tv The Five FOX News March 12, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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and it's going to continue although we might get some relief if we can give washington, d.c. to exude some confidence. this is what we need more than anything else. it's not about fundamentals. it's not a financial crisis. it's a crisis of confidence. the five starts right now. >> jesse: hello, everybody, i'm jesse waters here with juan williams, sean. it's five in new york city and this is "the five." president trump taking unprecedented action as coronavirus fears impact almost every aspect of life here in america. wall street taking another big beating today. the stock market dropping by almost 10%. major sports leagues suspending or delaying seasons. the ncaa just announcing that this year's march madness has officially been canceled. large gatherings are being limited across the country and new york city just declaring a
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state of emergency. there are now more than 1,400 confirmed coronavirus cases in the united states, and at least 37 people have died. president trump responding by reassuring americans that we as a country will get through this pandemic. here he is earlier today talking about restricting travel from europe. >> president trump: we get along very well with european leaders but we had to make a decision and i didn't want -- it takes a long time to make the individual call. they raised taxes on us, they don't consult us, and for americans coming back or anyone coming back, we're having testing. we have a tremendous testing setup. if people are positive it will be a pretty strong enforcement of quarantine. look, the key is, you have to have separation. you have to have separation or this thing takes longer to go away. >> jesse: it seems like in the last 24 hours it just got a lot more intense, greg, over val
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office -- oval office address and restrictions from the pond. >> the important thing is you can't make fear your de vault on this. i think, again, we're confusing statistical risks with certainly risks. i would first ask a really dumb question. when 9/11 occurred we closed the stock market until september 17. that was six days because we were shell shocked. i think we're making a mistake here by not doing that and we're making a mistake by foolishly dpa comparing this virus to other viruses. it's like comparing last year's super bowl to the next. in that case this virus is much like 9/11 in that the whole point of terror is that it gets through undetected. when your defenses are down and
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that's constantly morphing and changing its shape or it mutates in order to survive so we have to think about this the same way we think about terrorism and 9/11. not thinking about the swine flu or whatever other flu you want to talk about because we know what happened. but i do remember being in new york in 9/11 walking down the street thinking the world was going to end every single day and then you look back and go, well, we got through it. that's exactly -- right now, because you're in this thing you feel it. you feel it, and what's different now than then, an accelerated media, a news cycle that's on hyper speed and that also gives a sense of lack of control. how you regain that control, by doing positive things for other people, by doing practical things and practicing all the hygiene tips that the doc suggests because that gives you a sense of control but in the meantime, you're going to overstate this because you're in it and you're going to look back and go, wow, we got through it and we will get through it.
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it's just right now it feels weird. one last point, i know i'm babbling. we're all getting freaked out about the nba, baseball, hockey, you've got to understand a lot of this stuff is legal advice so you don't get sued. you're freaking out, i can't believe they are doing this. it's because some lawyer is saying you don't want this player to sue you or a corporation, you don't want somebody working here to get the virus when you could have sent them home. all of these are just warnings. >> that's a good point. greg, unlike some other people who have compared the coronavirus to be chernobyl or katrina, how do you see it? >> i understand how greg is drawing parallels with 9/11 overall personal hygiene, we're living in a very different time than when the spanish flu took place with a lot more information. the travel bans have to be
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implemented. i'm not saying necessarily i agree with the exact way the travel bans are being hand. one thing that they missed last night is explaining why the travel ban was in a certain area of europe and not in other areas of europe. i do understand because you have a massive epicenter right now from china and now italy is close to china and there is free travel between italy and a lot of these other nations but you also have the highest single daily increase in cases in the uk and that wasn't part of the travel ban so i would like some explanation from someone on the task force as to why we chose specific areas. i do agree with travel bans. we need to focus on our internal community spread and not have a more of ipflux of cases coming into our country but i don't know that you can necessarily pick and choose these. >> how do you feel after last night's oval office address? >> i wanted the president to give that address. i think the country would like to be reassured in some ways. i don't think he did that, but i
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liked the tone of his address. i think he got the tone right. it was just in terms of the content. the kinds of things the doctor was talking about, why are you doing this country and not that country. that country has a major outbreak. what are you thinking? i don't know. i do think when tom hanks gets it and his wife and the nba and now major league baseball, can you imagine cancelling the ncaa tournament? that's a big deal because initially, you think, they will just play it on tv because it's tv revenue. they just canceled it so to me this is a signal for people like me who tend to not want to be an alarmist and think, you know what? let it go. let it pass, you know. i'm going to just be careful myself. but there is no reason to think things are really bad. i think things are bad. >> i think people woke up when they saw on their screens that tom hanks had it and when they can't watch basketball anymore, i agree, there is probably a legal liability, but if one player or two players from the
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nba has it, maybe they go on medical leave for the rest of the season, you play without crowds in the stands but it went in another direction. >> you do have a lawyer and a doctor on the panel so you're fully covered. >> you have to think about the fans. people that take selfies. they are exposing so many people. the concession workers? there are so many things to consider. i like what you said that when it becomes personal, when you hear tom hanks and the nba, it gets closer to home and we freak when we're in the middle of it. one day this will be in the rearview mirror. it will hurt in the meantime but we'll get through it. i believe in the system we have in place but someone tweeted me back and said, yeah, this, should, shall pass but it will be like a kidney stone. >> chernobyl and 9/11, those were intentional actions. extreme negligence that caused such a disascer. there is nothing intentional
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about this novel virus causing a pandemic. we have to remember that. there is a sense of nature here. we have pandemics. we'll have another one. we have to make sure we get through this but there will be another one and we need to make sure we have the right things in place and we're a healthier america. >> what was your time frame prediction, not to put you on the spot? >> oh, boy, honestly i think we'll see a lot more cases over the next few weeks. a lot more people have it than we already know and we'll find more cases as we test more but i would say we'll see an equilibrium. so i would say 4-6 weeks we'll level off and then we may have a decline. it may be more than four to six weeks. i don't think it will be four to six months but we don't know. >> the good news is, as the infection rates increase, we find them through testing the percentage death rate will naturally go down. right now because we don't have that denominator we're freaking out. we don't know -- we thought it
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was 3.5%. it might -- .9 will be a lot. can i just ask you one question. you're seeing very little cases in africa, australia, buenos aires. is this the theory of heat and humid? >> a strong theory. >> actually, i think it has more to do with international travel. this highly infectious disease virus, australia, they had a travel ban initially early on, they had a travel ban. the only thing they allowed foreign students from china come in and they had them do 14-day quarantines elsewhere, and then they went to australia but the point is some of these people didn't actually self-quarantine and then they went to australia. >> up next, democrats and the media bash president trump's oval office address on the coronavirus. stick around. ♪
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coronavirus as a "foreign virus." it will come across to a lot of americans as xenophobia to use that kind of speech. >> incompetence kills and the response thus far from the administration has been unfortunately plagued with incompetence. >> the president also called this a foreign virus. what does he accomplish by making this an outsider's problem? >> it is kind of america first rhetorical flourish that has nothing to do with public health, safety, or public health communication. >> don't you think this is a good time for him to resign? >> wow. jesse, i want to go to you first. he got a lot of heap for calling this a foreign virus, to the extent of calling him xenophobic. >> jesse: the president goes out there on tv and calls for unity, hope, and resilience and the media calls on him to resign. how sick is that? this guy is not interested in political correctness. he's trying to save lives fvmt the virus originated in brooklyn they would call it brooklyn
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virus and other countries would be slapping travel bans on america. this is about lives and put it into perspective. there have been 37 deaths here in the united states, from coronavirus. every death is tragic, but swine flu, during 2010 under barack obama, there were 13,000 deaths. 60 million americans were infected, so 37 versus 13,000. that's a big difference. now, the i'm not downplaying it. i'm putting it in context, and what the president gets hit on is, they say he's downplaying it. the way i'm seeing it he's trying to reduce fear. if you say we have to be optimistic and we're going to beat this thing and eventually it will end, but at the same time, trying to say we've got to wash our hands, quarantine, slap travel bans on, that's a comprehensive approach and he's trying to be aggressive and he's dynamic and he's changed gears a little bit because he's responding to how the pandemic
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is met metastasizing. last point, this is not a financial crisis. once we get a handle on thing the rail his will come back and we can all watch basketball. >> you said that you liked the tone of his address and there were sommerrors in his address. now, do you think, kind of want to know the error. to me it seems like he was reading a script and a lot of times he speaks off-the-cuff. it seemed like he was reading a script so do you think the speech writers had something to do with his errors and not his incompetence. >> he's the president, so you can't not take responsibility as president when you're addressing the american people. so, as i said yesterday here, the speech had to be thoroughly vetted and apparently he wanted. but on the flip side you've got to understand, and this is what i would say to jesse. because the democrats didn't like the speech or some people in the media didn't like the
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speech, that's not the point. the point is that he failed to reassure because of the errors that we're referring to. i would say in terms of the travel ban explain it. talk about the fact we haven't had testing and that the doctor says that was a fail. talk about where the virus is now, what we can do to reduce its spread in our country. we see all these people acting independently, broadway, the nba, certain school systems, where is the leadership? >> actually, i will say that he did have a great call to americans last night and that was my favorite part of his speech. he talked about what he wanted to do from the economic side. he talked about the travel ban but then he also said americans, you have to do this, avoid public places, nonessential travel. i think that's what's most important here, sean. no didn't you think that mess sam came across? >> i hope when he appealed to our better nature, our better angels, and this optimistic thing, america can do this. we've done this before. we do have to keep reminding
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ourselves we'll be looking at this in the rearview mirror and in the not-too-distant future we hope. there was a great piece in the "wall street journal." he said no matter what he does this will be politicized. if he comes acr urgent and overreacting, he'll be accused as inciting panic. if he seems calm and not that into it, he'll be accused of, the word he used was lackadaisical. he can't make both sides happy. it's a little disspirited because you would hope in this moment. if should you mer and pelosi immediately put out a statement saying how tesch it was, but maybe in this moment, you call him up, sit down at the white house or read him the riot act, maybe think of the greater picture before you immediately put out a press release that wasn't too long after the speech that sounded like it might have been pre-written. >> i just want to make this point. let's forget the partisan take. there were real mistakes that the white house had to walk back about cargo and people being
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banned. no, not cargo. we're talking about humans. oh, no, not american citizens, american citizens can come back. i mean, these are mistakes. he talks about, you know, flu, as greg was saying, this is more dangerous than the flu in so many ways, and he wants to equate. he says your health insurer will cover this. you don't have to pay -- well, i turns out they will cover the test but they won't cover the treatment. >> i agree, and i agree that there are some mistakes in his speech. however, i appreciated the tone and i appreciated the message. greg, obama got some criticism for his gulf oil speech, they said it was a lot of rhetoric but very short on answers. i personally did not feel last night's speech was full of rhetoric. i thought he was actually getting to the point and telling us his plans. how do you think it compares? >> it doesn't matter what he says, because the media and the democrats will nitpick. i don't blame them because that's what you do when you're out of power. you think that the democrats are
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out of power but remember, it's the media that's out of power in this administration. so no matter what donald trump does he's going to get nailed. they -- when you call it a foreign virus or call it the wuhan virus, that's racist, ebola, racist because it's named after a river, sheikhka was named after a play, rochester mountain fever is named after the rocky mountains. you can't trust people anymore because their political hatred is guiding their words. and these are people i would normally listen to but i can't because you can here the dripping invective that can temperature natur -- dominates words. i think trump needs to adjust the way he talks about this and improve on it because in his heart trump is an optimist. he's used to engaging and
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competing against groups, democrats, and media. a virus is not something you vanquish. it's something you avoid and prepare against. that's something new for him. it may not be in his tool box but he's a quick learner and he should learn it. so trust me, that i say positive things and i said negative things but when you listen to cnn, don lemon screaming at a never trumper, john kasich, he wouldn't pile on the president, you see that you can't trust these jerks because they are polluted with bias. >> i'm going to tell you something. i'm not polluted with bias, but i'll tell you this. let's take the politics away. >> i have. >> people who are in the game, wall street, who have every reason to say president trump has been pretty good to wall street what did they do? they said that speech didn't reassure us. >> your mind reading. >> we don't know what's coming. >> guys -- we've got to go. up next, joe biden and democrats
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are attacking. trump over his response to the covid-19 outbreak. more of that. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i thought, i'm not letting anything take me away from my family without a fight. at cancer treatment centers of america, i had six, seven doctors that work together to take me through this journey. they're not just treating the cancer, they're treating me as a whole person.
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good. reminder for what? oh. ho ho, yeah! need worker's comp insurance? get a quote in 3 minutes at ♪ >> they love my music. joe biden and bernie sanders hammering the response on the coronavirus outbreak. >> labeling covid-19 a foreign virus does not displace the accountability for the missed jump shots that have been taken thus far by the trump administration. the administration's failure on testing is colossal. nor should we hide the true number of infections to protect political interests or stock markets. the markets will respond to strong, capable leadership. that addresses the root of the
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problem, not efforts to cover it up. >> we have an administration that is largely incompetent, and whose incompetence and recklessness have threatened the lives of many, many people in our country. the american people deserve transparency. something that the current administration has fought day after day to stifle. >> so, doctor, let me just say, what i took away from the biden speech was sort of that he felt, if he's the democratic nominee, he laid out for the american people how he would respond to this issue and on that point he said he would expand the testing, boost hospital capacity, create an information hotline for people, and offer assistance to people who are losing their jobs. how did you react? >> to me, that just sounds like oprah. you can have a house, you can have a school. yes, of course we want to do that and trump has said the same
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thing. we're going to expand testing. make sure we have enough physicians and nurses able. everyone says things and i want to know how you're going to do that. listening to sanders, if this were him he would declare a state of emergency and he put together a bipartisan emergency group full of experts. what do you think the task force is? we have several doctors there. people have been pointed by obama and people have been pointed by trump and we have experts working on this together, so i, again, feel like that's a lot of rhetoric and you can say that you would do these things but they are not giving specifics. what i want from the president, i want him to tell us it will be okay. i know it will be okay but the american people need to know it will be okay so i liked the tone last night. there were arwick some errors, i thought he said this is what we need to do. >> obviously the president is now, and this i took from his speech last night, acknowledging
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the severity of this crisis where as previously he was somewhat dismissive. now you have a situation, jesse, write think that the democrats are saying, here's what we would do so i think that was very concrete and specific about actions they would take that the president is not discussing. >> the president is discussing it, juan. he's trying to get nancy and chuck in a room with mitch and solve the problem and that's what wall street wants. they want a fix and right now, both sides in washington won't put their knives down and fix it. everything joe biden read off that teleprompter were things the president is doing. i wasn't blown away by biden's speech at all. i'll give him this. testing capacity is not where it needs to be. that's on the cdc. they have plenty of money. >> here's the criticism. here's what joe said. this was a foreign born virus, you can't say that? the virus is from china, a foreign country. >> no. his point was how does that help us deal with the situation? >> by calling ate foreign virus -- >> that's how he sees it and it
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is a foreign born virus. joe said that last month. it's from china. >> but how does that help us? >> what do you mean, it's from a foreign country, you have foreigners coming to america and that's why you slap a travel ban on it. >> you want to prevent it from spreading, juan. >> and calling him xenophobic isn't helpful either. >> another thing he said which is ridiculous, the travel ban is racist and unit phone it. every doctor now acknowledges was the right move and the science -- during the swine flu, biden said something that scared the entire airline industry, and joe gives, what else, he had to go up on the podium and apologize on behalf of joe for scaring everybody, and he had to clean up that mess. so joe is the last person i would want in charge during a pandemic. >> joe -- >> i will say this, though.
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>> i call him joe. >> don't call him late for dinner. i think, though, i'll give credit to the democrats, and, listen, they are in a political fight. they are trying to win the nomination of their party. we're in political season. but i appreciate that a democrat, if he's going to be critical that they come out with their own steps, these are the five steps i can do. the administration can say we're doing that or they can say, good, okay, yeah, how can we work that in. would that be feasible, how would it work? on capitol hill those folks already elected, they have got some problems. we hear they are trying to chalk all -- both sides need to stop it for the american people. get it done. get it done and get something to the president's desk. if they get in the room amend hash it out, don't leave washington, don't take a recess, get it done but regardless of party, if you're offering concrete solutions, good, we need an airing of those. >> greg, i thought, as i said i thought there were concrete solutions. the biggest one to me and i
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think i hear this from the experts, expand hospital capacity. >> i don't think anybody would disagree with that but the whole point of this is to compare their performance to trump. so let's do that. number one, neither joe nor bernie took questions, so right there they flunk because you've got to think fast and deal with surprises and go off script which trump is good at. number two, biden lied. he's a lieder and he's a tool. when he opened the thing up and said this isn't about poll six, he spent eight months saying trump was an unfit president and he would be a president, that's politics. he also accused the president of a cover-up. that's politics. so he's a liar and a tool and he's losing his mind before our eyes. he is unfit. it just upset me that he went to that place. now, trump's words could be better. but his deeds are effective. his deeds are effective enough to buy us time so we can prepare and also to prepare for mistakes. if we didn't have a robust economy and we didn't know ahead
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of time what was coming what would have happened with this testing fiasco, right? i'm getting mad. >> we didn't act. >> at least bernie is real and you believe what he's saying. joe is a cardboard contraption standing up there saying stupid things about it's racist and it's a cover-up. he doesn't know what he's saying. >> i think -- doesn't know. >> you're an expert -- >> wall street, i don't have to be an expert. the whole thing from trump is -- it's not a problem. it will pass in a few days. you can go to work. it's just not effective leadership. >> all right. >> stay with the five for the latest breaking news on the coronavirus. we're going to bring you some of it here next on "the five." (driver vo) when i started this commute,
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♪ >> president trump defending criticism over his decision to clamp down on passenger travel coming into the u.s. for more than two dozen european countries. here's the president earlier. >> president trump: very, very early, we closed very early with china, and i took a lot of heat including from you people, a lot of heat, they called me everything from a racist to everything else, it was terrible and the same people, then they say, oh, he closed too fast? why did he close with china, when you think of what happened to europe, because it was very fast and furious and what happened is, a lot of people went from china into europe and europe suffered tremendously. >> all right. as you earlier said, there are people on both sides of the aisle, doctors saying this was
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the right move, things would be much worse here already if the president hadn't done this but his critics aren't changing their assessment. let's talk about the fact what we're trying to do now, we know the cases will explode here as at the timing does but the negatives will explode as well. we'll see there are people fully recovering. our numbers are going to go up but the idea is to flatten this, to flatten the curve. instead of having this curve where you overrun the hospitals and people freak out. how can you spread them out over time so our medical system can handle them. >> biden was right in one sense when he said there was a cover-up. there was a cover-up but it was from china. they actually said to their people this is not a highly contagious virus. they were testing them and sending them home which is why they had over 80,000 cases. here's the good news. the majority of them have recovered and they are seeing less and less cases every day just like south korea. the reason they are having fewer
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cases is because of tight restrictions and increased testing. so we need to do that here in the united states. travel bans give us time. give us time here to lessen community spread and be prepared. what we need to do is we need aggressive testing. we need our private sector to step up like they did in south korea. that's why south korea has gotten this under control. four private companies started making these tests, not the government. we need to stop depending just on the cdc. we're a nation of capitalism. >> and fighters, i believe, and survivors. we'll make it around the table. juan, will you give the president some credit on the early ban regarding china? >> juan: it wasn't early. [all talking at once] >> juan: no. >> you were defense it. you were against it. >> hey. y'all are all getting technical
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fouls. >> juan: the president had knowledge of this that we didn't have. >> we were talking about this. >> that's not true, juan. >> juan: you can't handle the truth. the truth is, that when the president -- [laughter] >> juan: when the president acted it was, again, not clear to everybody the extent, and we had people going from china, guess where, italy, north korea. it's just like what happened yesterday with, oh, not england, when, in fact, cases are spiking in england. >> juan, you totally discredited yourself. it's over, it's done. we don't believe anything anymore because you will criticize no matter what and then pretend that what you said two months ago didn't happen. i'll pull the tape. i'll show everybody. >> okay.
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>> here's the other thing. [laughter] >> that's a lot. >> this guy makes mistake -- no criticism. >> we make mistakes and we make note of that. >> the first person to mention a travel ban on this show, i think on the network, was me and, juan, you pushed back and said, what about what happened with ebola? you were like so concerned. you're lying. >> that's not a lie. i was telling you the truth about concerns. >> now -- which would have been a violation of what you said before. >> if he had said to all of us we understand the severity of this rather than trying to downplay it. >> up next. factor 7. ♪ .
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for a regular visit to a physician. they have been engaged right now. the fda, the cdc, all of the government agencies, the secretary himself, they have been very much involved in working with that group to be able to get that revved up really quickly. i hate to give dates on things but what i'm hearing from the task force meeting that i just left, that should very likely happen within the next week. it won't be months, it will be a week, where you'll get many more tests that will be available. the other thing that's important, and there was a considerable amount of misunderstanding, that the original guidelines for whether you could get a test was somewhat restrictive. the fda has now removed those restrictions. you had to have been in contact with someone or very close to the geographic area of the virus, it doesn't matter who you
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are, you can get a test. >> who do i -- >> you know, you have to take it on a state by state basis. the one thing die advise and i've said this in -- i do thinks and i've said this in multiple hearings, we have to start implementing both containment and mitigation. and what was done when you close the school is mitigation. we've got to try as best we can to distance ourselves from each other. particularly if you're in a group at higher risk, if you do get infected, you'll have a complication, and those are the elderly, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes, particularly among those, if you're elderlily with that, the point i was trying to
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make is we don't want to wait until we get a lot of infections. sometimes, whether it be maryland or whatever they did you make a decision to do something and someone might say are you overreacting? we've got to lose that. we've got to start looking at doing things now in anticipation of what might happen. and the reason is, if you look at infectious diseases, how they work, particularly outbreaks of new infections, they go like this, and then they go like this and then they shoot up like that and if you look at the curves of the history of outbreaks, they have a sharp peak and then they start coming down. if you look at what happened in china that's exactly what happened. it's starting to happen a little bit now in korea. the purpose and goal of both containment and mitigation is to, instead of making it go up like that, blunt it so it goes like that. you're never going to suppress it completely. so we have to get used to -- we're going to get infections
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and probably a lot more infections. >> you think the travel ban has helped? >> i think it has. i believe if we did not do that with china early on -- >> what about with europe? >> i think that was a prudent choice. we spent a lot of time thinking about it, discussing it, about whether we should do it and it was the right public health call. and here's the numerical reason why. if you look back early on, chinese travelers who were infected seeded not only the united states, but countries in europe including italy. if you look today at the majority of cases that are new cases, not old ones, new cases throughout the world, the majority of them are from europe. europe to other countries. if you look at the united states, at states that have new cases, the majority of them are coming from that region. it was based on that that the travel restriction was suggested.
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>> are you considering -- >> even when the testing material was at its most restrictive one of the standards was if you had been in touch with someone who is positive for coronavirus. how could anyone make the argument that the president shouldn't be tested? >> i'm sorry. >> one of the standards for being tested for coronavirus, if i'm correct, was that you've been in contact with someone who is now testing positive. so how could anyone make the argument of the president who was in contact with some, shouldn't get a test? >> like i said, i'm not going to comment on an individual who has a very competent physician and the white house physician is very competent. >>. [inaudible] >> all right. dr. fauci. jesse, he was talking about the reason for the travel restrictions. that was a passive infection that they were seeing coming from europe. >> jesse: it started in china
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and we had the travel ban on there. that helped. they went around to europe and then from europe they came into the united states and after consulting with the whole task force they decided to slap it on the e.u. i just think that's smart. right now he said we're doing containment and mitigation. instead of you getting -- a huge spike, you're trying to blunt the spike because the gretzky analogy from the other day was brilliant. you don't go where the puck is. you anticipate where the puck will be and that's what they are trying to do now and they are doing the best job they can. there will be more infections, but they are doing the best they can to test. >> i don't know much about baseball but i think understand that. he was talking a lot about private sector involvement. can you add anything to that? >> let's give her credit because she said the same thing. >> i literally just said get the private sector involved. i agree. south korea, they have a lot of cases and they are seeing a decrease in cases and it's not
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because of containment measures. they didn't do what china did. they had testing, right away, and that's because four tech companies came out, put together this test. it was a rapid test, it didn't take days to come back. it took hours to come back, and they gave it to their people and now they are supplying it to the rest of the world. shockingly they are running low on material now because we depend on free at from germany, we depend on a lot of things from everywhere but that's what they did and now we're dealing with it. our private sector also need to step up. we need to make the agents here and make these testing kits here. >> juan, i think you and me both can agree that we're kind of bombed that this broke into covering sarah palin on the -- >> it's a rare moment that sarah palin, the mass singer -- terrific. terrific. clearly, no evidence of any
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virus. that girl -- >> she's having a good time. >> what did you take from fauci? anything hit you? >> as we were talking, he's worked through numerous administrations and numerous crises. this guy is not new to. this he's a very respected voice. he says, yeah, we'll have more trouble, people feel comfortable listening to him. he needs to be out there every day. the administration needs to get someone out there because transparency is the only thing that will reassure people. >> this man, he's so intelligent. he's been doing this for decades and his message has been this. we expect the virus to do this. we know this will happen. as we see -- it's like a shot factor, he's saying, this is expected. so let's do what we can now to do this and we're doing that. so we're still on our way up but it will, it will start to even out. just give it time and do your best to stop community spread. >> i think what the "wall street
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journal" said this morning, you've got to be honest with people and you can't say things and then walk it back. >> this is great. juan is praising the private sector and the "wall street journal" all in one hour. >> sarah palin, too. >> one more thing. i'm going to go first, as greg mentioned, and as juan definitely put an exclamation mark on, sarah palin was on the mass dinner last night. watch this. ♪ ♪ >> oh, my god. >> she put it on. >> amazing. >> absolutely amazing. >> we should keep showing it. it actually gets better from there. she definitely would have made a great v.p. >> this was more than funny.
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she's actually good at dancing and rapping. >> she's great. it's amazing. >> she's great. >> thank you very much. >> because dana is not here and i'm filling in for her, of course i have to do a dog story. catcher out in colorado, a 3-year-old golden retriever, there were some people working at the house, he got out, a fedex driver finds him, looks at the tag and the ends the people, i'm taking the dog back and their surveillance camera catches this fedex driver taking catcher back to the house. putting the doggy inside and catcher was safe and sound. a good samaritan. the fedex driver did not have to do. this he's not getting paid but catcher is not fighting it. he's ready to go. >> all 60 pounds of him. >> there you go. >> i want to let everybody know who got tickets -- we're postponing. >> oh, no. >> that's bigger than ncaa.
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>> i care about my fans, jesse. so the memphis will be moved to september 12. nashville will be moved to august 9 and all tickets will be honored, you know we can trust us. but can you trust this. ♪ >> in trying times, you know what you need? puppies jumping rope. take a look. this is amazing. >> oh, my gosh. >> research shows that stress increases your risk for disease but watching puppies jumping rope reduces stress. reduces infection. because i'm a doctor. >> all right. >> i love the little white one. he's stretching out getting ready for it. >> better than yesterday. >> the ball bouncing up. >> you know what it wasn't better than? >> sarah palin! [laughter] >> you never know what you're going to find -- where you're
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going to find extraordinary talent. how about an electronics store in the philippines. yeah, the philippines. take a look. ♪ >> yeah, that boy surprised shoppers when he grabbed the microphone and created an orchestra of one by singing percussion and other beats. >> no sarah palin. >> what a kid. sign him up. give that kid a contract. not too bad. >> my turn. so covid-19 has brought to light how those with chronic illnesses are more vulnerable to severity of the symptoms which brings to light my book that i have available for pre-sell now where i talk about all chronic disease called make america healthy again. how bad bare and big government caused a trillion dollar crisis and how this is actually making us a very vulnerable society. how much chronic disease we have and how much of it is actually preventable. >> how did you come up with that book title?
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>> that's a great question. it was a group effort. group effort. >> set your dvr's. a special report up next. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington, i'm bret baier. america is changing how it works, goes to school, or doesn't, how it plays or watches sports or doesn't. the coronavirus is the blame but tonight things are different. even then just two days ago. president trump once again urging calm over the coronavirus emphasizing today that in his words, it is going to go away. a lot of your money is going away right now as massive sell-offs triggered another automatic trading shut down today on wall street. life in the u.s. is undergoing some major changes affecting millions of people from students and workers to business owners and sports
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