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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 13, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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was technical. charles? >> charles: chad, thank you very much. i think the steaks just got a lot hire after the response to the president's remarks here. folks that's going to do it for us. we ended on a great note. the markets recovered some. have a great weekend. "the five" starts now. ♪ ♪ >> >> juan: hello i'm juan williams along with dr. nicole saphier, shannon bream jessry watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> juan: president trump declaring a national emergency over the coronavirus. there are now more than 1600 cases and 41 deaths in the united states. here's the president. >> to unleash the full power of the federal government this effort today i am officially declaring a national emergency. as a result of that action today we are announcing a new partnership with private sector to vastly increase and
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accelerate our capacity to test for the coronavirus. we want to make sure that those who need a test can get a test very safely, quickly and conveniently. the next 8 weeks are critical. we can learn and we will turn a corner on this virus. some of the doctors say it will wash through. it will flow through. interesting terms. and very accurate. i have think you are going to find, in a number of weeks it's going to be a very accurate term. >> juan: the president's declaration of a national emergency. a lot of pressure coming from lots of directions but did he it. jesse, what do you make of it. >> jesse: not so much what he says. it's what he does. and when you unleash $50 billion that's going to do a lot. the markets loved it. you know, everybody was criticizing him when he spoke on wednesday, and the markets went down. and now he speaks and the markets go up. so it's really about action more
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than anything. he has unleashed the private sector. a lot of people were expecting that when you bring in roche and google and ramp up testing and even drive-thru testing which we have seen in south korea and people are very excited about that so, if you really unlock the resources with the hospitals and the medical industry, people are going to be feeling a lot more confident. now, nancy pelosi needs to get her act together. i don't know what she is waiting for. they need to come together and get the tax cut with the payroll deal done. along with worker relief and paid leave. that should happen now. i don't know what's taking them that long and on monday the markets will respond to that very strongly. the president said he's going to get tested. that was big news item right there. and i think we will await his results because allegedly he has been in contact with people that have tested positive. standing next to them. taking pictures with them. and if he tests negative a man of his age it kind of gives you an indication about the contagion aspect.
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>> juan: okay. hold on because we have some tape of that. >> jesse: okay. >> are you being selfish by not getting tested and -- >> -- i didn't say i wasn't going to be tested. >> are you going to be. >> most likely, yeah. not for that reason but because i think i will do it anyway. >> will you let us know the results. >> we are working on that. we are working out a schedule. >> juan: what do you say, shannon? >> shannon: i don't think he will want to get a test oh the president can get a test and no one else can get a test. you know some people will get a talking test oh i had a test 8 days ago. bret baier pointed out earlier it could be a test that rolls out when the whole testing kit. look i will be one of the ones to take it everyone will get the test. maybe a tie-in there. one of the things that made me really sad was this thing about nursing homes and can't go visit. old people are my tribe and i love it. i like to hang out in nursing homes. people need to be cheered up. >> jesse: you love to hang out. >> shannon: we would go every sunday after church and my mom
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would take her ukelele and i would stand on the table and sing songs. >> greg: why would you torture those people. >> they were hard of hearing but i think my singing was okay. adopt a nursing home. kids have school kids have free time flood the nursing homes. >> greg: don't go. >> shannon: no. >> nicole: don't go. >> shannon: can you send letters and cards because people are going to be so lonely they need human contact. i say we adopt nursing homes. >> juan: i'm struck by what shannon is talking about because one of the constant points of criticism is the shortage of testing. and, of course, the president is now saying he is -- they are making an effort. i think he even have the guy from walmart there use the parking lots for drive-thru testing? >> greg: right. >> juan: what do you make? >> greg: when we think about 9/11, a lot of things that took place ended up being permanent. a lot of people are still taking off their shoes. some things you want to be permanent. for example, if there are innovations in testing and
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telemedicine? i want those things to be permanent. i want to use a situation to create things where can you drive-thru and get a test for anything. i am really pleasantly surprised how the media cares about his health, you know. first they wanted him out because he is insane. now they want him to remain alive. i also like the fact that he fielded questions unlike bernie and biden. but it's good. what you are seeing is very similar to what happened in world war ii. companies join together to fight and it demonstrates a lot of stuff is going on that is really. and one of the good signs about this is the number one complaint that i noticed in the media on twitter lack of diversity. so that's your complaint, things are pretty good if you are mad that they were all the wrong color. >> jesse: what about ambassador burks. she is a female. >> greg: but she is white, jesse. come on. >> jesse: big controversy. >> greg: forget about their impressive skills, you know. >> juan: boy, you guys are you have some preoccupation. you should check out the surgeon general some time. is he a man of color. >> greg: i'm talking about the
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people on twitter, not me. >> juan: dr. saphier, the whole idea that the problem could continue was expressed by dr. fauci today. he said this could be not a matter of weeks but a matter of months. and i was struck by. this he said eight weeks looks like what is reali has said several different things, four to five weeks until things start calming down we may hit equilibrium i do think that is realistic it. could be shorter than that probably not. it could be longer than that the point is we are taking the effective measures to do what we can to control the spread and get things under control. this was a very important presser today went on much longer than i expected. they took a lot of questions which was the right thing to do. transparency is going to help. we saw the stock market respond right away. and i am not necessarily i know it's because $50 billion has now been levied but also what happened? he brought all of the private sector which is exactly where we should have been to be honest earlier. and i'm a little disappointed in them at this point and i'm going
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to continue to tell them that they should have stepped up. i depend on them. i promote capitalism every day because i expect more from them. i'm glad they are here now. i think this is why the stock market responded and i'm absolutely optimistic that we are going to start seeing more tests and start getting this under control. >> greg: your point, too actually good news, doesn't sound like it when you say it's lasting longer because you are spreading out the burden. this is a case where you don't want to rip the band-aid off because you aren't prepared for what's underneath that band-aid if you are in the hospital. when they say it's going to be optimistically if it's three months long that means they have pushed that-oil refinery what did they call it flatten the curve. >> nicole: it does seem like we are elon gating the process. flu tends to burden our hospitals. elongate this so we can get out of flu season a little bit and care for all patients. we don't want to be burdened and make makeshift hospitals out of
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motel rooms. >> greg: ration care. >> nicole: like we are seeing in italy with lack of respirators. >> juan: midtown manhattan, my favorite restaurant says they are closing for two weeks. you go into some of the retail stores. and the store owners look like they are -- get get juan, they were lying to you. i was just there. they -- >> jesse: you have to have a reservation. i will take care of it for you. it's like you get up here, there is no traffic. a lot of places are empty. that's fine. that will last for a very short period of time. i want to talk to you about the cdc. i didn't know. this a lot of the cdc criticism i believe was justified because they weren't ratcheting up these test kits, apparently fast enough. dr. fauci explained that the cdc was not designed for a nationwide testing operation. it was never designed like that. those systems were not in place any any administration. the fact they were able to do this with the private seq. tore thasectorspeaks how resilient is
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been. >> juan: concern is they didn't anticipate and make the preparations and i think everybody agrees. there was a problem with the testing. >> jesse: you can't do it overnight and hopefully they have it together now. >> juan: the president said previously national emergency unnecessary. today, he changed his mind. >> jesse: flexible leadership. >> juan: way to go, jesse. hang in there, buddy. straight ahead, more from president trump after his deck coloration of a national emergency over the coronavirus. how he is responding to criticism from the democrats. that's next right here on "the five. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable.
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>> jesse: president trump declaring a national emergency over the coronavirus pandemic. the president responding to democrats who have been attacking him. >> we don't think the democrats are giving enough. we are negotiating. we thought we had something, but all of a sudden they didn't agree to certain things that they agreed to. so, we could have something but we don't think they are giving enough. they are not doing what's right for the country. >> jesse: meanwhile china now blaming america for the spread of the coronavirus across the world. chinese official taking to twitter to push a bogus conspiracy theory claiming that the u.s. army brought the virus to china. here's the president sounding off on that. >> i did read one article, but i don't think that article was representative, certainly not in my conversations with president xi. and they know where it came from. we all know where it came from. >> jesse: and it looks like the state department just summoned the ambassador to china and gave him a little tongue lashing about some of these things that's come out of the country's foreign ministry about america
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starting the virus in wuhan. >> shannon: we all think that's cuckoo town i think we agree. what upsets me about china threats we control all kinds of supply chain. you want to have bipartisan action over anything, do it over, this the fact that we have so much outsource to china in pharmaceuticals and agents we need for testing and all kinds of things. the fact that they are now openly threatening us like we can shut this down and you would be in the stew of the wuhan virus as they are calling it. i think china has got to settle. >> jesse: looks like 990% of the ingredients in pharmaceuticals come from china and now they are threatening to slap export controls during the height of this thing, greg, not good. >> greg: also, you can't forget that the illegal drug that is killing most people in the opioid epidemic is fentanyl. people are mistaking it -- they think it's the prescription drugs it's the fentanyl street xanax and street heroin. fentanyl makes it powerful and
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cut it with that stuff and then you people die. but who was the head of the curve on all of this? it was trump. trump was -- i mean, i remember we were giggling or maybe it was just me when he was talking about china all the time. when he was running for president. and i -- he pretty much called this. >> jesse: he did predict a lot of this. now i think marco rubio had some thoughts about maybe not being so reliant on china. let's listen to that. >> we are dangerously reliant particularly on china for the production of critical goods. that includes goods that i have already outlined that are needed to fight the coronavirus. and i think we rely on far more goods than we know. the absence of having these domestic businesses that can ramp up production to meet demands for these critical goods limits our ability to mitigate the worst effects of this virus. the result is that the virus could end up being more damaging than it needed to be. >> jesse: juan, don't you think democrats and republicans can get together on made in america? >> juan: yeah, i think senator
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rubio is exactly right. we are overly dependent on the chinese in this regard. and it is startling to me that we haven't dealt with it before. in fact, we are complicit because obviously a lot of businesses find it cheaper. >> greg: we like their stuff. >> juan: cheaper to make it there and bring it back rather than rely on americans. i would prefer to rely on americans. at the same time, if you are in to pure capitalism and you want to seat stock market go up, that's how it works. but, my concern here is i don't think there is any question it originated in wuhan, china. i mean, i have -- i don't understand what the conspiracy theory is about. but, on the other hand, i don't think that because it originated there is any reason then to think the worse of chinese people or even the chinese government which i think lies occasionally. but, the problem is that we live in a global world. just as suggested by the economic facts of reality. and we have to deal with the reality on the ground here in the united states right now. it doesn't help us in terms of the international alliances that are possible to start cutting
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off people. we angered the europeans earlier this week. angered the chinese. at what point do you say hey, look, calm down. let's as a world community deal with this issue. >> jesse: one of the reasons they are angry because we slapped a travel ban on them. i would rather them be angry than us dead. >> juan: they are our allies. >> jesse: trump informed them but maybe not soon enough for them to get their act together. dr. nicole saphier, how do you see this chinese situation right now? >> nicole: i think this is extremely concerning. i will talked about this a while ago about our dependency on pharmaceutical supplies not just from china but from everywhere in the world from india and a lot of these regions in germany now. again, i want to stay away from bad china, even though they are acting a little bad right now. it's a bigger problem than that if we want to bring manufacturing to the united states that's a great thing. i love the idea the majority of the research is done here. we put in the hard work so why not benefit from it? in the era when we have rising
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drug prices are we really going to take manufacturing from somewhere where it costs significantly less to actually manufacture and bring it here? and the answer should be yes. but i would like to know how to do it. and i'm a doctor. i don't know how to do it. i just want to make that all of my patients are able to get their medications. right now i'm concerned as i see this tit-for-tat between the chinese government and us now that these patients are not going to be able to get it. that is absolutely concerning. >> juan: maybe you you could get greg to give you some advice because the illegal drugmakers on american streets. >> greg: they know what they are doing. we have to decouple, i think that's the word, correct? i'm not sure what it means. >> nicole: conscious uncoupling. >> greg: break it off. >> jesse: gwyneth paltrow. >> greg: do it in a public restaurant so china doesn't throw a fit. >> nicole: throw the ring back? >> greg: in different directions. >> jesse: we will have more on the coronavirus later. but, next, sleepy joe biden's
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♪ baby i'm worth it. >> nicole: joe biden's campaign has been riding high after key super tuesday victories. he could soon face a major problem that plagued hillary clinton. clinton a never biden movement is growing. in michigan state critical to democrats able to regain two of five sanders backers said they would vote democratic in november regardless of who became the nominee. and making matters worse, congressman alexandria ocasio-cortez is now blaming voter suppression for the reason why sanders lost so big in michigan. take a listen. >> i think one thing that we -- that isn't being talked about is the rampant voter suppression in this country. right there in ann arbor where we had that rally, those kids
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were waiting three hours in line to vote in michigan. and so, when we talk about who is turning out and who is not turning out. >> bret: just to be clear you are saying that you think voters didn't get to vote who wanted to vote in michigan? >> absolutely. >> nicole: greg, you know these younger generations don't have the patience for anything anymore. what do you think? >> greg: oh my god. i can't believe it. she is wrong. it's not voter suppression. it's voter depression. because when you look at what the democrats have to offer, you want to throw yourself off a bridge. it's got to be hard if you are a democrat like juan look at this field four years to prepare and you have the two old white guys. the two oldest whitest guys from the municipalities up ther muppy accuses us' being intolerant and lacking diversity. when they have the choice they pick the two oldest whitest guys. >> nicole: thank you. juan, moving on. >> juan: are you okay? are you all right?
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>> greg: i'm confused. i feel bad for the bernie supporters in a way and i think they should vote for trump. >> juan: that's it? another old -- oh, i wasn't. >> greg: only 73. >> juan: here's the thing about what she just said. alexandria ocasio-cortez is a little off. so she is saying even if these young people are waiting in line, she assumed they were all going to vote for one guy, bernie sanders? i think the voting showed that a lot of them might have been voting for joe biden. this is not voter suppression. this is something quite different. you can say the lines are too long but that's not what's going on. i think -- but i will say this with regard to the larger point. in michigan, you get 80% of sanders' voters saying we would be dissatisfied with biden. but, the reality is the number one priority across the nation, dr. saphier for all democrats is beating donald trump. so, when you come down to that moment, i think it's getting to
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be pretty clear. i think a lot of people who may be temporarily, you know, boy i wish it was bernie sanders are going to say well, you know what? by november, i'm remembering what this is about. >> jesse: my math is not perfect but i think it's actually 60% of bernie backers say they wouldn't vote for joe biden. that's the problem. this is going to be base vs. base. >> nicole: i thought it was 80%. >> jesse: two for five you extrapolate. >> juan: that's the 40%. >> jesse: two of five. >> nicole: no, no, no. those are two different polls. 40 percent said they would vote democrat no matter. what that's 2 in 5. but 80% -- which is different question now. 80% of those voters, four of five not of the same five just different five are saying they are dissatisfied with biden. >> jesse: either way the point is a significant chunk of sanders' supporters say they are not satisfied with sleepy. >> nicole: they don't like him. >> jesse: that means trump goes into the election with a much
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stronger base because biden not only does he not get the bernie win he can't electrify democrats on november to come out to knock on doors to raise money and to wait three hours in the polls. that's a problem. the other thing is biden can't undiplomatically put away bernie on sunday during the debate. he needs bernie later. so if he like loses his cool like he did with that voter in michigan, that's going to really rub a lot of bernie bros the long way. if biden wants to put him down he has to put him down gently. >> nicole: that is interesting. >> jesse: it is interesting, isn't it. >> nicole: like everything jesse says. it is, jesse, you have such inflection you can say anything at this point and i would be like oh, yeah. [laughter] shannon, moving on, my question for you is talking about primaries, they are very different than the general election. although we see biden having some victories although there is a never-biden #happening how do
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you think he will fare against trump? >> shannon: once you have the head-to-head matchup you will see on sunday between bernie and biden. the way the pacs are spending trump campaign will spend the ads they will run and plus it's going to be like the bloomberg phenomenon in some ways where he is untested before he gets to the debate stage, everybody loves him, thinks he is going to be the savior of the whole primary and gets there and fizzles and doesn't work you just don't know. when biden and trump get on the stage you will see who rises, what happens. when they are head-to-head it's much different. the polls is much different and ads are different if all changes when you are out of the primary and finally one-on-one. i will say about the bernie bros when i was on the dnc on the floor covering it they were so angry at the dnc and hillary clinton they came to find me they saw the fox microphone and said we are going to vote for trump. so whether they stay home. maybe they don't go that far if they are unmotivated and stay home that impacts the vote, too. >> juan: one thing that we have learned and you would know a lot about this given what d do with
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voter analysis for fox news is that biden is building a different kind of coalition and he is bringing out people beyond the young voters, and they don't always vote. but what biden is doing is not only black voters, not only some of the union folks, but you also get now some of the suburban white moderates, especially the women who are turning out in bigger numbers. we saw this in the suburbs in michigan. suburbs of detroit. they had record numbers of turnout. >> shannon: also interesting to see that a president unopposed getting record numbers of people show up and vote in primaries where he is not facing anyone. >> nicole: louisiana just postponed their primary. is this going to be a triple effect? will we even have primaries and talk about voter suppression, will they even be able to vote in a primary? >> juan: you mean because of coronavirus? >> nicole: because of coronavirus. i'm curious to see how this is going to play out. >> jesse: greg it h. to cancel his show and send everybody home. >> nicole: postpone not cancel. graduate gut triple effect with biden. >> juan: you think they might
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cancel a november election if trump is down? >> nicole: this will not interfere with our election. speaking of coronavirus, president trump just declaring a national emergency to fight the covid-19 pandemic. what every american needs to know coming up next. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can plummet you to extreme lows. (crying) lift you to intense highs.
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illinois announcing it is closing all schools starting next tuesday until march 30th. kentucky declaring a state of emergency and also shutting down schools for at least two weeks. and the governor of south carolina declaring a state of emergency as well. you can see and feel there is fear and anxiety out there running over the spread of the virus. so, calm down we have dr. nicole saphier here and also let's welcome dr. marc siegel to answer some questions. great to have you both. >> great to be here. >> shannon: dr. siegel this idea that people will have more widespread testing and people are concerned. we are told if you think there is a possibility have you that. call your doctor first don't just show up in the er. how should this work if you suspect and are worried and want to get tested. >> that's key if you show up in the er you problem for the er. if they think have you coronavirus put new unit with other people and you could actually be spreading it. as nicole has pointed out, how about the healthcare workers that are then exposed to it. so, that's a major problem. i think the bigger problem
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though is i want to get these phone calls and i have been told by my medical center not to see patients in my office with these symptoms but i still can't get the test. and suddenly occurred to me one of the reasons i can't get the test is that people don't want to do them. a lab tech isn't going to want to put that specimen deep into someone's nostril because that can expose them to coronavirus. we have to coordinate this so the tests are out there, so the labs are doing them. and that they -- we actually get the results so we can rule out coronavirus in a lot of people and the ones that have it we can separate. we have no idea what the numbers really are. >> shannon: how is the drive-thru thing going to work? south korea or in japan, you know, they are talking about rolling it out here too. >> >> nicole: in this situation the right thing to do drive-thru so you can get tested. we want to be able to test a lot of people. that's the whole point f we know who is infected then we cannot only quarantine them but quickly figure out who their contacts are and separate them as well. that's how we will contain this
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community spread of this disease. however, i want to be sure that i say this is not the future of america testing because the truth is i don't want people to think that your flu test or your strep test, this is how it should be done because this is not good healthcare. this is in a crisis situation for a pandemic we want to mass test patients that's the only reason we are considering doing this right now because we don't know a ton about the virus but what we do know highly contagious and people are spreading it even with mild symptoms. we want to keep people as secluded as possible. just by swabbing them in the comfort of their own car, you are now not letting them infect anybody else and the only person coming in contact with them is the person swabbing them and they are wearing full hazmat suits. >> mark: perfect worked in south korea as she said working in south korea. >> greg: three questions why are important people getting tested fast, athletes, actresses and actors and politicians and everybody else is having hard time. different rules for people with money and influence?
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>> juan: in america? >> greg: i know. surprise. number two we hear about the ventilator shortage. is private industry going to be stepping up and making different or cheaper ventilators? and, number three, cuomo today was talking about how people largely having pneumonia so, can you just treat this thing like it's pneumonia? those are my three questions? can you start with whichever one you want. >> nicole: i will talk on the pneumonia question. so cuomo referred to this as pneumonia. the truth is the coronavirus tends to be just upper respiratory infection kind of up here like the common cold. what's happening with some people, those who get severe illness is going from upper respiratory to lower respiratory and what happens it affects the lungs. viral pneumonia. then what we are seeing on imaging and ct scans very specific pattern for something we call ards not just necessarily infection in your lungs but you actually have fluid seeping out of the vessels in your lungs overreaction of
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the body's immune response that's attacking the lungs. so, yes, there is a viral pneumonia component to this. but this is not the same as what you see like a bacterial -- secondary bacterial numerou newr you get with the flu. >> pneumonia shot is not going to help you. >> jesse: is this like a white house briefing you get three questions a follow-up and a follow-up. >> greg: how does a nba player get a test but i can't? huh? is it because i'm short? >> nicole: dr. siegel to you. >> sean: only tall people can get tests. >> i have been trying to get rich celebrity patients this test and i cannot. the only way you can get this test is through the state and city health department. they have to prove they have symptoms. it's a monster. >> nicole: and that is a big issue that i'm not even going to try to tackle here. i know at my hospital we have a lot of immunocompromised patients and i know we have tests for them but they are a very vulnerable population. that's all i can say. i can't attest to people getting
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it outside of that ventilators. >> six hour test. cleveland clinic is getting 8 hour test. nyu starting testing on monday. americans and is a lone kettering has been doing it for a while now. >> juan: i have a question. >> nicole: that's a big question a lot of people are concerned about this. actually what's going on in italy right now they don't have enough ventilators for the people. it's important to point out in the lombardi region which seems to be the center there, i believe from what i have heard they have a large elderly population and we know this effects elderly more. the people who are presenting with severe disease, 10% of them are having to be ventilated that does not seem likes the general rent labor relation rate it's just in that specific area. we are not seeing that number elsewhere. however, what they're experiencing is they don't have enough. and they are actually having to decide who gets the ventilator and who doesn't. the united states we have more. we have more doctors and hospital beds and ventilators per person than a lot of places in europe do. but we still don't have enough. especially as we have seen
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hospitals close with all the consolidations in the last decade as well as we're having physician shortages too because of burn-out. >> we have 200,000 ventilatorrers as nicole is saying what is going to happen a lot of them are spoken for already. >> greg: i have to make my own. >> nicole: they are actually ordering more and manufacturing more. >> juan: worry about the hospitals being overburdened in genic nic yes, we do. >> juan: questions in terms of staff. hear from the president a lot like the flu but then i hear from dr. fauci and he says 10 times worse than the flu. so we have two doctors here. >> let me weigh in on this carefully. because i never disagree with dr. fauci and he is a mentor of mine. but on this ways i want to say there is a lot of mild mild cases out there that are not goinged. diagnosed. we don't have the test kits. as it introduced to humans gets milder more deadly in the beginning and a lot of a
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symptomatic cases in south korea the death rate is .7%. the flu is .1%. that's what he meant more than the flu but way less than we are being told. >> nicole: the south korea death rate is likely going to be more accurate because they tested the most amount of people so that seems whereas in china there was a lot of the amount of the population not tested. their numbers is likely overestimated. >> shannon: jesse? >> jesse: i have three quick questions. >> no. >> jesse: when you wash your hands. >> you are not that short. >> jesse: when you wash your hands, does it have to be warm water? can it be cold water? the faucets at fox are all cold. >> juan: that's true. >> jesse: you can't adjust it. we are all on the same floor. >> greg: what's the point of washing your hands when you have to use your hands on door handles? >> nicole: paper towels. >> jesse: moisturizing cream.
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dagen mcdowell has similar complaints about the cold faucets. did i research this at her request. >> jesse: in an uber, would you advise cracking the window a little bit? >> for sure especially in an uber. who knows who has been there before? >> greg: by the way the water in the urinal is cold, too. [laughter] >> shannon: okay, thanks, everybody. dr. siegel, thanks very much. fan mail friday up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> greg: classic fan mail friday to answer your questions because we care. when you were growing up it was an interesting question when you were growing up what was your favorite musician/band, shannon? >> shannon: this will tell you a lot about me. we watched the lawrence welk show. >> greg: oh my god that's what my grandmother used to wash and he hawaii. >> shannon: don't make me sing the hey hawaii song because i know every word. >> greg: you have to do it. >> shannon: we're not one to go around spreading rumors.
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i know that song. >> juan: have her bring her ukelele. >> shannon: next stop. >> nicole: bonnie raitt, jackson brown, carley same months, i was raised by hippies. >> greg: juan? juan juan hellly belafonte, gnat king coal. i don't even remember the names of all those lat ten musicians. >> juan: next time shannon is available. >> greg: what do your parents listen to they are hippies? >> jesse: protest rock. vcr and all that stuff. deputy gut my mom was a tom jones fanatic. she actually worked as an usher at the circle star theater in belmont so she could get a free ticket so sad when i think about it in herr 30's. watch tom jones. >> nicole: i love it.
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>> greg: women would throw their underwear at them. the underwear back then was really weird. [laughter] all right. from mike. [laughter] [laughter] >> greg: i'm not going to. what is the most fun you have ever had on tv, jesse? >> jesse: we had to edit out a lot of waters world. i have a lot of fun on the show mostly during the feedy frenzies or when you say something crazy or when dana can't stop laughing, that's good stuff. >> greg: what about you, juan? >> juan: stkwresy and i had fun the other day before we went to the super bowl. >> jesse: the night before the super bowl. >> juan: no. i'm talking about. >> greg: if he doesn't remember it was great. >> juan: nfl combine running around throwing the football. >> jesse: juan has speed. >> juan: you are right. that wasn't on tv. [laughter] that was a good night. >> greg: shannon? >> shannon: we have this thing on friday nights called night
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court crazy court cases we had one a couple weeks ago a guy who had challenged his ex-wife's attorney to a duel under a super ancient law that was still on the books and trying to get through the story and could not stop laughing. we had video not related to the story with a woman with a samurai sword. >> greg: stock photos. >> shannon: i couldn't get through it. >> greg: stock photos. what's the most fun had you on tv i know you spend most of the time on hospital. >> nicole: just right here. fun. my day job -- i give a lot of bad news. when i'm doing this it's exhilarating and it's fun and i love the people i work with. >> jesse: fingertip washing. get the finger tips. >> nicole: people tend to focus on palms. get those finger tips. that's where you touch everything and the thumbs. >> greg: my fun is the odd guest combinations on red eye like having father jonathan and oat russ from guar on the same show
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and ann coulter with king buzo from the melvins. we would have the strangest combinations like being at that "star wars" bar but slightly weirder and smellier. one more thing is up next. ♪ i've been waiting ♪ for a girl like you ♪ to come into my life try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. verizon 5g ultra wideband is so much faster than even my home internet. (vo) verizon 5g ultra wideband now powers the new samsung galaxy s20 ultra 5g. buy one of our newest galaxy 5g phones and get an s20+ on us. this is 5g built right from the network more people rely on. ♪[ siren ] & doug give me your hand! i can save you...
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. >> juan: it's time for one more thing on this fun friday. i'm going to go first and ask you a fun question. who is your favorite super hero. a new poll being done to celebrate california's adventure park avenger's exhibit asked people to rate their favorite super heroes and villains. 2,000 people here are the results. number five iron man. number four captain america. number three batman. number two, spiderman, my favorite. and number one, not jesse, superman. by the way, the joker and cat woman topped the list of
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villains and, ladies, good news, wonder woman came in number six among top super heroes. greg? >> greg: what a shocking lack of diversity. >> juan: oh, no, no. in fact, i didn't say it but black panther is number nine. >> greg: no asians? >> juan: i don't know. >> greg: greg gutfeld show we are going to be on tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. dagen mcdowell kat timpf mike baker, rob long. great show we take it all apart. now it's time for this. >> animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great. >> greg: this is very, very short tame. it's really cute when you see a groundhog forget something, remember something he forgot. [laughter] it's like he just remembered where he put the car keys. [laughter] that's me every morning when i close the door and i realize that i'm not wearing pants. that's it for me.
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>> jesse: all right, jesse. i had something where he was going because he walked into a oil well. a boy was dangled into the oil well to save him. look at this kid reach down -- i don't think this is the right way to rescue the dog. but by his pants and rescued the dog. what a hero. >> nicole: do not dry this at home. >> what a his or her. peeking of heroes waters world. 8:00. we have speaks out for the first first time and tells us their experience. we have a live pd expose. don't miss that. >> juan: your favorite show. >> jesse: besides "the five." >> juan: shannon all calf tpep nateed at 5:00 p.m. >> shannon: caffeine free, high on life. four letters, different thing. dogs are man's best friend but just how early does this bond start? check this out.
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[howling] >> shannon: super cute. 16 month old alex say his parents started babbling nonstop their boxer bentley starts talking back to him. they have these little conversations before this the dog didn't howell, before he started making sounds and mimic each other they have their own language and they talk to each other all the time. >> nicole: i'm sure that does not drive the mother crazy whatsoever. guys, if you have ever been to chick-fil-a you know how important the sauces are and the thing with the sauces. dreams coming true that chick-fil-a is now putting together a test pilot in florida where shoppers will be able to rack up on 16-ounce postals of the signature chick-fil-a and polynesian sauces. we have some here. i would love to demonstrate dipping some waffle fries but i don't have any waffle fries. here they are. april in florida. may not be able to get toilet
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paper but definitely get chick-fil-a sauces each bottle cost $3.50 and all proceeds go to their -- >> juan: that's it for us tonight. have a great weekend, everybody. we will see you back here on monday. ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, president trump has declared a national emergency because of the coronavirus. making the announcement in the rose garden about two and a half hours ago, the decision represents a major escalation in the effort to stop or slow the pandemic, which has so far claimed at least 41 lives in the u.s.s. and infected more than 1600 people here. a major emphasis today was on expanded testing, including drive-thru test in retailer parking lots. a huge roll-out of ceos on display. a public-private partnership together trying to tackle this problem. wall street staged a huge recovery. its bigg


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