tv Hannity FOX News March 12, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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is clara jane carrey, who arrived 29 minutes ago. she is 20 inches long, all the excellent prayers, we know they'll make remarkable parents. sean hannity right now. >> sean: it's great you stalled time because the person who works for you, that is the dad, and the mother works for me. that is alyssa and we are very proud and happy for both of them. they are wonderful people. that we can agree on. great show as always, tucker. a fox news alert, breaking moments ago, u.s. forces just launched multiple targeted air strikes against iranian backed militias. this in a direct response to the rocket attack that killed two american troops at a base in iraq. much more coming up tonight, but first at this hour, the impact of coronavirus is being felt across the united states. we have cancellations, school
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closures, tournaments canceled from a professional athletic events canceled. for some, this might seem like the world coming to an end. let's start with facts, not fear. make no mistake, every virus as we've been telling you you must take it seriously. it has been an been taken seriously. as a nation, we must take every and all necessary precautions. but we also need to be calm, we need to be strategic, we need to be smart, we need to have the right perspective. any death is a tragedy. i said this before, many times. heart disease, many disease, we lose in this country tens of thousands per year every year from the flu. this is a health challenge. we need to rise to the occasion as we always do. we are the united states of america. the words "the land of the free and home of the brave" are not just words in an anthem. those are words accurately define us as a people.
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this is a country that beat back the forces of nazism and communism and fascism and imperial japan. this is the country that has the single best doctors and medical researchers on the face of the earth. this is the country that acumen they did more power and advance the human condition more than any other economic system anywhere in the world or in the history of man. so tonight, like every man in his program, we'll bring you facts without fear, without the politics of panic running rampant in the country. we are going to give you perspective, context, data, information, information you can use to protect yourself from your family, your loved ones. most of you would sadly you will not get from the deranged agenda driven media mob. let's start. just 24 hours ago, president trump he was delivering a very serious address to the nation. he outlined new measures including restrictions on european travel on top of the bands already in place.
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he also offered financial relief for those impacted. industry and workers as well. also called for unity, said, "we are all in this together, we must put politics aside, stop the partisanship, unified together as one nation, one family." needless to say, it didn't take long for the rage, the head, conspiracy theorists on the left, they are not heeding that advice, sadly. from them, everything, and i mean everything, is seen through a 2020 election prism. since the beginning, all they've done is use the virus, politicize the virus to bludgeon president trump. all the same people who have done the same thing for three straight years. it is sad, it is not surprising. they've been doing this. russia, russia. ukraine, ukraine. and impeach, impeach me now corona, corunna. or the killing of albert
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the verdict is in andimmediatelo rally around the important fight of what's a deadly virus and disease. maxine waters calling the president a liar who needs to shut his mouth about coronavirus. yes, then compromise corrupt adam schiff calling the administration incompetent, "incompetence kills." over at fake news cnn, you have fake news jim acosta, thinking the president's speech was racist because he said the fire started in china pier and here's his own words. >> at one point the president referred to the virus as a foreign virus per that's interesting because as i was talking to sources earlier this evening because one of the points that president wanted to make tonight, one can get it across to americans is that the virus did not start here but they are be dealing with it, it's going to come across to many americans as smacking xenophobia to use that kind of
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term in this speech, chris. >> tucker: fake ms. acosta also referred to coronas for an routes on his own twitter in january. yes, fake news acosta by his own definition, fake news acosta is a xenophobe. the very same people that were involved in everything from the last three, every second, minute, hour every day, they are back where they are not about to let this crisis go to waste. putting americans in danger. this is the message we need to understand tonight. the president is trying to protect the country. instead of working together to help the american people, you have the mob and, of course, the radical democratic socialist party, they are working hand-in-hand to smear the president. they have not said one good thing about what he has done. not one! can he do anything right?
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this goes against everything our founders put into place. watch this. speak of the president last night, he kind of whiffed at his to convince americans that he has a plan of dealing with the spread of the virus here domestically and he just set the stage for joe biden to walk on and then look presidential. >> do you know what it is? we have -- >> he misspoke about the intensity of the band and that's on him. this country is behind for several weeks. it's on him. >> china, it's we know that you aren't can you send brian committee it's not just a racist dog whistle. it's a whole racist orchestra. >> sean: here's a question. what are these hate trump acts hacks, what do they want trump
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to do? i challenge people at fake news cnn, "the new york times" which selectively lies every day, what are your ideas? bring them forward to the american people. put them on the table and we'll work together and solve this pandemic. the truth is no president has done this much more active this quickly than donald trump. no president in history. here are the facts over fear. december 30th, and on the disease was in will holland wuhan, china.they didn't identis coronavirus until january 7th. important dates. january 31st, trump administration declared a public health emergency, americans abroad were not subject to mandatory quarantines on military bases, hadn't been done in decades. the president ordered a travel ban for all non-u.s. citizens who visited china. what were the democrats doing? what were people in the mob of
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the media doing? what were they doing to combat the virus? the question down the answer is nothing. they were infatuated with one issue, impeaching donald trump like usual. other members of the democratic party and congress actually suggesting the president's travel ban was racist. the w.h.o. chief, he said that restrictions were not needed to stop the outbreak and that they would only increase fear and stigma for the government of china agreed, accusing trump of overreacting to the virus. of course, democratic party's front runner quid pro quo joe, when the president put his travel ban in effect, he said it was it was xenophobic and hysterical. take a look. >> in moments like this, this is where the quit ability of the president is most needed. as he explains what we should or should not do. this is no time for
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donald trump's record of hysteria, xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fearmongering, to lead ways to the science. >> sean: hysteria? on this program, dr. felty said the president's travel ban on china prevented an untold amount of exposure and suffering in place. either way, neither biden nor his comrade bernie sanders supported the ban. neither one of them would have enacted it. this one courageous early act that donald trump took a lot of heat for did more to protect the spread of this disease, that one decision, january 31st, 3 weeks in! while they were impeaching the president, not doing anything on corona, that one decision did more than any other thing that could've been done, and all the president got was called names. in fact, let's look at some perspective here. back in 2009, we had a biden-obama record on a global
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pandemic. this is h1n1, and i will use joe's words, the old in the year that we had the first year of that virus, 60.8 million americans were infected with h1n1. no travel ban. one in five americans got the disease in the first year. that resulted in over 274,000 americans hospitalized. nearly 13,000 deaths in that year alone. worldwide, up to 5.75000 people died 5,705 no travel ban, no state of emergency. it wasn't declared until, what, october, they knew about it in april. one health administrator did say
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it was an emergency 11 days in. but not the president. not obama. after a thousand americans had died and tens and thousands of americans contracted the disea disease. that virus, despite thousands of deaths, millions of cases, the media mob's coverage the time? wow. very different. it was measured, it was calm. the mob supported their president. they love their president. take a look. >> let's talk about this, something that's wearing a whole lot of people these days, each one and one, president barack obama declaring a national emergency. should it be a worse-case scenario, administration officials emphasizing that it's not they are expecting one. >> more than a thousand people in the u.s. have died from the h11 virus, 90 in the last week. the federal government predicted there would be 100 million doses of the vaccine, but as of this week and 11 were available.
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>> what exactly does this declaration mean? >> people shouldn't panic when they hear this. >> they receive two booster shots of their own. president obama has declared the fire is national emergency. >> sean: that was six months in, i thousand americans were dead. tens of thousands contracted the disease. compare that to the nine alarm anti-trump hysteria on right now on all day, every day pretty much every news network. look, i understand. pandemics are scary. nobody likes pandemics. no one wants anybody to get sick. people are scared. i have no problem with cancellations, no problems taking every precaution necessary. i understand the criticism, the testing kits took too long to come out. their criticism. that's been rectified. now they are becoming readily available. the case numbers will rise in
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the short term. we believe it to level off. we hope so. as everyone does their part, hopefully will be able to get to the other side of all of this. make no mistake, all viruses are dangerous. serious stuff. make sure to keep an eye out for your order loved ones, and grandparents, parents, though is have underlying medical conditions, immune compromised of some kind, copd, lung disease. in this country, we are not a country that lives in fear. we are the country that tackled problems head on. the facts are the fax. three weeks in, this president acted. he acted faster and did more to stop the spread of that disease than any other time in american history. travel ban's, billions in support, financial supports. all hands on deck from the get-go from the administration. what are the democrats doing? they are impeaching. ultimately, there is no doubt that will overcome this disease,
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the virus. america will come roaring back. that's a fact. at some point, china, they are going to be forced to answer for the spread of this deadly disease and the lies they told and i have some strong words for china coming up later in the program. more on all of this, fax over fear is fox nation host is laura logan. >> according to the cdc as a 4:00 this afternoon, there were 1,215 confirmed cases over coronavirus in the u.s. and the number of americans who have now died stands at 36. washington state is still the hardest hit by far. they've had 31 deaths and 40057 cases. all of this data according to the cdc. a huge gap, they have 198 cases and four confirmed deaths.
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california has some other news, disneyland's closing. they'll close saturday for the rest of the month. the hotels will close on monday. they've only closed a few times in their history, sean. the last time was right after 9/11. that's a pretty big deal. they aren't the only one, closures all over the place. of course, march madness is canceled as well as the nba. that happened last night. following two players from the utah jazz who contracted the coronavirus, and i happen to be in utah today, everyone is talking about it. two very popular players, donovan mitchell and rudy gobert. the nhl, after the nba canceled, the nhl cleared income and not aware there are any cases but the nhl has suspended its season. they will resume if possible. the one bit of news that seem to touch everybody was learning that tom hanks and his wife rita
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wilson had tested positive for the coronavirus. they are in australia according to their son chet who was on social media today who was saying their parents are not freaking out, they are pretty calm. he's spoken to them and he is saying that they are handling it pretty well. sean? >> sean: lara logan, thank you for that report. by the way, this just in. this is joe biden. i've got a copy of it. joe funding off coronavirus. will check in with karl rove. u.s. air strikes against irani and militias. trace gallagher with the report. >> sean kromah these strikes were targeting shia militia groups. the u.s. military says that the strikes have two purposes. first to limit the militia's ability to conduct future attacks against coalition forces, but also to respond to
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the continuing threat these terrorist groups pose. the military says that has the law under iranian backed militias has killed two u.s. service members and one u.k. service members. defense secretary mark esper says quoting here, the united states will not tolerate attacks against our people, our interest, or our allies. said earlier today, the president gave them the authority to take action and within hours, he acted on the authority. today's air strikes marked a rapid escalation with ted , tehran after tehran carried ot a ballistics attack with a base in iran. now, u.s. has no plans to strike inside iran. >> sean: we'll continue to track that situation throughout the night. we turn our attention back to the coronavirus. according to any virus,
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coronavirus can remain in the air for three hours. just the facts, not fear. dr. ronny jackson is with us. dr. jackson, i think is very important there's a lot of panic. stores are empty, people are honest ona full stay pending. i don't mind the closings because that will isolate the virus and help us level it and quickly and this. let's talk about what families can do. >> sean kromah it's been out there a lot. families need to take extra precaution. most families can go about their business for the most part. i'm not trying to minimize what's going on with this. it has a potential to be a big deal and that's why he's a leaving so aggressively on this.
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he's leading decisively on this issue and we are doing everything we need to be doing. there is a message they are to them every day folks out there, take the precautions that are appropriate for your risk group. if you're in that group that is elderly, in your 80s and stuff, you may want to stay home more than you are accustomed to. you may want to avoid going out and someone offered to go shop for you, you let them do that and things of that nature. if you are otherwise young and healthy and you do not have any other medical issues and stuff, you need to go on about your life. if you need to go to the grocery store and buy groceries, go buy my groceries. if you need to go out and pay bills, go pay bills. be extra judicious about washing your hands, using hand sanitizer, things like that, all the things we've been hearing protectors precautions bring good things to do anyway. the administration is working hard to make sure that we don't get there and i can tell you firsthand from being on the inside for the last few years as
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a senior advisor and chief medical advisor to the president and white house position for many years, everything that can be done needs to be done, it's being done, it's being done inappropriately and it's being done aggressively. >> sean: dr. jackson, great information for our audience. more on what they are doing, the health and human services director alex azar. that one decision three weeks after identifying the virus, the travel ban, which has been expanded as we now know and expanded further last night, that first travel ban that joe biden said was xenophobic, that joe biden said with hysteria, that bernie sanders said he would've never done, how impactful is that? i wonder if there's any way to measure it? how important was that decision? the president took a lot of heat for that. >> he did indeed, sean. it was strong action, it was bold, unprecedented action. we at that time had fewer than
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20 novel coronavirus cases here in the united states. china had less than 10,000. but he took the strong and down the action to prevent the american public and he took heat for it, took a lot of heat for it but now everyone is looking back at it, the experts who advised him to do that like dr. tony fauci saying, you bought is valuable time by taking that strong action, mr. president. you are brave, unprecedented, you protected the american public health by what you did. and last night, i was so proud to be with him as he took the single boldest action i think a person has ever taken to protect the american public health with the travel restrictions from europe. i'm sure he'll get criticized that. american people will be grateful. >> sean: the one purposes and that seems valid is that we were slow, didn't have enough test kits available, is it rectified and why didn't we have the more quickly? >> the cdc invented a test within two weeks of
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its been available and we had actually capacity at all times to do testing for people that needed to be tested, but it has not worked as well as we would like. we have four and a half million tests out there. there are a surplus of tests out there, but the connection from the patient-doctor hospital to those lab tests and the labs has not been as seamless as we'd like. >> sean: when will every american that they want to test for their own peace of mind, when will that be available to anybody who wants it and under the president, by the way, did get the co-pays removed from the insurance companies he met with, a big deal in my mind but when will it be available for everyone who wants it, anyplace, anytime? >> he did get the co-pays removed on the tests. it's getting better and better every day. getting the private sector involved and that's going to make it a more seamless experience but we are already seeing in washington, colorado, and minnesota in new rochelle, new york, drive through sampling so you can get sampled, this
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test will get sent away and get the result, we are making a more seamless experience each and every day. >> sean: let's talk about, secretary, a worst-case scenario. let's say that this becomes far worse than anybody's expecting now. are our health care providers, hospitals, health care workers that take care of our sick, are we prepared for a worst-case scenario? will triage centers be available at a moment's notice when we have the ability to set up the facilities necessary to take care of people if the numbers are larger than we may be expect? >> yes. sean, there are two parts to that answer. first, the aggressive mitigation and aggressive steps that president trump is taking to elongate and push out and make shorter that epidemiological curve, make the severity of impact on the country lesser but perhaps longer and push it out so that our health care resources can be spread out over
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a longer period of time. then second, we have surge material in our strategic national stockpile. we have fueled medical shelters, basically mass units for hundreds of people that we can use as isolation beds, or we cag and can recover. we have masks, surgical masks, we have met a simpler list, we are working on therapeutics, every day the president buys us with aggressive measures is another day of getting more and more prepared because we prepare for the worst while trying to prevent it from happening. >> sean: you are convinced that like an area like seattle, things get worse, we have the ability to get boots on the ground, whatever facilities, whatever is needed for the american people. >> sean, not just stability, we have boots on the ground in seattle where they are helping the people in washington already. >> sean: thank you for your time. we'll keep in touch. thank you. i have a message for china
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tonight. also they hate trump media mob cannot give up their destructive edge and that when it comes to your health. also, now fund-raising, joe biden on the virus? karl rove, melissa francis and much more straight ahead. clutch? i'm an american. everybody get out of here! academically challenged racists? does he look american to you? you're hunting human beings for sport? they're not human beings. what kind of sick people would even think something like that? vegans, they think they're better than us. you're crazy. [ screaming ] home values are up, and mortgage rates are at record lows. that's good news for veterans with va loans. that's me. by using your va streamline refi benefit, one call to newday usa can save you $2,000 a year. that's me. there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs.
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>> sean: as i mentioned in my opening monologue tonight, it is now officially destructive, what's going on in this country. it is disruptive to have a media mob, and i call them a mob for a reason because it's a mob mind-set. for three years, lies, sneers, but churchmen, character assassination, conspiracy theories, get trump, get trump, get trump, russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine. you have a media mob working with one party against the united states. a duly elected president which
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goes against everything our founders and framers wanted for this great republic. instead of working to calm things down and find solutions to help the american people, the mob and the media, the democratic party, all they want to do is destroy president trump. as they say, you know what? you made a good call on the travel ban. never. karl rove, he learned joe biden, how sick is this? i have it here in front of me. fund-raising off of corona! really, just a question mark it with a reaction, fox news and jupiter karl rove from the fox news a guy who said he wouldn't support the travel ban, karl. it's the single best thing that he did in this case. they didn't declare a national emergency until a thousand americans died six months after we found out and discovered each one and one, swine flu for 20,000 americans had contracted
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that virus. the media fawned over them. we lost nearly 14,000 americans. we lost worldwide estimates over half a million people. no fear, pandemic media. why? >> look, i wish i could answer that question, but i'm not sure i have a good answer in part because -- this is unbelievable, what joe biden did. here's the front page of the e-mailer. send out about 7:40:00 p.m. tonight. here's a speech i gave this afternoon. a long email, but i hope you read it all the way through and forward it to family and friends. here is the final page! the final page has a "donate to joe biden" button on it! is raising money off of it. here's what it says at the end,
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this is what it says. if you are ready to fight for the soul of the nation, you can click the button below, donate for joe biden. he's raising money off of the coronavirus challenge facing our country. does he have no shame? is there no decency that says, you know what? there should be someone's wishing to be taking things and use them for crass political purposes. he's using it for prospecting. he is not the only democrat doing this. 30 minutes after that, the democratic senatorial campaign committee sent out one saying, breaking, senate g.o.p. blocks emergency paid sick leave bill from moving forward. they just arrived this afternoon! it arrived the evening of the senate and at 8:10 p.m. eastern time, they are sending out a prospecting piece letting people to know how they feel about it and to support democrats for the united states senate. have we know sense of decency,
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can we not step away from this for a minute and politicize everything coming down the line, or is everything being used for fund-raising? we killed usama bin laden, send us money! we are dealing with the dreame dreamers, send me money! is this where we go as a country? >> sean: as having an impact the other way, melissa. all of your all the fearmongering, now the fund-raising. when you think we've hit a new low. markets are always jittery, but they are not giving the same coverage they gave biden and obama went americans in far greater numbers were impacted and dad and they did nothing. >> you know, the markets reacting so far what they see with the virus but they do not politics because karl things there is a decent person in politics and i applaud you,
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but everyone else on the money side, we've given up on it. i think the point here is that there is a crisis, a leader may excel -- everybody stumbles, you are going to make a mistake. it is after all a crisis. what's different here is that with this president when they go in for the kill and jump on top of him and start pounding him whether it's the media mob, like you said, or enemies, the never trump-e.r. s, you step up and there has not been someone on the right that does that because everyone stumbles as presidents along the way or makes mistakes, whether you think he has in this case or not, the point is not to get knuckled under by the mob. he'll stand up and let them rip their threats out, that's the difference. >> sean: not one single thing they've said -- because that's never going to happen. >> sean: we disagreed with you on the travel ban. you were right. many americans were not impact impacted. karl rove, bring that to the
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show every week. i like that call. >> i'm also going to bring the whiteboard you sent me, but it's a little big. it's a little big. i know things are big in texas, but really, this is just a little too big. >> way too big. >> sean: i humbly apologize on national television. i will get you the right size. >> does this mean it's going to go on longer to make the board that big? it's going to go on forever. >> sean: karl rove, he's called the architect for a reason. melissa, thank you. there are major questions tonight. china's role in the spirit of this coronavirus, they do not get a pass. they put the entire world at risk and they lied and manipulated and try to hide it. tom cotton has the inside information. later, chinese migrants detained at the border. we have a report you do not want to miss mack straight ahead on this breaking news edition of "hannity."
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boring, boring, you don't need to see that. oh, here we go. can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle? wait, you're a lawyer? only licensed in stockholm. what is happening? jamie: anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. you know karate? no, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset.
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>> sean: all the democrats, radical socialists, and the media mob, they are a mob, use the coronavirus and the outbreak as a way, a never ending attempt to bludgeon president trump instead of talking about real solutions and helping the american people. guess what? russians are mounting about how exactly the virus spread in the first place. this need to be
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hunter biden's connection to china, thanks to quid pro quo joe's dad traveling to china and heal board air force 2. the president signed that new trade deal. he's the one who's been calling the alarm about china. he literally negotiated from a position of strength, and he got $220 billion, a two-year deal with china, nobody else had ever gotten that. he's the one that talked about intellectual property theft. he's the one talking about the one-sided trade deals. nobody ever questioned china about their unfair trade behavior. 220 billions, to help farmers, car industry, manufacturing industry, our energy sector, service sector. republican tom cotton. it's pretty clear, air force two
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and zero experience hunter is on board, to go meet the chinese ten days later, $1.5 billion deal. the bank of china. can't see and experience with hunter in that deal, oil, gas, energy and ukraine. senator, i'd like to know the answer to that. >> he's like the international man of mystery. he's the master of oil and gas and chinese private equity as well. how china has a lease this plague in the entire world through the dishonesty and lack of transparency it's more urgently examine joe biden's decades long joe biden said that the chinese communist party is full of good folks and they are not a competitor to the united states. last month, whenever president trump president trump shutdown travel from china, which is the single most important step the government
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has taken to arresting the spread of the chinese coronavirus here, joe biden called it xenophobic. joe biden cannot be trusted to protect this country from the chinese government party. >> sean: how is it possible that somebody could be so wrong and how is it possible that the media was so worked up about ukraine and quitted, pro,s," you are not getting a billion unless you get th how is possible ten days after zero experience hunter is on air force to come up how does that happen? things have not happened in my life, i actually work hard in life and got lucky and god has blessed me beyond anything i deserve. >> sean, very efficient circumstances indeed and that's why it's important that the democrats nominate joe biden as
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their presidential candidate. we examine it, all those ties to china, his son hunter has. frankly, we examine some of the other shaky dealings like his brother has as well. what is important right now in the middle of this pandemic that china unleashed on the world -- >> sean: why are they getting away? i'm getting a little ticked off. why are they getting away with lying to the world with the way they did and if they told us the truth, we all could have had all hands on deck to help? >> sean, if i had anything to do with it, they will not get away with it. they had the first cases in december, they did not report to the world health organization until late december, they summon whistle-blowers, one doctor who tried to blow the whistle got theirs virus, died, left behind a pregnant wife and small child, they shut down the laboratory that provides the genomic sequence and the world. they will not get away.
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>> sean: europeans are in fury of president trump's travel ban and still keeping america first. mr. president, don't stop putting america first. we need to protect our american family first period. dan bongino, geraldo more straight ahead. reaching over 5,000 cities and towns and over 200 million americans. and t-mobile is not charging extra for 5g access. because this isn't our network... it's yours.
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speak to the president is taking bold, decisive action to put america first restricting travel from europe, making it clear thr security is a top priority whether by air, land, or see. we are now learning that hundreds of chinese migrants apparently have been detained at the u.s. border since late december amid the china travel restrictions. the fact is, we need to vet -- this is for everybody, my border
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position is simple -- everybody needs to be vetted. i don't care where you come from, we have to make sure if you are coming into this country that you have good intentions for the american people. we also have to make sure that you are able to take care of yourself, you can't be a financial burden on the american people and for the health and safety of americans, you need to check your health as well. and then, welcome to our family. glad to have you. fox news correspondent geraldo rivera along with fox news contributor dan bongino. you know me, i mean every word of that. if you want to come here, you have to take care of yourself financially, we have to make sure you were not associated with crazy people or a terrorist, you don't bring bad intentions wherever you come from, we need to check your health. you and i battled on immigration, you see in a different light now? >> well, you are up first. the european travel ban, i think all the travel bands i have no problem with it.
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i think the speech was very clumsy, my niece craig our producer's daughter is a student abroad, olivia and spain, they all panicked, they all thought americans were also banned. >> sean: hold on. in three weeks, the guy put a ban in place, got the kicked out of him for doing it, and the single best decision to keep americans safe period. you want to talk about people's feelings? i don't care about their feelings. i want americans safe. >> there is a lot of american children who are at the airport in barcelona and have been for fear that they are going to be excluded from coming home to their own country. and they are holders of green cards. >> sean: three weeks, focus on that.
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no president in history had the guts and made the right call that protected more americans. >> we are on the same side, it is about messaging. that speech was written by stephen miller, he imposed the muslim ban. you do these things and you do them right. you do them the american way. speak to dan, bail me out. >> you realize you are repeating chinese propaganda here, i hope you understand. >> what are you talking about? you are repeating chinese propaganda. >> sean: hold on. talk to the facts. >> you're lucky you're not in front of me. >> i strongly suggest you rethink that approach. you are repeating chinese propaganda on this channel, and you know it.
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stephen miller is outrageous. can you make an intellectual argument about anything? can you make an intellectual argument? you are upset because you are getting called out right now, that's why. control yourself and pipe down. the wuhan virus is a virus from trying out that it's a virus. blaming it, we agreed. wuhan virus is a great idea, calling at the speed 25 virus is accurate. >> why are you taking stephen miller's side then? >> the president does not clarify that americans are exempt from the travel ban. it took two hours to clarify. >> sean: did the president -- >> protected untold thousands of americans, right? with huge political courage. let's give him credit.
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i felt completely helpless. my entire career and business were in jeopardy. i called reputation defender. vo: take control of your online reputation. get your free reputation report card at find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. woman: they were able to restore my good name.
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>> this just in, this just breaking. the ap is now reporting canadian prime minister justin trudeau's wife sophie has tested positive for coronavirus. first of all, thoughts and prayers to them and to everybody who has this virus or any illness. we will continue to provide updates as they become available. also breaking late tonight, shocking report wall street journalist kimberley strassel is reporting and fcc officials calling out adam schiff for using his authority in obtaining the phone call records of political rivals including devin nunes and rudy giuliani. the fcc commissioner saying in a letter obtained, he obtained the
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call records without giving his targets a chance to fight in court. we will have more details tomorrow. we will always seek the truth, we will tell you the truth without fear. all the facts. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham takes it from here. at laura. >> laura: i have to ask rudy about that. there is other news, obviously the coronavirus and markets are the biggest news. that is our daily life now. but there is other news, the business of america at some point has to continue. thank you for that, i am going to ask rudy when we have them wanted a few a few minutes. >> sean: laura, this country is the land of the free end the home of the brave. those are not just words. >> laura: we have to remember that these days. we have big challenges ahead of us, but we are a country that it's always prevailing and we will again. as people are rushing to stores to buy dog biscuits and food, they are panicking. it is going to be okay. food production is not going to cease in the
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