was so important. not just because of the declaration of independence but also the. [inaudible] he observed it. he discovered it. he was asking the question why are certain countries richer than other. the title was not wealth but nation. and increased into the cause of wealth of nation because he was so curious as why certain countries and certain areas, specifically in scotland where we had the scottish enlightenment, were doing so much better than others. what he found what he realized and concluded is this word liberty, where people were allowed to make choices. then people's lives actually got better. here's the problem with liberty, it breeds apathy.
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one of our genius founding fathers articulated that which is when people have liberty over a couple generations you are going to have hierarchy be created. so let's pretend, mark, that there was enough money to compensate from all the billionaires. it still wouldn't be moral. it still wouldn't be correct. that would be a violation of the tennant of liberty because in order for them to get that wealth they had to trade voluntarily with other people to make themselves rich and people equally as rich along the way. mark: very well put. you have the scottish enlightenment, the french enlightenment, the german enlightenment all within a couple hundred years. and this modern notion, marxism, call it what you will, is a throwback really pre-enlightenment. really think about this. how much did intelligence does it take to steal stuff from people? how much intelligence does it take to create these phony matrix of these programs. you'll get free healthcare and healthcare is a right. these are fortune cookie states and when is the first time, let alone the last time, bernie sanders gave a speech for 20 or 30 minutes
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condemning a regressive genocidal communist regime question are just a 20 or 30 minutes speech. i can show you a 20 or 30 minutes speech where he's bashing america. he says america is racist from top to bottom. america isn't a concept. we are people. that means the american people are racist from top to bottom? no we are not. we have people of color, mostly, trying to pour into the united states to leave places of color, to leave their culture and country to come into america that's racist from top to botto bottom? what you make of this. >> it's one of the great lies in its taught in our university system. what it does is create self loathing amongst students in their view of america. if you believe america is a racist, bigoted, homophobic, backward looking country, of course you would want to create a revolution within this country. this lie that america is a racist country is so perverse
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and so widespread. we are the least racist multi ethnic, multilingual country ever to exist in the history of the world. we have assimilated, successfully, immigrants from every single country, from everything a corner around the world. america voluntarily takes u in half of the world's immigrant every single year. if america is so racist, why did they go north for america and not south for venezuela. to your point there's people from all backgrounds that would give anything to come into this country. that goes back to the american trinity. the phrase liberty in god we trust. [inaudible] to use a phrase from my friend dennis. he coined the latin phrase out of many one. this country is not founded on the skin color or a specific religion. it was founded on an idea about a matter where you come you can come here for opportunity and liberty, not for free stuff and not to covet what other people have. mark: to circle back for people who are interested in reading john locke, he said, i
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hope are not losing anybody out there, but he said when he was challenged, these ideas you have, where do they exist? he said america. america is a clean slate. america is and was a clean slate. it wasn't part of europe or africa or the middle east or asia, america, the shining city on the hill. that's what it is. so when bernie sanders, it's not just bernie sanders, it's all the leaders of the democrat party and even some republicans. they may point to your system and say shouldn't you be pointing to us? is the french healthcare system to die for? yes, pretty much. the british healthcare systems? dentist, after ten months they
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hit their quota and they can stop. you can go on and on. in america you can be in an illegal immigrant, just come into this country, walk into an emergency room and get full care. what is it about america that bernieieieieie and here we have another burst pipe in denmark. if you look close... jamie, are there any interesting photos from your trip? ouch, okay. huh, boring, boring, you don't need to see that. oh, here we go. can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle? wait, you're a lawyer? only licensed in stockholm. what is happening? jamie: anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. you know karate? no, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset. you clean dishes as you cook, to save time and stay ahead of the mess. but scrubbing still takes time. now there's new dawn powerwash dish spray. the faster, easier way to clean as you go. it cleans grease five times faster. on easy messes, just spray, wipe, and rinse. on tough messes, the spray-activated suds cut through grease on contact, without water.
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hi susan!) honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin honey. because it's never just a cough. live from america's news headquarters, people do judge ending his presidential run after coming in fourth place in south carolina. he officially called it quits
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thing the path has narrowed for a close for candidacy if not for our cause. a second person in the u.s. has now died from the coronavirus. this victim, like the first coming from washington state. the governor of new york also confirmed one positive case of the coronavirus here in the states while florida's governor declared a state of emergency after two people tested presumptively positive in his state. north korea firing to unidentified missiles according to south korea's military. the joint chief of staff could not immediately confirm what the projectiles were or far they flew. now back to life, liberty and levin. rty and love in. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. mark: welcome back charlie kirk. the american revolution, the french revolution, it was a completely different revolution. one had a real purpose and the
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purpose of the american revolution wasn't to destroy society, it was to embrace the principles that these colonist believed in, and to throw off a wretched monarchy and the french revolution, the purpose was to fundamentally transform their society. destroy it top to bottom with ten years of terrorism in the french revolution. explain the difference. >> the philosophical difference was one was based in liberty and the other was based in a form of status collectivist utopian ideal. the false promise of utopia is something that the left has been using for thousands of years and the french revolution was no different. when they took power in france, bait literally
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abolished time. they wanted to restart the calendar and get rid of the agrarian -based calendar because they set all history before us is irrelevant and we are cannot start history now. it sounds similar to alexandra cortez saying everyone before us got everything wrong. mark: it sounds like mark. >> it sounds like hallmarks. it's the same lack of respect for the thinkers and sacrifice of people preceding you. the founding fathers were appreciating the sacrifice of the religious liberty judeo-christian values of the colonies. you have to understand the people that came to america and rounded the colonies originally, they left seeking liberty and freedom and put their entire life on the line. they could've died on the voyage over, they could've died of disease, there was no guarantee it would work out for them and then they started to live under oppressive rule from king george and the monarchy and they rebelled into the formation of the greatest, most prosperous benevolent tivoli station in the history of the world. france, to your point, was a rebellion, not inspired by the
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american revolution. that is a lazy interpretation of history. he was inspired by greed. that's what drives the collectivists and the socialist. they were upset that the french ruling class was living so well. instead of having an american based resolution in france where they wanted to restore natural rights and private property, they decided to begin what ended up being a decade-long slaughter of infighting, collectivist control, they tried what was called the paris commune for a short time which ended up being a total and complete disaster. i think it's rather instructive because the left will always operate in predictable patterns. we can learn from the russian revolution. what's different than the french revolution. but this revolution right now that they're trying to do in america is a little bit of a mixture of both. never before have we seen a revolution be so against the
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country they're trying to take over. the russian revolution described himself as pro- russian. they're trying to take over the country while convincing the populace is a horrible and evil country. mark: and yet bernie sanders says don't call me a communist, don't call me a marxist, i'm a democratic socialist because he understands propaganda. he understands nomenclature. the left always does. there's nothing democratic about bernie sanders. one election away from centralized government. he wants to double or triple the size of the government. >> and were not a democracy. mark: were not a democracy, were a republic. give you an example, the bill of rights. they don't get to vote on whether you have free speech rights or freedom of association or religion or property rights, we don't put that up for plebiscite. those are god-given rights and
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what the framers of the constitution wanted. >> and as the left wing gets more power and grows, it's directly correlated with the hyper secularization of our culture. when people stop believing in god, then of course they wouldn't believe in god given right. mark: than what do they believe. >> they want government to be their god. that is a great question because i go to some of these elitist schools and they are screaming at me and protesting me and i do ask them the question, what do you believe in. what a horrible existence it must be to believe in nothing. you don't believe in god therefore you don't believe in love, you don't believe in connection, you don't actually believe in the higher power or a creator and so they end up investing their belief in these arbitrary buzzwords of the left. i believe in equality, okay, equality of rights for equality of outcome? i just believe in equality. i believe all people should be
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equal at the outset. mark: let me say this as we know to break. equality in the wrong hands is a disaster. for all in the rice fields, equal, picking the same amount of rice and there a limit, were equal but were also living a life of death. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm your mother in law. and i like to question your every move. like this left turn. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son's favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? [tina] you're an old lady. women with metastatic we breast cancerers. standing in the struggle. hustling through the hurt.
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♪ ♪ ♪ charlie kirk you've written this book the maga doctrine, give us some of the main ideas. obviously it's about president trump. >> i wrote this book because a lot of people were trying to describe the trump doctrine incorrectly. the way i look at it is the maga doctrine is a doctrine of american renewal and excellence that our country is
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almost in managed decline post- reagan and after the reagan evolution, and mark you informed me on so much of this through your writings and radio show, the reagan revolution was incredible. we took communism had on but unfortunately right after reagan we got h.w. bush and we lost our way a little bit. we raised taxes, the federal bureaucracy grew further after some of the people reagan pushed out and so i was fearful, what if we don't learn the lesson of the reagan revolution and we don't put into writing the doctrine of the trump era. i don't want post- trump, the republican party or conservative movement to go back to status quo ruling class technocratic government essentially philosophy. i think there's so special about this president and what he's done for our country. he has restored impartial justices, the economic success is unprecedented.
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the lowest ever unemployment, we are finally energy independent. 10million people off food stamps. mark: can i stop you right here, i don't think people realize this energy independence, what a big deal this is. this is something we have attempted to reach this point for half a century, and this president has brought us to this point and his opponents just blindly say i believe and agree new deal and we shouldn't have fossil fuel. what are we gonna do, walk around with battery operated socks. propeller hats question market so absurd. look at what he's done. you're right. >> he is a businessman and i write about this in the book, he has looked at every single issue analytically and asked himself the question, has the status quo in washington d.c. been benefiting the american people? the answer to that question is large and part most times no. president trump, i think,
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change the entire conversation on china for the better in washington d.c. which i believe to be america's biggest geopolitical threat. he upended the conversation in the middle east where he is ending perpetual wars and going after the terrorists that wish us the most harm like soleimani. he's not afraid to stand with our allies and move the embassy in jerusalem and recognize the goal line. why didn't past republican presidents do this in the past 20 years. why did it take a billionaire businessman from new york to upend the system. the argument i make is the second he announced his motives were correct. it wasn't to get invited to d.c. cocktail parties, he looked at the country as something he loved so much and he was tired of seeing it being taken advantage of. here's the question, will it be a trump moment or a trump movement. similar to a reagan revolution that gave us some of the greatest thinkers and writers
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such as yourself. i want to see president trump start a new renaissance of conservativism for the next hundred years. i see him as an amazing in inspiration and that's exactly why i wrote this book. mark: in your book is fascinating because you provide some of the substance and answers to the questions, for instance, donald trump didn't come to office and doesn't come to his job as an ideologue. he is instinctively conservativ conservative. he loves his country. he wants to do what's right for the people of his country. he is under brutal, constant, relentless attack by the forces we been talking about, and he does something other republican presidents haven't done, he fights back toe to toe and nose to nose and he won't give an inch. >> part of the maga doctrine is not just governing with conservative principles by engaging in culture. the sovereign models of cultural influence in one of which is academia and he signed the executive order for
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free speech on college campus which we've benefited tremendously with that turning point usa. he engages the culture to get left to finally be on defense. the first time in my life where i've seen the left beyond defense. he calls the media out for their outright activism for the democratic party, and this president, he's open-minded. this is a president in past decades was not pro-life yet he's the most pro-life president in american history and he's unafraid to say i moved on this issue because i saw a real-life instance of somebody possibly could have been aborted and he's living a great life. spoke at the march for life and cut planned parenthood funding and he deserves great appreciation. he has stood for religious liberty better than any other president since reagan. and israel, the embassy in jerusalem, goal line height, cutting funding for the palestinian, canceling the iran deal. mark: any democrat running for president opposes. they want to move the embassy back in particular ernie
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sanders, he's got surrogates who he embraces, who are vile anti-semites. [inaudible] the democrat party has a problem and the president has the guts to call them out. we'll be right back. i visualize travel rewards. i receive travel rewards. going new places! going out for a bite! going anytime. rewarded! learn more at the explorer card dot com. i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
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mark: charlie kirk, what is the core principle that the president operates from that you've noticed. >> his love for america, and i wish that wasn't something that divided the two political parties now, but i have real questions about the democrat party when they rip up state of the union speeches, when they recently used to stand when such amazing successes are announced, but what i love most about the president is his relentless commitment to delivering results to people who voted for him and the people that didn't vote for him. the entire american populace. this is really important because typically you see politicians overly pander to the constituents that got him into office. the president has been unafraid to say i was elected
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on putting china in check in better trade meals but he's also gone out of his way to deliver results for the lack community, a community that predominantly did not vote for him. criminal justice reform, record funding for hbcus, lowest unemployment rate, he goes out of his way to make sure he is the president for all americans, for bringing dignity back to forgotten america. the main driving point behind this book that i think people can learn from is where to next. not just next beyond trump but the next eight months, we have to know these principles better than ever before because i truly believe we been given a gift in this presidency. i don't know if it's a gift that maybe we deserved it, maybe we didn't, but i'll tell you, what this president has delivered for our country is historic and something that has far exceeded the wildest expectations of many, many people in the entire.
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[inaudible] as we move forward and young people are looking for inspiration, i want us to further embrace this maga doctrine. not to go back to the ruling class republican status quo of open borders and china appeasement and sending billions of dollars to iran and being perfectly okay with that, but instead of a document of sovereignty of american excellence and american renewal. mark: i personally think this president really is one of the last opportunities to prevent the left from fundamentally transforming america. he stands between us and them. look at what he is doing with the courts. he wants real constitutionalists on the court, as you mentioned. they impeached him and tried to remove him not because he did anything wrong, it's because they don't like the fact that he won and he's there and they want to reverse the course of history. history is going to judge them very, very badly for what they attempted to do to this president.
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the democrats on the left should know he represents tens of millions of us and were not going anywhere. >> in fact were growing and that's the message i want to share with your audience which is i also run students for trump. right now students for trump has more active chapters then students for bernie sanders. we are growing at such an amazing pace because finally we have a leader of the consumer conservative movement in the presidency and he's unafraid to fight for principles and he gives young people the courage and conviction to stand up against the left. when they see president trump go up against the media they say maybe i can go against my professor. when they see him sign that executive order that the media told them not to sign, they say maybe i can start that turning point usa group or students for trump group. he gives us the conviction and
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true car. buy smarter. drive happier. mark: charlie kirk, great book the maga doctrine, the only ideas that will win the future. there's a lot in here we won't get to bed as we close the program i want to come back to where we started. trump supporters, the people who just oppose the bernie sanders, pete buttigieg mentality of massive centralized ever met with tentacles everywhere, they really shouldn't take for granted a trump victory, why? >> we've been losing the culture of the last 30 years. trump should win in a 1984 landslide. it's probably not can happen. you have so many forces working against this president and every trump supporter out there should take it from me in what i'm seeing on these
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college campuses. this is going to be a brass knuckle bite for the future of our country come november. take nothing for granted. don'do not scoff and say there's no way bernie sanders can win. he can win. anyone of them can win. the minute we stop fighting the left smiles because they know that's the point they will attack harsher than ever ever before. our republic is at stake and we are going to go through a lot of adversity. i hope all of your viewers take it on themselves to donate, get active, run for office, whatever their own call to action is we have to unite coming november. mark: everything's on the line. we've now reached the point where every election is now do or die and w that is not what the framers intended.
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we are outside the constitution. >> and that's why i wrote this book. the selection is election of action. the left will be out in the streets going after our students on college campuses. the tech companies will try to do every thing they possibly can to suppress conservative thought. so yes, it is a do or die election. do i wish it was not the case, of course not, but to your brilliant point we are in a post- constitutional. period this is the most important election of our life because every election is the most important election of our lives because the stakes keep getting bigger and bigger. i will be visiting dozens and dozens of college campuses from now to november. our network of thousands of campuses will be activated. this is a fight that i believe we will win but it won't come easily. the left will not give us our country back if we asked nicely. we have to take it back. mark: you're doing a great job. thank you for being out there on our college campuses.
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we have to figure out how to break up the monotony of ideology that exists on these college campuses rather than funding them with our tax dollars and parents with their tuition. thank you sir. >> thank you. mark: see you next time on "life, liberty & levin". breaking tonig steve: h the south bend, indiana mayor moments ago. >> today is a moment of truth, after a year of going everywhere and define expectations, the truth is the path is narrow to a close. steve: he isr the former mayor f south bend, good evening.
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