tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News March 10, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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perhaps themselves from that virus appeared chinese coronavirus has brought the largest economy to a standstill. it can do the same here. an update on the coronavirus in just a moment. but first the democratic primaries in missouri, mississippi, north dakota, michigan and the polls will be closing in a matter of seconds. >> bret: tucker, thank you. >> martha: it is officially at a clock on the east coast and fox news decision desk can project vice president joe biden will easily win the state of missouri. >> bret: in addition the joe momentum since his blowout victory in south carolina just ten days ago hard to believe has carried through him for him in the state of mississippi where the polls have just closed and fox news can also project joe biden the winter in mississippi. >> martha: joe biden cruising past bernie sanders in both states, making the state of michigan where polls close in one hour very critical to bernie sanders one surging
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campaign. it is too early to project a winner where the polls and the democratic caucus have just closed. >> bret: two states in the w: four joe biden this evening. let's take a look at who has won what so far. we don't know how many delegates will be pushing with tonight's results, we know the former vice president entered tonight with 670 delegates to bernie sanders 574. >> martha: a lot more to come so stay with fox news for continuing political coverage. just as soon as we get another call to make, we will bring it to you. tucker, back to you. >> tucker: bret and martha, thank you very much for that. tonight it cld be bernie sanders last stand as of tomorrow morning, half of the delegates in the democratic race will have been awarded. if sandra suffers a lopsided defeat in the next few hours, his path to the nomination will essentially disappear. if that happens, millions of bernie supporters will wake up in the morning outraged and
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disappointed. they will believe sanders has the nomination stolen from him by a ruthless democratic establishment fearful of change. to some extent, they will be right. there is another important reason bernie sanders appears to be losing tonight. he is weak. sanders is a socialist bomb thrower who trades with fidel castro but mostly talk in the end. underneath it all bernie sanders may be the lamest revolutionary ever. twice in a row, sanders has tried to win the democratic presidential election. twice in a row they rigged the game against him. in 2016, leaked email shows democratic officials openly moving for hillary clinton, his opponent. the primary debates in that year the way they thought would hurt sanders. the dnc entered into a joint fund-raising agreement with his opponent, the clinton campaign. remarkable. the democratic party did more to the process four years ago then vladimir putin even attempted to do. sanders was never going to win. when he finally did lose,
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sanders did not even complain about it. he dutifully showed up at the democratic convention and endorsed hillary clinton. when the extent of her treachery became clear in the leaked emails, sanders campaign for her. hillary was not grateful for it. she bashes him extensively and a new documentary and not just his policy but personally claiming nobody likes him. so what did sanders learn from all of this? not a single thing. a week ago the entire democratic party coalesced with stunning speed around joe biden and you are watching the results tonight. it is not as if the establishment prefers biden who is freely working towards in competitive he did. they just despised bernie sanders and desperate to stop him. they would pick anybody, and they did and it worked. sanders got crushed on super tuesday. and actually who wanted to win would have pause the day after to reassess his campaign. for sanders, this week was the time to tell the truth about what is happening while we are
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all watching. the democratic nominating system is rotten and corrupt. and thoroughly biden is not clear for governing the country let alone a press conference. the process is shocking him a fraud not to mention incredibly cynical and reckless. the establishment doesn't care who the president is. they just want to make certain it is someone they can control who won't raise their taxes. sanders could have settled that and should have because it is true. instead, he defended joe biden. watch. >> the question of joe biden's mental acuity is not something that just comes up anywhere. democrats have brought this up, including senator cory booker who endorsed joe biden today. >> i will not go that level of attacking. joe and i, that is for people to decide. all i can say, joe and i have significant political differences. and i'm not going to make personal attacks on joe. that is not what i do. >> tucker: okay. so according to bernie sanders, we are not allowed to talk about
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the one thing all of us can see clearly every day. the democratic front runner is failing. he's not capable of taking the job he's running for. his staff is desperate to keep him from interacting with the public for more than 2 minutes. by the way, it is not a partisan talking point. it is true. it is an observation that everyone pays attention has. and it is sad, really sad. it is damaging sincerely. but in response a any of the spirit shut up and rapidly declining communication skills is a "personal attack." it is pretty obvious sanders doesn't want to win is a man who thinks it's more noble to fail them to succeed. you were watching a professional loser. sanders is all but admitting that now and already promised to back biden if biden leads the nomination. and he will not contest the convention if biden falls short of a delicate majority, watch. >> at the end of the day it turns out vice president biden will have more delegates than you do heading into the
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convention, would you drop out? >> he will win. we will run and i suspect we will run through the process and people have a right to vote. but if biden has dementia -- >> that is true whether or not he has the majority or plurality? >> absolutely. >> tucker: oh, absolutely says bernie sanders, absolutely. pathetic, actually. real revolutionaries go to the wall for what they believe. bernie sanders won't even go to the convention. because that is who bernie sanders is and that's who he has always been. back in 2015 at a rally in seattle, two demonstrators took the mic from sanders while he was trying to speak. rather than take back his own podium, sanders took a side by a scolded child and called up the event altogether without even finishing his speech. imagine doing that yourself. imagine how much self loathing you would have. would your kids look you in the face? probably not. but he kept doing it.
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less than two months ago sanders supporters did what he wouldn't do, told the truth about joe biden. she called him corrupt and she did a poor reason. for decades a paid lackey of the credit card companies. but sanders wouldn't play along. he apologized for what his surrogate said and claimed joe biden was ethically pure appeared sanders attacked his own surrogate for telling the truth. so what did sanders get in return for doing that? more attacks and of course you can guess it, they continued to denounce him in supporters as sexist, bullies, losers and they are still doing it tonight and they will keep it up until that -- unto the generations. personal attacks is what they do best. where is bernie in this? secretly enjoying this and losing and he is ideologically pure. i feel sorry for his voters. some of them thought this was a real campaign. the joke is on them. the supreme court clerk, he has been a loyal sanders supporter
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and he joins utonight. i say that more in sorrow than contention. thank you so much for coming on. this is a pretty lame revolutionary, right? he can't even, he can't even allow one of his surrogates to tell voters that biden carried water for the credit card companies for an entire -- why can't his surrogate say that, i wonder? >> is not about -- on the merit of the bill, we are happy to talk about that. anybody attacking joe biden has a richness and target. you have to decide what you want the election to be about. what joe biden -- you said it best yourself, but they do best, right, this interest establishment type, but they do best as character attack. you play on that round, you know, you will make good points. i don't think joe biden is mentally fit for office. you have to look like a salvador dali. but what is more unpopular with joe biden is what he does when he has his marbles. he wants to cut social security. when he has his marbles he wants to invade iraq and they want to change the subject from here they are bating bernie to go off of the issues where almost everybody in the party agrees
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with him and to whether or not joe biden is a good guy or not. that is exactly what they want him to go because they know they are stronger there. it is tempting, sorely tempting to go there and it would be fair if he did but he wants to win so we will keep it on the issues where people agree with him no matter how satisfying it would be to point out what everybody can see. >> tucker: but here is why it is important and obviously i'm not rooting for bernie sanders, but i strongly believe in telling the truth. i'm upset when people intentionally deny it. so i just watched a video today of biden some it's not an attack on him but he is not ready for this. the people who pushed him into this, the democratic establishment are so cynical and reckless, they literally don't care what kind of condition biden is in. sanders should say that but he's not because he really doesn't want to win. >> i don't think that is true. i agree with you of the party establishment would rather lose an election than lose the party. they put that last him around and it was perfectly obvious hillary clinton would be a
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weaker nominee. but the iron law of institution they would rather run a losing party then better served, better to -- rule in. but bernie sanders will not get into that turf is exactly because once they do, oh, boy, the whining and complaining, bernie sanders is a mean personal attack, reckless bernie burrow. they want the subject to be about the kind of personal characteristics of the candidates. what bernie wants is to say no, let's decide on who is right about the vision for the future. what do you want tomorrow to look like? make your choice based on that. along the way, just by the way, people will hear joe biden and they will see him in that debate. you don't need to tell people he is declining in front of us. he clearly is. what you do need to tell people, remember, this guy wants to cut social security and doesn't seem to have his marbles. when i get it. and i want to be clear, i'm not attacking joe biden for his current condition. i'm attacking people who are pushing him and telling us the
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defective product is actually different america is really cynical, i think. inc. you so much. the polls are closed in some states as of right now. the numbers are coming in for the bid don't like big borg in new york city. bill hemmer, who host the 3:00 p.m. our joins us with that, hey, bill welcome. >> good evening to you. good evening tonight. the voter analysis as joe biden won missouri. you will see this map bill and throughout the night but i will take you back to 2016 where joe biden can expect to get a lot of votes based on hillary clinton beating bernie sanders by half a point. st. louis in the east, kansas city on the westside, st. louis/canada so many votes, clinton 89,004 years ago. to the east, there it is, st. louis city. almost 35,000 votes as well. so joe biden looking for urban votes to african-americans, democrats who live in big
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cities. he can expect to run those numbers up tonight. but also in kansas city, jackson county, not as many votes as st. louis but clearly a good number, 90,000 between the two of them four years ago and she picked up almost 49,000 votes. up here in michigan, the polls close at 9:00 eastern time. this is where bernie sanders turned his campaign around, tucker, four years ago. the polls had him down 25, 30 points. primary day came and this is what bernie did 1.5 over hillary clinton. i would expect in detroit wayne county, tucker, she ran up the numbers 163,000 votes for company years ago. similar to st. louis, kansas city. you've got voters in detroit and the suburbs of detroit and oakland county as well. over here in macomb, macomb county the birthplace of the reagan democrats of 1984. bernie sanders gave it a good shot but we will see whether or not this year is enough. when i come back later, tucker, i will show you an interesting
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story that i'm starting to see in the american south east. we call mississippi for biden come at the state start to fill in now in favor of the former vice president. back to you in washington. >> tucker: that michigan analysis was very interesting bill hemmer, thank you for that. biden and sanders canceled planned events tonight over the chinese coronavirus. how could that epidemic affect the rest of the presidential race? dana perino hosting "the daily briefing" and "the five." it is hard to know if this is a meaningful race in that they canceled these events. what is this illness go on to do in the race, do you think? >> one of the things, having watched your show last night and your monologue about how everyone needs to take this very seriously. it seems like today people started to take this a little bit more serious and try to take earlier and more aggressive
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action like they did in south korea, for example, where they had this big run-up in and cases and they'll start to see it drop off. but it was because they did things like cancel big events, canceled schools, make sure people were socially distancing, working from home and all of the things we are doing. i think these campaigns are recognizing that they have to be responsible too. they might have to figure out a different way to campaign, but this weekend at the debate, if there is a debate, i'm still skeptical of that, where biden and sanders would have a debate, there would be no audience. so that will be interesting, right, where you have to be able to actually talk without interruption or applause. that could happen, and then looking forward to, additional big events need to get canceled like the ones that bernie and biden did today in ohio. i understand biden has already canceled another one that was supposed to happen in tampa. i think they cannot be accused of being a responsible but they have to figure out a different
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way to campaign. >> tucker: yeah because politicians touch people for a living. our current crop, you know, all over 70. and that is the demographic at risk. >> right. >> tucker: are they worried? >> i would imagine the secret service -- i don't think they are terribly worried they were doing the right thing but the government said is the right thing to do. the health professional said wash your hands, do the right thing and i think these people are doing relatively healthy ohmic healthy people in their 70s. i don't think they are too worried about it. we all have to be smart. the other thing come if i can comment on the bernie sanders piece, you know, he's trying to win in 2020 running the same playbook in 2016 and expecting a different result. the difference is, actually, he was more liked than hillary clinton. in this case, this time can actually democrats actually prefer joe biden to you and you've done nothing in the last four years to get beyond the original sale that you were trying to pitch to us.
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and so i think that bernie has no one to blame for himself if he has a really bad night tonight. >> tucker: i think that is really smart, and i agree that they do hate him. wow, dana perino, good to see you. thank you. well, you are seeing people on cable news channels attacking america for not backing a female candidate, yet the same people pretend the last woman running for president doesn't exist. we will speak to that person, tulsi gabbard, after the break. ♪ if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has a plan designed just for you. and, for a limited time only, now you can get two lines for just $55, including unlimited talk, text and data. plus no annual service contracts. only at t-mobile. (vo) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!)
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...that if it's connected, it's protected. even that that pet-camera thingy. [ whines ] can your internet do that? xfinity xfi can because it's... ...simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] ♪ >> tucker: as the democratic field has consolidated down to just a very few, the press adopted a habit of attacking the
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party voters. suggesting they are sexist, and the race to come down to two white men. >> no country for old men, it seems like a country for old men. no country for a woman presidential candidate. >> voters only have to choose from two older white men to choose from. speak with the historical versatile, comes down to two old white guys. >> once again, at the white house will be occupied by two old white men. >> three, old, white men and no ladies. >> tucker: these really are the worst people on the planet, on television. imagine what they say about any other group and they are lying anyway. from the beginning, the press and the dnc alluded to shut out an actual woman running for president. that would be congressman tulsi gabbard of hawaii, why? because the same view of middle eastern wars that howard dean had in 2004 when he ran for democratic nomination.
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another democratic debate schedule for this weekend, but tulsi gabbard will not be there. they change the rules to specifically keep her out despite the fact she picked up a delegate on super tuesday. the dnc reportedly another rule change that joe biden loves to sit during the debate rather than stand. we will see. by the way, congress woman tulsi gabbard joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. what do you make of this? you must have the television on and you walk through the airport and you hear people say no women in the race. i'm in the race. what do you make of that? >> hi, i'm here. you are right. it happened more than once, working -- walking through airports and happen to see a television on, and it is actually a disservice to the voters, really is what is happening here. disrespecting voters in this country and their ability to make the best informed decision about who they would like to see move forward in the democratic nominee. and really it begs the question,
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why are they doing this? why is the political elite in washington and corporate media partners, why are they continuing to try to erase my candidacy, to try to stop voters from hearing the message that i'm continuing to bring to the forefront that began the very first day that i announce my candidacy for presidency is to attempt to blackout, smear my campaign, my candidacy. it is not a mystery. why i'm running for president is to bring about a sea change in our foreign policy become a sea change that says we will end these wasteful regime change wars and stop going around the world, trying to be the worlds police toppling dictators and td nuclear arms race all of which are not making us any safer and instead redirect the tax payer dollars actually toward serving the needs of the american people here at home. they don't like dealing with the coronavirus, things like investing in education,
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health care, portable housing, urgent needs that people have. this is the change i seek to bring about. it is not a mystery and this is why am running for president. the american people deserve to know why those in power don't want them to hear this message. >> tucker: it was meeting with the side. which i thought was great. a solid, not endorsing him but he projected -- protected christians, and you have a right to make that point. they have not let you make that point or any point. they just dismiss you because of that. we don't have much time but what is that about? it is bizarre. >> it is a dangerous situation that we are in that so many people here in washington who are part of this powerful elite who have the stranglehold over the foreign policy establishment are so afraid of diplomacy. and they cast out people like me who are calling for a foreign policy focused on cooperation and diplomacy rather than confrontation as something weird
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or bad or to be suspicious of. when you look at so many leaders throughout the country's history who have made those tough decisions to exercise diplomacy to prevent the country from unnecessarily going to war. >> tucker: well, exactly, it was brave. you should be awarded for bravery. you have been vilified. congressman gabbard, thank you for joining us. i appreciate it. the same people who told you tulsi gabbard was not actually a woman and was not actually in the race continue to put the blame on america, and it is people for what they have done. >> we don't like that woman or that woman or that woman or that woman. and you list different reasons to allow ourselves to say, it wasn't sexism when it really was. sexism and misogyny exist in this country and it so difficult for women who are running for president to overcome. >> and you have a right to be tired of men running for president. you have a right to be tired of
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watching men take the oath of office. you have a right to shed a tear today. >> tucker: why doesn't they give a shout out to a woman? what a phony that guy is. she hosed "get tammy bruce" and she should replace that guy larry or whatever. great to see you tonight, to me. what is this a bow and why are we pretending that tulsi gabbard is not a woman? >> i love that she is on your show, obviously she is waiting from the corner and that is important. what she said interesting and that is an insult to the voters. but let me say it's more than that. it is an exposure of not just hypocrisy but we hear of misogyny and sexism thrown around a lot. erasing her from existing is the ultimate misogyny. there are gnomic they are the ones literally doing it listening to a door of a lunatic asylum and they forgot to give them the medicine. you have people off of their meds making accusations against
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other people while they are actively in their accusation erasing a woman as they then blame it on us. so i think that unfortunately for her campaign itself exposes how really degenerates the democratic party has become how misogynist, and i believe she's not running again for her seat. so she's not really -- he will be playing a very interesting role in american culture and politics. but it really is a shame and for every democrat out there, not only is the race being stolen from them by the establishment, but they are actually, they are the things they accuse everyone else of being racist, sexist, homophobic and i hope the democratic base sends a message in november that enough is enough. >> tucker: tulsi gabbard is -- they don't want to hear her name again. >> tulsi gabbard will keep coming back and i disagree witha
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great deal of what she stands for, but my goodness, there they are erasing a woman of color who stands up to the establishment. hillary tried to get her, you know, being a russian asset but that didn't work out either. >> tucker: they are filthy, they are filthy. great to see you tonight, tammy bruce. 60 million people live in italy, and they are all unlocked and because of the coronavirus. these radical measures may be coming to this country. where we see containment zones in america? that is next. ♪ it's another big day at the office.
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♪ >> tucker: this is a fox news alert. chinese coronavirus has now caused at least 30 deaths in the united states. the virus is causing more and more disruption to daily life. a million attendees has been pushed back to the fall. harvard university, columbia, purdue, berkeley have moved their classes online. google has told all of its employees to work from home if possible the next month and now in new york an entire city is on lockdown. more on that in just a moment. but that is just the start of the coronavirus. italy is at a standstill. museums, schools, day cares, restaurants all closed. sporting events, flights canceled and all nonessential travel has been banned by the government. courtney walsh lives in rome and so quarantined they are right now. she joins us by skype. according to him i think is much for coming on. first of all i hate to ask but why are you self quarantined? >> i've been in contact with
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people in the red zone is up north and there's been a lot of influx of people coming back south. i've been in touch with them. and just to be careful. and also i think the government, tucker, there have been over 10,000 cases of corona virus infections and only china has more. and the government is taking drastic measures now. as of this morning, all of the chinese are prohibited from gathering in public places, and health emergencies, to get necessities like food, light bulbs. the message here is everyone stays at home, and actually talked about earlier the chinese specializing is not easy. so tucker, self-declared forms that you must show checkpoints, highways, train stations to explain your travel. people in milan find over $200 for being out for no reason. today, it looked like we had
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numbers of the infected, and it looked like only increased 6% from yesterday after a 20% increases for the previous two days. but later we learned the lumbar does is not complete so that number is not accurate. meanwhile, number of deaths continued to climb 36% from yesterday to 631 and on the path of those people, 80s. and i think they have responded well to this, high time more drastic measures were taken, especially students and workers from being in the infected areas in the north and coming home in the south in droves spreading the infection. the government is now saying, we can all make a sacrifice and stay at home for two weeks, the virus should die down. here in rome, you know, the vatican, some major changes and no masks being offered and church open for prayers. that means no communion for catholics. one vatican analyst wrote,
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quarantined. tomorrow the pope with weekly wednesday audience but no screens for people in st. peter's square which is close to the public until april 3rd. tucker. >> tucker: at the very least, the economic impact will be very profound. courtney, thank you for that. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: what you heard i hope it's not a preview of what we will experience. here is where we are right now. the united states 30 coronavirus deaths. when largest infection cluster in the state of new york and today the governor andrew cuomo a 1 mile containment zone around the town of new rochelle new -- north of new york city. and more containment zone soon. what is the point? dr. irwin is the director of disaster preparedness at columbia university and joins us, dr. thank you so much for coming on. >> tucker thank you for having me. >> tucker: tell us what a containment zone is? >> it is sort of open for definition but basically it
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means a zone that will be very special attention being paid to identifying as many people as possible who have been in contact with the index case. and making sure the contacts are free of disease or evidence of disease. number one, number two, there are other restrictions in the containment zone defined by andrew cuomo closing schools within 1 mile of the synagogue where the case originated. so those types of things. but there could be other restrictions. there could be a larger zone make us if the governor so chose and it could be different in other states and other attempts to create areas where we can contain the disease and hopefully get it under control. it is especially problematic in new rochelle here there is a lot of questions and concerns about this by residents. new rochelle, i have spoken to many of them and they don't understand why all schools in new rochelle aren't closed and why some restrictions and not others. so it is a very complicated matter. and by the way, i don't blame
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the governor or mayor being confused about what to do. there is no consistent message how to handle this yet. so that is what we are dealing with. >> tucker: i think that is exactly right. commitment to fixing it is the first thing. quickly, new rochelle was right outside of new york city the biggest city in the country, the densest in the country. are you concerned that the virus will find its way there? >> of course. actually there have been cases in new york city already and there are a couple thousand people being tracked. in the wind should be surprised about this. in fact this guy from new rochelle, this lawyer would take a crowded commuter train everyday into grand central station, a large train station, as you know, in new york city. and walk to work, go into his office building press the elevator button. you know, it is a problem. i don't think any place in the country is really going to be exempt permanently. we are really being hampered, tucker, this is the other thing the fact we haven't been doing enough testing. so a lot of the restrictions and
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public health interventions are guesswork. and it is sort of every man for himself, so to speak, what they were doing in washington, seattle is different what they do in orlando, new rochelle, new york city et cetera, et cetera. and what we are looking for now is to really have firm recommendations from the cdc, the federal authorities that do this. not we recommend this, but here is what we need to do to control this in the country. snow and i suspect we will be getting that soon. doctor, thank you for that. >> sure. >> tucker: appreciate it. and we describe new rochelle is being on lockdown. you heard the doctor describe exactly what a containment zone is, walked down but certainly an area the authorities are monitoring. they are new wild rumors about possible cures of the chinese coronavirus. chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher joins us with that, hate, trace. >> there was a lot of focus on iran 8,000 case of coronavirus and 291 deaths making it the hardest hit country in the
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middle east. one of iran top medical schools confirm 218 iranians have been hospitalized and at least 44 have died from alcohol poisonin. iran has a ban on alcohol but some people are under the fulsome impression that that drinking industrial alcohol would help fight coronavirus. that is not true and repeatedly proved that it has failed. vodka made in texas had to issue a statement knocking down false rumors that vodka products could be used as hand sanitizer. in the french government actually had to come out and dispel a flurry of claims that cocaine can cure covid-19, again, it cannot. despite a number of companies claiming online, there is currently no coronavirus vaccine, and if you truly want to make your own sanitizer, you need at least 70% alcohol, not to drink, for your hands, tucker. >> tucker: so vodka won't do it. thank you, trace. many home chemists or
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disappointed to learn that. joe biden keeps using belligerence towards voters to hide this come as something that is going on. he did it again to gun owner worried about having his rights violated. we will show you the tape next. ♪ this is big. double dozen big! it's captain d's new double dozen shrimp. yeah, you heard that right. two dozen golden, crispy shrimp piled high on one plate! time to double down when the captain is callin'. captain d's.
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♪ >> tucker: just days ago, joe biden promised to put beto o'rourke in charge of his administration's gun-control program. and remember o'rourke is the one to seize law-abiding citizens from the agents. it is a big change. this morning visiting auto plant in detroit, biden hurling profanity at a worker who confronted him over his views on guns. watch this.
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[bleep] >> i did not say that! i did not say that! >> wait, wait, wait, wait! >> tucker: he's going to take away your ar 14. thank goodness they weren't too many of those in the country. the this proves one thing, they never hated trump for being vulgar. that was as low as anything trumpeted. but it was directed at an ordinary voter. trumps is that politicians who is your natural social superiors. that's what they had about him here is a political analyst brit hume joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. what do you make of this? and i don't want to be insincere
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or pull one clip out of context, but there have been a number of them recently where the crew the vice president explodes and aggression. i don't remember him doing that in years past. what did you think this is? >> i've known him a long time and he can work himself up in a passionate speech speeches and so on. when he's arguing about issues in a debate but i don't ever remember him exploding at voters like he did him this instance today and throwing profanity the way he did and the guy is full of spit except he didn't say spit. that is something new. there is a number of things about joe biden. as you and i know, he he tends to make gaps and if you know him long enough, you think they are kind of funny and part of who he is and harmless. but more recently -- >> tucker: and kind of appealing. >> and you also know, tucker, what a nice guy he is. he is generally a nice guy. >> tucker: i agree. >> more recently, however, he's
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begun to forget things. he didn't know what state he is in. he couldn't remember exactly where he was when he met with the students in the white house long after he had been out of the white house. that sort of thing. so like he and so many people his age is losing his memory and is getting senile. i don't think there is any doubt about it. i have traces of this myself. i know what it feels like. sometimes you get confused and you can't remember what you're supposed to do the next morning. i'm not running for president and it's probably a good thing i'm not. and i think that over time, the danger for him and for his party is that he may say something that is so outlandish and so suggestive, that his cognitive faculties have failed him that the democratic voters will say, oh, my lord, what do we got here? at the moment, they are so eager to deny bernie sanders the nomination and to press forward
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with someone so familiar that i think this step is lost on democratic voters. but over time under the pressures of a campaign, who knows what will happen. >> tucker: i think that is a really fair point and a thoughtful point. and i know you said it with total sincerity. and with no cruelty. and i appreciate that. brit hume, thank you very much. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: the crystal ball, the author of the populist guy of 2020, we are happy to have you join us. i think you just heard what brit hume said, in their eagerness to avoid bernie sanders taking over the though party, the democratic establishment and many voters have embraced someone who is a flawed vessel. they are ignoring things that are very obvious to the rest of us watching on television. do you think that is a fair assessment of what is happening? >> i think it was very fair and very well stated, look, look at the reason at the beginning of this process the democratic
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establishment and the donor class, even though they knew joe biden very well including barack obama who he served with for eight years, why they did not line up behind joe biden. there is a reason why. after democratic watchers watched him on the debate stage, watch him not campaigning much, not doing well on the campaign trail, and some of what you played before, why they had doubts he would be the strongest candidate to go up against president trump. but when it came down to it, when the chips were down and there was no one else that they could throw a win behind, they decided to all lined up behind biden. they have now put all of their eggs in this basket, which i have to say, look i was at the debate. you remember that debate between paul ryan? they thought he would use the golden club, so smart to come in and rick joe biden. biden was so good. he was on it. >> tucker: i agree. speak with those clips versus today, and it's not the same
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person. be one and i agree with you completely. i thought biden won that debate honestly. you are a democrat. it isn't now the time, right now, this week, maybe yesterday, the time to talk about this in public? democrats should be discussing this, right, but they aren't, why? >> for most democrats and the establishment, they don't want to have any dissenters across joe biden, the chosen one, the anointed one. even though months ago, julian castro, cory booker, joe scarborough, all happy to raise obvious points and by the way, they have no problem or issue with questioning president trump's mental fitness as well talking about the 25th amendment et cetera. >> tucker: that is for sure. >> now suddenly it's off limits to talk about because they want this to be a coronation and to be over so they can have their candidate. that they feel comfortable with or whatever wall street floating back in the white house and they can have their access, they can
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have their power structure and be back in power again. >> tucker: i don't know. it is never that simple though, is it? [laughter] we will find out -- crystal thank you for that analysis. great to see you tonight. >> great to se see you, tucker. >> tucker: votes are being counted right now as we speak in the primary races. the new numbers and analysis of what they mean right after this. ♪ our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence... we can spend a bit today, knowing we're prepared for tomorrow. wow, do you think you overdid it maybe? overdid what? well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. there are no half measures. no shortcuts. no faking it. doing it right is plan a
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primary races and the results are imminent, trickling in now. shannon bream joins us with a fox news voter analysis. hi, shannon. [technical difficulties] >> the nation's economy they say is unfair to most persons. today folks in mississippi hardly agree. the numbers range from a high of 85% in iowa to a low of 60% in virginia. in michigan, biden comes out ahead of the pack as the one best able to handle the economy. bloomberg and warren almost match with sanders numbers in this category. healthcare, also unvoter's minds in every state we polled, most voters choose healthcare as the top in the country. in missouri, a record high, close to half. they rank healthcare as a top concern.
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look at this break down. voters split over who would be best able to handle healthcare. and while the country faces a coronavirus controversy, democrats go around a candidate that is a strong leader. that is a very important quality. mississippi matches the record high that we saw in alabama. 90% of democratic primary voters say that's got to happen. whoever ends up being the nominee, democrats voice confidence that the selection process has been fair. it's been on going. look at the numbers from today. dig a little deeper. biden and sanders supporters feel differently. in missouri, biden supporters are more likely saying it's level. back to you, tucker. >> tucker: that may be the least surprising number of the night. shannon bream, thanks so much. the biggest state up for grabs is the state of michigan. most polls close at 8:00 p.m. the last few precincts will
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close in a few minutes. matt finn is in detroit with more. >> the secretary state here tells us that the final results might not be available until tomorrow. the state of michigan is getting the hang of a new law that now allows any voter to place an absentee ballot for any reason. michigan is the big prize. 125 delegates. if bernie sanders doesn't win, his path forward is difficult. joe biden, he enjoys strong support from african american voters. that might push him over the edge in detroit and across the state of michigan, tucker. >> tucker: i think that's a good guess. matt finn, great to see you. we'll be following the primary results all evening as we prepare for additional race calls which should be coming any minute. eminent. we're back tomorrow. tune in then. every week night, 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, smugness and group think.
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have a great night with the ones you love. "hannity" is next. hi, sean. >> sean: tucker, thank you. great show. welcome to "hannity." we begin tonight with a fox news alert. 3, 2, 1, 9:00 in the east, 352 delegates are up for grabs. fox news is projecting joe biden will win missouri and mississippi. polls have closed in michigan. fox news can make a call in that race. my opening monologue in just a minute. first, we head to our decision desk. bret and martha standing by with the big news. >> sean, it's 9:00 in new york. the decision desk can predict that joe biden will beat bernie sanders in the crucial state of michigan. which sanders won of course four years ago. >> it's the biggest victory of the night for biden who earlier, as you said, won mississippi and also missouri.
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