tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News March 5, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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will also be wearing tan jump suit, indicating he has not been sentenced. >> and we'll always be fair and balanced, without the hate, psychotic, trump media mob. see you tomorrow night.>> this " from washington tonight. chuck schumerer's threat against conservative supreme court justices want it's much more corrosive than you think. our legal panel reacts. and even though they preach acceptance for all, are the democrats actually the party of silence and violence. failed presidential candidate, bill de blasio has stepped in it again. wait until you hear about his latest comments about black voters. for months, the democrat and mead yeah, lites, not only tattled 2020 field as the most
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exciting ever, it was also the most diverse. >> people are really excited about this field. >> it is easily, the most diverse field for president ever in the 2020 democratic field is taking shape. >> there are more women run for example president in this field than have ever run for president in any one field before. >> this is a field democrats can be proud of. >> today, their their diversity dreams came crashing down when, elizabeth warren announced her decision to end or presidential campaign. which means, the most diverse field ever, has been widdled down to two very old white upon men. the media has been desperately searching for a way to spin warren and other female candidates' failure bus all they could come up with is this. >> i think women always face a double standard. >> they are taxed more when they make mistakes and it's harder for them to gain traction and
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fundraising. >> . you can't remove sexism for the fact that elizabeth warren had trouble fundraising. we punish them harder than we do male candidates . >> where have i heard that before is this. >> were you a victim of misogyny? why do you think you lost the majority of the while female vote? >> for security moms. the people who want to be protected. >> yes, i do think it played a role. >> joining me now is mercedes schlap. 2020 campaign senior adviser. is sexism the reason that aim clobber char and kamala harris and warren and jill brand were rejected by democratic voters. >> no. i think have you to look at what message they were purging through. look look at warren, she was focused on the anticorruption message pac money, which she said she wasn't going to take
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but she took q. she start presented her plans, medicare for all. how are are you going to pay for this. you would have to raise taxes for the middle class. that's where she was going with this. it's not about sexism it is autos about bad policy with these messengers who obviously weren't able to winter hearts the democrat voters. >> here's how elizabeth warren explained her loss today. watch. >> if you say, yeah, there was sexism in this aircraft everyone says wiener. if you say no, there was no sexism, about a baz irk llion women say, what planet do you live on. i'll have a lot more to say on that subject later o. >> wiener. it sounds like she doesn't trust the voters. the democratic voters. is that what you're hearing? >> well, unfortunately, i was a big fan of elizabeth warren. i think she was one of the strong of the debateer on the
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stage b. the bottom line s we all know the sexism exists. but this was about strait gentleman unforge, senator warren lost her own home state. numerous times she bragged about never losing an election. this came down to the bottom line, she was a ashamed to say she was a capitalist. she is a compassion at capitalist. and she allowed bernie sanders to pull her too far to the left. and there are more moderns to this party. i worked for senator sanders, but i am an independent, a small business owner and i'm not a socialist. and those people forgot about tt. elizabeth warren, one moment z's next moment, she's a socialist. she was trying to please too many tribes. and now she realizes, twitter is not real. >> there's also the lying factor here want she lied about.
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geraldo: tabling, and her father being a janitor. that stacks up and it does van influence and a final impact. >> there is theirs no quest have i to actual, for the democrat party, there is this struggle happen wealth far left, and socialist agenda, bernie sanders and all of a s the democrat establishment starts panicking. we have got to really around biden immediately, despite the controversies with his song hunter biden, and he's truly, a weak, weak front runner. and let me actual, warren is going to have an important role to play. while those delegates are going to be released, she will still be influential over the delegates. >> i want to get to her in a moment and other endorsements. nancy pelosi reactd to the withdrawal this way. >> i so wish. every time i get introduced to the most powerful woman. i almost cry. i wish that were not true. i wish we had a woman president of the united states. i think the american people are
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ready. >> very quickly. what's the end game here? when the fact s nancy pelosi was the one pushing the 77-year-old white guy who's running, correct? >> absolutely correct. and you know, i'm really getting offended with the demic party talking create block buster we need a woman. what kind of woman are they talking about. a black woman, you have people bill de blasio who's talking about the black vote and i think personally, he needs to shut his mouth and speak on issues he had a little bit more familiarity with, and that's not the black vote. i don't see elizabeth warren endorsing anyone. i think she'll do just like she did in 2016 and wait until the actual nominee is selected. >> you got ahead of me. but let me show this video. mercedes, i want to you react to this. this is sanders. sanders. i couldn't get it -- now i'm
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sounding like joe biden. here's sanders today. watch. >> certainly, i have a lot of respect for senator warren and would love to sit down and talk to her about what kind of role she can play in our administration. >> obama care warren is also talking to joe biden. who will she endorsor does she take the obama road. kind of hang back and let it settle. >> if i were a political strategist. stay back and see what happened want born and he winner went after each other b. the losing strategy has been identity politics at the same time lost if 2016 m because they keep trying to divide up americans. this is why president trump is so brilliant. he unites americans. it's all about opportunities for all. black, la teen oh, women, white. that is where we need to be. as opose to this identity politics. we need to have a woman president or we need to have a black president. the american people are going to vote the person who is best
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qualified for the job. and we know president trump is continuing to grow his coalition, with women, with blacks, with latinos. >> how does this ultimately wind up? i mean, there's such a focus here on checking the female box. you have to have a female president. a woman leader and looks we had that plethora of women at the beginning. great hopes attachd to them. do they sandwich stay home, now that there's no female candidate? >> some will. just like some black voters have stayed home. they feel there's no black agenda. this is an issue i understand republicans want to jump ahead and talk with what it would be like to run the general, which i have a completely different analysis sis on that. as far as the democrat party, there are people who feel as if their concerns were not addressed. the democrat party also say, they are the party of diversity w they pick and choose, who has priority over the other. so they have created what we call this fracture, what you were about dividing up folks.
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it's because the democrat party has put themselveses in this position, by continuing to take advantage of certain groups, let me be clear when i say certain groups. black voter. i'm not talking about people of color, i'm not talking about minorities. there are people who are resentful and that needs to heal and needs to heal by actually having results n. a prayer, not stopping by a church, and not singing a hymn, andrew yang. but providing true results and tangible benefits. that's what they're look for. >> mercedes. react to that and how will president trump capitalize on this division, particularly, what we just heard there about the taking the black vote for granted, which there's no doubt. >> l i want to adopt teslen. i think that, let me tell you, this campaign and the president is focused on reaching out to the black voters. we are just hoping up these
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black offices across targeted states so it's really important. republicans have never done this effectively. president trump is taking to the next level. why is this because he knows he's not going to take the black vote on the agenda. school choice. criminal justice reform. real result in the community that, uplifts the black community, which the democrats have taken for granted . >> ladies, thank you. brilliant analysis tonight. thank you for being so honest and forth write. as laura said last night, joe biden won't actually be be in charge of the things, if elected president. he'll be a geriatrics pinoccio. whose strings will be pulled. that includes big donor mike bloomberg. this is bloomberg's former campaign adviser on what joe biden will be getting out of the deal. >> to the fullest extent
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possible. will back joe biden's campaign. hawk fish is a successful voter identification and turn out tool. we have great field offices across the country, those will stay open in the battle ground states. >> what that means is mike bloomberg is going to have more power than any ordinary american will in a biden administration, which of course is great news for china. joining me now is victor davis sampson. senior fellow at the hoover constitution. victor, for a party, so worried about russia. collusion in an election. they seem to be fine with the outside influence and importance of mike bloomberg, who's apparently going to have much bigger influence than appearances would lead to believe. >> yeah, i don't think the problem is mike bloomberg is worth $60 billion. or makes half a billion dollars a year. or ore he tried bought democratic nomination.
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we all know that. the problem, raymond is he doesn't know how to distinguish dictatorships from constitutional government. he's on record saying the president of china is not a dictator. the vice president of china is the most influential men. and he runs one of the most influential news organizations and see sensors stories that are critical of the chinese communist government, so he filters the news, through the lenses of his own interest in china and most importantly, he's engaged right now in one of most massive efforts to bring american financial power into the chinese bond market to help these companies that are suffering, in our trade war with china, among which about 45% of them are run by the chinese communist party. and what that boils down to, is essentially, michael bloomberg is using his footage clout, his journalistic power to bring
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capital to hospital chinese capitalist party. he'll use all his resources in the failed president at bid. we'll see how joe biden performs policy views towards china. >> victor, i eluded this. but bloomberg spent 35000000-plus on ads. those russian facebook ads, that everybody lost their lunch over. $135,000. 35 million, 135,000 and we're we're worried about russian collusion. part of the thing he's -- this network he's created. as an example of what they do. here's how they responded on line to trump. mocking bloomberg's exit from the race. this is on line.
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watch. >> you can strike me down, i shall become more i shall become more powerful. that was it want there was no branding or going else. today, this is out trump campaign struck back. you know, trump holding bloomberg at bay and not getting hit by the light saber. what good is a media platform is your content is so off key or fails to resonate with voters. as bloomberg did or he would be the nominee in the democratic party. >> to know michael bloomberg and to hear michael bloomberg and to see him in a debate is not want to to vote for him. so the influence is not in the shadows. he's not going to be in n a public figure. to do so is counter productive for him. what he's going to do is put this enormous expertise about china and profit making and journalistic cloud in service of a particular candidate and
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there's no limits to his resources. remember, we just went through a cycle drama for three years about possible trump hotel. we found out there was nothing to t. this is a guy who's going to make billions of dollars network the chinese bond market, helping the government run companies at a time when they're in an exterrible problem with his own country. >> no wonder bernie sanders is so upset about his intrusion. >> he has grounds to be upset. yeah. absolutely. >> i've got to get to this. bill clinton is opening up about his affair with monica lewinsky. talk about a psycho drama. here's what he said in a hulu documentary. about his wife of all people. you feel like you staggering around, you've been in a 15-round prize fight that was extended to 30 rounds. and here's something that will
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take your mind off television for a while. how i could think about the most stupid thing to do, and do it to manage my anxieties for years. victor, can you believe he's trying to justify his affair, write together off as a way to manage his anxieties in a documentary about hillary. >> he always blames other people. but this is an example monica lewinsky is an individual, she obviously liked him. she wanted to get to know him and now, he says, she was something like xanax or valium for me. it's really kind of cruel the way he's looking back at theines den want it was kind of tragic the way she was deluded by that sense of power and authority. and since then, we know that if any of us did what bill clinton d used our authority to, you know, illicit sexual favors from a subordinate, he would be fired. >> i'm out of time b. i taw tu--
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>> she's an antianxiety -- okay. thank you. >> he used her, and poss it in a backwards way. he still thinks of her for his own relief and anxiety. thank you. coming up. the angle. exposes the real agenda behind chuck schumerer's personal attack on two conservative supreme court the program about justice starts now ises. do not miss this. stay there. you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. well now there's score!, time...from force factor,enin'. to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder walmart offers score! in more locations than any other performance enhancer. unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score!.
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courts. tophic, especially on social policy, judges have played the roll of super legislatures, running rough shot over the will of the people. >> the system has been under relentless attack by the left wing activists who want to take the powers of the elected branches and give that power to an elected federal judges. they want to impose a judicial decree what, they fail to win at the ballot box. i will do going in my power. >> >> now, the president recently had some tough words for justices beginsberg and soto mayor. demanding they recuse themselves, after demonstrating overt, political bias. >> justice. she went wild during the campaign when i was running. she said some things that were obviously, very inappropriate and justice sotomayor said what she said yesterday. i just don't know how they cannot recuse themselves for going having to do with trump or
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trump-related. >> but i don't recall any public official ever, actually threatening judges. unless not until yesterday. as the court was about to hear arguments concerning louisiana abortion law. senator chuck schumerer issued a direct warning on behalf of the arc portion lobby. >> i want to tell you gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh. you have released a whirlwind and you will pay the price. you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. >> initially, his ranting and raving sounded like a threat of actual violence. one even liberals couldn't defend. >> i am certainly not going to defend what chuck schumerer said want it was wrong, it was inappropriate. it did sound like a physical threat. i think if you look at chuck schumerer's entire record and how he behaves, he does not threaten people physically.
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>> while schumer's threat wasn't physical. it was in a wake much more corrosive to our republic. he was threatening an issue based impeachment against the two newest member of the high court. if are in other words, if you didn't think about vote figure a n a way that restricts roe v. wade, we will annhiliate you. huge ears was delivering a message to these justices. especially caff few. if joe biden wins the white house. we will turn over every ston in your perjury and professional life and devote all of our resources to destroying you, and removing you from office. i don't think you need high crime and misdemeanors anymore. a catch-all, is enough. after hearing shimer yet, you don't think kavanaugh is thinking to do himself, holy smokes, they are going to put my
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family and me through this again? schumer wanted this to be in kavanaugh and gorsuch's mind, as they readied their votes in conference. upld louisiana law enforcement that aboardists must be privilege in hospitals. my claw clerks, spouse, my church everyone will be fair game as the demolition permits scour for any reason to justify imemployment. there are things that need to happen right now. 1. john roberts must continue to aggressively push back on this, and stand up for the right of each jut is to do his or her job without fear of personal, professional, physical appraisals. if you don't know what we want. we'll blowup the entire court. half the country won't trust it or respect its rulings as legitimate ever again.
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every democrat senator should be forced to swear. they will not move to impeach judges for the rulings they make on the bench. period. they must at this time disavow. schumer's threatening the monday of the court. if senate ors refuse. republicans should make a really big deal of it, and censure them. tell the voters, democrats are willing to enjoy the entire court, in order to save row. this is an extremely dangerous moment. and remember, if elected, joe biden would be just a figurehead. planned parenthood would be in charge of picking judging, and the even so-called moderates are one mind when it's abortion. no limitations. no restrictions. >> a woman does have a right to chose. if they rule it to be unconstitutional, i will send to the u.s. congress, and i will
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pass, i believe that should legislate roe v. wade and justified cases. >> i want you to know, that when you make a decision about who you're voting for. >> it's very important to me. and i think most americans to help a woman's right to choose. >> the democrats are not only repealing pro-life and certain groups religion voters. if they want to engage in political litmus tests, have at t. but to turn their fire on a branch of government over abortion, at a time when the majority of american want limitations on the procedure is ruinous and directive to the well-being of women and their children. and that's angle. >> i should confess, that was mostly written by my friend laura, who's a little under the
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way tonight. former council taupe gorge w bush, and former law clerk, to judge customer clerckence have you ever heard of a top party official, personally threatening a supreme court justice and how do you think the justice is reacting some i've never hearding and so outrageous in my life. and i've lived in washington for years years, and i've never heard a branch of government, speak to anybody in the supreme court that way. and i think we know what the justices think because the chief stood upd to territory integrity of the court and the judge. he he said, we will not be cowed by this inappropriate dangerous behavior. we will all continue to do our job. i'm confident that justice
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kavanaugh and justice >> chuck schumerrer that you have had half harted apology. take a look . >> i'm from brooklyn. i'm used to not -- i never would do such a thing. and republicans, who are busy, manufacturing out range over these comments, know that, too. >> so he was raised on the main streets of brooklyn. he can't help but his language. >> first of all, it's totally protected speech under the fist amendment. but it was certainly threatening and the difference of what he's within doing, and now, this thuggery aspect. i've criticized the president about what he has said for
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clients in pending cases. justices -- in no way did he make, president trump, any kind of a threat. >> that put its on a totally different play. and raymond, this isn't new. it really started in the obama discussion. criticized citizens united while all the supreme court justices were there, you know, to honor him. they sit there during the state of the union. and they don't anymore. and he -- you had the brief filled they essentially said the same that schumer is saying now. so they are clearly intending, if they win, in 2020 to go after
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some of these justices and i think it is extremely corrosive. thed in is really our system, and the ending of the world. i think it's very, very sad. glypt to go to do you. obviously, schumer, he's out broadcasting this threat before a ruling. particularly about five. i talk to the state senator of louisiana at the center of this case. and she said, look. i've had people threaten to hit me ove over the head. is there any law, any crime that schumer might have committed in violation of a u.s. state let's back up 40 years and figure out what's going on here. the supreme court politicized itself. when it's been that way ever since. you can't run for dog catcher in
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this c pout people taking a distance on where you are with abortion. the supreme court never should have gotten involved. the constitution doesn't mention the word and so it's not a surprise that politicians are going to treat the court brett kavanaugh and neil gorsuch and sam l irk do and clarence thomas are going to follow the constitution wherever it leads. that's what chuck schumerer and his cronies, can't abide by. they want whether the law allows for it or not s. its that's really what's at stake here. >> they are no doubt worried. this is the statute that people of course citing. this is 40 u.s.kcode 6134. it is unlawful to discharge a firearm, fire work, set fire to
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a combustible, make a loud, threatening or abusive language in the supreme court building or grounds. chuck schumerer was there at behest of a pro abortion group on the stair stairs. the law that john referred to, which makes it a felony to threaten a federal official. and i think what senator schumer said arguably does constitute a threat. and he said, you won't know what hit you. quote, unquote. >> now, i want to play this. this is the president tonight. >> totally protected speech. i'm sorry . >> l it's protected. schumer, that was a physical thing in my opinion. he tried to say, that has to do with the election. that had nothing to do with the election, the way he said we're going on hit back like you've never seen before want that was a real intimidation, and best you can say is they are trying
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to intimidate so the justices vote their way. that's no good either. >> saul, i know it's protected speech, but it's threatening, it's despicable. but it is constitutional protected, which means that even if it violated some statute, that's never going to go to a juror. that's just the way it is. so condemn him, but it's not a crime. >> l very quickly, before we run out of time. let me go to john eastman. sorry. i didn't give you enough time. john, what is the mechanism in article two to impeach supreme court justices and is that what schumer was really eluding to here. >> it's hard toy sarks he's clearly trying to cower them away from following the law and upholding the louisiana statute. and you know, the issue about whether it's a threat or not. threats are not protected
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speech. it's got to lead to eminent lawlessness. if somebody was enage enough bike schumer's speech to go in and shoot a justice. schumer can be held liable for that. so it's not purely protected speech. coming up. the media often claims, president trump is insighting mas violence but is that true want what about the threats of actual violence from the radical left. congressman matt gates, and expose the hip ocincrease and other latest on the corona virus in the u.s. when we return.
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>> democrats, love to portray themselves as the party of love and tolerance bum are they? we just showed you how chuck schumerer threatened two sit-in supreme court justices. others in his party have openly threatened violence against the president. >> donald trump say guy, you understand, he hurts you, and my testosterone sometimes makes me want to feel like punching him. >> i wish you were in high school, i would take you behind the gym. >> i think you need to go back and punch him in the face. >> joining me now, are matt gates and lee zelleon. congressman zealdon. does that sound look a party of love and intelligence to you. >> not at amount as you're playing t i'm thinking of steve
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scalesewho almost lost his life. all the republican members of the house and senate, who would have lost theirs if not the great work for the capitol police. maxine waters was speaking to her supporters way video that went viral and she was using a lot of rhetoric about fronting officials to confront in movie theaters, and restaurants. and the first week of july 2018, i had one of my campaign volunteers. a strong supporter of donald trump, was target by the somebody who was using the same exact rhetoric and almost killed this campaign volunteer of mine with his car. i can think of stories, and fast forward to today. we're not sending the right message. not only is the leader who is share this hyper bolkaletiic rhetoric b. all the follower who is look at it as a call to arms, and the antifa thugs . >> congressman gates. i mentioned state senator
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jackson who was subjected to this for her pro-life stance. have you been sentd to this. >> yeah, we have had a number of frightening text threats that involve taking shot it's me from long range. it's sometime ace double standard from the fbii, what is animating hatred on the left? i think it's the fact that they're losing. donald trump has reshaped the federal judiciary. it is one of the enduring legacies of his presidency. chuck schumerer lost when he tried to block gorsuch, and they lost in spectacular fashion when they tried to ruin the life of justice kavanaugh. now with a resurgence of conservative judiciary. folk on the left, even more anxious and unpredictable . >> democrats of course saying for years that trump is the violent one. >> what mr. trump has done is create an atmosphere that
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condones violence, that insights people's most emotional and violent feelings. >> i told the president directly, i thought his language was not just divisive, but increasingly dangerous. >> and it is cage rows from the president. >> congressman zelleon, did brian steadler, did any of them condemn what schumer said yesterday. >> not they know of. that's one of the things that's so frustrated. the moral eqivalencey that i've seen, since donald trump has gotten elect elected and we got it last year. double standards and other moral eqivalencies. we settle our scores at the ballot box and all-inflammatory rhetoric, it belongs there. as a consequence of the last presidential election, that's how you end up with gorsuch and brett kavanaugh. as you point out, whether you're
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bill de blasio put his foot in his mouth. talking about african-american voters. up next ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ i want to... (chris rock) who'd you expect? (sylvester stallone) i don't (vo) ♪ i want to rock! ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ i want to rock!
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>> welcome back to the ingram angle. new york city mayor, is proving him to be a terrible surrogate for bernie sanders. take a looka at what he told msnbc today . >> why do you think he was lose biog 40 and 50 points among african-american voties. >> look. it stands to reason if people had a certain amount of inferring. and i don't became them for this. i understand it. >> so you're saying they are low information. >>y not the information people received about joe biden is with some of his historic connect, which understandably, means
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something. joe biden's redder did not get enough information. america gret how trump make black america great again. and a democratic strategist. h*r as d de blasio think black voters are low in information and they'll go where they're told to go. >> the progressive movement has taken blacks for granted and they assume they can get away with that. the real test is what happens when people start seeing real improvement in their lives. how easy or how hard will to attract those kind of voters. >> what are you hearing in reaction to that statement and b, are you conconcerned that black voters are being used to prop up an establishment that willic quickly forget them. >> to call people low information voters that, does
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not exist in the states that went through super tuesday. they know joe biden biden's legacy. the things that being oaf looked is there are a lot black voter who said, we saw bernie sanders in 2016. he didn't do so well then, why would we waste our vote with someone who doesn't even have a chance? >> and now that he's serving 110 octane crazy for $32 trillion and all these various schemes that, scarce people. black americans tend to have an over representation of middle class and working class people and they don't like those kind of ideas. what you want to talk about is job creation, opportunities that are your family. here's what one am. black
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>> it's the democratic party, as we bank away from the primary and go into the general, will they take advantage of, you know, take for granted, african-american voters and move in a different direction. and not pay attention might voters. they're supporting biden, and bloomberg is really the animating voice behind the biden campaign . >> bloomberg senate trump. he's going to throw this is money to anyone he believe it's -- >> not to bernie. >> well, if it get towns down to t. black voters vote in a we that makes sense to them. job creation. what's going to make my family, happier, healthyer, better.
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and bernie sanders has had a track record a mile long in congress. cannot have a lot on t but he was there the whole time. >> quickly respond, i've got 30 seconds for each of you. how what percentage of the black vote my my he get. given criminal justice report, and the unemployment in the black community . >> we'll see the biggest gender gaps among blacks that we have seen, and request you'll see a number of black american support. because blacks are tired of the being at the back of the political bus
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>> i will pass on the beer for now. >> the president likes to call my mom a liar what the facts say? >> you absolutely have native american ancestry. >> warren's dna test showed she was less then one tenth of one% native american. >> i think you called me a liar on national tv. i think you called me a liar on national tv. ♪ >> who is ready for some selfys? ♪ >> if her husband could reach me that beer i would toast her. farewell, elizabeth. that's all the time we have
12:00 am
tonight. thanks for laura for letting me sitting for you. make sure you pick up a copy of my book, the amulet of power out in paperback march 20 fourth. good night from washington dc, see you. heather: we begin with the fox news exclusive. mitch mcconnell speaks out on chuck schumer's comments about neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh, which he called threatening and dangerous. as critics from across the political spectrum call schumer out i will ask senator mcconnell how he plans to handle than the trump administration's coronavirus response and billions in funding. are exclusive just minutes away. a cruise ship with no confirmed cases of coronavirus cannot have a welcoming port. police getting involved.
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