tv Hannity FOX News March 5, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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every weekend. 8:00 p.m., the shell that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. have a great night with the ones you love. "hannity" is up next. ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." we begin, a fox news alert. if you missed it, an amazing town hall in pennsylvania here tonight on the fox news channel. we have the highlights and also breaking tonight, we are about to reveal some disturbing, frankly repugnant audio from quid pro quo joe on african-americans, on women. from him as a young senator pair that is moments away tonight. plus, numbers do not lie. president trump's massive, huge, record turnout on super tuesday set new records, broke all expectations. remember, the republican primary is not contested. pretty amazing numbers you won't get from the mob. also coming up, we will analyze that, karl rove is a board and
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we will have the very latest fallout from capitol hill where yep, chuck schumer, that guy is in big trouble tonight over the threat of violence directed at two u.s. supreme court justices. now his appalling behavior might actually land him in serious legal jeopardy. we will explain that straight ahead. first we start with something you will never see in the media mob, that are abusively biased, towards the president. we are actually going to vet quid pro quo joe. this is only the beginning of what will be a long process because in the next 243 days, you will be the ultimate jury and we want you to be as informed as possible. they never vetted obama. we did. the mobile circle the wagons around the chosen one. they will act like his gaffes mean nothing. it's not a big deal, they will ignore it. they might also ignore his record, which is atrocious. and many other things. we will cover it all on that show. anything and everything in their power they will do to protect joe biden and shield him from any negative coverage. so it's up to us. that is our job. thank you for giving us this camera every night to help inform the american people of
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serious problems surrounding, yes, former vice president quid pro quo joe. currently we have identified three issues that should concern every american voter. one, it is the legitimate question over whether or not a 77-year-old biden has the stamina and the strength, the mental acumen and focus required to serve in what is the most difficult job in the world, period. now we have covered this issue in depth last night. without a doubt, biden is struggling. if he had a fastball, it's gone. if he had a slow pitch, that is gone too. he is confusing and bumbling speeches, increasing numbers of gaffes, public outbursts are beyond troublesome. most people see it. the media mob is trying to ignore it. the issue number two surrounds quid pro quo joe in the issue of corruption. there are now multiple ongoing independent investigations of the u.s. senate. ron johnson of wisconsin leading the way they appeared in the
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country of ukraine involving shady biden's activity there. you're not getting the billing until you fire the prosecutor investigating lazier experience on paid millions. that doesn't just go away because they wanted to go away. we will continue to track this ongoing scandal. big investigation also going on in ukraine. we will follow it where for the truth leads to. we will focus on biden's third major issue. he has a track record. by the way, i would say 78-year-old bernie, he has the energy and stamina. a lot more than joe biden. but the 77-year-old career politician, first elected to the u.s. senate in 1972 has a long, dicey public history, which brings us to our shocking new audio. this is may 18th, 1973. try and listen to this through the prism of what if donald trump said it. senator biden gave a lengthy speech to the city club of cleveland. we have confirmed with them that these are in fact his remarks. it was also covered by and breitbart, and other news sources.
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he bragged that politicians were more moral, more moral than doctors that save our lives, lawyers, and even indian chiefs. can't make this up. take a listen. >> politics should be the most honorable of professions. those of you who are doctors and lawyers and indian chiefs in the audience, how can any of you possibly do as much good if you are very good at what you do as i can do if i am very good at what i can do? >> sean: that is pretty arrogant. i don't think they do more damage than in the swamp. biden went on to clarify however he wasn't a particularly moral person himself. interesting admission fee or listen to this. >> i fortunately had over 3,000 individual contributors. nobody makes up any more than 1% each point of my total budget. nobody from one percentage point gets a hold of that either. nobody gets any more than a return phone call for that 1%. but it's not because i am
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particularly moral. it's because nobody took me seriously. >> sean: biden admitting he will pretty much do anything to maintain power. wow. but the most shocking parts of the audio involve his statements about women and minorities. he made several derogatory jokee audience. he didn't even think, oh, they told me you weren't going to be here. i wasn't expecting you to be here. take a listen. speak of the only analogy i can really think of is a football ay and i apologize to you women in the audience for not being able to think of a more appropriate analogy, but they told me here they didn't want you here anyway. i didn't expect any women to be here. >> sean: i came here to talk football with a group of guys, you can't possibly know anything about football. can you imagine if any republican said this? the hysteria in the media mob would be nonstop. apoplectic outrage, moral selective outrage as it usually is. here's one more. at one point in the speech biden
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singled out a woman in the front row asking him a question. listen to this. >> senator, i find you very articulate. >> i find you very calmly. speak of the rest is not very good. [laughter] 's because that's i thought. [laughter] that's why i try to compliment you, i thought i would scare you out of it. >> to the best of your knowled knowledge, has the democratic party ever been involved in something is atrocious as bugging? >> sure, yes, yes i do. but bugging isn't the question, kiddo. >> sean: oh, kiddo. they didn't want you here anyway. this guy is trying to win over a social justice warriors in the democratic party? and there's more. at one point senator biden actually refers to african-americans in what i see is a horrible, degrading word. listen for yourself. >> i think the two party system, although my democratic party
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colleagues don't like me saying this, i think it's good for the south, good for the [bleep], good for the south. >> sean: we reached out to the biden campaign for comment and they have not responded. according to their rules you must be accountable for every word you've ever said and done, unless of course you are a democrat and you bleed with them. you might also want to remember joe biden, even in this speech, he praised unknown segregationist and get this, first reported these disturbing remarks in may of 2019 and i doubt any of you saw this up until now and nearly everyone in the media mob, they ignored it. of course they did. biden meanwhile has a long record of weird, offensive and frankly racial rhetoric. what you just heard is nothing new. take a listen. >> the largest growth in population is indian americans moving from india. you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a
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dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. i'm not joking. >> what kind of a chance would a northeastern liberal like joe biden stand in the southwest market >> better than anybody else. you don't know my state. my state was a state, the eighth largest black population in the country. >> first sort of mainstream american who is articulate and bright and clean, and a nice-looking guy. >> they're going to put you back in chains. >> sean: first time ever, bright and articulate and clean. african-americans. this is all storybook. what? you heard that right. biden once referred to obama as the first mainstream african-american who is articulate, bright and clean. why is the radical extreme socialist democratic party lining up behind a very
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defaulted candidate who also praised segregationist qwest market apparently now they have no choice. elizabeth warren is officially out. no one liked her and the other candidate just spend weeks doubling down on his praise of murdering communistic dictatorships. moments ago during a fox town hall, president trump was on his a-game tonight. he offered his own analysis of the democratic race. take a look. >> you want to face joe biden or bernie sanders? that is my question. >> i was all set for bernie because i thought it was going to happen. we get ready for things, right? mentally, i am all set for bernie. communist, i had everything down. he is all that. i was all set. and then we have this crazy thing that happened, right, on tuesday, which he thought was thursday. [laughter] but he also said 150 million people were killed with guns, and he was running for the united states senate. to support me, running for the united states. there is something going on there. i was all set, i was all set for
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bernie. i was ready to go. then i said, you know, i don't think i'm running against bernie baird and nick it's going to be very hard for him to come back >> sean: if you are a joe biden supporter and you don't have a fastball if you ever had one, you don't of a slow pitch, you watch president trump, who are you going to bet on in these debates? the president is spot on. but the socialists should be happy either way because here's the point i made about super tuesday that no one else in the media made. in the lead up to super tuesday, bernie sanders was doubling down on defending murdering dictators and their regimes. castros, former soviet union, ussr, daniel ortega, venezuela. okay, even democrats, we can't defend murdering dictatorships, so. but the difference between bernie and biden, they are few and far between and we've got the tape. they both support the new green deal, they both support open borders, they both support free
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health care for illegal immigrants, they both openly vowed to raise your taxes. they both want to take away your second amendment rights in the list goes on and they have extreme positions on abortions. in fact, 2016 vice president biden showered bernie sanders with praise. i just wish he didn't call himself a socialist because everything else is great. he all but endorsed bolshevik bernie in 2016 against hillary. here's the video. >> if bernie sanders never said he was a democratic socialist, based on what he is saying, people wouldn't be calling him a democratic socialist. that is how he characterizes himself, and sort of european terms. a democratic socialist, the parties in europe. speak about why is she having trouble? >> i think bernie is speaking to a yearning that is deep and real, and he has credibility on it. >> sean: deep yearning. at 203 days, ask yourself are
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you better off now than you were four years ago? the obama-biden track record, the radian deal, 13 million more food stamps, lowest labor rates since the 1960s. did you think that was a glowing success quest erected they fulfill their promise? did you keep your doctor? did you keep your plan? because millions of them lost them. how did the iran deal go? how much money did american save on health care? didn't save a lot, we are paying 200% more for health care in the country. did the federal government improve or worsen? in 243 days this is the biggest choice election in our lifetime. that is just a fact. the good news tonight is this: the sheer enthusiasm for president trump, this is the untold story of tuesday. super tuesday. president trump drove our record number of voters to the polls in
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contests that weren't contested. look at this in texas. he got more votes than biden, bernie, and warren combined. it was an uncontested election. is the media reporting that? he received more votes than vermont, minnesota, massachusetts, tennessee than any incumbent in the last four decades. colorado, ter turn out was grear than the last three republican primaries combined. wow. the media mob, they can try to sweep that under the rug. numbers don't lie here with his analysis and whiteboard, fox news contributor karl rove is with us. let's go to those numbers in particular. i would say there is a very strong enthusiasm, that is my interpretation. >> i want you to think about this. there is no race in texas on the republican side. we've got some congressional primaries. but no statewide race that was highly contested. democrats were all over the state. you could not turn on the television without seeing a bloomberg ad. we had ads on for
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bernie sanders, we had all the major candidates coming here to texas. this was the second biggest pot of delegates, highly contested. democrats turned out 2,035,708 votes. republicans, 2,080,000. tennessee, take a look at this. democratic turnout, hot election, 550,000. republicans, no contest, no race, the president didn't even appear there, he didn't have any challengers they are. he got like 90% plus of the vote. nearly 800,000 people turned out to support him. i suspect tonight over at the trump headquarters they are carefully analyzing these results because it is a gold mine for them in this respect. they now have a powerful tool to identify. they now know the low propensity voters who didn't vote in 2018 who are excited enough to come out in the primaries and they also know who with a low propensity voters who didn't vote for trump so they can focus their efforts on him. all these people who showed up said count on me in november so
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they are able to say, okay, these were the low propensity boats we worried about who came out, let's worried about the rest of the pool. >> sean: he recalled the architect. i'm not the architect. you helped george w. bush win two top elections both times. now i would think if i am looking at those numbers, may be for the republican party if they have any idea or ambition of retaking the house and rebuilding their lead perhaps in the senate, winning some tough races there, i might be thinking about nationalizing that election around those 80, 20, 90, ten issues that represent the trump agenda. good idea? >> yeah. i was also looking at districts. for example in texas we have two districts that were flipped by the democrats last time around. dallas, the 32nd district, genevieve collins, our candidate in that district, more people voted in the republican party in that congressional district then voted in the democratic party, even though they had the
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presidential ticket. the democrat who took it last time around, if i were him i would be a little nervous this morning. absolutely, this was a good guide for what can work in the fall. can i touch on another thing with another white pork? this is a story that hasn't been talked about either. in 2008, north carolina, 1,500,000 people voted in the democratic party. this year, 1,000,321. this has been a rapidly growing state and there are fewer people who voted in the north carolina democratic primary than they did eight years ago. alabama, same thing. 536,000 in 2008, 452 this year. of the 14 states, i think at least 11 of them have fewer people voting in the democratic party in 2020 than voted in 2012. that is a sign of something going on out there. >> sean: big time. one day, i might grow into a whiteboard. i'm not up to the task yet. great analysis as always. we turned out to a serious scandal rocking capitol hill.
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senate minority leader chuck schumer, he might be facing real consequences now for the threat that he made specifically by name 22 u.s. supreme court justices. take a look. >> i want to tell you, neil gorsuch, justice kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and he will pay the price! [cheers and applause] you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions! >> sean: you will pay the price! clearly chuck schumer trying to intimidate the court. democratic supporter, well-known, called a direct attack on the integrity of our courts. chief justice roberts wrote that his threat was dangerous and irresponsible. even nancy pelosi of all people offered to pay to criticism. schumer today offered a half-hearted apology, went into full spin mode. but could he be guilty of a crime because mark a felony?
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look at your screen, we will let you decide. 18 usc, 115. it is a felony charge up to 15 years in prison, whoever threatens to assault, kidnapping, murder a united states official, united states judge, with the intent to impede come intimidate or interfere with such official while engaged in the performance of official duties. in legal jeopardy. here now with reaction, house minority leader kevin mccarth mccarthy. i talk to lawyers on both sides. the sun is talking about censure. i've talked to lawyers who said, yeah, he could be in trouble. >> he could be in trouble because he wasn't threatening these individuals that they could get thrown out of office because you don't vote for supreme court justice. the only thing that could harm them is what he was talking about, that there would be pain. he was intimidating, which is supposed to be a separate branch of government over a certain case. in america we believe in the
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exchange of ideas, not threatening those you disagree with. this is clearly what a socialist dictator thinks of, controlled production, control thought, control the rule of law. what really should happen here is the democrats should change their leadership. could you imagine if a republican had said this? nope, they would change their leadership if this is what took place. if those are going to support what schumer said, they will stay silent. but if they disagree with what he said, he is the leader of the senate, he sitting at the supreme court before a case and threatening the judicial system, which you showed right there, is against the law. >> sean: we just had karl rove analyzing what a record-breaking turnout for the president on super tuesday, i think that is the ignored come under reported if i'm going to be charitable, story that came out of tuesday. now i think the american people that if watched three years of psychotic rage, every second, minute, hour of every day from the democrats in the media mob, over 243 days, a lot is up for grabs. i asked karl rove, should we
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nationalize the election's custr quote with the benefits be if hf the house of representatives, assuming your colleagues would put you there? number one. an up or two, we increased our lead in the senate, how helpful would that be for the country and how much more could be accomplished? >> think of what could be achieved if we weren't sitting there investigating all the time, if we actually worked for the american public. there were a couple other things we should have worked on the whiteboard. 8.8 million people who voted for president trump in 2016 who did not turn out in 2018 because they followed the president, they don't follow the party. had they voted, we would be in the majority by nine seats. they will vote in the next election. at the other thing that he didn't talk about was in california, we have an open primary, meaning anyone can vote for anyone. at the top two moving forward. look at a seat in the central valley, 70% hispanic. democrats overwhelmingly have this state. david valid ao is over 54
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percent with four people runni running. tj cox, democrat is sitting around 55%, and the number of women who came across, the president was 20 for 20 in his endorsement. wesley hunt in houston is not in a runoff. i mean, this is amazing what is happening. if you go to you can help these candidates so we can take the majority and you would have a congress working for the american public. >> sean: okay, i got it on the list. buy kevin mccarthy whiteboard. got it. thank you. here now, fox news contributor ari fleischer, dan bongino. welcome both of you. let's start with you, those numbers a lot to me. your thoughts? >> absolutely. when you look at the turnout the democrats had, there were actually nine states that voted in super tuesday 2016, nine that voted super tuesday in 2020. only in three of them did that or not go up and that was vermont.
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six states had a turnout decline. the lack of enthusiasm as a warning for the democrats in the fall and the trump turnout machine, you've got to give credit to the trump campaign. when nobody is against you on the ballot and people are still showing up to vote for you, that is a good sign of things about energy and enthusiasm for fall. >> sean: these are records that -- we haven't seen this happen in decades. even in terms of percentages, never mind the raw numbers. dan bongino, i mentioned nationalizing the election. it's been what, 26 years since the contract with america. i had the honor of being the mc the night that newt gingrich became the speaker of the house. that was history. the young kid, talk show host. very -- i had no idea where my life was heading or if i would be even on the air the next day. there was something really remarkable about that. they have not had power in 40 years. why do i think it might be a good idea to say, okay, these are the items that donald trump is getting so much support on. why don't we promise to support
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him if you give us a chance too? >> and not just that. we could make a new contract, which would incorporate what donald trump has already done and add some new elements. contract with america part two, whatever you want to call it, i don't really care. incorporate the fact that the federal judges, the appointments come of the strict constructionists on the bench. if we win again, contract with america part two. one of the things we could add to that, one of the questions asked tonight of the president tonight, the one weakness we have had is this national debt. another president is looking to cut federal spending. he has tried, he needs the help of the house in the senate to do it. that would be great. we need to do something about that. another middle-class tax cut will be nice. can i add another piece of analysis to your election coverage tonight, which has been stellar. play very, very close attention to the florida primary and a couple of weeks. why? the florida presidential primary is separate from the congressional primaries. in other words, only the
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presidential candidates are on the presidential primary ballot. you want to talk about having zero reason to show up? and i will guarantee you, floridians will show up en masse to vote for donald trump, even though there's no question he is going to be the nominee. they will show up en masse in florida and i bet the numbers are competitive with the democrats, despite the fact that they have a competitive primary. remember, nobody else is on the ballot other than the presidential candidate. pay really close attention. >> sean: as of today, in ten seconds, if it's biden, donald trump, who wins customer 243 days. >> i still say this is a 50/50 call. it's going to be that close. america is that polarized, that close in election. either one could win it. >> sean: i like thinking like that. we are behind six points, got across the plane and get the extra point. two minute drill. dan, who wins? >> i think at this point he's right, it's a toss-up. 50/50. i don't know, not in the predictions game anymore. >> sean: i'm always waiting
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for the worst. if people look at it that way than they will go out and vote. when we come back, the president moving ahead with cutting on funding funding to sanctuary cities and senator lindsey graham on theug corruption of the democrats. corruption of the democrats. straight ahead. one call to newday usa can save you $2,000 every year. and once you refinance, the savings are automatic. thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. activate your va streamline benefit now.
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♪ >> sean: president trump continues to take bold action to keep our nation safe and secure, like moving ahead with plans to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities that harbored dangerous criminal aliens, building hundreds of new miles of border wall. the president laying it all out earlier tonight. take a look. >> and we have the best numbers we have had in many, many months. we've had a guest, it's now nine or ten months where the numbers are way down and we need to keep them down, but we need a wall ae
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wall is way under construction. 129 miles already. where we have a wall, by the way, nobody is coming through. practically nobody. we will have, by early next year, almost 50 500 miles of wa, and once we have that while it's going to stop drugs a big percentages of everything. >> sean: losing 300 americans a week because of opioids and earlier today the president met with senator graham and other top republicans to discuss broader immigration reform measures and ways to protect the rule of law. which democrats continue to ignore across the border, especially in the case of zero experience hunter biden and his shady business dealings. thankfully senator ron johnson of wisconsin is vowing to force a vote on the first subpoena in the senate probe into burisma and hunter biden next week while simultaneously ukraine is looking into the issue. they have a full-fledged investigation. here now with reaction, senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham is with us.
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senator, we are losing 300 people a week because of opioid addiction in this country. then we have sanctuary cities and states, we have violent criminals that are released, and they create, they commit more violent crimes. i would argue, they would argue if it was us they have blood on their hands. they are accomplishe accomplicee do when we protect them, aiding and abetting crime. how does that stop? >> this is the defining issue of the election among many. the republican party is saying if you are a sanctuary city and you refused to work with the federal government to turn over violent felons so they can be incarcerated and deported, if he refused to help the federal government, we are going to cut off all federal funds. let's take that to the ballot box. there are men and women being killed, raped and murdered by felons and sanctuary city, who the local government refuses to turn over the felon to the local
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government. they stay in the city and they murder and kill and rob and to me, the president is dead right about this, they should take this to biden and bernie and say, what is your position on this? >> sean: you have known joe biden for many, many years, you worked with him for many, many years. we see the gaps, we see ron johnson's committee looking into burisma, a billion dollars, fire the prosecutor, investigating my zero experience on who is paid millions. i think we would get a different response from the democrats. biden, my honest opinion, his gaffes are now officially very alarming. whether he is up to the drive come of the toughest job in the world. he has a record that will be compared to president trump's. not very good on either foreign policy or economically. tell us about the joe biden you know and the one who wants open borders in sanctuary cities and free health care for illegal immigrants. speak of the joe biden i know is
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been a disaster on national security. it was joe biden who convinced obama to pull all of the troops out of iraq. it is joe biden who is responsible for the rise of isis more than any single politician. joe biden supported the iran nuclear agreement. joe biden allows illegal immigrants free health care. joe biden would cancel the program in place if you are seeking asylum you have to wait in mexico. the biggest thing president trump has done is not just build wall. remember six month ago when hundreds of thousands of people were coming here wanting to get caught claiming asylum and we had to turn them loose in our country, they never showed up to the hearing? it was president trump who convinced mexico to allow us to keep them in mexico until they are hearing so they don't run around and get loose in our country. that is the biggest change in immigration in the last 30 or 40 years, and joe biden says he would terminate that program.
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>> sean: free health care, amnesty, open borders. wow. 90% of america's heroin comes from there. the pfizer core, you are beginning your process of investigating that. we are waiting for durham, we are waiting for attorney general barr but the fisa court has spoken out today with some very strong language. we will get into the details coming up. what did you think of that new development today, the fisa court speaking out? and will be ever get to hear from the judges that were lied to? >> here's what i think. i think the court has to prove to the public at large that they are capable of doing something about the abuse that came their way. here's what i'm trying to find out more than anything else. in january 2017, the primary sub source say russia, who gave all the information of the dossier to christopher steele tells the fbi that it is a bunch of bartok. i want to know what happened after that. how did comey and mccabe not know that the entire case fell
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apart? i don't believe it is possible at all for the higher-ups not to be told that the entire case collapsed in january 2017. >> sean: top of the fisa warrant. i've been told, i've never seen one. it says verified. we know now it is unverifiable. multiple warnings. back to october, premeditated fraud. >> can i add something to that? we know the person who prepared the information said it wasn't reliable. the person who gave christopher steele the entire information said to the fbi and department of justice, this is i never meant it to be used it to get a warrant. we know that and they went ahead and got two more warrants after they knew that. >> sean: premeditated fraud, denying individuals constitutional right to spy on candidate. it all happened. they better pay the price otherwise we don't have a constitution. up next, joyless behar telling her viewers not to listen to president trump. also talking about the fisa court, they are now taking major
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action against the agents involved in the carter page warrants to backdoor spy on candidate trump, president-elect trump, and deep into the presidency of donald trump. straight ahead. millions of patients are treated with statins-but up to 75% persistent cardiovascular risk still remains. many have turned to fish oil supplements. others, fenofibrates or niacin. but here's a number you should take to heart: zero-the number of fda approvals these products have, when added to statins, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ask your doctor about an advancement in prescription therapies with proven protection. visit
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reminder? no, no no, i'm good. uh, yes please. oh. ho ho ho, yeah! need worker's comp insurance? get a quote in 3 minutes at ♪ >> sean: the trump administration and the amazing health care professionals in this country and scientists and investigators work to combat coronavirus, nearly 16, 17,000 died from h1 n1, better known as the swine flu. that was during obama-biden term. they did not institute a quarantine. some of the mob can't help themselves but actually used a serious public health risk which we have had periodically, sadly,
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in the history of this country in a line of attack against the president. listen to that hard-hitting new show "the view" and joyless joy behar. >> just do your best, okay? don't listen to trump. to listen to him. he was on fox yesterday or something telling people go to work, it's nothing. if you don't feel good. >> let's face it, the president is the reality star. you are not going to take health tips from a reality star appeared star. otherwise we would go to the housewives of beverly hills and ask them what they think of the coronavirus. >> sean: he was on "hannity" but you didn't want to admit it. the president didn't say that. he is taking bold, quick action more than any other president. obama, biden, six months, 1,000 people had already died. 20,000 contracted the disease before they said national emergency. they were bragging about, we didn't put in a travel ban. why didn't they? it with reaction and where we stand on coronavirus in the
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response, nicole saphier is with us. dr. nicole, of course we have to be concerned about any virus. h1 and one worldwide killed up to and over half a million people worldwide including 16, 17,000 in this country. that is a lot, that was 2009 and ten. >> it is really interesting, that brash advice coming from joy, and in the same interview all of her coanchor is actually accused her of coming to work sick and infecting everyone else there. the bottom line is president trump clarify what he said 12 hours after that interview saying, under no circumstance does he recommend people go to work sick end of story. but what the unavoidable truth is and why they should be glad the people listen to president trump was by his swift initiation of the travel ban because it was instituted early on and that coupled with continued travel restrictions, quarantines, and the screenings we just saw the picture of right there, that does not only delay seeing the virus in our country, but past studies have shown it will actually the overall impact
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of the spread in our country. and, you know, the latest headline the last 24 hours are there are now may be two strands of the virus circulating, which i imagine might cause some panic. but guess what, the kimono virus, the common cold, we know this undergoes stress, so there's going to be variations of the virus throughout the community, we exo before you start thinking something terrible is happening in preparing for a zombie apocalypse, we expect this to happen come in record time, we also have antivirals being studied in nebraska. we know president trump is a huge fan of the right to trial also i imagine as soon as something is proven safe for americans, president trump is going to do what he can to get it to us. >> sean: all right, dr. nicole saphier, i think i will pick you, doctor. thank you so much for your
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updates. all right come also big developments tonight in our quest for equal justice because we are now learning that invests involved in the illegal spying of carter page have not been blocked from seeking surveillance warrants. here with reaction, form a trump campaign associate carter page along with fox news contributor sara carter, investigative reporter and author of the number one best seller "witch hunt." gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst. i know you are taking legal action, carter page, but they did a legally spy on you for a year of your life and denied you your constitutional rights and your civil liberties so they could spy on a candidate transition team and a president. >> it has done so much damage to so many individuals, and yes, i have some initial legal action going right now, but i'm calling for reparations for all the other innocent americans whose lives were put at risk. you were just talking about,
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with mr. schumer. all of these lies, and these threatening statements have just caused so much damage for so many people. people do have to pay for this terrible assault on our democracy. >> sean: as you read this statement of pfizer, they're very clear, we don't want sara carter, we don't want people under investigation to know or get offered any updates or changes either. >> yeah, this is the big battle right now and capitol hill and we know very soon on the 15th, it's going to sunset, it's basically going to expire, and what i'm hearing right now from folks on capitol hill is that jerry nadler may just let it expire, so the house judiciary may not bring this forward, but i think the most important point today, in the opinion by presiding judge is that he made it very clear that unless the fbi tells the court the truth, unless they receive the applications and applications are true, and they don't leave out serious omissions, which is
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what happened to carter page, this is going to happen again. something needs to be done, it needs to be fixed. a lot of people say let it abolish, let it expire. let's rebuild it, let's do something different, but something actually needs to be done. >> sean: i'm going to switch topics on you, go back to schumer's comments. is there a legal component, 18, 15 that we mentioned? >> yes, there is but the question is, when you read that statute it says you can't threaten a federal official. what constitutes a threat? trump says, i didn't mean a threat of violence, i meant a political threat. but his subjective analysis is not with the law says. as a general intent objective analysis. would a reasonable person construe his comments to be a threat of violence? would a reasonable person be in fear for his or her safety? if the answer is yes, and i think it is, than it is a crime
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but i have no illusion the department of justice isn't going to file criminal charges against the minority leader of the u.s. senate. were it you or me or anybody else, they would be like wolves at the door. >> sean: thank you all three. you keep staying on the story. our quest for truth and real justice will not stop. thank you all. when we come back on the new documentary, bill clinton opens up, explaining exactly why he had that affair with monica lewinsky and his reasoning next as we continue. woman: my reputation was trashed online.
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series "hillary." the ex-president says he had an affair with an intern monica lewinsky because it helped "manage his anxieties." here with reaction, fox news contributor tammy bruce and the rubin report toes dave rubin. i will start with you. i don't even know where to start on that one. >> i have no opinion, right? it's interesting, he says this now as though she was some product you could pick up in the store to help you with your anxiety like appeal and a bottle. the bottom line is, in 2004 when his autobiography came out, "my life." he sat down with dan rather and was asked about, why did you do this? he said, i did it because i could. he said that is probably the worst reason to do something. it's really bordering on pathological, of course, and certainly malignant lee narcissistic but i'm going to take that answer as the correct one. it had been years since he had been impeached, years since the affair and when asked about it
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in 24, he said i thought about it a lot, it was because i could. that is why the clintons do what they do. they are grifters, they are charlatans and now he's in the position within the left where it is the woke that is the most woke answer, that if you are somehow a victim of yourself for of circumstances, it explains everything and excuses everything. for him it was anxiety. most people go and take up jogging. maybe they see a shrink, maybe they take up meditation. for bill clinton, getting rid of anxiety was about taking advantage of an intern in the white house in the oval office. outrages. >> sean: it may be i'm old fashion. how about you dive on the sword. what i did was inexplicable, morally repugnant, wrong, i betrayed my family and i will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for my horrible, horrible selfishness. >> yeah, tammy really hit it at
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the end with the woke part of this because there is a virus spreading throughout the united states right now and it's not just coronavirus. it's the virus of victimhood. when you understand what that oppression olympics pyramid is, at the top they put victimhood. so bill now realizing that he doesn't want to be taken down by the me too movement, which obviously should come for him by their own standards, he is now trying to play the victim. anyone knows that if you are the president of the united states, you have a lot of responsibility. it comes with a certain amount of stress, certain amount of anxiety. that doesn't mean you can have sexual relations with an intern, but he's playing the last card he has, which is the card that the woke group, the new progressives -- >> sean: i've got to run. >> he is also a straight white man so he has another problem there. >> sean: all right, thank you both. if got to get up to speed on the
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>> harvey weinstein is being transferred to the prison known as rikers island today. trace gallagher live in the west coast newsroom with the very latest, i spoke at rikers. i wouldn't want to be there. >> me neither, ten days after being convicted of criminal sexual assault, he is finally at rikers island. he had been at bellevue hospital because of heart issues, he was accused of getting special treatment because he was reportedly staying in a hospital suite with his family. his lawyers tried to downplay the treatment, saying he is mentally and emotionally down. last night, the disgraced movie mogul underwent heart surgery. today he was transferred to rikers island, a former jail official says because he is a high-profile inmate who might be threatened by other inmates, he could very well snag a double sized private cell of his own, television, bathroom, and shower, maybe even a phone.
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he will also wear a tan jumpsuit indicating he has not been sentenced yet. >> trace gallagher, thank you. we will always be fair and balanced, not the hate or psychotic media mob. >> i'm raymond arroyo in for laura ingraham, this is the ingram angle from washington tonight. chuck schumer's threat against conservative justices. even though they preach acceptance for all, are the democrats actually the party of silence and violence goes to mark congressman matt gaetz, dispel the myth of liberal tolerance. a failed presidential candidate bill de blasio is added again, wait until you hear his latest comments about black voters. but first, for months the democrat and media
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