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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 5, 2020 6:00am-9:00am PST

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see it exclusively on fox nation. if you don't have it check it out at fox >> have a wonderful thursday and we'll see you tomorrow. >> tomorrow is friday. >> ed: breaking this morning the mayor of new york city just revealed there are two brand-new cases of coronavirus right here while on the other side of the country california has declared a state of emergency, this following the first death from the virus in america outside of washington state. good morning, i'm ed henry. >> julie: i'm julie banderas. the death toll at home rising to 11 with more than 100 cases nationwide. the patient in california was an elderly man who traveled last month on the grand princess cruise ship. that ship now quarantined off the california coast with thousands of people on board including 62 passengers who previously traveled with the
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victim. governor gavin newsom said the state is taking action. >> we've had a number of incidences throughout the state of california and accordingly with this new icu patient that passed away entered into this next phase that has required me under the circumstances to advance a proclamation of a state of emergency in the state of california. >> while the risk to the health of the general public in california remains low. pay attention to notices regarding the risk in your community. >> ed: kristin fisher with the administration's response. jonathan serrie is live in atlanta. good morning. >> california governor newsom says the state is flying test kits out to the cruise ship, the grand princess and that the results of the tests should be available shortly. local health officials believe
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the 71-year-old passenger became infected on his cruise. they say he also had pre-existing medical problems. >> this step in our second case is a sobering reminder that while the vast majority of cases of cove i had 19 worldwide have been mild but older persons and persons with underlying medical conditions are at risk of serious disease. >> mike pence plans to meet with the governor of washington state why coronavirus has claimed 10 lives. it is from the nursing home in kirkland, a suburb near seattle. king county officials are recommending older residents and those with underlying health conditions take precautions. >>'re recommending that we stay home and avoid large gatherings as much as possible. >> health officials in new york say nine people associated with
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a lawyer hospitalized with covid-19 have tested positive for coronavirus including his 20-year-old son who is a student at a university which canceled classes. one of its manhattan campuses. the lawyer had no known travel history to high-risk countries for the virus and just now the new york mayor confirming two additional with no known travel connection and no connection to any infected persons. united airlines, after already announcing cuts in some of its international flights, is now announcing that it is scaling back domestic flights in the u.s. and canada by 10% in april. a company memo cites lower demand among u.s. travelers and says employees can volunteer for unpaid leaves of absence or
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reduced schedules. >> ed: the markets react negatively to that. we'll stay on top of that as well. >> president trump: for years you've known me and i say keep it within the borders a little more. let's make our own medicines here and we've started that long before i heard about this, before we knew about the coronavirus. i met with top >> president trump: i think we'll be in great shape and it will go and this will pass. working on vaccines right now. we're working on therapeutic measures. >> hi, kristin. >> today vice president mike pence is heading to washington state where the vast majority of coronavirus related deaths
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have occurred and yesterday during what has become a nightly briefing i asked the vice president if he has any hesitations about traveling to that state. he said none whatsoever. back-to-back briefings here at the white house yesterday about the viers as the administration ramps up the testing kit. when that happens health officials are warning we'll see a big spike in the number of reported cases, which is part of the reason that president trump is predicting that that 3.4 mortality rate currently ascribed to the virus will ultimately go down. >> president trump: i think the 3.4% is really a false number. this is just my hunch, but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. a lot of people will have this and it's very mild. they'll get better rapidly. don't see a doctor or call a doctor. >> over on capitol hill in just a few hours the senate is going to be voting on the 8.3 billion emergency funding bill that the
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house passed just yesterday, julie. >> julie: what about the rare rebuke from chief justice john roberts? tell us about that. >> this all stemmed from something that senator schumer said just yesterday right outside the supreme court while inside the justices were considering a case about limiting abortions in louisiana. listen to this. >> i want to tell you, gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released a whirlwind and you will pay the price. >> justice roberts said justices know criticism comes with the territory but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous. spokeman for senator schumer says the senator was simply referring to paying a political price. senate republicans paying a political price in the 2020
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elections. but still senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is planning on publicly rebuking and calling out senator schumer later this morning on the senate floor, julie. >> julie: thank you so much. >> ed: president trump meanwhile sounding off on super tuesday. the president saying elizabeth warren is hurting bernie sanders by staying in the race even calling her selfish. >> president trump: others left, dropped out and supported joe biden. and that really helped. bernie sanders said if he were able to convince elizabeth warren to endorse him or just drop out because she is doing terribly, he would have won a large number of the states that he lost. >> let's bring in dan henninger, deputy editor and fox news contributor. there may be some truth to what the president is saying about warren being selfish when all the others seem to be clearing the field for biden. maybe she should try to clear
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the field for sanders but the president has a stake in it. if warren gets out and sanders get more support. >> if the goal is to defeat donald trump the president wants to run against bernie sanders perhaps the democrats should nominate joe biden. why is it in elizabeth warren's -- i understand elizabeth warren is a senator and she is a democrat and she has all these plans. when she goes back into that senate, those plans will be the basis for her legislative agenda. she is going to be working with other democrats. so i think she is probably going to stay in a little bit longer and hold down bernie's delegate totals and go to milwaukee. she won't help elect bernie sanders. >> ed: you have an interesting column related to all this. socialism just bombed. hard to believe these days but voters still get the last word on what they want from our politics. among other things you think back to the first debate in miami and almost embarrassing that one democrat after another
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was falling all over themselves to almost embrace socialism. >> that's right. people forget back when castro was in and gillibrand and -- >> ed: health benefits for illegal immigrants. >> the green new deal. putting an end to fossil fuels. ending that industry and all of them were going in that direction. the progressive left, bernie, ocasio-cortez socialism. the one exception was joe biden who would make the defenses of barack's affordable healthcare. look what happened. the voters decided they aren't so eager to sign on to bernie sanders. >> ed: maybe social media is not reality when you see people dominating twitter on the far left. medicare for all is so popular, you say it might be old-fashioned but voters still get to vote. >> that's right. you have to try to firg out why
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were all these castro, gillibrand and booker, harris, why were they doing this? it was because they were intimidated by th on social media. they thought it was the reality. now out in the political world. we know all of us in this business know how you can be affected by social media. but we still hold elections and we had big one super tuesday and the reality is that average voters were not signing on to that point of view. >> ed: maybe the grizzled veteran in biden didn't pay as much attention to social media. the last point. you seem to end with a warning for president trump. don't ignore biden. so many pundits had said sanders will get this amazing turnout on the left and instead you say biden got some turnout from some people who could also turn out in november. >> his most important states were virginia and massachusetts where he won big with the black vote and with the suburban vote. what it suggests to me, there is a seriousness of purpose
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among democratic voters. it has been crazy for trump the last three years with the democrat impeachment collusion. meanwhile in the country democratic voters seem very foixed on trying to defeat mr. trump. they think they know how to do it and turn out was strong. but it was for joe biden who is kind of a proxy. i don't think he is a strongest candidate in the world but a proxy for a moderate middle of the road democratic candidate which most democratic voters look to want. >> ed: to your broader point the voters still get to vote. bernie sanders in the race with a lot of money. has states coming up where he thinks he will do well. >> julie: president trump urging attorney general william barr to work with house republicans to update a controversial surveillance law before it expires in less than two weeks from now. what a deal might look like. >> ed: house passing an $8.3 billion coronavirus spending package. we'll hear from one of two
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lawmakers who decided to vote against that bill. arizona congressman andy biggs. he will tell us why next. whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-seven vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy. it's an honor to tell you that [ applause ] thank you. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. i love you! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i suffered with psoriasis i felt gross. people were afraid i was contagious. i was covered from head to toe. i was afraid to show my skin. it was kind of a shock after... i started cosentyx. i wasn't covered anymore. four years clear. five years now. i just look and feel better. see me. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last.
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real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine... ...or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel better with cosentyx. five years is just crazy. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis.
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>> in is taxpayer money we're spending. this is no time to be cheap. the first role of government is to protect its people. that's what we need to do here. >> ed: congress ready to spend big money to help battle the coronavirus. the house passing an $8.3 billion package yesterday by a
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vote of 415-2. one of the two to vote against it joins me live now. arizona congressman andy biggs serving on the judiciary committee and chairs the freedom caucus. thanks for coming in. as you know better than i there is a lot of political pressure to support a bill like this and say look, this is a health crisis, we have to deal with it. why did you vote no? >> well, as you know, the trump administration has been taking great steps and that's why we have a very low rate of infection in this country yet, even though we get traveled to more than any other country in the world. second the administration asked for $2.5 billion. we could have done that last week and continued to monitor and if we need more money congress can vote more money. the democrats politicized this and in negotiations they got it up to over $14 billion and they ended up backing down and backing into 8.2. that's really not what's necessary. >> ed: congressman, is your
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fear from a fiscal standpoint that while yes, this is a health crisis and people need to be protected. people in this country need to be helped, that if god forbid there is a broader outbreak this will be a blank check? >> right. that's part of it, ed. you look at it and 2.5 billion we knew where that money was going and how it would be spent. here we aren't just doing for exigent circumstances we're spending money five years out in some instances and sending 1.25 billion out of this country to other nations. that's really not the way we do it if we want to protect americans necessarily. >> ed: i want to move to another topic. beyond the money, are you confident that the trump administration has gotten its arms around this as a republican leader in congress? are you confident that they have their arms around that problem and we have it under control or close to it? >> well, we don't know the extent of cases that will come in but i'm confident the trump administration has done a great job.
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sending out a million kits for testing. they've reduced regulation to allow state labs to test for coronavirus. they are trying to speed up fda help as well so we can get more vaccinations and cures out there as well. >> ed: let's move to fisa reform. a lot of people in your party upset about what happened in the 2016 campaign. the use of surveillance on carter page, a trump campaign advisor and the fisa court being misled and lied to about the justification for that. as you know over the next week or so, some of the surveillance laws are expiring. the attorney general william barr wants those extended, that law, so we can chase down and hunt down terrorists. on the other hand you and others are pushing for reform and accountability. will you get those reforms before the law is renewed? >> i sure hope so. there are those as you say pushing for just a straight reauthorization with no changes. the reality is if that's the
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case, then the president could be surveilled, you and i could be surveilled. anyone could be looked at. the f in fisa stands for foreign. we shouldn't be spying on americans. we need to make some serious, deep reforms to make sure it doesn't happen again to anyone regardless of your political persuasion. >> ed: "the new york times" is reporting the f.b.i. agents who went to the fisa court and misled them about the need to surveil carter page have been banned from going before that fisa court. an interesting step but is that really accountability or should there be more? >> that's not really accountability. when you are going and representing to the court that you need to spy or surveil or seize records of somebody or wiretap somebody and you mislead them, you should be dismissed from service because you have lied to the court and dismissal is probably the least. you should be investigated to see if you've committed perjury.
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if you have then you should be prosecuted. >> ed: congressman andy biggs, appreciate you coming in, sir. >> julie: some democrats are breathing easier this morning after joe biden's big victories super tuesday. could a biden nomination help the party in down-ballot races? we'll talk to chris stirewalt next. mitch mcconnell set to admonish the chamber's top democrat for comments targeting two supreme court justices on abortion. you could call them threats even. former assistant u.s. attorney andy mccarthy on that next. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you.
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>> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace.
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>> ed: video from california of a train colliding with a car. happened yesterday morning in the south los angeles area. you can see the car pull onto
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the train tracks seconds before it gets popped. the metro blue line train smashing into that car. dragged the vehicle down the tracks. police say the driver somehow escaped with only minor injuries. >> julie: scary. >> i want to tell you, gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released a whirl wind and you will pay the price. you don't know what will hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. >> julie: what does he mean by that? chuck schumer singling out supreme court justices neil gorsuch and kavanaugh on abortion rights. justices know criticism comes with the territory but threatening statements of this sort from the highest level of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.
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all members of the court will continue to do their job without fear or favor from whatever quarter. andy mccarthy is a former assistant u.s. attorney and fox news contributor. you have a mob of people that are already angry and what this country doesn't need is more anger, certainly not cited by people like chuck schumer to make such a threat about the security justices. should schumer be censured? >> i think so. why is there a mob outside the supreme court in the first place? if this was about scientist doing laboratory tests, nobody is outside thinking they can shape the outcome by pressure. but yet the supreme court in deciding roe really crystallized its transformation into a political institution rather than a legal one. the mob is out there and
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schumer is agitating them because it works. that's the reason they do it. >> julie: in a statement a schumer spokesperson accused roberts of not being impartial by not similarly condemning president donald trump last week for calling on justices ruth bader ginsberg and sotomayor for recruising themselves. for justice follow the right wing's misinterpretation of what senator schumer said while remaining silent when president trump attacked justices sotomayor and ginsberg last week shows justice roberts does not -- does not just call balls and strikes. first of all he didn't attack them, okay? these cases are entirely different and while i'm not implying a sitting president should ask a supreme court justice to recuse themselves in matters involving the president. president trump in no way threatened ginsberg or
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sotomayor. how dangerous is it for schumer's camp to say such a thing. >> i don't think the two situations to the extent i got your question i don't think the two situations are comparable. what schumer clearly did here was a threat. it is not even up for dispute. it wasn't even subtle. it was quite brazen. in the situations with both justice sotomayor and justice ginsberg, i don't think what the president did was a wise thing to do but in both those instances the justice in question crossed a line into politics and the president responded in kind. again, i don't think it's to be recommended for the president to do that. but here what you have even as the court is considering the case in question, you have a high-ranking united i don't think there is any doubt about that. it is an entirethis is a remind
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elected officials should lead by example and it should not be in the form of anger but we'll have to leave it there. thank you for talking to us. >> ed: we'll be watching for that speech from mitch mcconnell coming up live soon. the first coronavirus death in california setting off a reaction while a cruise ship is held off san francisco. >> julie: folks in tennessee are picking up the pieces after deadly devastating tornadoes swept through their state. a live look at recovery efforts in our next hour. >> oh dear god. i looked at it and i just -- it's like i told everybody, an old man is not supposed to cry but let me tell you, something like this will make you cry.
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>> ed: fox news alert. new york city mayor tweeting out this morning there are two new coronavirus cases here in new york city. one a patient in his 40s. another a woman in her 80s. neither has connection to others with the virus. increasing supplies related to containing this illness. william la jeunesse is live with more details on that. good morning, william. >> these kind of headlines are creating a little bit of a panic. people are putting together a pandemic pantry. people around the world stockpiling supplies out of fear of contracting the
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coronavirus. hand sanitizers, thermometers, aerosol disinfect ant. cleaning wipes, stores cannot satisfy demand. shoppers are posting pictures of long lines and empty shelves at drugstores. >> some people have come in specifically for toilet paper and canned goods like hand sanitizer, clorox wipes and thingsitizers can be effective against viruses. most not tested against coronavirus. fda says it is not aware of control studies say hand sanitizers kill viruses that cause the flu. remember, the cdc says covid-19 spreads mainly person to person but by touching surfaces where the virus can live for up to nine days.
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for wipes to be effective wipe down the entire surface, let it dry. wash your hands for 20 seconds after eating, going to the bathroom, coughing and sneezing. put together a kit should you required to self-quarantine. what does that look like? oatmeal, dried fruit snacks and beans, wipes, first-aid kits and water. if you can't find hand sanitizer, ed, try vodka and aloe vera gel with alcohol. >> ed: i don't know if we can officially say to buy vodka, you can make the recommendation. appreciate the advice. serious news about the dow. the markets have been bouncing around since last week as you can see right there it is now down almost 3%, about 735 points in the negative. let's not forget yesterday it was up big. so again, it has been very volatile in recent days. that continues. we'll keep an eye on that throughout the morning. in the meantime back to you
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julie. >> julie: let's bring in dr. marc siegel, professor of medicine at nyu lan gone medical center. thank you for coming on. the total cases, 11 cases and here in new york city in fact that number has risen to 13. so first of all let's talk about the state of emergency in california. what should people in california take away from that? >> it's over 50 cases now. i think the reason the governor called a state of emergency is because it looked like some of the cases weren't traceable to travel from china. so it really shows that there is community spread going on. that's part of the problem of not having enough test kits to diagnose this early with mild cases. it can spread before you even know someone had a case. they can have a cough and shortness of breath, a low grade fever or milder symptoms. you don't know they have coronavirus. they come in contact with other people, touch surfaces and it spreads. >> julie: i want to talk about the lawyer hospitalized in critical condition in the
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hospital in new york city. he came in contact with a neighbor who drove him to the hospital, he has a wife and two kids. they are all under self-quarantine. we don't know where they've traveled. let's talk about public transportation. new york city for example i believe there are some 6,000 subway cars that are traveling throughout either the metro north, subway in new york city or the staten island train system that will all be disinfected. 472 stations in all. is that enough? >> yes, i do think it is enough and i think the clorox wipes work. william la jeunesse was talking about the virus living on surfaces for nine days. public health officials think it is lower than that. it's several hours where you could come in contact with the virus that way theoretically. using disinfect ant wipes makes a lot of sense. let's keep in mind the actual amount of virus around is still quite low. chances are you aren't going to
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get this riding on a subway. >> julie: i want to remind people hand sanitizer, wipes for example like these are sold out all over the country if not the world. the best way to disinfect is hand and soap. anti-bacterial, wash your hands 20 seconds, warm water and soap and water. that is the old-fashioned and sure fire way. >> it's better than hand wipes. hand wipes dry out your hands. you need to keep your hands moist using lotion as well. when hands dry out viruses can get in that way. so that's the same thing with keeping well hydrated. your nasal membranes protect you against viruses if you're well high draitd. >> julie: i want to talk about the news that came out this morning. a public school teacher in new york city that tested positive. she traveled to italy during february break, three weeks ago. so now there is concern how long can the virus potentially be sitting in your body before you start to exhibit symptoms? >> scientists from china gave a
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conference on this yesterday and said the vast majority of the time it is five to seven days where you could be asymptomatic. the idea this teacher may have had it for weeks before getting symptomatic, either that's extremely unlikely or rare or she had a milder version earlier that she didn't know about and had a recurrence. >> julie: she is showing symptoms. once again she is self-quarantining. 95,000 cases worldwide, cdc reporting 3% of those have resulted in deaths. the president said it was more like 1%. >> i think the president is 100% right. first of all, societies with better healthcare systems like south korea where they are testing everyone is less than 1%. the other issue is if you have these milder cases or asymptomatic cases by the thousands that are not being diagnosed it means overall less people are dying. when we hear about a case is
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when somebody is very sick. many mild cases escape detection. we need more testing. good to see you. >> ed: thank you, julie. turkey's parliament seeing a royal rumble yesterday. watch this. legislators fighting with one another during tense discussions over turkey's military involvement in northwest syria. the brawl started when a leader of the opposition party called turkey's president erdogan dishonorable. 50 turkish soldiers died in syria in the past movement >> julie: police chase the australia ends in a surprising fashion as a dog walker jumps into action to help police. we'll show you what happened next. >> ed: 2020 race still heating up as joe biden takes the delegate lead over bernie sanders. will he ride the super tuesday momentum to the nomination?
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we'll discuss, fox news politics editor chris stirewalt. that's coming up. >> i'm not sure many people would have thought where we are today. i'm proud of the unprecedented kind of coalition we're putting together. and the movement that we're developing. i suffered with psoriasis for so long. i felt gross. people were afraid i was contagious. i was covered from head to toe. i was afraid to show my skin. it was kind of a shock after... i started cosentyx. i wasn't covered anymore. four years clear.
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five years now. i just look and feel better. see me. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine... ...or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel better with cosentyx. five years is just crazy. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. i can't believe it. that chad really was raised by wolves? which one is your mother? that's her right there. oh, gosh. no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico.
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it's really great. well, i'm just so glad to have met your beautiful family. and we better be sitting down now. believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. (vo) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!)
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♪ i want to...rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ i want to rock! (chris rock) who'd you expect? (sylvester stallone) i don't ok, i'm going to go for it now. ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ i want to rock! >> ed: all right. a lot of eyes on the coronavirus this morning. secretary mike pompeo making a live statement in washington he may address the coronavirus. let's listen if live. >> state department continues
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under president's strong leadership to protect americans. no higher duty fours. i'm sure you've seen the presidents briefings and updates from cdc and hhs and the good news that debra burks from our team at the state department is serving at the white house correspondent response coordinator and she will do an excellent job for the american people. proud to have her being part of that team. we've implemented aggressive travel restrictions and worked with the private sector to insure travelers and u.s. citizens are informed and safe and as i said in my last press briefing we're helping other countries keep their people safe, too. we're working with italy and south korea, two countries hit especially hard to create effective screenings for passengers coming to the united states. extended offers to help iran and we hope the government of iran will heed our offers of humanitarian assistance and medical supplies.
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on monday our u.s. announced 36 million for countries at high risk of the virus's spread. that comes on top of the 100 million in humanitarian assistance and delivery of more than 17 tons of assistance that the united states has sent to the chinese people back in january. we are the united states government is deploying humanitarian assistance and personal protective equipment to more than 25 countries around the world. this assistance along with the vast amounts donated by our private sector businesses and religious institutions demonstrate once again the immense generosity of the american people and the fundamental goodness of our nation. turning to afghanistan. the signing of the u.s./taliban agreement together with the realization -- >> ed: listening to secretary of state mike pompeo. we got a heads up he would address the coronavirus at the top. he moved on to other subjects. he mentioned usaid money going to the effort.
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other humanitarian aid and congress moving forward in the house waiting for action in the senate on over $8 billion in u.s. taxpayer money to deal with the health crisis. the president and the vice president left the door open to potentially more travel restrictions beyond china in terms of people coming into the united states. but for now the secretary not announcing any new travel restrictions saying they're keeping an eye on that. we'll keep an eye on it as well. >> this is a movement we're building. it is a movement and we need that movement to beat donald trump. and to build a future we all know is possible. i'm proud of our campaign, generating so much enthusiasm. driving up voter turnout across the nation, this idea that we didn't have a movement, look at the results. look at who is showing up. >> ed: the super tuesday surge by joe biden calming fears among some democrats worried that bernie sanders was cruising to the nomination.
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let's bring in politics editor chris stirewalt. good morning, chris. >> good morning. >> ed: good to see you. you are probably getting ready for a big town hall. we'll get to that in a moment. now that the dust settled, where we are in this two-man race? >> you don't know if i come to scranton all the time. i may hang out here because i like it. look, the magazine national review, the conservative magazine national review motto was standing toward history yelling stop. it is good for a magazine. now sure how good it is for the rationale for a presidential candidacy. joe biden says he needs a movement but he doesn't have a movement. he has an stopment and saying we want to stop what's going on now. if people are anxious than president trump. we have seven months to play here. i don't know if that's enough.
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biden needs a better rationale, i think. >> ed: in there a way forward f bernie sanders with some of these states coming up like michigan where he did quite well against hillary clinton in 2016? i'll put up the delegate count. joe biden with 595 delegates. it's been changing minute to minute as they count votes in california and the like. bernie sanders at 528. so you have biden in the lead. is there a way forward for sanders? >> well look, next week is enormously important especially the contest in michigan. that's a huge trove of delegates, 140 or something. massive number in michigan but a perfect test. you have a substantial african-american community, population in the detroit metro and wayne county, then the rest of the state you have a lot of rural and small town white voters. the sort of traditional blue collar democrats that used to be the bull work of the party. who will win? i think bernie did well last
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time because of who his opponent was and the nature of the race. he has an uphill climb there. if biden knocks him out it's great if he has a big day. doesn't have a big day next week then bernie gets momentum and gets to climb back and keep it as a delegate counting race and not a core nation. >> ed: we have a live look where you are standing. inside a look at what we'll see later tonight. you aren't just doing diners, dives and driveins? >> i would totally do that. what we'll have is the first town hall for the republican nominee for president. he doesn't have any contest. he doesn't have any opposition. we have the republican. presumptive republican nominee president trump will do his first town hall of this cycle and he will be with our colleagues bret and martha. great questioners, great audience, a great venue. i'm thrilled. >> ed: chris stirewalt, we knew
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you would be on top of the situation, the town hall, diners of scranton. going across the country to keep your finger on the pulse and we appreciate that. thank you, chris. see you soon. >> julie: prince harry and meghan markle set to attend one of their last events as royalty. a live report coming up from london next. it all starts with an invitation. to feel exhilaration. the invitation to lexus sales event now through march 31st. get 0.9% apr for 60 months on all 2020 models. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. be stronger... with nicorette coated ice mint. layered with flavor. it's the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. for an amazing taste... ...that outlasts your craving. nicorette ice mint.
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>> julie: prince harry and meghan markle set to make their first appearance at a royal engagement since they announced stepping down from their royal duties. benjamin hall is live from
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london. >> this is the story everyone has been waiting for. everyone has been asking where are harry and meghan and where have they been since they decided to leave the royal family? they haven't been seen together for two months. we'll see them together for the first time tonight in london. they will be at something called the endeavor awards. an event that celebrates the achievements of wounded, sick and injured servicemen and women who have taken part in sporting and adventure challenges. a worthwhile cause. the couple have been elusive lying low in a mansion in canada. no doubt planning their future outside the royal family once they leave formally march 31. all eyes eagerly on them tonight. meghan has rarely been seen since announcing she was leaving and having opened up about her struggles with royal life saying she had tried to cope with the pressures by putting on a stiff upper lip but she just wasn't prepared for the intensity of tabloid
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interest. that intensity is getting stronger. we have seen a little more of harry in the last couple of months. he had a number of royal engagements he already committed to including a meeting last week with jon bon jovi to record a song for the invictus games. harry has given a speech at j.p. morgan in miami. meghan has done a voiceover for disney. no one knows what they do next and what they're deciding and plotting at the moment. tonight all eyes on them in london to see them together for the first time in two months. >> julie: thank you very much. benjamin hall. >> ed: thanks, senate minority leader chuck schumer's remarks getting a sharp rebutte from the chief justice. should he be censured. we'll ask today's headliner but first we'll chew it over with
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cruise ship called the grand princess. that ship has now been quarantined off the california coast while passengers are tested for the virus. >> ed: house lawmakers working to pass a spending bill to fight the outbreak. one of the two lawmakers who voted against it spoke to us last hour. >> we have a very low rate of infection in this country yet even though we get traveled to more than any other country in the world. the administration asked for 2.5 billion. as we did that last week we could have done that last week and continued to monitor and if we need more money congress can come back in and vote more money. the democrats politicized this. >> julie: fox team coverage. mike emanuel on the hill and begin with claudio cowan in san francisco. hello. >> good morning, public health officials taking no chances here with the grand princess keeping it anchored well offshore while they investigate
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a cluster of cases linked to a recent cruise and testing 21 people on board this ship now showing flu-like symptoms. >> we will be flying testing kits to the cruise ship and we are going to be sending those quickly back to the state and primarily to rich edmonton lab where we'll be able to test very quickly within just a few hours those samples to determine whether or not these individuals that are symptomatic just have traditional cold or flu or may have contracted the covid-19 virus. >> this after at least two passengers on a cruise to mexico last month contracted the virus, including the man who died yesterday outside sacramento. like the 10 people who perished near seattle he was elderly and had underlying health conditions. where and how he caught the virus is unclear.
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the ship returned from the mexican riviera february 21 and sailed to hawaii with some 3,000 passengers and crew. 62 people took the two cruises back-to-back. they are now in quarantine. princess cruise lines saying in an abundance of caution these guests and other potential close crew contacts have been asked to remain in their state rooms until screened by our on-board medical team. the grand princess was scheduled to return to san francisco on saturday. that's probably optimistic now and what will happen with these passengers when they do return is also still up in the air. they may have to be quarantined like the diamond princess passengers were. this is all still being worked out and remains a fluid situation. i can tell you, governor newsom says there are now 53 confirmed covid-19 cases in california. the most of any state. one fatality. more than 9,000 people are being monitored including scores of healthcare workers
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who had contact with infected people. >> ed: thank you for all of that, claudia. >> julie: we understand mitch mcconnell will come out soon to speak. we'll take you there live when that starts. the senate voting on a bill to fight coronavirus. $8.3 billion emergency package passed yesterday in the house. indiana senator mike braun saying the country is well. this won't be the last time we confront something like this. we're already getting information from other countries that have been fighting it and in many places it has been somewhat contained. >> i think what president trump did do and the fact that we have an infrastructure that helps us prepare for this better than any other country. >> ed: mike emanuel is live on capitol hill this morning. >> good morning. the vote in the united states
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senate expected around 1:45 p.m. eastern time and expected to receive strong bipartisan report to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. it's approximately 8.3 million. including 3 billion for vaccines and a billion for local governments. a key conservative in the senate says it is time to get this done. >> i'm very conservative when it comes to taxpayer money but this is not a time to be cheap. we need to get this done. we need to get it done this week. >> ed: senate democratic leaders expressing pride in the bipartisan response and the fact that they're looking to get this done this week. chuck schumer says the time to act is now. >> the funding levels in this bill and their specific use very much reflect the needs of the country as healthcare professionals across america work to confront the spread of the virus. >> the funding package expected to pass this afternoon. >> ed: we appreciate it. let's go live to the senate
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floor. mitch mcconnell the republican leader talking about coronavirus and think he will also talk about chuck schumer. >> today will be an important day for the country and it was going to be a proud day for the senate. but instead the nation's eyes are on this body for an entirely different reason. a few weeks ago, i spoke on this floor about a dangerous trend that threatens our government. some nft democratic party appear more interested in attacking the staoetion of our government than in working within them. how democrats increasingly respond to political disappointments with extreme claims that our system of government itself must be broken. the failure can't be their own. it can't be that the left needs better arguments or ideas.
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no, no. the fault must lie with the constitution itself. democrats are trying to cloak their anger at president trump in rhetoric about protecting norms and institutions. but in reality, it is their own side of the aisle where anti-institutionalism is rampant. we talk about attacks on the official of the presidency. on the electoral college, on the first amendment, on the senate itself. but most striking of all have been the shameless efforts to bully our nation's independent judiciary and yesterday those efforts took a dangerous and disturbing turn. by now many already know what the democratic leader shouted outside the supreme court yesterday morning. i'm sorry to have to read it
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into the record. first he prompted a crowd of left wing activists to boo two of the associate justices. as though supreme court justices were professional athletes and senator schumer were jeering from the stands. and then the senior senator from new york said this. i want to tell you, gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you've released a whirlwind and you will pay the price. you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. end quote. madam president, i'm not sure where to start. there is nothing to call this except a threat. and there is absolutely no question to whom -- to whom it
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was directed. contrary to what the democratic leader has since tried to claim, he very, very clearly was not addressing republican lawmakers or anyone else. he literally directed the statement to the justices by name and he said quote, if you go forward with these awful decisions, which could only apply to the court itself. minority leader of the senate threatened two associate justices of the supreme court, period. there is no other way to interpret that. even worse, the threat was not clearly political or institutional. as i'll discuss in a moment, these kinds of threats are sadly nothing new from senate democrats. this was much broader, much
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broader. the democratic leader traveled to the workplace of the two judges and in front of a crowd of activists he told those judges you will pay the price. right in front of the supreme court building. and you won't know what hit you, he said, right in front of the supreme court building. if any american had these words shouted at them from a sidewalk outside their office, they would hear those threats as personal. and most likely they would hear them as threatening or inciting violence. that's how any american would interpret those words if they were directed at us. and that is certainly how the press and leading democrats would have characterized them if president trump or any senior republican had said anything remotely -- remotely
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similar. we've seen much more hay made out of much less. perhaps our colleagues thinks this is absurd and perhaps he would like the most generous possible interpretation. that he got carried away. didn't mean what he said. but if he cannot even admit to saying what he said, we certainly cannot know what he meant. at the very best his comments were astonishingly reckless and completely irresponsible. and clearly as the chief justice stated in a rare and extraordinary rebuke, they were, quote, dangerous, end quote. because no matter the intention, words carrying the
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apparent threat of violence can have horrific, unintended consequences. in the most recent year on record madam president, the united states marshal service tracked thousands of threats and inappropriate things against the judiciary. thousands of threats against the judiciary. less than three years ago, of course, an unhinged and unstable left wing activist attempted to mass murder congressional republicans at a baseball field right across the river. a senate leader appearing to threaten or insight violence on the steps of the supreme court could be a matter of deadly seriousness. so i fully anticipate our colleague would quickly withdraw his comments and apologize.
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that's what even reliably liberal legal experts have publicly urged. instead, our colleague doubled down. doubled down. he tried to gas light the entire country and stated he was actually threatening fellow senators, as though that would be much better. but that's a fiction. and then a few hours later the democratic leader tripled down. instead of taking roberts sober and appropriate statement to heart he lashed out yet again and tried to imply the chief justice was biased for doing his job and defending the court. let me say that again. he tripled down and he lashed out yet again and tried to imply the chief justice was
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biased for doing his job and defending the court. our colleague therefore succeeded in attacking 33% of the supreme court in a space of a few hours. throughout the impeachment, and the senate trial for months, washington democrats preached sermons about the separation of powers and respect among equal branches. so much for all of that. and sadly, this attack was not some isolated incident. the left wing campaign against the federal judiciary did not begin yesterday, not yesterday. by colleagues will recall during the impeachment trial the senior senator from massachusetts and outside appreciate you shall groups tried to attack the chief justice sitting right in that chair for staying neutral instead of delivering the outcomes that they wanted.
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these same groups came to senator schumer's defense yesterday with attacks against the chief justice for condemning the threats against his colleagues. and last summer, last summer a number of senate democrats sent a brief to the supreme court threatening to inflict institutional change on the court if it did not rule the way the democrats wanted. in other words, give us the ruling we want, or we'll change the numbers of the court. here is what they wrote. the supreme court is not well. really? the supreme court is not well. perhaps the court can heal itself before the public demands it be restructured. now what that means is you rule the way we want, or we will expand the numbers. and change the outcome.
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a political threat plain as day. as you read the document, you half expected to end by saying that's some nice judicial independence you have over there. it would be a shame if something happened to it. it couldn't have been more clear. independence from political passions is the cornerstone of our judiciary in our country. judicial independence is what enables courts to do justice even when it is unpopular to protect constitutional rights, even when powerful interests want them infringed. judicial independence, madam president, is what makes the united states of america a
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republic of laws rather than of men. it's been almost a century since the last time democrats threatened to pack the supreme court history still judges that disgraceful episode to this day. so i would suggest that my democratic colleague spend less time trying to threaten impartial judges and more time coming up with ideas that are actually constitutional. fortunately -- >> ed: mitch mcconnell is still going and we are going to dip back in as we see fit. we'll also listen live if the democratic leader, chuck schumer, sees fit to stand up and defend himself as well. in the meantime we want to bring in the a-team brian brenberg from king's college in manhattan. james freeman of the "wall
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street journal" and jessica tarlov. here is what chuck schumer actually said yesterday about the supreme court. >> i want to tell you, gorsuch. i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. >> ed: every time the president has a tweet that the left doesn't like it is so mean and -- you will denounce what chuck schumer said, right? >> absolutely. i was shocked that he said it. obviously in context of what we have gone through and the very important case the democrats have been making that words matter there are deranged individuals who look up to these people when you think back to the pipe bomber who was directly informed by president trump's comments about the press being the enemies of the people and this is incredibly dangerous.
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>> ed: the bernie sanders situation. >> i'm saying the argument and bernie sanders came out and condemned that person immediately. personal safety of public figures, especially -- we have only got nine justices, right? mitch mcconnell is right to say. >> julie: he threatened 33% of them. >> i don't know why he doubled down. when you have others coming out and saying take it back. just take it back and move on. >> ed: you said this is surprising. is it really that surprising he would say that? >> yes. >> ed: this is a senator, a party that has often treated the supreme court like it is an extension of congress? politics as usual is at play in this space and he was using language that suggests that. i don't think it's that surprising. i think it lines up with the way that senator schumer and his colleagues think about the supreme court. this is just another place where laws get made. >> are you going to say that republicans don't think that people on the supreme court are partisan? let's go back to bret kavanaugh
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-- >> i'm talking about the separation of powers. whether you view it as a judiciary or part of congress. >> we're talking about the potential physical threat of violence here. that is what we're talking about. the president does not think actually that there is separation of powers whatsoever. he thinks he is in charge of everything. we can go back through a litany of comments he made. >> ed: we're getting afield of what chuck schumer said. >> it is reckless and appalling and that he is not apologizing and spokes people to create himself and these spokes people pretending he wasn't talking to the people he was obviously talking to. it is part of a larger warning. these kind of reckless assaults on our constitutional system. you see even the moderates in this democratic presidential campaign have been talking
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about changing the composition of the supreme court, getting rid of the electoral college when there are political outcomes they don't like. i thif it is also a warning for democrats. some have been trying to talk themselves into bernie sanders. if he gets the nomination and part of the thinking is senate democrats will save us from his radical excesses. they won't take away our healthcare. you look at the schumer comments. this is not going to be the adult in the room saving us from sanders radicalism if he gets the nomination. >> ed: we'll talk more about this. a hot subject and we'll pay close attention to the senate floor if chuck schumer weighs in and talk 2020. >> julie: we'll bring the a-team back after the break. a lot more to dig into including bernie sanders response to some of the attacks by his supporters directed at elizabeth warren. a major recovery effort in tennessee. a look at the devastation following the disastrous string of tornadoes on tuesday.
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>> julie: let's bring back our
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a-team. we are going to switch topics now to the president. i believe the president is starting to see that biden potentially could be the nominee. i think he made it very clear the trying to get ukraine to investigate joe biden that he did not want him to be the nominee. now the president is coming out and saying that biden's ukraine dealings will be a major campaign issue. there isn't a surprise there. is it going to be further dragging the whole ukraine thing through the mud or should he let the ukraine thing go? twha say you. >> it will drag it through the mud. there is an issue here. i know biden has said again and again there is nothing here with regard to hunter, nothing here with regard to what i did. but so many people look at this situation and they say but wait a second, on its face this looks fishy. biden has not had to give an answer about that in the debate so far, in the primary side. his competitors haven't attacked him on this. the president has to go after him and see if he can offer an answer that is satisfactory. he doesn't done that yet.
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>> julie: i want to play the tape from trump on the ukraine probe becoming a campaign issue and jessica, you can react. >> president trump: it is incredible. that will be a major issue in the campaign. i will bring that up all the time because i don't see any way out. i don't see any way out for them. i don't see how they can answer those questions. maybe they can. i hope they can. i would actually prefer that they can, but i don't believe they'll be able to answer those questions. that was purely corrupt. >> julie: some have said he risks himself getting impeached over this issue. but that's how strongly he feels that there is something going on with ukraine and an investigation should have been held. it didn't and he isn't letting it go. >> that's how strongly he feels he doesn't want to run against joe biden. the president lied about what was going on here. i'm concerned about corruption. the word corruption was not mentioned in the july 25th call.
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suddenly bernie sanders is in the lead nationally taking early states. we don't hear about ukraine, burisma, hunter biden for three weeks. oh, low and behold joe biden wins in south carolina, picking up endorsements. suddenly senator ron johnson one of the president's biggest defenders interested in burisma again and the major campaign issue. this is because the president cannot run on his record. he does not want to face joe biden who is uniteing democrats of all stripes now. it was not about corruption. it was about his personally profiting off the presidency to fight his political opponent. this is a worst case scenario. >> ed: he laid it all out in the state of the union speech. he says he has a strong record. >> he does have a good record to run on. the you can't find a large l from joe biden in a that
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similar situation. i think you can be pretty sure if he had brought the issue to the white house counsel's office or the office of the vice president legal counsel he would not have gotten a good answer. there is not really an argument about whether hunter and joe should have been doing this kind of thing. i think it is an issue for voters to decide are we going to see more of these ukraine, china, romania kind of deals where completely unqualified biden family member trails the president in this case if biden wins along to foreign countries with their hands out. are we going to see this continue? and why the obama administration did not stop it. they put a lot of rules on hillary clinton, why did they not apply them to joe biden? >> a similar situation to what we were talking about with senator schumer. the bidens got into this. instead of dealing with it the proper way and saying it was not a good idea, they doubled down on it. the vice president defended his
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son and got mad what people asked the question. schumer is doing the same thing. the result is you get deeper into a mess and you complain your competitors are bringing it up. it hasn't been dealt with. it needs to be dealt with. >> i welcome from both of you a long list of jared kushner and ivanka trump's positions that they do. >> that's a ridiculous comparison. >> we are talking about taking a lot of money on the -- from a position that he was totally unqualified for. >> first of all he is an ivy league educated lawyer. he has served. i don't know where you are going with this when you have to -- >> you are making the argument saying he is a corporate -- are we going to here is a ukrainian national gas israel. >> the jared kushner is going to bring israel and palestinian together. give me a break.
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they're accusing a level of corruption that isn't there. what joe biden was doing with the support of the imf and western allies was to get victor shokin, the investigator who wasn't doing his job to look further into burisma. it would have hurt his son. >> if joe biden gets the nomination i expect there will be a lot happening. >> it is a relevant issue about how we conduct foreign policy. >> i would love to talk about jared and ivanka. >> julie: they are not accused of anything criminal. >> they have a job they certainly -- >> ed: the house passing an emergency coronavirus package. will lawmakers raise any objection. senator tom cotton is our headliner and he is probably enjoying this conversation. >> president trump: the virus is not doing well and we are doing great. so i think we are going to be in great shape and this will go and this will pass.
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>> ed: we just heard from senator mcconnell about senator schumer's comments. now the democratic leader is having his say. let's go live. >> ignored in his speech. i feel so passionately about this issue and i feel so deeply the anger of women all across america about senate republicans and the courts working hand in glove to take
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down roe versus wade. i read about a woman in shreve port who under the louisiana law now before the supreme court would have to travel over 300 miles to exercise her constitutional freedoms. and this is happening in states across the country. republican state leather are restricting a woman's right to choose so severely as to make it non- nominees they believe will strip away women's rights and fundamentally change this country. going so far as to deny a duly elected president the right to pick a supreme court justice. republicans are afraid here in the senate to confront this issue directly so they try to accomplish through the courts what they would never
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accomplish in the court of public opinion. and they leave women out in the cold. so yes, i am angry. the women of america are angry. and yes, we will continue to fight for a woman's right to choose. i will continue to fight for the women of america. now, i should not have used the words i used yesterday. they didn't come out the way i intended to. my point was that there would be political consequences -- political consequences for president trump and senate republicans if the supreme court, with the newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman's right to choose. of course i didn't intend to suggest anything other than political and public opinion consequences for the supreme court and it is a gross distortion to imply otherwise.
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i am from brooklyn. we speak in strong language. i shouldn't have used the words i did but in no way was i making a threat. i never, never would do such a thing. and leader mcconnell knows that and republicans who are busy manufacturing outrage over these comments know that, too. now, what will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand, a woman's constitutional right to choose and republican attempts to invalidate it. the fact that my republican colleagues have worked systematically over the course of decades to install the judicial infrastructure to take down roe versus wade and do very real damage to the country and to the american way of life. that is the issue that will
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remain. and we owe, i owe an obligation to the women of america to fight for their constitutional rights. i yield the floor. >> ed: okay. you've been listening to senate leader chuck schumer walking back some of the comments, julie, he made yesterday that seemed to be a threat towards two supreme court justices but let's be clear, he stopped short of a full apology. he did not apologize, said i should not have used those words but i did not intend anything other than political retribution. did not mean this as a threat saying i'm from brooklyn and i speak bluntly. we've heard from the president before. i'm from queens and i speak bluntly. chuck schumer trying to do that as well. >> julie: what he said is you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions in abortion cases. you won't know what hit you. that's a political statement not a threat, he says. let's bring in our headliner
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republican senator tom cotton of arkansas. what did you make of schumer's comments now? it wasn't an apology and that he used the wrong words. he didn't intend to. what did you make of his explanation. >> it is good to hear chuck acknowledge he made a mistake yesterday and misspoke. if democrats nominate joe biden they'll have more times in which their leader will misspeak and meander. chuck schumer said he was speaking about abortion. what just happened last week on the senate floor. chuck schumer and the democrats fill bus terd legislation that would prevent infanticide of a young baby that survives an abortion. prevent late term abortion of infants that can feel pain in their mother's womb. these are depraved practices that no civilized society should permit. the democrats are so radical on abortion they filibustered the bills in lock step.
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that's the real issue at stake here. >> ed: chuck schumer said it was about the right to choose. he was blunt about that. he was admitting that and also saying he did not mean this as a threat to the supreme court justices but walked it back. interesting because his own spokesman last night seemed to try to change what chuck schumer said. he seemed this morning to be owning it. let's get to the root of it. one of your colleagues senator hawley has a plan to censure the democratic leader calling on schumer to apologize but we all know he has no shame. i will introduce a motion to censure schumer for his pathetic attempt at intimidation of the supreme court. do you think a censure is in order or has chuck schumer cleaned this up? >> well, again i'm glad to see that chuck schumer expressioned regret for his words yesterday and said he misspoke. he should apologize fully for them. one thing to criticize the supreme court for their decisions. i've done that as well.
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but to make the kind of naked threats towards a supreme court justice by name without any doubt at all about what he meant is a step too far. it is good to see him take the words back say he shouldn't have said them. it would be better if he would flatly apologize and move on to serious business trying to protect the lives of unborn children and protect women from very dangerous medical circumstances. >> ed: in the limited time we have in just over a minute i want to get your thoughts on the coronavirus, where we are in all of this and we saw over $8 billion moving through the house of representatives yesterday. they've now approved that and moving to where you are in the senate. what do you expect in terms of funding, number one. two, do you feel you are confident the trump administration is grappling with this effectively? >> first the senate will pass that legislation today and go on to the president for his signature. including a lot of needed funding for not just the federal government but state and local governments for
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testing in particular to develop drugs and we hope a vaccine ultimately. i want to commend the president and his coronavirus task force for their decisive action especially what the president did in late january shutting down air travel of china against the recommendations of a lot of people and criticism like joe biden who claimed it was xenophobe i can. if we hadn't done that we would be facing a wider outbreak and no hopes of containing it. we're struggling to contain it and have a chance to do so. this legislation will help. >> ed: thank you for rolling with the breaking news this morning. >> julie: thank you. >> ed: we also want to watch the markets. fox business alert. live look at the dow now. it is down over 700 points. yesterday there was a sharp gain. it has been bouncing around. money man charles payne will join us on what you should be doing with your money next.
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>> ed: a lot of breaking news in morning. senator elizabeth warren planning to drop out of the presidential race according to the "new york times." >> julie: elizabeth warren dropping out. she was unable to bring support
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in her own home state. so certainly that -- >> ed: loss the state of massachusetts. >> julie: it hurt her big time. a lot of people called her selfish before dropping out for super tuesday. her votes could have helped bernie sanders. >> ed: that will be the -- klobuchar and buttigieg dropped out before super tuesday and endorsed biden. elizabeth warren stayed in and drew votes away from bernie sanders. some of those votes could have gone to joe biden as well. more of the progressive wing like bernie sanders. charles payne is here to talk about the markets and breaking news. if in fact elizabeth warren is getting out and fox news is working to confirm that at this moment. given these reports that could be a big boost to bernie sanders.
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>> yeah, it's too little too late. in hindsight it looks selfish but in foresight some people were wondering to your point as the establishment was rallying around biden. the idea that klobuchar would get out before minnesota. she could have notched it in her belt. they watched what happened with president trump. a lot of republicans stayed in to win their state even though they couldn't win the whole thing and an exercise in futility. they saw what happened and wanted the establishment person to win. warren did not step up. i'm not sure if she was smarting over the beef they had that played out on the national stage where they called each other liars essentially. but she blew it if she wanted to help the progressive cause. >> julie: just to be clear the same could be said about michael bloomberg. he could have awarded biden utah and colorado had he backed out. sanders got both those states. had he backed out sooner it
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could have gone in biden's court. the dnc probably not so happy with michael bloomberg as, you know -- >> they like his money. but again, biden did do okay nevertheless for super tuesday. >> ed: what about the markets? they're bouncing around. yesterday was a strong day for the markets and we were talking about that with us. where are we today? >> i think we're in the phase where you have two major dynamics in this country right now. an economy that was taking off big time. we already had a strong economy but reigniting and we saw it in manufacturing and especially saw it in housing. and then we saw it again with almost every economic data report that's been out for the last three weeks shows the same thing. jobless claims today against the unknown, the darkness of the unknown, what we do know is that obviously the economy will be impacted but to what degree? how much more do we have to shut down to stop the spread of
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the virus? and those unknowns are creating this -- wall street you call it price discovery. what i look for right now will monday's low of the day hold as a key number because we finally found where investors took a stand. will friday's low hold? if it doesn't the market will go to the down side. we're watching the nuance moves minute to minute. >> julie: futures are indicating a decline of more than 400 dow points. a lot of people are looking at their 401k freaking out. if you're not retiring any time soon, sit tight. >> also a lot of times -- glad you brought up that question. people say what if i'm 60? if you're 60 and been in the market 10, 20, 30 years you're down 2%. really, if you had been in this market, if you are the s&p 500
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from march of 2009 to today is up 300%. so if you've been in it you have the luxury of saying i want to get out and still have the money that you probably have been saving. if you are young you want to buy the weakness. if i'm 27 years old. someone sent me an email said i'm getting a bonus. >> julie: 27 like me. >> getting to bonus and i want to buy tech stocks. i won't talk that person out of it. they want to be in the market and they're 27. >> ed: elizabeth warren is planning to drop out of the presidential race and called together a staff meeting and gather senior folks to let them know about the road ahead. she would be the final person outside of the two frontrunners essentially, joe biden now leading in delegates just ahead of bernie sanders. we have a two-man race essentially. there is a lot to this charles in the sense that now you have no more women on the democratic side in that battle. you have two white men deep
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into their 70s. this is not where the democratic party started out in this cycle. >> when this whole thing started the democratic party told america and the world they would show how progressive and hip they were and how forward-looking they were and going to have blacks and hispanics and women and the youth and it was going to be something that turned this world upside down and be counter to what the world perceived america to be as these large institutions run by older white rich people. so, you know, i think for sure either candidate would have a woman running as potential vp. >> ed: our producer on the ground covering the warren campaign has now confirmed this phone call pulling together an all-staff call for the elizabeth warren campaign is happening in 10 minutes, 11:00 a.m. eastern. we have officially confirmed fox news that elizabeth warren is dropping out and make it official to her own staff in under 10 minutes right now. >> julie: we'll be also
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probably most likely hearing not too long from now her come out and formally endorse bernie sanders. >> ed: we don't know. some people in the democratic party think she could still endorse joe biden because of lingering division. >> julie: which way do you think? >> when the talk was a brokered convention and biden wouldn't do as well on super tuesday i thought she could have emerged at a broken convention. if you were taking it from the bernie side there would be such a low turnout and so much animosity no way you could win. she is the person that might be the bridge between the two. if you notice in the last two debates she tried to play peacemaker. she came to amy klobuchar's defense a few times and attacked michael bloomberg. she positioned herself in the last couple of rounds if you really paid attention of sort of i'm the person that might be able to bridge both sides of this political divide. she may not be completely out
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of the picture in one way or another. >> julie: it's interesting. on the debates she definitely railed against other moderates a little harder than bernie. i disagree and i could get the job done better. i do agree with a lot of bernie sanders positions when it comes to socialism and hating billionaires. >> she never agreed with him on the socialism party. to be honest with all of this, this is not the democratic platform of four years ago. it moved significantly further to the left. so when the dust settles and wall street gets a look at biden we'll be happy it wasn't a socialist but we're still talking higher taxes, more regulations and more punishment. >> ed: we set the coverage as we are reporting the breaking news, elizabeth warren officially getting out of the democratic presidential race informing her staff officially at the top of the hour. we want to go with this
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breaking news. more details. doug mcelway with the story. good morning, doug. >> the bottom line here the effect of all this is that it's a two-person race for the democratic nomination between joe biden and sanders as elizabeth warren plans to announce her dropping out today. that being reported by "the new york times." it is all but inevitable. as early as yesterday she was telling media she was reassessing her campaign. that after her lackluster showing on super tuesday including remarkably a third place finish in her home state. she had been the target of so many barbs from president trump in recent months and many, many questions about her lack of truthfulness beginning with the pocahontas claims, indian heritage claims where the president called her pocahontas.
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he used that speaking at the cpac conference last week. he apologized to her for calling her pocahontas. i apologize to the real pocahontas, not elizabeth warren. it raises an interesting question. could the far left warren who campaigned for free tuition and medicare for all become bernie sanders running made? bernie sanders was asked about that on rachel maddow last night and said it's too early to talk about that. he said certainly he has a lot of respect for senator warren and would love to sit down and talk with her what kind of role she could play in the administration but premature for him and her as a vice president candidate. >> ed: whether elizabeth warren endorses bernie sanders. does she join the ticket as he can parlay more delegates?
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whether she joins a ticket or endorses him officially, the platform that bernie sanders is pushing if he gets the nomination will be in that direction of socialism whether he has elizabeth warren on the ticket or not. >> julie: james freeman of the "wall street journal." we're all speculating. hype thetically what l*ids warren is thinking. what is going on in her mind? will she endorse the candidate with the best probability of getting the nomination because she wants to get on that ticket or will she endorse whoever's policies she most supports. through the campaign trail i would say that would lie on bernie's side if you were to compare? >> i hope i would enter the health of her party and her country. you talked about how she had a similar policy mix to sanders but she always said no, i'm not a socialist. i'm for capitalism. she also like a lot of democrats is probably disturbed by the disappointing, bizarre
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compliments he keeps giving to marxist tyrants as recently as within the last few weeks. so i think maybe this is a situation where even though her policy agenda was similar to sanders she may be saying like a lot of democrats, i don't really think we should jump off that socialist cliff. a lot of her voters, remember, they were bernie sanders people in 2016. >> ed: we'll be all over the breaking news. brand-new hour of "america's newsroom" coming up. garcy
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>> ed: it is 11:00 on the east coast. >> julie: time to wake up in the west, folks. the headlines this hour new cases of the coronavirus as the senate set to vote on emergency funding. >> ed: controversy in the supreme court this morning after the senate democratic leader chuck schumer blasted some of president trump's nominees. new fallout on that in the last hour. >> julie: and remembering one of our own. a tribute to wendell golar, who has passed away. >> ed: we're starting this brand-new hour of "america's newsroom" with some breaking news. elizabeth warren dropping out of the presidential race. reports that she is informing her staff at this time right at
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the top of 11:00 a.m. eastern time in an all-call conference call that she is dropping out of the race. everyone will be wondering what she does next. whether she endorses bernie sanders or joe biden or waits this out for a while. but first let's bring in wonderful panel we have to react to all this. doug schoen, former polster for the bloomberg campaign. lisa boothe fox news contributor as well. good morning. doug, this is our first chance for me to talk to you since michael bloomberg dropped out yesterday. this race is changing very quickly. >> it is. it's effectively now a two-person race. bernie sanders and joe biden with mike bloomberg joining beto o'rourke, buttigieg and klobuchar. we have the moderates in one corner. it will be interesting to see as you raised in the last half hour, ed, weather elizabeth warren will join bernie sanders. there was some bad blood
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between the two of them in one of the debates or whether she will potentially. i have no information. endorse joe biden in the interest of party unity. >> ed: i want to dive deeper what your view is from the democratic side. lisa, this race is changing rapidly. how is it from a republican perspective? the president was itching to face bernie sanders. then all of a sudden maybe joe biden has momentum. if bernie sanders can get elizabeth warren in his campaign it may be a new race again. >> i assume she is getting calls from the biden and bernie camp. she endorsed hillary clinton in 2016. it was when hillary clinton was the presumptive nominee. right now you have the split between the progressives and the establishment wing of the democratic party. she kind of tried to position herself as the unity candidate and been in between those two camps. who does she go to?
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does it end up hurting her with progressives? you look at groups like democracy for america which tried to draft her into running in 2016. ended up endorsing bernie sanders just recently. she has found herself in -- kind of without a home. >> she also has the problem of having finished third in her home state. she has to mend some fences at home and do it quickly. >> ed: to doug's point if elizabeth warren had done it over the weekend, if bernie sanders had gotten elizabeth warren on board sunday or monday maybe some of those votes in massachusetts would have gone to bernie sanders where he was just edged out by joe biden. joe biden came out of nowhere and wins massachusetts and wins texas. there are some states that went in the biden camp that if only elizabeth warren hadn't gone to
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bernie sanders we never know what would have happened. >> that's what happens with primaries. we see the next big date is march 10th. you have the six primary states michigan being the prize with 125 delegates. that is where the battleground is now. what's interesting and troubling for bernie sanders now you look at super tuesday, there are so many states where joe biden didn't play in where they didn't have a lot of staffers on the kind and the expansive ground game the bernie sanders camp had. joe biden was able to take some of those states. that's a troubling sign for bernie sanders and see if the dynamics change now that you do have this very clear outlook of this anti-establishment camp, the progressive socialist wing of the party and the establishment wing of the party. i think it was kind of -- a lot of people anticipated elizabeth warren might drop out depending on if she lost massachusetts. we saw in 2016 marco rubio dropping out after losing florida. it is hard to save face and
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justify your existence. >> ed: doug, you say on super tuesday there were some folks in the bloomberg camp that didn't have love for elizabeth warren. she went after your -- >> it was like a murder/suicide. she wanted to take mike bloomberg down. her hypothesis thought she would get votes. in our polling it hurt her. >> ed: some people booing from south carolina after she went after bloomberg. the nba issue and abortion issue. >> she went way too far. i would have suggested she did what she did in las vegas and told her to be positive. i think mike bloomberg has some commentators have said he got 15% of the drove and drove the anti-trump message. he is backing biden. i think this is an experiment
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that he crafted that will almost certainly have a end and benefit. i was proud to be part of it. >> ed: michael bloomberg dropped out yesterday. now elizabeth warren dropping out this hour. she was the frontrunner at one time. lisa, as soon as she detailed her own version of medicare for all and the price tag of $52 trillion was attached to it, it was all downhill from there. >> i think people don't really respond that well when you take wishy-washy positions on things. joe biden has a little bit when he hedged on the hyde amendment and taxpayer funded abortions. it is clear the democratic establishment has chosen joe biden. what i think is interesting is how much of an impact and how
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much power president obama has on the democratic party. you see it with bernie sanders in his most recent ad which is airing in some of those march 10th states tying himself to obama. >> ed: sanders is using quotes from obama and bloomberg. >> we did that. we had some success with it. my sense with bernie is it's too little too late. lisa is exactly right. a lot of the vote that joe biden got on super tuesday in african-american communities was votes for obama, yes. i would also say that jim clyburn's endorsement in south carolina validated the biden candidacy. that plus the obama factor made biden palatable where he hadn't been before. >> ed: you just mentioned former president obama, doug
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and have lisa react in a moment. when lisa was talking about biden, obama and what is going on behind the scenes you were nodding about obama's role. other democrats have said it's overblown that obama is involved. from the bloomberg camp perspective did you have a feeling that barack obama was helping joe biden get klobuchar and others out or is that just rumor? >> i'll answer from my perspective. there was no bloomberg camp perspective. my position was with jimmy carter having had breakfast with buttigieg, with biden having said to obama i want your endorsement. obama saying not now, my sense there was a lot going on behind the scenes and i would be very surprised if either the president or sometimes as you know, ed, agents of the former president are acting on his behalf. >> ed: people referring to. the photo emerged of a meeting that pete buttigieg had with
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his husband and jimmie and rosalind carter the day he dropped out. still all in on the race. i'm not dropping out. he has that breakfast and within a few hours he is telling reporters i'm going back to south bend. to doug's point there may not be the fingerprints of barack obama on this but there are party elders who have pushed this into a two-person race. >> i'm sure. a lot of that behind the scenes happens in elections as we all know. i have to imagine it is taking place. what i find interesting there are those reports that president obama tried to push biden out in 2016 and again in 2020. if you look at things like david axelrod said about joe biden a lot of it hasn't been favorable. it was almost condescending and painting joe biden as this buffoon and not a very bright guy or great candidate. it sort of seems that maybe biden wasn't the first choice for the obama camp. >> ed: many of those people in the obama camp looking down on
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joe biden before if he is the nominee he will be the greatest thing. >> default nominee. >> politics is the art of the possible and the practical and what is there now, yes. >> ed: let's talk turkey on the money from michael bloomberg. there is a lot of speculation. i know you can't speak for him. >> i can't and i don't. >> ed: you won't. what's the sense about what he plans to do for joe biden now specifically? >> he endorsed biden. it was a warm endorsement. he got into this, he said, and he said it publicly and privately, to defeat donald trump. my sense is when mike bloomberg takes on a problem he finishes it. he is not as rhetoricly bombastic at our current president but i have never known mike bloomberg to shy away from a fight. to him his resources are a tool to achieve a social good in his mind. >> ed: talking about some kind
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of super pac that will be aimed at -- >> i would bet rather than sooner or later, the primaries or there after we'll hear from michael bloomberg again. >> money in politics and both this election it doesn't necessarily equate to votes, right? you have tom steyer spent $129 million didn't win a single delegate. >> ed: michael bloomberg $500 million. >> hillary clinton spent twice as much as president trump did and he won. even in the primary, his primary competitors outspent him and still able to defeat them. money matters to an extent which is why everyone wants it. they need it. but i don't think it is necessarily the most important thing. bloomberg will put money behind biden but ultimately it comes down to who has the best message. >> ed: lisa is making a point here. money is not everything. we talk about endorsements and
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money matters. she is right. donald trump was outspent big time. he has a lot of money in the bank and ready for the reelection. taking a step back. what is happening right now? >> 2018 bloomberg with his money won 21 of 24 house seats that weren't contested. my anticipation again not based on any inside knowledge is that the bloomberg campaign, if it goes forward to go after donald trump, will have a focused, specific message to try to maximize voter doubt and unease with our current president. so yes, you are right, lisa, money is not everything. but you know what? if you spend it intelligently and you spend it in a focused way it can make a difference. mike bloomberg before some less than perfect debates got up as high as 20%. so he was pretty successful. >> you are proofing my point. it comes down to the candidate
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and the message. as you said, mike bloomberg painted himself being this great executive, etc., etc., te seeing him and seeing the candidate in person they said s down to is this candidate dynamic? do they have a strong message and that's what president trump did in 2016 he will do again in 2020. >> it is equally possible while bloomberg will advocate for joe biden his target has been and continue to be president trump. >> we can both probably agree on that. >> ed: a tweet from the president is reacting to elizabeth warren. a double shot. going after your guy as well. elizabeth warren, who is going nowhere except into mini mike's head just dropped out of the democratic primary three days too late. she cost crazy bernie massachusetts, minnesota and texas, probably cost him the
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nomination. came in third in massachusetts, warren. lisa, serious question there then is the president tweeting like that because he is angry that bernie sanders may not get the nomination because of warren? he wants to face sanders. he wants socialism on the ballot. >> i don't necessarily know if i 100% agree with that. i don't think joe biden is objectively that strong of a candidate. a lot of people coalesceed around hillary clinton and thought she would be the safest and best choice. she wants. i don't know if joe biden has what it takes to deliver the message clearly and he represents the past. president trump represents the future. i think the challenge -- why go back to an economy that was less than what we have now? why go back to a state of affairs that wasn't as strong as they are now? that's the challenge for joe biden and also things like wanting to eliminate fossil fuel doesn't play in any of the rust belt states. >> ed: stand by. lisa raised a question what does the president think about the race. we don't have to guess. we have chief white house
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correspondent john roberts live in scranton, pennsylvania to weigh on in on this moment in american politics. >> this president will probably talk about irt in the fox news town hall in scan tron. joe biden's hometown. you read the tweet which is what the president has been saying over the past couple of days, that elizabeth warren by staying in. he called her in a tweet yesterday selfish through super tuesday cost bernie sanders potentially a win in some of the states. now you talk about who would the trump campaign rather face? they are putting on a brave face to say we'll take on all comers, doesn't matter if it's joe biden and bernie sanders or if it was elizabeth warren. what they are trying to do is trying to exploit a deep divide in the democratic party between the far left represented by elizabeth warren and bernie sanders and the more middle left of the party represented by joe biden. the big question, something
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that the trump campaign is looking at here is when elizabeth warren announces that she is dropping out, will she throw her support behind bernie sanders or will she throw her support behind joe biden? if she throws her support behind bernie sanders, that will serve to probably deepen the divide in the democratic party. if she throws her support behind joe biden and helps propel him to the nomination eventually, certainly you will have a lot of disaffected bernie sanders voters, 12% of whom back in 2016 voted for president trump and could be credited with helping him win in certain states in 2016. but if she throws her support behind sanders, that will, of course, take this maybe all the way to the convention, which then could see deep cracks emerging, deeper than they are now in the democratic party, which the trump campaign will seek to exploit. that's what the trump campaign is looking at right now. will she throw her support behind joe biden and could they
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pick up some bernie sanders supporters or will she throw her support behind bernie sanders and keep those cracks divided all the way through until the convention and then if joe biden wins maybe they'll get more votes from the democratic left? we'll see how it plays out. big decision on warren's part and we'll see which way she goes with it. >> ed: thank you for helping keep a handle on it. scranton, pennsylvania, a key battleground. town hall, with the president of the united states at 6:30 eastern tonight. >> julie: the president has been watching. he has pulled out some shots against elizabeth warren saying she didn't do bernie sanders any favors in her home state of massachusetts. i wonder what the president is thinking now after watching sanders finally step out of the
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race. kristin fisher joins us in front of the white house. haven't heard much from the president yet. it should be moments from now before we see something on twitter. >> we did get the tweet from president trump i believe a few moments ago in which he really went into the fact that he believes that what senator elizabeth warren did was selfish and something he repeated last night on our air during that interview with sean hannity and he said essentially that he believes that bernie sanders would have done much better in states like minnesota, texas, of course massachusetts. elizabeth warren's home state if warren had not been in the race. we now know elizabeth warren didn't do well in her own home state. you have to think about how much better bernie sanders would have done in that state if she had not been in the race. so the president is saying that he believes bernie sanders would have done much better on super tuesday even went so far as to say that he believes
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senator elizabeth warren may have cost bernie sanders the nomination. some very harsh words from president trump as we get the very first little details that senator elizabeth warren may indeed be dropping out of this race. these are reports that have come out, been confirmed by multiple outlets right now. i don't believe fox that's independently confirmed that. our imbed with elizabeth warren is staked outside senator warren's home right now in massachusetts monitoring all the developments, julie. >> julie: thank you so much. the president tweeting eight minutes ago, three days two late. she caught crazy bernie minnesota, massachusetts and texas. we'll continue to watch this and see whether or not she chooses which to endorse between biden and sanders. meantime we'll go to the coronavirus at the center here in the united states.
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seattle. where most of the deaths have been reported. >> ed: we're watching that and one of america's great large cities a ghost town right now keeping people on edge. we'll go in there and take a look at it coming up. with the newday va streamline refi there's no income verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. and my team can close your loan in as little as 30 days. one call can save you $2000 every year.
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new york mayor bill deblasio issued a statement saying we'll see more cases like this as community transmission becomes more common. we want new yorkers to be
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prepared and vigilant, not alarmed. california is reporting its first death from covid-19, a 71-year-old man who tested positive for coronavirus after returning from a cruise aboard the grand princess. local health officials say he had pre-existing medical problems. this is the first u.s. death report evidence outside of washington state where covid-19 has claimed 10 lives. most of the fatalities involve residents of the life care center nursing home in kirkland, a suburb near seattle. in the surrounding community king county official efs are recommending older residents, pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions stay at home as much as possible. >> community groups should avoid creating large gatherings. the rule of thumb that public health has recommended is gatherings of more than 10 people. >> just within the last hour tennessee confirmed its first case of coronavirus.
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it is a man from the central part of the state. he is in isolation in his home experiencing only mild symptoms at this point. >> ed: we'll continue to watch it. jonathan serrie thank you. >> julie: joining us for more on what's happening in washington state. ian saltzman is the superintendent of the district where the first student tested positive in washington and a petition that parents want schools closed. how soon do you believe we are from hearing of major school closings in washington >> good morning, how are you this morning? right now we're working closely with the health district and we are not closing our district at this time. >> julie: what would cause a school district to close? would someone from that particular school district have to be tested positive in order for that to happen? >> what we would do is get our direction from the health district once they would know and we would convene and follow
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the guidelines with the health district and look at that situation, yes ma'am. >> julie: a lot of parents are feeling jittery. no matter how much you protect your family at home and no matter how much you wash your hands, sanitize, etc., you send your kids to school and they are not only exposed to other children that are always sick but other adults. here in new york city we just had a teacher that is showing symptoms of the coronavirus. she was a new york school teacher and self-quarantining herself. she had traveled to italy three weeks ago. it raises concerns once again if there should be a system put in place anyone who traveled out of the country to the countries in question should be self-quarantined before they return to school. >> well, like everybody else, we're all concerned. we have to take this very seriously not only locally but nationally. we work with the health districts. the only suggestion i can share with you is that we continue to
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keeping our schools cleaned and informing our parents. it is very important we keep our parents informed of the process and communications and proud of our school district. also our health district and government in the state of washington who has worked side-by-side with us. >> julie: any policies put in place since this spread in your school district in particular and advice to other school districts? for example, if a family chooses to travel to south korea, japan, china, italy, before reentering the school system they should at least provide a doctor's note for example? that's being done at my children's school. what are you doing? >> thank you. i have think first of all the most important thing if you don't feel well, students or adults, contact your local doctor. what we're doing in our school district is doing a deep cleaning in all our schools but really the most important thing is if you don't feel well contact a doctor. students, parents teachers across the country. >> julie: are the schools
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properly equipped for anti-bacterial soap, hand sanitizer? we're talking a lot about how it has been sold out everywhere. you can't go online and purchase hand sanitizer even right now. >> sure, great concern. in my district yes, we are prepared and we have things to clean the schools. it is very important we clean our schools and we are. >> julie: what about the faculty? is there any investigation going on with particular faculty members that might have traveled within the last month or so? >> again, we follow what the health district. for our teachers and students and communities, go to your doctor. i urge that if you don't feel well. >> julie: okay. unfortunately a lot of the symptoms do not present themselves until weeks later but we should also point out the fact that children mysteriously have not really fallen ill the same way adults have with this disease. scientists are baffled by that but there hasn't been, thank god, one child death as a
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result of coronavirus and if a child does contract the virus their symptoms are much milder, a cough, slight runny knows but nothing displayed in adults. that's something to, i suppose, wrap a silver lining around it. our kids are saver. >> that's the most important thing in my business. i'm in the business of children. >> julie: we appreciate you coming on. thanks. >> ed: good information. more on the latest shake-up in the 2020 rails for the white house. elizabeth warren officially ending her presidential campaign this hour. who could it help or hurt? we're now down to a two-man battle.
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>> ed: back to this fox news alert. breaking news this morning massachusetts senator elizabeth warren expected to drop out of the presidential race informing her staff she is getting out of her race in a phone call this hour. the latest democratic to call it quits after poor results on super tuesday. let's bring in jessica tarlov for more on this. we had you on the a-team. >> the viewers demanded me. they needed me back. >> ed: your thoughts. >> i'm surprised she went this quickly. the pressure to insure no one would cast a vote for her on tuesday when we have more elections when she doesn't have a viable path forward was too great. i'm sure a lot of her supporters on both sides.
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she has a strong progressive base but the white female base that are very concerned with winning the presidency. the longer we're unified behind one candidate the better. >> ed: there are some nft democratic establishment saying the last couple of days don't be so sure she will go with bernie sanders. she could, they say, at least claim, endorse joe biden. do you buy that? >> i don't think she will endorse for quite some time when you look at the two characters that are now left. either of them. not tulsi gabbard in third place. her base is divided here. ideologically her heart is with bernie sanders. she is for the big radical change, the revolution approach to getting things done in government though she also is a sitting senator, very close with a lot of colleagues who are in the biden camp, the more moderate camp and with the vice president himself. it is to dangerous and endorse right away like amy or pete did who were in the same line at
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joe biden. she didn't endorse hillary clinton until june 19th. i imagine it could be a while. >> ed: i want to have this breaking news that elizabeth warren herself has now made it official with a statement saying that on the phone call she told her staff i love you guys but i want to start with this news. i'm suspending our campaign for president. she goes on to say that she believes they've done a lot with the grassroots movement. one thing more campaigns take on a life and soul of their own. elizabeth warren says and they are a reflection of the people who work for them and thanking all of them for their hard work and goes on to talk about campaign finance reform, some of her big issues. i'll scroll down and as i do to kind of dig into this statement. get your thoughts on the possibility. you say, jessica, elizabeth warren probably will not endorse for some time is your
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sense. more likely to endorse bernie sanders maybe possible that she could even be somebody he announces as a running mate percent pektively and say we'll join forces or is that off the table? >> i don't think anything is off the table. imagine the conversations last week. joe biden was counted out and we hit jim clyburn's endorsement and what happened in south carolina and the race has been completely up ended. i would never want to say it is definitively not going to be the case. what she would be waiting for and would be smart to wait for if there is a delegate lead in one direction or another. joe biden has the potential to have march 17th. >> ed: a couple delegate lead now. >> march 10 will be favorable bernie sanders. the governor of michigan endorsed joe biden this morning. march 10 bernie sanders can get a couple of pickups.
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you head to florida and georgia. firmly joe biden territory. we could have biden running away with the nomination by the middle of the month. >> ed: the next debate is sun, march 15th. the first time we'll see just two candidates on stage. started out with a bunch of people. elizabeth warren saying she hates goodbyes but i may not be in the race for president in 2020, but this fight, our fight, she writes, is not over. our place in this fight has not ended and says our work continues, the fight goes on, big dreams never die is the words of elizabeth warren informing her staff officially this hour she dropped out of the presidential race. as you noted a moment ago a member of the senate. wants to keep her voice out there. your final thoughts what comes next for elizabeth warren and what it means for the race? >> she has used the term fighter over and over. that is who she is her entire life. she has her job in the senate.
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whether it's a bernie sanders presidency or joe biden presidency if we beat donald trump in november elizabeth warren will have a cabinet position if that's what she wants. there was an article recently published building a coalition cabinet and taking all these people who brought amazing ideas and voices to the presidential race and giving them cabinet posts that reflect their specialties. that's a way we can really unify. if you were a bernie sanders person and end up with joe biden you have sanders and biden's voice. we haven't heard the end of mayor pete. >> ed: either have them -- we will certainly see how the democratic race shapes up. thanks for coming by. >> julie: never a dull moment. people in tennessee trying to pick up the pieces after tuesday's deadly tornadoes. we'll have a live report on the ground coming up next. attentions veterans with va loans,
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>> julie: now to recovery efforts happening in snt ral tennessee after 24 people were killed in the devastating tornadoes. putnam county announcing all missing persons are accounted for. that is incredible news. meantime tens of thousands are still without power. steve harrigan is live in cookville, tennessee, with an update. hi, steve. >> the 24 dead, 18 people died right here in putnam county. as you can see the scenes of destruction. some families trying to pick through the wreckage for items of value or items important for memories. the real priority now is debris clearance. they'll try to get the debris to the roadside to be picked up by fema and try to restore power to 18,000 people. this is not just debris. on monday it was a neighborhood and for some it became a graveyard. i talked to one bobcat driver who said since tuesday he has found five bodies including that of a young child.
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he said it has been very difficult physically and emotionally. when i asked him how he was doing he just said one word, hard. the president is scheduled to visit here on friday. he has spoke to the mayor of cook villa town of 30,000 and promised all resources necessary to rebuild. it is not just the physical destruction here, it is emotional, too. i spoke to one woman, a rare woman whose house was untouched and she said that despite that, i said that's good news. your house is untouched. she burst into tears. so there is really a sense here of trauma. trauma not just from the physical destruction but from the people who lost their homes and many who lost neighbors as well. julie, back to you. >> ed: wow. heartbreaking story. in the meantime we have an exclusive on fox news tonight. bret baier and martha maccallum with moderate president trump's first town hall of this year. a preview of what to expect coming up.
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>> ed: president trump's first town hall of the 2020 campaign is tonight in pennsylvania the event will be broadcast here on the fox news channel at 6:30 p.m. eastern moderated by bret baier and martha maccallum. we're live in scranton, pennsylvania ahead of the president's arrival. good morning, mark. >> we're expecting this to be the largest town hall that fox news has conducted since the 2020 election cycle got started. president trump, the first one he has participated in. we are expecting 600 people to pack the cultural center here in scranton later on tonight not only for a chance to hear from president trump but for the possibility to ask him some
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questions themselves. now this could also give us a good idea on what voters have on their minds going into the november general election. pennsylvania is a state that president trump won four years ago but only by a slim margin. 44,000 votes. 20 electoral votes up for grabs. it's interesting. it is taking place in scranton, pennsylvania, the hometown of former vice president joe biden. recent polls show that biden was beating trump in pennsylvania in a hypothetical match-up. a poll taken in february. of course, a lot has changed from then. it will be interesting to see what the numbers will look like after this town hall. senator bernie sanders doing well in pennsylvania in the match-up against president trump. pennsylvania won't hold its democratic primary until the end of april. as for the questions the president is going to face, it is up to the voters but likely to hear questions about the coronavirus, what is going on with the economy and what we can expect in the several months ahead between now and the general election in
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november. >> ed: mark, thank you, we'll watch tonight at 6:30 p.m. eastern. >> julie: the new reaction if the latest shake-up in the democratic race with elizabeth warren coming up. who will she endorse? that's the question of the hour. more about that next.
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>> comment that i want to . he was a wonderful colleague and fox news original. we express our condolences to his wife, marge, and all his friends and family and his community. >> he was a big golfer. he really enjoyed that. he was a news but had a lot of great chemistry. at about 12:00 p.m. eastern, liz warren will come in front of the cameras and make her announcement official. reporters are waiting to hear her speak. there's a big town hall tonight,
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the president of the united states, bret bret and maa will be there for that. >> fox news alert, analysts are in cambridge, massachusetts, ready to hear from senator elizabeth warren, expected to speak at about 30 minutes from now. this, after spending he suspendr campaign. we will take you there. and a few days after warren's dismissal, the senator was coming in third place in her own home state of speak to of our departure sets up ashowds and joe biden. it also raises the question,


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