tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News March 13, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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we look for the truth and fact without fear. laura is on a spring break mommy daughter ski vacation, let not your heart be troubled. special edition of "the ingraham angle." >> 10:00 you're on the east coast, good evening everyone. the end of a long and confounding week and america, i am bill hemmer in new york. the coronavirus continues to spread in the u.s., more than 1700 cases. at least 48 deaths reported thus far, and tonight we will hear from some of the doctors on the front line for what you can do to keep yourself and your loved ones from getting sick. it will also hear from a woman, she had the coronavirus and has recovered. she will tell us about her recovery. first though tonight, we begin with president trump declaring a national state of her emergency over the virus today that moved freeing up $50 billion in disaster funds to help fight the outbreak. this comes as a u.s. national guard gets ready to deploy 1,000 troops across six states to assist in containment
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efforts. our coverage begins at the white house tonight, fox news kevin four is with me with more on this from washington. let's begin with the news and headlines of the day. >> always good to be with you, bill. by declaring a national emergency president trump opened the door for significant more government aid to combat this virus that has infected more than 138,000 people worldwide and left dozens of americans dead. >> to unleash the full power of the federal government, i am officially declaring a national emergency. two very big words. >> the president to speaking today in the rose garden, he highlighted the administration's multipronged approach to combating the spread of the virus including containment and mitigation measures. he also expanded tested options for millions of americans who might just need them. >> we will remove remove or eliminate every obstacle
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necessary to deliver our peoplee care they need and are entitled to. no resource will be spared. >> very interesting comments by the presidents today, anthony fauci said today that things will likely get worse before they get better. but, it is important to point out he also added he believes the u.s. is now significantly better positioned to bend the infection curve. >> that curve that i referred to that goes up, we don't want to have that curve. we want to suppress it down to that small amount. >> late into friday evening, a political continues on washington as lawmakers wrangled with the white house over what would be included in the hospital that would help fund the government fight. steve nugent called on democrats to back the presidents payroll tax holiday idea, he thinks that
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will be an effort to boost the . >> the president is very interested in the payroll tax, and stimulus. we are working with congress on that, if congress wants to do the stimulus in a different format, we will consider that. >> steve mnuchin the treasury secretary and lawmakers still try to hammer out those final details. we also learned today that target, cbs, and walmart will set aside some of their parking lots in an effort to establish drive through testing centers el numbers of tests for coronavirus to lag. he heard from the president that millions more will soon be made available. >> bill: we may hear from nancy pelosi on the capital this hour. kevin, thanks. nice to see you in washington. kevin corke there. were going to take you to texas right now, governor greg abbott declaring a state of emergency is at least 29 people tested positive for that in that state. speak up we are going to make it through this.
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we have been through situations like this before, we made it through sars, we made it through ebola, we made it through h1n1. this is not a death sentence we are dealing with. >> texas lieutenant governor dan patrick, thank you for your ti time. rolling this out as we go, let's play it in real time. does that emergency declaration change or help with anything you are doing? >> absolutely, it allows us to expand all of our state resources that are available to us which are significant where needed and when needed. i break out in a particular area, we can move to that area. secondly, we are relaxing rules to expand telemedicine. we are very good at that in texas to begin with, but we want to enlarge that. we told the attorney general, prosecute anyone who is price gouging. we are restricting visitation to day care centers, to nursing homes, to hospitals, and two prisons. and we backed insurance companies to waive coboys, so
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far i think most have come along and i think all will. >> bill: do you think you are ahead of it right now, or behind it right now? 39 cases in the state of texas, how would you gauge that at the moment? >> i think we are ahead of it. governor abbott and our entire emergency team have done an excellent job of preparing us. i will tell you, it was interesting tonight earlier on fox i saw the governor from ohio talking about their modeling shows about 100,000 cases potentially. the modeling that i have but i have worked with for the people, i am looking at about 300,000 cases that are serious cases. which would be three times ohio, we are about three times the size of ohio with 30 million people. if you extrapolate that, we don't know these final numbers. 60% of over 30 million contract the virus, that is 18 million people. about 2-3% are state numbers and
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national numbers, we haven't had a critical case yet. the u.s. cases and the national cases, that is about where we are. if you look at that, bill, a state like texas we could have 300,000 critical cases over the next 12-18 months. that could work out to 1,000 today. we are prepared for that. this is why we have to flatten this curve. >> bill: they are closing schools in ohio, you are not doing that in texas. >> we are leaving that t to the districts. we believe in local control, we believe that the best people to make those decisions live there. we have 1200 school districts, 6 million kids in schools. we leave that up to the individuals, i will tell you that i think the school districts are being very responsible. most are either canceling classes, expanding spring break, some have been on, and some have
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been off. they are adjusting to that. i think we are very prepared, but people need to understand the seriousness of this and i think what the president has done and what we have done here in texas and other states have done by eliminating all of these big events, to hold on these numbers. i give you some general numbers. but we don't know what those numbers are, but will be have done on the federal level by the president and here in texas, we are reducing those numbers to flatten out that curve. we must flatten that curve. >> bill: you are right about that. i was just putting up some bullet tebulletin points. some venues temporary closing, increasing lab testing capacity, banning gatherings of 500 or
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more, encouraging telework. here's what i think is intriguing, the drive-through testing areas and sewn antonio, dallas, houston, and austin. when will they be working? >> san antonio started today, and i congratulate the mayor down there for initiating that along with the state and we are expanding them around the state. we are being very proactive, and we are prepared for this. one of the things -- >> bill: i apologize. breaking now. >> the pockets of people who may be affected by the crisis. so here we are, we did what we said we were going to do. put families first. paid sick leave, paid sick days, family and medical leave, over
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20 million children get their meals at school, they have food and security and this bill addresses that as well as food for our seniors, and others who depend on that and food banks as well. and then, other issues that relate to testing, testing, and testing. this is so important. again, between the this legislation, we should see we he legislated the executive branch execute this legislation. we are really very proud of that work. we could have passed our bill yesterday, pushed our own bill which was a great bill and is still a great bill. but we thought it would be important to show that the american people, ensure the amen people that we are willing and able to work together to get a job done for them. we think our republicans, those
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who will be supporting the bill, appreciate the president joining us with his tweet. we are very excited at the prospect. as for the input to all of that, our freshman class was very instrumental. they brought from home the suggestions about how to meet the needs of people. you are going to hear from him directly this evening. some of them are with us and all of them are a valued resource. i wish chuck schumer could be here, he started with $8.5 billion and was so much a part of ingredients in this legislation. he worked very hard on all of this. >> thank you very much. nobody worked harder than the speaker, i have been on the
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phone with the speaker a lot of times. we have encountered. but she and secretary mnuchin obviously have worked very, very hard to come to this agreement. last week, we passed legislation to deal with the immediate health challenges caused by the coronavirus. the passed legislation for research, mitigation of illness, for many things that were the direct result of the illness itself, or the virus itself. today, tonight, we are passing legislation which deals with the related economic consequence is two people. in a very real way, to their employment, to their ability to support themselves and pay their bills, care for their children, and maryland you know schools will be shut down. the governor took that action. to help distance people.
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here we are aggregated together, violating the rule i suppose. but having said that, it was appropriate that we dealt with both sides of the challenge that confronts us. very frankly, there will be a third challenge. that third challenge is for the overwhelming economic consequent is to our enterprises and our economy. we are not through, i want to join the speaker in saying that the reason we have been able to do both of these as robustly and effectively is because of the new members of the congress on the other side of the aisle. but for them we would not be in the majority, but for them we would not be able to address these issues with the competence that we could pass them. if we couldn't have passed a good bill, perhaps we wouldn't have been able to get this bill. and this bill was a good bill. not as good as we thought it could be, but legislation is give and take.
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i want to think our new members of congress. not just for being here, not just for putting us in the majority, but as you have seen time after time after time, focusing on the people. >> the president tweeting his support for this about an hour ago, we would expect a vote on this sometime in the coming hours perhaps, than a ghost of the senate perhaps on monday afternoon. stay tuned on that, we will tell you what is in the bill as well. in the meantime, as you have noticed throughout the week, everyday life is being turned upside down. school closures, business is shutting down, so many sports games and leagues being canceled. in light of all this, how do you protect yourself, what questions you have a question mark what about your own personal production and your family? we will bring into experts, janette nesheiwat and dalia walks. ladies, good evening to both of you.
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let me get to dr. wachs first, if someone is watching this tonight, maybe they don't feel good, maybe they have symptoms that they can't quite figure out. what would you say if you are not feeling sick, what sort of condition would you have? what you look for, dr.? >> a lot of the symptoms can kind of overlap with the cold, the flu. what we are looking at with coronavirus, cough, fever, and starting to have difficulty breathing, that is in the early stage we would recommend if anyone has no symptoms to call their medical provider or contact the local health apartment. more severe symptoms could be worsening breathing, confusion, delirium, things like that. usually a cough, fever, and difficulty breathing conversed. >> bill: we were sitting here today when we got the national
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emergency, there were a number of things on the medical front at the white house is trying to push out. of those items, what you think would help you in the job you are doing custom mark >> i love the fact they want to encourage telemedicine, you can have access to a doctor or health care provider, a nurse pt and safety of your home. you can ask the questions that you want, if you are unsure of what to do and can do that without being exposed to a hospital emergency room and you don't have to leave your house if you are preventing the spread to others and keeping yourself healthy. that is the big thing. also, they are going to be more lenient on doctors being able to test across state lines. for example, i am licensed in new york. i am not licensed in new jersey. as it is right now, i can't help or volunteer in new jersey or work in new jersey. it is a very big deal. being able to expand our efforts to help others across the borders is also very important.
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encouraging and emphasizing effort for home health for those who are vulnerable, those who have severe underlying medical conditions, those are who are in rural areas, have access to home health services, evil can go to them so they don't have to leave the community and be able to provide care they need. >> bill: what did you take from the announcement today? doctors are trying to deal with this every day. >> one thing that stood out was nursing homes and visiting our seniors, they are our most vulnerable population with this and when they brought up that we are going to have restrictions on that, i know a lot of people panicked and were concerned they wouldn't be able to see their loved ones. you know, it shows they have identified among the higher risk populations under doing what they can in terms of controlling the spread and those efforts. >> bill: how long do you think we will have to do with this?
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what's your best guess? speak up my best guess, i am hoping it is the summer and whether helps. i am hoping we will have a vaccine by summer, this is tricky and it is a new virus, i am cautiously optimistic that by the summer, we will get it under control. >> i hope so. but from history, it takes usually about a year or year and a half for a vaccine to be on the market. but hopefully they will have expedited fda approval for certain treatments and medications. if you want neither of you are suggesting that we will have to live in this level of anxiety that we have experienced for tht week, are you? >> we should absolutely try our best, i know it is easier said than done to remain calm and understand that you have the best doctors, nurses, paramedics in the world taking care of you. we need to make sure patients adhere to the guidelines, meaning not only just hand washing but social isolation, please don't go out to parties and public gatherin
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gatherings. that is how you spread the virus from person-to-person. it is a highly infectious, contagious virus that spreads from water droplets, coughing, sneezing that sort of thing. >> bill: you can probably tolerate it for now come up for a few days but the city is going to dto go stir crazy. we have been asking for questions from our viewers, we will get to those a bit later. thank you ladies. in a moment here too, we will hear from someone who had the coronavirus. she has recovered, her story and what she wants americans to know about her experience. coming up next. got the office birthday blues?
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>> bill>> we have been in discus with pharmacies and retailers to make drive-through test available in the critical locations identified by public health professionals. the goal is for individuals to be able to drive up and be swabbed without having to leave your car. >> bill: it that was the announcement earlier today, president trump announcing steps is that his administration is making easier for americans to get tested for the virus. that includes what you just heard paired his drive-through testing center. fox news national correspondent alex hogan to standing by in new rochelle, new york, 50 miles north of manhattan. that is the country's first
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containment zone, at the moment the only. what is it like there tonight, alex? >> as you mentioned, this is the first testing zone here in the east coast. new rochelle has the most amount of cases of new york of what we are looking at, if you are walking around the city itself you probably wouldn't notice anything different. but it's a different story behind the guarded bridge behind me. all drivers are told to keep their windows rolled up, you cannot pass this point if you don't have an appointment. pass this bridge, we are seeing white tents with people in hazmat suits. there is a mobile testing site here, the first drive-through on the east coast. patients never need to leave our car. with the doctors or accommodation, they can make a appointment, fill out information online, drive to the mobile unit for a swab, and that had home. colorado has a similar drive-through which i'll wait times as long as three hours today. the new rochelle area is the first covid-19 containment area
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in the country. lawmakers drew a 1 mile radius around the city, glen island this park has transformed into a pandemic testing site. governor andrew cuomo visiting the center take saying that this will not be a short-term issue. >> i think this could be a six, seven, 89 month affair. people should start to recognize this, this is not going to be over in 30 days. it will not be over in a couple weeks. >> major changes going into effect across the state today, with the band of gatherings of 500 people. broadway going dark, closed restaurants, worship centers, and schools closed as well. the federal government saying that as of today, states do have the right to take this into their own hands when it comes to testing. and in new york, that means that now the state will be able to conduct at least 6,000 tests everything will day throughout
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its 28 labs. >> bill: alex hogan, thank you. new rochelle, new york. we will take you to the other end of the country right now, elizabeth schneider lives in seattle, washington. this is been a hot spot. in late february, she was feeling sick after a party and had flu-like symptoms. she had a fever of 100 and prepared turns out, she contracted the virus but nearly three weeks later she says she is feeling great. elizabeth schneider with me by computer, nice to see you in seattle. what is your message for americans? >> thanks for having me. i am really excited to share my story with everyone. i think my biggest message and to take home for everyone is please don't panic. yes, this is a virus that is relatively new to the scene in terms of infections in humans, but if you are like myself and are very young and you don't have any underlying health conditions, you should have milder symptoms and you should be able to come out the other
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side. i am living proof of that. as long as you take care of yourself, stay home, do isolate yourself from others, there are people in our community that are getting very severe symptoms from this virus and they could threaten their life. i would like to tell everyone, please don't panic. and also, the other thing i want to mention, when i got sick i did not get any respiratory symptoms. and so, i think symptoms are showing up different in different people. so you may not be able to recognize or suspect that you have covid-19. >> bill: it that very interesting. how are you feeling right now, by the way? >> i am feeling great. >> bill: it you look good. you say you felt bad on februart something three days later. but you weren't confirmed with the virus until march 7th. march 7th was just a few days ago, how do we understand that timeline?
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how do we understand that you weren't feeling anything in your lungs when all the doctors are saying that is where the virus goes for? >> those are all really great questions. timeline, you mentioned februar. that was the day i attended a party with my friend. i was feeling fine on that day, then three days later on february 25th i did wake up in the morning and felt a little tired, i thought i had a really hectic weekend. i went to work, i was feeling unwell, i came home and in the evening i had a fever of 103 degrees. you are right, i did not have any coughing, i did not have any shortness of breath, tightness in my chest. i had all the typical symptoms that you would expect from a nasty flu, i had body aches, i had fatigue, i had a headache. i was really tired. i did have nausea one day. but i honestly didn't suspect it was the coronavirus, over two weeks ago before there was a break outbreak in washington
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state, i didn't think of it. the reason i got tested and got the positive result just this past weekend was because it was only really a group of my friends who also got sick from the party. they recommended i sign up for the seattle flu study, it took some time for them to receive my sample and by the time i got the call on saturday saying i was confirmed positive i was already recovered and feeling better. >> bill: you have a message tonight, washingto washington ss 457 cases. of those 457, 31 people died. i have to think you are feeling pretty lucky, but i really appreciate the message you have tonight. interesting story, elizabeth schneider, thank you. good luck to you, if things change now you come back and we will monitor that as well. >> all right, thank you so much for having me. >> bill: thank you for sharing your story, enjoy the weekend. what about americans hospitals? are there on the verge of being overrun question marks some experts are warning that from coast to coast, what is being done about it.
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>> bill: experts are warning that if left unchecked the coronavirus could inundate hospitals. >> we could still be easily overwhelmed if there is a sudden influx of hundreds of thousands of patients who need intensive care. we simply don't have the beds. we don't have the ventilators or supplies for these patients.
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>> bill: dr. roger klein, former medical director of medical oncology at cleveland clinic and many other health agencies. doctor, good to have your expertise tonight and good evening to you. >> thanks for having me. >> that last comment, we don't have the bed or ventilators. what do you say to those who say our hospital system has been maxed out or could be maxed out, doctor? >> if we were flooded with many, many patients we would worry about the sickest patients and the tools to take care of them are not easily replaced. it's within the realm of possibility although i wouldn't consider it likely. >> bill: we've heard the story throughout the week. are you saying they are alarmists? it appears it could be an issue. >> you know, again, you worry about the essential tools like ventilators. you worry about critical care beds. if, again, we were flooded with
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very sick people. if it does happen in some areas, it could be a problem. you know, i think we need to try to look at it from a silver point of view. >> bill: with a silver lining. you don't sound concerned about that. how come? >> you know, concerned, and i'm taking it seriously, but i think it's yet to unfold. i know in washington, you had somebody on from washington. their lab is inundated with samples. that number may have changed, 568 cases but they repurring staff to work in that lab and process specimens. >> bill: you gave our producers a number of interesting ideas about what you think could be an issue and one of them is if the health workers start getting sick, what sort of example that may send throughout the medical
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community. what do we need to understand about that? >> i think this is among the most critical issues. personnel issues are among the most important issues with which hospitals are dealing right now, and it's underappreciated. people who work in hospitals, care givers, they are people, too. they have children. when we close schools, for example, now, in ohio schools are closed for weeks. people don't necessarily have childcare. so what happens, they may have to stay home and take care of their kids. doctors, nurses, technicians, these are all people, so even if they don't get sick, they may have to take care of a loved one, and staffing issues could become very important. these are very skilled people and hard to replace, and if we would really get inundated with patients, we could have staffing problems from it. >> bill: doctor, how long before
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we beat this, what do you think? >> i'm optimistic. i'm an optimist. >> we're testing now. i've always been a proponent of testing. let's test. test as many people as we can. let's see who has it, who doesn't, just how severe it is. just like your example on television, ms. snyder today. and we'll get our arms around it now. president trump did the right thing, increasing flexibility with regulation. hospitals are free to more easily deal with the issues. we're going to be testing people. we're going to find out how bad it is, who has it and deal with it. >> bill: as you know we're behind the curve on that and catching up quickly. we've got some breaking news thank you for your time in cleveland, ohio. from the hill now, from washington, democrats saying the house has finally reached that deal. you heard it a moment ago. we expect a vote any minute now. how will that go?
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we have a late night tonight on capitol hill. chad, good evening to you. >> we're still waiting for the bill text. we think they will put that out sometime in the next 30 to 40 minutes, have a debate about 40 minutes after that and maybe vote some time after midnight. everybody was waiting for a tweet from the president of the united states. that was the green light that they had the deal that he would sign this. all the house republicans were willing to get on-board. house speaker nancy pelosi was just here in the space of a few minutes ago. she said it's not easy to change a word. in other words, she was going back and forth with the administration specifically steve mnuchin, the treasury secretary, they spoke 12 or 14 times, more than 20 times over the past two days to work out this deal. she said, "i don't think any of us went to sleep all week," but they finally got this in form. this is the first bill to try to spray some foam on this fire dealing with coronavirus because they realized here on capitol hill that members could not go
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away. this will pass overwhelmingly with both democratic and republican support in the house sometime tonight. it then won't go to the senate until sometime early next week. the senate is out. mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader, sent his senators home. they probably won't be able to process this until monday night at the earliest. we don't know if they will have to run some parliamentary traps. sometimes it takes a while but the president said he'll sign this and that gives those republican senators who haven't seen this, and keep in mind we don't know the cost of this bill, that's very significant, air cover, to vote yes. back to you. >> bill: thank you, bud. thanks for the long hours. we'll see what they get done on monday. in a moment here across the country, those who test positive for the virus are being put under quarantine so what does that actually mean? your questions on that. a coronavirus patient is
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>> bill: i want you to meet a friend of ours. we've been following his story for 38 days. he's car goldman. he was one of the 700 passengers on the diamond cruise ship. he's been under quarantine at the university of nebraska medical center since early february. he's back with me now. carl, good evening to you, at 38 days and counting. i know every time we talk you tell me you feel good. when was the last time you were tested, carl? >> if i could be anywhere in the world, it's here in nebraska with the good folks here in nebraska medicine. but they tested me, i was tested again yesterday, and unfortunately, i came out positive one more time. here in nebraska, they do things really high-tech. they handle results on a post-it note. my results right now.
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>> does green mean something, carl what is that? >> that one, that just means i'm positive. >> bill: how often are they testing you, carl? >> they test me every 48 hours. they stick a swab up my nose, down my note, and they come back about four or five hours later with the results because i'm right here on the premiumes is but i'm not the own one like this. there is probably about 10% or so from the diamond princess who are stuck in this hamster wheel like i am, where we feel great. i heard your discussion with elizabeth earlier today, and her symptoms are almost identical to mine, with the 103 fever, spiking very quickly, then going away and feeling fine. for me, i just had a dry cough for a wheel but that's been it and here i sit still with a positive test and we're looking
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at a bunch of us that have been here, we've been quarantined since february 4. >> bill: how many are there? >> here in omaha there is about five but from the diamond princess there is another group at both an air force base in california and locklin in texas. they are going through the same thing. >> bill: let me ask you a specific question. you mentioned elizabeth from seattle who was with us 20 minutes ago. she said she had no respiratory issues. have you? >> yes. i had a cough. i also had, the first four or five days, a little shortness of breath, particularly if i was walking around or talk walking or talking on the phone. the dry cough is all that's lingered. what's so weird, my wife, is in california. she went through both quarantines on the diamond princess and 14 days here and she never picked up the virus.
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>> bill: wow. how do you figure that one out. carl, what is your -- what's the most positive news you have tonight? do you have any sense of how much longer you will be in quarantine? >> the most positive news i have is the cdc and the doctors here are scratching their heads so much, they have decided they are going to do some testing back in atlanta, taking samples from all of us from the diamond princess which will give them a good sample group and then put those samples in a pit tree dish and actually grow a culture out of it to see if our cells that we have in our body, with the coronavirus, are dead or alive, because the tests that we're getting may be showing up simply because we have dead cells. >> bill: good luck to you, carl. you're getting pretty good at this tv gig. i hope your body responds faster than you know, because 38 days
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is too long, i know you agree with that, carl. best to you and give our best to jerry, all right? >> thank you, bill, you take care. >> bill: we'll talk to you next week, carl, from omaha, nebraska, trying to get home to california someday. in a moment our medical panel ask you the most pressing questions. stay tuned for that coming up. do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging? prevagen is the number one pharmacist-recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. moms love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. [conference phone] baloney! [conference phone] has joined the call. hey baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. a slice above.
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>> bill: we have a lot of questions, burning in your own mind, about this outbreak, what to do and how to react. we'll bring back our medical panel. ladies, good evening, again, carey on twitter writes this. how long should those who are at high-risk in self-quarantine to prevent inadvertently contacting the virus remain so? three months? six months? my 90-year-old father is one. >> maybe isolate, stay away from public places. those who could be ill. we don't have a time frame because we don't know when the outbreak will start slowing down. unfortunately we don't have a time frame but i don't want your 90-year-old father to stop living. get some fresh air, as long as he's not sick and doesn't have
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the virus or been exposed, he should still be able to go outside, walk the dog, enjoy life but i would suggest he avoid public places, huge gatherings or anybody that's sick. boo bite seems a lot of these questions are hard to answer throughout the entire week because it's so early in this. another says this, my 10-year-old granddaughter has leukemia. immune system is low. we've lived this way for a year. what do you recommend for children with cancer that have to get treatments at the hospital weekly? >> sure. first of all, i wish her a speedy recovery. we don't usually see covid-19 so far in children under the age of 10. it's practically nonexistent but in her situation, he immune system is weakened and she's being treated for cancer so we have to take extra precautions because she's more vulnerable and susceptible to viral, bacterial and fungal infections. we have to be careful. masks, gloves, hand washing, if
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she gets sick, she's going to have to delay undergoing her chemotherapy and we don't went a le lapse. >> can you get individual individual if you've already recovered from it, like chicken pox and mumps, any answer to that? >> that's a great question. we think that you may get some short term immunity if you get the covid-19 but because it hasn't been around long enough we don't know if you have long term immunity. something that might mimic the flu where the next year comes around and you need a new flu shot. others are still debating but right now we think it offers a level of short term immunity. can't say about long term. >> david writes this on twitter, is the panic normal? >> it's natural. it's a new virus, in a population where nobody has immunity. if you take common sense precautions and adhere to the
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cdc guidelines and recommendations of hand washing, avoid public areas, and social distancing, you can do your job to not only protect yourself but the community. >> bill: give me your sense of medical perspective, whether it's tomorrow or next week. what would that be? >> i'm looking forward to seeing more medications being available, more trials being conducted. we're right now using medicines, medications that are being tested but i'm looking for more medications available that we can use to treat current patients and more supplies that we have, good stock right now but continued supplies, resources for doctors, paramedics, and nurses too use on the front lines. >> bill: thank you for your input there in las vegas. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> bill: stop for a minute and think about what we've seen in the past seven days. the week that was. when we return. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield.
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>> bill: time to close the week, and what a week! if that pain in your neck is whiplash you've got company. here are the headlines. the dow fell 10% in one day only to jump 10% in the next. the fed will pump more than a trillion dollars into our system. americans were told to stay safely away from each other. hockey put on ice. talk about march madness, just one week. we'll get through it together but the way we are living is changing and it's happening very quickly for all of us. take your time. catch your breath and enjoy the weekend and we'll be here when you need us.
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full coverage all weekend long and i'll see you again on monday at 3:00 eastern. in the meantime, thanks for trusting us. good night from new york.* shannon bream is next. >> shannon: this is a fox news alert. heading to a rare late night friday vote on the house floor. also, private sector and the trump administration joining forces and rolling out new help, medical and economic. at any minute the house is set to vote on a release bill that already has the president's blessing. we're looking at expanded paid leave what about a payroll tax cut, the other proposals? we're digging into the measures to give you details. we're standing by for that vote. hello and welcome to fox news at 9:00. i'm shannon bream in new york.
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