tv Outnumbered FOX News March 3, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST
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speaker that was a three hours. >> it certainly was. >> thank you for joining us, everybody. "outnumbered" starts now. >> we begin with breaking news right now. a number of people died in tennessee has just gone up, at least 21 following tornadoes that ripped through tennessee overnight. powerful twisters at the center part of that stadium, including downtown nashville. authorities say dozens of buildings in the city have collapsed at more than 30,000 people at last count. forecasters are saying that the nashville tornadoes stayed on the ground for 10 minutes. that's a very long time. it left a mile along the path of
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destruction. this is the state's deadliest twister outbreak since 1998. at least 21 people dead. president trump started there when he made his comments moments ago varied he said fema is already on the ground there and he is planning on visiting tennessee on friday. more on the story as it develo develops. >> we come in with this fox news alert. the stakes are sky-high as you might imagine for 2020 democrats as super tuesday voting is now underway. voters in 13 states in the territory of american sonoma deciding on more than a third of available delegates. california and texas, the two biggest prizes with a combined total of more than 640 delegates. self-described democratic socialist, bernie sanders, is the frontrunner going into super tuesday. establishment and moderate democrats are consolidating
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behind joe biden. amy klobuchar and pete buttigieg endorsing the former vice president after ending their campaigns. watch. >> if democrats want a nominee to beat donald trump then join us. >> i am delighted to endorse and support joe biden for president of the united states. >> what i want all of you to do is vote for joe. >> i will be casting my ballot for joe biden. >> you're watching outnumbered, i'm harris faulkner. here today, melissa francis, fox news contributor, lisa boothe, executive director of the serve america packed and also i fox news contributor, marie harf. and in the center seat, fox news chief political linker, bret baier, the executive editor of "special report" on weekdays. coanchor of tonight's fox news super tuesday special coverage. he has so much to do. was not out of time to come be "outnumbered." >> it's good to be her on the
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couch. >> with so much going on what are you watching? which state are you keeping and i on? >> i'm watching all of the states to see who gets viability. that number is 15%. you have elizabeth warren come you have mike bloomberg, basically it's all about the math. bernie sanders is going to have a good night tonight. no matter how it comes down because of what we've seen going in. the question is how good? does he get california by himself? does north carolina come his way? biden's momentum over the past couple of days has been astonishing. what they are doing, what republicans did not do in 2016, that is get out of the way. elizabeth warren didn't get the memo. she may if she loses massachusetts. >> she's talking about a contested convention and how long she can hang in there. it isn't just about the delicate account, it's also about the
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money. when you look at the people who dropped out yesterday, as pete buttigieg was saying after meeting with jimmy carter come he didn't see that halfway after south carolina. >> mike bloomberg is pushing it back today. he said at our town hall last night that he is in it to win it. >> that was excellent by the way. >> thank you very much. it was interesting. a couple of desktops they are. >> there were three protests of the same time. there was something about the nda. there was a gun protest, and an abortion protester who just happen to decide to protest at the same time, which was fortuitous to us because we took a break and came back and got back on the rails the rails. >> what we learned coming out of south carolina and not going into super tuesday, you were talking about viability. who has it and who doesn't? >> we are on the edge and some
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of these states. bloomberg is right there in california. warren is right there. this because not because of money? i can see if you are doing well in new york but california -- >> he spent a ton of money. $600 million goes a long way. when i was saying about bloomberg as he says he is in it to win it but the pressure will build. he does not have a good night, there will be a lot of pressure for him to get out. >> does the biden momentum feel real? it looks a little forest when you got the other candidates coming in behind them. you look at the cover of various newspapers where it's like propping up this person. the others wouldn't get out of the way if they didn't think he had a real chance. >> i think he's going to step in it a bunch of times before -- the big speech where he is getting the endorsement he says tomorrow is super thursday, --
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>> i've heard step in it a few times today. that's why people love joe biden, he is real. he is who he seems to be. he's very authentic. i agree with you, melissa, these democrats would not of gotten out of the race. particularly people like pete buttigieg, who had lots of money still. the way he did last night having all of them on stage together was quite powerful. that south carolina bump was real. we've seen i in a state like virginia where private was a doing that well. after south carolina, after jim clyburn come after these other endorsements he may win by double digits night. democrats were waiting to see if joe biden could win moderate democrats. they saw that he could buy a lot. they are heartened by that i do. >> with a quick questions about the black vote. you talk about south carolina being a big boost for joe biden. how does that play for michael bloomberg? one of the areas that i thought the stop and frisk where he
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talked himself into a box a little bit last night and was repeating himself. we need to push to go but because you're going backwards. that's going to be a real problem form and as you get more demographically forward what does not hope for a candidate that's opening for a contested convention? >> there's so much talk in the party but a winning over these voters in the midwest and if that's what we need to do in 2016. a lot of democrats are saying wait a minute, we need to turn all those 4 million people who voted for obama and didn't vote for 2016. >> the president is going for them. many of whom are minorities. there's been so much focus on less of a group of people are looking at a biden's victory in south carolina without other group of folks in sync bloomberg can't do that, bernie probably can't do that. he did well in nevada though. biden is looking like the best one in that vein. >> do you think the context that joe biden is on his third presidential run and finally won his first primary state in south carolina and also got
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creamed in the first three contests is something important to keep in mind a question make you look at states like north carolina come of "the new york times" reported at the end of last week that democrats in north carolina cut only point to one staffer in the state. does that lack of organization in these super tuesday states and it matter in? it might not. it might be momentum that carries them through. that's something to look for as well. when you look at people like bloomberg and sanders who have been staffed up in these super tuesday states, who have been on the airwaves. also i'm looking at california. if sanders is going to run up the score, california is his place. california has probably the best chance he has. does he run up the score in california? is it something that nobody else can catch up with? also texas. does sanders take it away in texas or is it a close race and do multiple candidates get above the 15% threshold question mike those are the things i'm looking at. >> i heard you say california, now it's too late.
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texas last night -- real quickly the president says that clubs are and buttigieg biden endorsements mean the product incident jewel primaries rigged against sanders while claiming deals were made and its quid pro quo. what do you say about that? >> he's trying to stir the pot. >> no, bret. [laughter] >> he really does. he taps into it because he actually has a good sense about this. he's a really good a brand era not only in names but in the environment. the bernie sanders people if you talk to them they feel like here we go again. i will say that after last night's event, when three different people were streaming beto o'rourke and joe biden eating at whataburger, i knew we had come to a different place in the race. [laughter] it wasn't at the dentist offic office -- >> did you see a part of that's same streaming video when he put
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them in charge of gun control going forward. the man who said he wanted to take away ak-47s -- ar-15s. i thought that was really interesting. do we know more about joe bide joe biden's gun-control ideas because if he would put in charge in beto o'rourke or not? >> all i know is that was not a great moment for beto o'rourke as far as southern democratic states. when he said that in the debate. the fact that joe biden went back there and on the moment is getting the endorsement went there and said you were going to be my point man -- we will see how that plays. >> so much fascination. and there is more. stay with fox news channel for the latest on today's contest. our special super tuesday coverage kicks off tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern. bret will anchor along with martha maccallum as the polls are closing. we will cover everything you just pop your corn and watch. today's result could tell us a lot about the democrats likely know many as two big names in
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the mix show no signs of quitting. hand, they are ready for a contested convention. we will dig deeper into it. stay tuned to. >> the most likely scenario for the democratic party is that nobody has a majority and then it goes to a convention where this horsetrading and everybody decides to compromise on -- doesn't even have to be one of the two leading candidates. ♪ you $2,000 every year. and once you refinance, the savings are automatic. thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. activate your va streamline benefit now.
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he reportedly bought more than $500 million worth of advertising just for today's contest. that is more than president obama spent on advertising for the entire general election in 2012. maria, i've got to ask you because you're the democrat on the couch. does that feel like at this point he's not a team player because he's spending all this money for himself when the field is kind of clearing? he drove up the race, he spent all this money but when he drops out he will give that time to whoever is in the front? or make all of his ads anti-trump with no distinct who you are voting for instead he will still stay i'm helping the party. now it doesn't feel like it. it feels like he's playing spoiler. >> i think he was kind of in it for himself. then he had this moment where after i owe out when the other
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moderate options didn't do very well a lot of democrats thought michael bloomberg is our savior than he had that the beta performance. it's like watching a momentum roller coaster. we started learning more about what he had done. now he's in a place where you spend all this money and make it third in a number of contests. he may do better and some others because he has this operation in many of these places because he's paying a lot for it. >> i don't think you will when any states and i think you would hear calls for them to drop out and put that fortune and airtime behind joe biden because at this point he has zero delegates. >> there are a couple of states he could contest in. arkansas for one, main, although that will be sanders territory. massachusetts he is in the mix. he's in the top. tom steyer spent a hundred and $60 million under god zero
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delegates. i think bloomberg is going for a better per delegate dollar figure than steyer. i do think he is planning getting them along the way. >> how did it seem last night when you talk to them? what could you tell from being face-to-face? >> we talk to them before, briefly, he seemed calm. he seemed as he presents himself, a little bit low-key. he's not hyped up. he says he is in it to win it but you wonder if tonight is kind of the final deal. >> if you are bloomberg you care with the democratic establishment thinks of you question mike they rely on his money. he's the one that's funding the 2018 races across the country. also he can self finance. he doesn't need anybody else's money. he could take those as far as he wants to.
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>> it is a no end up getting bernie sanders the ticket if he is fighting for the moderate to prevent sanders from getting the ticket. >> he has an independence that other candidates don't have given its vast resources. >> allows night one of the things that i walked away with from watching the town hall was that he might not necessarily want to. i'm paraphrasing there but he would in fact backed bernie sanders if you were the nominee. i was surprised to see him say anything like that. that it catch you by surprise? >> we were trying to press him on that. he said it was like pulling teeth to get him to say who would be better for the country. president trump or president sanders. he wouldn't go down that road. he said i would reluctantly support sanders. >> it's like when he backed president obama and he said it made romney what a been a better president. it reminds me of that appeared in the meantime, elizabeth warren refusing to throw in the towel even though
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her fellow progressive, bernie sanders, has 60 delegates to her aid. just hours after amy klobuchar dropped out of the campaign, the warren campaign sent out an email talking about a wide coalition of support in minnesota. the massachusetts senator also picking up key endorsements from ms. lee's list, the nation's largest resource for women. elizabeth warren is clearly the best democrat to unify the party after a long primary, generate excitement, and take on donald trump. for now, warren and mike bloomberg appear to be thinking on a contested convention. warren sounds like she aims to make it that far. listen to this. >> that's why i flayed out all of these plans in such detail and show them how we can pay for it, how we can build alliances, how we can actually get it done. i am in this fight to win and to make real change. >> what do you think a memory? >> if i had to predict, i expect
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that even if he does win massachusetts tonight, but particularly if he doesn't, she will probably drop out after super tuesday. i have no insider information. elizabeth warren is very smart. i think she has run a very good campaign, at times she is clearly faltered and she has a very committed organization the end support that want to see her the night. she's smart. i think she knows there is no path for her and i also don't think she wants to play spoiler. i could be wrong. >> may be i am outnumbered on those, but could see her actually backing to biden over sanders. speak about what a putter in a tough spot. >> it would put her in a tough spot, however it would help the party out. speak of the battle lines are being drawn. it got the ad in the establishment of sanders, you've got the supposedly moderates -- >> if she's going to give up that mantle, she doesn't wanted to be bloomberg because he's the money guy.
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that is her moral opposition. i could see her taking one for the team with biden. i don't know. >> i think she is positioning herself to be the unity candidate if she makes it to milwaukee. if she outperforms the night, gets it for 15% and a bunch of states, she's going to be third in the delegate count and she will make a case. if you don't like one, you don't like to, i'm your girl that can unite everybody. it's a tough case and it's going to be tough to get you all of the way there. she may be playing for vice president and bernie sanders nomination. >> that ticket would really be laughed. >> she's about changing the country in big swaths. >> she could bring the left along with biden -- >> all right, u.s. coronavirus case is now in the triple digits as we wait for lawmakers to
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produce a special spending bill to help fight the outbreak. allows report from the state where the virus has killed six americans. that's next. plus joe biden says america has a gun problem and he wants former 2020 democratic, beto o rourke, to handle it. how would that play out in his delegate a rich home state of texas and beyond? saturdays happen.
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and i like to question your i'm yoevery move.n law. like this left turn. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son's favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? [tina] you're an old lady. >> we are coming in with this update and a fox news alert on the fast spreading coronavirus. at least 100 americans here in the united states have either been confirmed around the virus, or if tested presumptive positive. the virus has killed six americans come all in the state
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of washington. meanwhile, fox news has learned lawmakers could produce a supplemental spending bill to deal with coronavirus later today. we are watching for that. dan springer is watching all of it in kirkland, washington, outside of the hospital where six coronavirus victims died. i know from one nursing home alone, four of them were. >> that's why we are seeing this concentrated right here in this area. this hospital behind me, evergreen hail, as already seen town of washingon state's 18 known coronavirus cases. including, as you mentioned, the six dots. they are also waiting for death results back on 29 additional patience. as you mentioned, this is all because of that nursing home right down the road. nine of the known cases in the state have come from that hospital and without nursing home. officials now suspect the virus has been transmitting through this area for the past six weeks, but it just recently had that a vulnerable population.
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south karina is now up to 5,000 confirmed cases of covid-19 and the country is canceling concerts and sporting events. american airlines has announced today that it is suspending all of its direct flights to seoul, south korea. the white horse task process every airport is screaming for the virus. president trump addressed the virus today. >> things happen that you never would even think what happened and you have to confront it. you have to do a lot of good work and you take care of the situation. you people do that than anybody i can think of. america has the world's most advanced public health system. we know that our county health officials play a front-line role in battling public health threats. we are working with congress very closely to pass supplemental legislation. >> northern california has seen a big jump in cases. five counties had positive tests come back just yesterday,
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bringing the statewide total to 40 of the 100 cases in the u.s. with this being a primary voting day in california, election officials are taking extra precautions. >> we consulted with the department of public health and we had the base advisory. if peoples feel sick they should stay home. >> we are also hearing the new measures being recommended in washington state. the governor came out yesterday and asked people to stop shaking hands. if you are not feeling well then stay home. elderly people and anybody with underlying conditions are being asked to stay away from large crowds. so far we haven't seen any cancellations of big events in washington state, but the governor says not good to be coming. we have seen some companies canceling events, some of their big trade events and places like las vegas and los angeles. we will have to see where this plays out but right now they are saying be extra cautious, wash those hands come and stop shaking hands. >> of course schools because we
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are seeing that a pop across the country in new york, closing in some areas. dan springer thank you very mu much. >> 2020 democrat joe biden turning heads in texas last night without a valid abide former 2020 democrat, beto o'rourke, in charge of gun control efforts if he becomes president. he endorsed biden at the rally. you may recall that last year he called for the government to forcibly seize certain firearms, take them away from americans. >> yes, we are going to take your ar-15, your ak-47, were not going to allowed to be used against fellow americans anymo anymore. >> a trump campaign spokesperson wasting no time seizing on the spirits so the guy that will
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wasted his campaign talking about taking americans guns is going to be joe biden's gun-control czar? nice. some left-leaning dependents like the gun-control ideologue. one said that would be the nra's worst nightmare. bret baier? >> listen, in a democratic primary come of this issue plays well. the gun issue plays well. the way beto o'rourke talked about it up until that debate played well. that debate and how he said it, even spooked some in the democratic party, especially in southern states. where they know it is not played well over time and could hurt them in the long run, especially in a general election. >> you heard the roar in the crowd. that's what is misleading if you are in the room. maybe that's what inspired joe biden to say this. you think he planned to say that artie think that wasn't in the moment thing he said last night? >> i think that wasn't in the moment joe biden thing. he also didn't say he was going to put him in charge of policy committees that you are going to help me solve the gun problem.
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i don't think beto o'rourke is running gun policy. it's biden's way of ad-libbing. i missed his energy on the campaign trail, i like to see them up there with biden. >> we don't know if you skateboard it there or not. but they did go to a burger. we got some of that beto o'rourke charm back. to bret's point come in the democratic primary this issue plays very well. when beto spoke after the el paso shooting, when he spoke so personally and eloquently about this issue he had moral credibility inside the party on an issue that many democrats care about and vote on. >> i think the biggest thing that biden has said that will get in trouble and a general election is this comment about eliminating fossil fuels. the cut states like salina, wisconsin, michigan, that's not going to play there. if joe biden ends up in a general election he's trying to run on a moral high ground so you have to figure out how to
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deny him that. i think the corruption angle plays into it. or even comments about poor kids being just as bright as white kids and come as made about 7-eleven, those comments don't play well. if you are running against joe biden you have to figure out a way to deny him that a moral high ground and muddy the wate waters. >> bret, you know everybody has a number of surrogates. i'm thinking of michael bloomberg in the number in my head is 2400 leading into super tuesday. that's always been spending some of that cash. what you think about beto o'rourke as a surrogate and who should joe biden have out there? >> he should have as many people as he can. think about where he was. he was left for dead before south carolina south carolina. >> $4,000 going into debt day on digital ads. bloomberg spent $78 million. >> that sounds lovely. he knew he was going to win south carolina going in. we had a sense. about a buy that to win being 20
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plus points come almost 30 points, it changed the dynamic entirely. he should have jim clyburn out there. he should have as many surrogates as he can. but surrogates, there are challenges. you own some of that when they get out there. that statement about ar-15s, you're going to own it in general elections. speak with the number that sanders gets and puts them over the top to make him on reachable? >> if he has a 200 plus delegate lead after tonight it's going to be a long slog. >> do you think he can? >> as possible. if people don't get viability in california and he wins texas, which i think biden is going to come back up in texas. if sanders does that, he will have the best of the best night. >> nobody gives a preview like you do. i'm excited again. that's going to be fun.
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>> we could soon hear under both what hillary clinton note about the benghazi attack. what a judge's ruling will mean for the formal presidential candidate and how it will lead to new information about her private email server. i have huge money saving news for veterans. mortgage rates just dropped to near 50-year lows. one call to newday usa can save you $2,000 every year. and once you refinance, the savings are automatic. thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. activate your va benefit now. one call can save you $2000 every year.
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>> a federal judge ordering hillary clinton to give a deposition under oath over a year's old lawsuit filed by a conservative group, judicial watch. regarding her role in the response to a 2012 attack on benghazi, libya. she said she's already answered questions on the spot court filings, judge royce lambert said her written answers were "incomplete, unhelpful, or
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cursory at best." jim jordan praised the judge's ruling. >> when that tragedy happen on september 11th, 2012. within hours, secretary clinton was misleading the american people end up blaming it all on a video. let's go back and see all of the emails that were a part of that and other issues as well that she was supposed to give to us, never did commit destroyed 30,000 of them. let's get the answer is. >> judicial watch filed a freedom of information act request in 2014 seeking information related to the benghazi attack. clinton argued she shouldn't have to answer the questions again after charges artie brought against her. what kind of legal liability does she face here? >> we don't know yet. do know it's kind of unique to have to force her and actually judge forcing her to take a deposition under oath we know what didn't happen with the fbi and those interviews.
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listen, there are democrats who will look at this until you are trying to relitigate the 2016 election by doing all of this. there are republicans who look at this and say listen, it was never completed. the investigation was never completed. this judge is right, let's get to the bottom of it. >> melissa about that, judicial watch raised the point that the fbi and the state department are still releasing hillary clinton's emails. why didn't they put all the emails out there crit mark why are we still sing this trickle? >> i don't know. so much time has gone by and it has to be so hard on the families that all of this continues. i remember that morning so vividly. i was here at work and i remember them initial story but the movie and thinking but it's 9/11. it seems so clear from the sidelines what was going on here. i know there are people that still want satisfaction and that's why this goes on, but we saw them get satisfaction from these lawsuits and the depositions end of the hearings. nobody feels better afterwards i don't think.
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>> there has been dozens of congressional investigations in the state department, the defense department, the intelligence community. i feel like i'm in the twilight zone. jim jordan is standing up there saying how many investigations do we need to know -- jim jordan hasn't said a word. this is -- look, that she has a private server? no. i don't like it cost her the election but i think it impacted how some voters saw her because it led to this idea that she had different rules for herself, a clinton -- a hint on the clintons that has been along for a long time. it was one of many reasons people didn't like hillary. i don't like it cost her the selection but the study jim jordan the standing on tv talking about this when he refuses to investigate all kinds of situations, including the death of service members, its politics at its worst its worst. >> let me say one thing, judicial watch has had an
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amazing stretch of getting things that congress has not been able to get through the legal process. that takes time for that takes a long time. congress has been fairly inept and some of these investigations to be able to draw them to a conclusion. however you want to get to the conclusion. they've chosen the legal way and this is the result of that. >> real quick on that, judicial watch can depose people like cheryl mills, as well as the i.d. specialist to deleted the emails. will there be new information? >> i have no idea whether there will be new information, but i also don't think there is an expiration date on the truth. because thank you, harris. we will move on. president trump trying to steal the super tuesday spotlight from the democrats at a rally last night, singly like to troll. is the strategy working? we are going to debate it next. >> i don't know, sleepy joe or krazy bernie is going to go crazy. get me off of this stage.
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democrats holding a rally in north carolina telling his support is that we like to troll. the president targeting joe biden and bernie sanders. watch. >> our country is stronger than ever before. you hear about enthusiasm for crazy bernie. thoughts truth. he does have enthusiasm, but much less than we have. there's not a lot of enthusiasm for biden. thought he gave up the presidency of the day because heat studies running for the senate. today he just said super thursday. is looking forward to super thursday. >> politico weighing in on the president's strategy writing "trump gets big boisterous crowd set been watching democrats tv advertisements for a week." he gets more reporters than he might otherwise get. speak it, the president has done this before all of the primaries. >> do you think he likes to troll? are we sure?
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>> he's doing this for every primary. he gets big crowds, but are they his base? is he trying to reach into the democratic primary? what is his goal? >> it seems like on some of these it is entertainment. he does entertain the crowd and he has people laughing at these events. by doing it he gets these names established, just like he did in 2016 with low energy jeb and little marco. now it is stuck. it's sleepy joe and crazy bernie and many mike. they all dipping down on the microphone about the debate. we played that for mike bloomberg at the end. >> i just think -- it's so interesting because kennedy coined the phrase. she says he does a belly flop into the middle of every state where they are having a primary and it splashes water over the democrats. when you look at them in this
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rally, the data that comes out afterwards, they say 25% -- it's different for each one, are democrats. they are independents. at first i thought that maybe the campaign was fighting those numbers or something. then he realized that what it is his stand up. it's entertainment. everybody goes. there was one democrat on tv that says my friends dragged me and it is a show in a town, and it's free. >> the campaign is now sent a team to each event and a really high produced commercial that comes out and airs in that state afterwards. >> it's genius. >> you derive data as well. they are getting data from the people there, also reaching the people that those people are affiliated with as well. he's also looking at general election states with places like iowa and new hampshire. he's able to look at november.
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>> i do think that reaching out to african-americans, as you pointed out earlier, is a big part of their equation this time heading into 2020. >> he's doing it differently. it got the opportunity zones and the economic numbers to back it up. when you look at how people feel on the ground and how many more people of color are employed now compared to previous decades, he's got a lot to work with now. then you send out surrogates and let them go to work. he is attacking it differently. i would say this though just about those rallies, and all this about talking to ronald mcdaniel did. they register a lot of people. they are also bringing people into the fold. friends, neighbors that brought you to the entertainment venue. greenville, north carolina, is a place i think of because there is carolina university there. you had a younger crowd when he went there. it's an interesting opportunity to reach people that you might never talk to and to register some people who might never
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voted before. >> there were a lot in new jersey that had never voted before. it was a high number of. >> you're sitting down with president trump on thursday for a town hall, what are you looking for? >> i'm sure he will be trolling. it will be a lot of voters, just like the mayor bloomberg town hall that we just did in virginia, this one is in scranton, pennsylvania. obviously it's a place that joe biden grew up in. it has been trump ash and i didn't at least the last cycle. he has a lot of support there. how he plays in pennsylvania and these other states across the rust belt will be key. it will be a lot of audience questions. martha and i will follow up and we will see how it goes. we are happy the president has agreed to it and it should be interesting tv. >> that's an understatement i think. do we expect them to respond tonight to super tuesday crit mark to be expect him to be tweeting about the results?
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>> i think he will real tweets in real time. i think -- listen, he's got these names. they come off of the twitter handle all the time. he will be speaking any times he gets a chance. >> he's down with our tt. free time on the couch. >> we can do it. 6:30 p.m. this thursday, brett and apart though with president trump. polls closing in a little over six hours. we will be watching. stay tuned. ♪ so every veteran can save $2000 a year. double dozen big! it's captain d's new double dozen shrimp. yeah, you heard that right. two dozen golden, crispy shrimp piled high on one plate! time to double down when the captain is callin'. captain d's.
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>> melissa: very pivotal day for 2020 democrats. with the first to produce a polls closing in a matter of hours, we should get some answers to some of the very big questions. bret baier will coanchor tonight special coverage on fox news channel, with martha maccallum, of course, starting at 6:00 p.m. eastern. bret, let's get out some of the milestones, some of the big road signs people for. >> bret: how big a night will
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bernie have? we probably won't know the biggest of the questions until maybe even tomorrow, with california. for example, and california, if he's the only one and he wins, but he's the only one, that makes viability. the other candidates don't get to 15%, he would get 60% of california's 415 delegates, as opposed to if somebody else makes it, 38%. the difference is huge. two, elizabeth warren, does she outperform and get delegates along the way to make the case to stay in? three, how does bloomberg do? does the money pay off or does it fizzle? >> melissa: you think elizabeth warren comes in through tonight by the end of the night to stay and, what do you think? >> marie: i think she sees the writing on the wall. unless she has a phenomenal night and outperforms every protection. she is smart and i don't think she will stay in this to be a spoiler. bloomberg is a big question for me. he's an elephant in the room who had zero delegates and all of
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this money, and is taking up so much oxygen. you mention tom steyer, this is where the money meets the road. >> lisa: rubio dropped out when he lost florida, so let's hope elizabeth does the same. >> melissa: will keep an eye on it and we will be watching all night. for now, here's harris. >> harris: 2020 democrats are facing their largest test yet as voters in 14 states are headed to the polls right now. this is "outnumbered overtime," i'm harris faulkner. today's super tuesday contest expected to be a game changer with more than 1300 delegates up for grabs. more than a third of all the delegates altogether. this, as a growing number of moderate democrats are coalescing behind joe biden, amid their push to stop bernie sanders. again? biden's former rival, amy klobuchar, pete buttigieg, beto o'rourke, have thrown thei. it happened last night. >> he can bring
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