tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News March 9, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. special election coverage starti musical ms. >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson." the coronavirus epidemic turns out to be just that, an epidemic. there is no denying that now. according to the official count this country has recorded more than 500 cases of the virus and suffered at least 24 deaths. the realth number is without question far higher than that soon we will have a better sense of just how much higher. by then this epidemic will have caused economic damage whose effects may dog us for years. people you know will get sick, some may die. this is real. that's the point of this script, to tell you that. given whole thing snuck up from you as from nowhere. a obscure virus rising from a meat market in china to sicken american citizens in oregon and
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new hampshire and mid opportunity manhattan it sounds ridiculous. nor have our leaders helped to us take it seriously. on the left you real worry might use the wrong worry to describe what is happening to the country. it's racist to blame the mosthe racist nation in the world for the spread of this virus. right. meanwhile, if we are being honest, the other side has not been especially helpful either. people you trust, people you probably voted for, have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem. it's just partisan politics, they say. calm down. in the end this was just like the flu and people die from that every year. coronavirus will pass. and when it does, we will feel foolish for worrying about it. that's their position. no doubt these people have good intentions as they say, this many of them anyway. they may not know any better. maybe they're just not paying attention or maybe they believey they are serving some higher cause by shading reality. no one wants to be manipulated by a corrupt media establishment and it is corrupt. and there is an election coming up.
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that's not to say anything that might help the other side. we get it. a but they are wrong. the chinese coronavirus is a major event. it will effect your life and by the way. it's definitely not just the flu. in a typical year the flu in this country has a mortality rate in about 1 in 1,000. the overall death rate for this virus by contrast is as high as 3.4%. that's 34 times deadlier. but even that number masks the true effects because the mortality is not districted evenly. for those aged 70 to 79, the death rate is about 8%. those over 80 it's nearly 15%. death rates are also higher for those with diabetes, respiratory ailments or heart that's a lot of people. so what will things look like once the epidemic matures inin american? for answers consider what's happening in italy. italy isn't authoritarian liker china and not backward like iran. it is a modern developed western country. many ways like our country.ed as of tonight, coronavirus has brought italy to a stand still. the prime minister has suspended
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all travel throughout the country unless it's for work, health or emergencies. all museums and archeological sites are closed. all public gatherings have been banned. sporting events are now cancelled entirely for the first time since the second world war. in effect, the entire country is locked down tonight. e over the weekend prisoners rioted causing several deaths. italy is now suffering almost 100 casualties, people who havey died every day from the virus. that's far worse than here. but the only difference likely is time. early evidence suggests it takes about 6 days for the number of coronavirus cases to double. if that trend holds here in the united states, it will be just a few weeks until we are where italy is now. in a few months, if nothing stops the virus, there will be millions of cases here. this is bad more than simply for physical health, the dow jones average fell more than 2,000 points today. that's the a decline of more than 7.5%. market's worst day since the 2008 market cries crisis. fourth worse day since the great
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depression. a firm is predicting a global recession due to the epidemic and very little growthr if any here in the united states. if a recession does hit, it will not be so simple to fight it.. the usual stimulus efforts tax cuts and lower rates won't reopen factories that have shut down to contain the virus. it won't get people to eat at closed restaurants or shop in closed malls or attend cancelled sporting events. we are going to have a demand problem in this economy and that's a big deal. in other words, our country is likely to experience a painful period we are powerless to stop stop. panic. you shouldn't panic. in crisis it's more important than ever to be calm. staying calm is not the same as remaining complacent. it does not mean assuring people that everything will be fine.. we don't know that. instead, it's better to tell the truth. that is always the surest sign of strength. as they level with us, our leaders ought to prepare the public for what may come next. if a recession is coming, we need to save money for the possible effects of that if
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travel restrictions are coming, we should know that too. already the nonstop train service between new york and washington which is critical to a lot of people has been suspended. of the tennis tournament in california the largest in the world has been cancelled for this year. march madness basketball tournament is supposed to start in a couple of weeks but it could be held in front of empty stands or postponed or cancelled as well.el in the end you may be given the option to work from home. but eventually maybe ordered to do that. you should know, we should also focus on preparing our healthcare system for the worst. the time of containing coronavirus and widespread testing quarantines blocking the borders useful but that time is over. there are too many cases here now. we cannot stop this epidemic. we can only limit the damage that it does. also the time to start looking ahead to the future. think about what it would mean to face a deadlier version of coronavirus. it's not unimaginable. it's very easy to imagine. are we ready for that? we are not ready now. we ought to be. one of the first things we can
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do to prepare ourselves is break our dependence on china for essential medical supplies. last week china's official news service plushed a piece gloating that the country has brought coronavirus under control. the story claims the rest of the world should apologize to china for criticizing the country over the virushe and then drops this not very subtle warning. "if china retaliates against the united states at this time if addition to announcing a travel ban on the united states, it will also announce strategic control over medical products and ban exports to the united states. if china announces that its drugs are for domestic use and bans exports the united states will fall into the hell of a new coronavirus epidemic, unquote. in other words, they're threatening to kill us and that's not an empty threat. we really are that dependent on china for masks and medical equipment, for basic medicines for pharmaceuticals of all kinds. shocking to find ourselves inn this supine position dependent on a country who hates us.
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the people who did it who made us this dependent on a hostile foreign power deserve to be punished for what they did. that won't happen probably. at least we can try to fix the damage they caused and there is a lot of it. the chinese coronavirus will be get worse. effects far more destructive than they are now. let's hope everyone stops lying about that and soon. dr. marc siegel is a fox medical contributor. he has been following the virus on this program on the very beginning of january. he joins us tonight with an update on the latest. dr. siegel, thanks so much for joining us. where are we don't in this epidemic? >> well tucker, as you just said we have moved past the time of trying to individualize cases and separate them out and we are well aware that this virus is spreading throughout communities around the world. and we are using a technique now called cacooning where we identify people who are most at risk, the elderly, the severely ill who really can die from this virus because a pretty large
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percentage of them have died from it. and we are trying to limit the spread through communities. that's why you are seeing what is happening in italy right now where the whole country is under a kind of quarantine, where people can't go out at night. where they can't go to sporting events. the purpose of that is toy limit the spread of virus. guess what? that's a very primitive attempt that may not work. it may help a little. it may not work. it shows that the horse is already out of the barn. here in new york. they are talking about closing the subway imagine what that is going to do, tucker, with 4.5 million people using that subway every day. and heros are down there right now every day, every 72 hours completely disinfecting every subway car. at the heart of this in the united states though is a problem that we didn't see in south korea which is still we don't have the testing. it was announced over the weekend that we were going to be able to i will tell you why i want to test. you are right and you said this right at the beginning, i know that there is many thousands of cases. i know that but if i can't identify which cases there are,, then the virus spreads even more
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in the absence of a vaccine. and i can't believe that after all these announcements i called all over the country today and i can't find these tests.ts they are still only in the health departments and that's a two or three day delay.he and another thing, and i'm not trying to scare people out there. you could test negative. and a few days later test positive. people think oh, i have got a negative test. but, it may be before you have symptoms. this can spread without having symptoms and your test could still be negative. even when we get the millions of tests we need. it's not going to stop or staunch the flow of this. but, what we are trying to do. >> tucker: wait, may i just pause you right there just to clarify for our viewers. i don't think you are calling for the testing of 320 million people. you are saying that people who believe they may have been exposed to the virus need to know whether or not they have it and you can't find tests for those people. is that what you are saying? >> correct. not only can i test the people i think have been exposed, but i can't test the people who have
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characteristic symptoms that i want to make sure that they don't have coronavirus before i let them back out in the community. somebody comes to me with a cough shortness of breath or fever i think they may have coronavirus. our university is saying don't go to the doctor with those symptoms. t i want to at least be able to test them. to decrease the amount of virus spreading in the community. that's the public health -- the only public health measure we have left here. you are absolutely right. we will see disruptionslt throughout the united states from this virus but also from the fear that sets. in i'm not confident that people aren't going to panic from thisc >> tucker: i agree with that i think people's anxiety certainly would be assuaged to some extent if they felt like the system was working but i think people don't feel that way. >> we have to know what those risks are. >> tucker: dr. siegel, thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: no matter what else happens a key response has to be must be making the united states less dependent on chinese
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imports for critical goods, particularly pharmaceuticals and medical technology. how can we do that? senator marco rubio represents the state of florida. he has thought deeply about this question. not just in the age of coronavirus but before. he joins us tonight. senator, thanks so much for coming on. i think everyone agrees. everyone who knows what theuc facts are 96% of all antibiotics made in china who hears those facts is horrified by them. who how do we fix it? >> first of all, let me congratulate you. i haven't heard every monologue you have ever given i can't believe have you given a more honest one you gave than the few homes ago. people need to hear that message. on the issue of the supply chain we warned about this a year ago. a few years ago in the same wuhan province there was explosion and worldwide shortage of antibiotics. p i have think it begins informing people to the challenge we face. the way we address it is a couple things. great demand for domestic
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production of these basic ache at this ingredients and/or diversify our supply chain not coming out of one province in one country as you point out last week through the official newspaper of the communist party threatened to cut us off and kill americans by cutting us off of these basic ingredients used in the medicine. that he was what we know just on the ingredient piece. there may be more developed mess sins but their active ingredients are from there. we have got to create demand number one, the department off defense should have to be required to build a stockpile of essential medicines.f we should bring back the buy american preferences in the department of defense and the veterans administration. all of that creates demands for domestic production and part of it is actually requiring pharmaceuticals to tell us how much of the -- what percentage of the ingredients in your medicine comes from overseas, particularly from china. we believe the estimate isis right. we think it could be higher. we don't actually know how high that percentage is because that requirement is not embedded in every pharmaceutical company profile.
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>> tucker: it struck me even disclosure requirements seem missing. if you are taking. pharmaceuticals you are very likely taking pharmaceuticals with chinese ingredients but yoa don't know that why is that not evident on the bottle? >> well, again, the theory around here for a long time as you well know is don't worry, we are going to open up to china and capitalism is going to change china and instead it's china changed capitalism andpe weaponized it. we gave away theist industries two or three years as most favored nation we had multiple c closings of pharmaceuticals in the united states driven too china because it was cheaper to do this there this is particularly true by the way in generics. overwhelming majority oft americans taking generics. the almost entirely the active ingredients coming from china. this is not just the threat with coronavirus talking about high blood pressure and other essential medicines people take we could have a shortage even if
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it's not deliberate. that's the other point. weave know production has stopped and right now we are going through inventory. at some point there could be a medical shortage of critical drugs in this country because the place where the ingredients were made hasn't been work for a couple months. >> tucker: unbelievable. the whole reason life expectancies has gone up is antibiotics and they control all of them. so, yeah. senator great to see you tonight. thank you for pushing on this so hard. >> absolutely. s thank you.ou >> tucker: news media was happy to pound on joe biden for all of they enjoyed it. now they are doing everything they can to protect him because they are party people. they will do whatever the party tells them to do in case you haven't noticed. piers morgan here tonight with new information about the collapse of california. a poignant segment you ought to watch. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: in the last few days cory booker and kamala harris endorsed biden. they had nothing but effusive praise. >> i endorsing joe biden for president of the united states. we need a leader who really does care about the people and can therefore unify the i believe joe can do that. >> our divisions in the countryi is our weakness. we need the candidate that can best unify all of us and that is joe biden. >> tucker: now people who just got here from batswana who are speak english those us with a
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vcr or dvr didn't quite make sense. less than a year ago cory booker was winding that joe biden would be disastrous for the party. >> concern about joe biden carrying the bay ball across the end line without fumbling. castro has some legitimate concerns there was a lot of moments where a number of us were looking on the stage when he tends to go on sometimes. at one point talking about people in communities like mine listening to record players. definitely moments when you listen to joe biden and you just wonder. >> tucker: what did cory booker just say? he said joe biden is senile. totally out of it. he can't carry the ball because is he too old. >> is he not capable of just being president. that's what he said in that tape. kamala harris meanwhile said that biden was a racist.
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>> i'm going to now direct this advice to vice president biden. i do not believe you are a racist but you also worked with them to oppose busing. and there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public school. and she was bused to school every day. and that little girl was me. [laughter] >> so she is for busing now. actually she is not for busing. no one was ever for busing. everyone haight the busing particularly black parents. whatever. she was still calling biden a racist. i'm not calling you a racist, racist. so what happened? he was senile, he was a bigot. and now he must be president. well, the answer, of course, is it was all a sham. harris never really meant it like most claims of racism, you hear in politics, it was totally fake and totally transactional. mark steyn is an author and columnist. he joins us tonight.
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so, why not just say in their endorsements look the guy is senile and is he a bigot but i'm for him anyway? >> yeah. that's basically what they are signing on to. the little girl on the bus asn senator harris described herself is now on joe biden's bus and whether that's a school district anyone wants to be driven to remains to be seen. it's one whereas cory booker pointed out crazy uncle joe when he is not sniffing your hair sneaking into your bedroom and putting record players on all night in which to indoctrinate you.u. the fact is he has actually gotten worse since cory booker said that what we are seeing is something quite extraordinary. his rival presidential candidates are basically now signing on to a dead husk of as candidate in the interest of so-called unity. i take it they have all been promised the vice presidential
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slot. amy klobuchar gave it away today but i think kamala and cory have been promised it too. god knows if anybody could use seven or eight vice presidential running mates it's joe biden. we are seeing something extraordinary here. trump was the anticonventional candidate. he had no minders. he was all candidate and no minders. this campaign now is all minders and no candidate. he has got all these so-called surrogates now who have endorsed him. but they are endorsing something that isn't there. and the question then becomeset who is the there that they are planning on actually running this show? it's the weirdest presidential selection that has been seen in modern >> tucker: well, they are all home health aids and all nurses in effect.t. i mean, is there anything that kamala harris won't say? i mean when they said to her,
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look, kamala harris have you got to endorse the guy do you think she said oh but i called him a racist i can't because racism h doesn't matter or did she forget that she even said that? >> no. racism is just a bit of chitchat on one side of the political divide. so, that as you know, if you are the governor of virginia and you are around in black face what the hell that was a youthsful indiscretion. it's a youthful indiscretion when justin trudeau is doing it in early middle age. then, on the other side, these things destroy your career. so we live in an age where everu morning you wake up and people with 50-year careers are being vapor rised and then then on the other side on the democrat side if it's one of your own, hey you racist, you support you had busing. that's just a little bit of light social chitchat before you medicare for all or open borders. >> tucker: charlie rose must be wondering how he can get back in
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the game tonight i would think. mark steyn, great to see you. thank you. >> thanks g a lot, tucker. >> tucker: so it's not a partisan point to make. it's an obvious point to make if you watch television that biden is not as sharp as he once was even a few weeks ago. every week brings more evidence this is from last >> folks, nominate a democrat ae lifelong democrat, a proud democrat. an biden-obama democrat join us. now that he is establishment pick for president. the establishment is protecting him. the dnc just keep congresswoman tulsi gabbard out of the debate. according to politico take questions from the audience while seated instead of standing at a podium and taking questions from a moderator.wh meanwhile journalists are trying to make the discussion, any discussion of biden's health off limits.ou one cnn political analyst recently suggest that you had all discussions are collusion between trump supporters and bernie sanders. a conspiracy.
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maybe putin gave them the talking point. glen greenwald has been following this from the beginning. glen, thanks so much for joining us. so, why isn't it and i hope i be honest and say this about any candidate. why isn't it a legitimate topic of discussion, a candidate's mental condition in this case joe biden's why should journalists shut that down? >> it's obviously not just legitimate but necessary topic you are talking about the person who is going to be in charge of the largest and most dangerous nuclear arsenal. somebody responsible for the future health of the planet. somebody responsible for the welfare of hundreds of millions of americans as well as countless numbers of people in other countries that the united states. and more importantly for democratic voters, according to them. the only thing that they carecc about in their vernacular is removing the orange racist fascist dictator from power. that's what they say is the only priority of their electability.t so, to have somebody that democrats themselves have spento
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an entire year saying. it doesn't come from either the sanders' camp or trump or the kremlin, it's democrats on msnbc and other propaganda outlets of the dnc spending a year saying if somebody in serious visible cognitive decline to have that person be the person that goes against trump and perhaps ends up in the oval office, it's incredibly reckless to try and put that off limits when everyone can see it right before their own eyes. >> tucker: what is the effect on the electorate when people who are supposed to be informing you are so transparently misleading you? what does the public make of the media at that point? >> well, so a couple things. one is, you know, as somebodye who began focusing on joe biden just a couple of weeks ago in earnest when, you know, remember his campaign because left for dead when he had a fourth place
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finish in iowa and then a fifth-place finish in new hampshire. then suddenly it all turned around with a phone call or two. barack obama got the democratic party with extraordinary obedience, almost creepy like discipline to snap into line behind him, he became the consolidated frontrunner. people began paying attention and began writing and others did, too. wait a minute, there is something seriously wrong with his cognitive faculties that's a big deal for electing and governing, and a lot of dnc operatives and their allies in the media began saying this is disgusting, it's a low blow, hot dare you talk about it. and then you go back and you see they are the ones who originated the narrative for the last year. cory booker and julian castro and tim ryan the congressman from ohio and all kinds of msnbc commentators spent a year saying that and now they are pretending that it's some kind of joint coordinated script. and i think when people really start paying attention in earnest, when they start paying attention to the presidential debates in the fall and then the
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interviews that he is going to have to subject himself too. millions of people haven't yet clicked into and they see what is really kind of tragic that we have all seen in our elderly relatives and we fear for ourselves and they realize the media never talked about it, they are going to be angry. they will wonder why the media didn't tell them about this. >> tucker: it's totally, it's totally true it. is sad and thank you for reminding us of that. it is. it's a human thing it may happen to all of us and poignant and i hope we don't seem like we are taking glee in it. maybe we are. we shouldn't. glenn, thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: the new hillary clinton documentary is out. you don't have to watch it. we have the best hits for you next. piers morgan here to assess the state of california. the biggest state in our country. it matters. we'll be right back. le dozen big!
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- do that are degrading?ideo tapes, film reels, or photos, legacybox professionally converts them to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud. legacybox is simple and safe, with over half a million satisfied customers. visit today, and get 40% off. >> tucker: the new hillary clinton documentary is out and has a lot to say about bernie o sanders, about her email investigation and some juicier topics, chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher is here with the highlights. it's a film he has watched again and again. good to see you, trace. >> you, too tucker. it's remains crystal clear she would be the president today if not for the fbi reopening herr i email investigation one week before the election. clinton says she considered bulbly blasting then fbi director james comey but her team advised her against it.
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now three and a half years later she think maybe she should have called him out. the entire documentary has a theme of the clintons blaming others. watch this.f >> i am the most investigated, innocent person in america. and they just -- you know, that's why this is not just politics. it's deep cultural stuff. anyway, i do want to talk to you about all of that. >> yeah, me too. >> anyway. >> all right. >> clunk, clunk, here we go. >> meantime it's no secret that hillary clinton is not exactly a bernie sanders fan but talk about not pulling any punches. watch this. >> honestly bernie just drove me crazy. he was in congress for years, years. he had one senator support him. nobody likes him. nobody wants to work with him. he got nothing done. he was a career politician. he did not work until he was like 41 and then he got elected to something. it was all just bologna and i feel so bad that people got
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sucked into it. i >> trace: if you weren't counting that was 10 negative comments in 20 seconds. the documentary takes a deep dive into the former president's affair with monica lewenski and how it nearly destroyed his family. here is bill clinton talking about marriage counseling. watch. >> that was one of the hardest things i ever had to do. but it was necessary. she deserved it. chelsea deserved it and i needed it. i was so grateful that she thought we still had enough to stick it out. god knows the burden she paid for that. >> trace: he says he feels terrible that monica lewenski's life was unfairly defined by that tucker. >> tucker: amazing remarkable how much he has aged. she seems the same. thank you for that assessment. america's current coronavirus outbreak is centered on the
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state of washington and of course, california. notably those two states have. so largest homeless encampments. officials are warning that the homeless can be especially susceptible. they are prone to spreading it too. latest clasp in the state of california. a place that already has this country's highest poverty ratete and of course the middle class is rapidly fleeing to nevada and colorado. we recently spoke to him about the homeless problem in california and more broadly the state's decline. here is the conversation. so you are in l.a. a lot. tell us, do you think the people who run l.a. care about the people, the citizens who live there not just in bellaire in beverly hills, do they care. >> that's a really pertinent question. i have a house in beverly hills. it's lovely. you walk around. the sunshines. the palm trees are everywhere. there is no litter or garbage on the street.m
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everything gets cleaned very quickly. very little crime it. feels very safe. it feels very prosperous and surrounded by very wealthy and successful people. that's fine. that's why mayor bloomberg comey to town. i'm sure he meets with like minded people. celebrities and tycoons and business people. all of whom have multi-million-dollar fortunes in gated communities. and they see a very different side of los angeles to a lot of people. and when you get in your car and you begin to drive a few miles away from bellaire, away from beverly hills you get to what i would say is the real los angeles. and it's a place that is as youy say is now riddled with poverty, shocking homelessness, and these things aren't getting better, despite all the rhetoric from the progressive new governor. they are getting worse. you are seeing worse poverty. worse homelessness, you are seeing a very progressive rhetoric being put out about how to deal with these things. and very little action. i will give you one example. you know, governor newsom, wheng
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he was running said look, i'm going to build 3.5 million new housing units to cure the housing crisis. great words. so what happened in his first year? he has been in power a year? well, the number of housing units that were being built actually fell year on year from 120,000 to 110,000, something like that. that's a catastrophic failure to deliver on his promises. the same governor newsom who said i'm the anti-trump guy. i'm everything he doesn't stand for. donald trump made a number of promises about the economy for the nation of america. and many of them he has delivered on. gavin newsom has come, in made a lot of promises about stuff with the economy and housing and poverty in california, and has singularly filed deliver. i being the anti-trump guy, that might make all the woke crowd in los angeles cheer in san francisco and so on. it's not helping the people that really need the help. so i think, unfortunately, it's
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a lot of promises, a lot of hot air and a lot of stuff that isn't being delivered on. >> tucker: let me ask you very quickly a sociological question since you are there a lot and have you dinner with people. do people who live in your neighborhood have a sense of what is happening outside the west side of l.a.?hb >> not particularly. i think unless you go and find it, you are not going to see it. and i think it's a shock when you do come across it.e i certainly found it a shock. and i think the smart crowd in l.a. though are definitely beginning to move, i think, to a much softer place with donald trump. when he first came along as a candidate and then won the presidency, being in los angeles, if you even admitted t, liking trump, which i do he is a personal friend of mine, you may have sprung yourself up. the hatred was just visceral. interestingly, he came to l.a. and he was pretty well received. the number of supporters out w there i would say outnumber from what i saw the number of that's indicative of the mindset
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that i'm getting which is people who are beginning to soften to trump because they realize their own state of california, their own city of los angeles or san francisco are actually falling apart at the seams in many areas. they are beginning to realize all this anti-trump bombast they are being exposed to morning, noon and night is being used to hide the reality of what the anti-trump governor and the local mayor are failing to do themselves. so i think there is sort of a reality check amongst people who are not in answer to your original question exposed to much reality but they are nowwe being made more aware, i think, by outside forces. what is going on in california is many parts an utter disgrace. i think it shames america when you go and see the. >> tucker: i agree with that. >> los angeles is a desperate state of affairs. a you can talk all the progressive stuff you like. we had all of this in britain recently, tucker with the labort
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leader jeremy corbyn he promised like gavin newsom billions and billions of expenditure on all the progressive stuff you could imagine. of course nobody really believed he could deliver it and he was deemeded unelectable. you are now seeing on the national stage of america bernid sanders big five round socialist very jeremy corbyn like in his agenda and once again promisingd the earth rather like gavin newsom here in l.a. and california but nobody really is buying into it because they think they can't deliver. >> tucker: exactly. they know -- >> trump, whether you like him or not, is delivering on a number of the things that hes promised to deliver on. that's what people want. i don't care if you like a guy p or not who is in office. they just have to deliver on what they promised. >> tucker: ultimately, it's about reality. piers morgan sometimes people from away see our country morere clearly and you are in that category tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: the news media ought to be giving you useful information about coronavirus,
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♪ >> tucker: well early in the chinese coronavirus outbreak joe biden fretted that the disease bad. fretting about the disease possibly worse. indeed might be racism. >> you know, we have right now a crisis. with the coronavirus. from china. in moments like this, this is where credibly a president is most needed as he explains what we should and should not do.
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this is no time for donald trump's record of hysteria, xenophobia. hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science. >> tucker: xenophobia, people are dying of a plague and your concern is xenophobia? of course biden's reaction is naturally the preferred one for everyone in the media class over the weekend. paul gosar announced he and his staff self-quarantining after they were possibly exposed to the coronavirus. he described it as the wuhan virus which is particularly accurate term since it emanate new wuhan china. in response an outraged chris hayes on msnbc tweeted this just astoundingly gross to call it the wuhan virus. somebody called mollie of the daily beast chipped in, quote: it's racism. that's her whole -- and then
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david gura of nbc news fyi calling the covid-19 wuhan virus is racist. none of them explained why that would be racist. what was racist about it. it's just racist. shut up, they explained. people are infected with a deadly virus, but our pamperedd media class obsesses over what, you know, punishing people for calling it what it is. for calling a virus wuhan china the wuhan virus. these people should never have power of any kind. mollie hemingway is the senior editor over at the federalist. we are happy to have her on tonight. mollie, what does it tell you what is literally in the middle of an epidemic shutting downwn parts of the country people are most upset that someone out there is describing this as the wuhan virus. what do we learn from that. >> possibly people should be more worried about this virus spreading and how it can affect vulnerable populations than accurately describing it by the region that it came from.
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it's actually very common to t name things after the regions that they originated or that they are believed to have originated in. it's not necessarily a statement about people in lyme connecticut that we have lyme disease or zika or ebola: explaining this is different than the typical coronavirus or particular strain is helpful for people and there is nothing wrong. it's also true though that people don't want -- china doesn't want supreme identifying it china and a lot of people on the left also don't want china to be identified with this virus. that's a problem because china's reaction to this particularly originally in the first few months of this spreading had a lot to do with how it became such a problem and their authoritarian, totalitarian communist system made it people accurately talking about this was punished and they were not doing the kinds of things that would have been helpful at the outbreak. it is important that we
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understand that china's role here is part of the reason why we are having a global pandemic. >> tucker: what's so interesting the deepest irony of all maybe after north korea china is the most racist country drift world. ethno state run by chinese put in concentration camps. ethnically defined country that's how they think of themselves. no one ever mentions that why? >> sure. i think more importantly they're, to communist system they have very serious problems with not, you know, the doctor who first sounded the alarm here was punished horribly for doing. yes, they also have -- they are not known for their racial justice shall we say. >> tucker: which is funny. you think the media are so on guard for any deviation from the, you know, from the orders and, yet, they ignore the fact that their favorite country is literally ethno. thank you for making sense of this, i appreciate it? >> thanks.
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complained they were misleading. meanwhile on twitter a short video of joe biden retweeted by the president became the first twitter video ever to be marked as manipulated media. what's going on here? we think you know. harmeet dhillon is an attorney and advisor of thehe trump campaign and someone who is deeply deeply versed in the ways of big tech. she joins us tonight. thank you for coming >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: is what is happening here what seems to be happening here. >> big tech giving a big assist to one side at the expense of free speech and transparency. and to be clear, tucker, they know that the president utilized this media to communicate with voters directly in 2016 and win. and they are not going to lett t happen again as easily as it did before. meanwhile americans have become enured to this censorship andfo the government is doing nothing about it so we have a real problem on our hands. >> tucker: i don't understand how monopolies which shouldn't be allowed to operate any way under current law should be allowed to subvert an election way more than putin could do and sits there and does nothing.
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explain that knee. >> absolutely right. the problem here is, tucker, you covered on your show many times, politicians talk out of both sides of their mouth and i mean politicians in both parties. they take cash from the big tech companies, google,an twitter, ad facebook. the lobbyists are descending and welcome on capitol hill at all times and many staffers on capitol hill and the white house are interested in that revolving door that gets them a salary triple what they're earning nowl or more when they leave government. that is a confluence of factors. meanwhile the fec has not caught up with this new technology ands there are no rules governing what looks to me and you like inkind contribution from these companies to these campaigns. and at a great expense to our democracy. you know, one side is allowed to use effective ads and mock our president, the other side is labeled as manipulating speech, when in fact, we are simply showing the words of joe biden which are really deeply troubling.
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you know, this goes much deeper, tucker, when you look at the coronavirus, zero hedge was the website showing the truth about that and o. ginness china now banned from twitter. very sinister implications of allowing these companies to manipulate and choose exactly what tweet we can sees a americans. >> tucker: if this continues republican also control precisely nothing ever again. >> absolutely. >> tucker: this is in some ways maybe their last chance to level the playing field and to let free speech live and they're doing literally nothing and we're speak talking, senator lee of utah and a lot of people like you. it's really disheartening. harmeet, have you done more than any lower i know of on this t thank you very much. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: that's about it for us tonight. we are out of time.on unfortunately. tune in tomorrow night and every week night at 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. the show that will tell you the truth. have a wonderful night with the ones you love.e. we will turn it over to theut
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great sean hannity who is standing by in new york city to take the reins for the hour. ork city to take the reigns fo rains for th. >> have a wonderful night with the ones you love. the president ends his rallies one glorious nation under god. we are one american family, make america safe, prosperous, healthy, great again. we should be able to get along i think if we solve all the world's problems. >> tucker: amen. >> sean: welcome to hannity tonight. if you are over the mass hysteria, if you are overpoliticizing, weaponizing of the coronavirus you are not alone. that's why tonight we are focused on two major stories. first, we are going to call out anyone and everyone who is using this virus as a political weapon against the president. it's sick, it's sad but predictable. i'm sure in the end the mob and the media they will be advancing their new conspiracy theory and newest hoax, probably they will come up with hypothetically i'm just guessing wouldn't shock me president trump, putin mad
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