tv Hannity FOX News March 6, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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see you monday. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." a lot of news breaking a lot of news breaking this friday night while do you deranged angry lunatics fight it out. there was president trump fully focused on the job. serious issues earlier today. he toured what's a devastation friends in tennessee. multiple tornado killed at least 25 people including children. he vows to provide whatever federal assistance the state will need and then he flew to atlanta where he met at officials at the centers for
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disease control and convention. cdc for b short. it marks what's been the single most aggressive and most thorough response, the quickest response by any modern day administration to any type of pandemic ors virus outbreak in this case, the varney, but predictably, sadly, they can't even agree to work together to prevent people from getting a virus. the mob and the media, democrats what do they want to do? they want to use it as a political weapon against the president seemingly rooting for this to be trump's katrina. they want you to believe it's the president's fault and he's not doing enough to protect you. they couldn't be further from the truth because we have the facts in spite of the "new york times" saying it's the trump virus. no, it's not the trump virus. if you're feeling bad, you know to blame, trump, no, it's not either.trump, no, it's first, identified december 30.
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oh, they had a virus in the wuhan province area of china. and then it is identified as having pneumonia symptoms. then it was january 7. we first actually named it the varney. remember that? now, varney, this one is a corona variation of a previous one. on january t 31, the trump administration, they, in record time, declared a public health emergency. americans returning from most areas impacted to quarantine. mandatory, a military base, something that hadn't been done for decades in this country. february second, the temporary travel ban went into effect for all who went to china. up press at the present timed steps by the president. he made the call and now we know through my interview and others, most officials thought it was material for a travel ban or any quarantine. in the following days the president formed a i task force
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filling with it the top, greatest and best scientific medical professionals in the world. led by the vice president of the united states. on february 29, the temporary travel ban was extended to "anyo foreign national who has visited iran within the last 14 days." on the same day the state department issued new travel restrictions to italy, where the outbreak has been fairly large and, in south south korea, also on the 29th, fda cut regulations allowing a more rapid testing response and capacity for varney. on march 2, the president met with pharmaceutical executives where he learned that phase one testing of this vaccine is imminent. record time again.n. march 3, the administration ordered the cdc to lift all restrictions on testing. today, the president signed an $8 billion emergency spending package into law. he even donated his salary to the department of health and human services to fight back against the virus. the media mob's weaponization
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and politicizing of this very serious issue is beyond predictable and disgraceful. b yeah, last week, believe it or not, "new york times" said if you're feeling sick and you know who to blame. it's the trump virus because if the dog bites, you're feeling sad, it's donald trump's fault. instead of, what, well, maybe comingpr together, providing yo with truth and facts. what have they been doing? bringing panic and distrust. make no mistake. like any pandemic, even the one that biden and obama did not react as quickly as they should have in 2009-2010, the h-1-n-1, betterl known as the swine flu, the varney virus is serious, as with any flu, virus or pandemic. this is not the first major pandemic, possible pandemic to impact the united states. we've been impacted far less thankfully than other countries but we want a cure for
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everybody. 2009, here's their timeline. under president obama, h-1-n-1, bad cyrus, infected 61 million americans. leading to 13,000 deaths within almost a year. so put that into perspective. by the way, it took six months for obama to declare a full national emergency. so far there are around 250 cases of varney in the u.s. 250 too many. according to the assistant secretary of health the overall estimated f mortality rate for corona is less than 1%. okay. pretty low. now, h-1-n-1 tended to impact children. this one attacks people that are a little older, especially those with weakened immune systems, the elderly. >> the best estimates now of the overall mortality rate for covid
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19 is less than 1%. lower than what you've probably heard. >> sean: lower than what they would like you to believe. the world is not coming to an end. it's not the president's fault. when the president put the travel ban swinto effect, the c said -- we have other news, they have been predicting the downfall of our economy. our economy in spite of wall street always being jittery it continues to show the fundamental strength is at an all-time high. why? because in february we now know as of today we added a whopping 273,000 new jobs causing the unemployment rate to fall yet again. yes, a 50-year low of 3.5%. here with the full report from the fox business channel melissa francis. look, i've never been the person
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who says, i've said on my radio show a nolot, barometer of an economy is the stock market. markets get jittery. it's normal. it's a process. there are market corrections. i wouldn't recommend anybody putting money into the market unless you can leave it there for 10 years and don't look at it. but, when you look at these unemployment numbers, revising upward december unemployment numbers, record low and the same with january, this is showing a lot of strength and growth continuing. >> it is. i mean, that was part of the tremendous news today and what you really laid out for your viewers is what the market is looking at, which is a lot of crosscurrents and uncertainty. that jobs number was enormous. it blew away expectations leak you said. unemployment rate falling unexpectedly to 3.5%. larry kudlow, the king of pro growth economics coming out today and telling others that he's ready to come in with targeted stimulus and he knows exactly how to do that but so much of this is based on emotion
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and to that end we have new york governor mario cuomo, forgive me, new york governor andrew cuomono -- >> sean: the journalist guy. >> i got it. >> sean: the cnn guy. >> saying the facts do not merit the anxiety, the level of anxiety that we're seeing. also, another economist, says fear more than anything else is what's hurting the economy. steve forbes at the end of the day today at the close of markets says he bets we'll see one to two months of this uncertainty and then a big bounceback. who knows. the bottom line is, though, this is one of the many reasons why the president was trying to wean us an our economy from china becausehi of this kind of uncertainty in our supply chain and this is where this whole thing started, sean. >> sean: all right. thank you. joining us with more on the president's response to varney and the outbreak is with our fox news medical team dr. siegel. itve took three weeks.
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the travel ban and the uarantine hadn't been done in decade. three weeks. now, everything everybody wanted, he said, you know, whatever is needed, we'll make available. how many people die from the flu every year, compare this to h-1-n-1 which you happen to be an expert on, how obama and biden reacted to that compared to this virus. >> they definitely weren't stepping up to the plate on that virus. in terms of the response to this virus president trump was projecting calm leadership in the midst of all of this varney hysteria today. he traveled to the cdc, flanked by health leaders including hs secretary alex -- and cdc director, noted virologist. no one ever says that robert redfield. he talked about not just varney but a far more serious current killer which disrupts our lives every year known as influenza.
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this year is particularly bad because of two different strains and according to political figures from cdc it's already infected 34 million to $49 million people leading to over 350 hospitalizations, 20,000 to 50,000 deaths. the president heard those numbers today, sean, and he was deeply affected by them and while he wasn't downplaying the varney, he did point out that by comparison, it's only confirmed 240 plus people infected in the u.s. with 11 deaths. 11 important deaths, he said. trump acknowledged that with more test kits becoming available and we've heard now they will be private as well as public many more cases will appear, especially the mild kind that we've been overlooking. maybe we'll have more hysteria, right? in fact, testing reveals how the fear mongering world health organization, what a disgrace is making things far worse by their questionable statement about the varney death rate being 3.4%. in fact, if you look at south
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korea, which we know well, which has an advanced healthcare system like ours, they have tested over 200,000 people to reveal 6,000 cases with a death rate of far less than 1%, sean. you know what else has a death rate of less than 1%? the yearly flu. >> sean: even friends of mine are saying is this really that bad?oc i'm not a doctor, i'm not going to begin to go down that road. i put my trust in you, and you are an expert. they never implemented the travel ban. they never quarantined anybody forr h-1-n-1. we lost ultimately, what, close to 13, 14,000 people and worldwide over half a million, isn't that correct? >> absolutely. and over 300,000 deaths in the united states alone, when all the figures were counted. let me tell you something. this virus should be compared to the flu because at worst, worst case scenario it could be the
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flu and as you pointed out the president has jumped in quickly, started the travel bans, he understands the public health issues. he's got top leaders advising him. guess what the reason is? try to prevent and slow the spread before it takes root here. >> sean: last question. is there anything the president could have done sooner, faster, in your view? >> absolutely not. he's been having the leaders working on it. by the way,w now that the cases are starting to come, the test kits are coming so we're getting in time. the president has been projecting calm. i wrote a book on fear. he's the anti-fear monger and chief, sean. >> sean: dr. siegel, thanks for being with us. tonight we're only eat months away, 242 days to be exact, from thele presidential election. democratic party on the brink of full on civil war. despite sharing many of the same insane socialist policies, bernie supporters, biden supporters, absolutely hate each other. last night fake news, cnn, a debate between the co-shares of the sanders campaign and a biden
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hack, hillary rosen, spiraled a little bit out of control. emotions were high. take a look. >> how do you deal with the record of votes andes of storie that don't hold up? >> you know -- referenced dr. martin luther king before, saying that he said from the birmingham jail that we should be concerned about white moderates. that's actually not what martin luther king said. what he said is we should be worried about the silence of white moderates. >> are you kidding me? >> you don't have that -- you don't that standing. i'm sorry. you don't. >> don't tell me what kind of standing i have as a black man in america. how dare you. >> sean: wow. mark levin once had a similar situation, stereo liberallism. following that shouting match he offered a back handed apology on twitter. on air, thursday i said my colleague, nina turner, didn't
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have standing to use mlk jr. that was wrong. i'm sorry for saying those words. please, no need to defend me and attack angry "black women." they have standing. i always need to listen more than i talk. we rise together. rosen says has since apologized for that apology and deleted the tweet but this kind of nasty infighting is likely to increase as we get further into the democratic nomination. got bernie on one side and his supporters, we'll share the truth about their insane socialist policies and beliefs, and even his support for murdering dictatorships. on other side quid pro quo joe. he'll pretend to be a moderate all he can but we all know that's not true. biden has embraced the insane green new deal which is the 1993 trillion dollar socialist trojan horse masquerading as a climate change bill. also proposing a massive tax
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increase on we, you, the men people. that's $4 trillion more than hillary clinton's plan in 2016. biden also proposing government paid family leave and expansion of obama care. free healthcare for illegal immigrants. open borders, and, oh, yeah, he wants to take away your guns and he'll go use bozo o'roark to help him. media mob thinks this is so wonderful. but they realize the american people won't buy ituy so they a going to try hard and pretend that biden is a moderate candidate. i keep going back to my analysis of tuesday night. what happened tuesday night? bu bernie was defending murder was dictators up to the day before super tuesday. that's the part they disagree with. not the part about socialism because they are all in agreement on that. the tape we showed you last night. the same people are trying to trick the american people into joe biden being a moderate, and, well, and say to you, there
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really are issues with this gas thing. does he havee the stamina, the strength, the acumen, the focus, thatat will be needed to take o the number one hardest job in the entire world. by the way that would include msdnc, along with the "new york times" editorial board, absolutely embarrassing themselves last night. take a look. >> if he wants to spend a billion bucks beating this guy, he could do it? >> absolutely. somebody tweeted recently that actually with the money he spent he could have given every american a million dollars. >> let's putut it up on the screen. when i read it tonight on social media, it kind of all became clear. bloomberg spent $500 million on ads, population, 327 million, he could have given each american $1 million and had lunch money left over. it's an incredible way of
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putting it. >> it's an incredible way of putting it. it's true. it's disturbing. >> sean: $500 million, a million each. 500 people, will be the winners president these are the people who pretend to be better than anyone else. can't do simple math. if they were real journalists maybe they would know that the tweet theyy flew up on the scren had been widely mocked on social media. oh, yeah, for days. they could have just taken out a calculator. anyway, just one more example, so-called media mob journalists, not morally or intellectually holier than thousand, overpaid liberals who at this point are a little more than a hate trump emotional support group and state run dnc for all things radicalin socialists. vote in 242 days, beauty of america. you do the research. you collect the facts. you don't rely on them for your
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information. this will be the greatest choice election in your lifetime and too much is at stake. here now, former white house chief-of-sta chief of staff previs. >> when you talk to all of your friends in the great state of wisconsin, will you please tell them on behalf of this audience that the dairy farming and other farming they do, the dairy farmers never get a day off. it's impossible. it's more than digging a hole and putting the seed in the hole and covering it with dirt and putting in water, that it takes real science, agricultural ingenuity, technology, advancements, to feed the wholea world, and the united states. will you please say thank you for me, for what they do and the hard work they put in. >> absolutely, sean. i expect my first job was on a farm next door to our house in
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pleasant prairie, wisconsin. it's hard work but it's technical work.ed it's something to be celebrated. people talking about joe biden and this fight that's happening in the democratic party, just remember what mike bloomberg got into the race. he got into the race because joe biden collapsed, and why did he collapse? he collapsed because he flopped in the debates. he forgot basic facts. what day it is, what office he's running for. what's the name of the declaration of independence? >> sean: wait a minute. we're endowed by our -- endowed -- the thing, you know, the thing, the thing that we're endowed by. the thing being god almighty in in heaven that made everything. go ahead. >> during the impeachment what happened in that impeachment? exposed family corruption and then donald trump started beating fhead-to-head for the first time in a long time joe
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biden in wisconsin and throughout the midwest. i led the debate prep for the president during the last campaign. and, you know, beside all the socialistic policies that joe bind adopted he's got the same exposure on tpp, nafta, china, and social security, medicaid, so many other issues, but it's so much of the same but yet he's adopting all these other things. people just need to calm down and be careful what you wish for and focus in on the accomplishments of this administration. >> sean: the big under-reported story all week is the president in texas had more votes than bernie, biden, and warren combined. this is an uncon testifieded primary. the highest turnout in the great state of colorado, in the last three presidential primaries, records shattered in every single solitary state in terms of turnout in an uncontested
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election. what can we glean from that? >> well, sean, it's exactly what's happening out there. i have seen the enthusiasm first hand. you know, you go to these trump rallies with the president. and i went to iowa -- >> sean: you go to the trump rallies. i'm not allowed to go. i have to work. >> you had to go to that biden event in new hampshire, but i went to the trump rally with the president, and you had not only tremendous enthusiasm, there were more than 50,000 people that tried to get tickets in new hampshire and 11,500 people would fit in. donald trump jr. and other families members were there. you would go and there would be major a large group of trump people and then you would look over at the democrat, all the candidates included, there were more trump people than all the other candidates included and president trump broke the record in new hampshire for the most votes. doubled the number that obama
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had set and that was the previous record for a sitting president. the media doesn't want to report this enthusiasm because they know there is no enthusiasm on the side of joe biden. they got him out there because they thought he would walk away with it. >> sean: i last question -- >> they game him mouth-to-mouth and brought him back to life in south carolina. >> sean: is it going to be biden or bernie, does he have a shot, real quick? >> i've said biden to you, six months ago. it will be biden. >> sean: what do you think, steve? >> biden but a very fractured primary in wisconsin. >> sean: good luck. >> at their convention. >> sean: good aluck, joe. they are trying to hide this gas problem, if he has the energy and stamina needed. that's a real important question. just like burisma. we'll vet it every night. when we return, fellow
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wisconsin, ron johnson, pushing forward the plan. he's going to get to the bottom, fully investigating quid pro quo joe and zero experienced hunter. we have an investigation. he'll join us. also breaking, senator mitt romney finally on-board with issuing a subpoena. big news, we'll tell you why and much more as we continue with this busy breaking news on friday night. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time.
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trump visited the cdc on saturday. he signed a billion dollar spending package to provide funds for battling the outbreak. president trump naming north carolina congressman mark meadows as his new chief-of-staff. meadows had represented north carolina's 11th district since 2013. he replaces mulvaney who had been acting chief-of-staff for more than a year. he'll become a special enjoy to northern ireland. now back to hannity. ." ♪ >> sean: all right. it appears at this h >> sean: it appears at this hour senator mitt romney, utah has come to a census saying he'll not stand in the way of the first subpoena in the burisma probe. joining us is johnson, vowing to hold a committee vote as soon as next week to subpoena hunter biden, he worked for the
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consulting firm. he's a senate homeland security committee chairman. senator, thank you for doing this. our country was dragged through an impeachment over a phone call. where we have one fact witness that testified before the house that said, oh, yeah, he said no quid pro quo. that was -- everyone else was either an opinion witness or hearsay. no fact witness. not even admissible under the federal rules of evidence. and now we have joe on tape, we played mitt times, you're not getting a billion unless you fewer the prosecutor, that he knew wassecting his son being paid millions, and we know the son said on good morning america he had no experience. to me, it is breathtaking hypocrisy. do you see at this time same way based on what we know? >> of course it's hypocrisy. that's the definition of democrats. but the good news, sean, i'm not
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adam schiff. we're not democrats. we'll be careful. we'll be deliberative. we'll go through this investigation and we're going to reveal the truth. by the way, it pays off. we've got excellent investigators and attorneys. we exposed the process of james comey exoneration memo and that prompted an i.g. report. it's my committee that made public most of the peter strzok text. so diligent oversight. tenacious oversight eventually brings forward the truth and what's been hampering is we have the special counsel and it's difficult to get information. we have criminal investigations going on, the impeachment really stopped us as well but now that the impeachment is over we're starting to get documents, for example, about 2,800 pages out of the state department. we've got the national archives sitting on probably more than 10,000 pages responsive to our request for notes and information on these meetings that took place between dnc
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officials, obama administration officials, including one certain national security counsel ukrainian specialist, and ukrainian prosecutors. we're just waiting on president obama's legal counsel to release those so our committee can continue its oversight work. we're pursuing this and the american people will eventually get the truth that they deserved. >> sean: the evidence seems overwhelming and uncontroversial, that subpoenaed emails were purposely deleted and we know that bleach was used to prevent any forensic recovery. we know what happened with devices. nothing happens. russia dossier, people are warned, premeditated on a fisa report. nothing happens. referrals because high ranking people like comey and mccabe lied under oath. they surrounded roger stone's home, 29 guys in about theable
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gear and progress men for process crimes. it seems like we have a dual justice system, and that would be burisma, too. >> i'm highly concerned about it. i've spoken with attorney general barr about this. i know john durham, i have never spoken to him but he sounds like a man with integrity. he speaks with convictions and the problem you have in any court case and most of these get brought within the district of d.c., it's a jury pool that's heavily at this timed toward democrats which is one of the reasons why they decided against indicting mccabe. my point to the attorney general is even if you don't indict you have to write a report or you have to give that information to congress so the american people know what happened. one of our requests was to attorney general barr right now. within the inspector general's report, the fisa report, there are four footnotes that were redacted, classified. when you read those footnotes and you compare it to the texts in the public report it's misleading.
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i'm not blaming i.g. he writes theth rochlt others redact it. we're asking for the attorney general to declassify those four footnotes. it gives a completely different viewpoint of really what happened. >> sean: senator johnson, i applaud your work. it's very important. i hope that everybody is held accountable and to the same standard if we're going to have equal justice under the law. thanks for what you're doing. also developing tonight author of the fake debunked dirty hillary clinton russian dossier christopher steele who actually said he had no idea if any of it was true, he's broken his silence sounding off on robert mueller, telling an audience at oxford he'll not cooperate with the durham probe. here with more, we have former acting attorney general matt whittaker. okay. we have extradition issues. we recently had this big deal going on about julian assange, don't we and i'm thinking, julian assange, i think i'm one
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of the few people in the country that actually interviewed the guy, i asked him hard questions about where this information came from. he went into detail about how has a journalist. we have free press in this country but they want to send him here. now, i assume they are going to send him here, we can also send steele here, couldn't we? >> we could, and really, what he said was extraordinary, which he thought somehow the mueller investigation wasn't comprehensive enough and didn't dig deep enough into the president's businesses, and i thought it was extraordinary, his statement at the oxford -- write just spoke a couple of weeks myself. i just really think chris steele better be careful. the doxy air, you like to say it's unverified -- i would say it's untrue. >> sean: this guy put together a dirty dossier. hillary paid for it. they were all warned not to use it.
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they used it to take away carter page's civil and constitutional rights to spy on a candidate, a trap significance team, and a president of the united states. so far, those people have not been held accountable, have they? >> they haven't. senator johnson mentioned a good point which is we cannot have a two tiered system of justice where people like mcabe are not charged or where there aren't these investigations into burr ms.ra and hunting biden where at the same time, people associated with trump are investigated until they just relent or run out of money. >> sean: i tell you this. if we're going to spend time extraditing nine people i want him. he's the one that put forward the russian interference. he did it. i want him here. we're going to extradite anybody i would pick him. >> and he's continuing to promote that debunked theory as of just yesterday. >> sean: all right. thank you. appreciate it. when we return, members of the squad today are back and more unhinged than of. also the trump campaign suing
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fake news cnn. yes. we have all the true details straight ahead. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has a plan designed just for you. and, for a limited time only, we're making it an even better deal. now you can get two lines for only $55. that includes unlimited talk, text and data. with no annual service contracts. it also includes talk, text and data when traveling in mexico and canada. so if you're 55 and up, you can now get two lines for only $55.
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>> sean: all right. so the quad are becoming>> sean becoming increasingly unhinged. alexandria ocasio-cortez is all but admitting there is a civil war. down to her candidate, bernie versus the establishment, who is pretty radical left wing himself, quid pro quo joe. take a look. >> is it safe to assume you'll support biden? >> it's a two-way streak.
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i've been concerned by some folks that say if bernie is the nominee they won't support him and the other way around. >> sean: you're always welcomed to come on this show. we'll be respectful. have tough questions but you're always welcomed. she went on to say in the same interview all the illegal immigrants should fill out the 2020 census. also tonight congresswoman omar is pushing racially divisive ret kni -- rhetoric to extreme. not surprising. >> we recognize our history is built on the oppression of black bodies. from slavery to jim crow, to mass incarceration, to voter suppression. racism is part of the conversation of american power. >> sean: meanwhile, the trump campaign are fighting back against the hate trump media mob suing fake news cnn for
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allegedly pushing malicious russia fake news hysteria, a complaint filed today specifically cites an article written in june of 2019. here with reaction, trump 2020 campaign national press secretary callie -- and former white house press secretary, looks much better -- our friend sean spicer is back. callie, we start with you. there is a very high bar when it comes to any public figure. you know, you have to show there is no malice. okay. it doesn't matter. the bar is so high and i think these laws should be changed personally because i think people get away with island or and smears all the time. tell us specifically why the campaign thinks this will be successful. >> look, we think it will be successful because there is no denying that cnn, that the "washington post," that the "new york times," have all displayed malicious intent. they knowingly published false information. i totally agree with you, sean,
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the liable laws allow you to islander or libel anyone and that's why scalea said they need to change but we have to work within the structure we have right now and you can't go out there and lie, knowingly do so pedal this russia collusion narrative and think you can get away with it. this lawsuit is to hold fake news accountable, bottom line. >> sean: sean spicer, one of the things i liked about the nicholas -- suit, no one better than lenwood, the go-two guys. he was an innocent kid. they didn't ask for one bit of research and then even what was known was proven false. they continued the islander of this kid. i would love to know the amount. if i had to venture a guess, only a guess, i would bet cnn paid over a hundred million dollars to that kid. they had to. >> i hope so. they ruined his life. and, i mean, i'm sure he's going
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to live with this forever. there will be a google search every time it comes up so i hope he got a ton of it. cnn in particular leads this sanctimonious charge about donald trump misleads and how many times "washington post" counts every statement yet when they falsify a report, and kelly is right, this is just made up, they make a false allegation, they walk away from it, they get caught lying, misleading, all of the above, when they do it, it's okay. but they are the first ones to go after donald trump day in and day out and call every republican and every conservative and yet they dismiss what they do on their air every single day and what their correspondents do, to demean donald trump as the president and every other conservative and it's so unbelievably wrong and no one except for you and your teammate, sean, call this out. it is so ignored and so washed over by the rest of the media it's unbelievable. >> sean: good to see you both.
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we'll come back. the video we're about to show you is well beyond disturbing. a 15-year-old girl brutally mugged in new york city by a group of teenage boys. one report said they wanted this poor girl's sneakers. straight ahead. sneakers. straight ahead. welcome to portabella's. this guy looks like he's ready for some scampi bites. wait a sec i feel like i know you? oh! have you dined with us before? no, you're -- you're that insurance guy, aren't you? the pasty one? oh, yeah. as if! like i'm gonna go into some spiel about how you can get options based on your budget with the name your price tool. hey, robbie, you tell them about the mushroom puffers? just about to, pam. wait, are we in a progressive commercial? ♪ come on down to portabella's ♪ it's food, family, and fun what is happening?
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>> sean: crime wave goes to new york city. they are reporting that almost ontinues with to plague new york city. growing in almost every crime category. new video released of a brutal attack against 15-year-old teenager by a large group of males. this happening in brooklyn, new york. "the new york post" reporting that the mob stole her sneakers, air jordans, now overall, crime
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spike is being largely blamed on new york's controversial new bail law. that allows dangerous criminals to walk free. the scariest part, these are the same policies biden and bernie would bring to your neighborhood. here's reaction. former nypd commissioner. dan, i look at this and i'm like, are there other stories underlying this group or kid or that group of kid. this is a brutal beating. how do people become this insane and violent? look at this. >> sean, that's a 15-year-old girl. her life is going to be changed forever. she'll remember this for the rest of her life. a twitter video. how disturbing it is to a lot of people. you weren't on the floor being beating up, but for that girl that happened. she'll be scarred for the rest of her life. i'm not going to pin this
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specific incident -- there is no question, liberalism is feefrt fire and every time you put these people in charge of a big city and they go with this permissive make criminality easy atmosphere you get more criminality and more nonsense. it's a real shame because real people are being hurt by this. >> sean: when the mayor of new york, appreciate he comes on the show, bernie, you know this more than anybody, coming on the show and i'm asking, we've got video, look at what they are doing to these cops, cop cars, we have video of every guilty person. will you pledge to get every person? and he wouldn't answer. he turns around, you don't have faith in the police department. no, i want your support for the cops that we're going to use the evidence to get everybody. i want that tape used to identify every one of those kids involved in that beating. >> you know what, sean, this is -- that's the problem. it's the leadership.
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it's not the police department. you know, today the police commissioner testified before the city council and went on a rampage basically talking about how the crime spike is the result of the bail reform. you have members of the city council saying, well, i need to see more data. pick up "the new york post." look at any of the tabloids. listen to the people on the streets. you know what? take a ride around the city and take a look around. you have to be a moron or an ostrich with your head in the sand not to see what's going on. >> sean: it's bigger than that. look at these criminals, they are bragging. let me out of jail, there is no bail. thank you, i get to go rob more banks. i get to go commit more crimes and they are mocking the state and the city. >> and thanking the governor, thanking the mayor for changing the law. nobody, and dan can tell you, he was a new york city cop, nobody with any common sense, six
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months ago, a year ago, when they were talking about doing this, no one would have said this is a good idea. no one. >> sean: i watch this, my heart aches. the fact that we're letting violent -- what about the sanctuary laws, how many more people have to die, violent criminals, released, aided and abetted, and handed of so they are repatriated. they get to commit more violent crimes. when do we say the blood is on their hands? when for those who don't control the board where 90% of the heroin and so much fentanyl comes in, when do we get to that point, that, oh, maybe you're responsible because you won't take the measures to protect the american people? >> they aren't going to do any of that, sean. they aren't interested in that they are interested in scoring cheap political demographic points to win the next election. when are we going to get past that? some of us are concerned, not us
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on the show, not only democrats but liberals credit. they don't deserve any credit. when bernie was the commissioner and rudy giuliani were in office and they applied simple common sense, sean, you jump a turnstyle you get arrested and checked for warrant and you go to jail. you know what happened? crime went down. it's not hard. the guy who jumped the turnstyle was the guy who was going to rob someone but he couldn't rob someone on the train because he went to jail. it's called common sense. that's what they did and what bill is not doing. >> sean: last word, beendi, you've got 20 seconds. >> just on dan's point, 50% of the people that we locked up jumping turnstiles were wanted for violent felonies. warrants for guns, warrants for murder, and everything else. so dan is right. >> sean: thank you both. praying for that kid. and the safety of the people. it's not that hard. when we return, rush limbaugh,
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laying into bolshevik bernie, straight ahead. we are t-mobile the first to go unlimited. first with no annual service contracts. first with taxes and fees included. now t-mobile has the first and only nationwide 5g network. reaching over 5,000 cities and towns and over 200 million americans. and t-mobile is not charging extra for 5g access. because this isn't our network... it's yours.
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>> sean: rush limbaugh sounding off today on bolshevik burning, let's listen end. >> bernie sanders, there he is i am watching on super tuesday. were going all the way, we are taking it to the convention. he hasn't the slightest idea what just happened to him. bernie sanders literally has no idea what happened, washington the democrat establishment made sure it's not going to be bernie sanders. >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left, as always thank you for joining us. 239 days, you make the ultimate decision. i hope you do. please set your dvr, never miss an episode. thank you for giving us your time every night, we will never be the hate trumpet media mob, we seek the truth.
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thank you for giving us your time every night, we will never be the hate trump media mob, we seek the truth. see you next monday. >> hi, everyone, i am tammy bruce in for laura ingraham this evening, this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. fear and loathing in america,th tonight liberal policies leadinr to a spike in crime we are going to show you a graphic video of a mob attack on a teen girl in new york city. plus, chadwick moore and ari fleischer are here to expose the worst media offenders of the week. elizabeth warren is out of the race. robert davi is here to comment about that. also, dude details
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