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tv   Watters World  FOX News  March 14, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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catherine, mike baker. i'm greg g. i love you america. be well. great show. us. [♪] jesse: welcome to what the are *. i'm jesse watters. how i really feel about the coronavirus. i used to ride the subway to work. i take ubers now and crack the windows. i fist bump. my dad was going to take the family to jamaica and just canceled the trip. up taking the coronavirus seriously but up not panicking. but if you are older and have heart or lung issues you have to
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be careful. kids are not nearly at risk as much. nearly anyone who gets it eventually recovers. the first lady of canada, justin trudeau's wife, nba players and tom hanks, the actor. he's fine and released a statement, there is no crying in baseball. but things are beginning to shut down. broadway shows, the ncaa tournament, even the masters suspended. fear is taking over. some of us are overreacting. others are not doing enough. sneezing all over the place. coronavirus is going to run its course. it isn't the end of the world. therapeutics will be out next month and a vaccine next year.
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i'm not willing to wrap my mind around the worst case scenario. the stock market will bounce back. this is not a financial crisis. the banking system is strong. china is ramping up factories again. but 2020 will be slow. and i'm sorry people will get hurt. but washington can do so much. if the consumer stays at home, washington can't make the consumer leave home. models show it will peak the end of april. then people will start traveling again and economic activity will come back. the president has been very aggressive responding to the virus slapping early travel bans
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bringing together governors and industry leaders. but the cdc didn't get the test out quickly enough. there are a lot of reasons for that. it's not the president's fault. sometimes the bureaucrats don't meet the moment. we are told big-time testing capacity will happen next week. 13,000 americans died from swine flu. so far just a few dozen americans died from coronavirus. a few dozen versus 13,000 in one year. this isn't downplaying. it's just context. you know the doctors say things will get worse. but that's how it stacks up to the last big health scare. be vigilant. don't be scared. remain calm and clean.
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america is the greatest country on earth. here with reaction, arkansas congressman towel cotton. you said china will pay a price for coronavirus. what did you mean by that? >> thanks for those words. we are working in the government trying to get this crisis under control. in the long term we have to reevaluate our relationship with china. if china had been transparent with people in the world in early december. china now makes much of our basic farm suitle cal products. products -- our pharmaceutical products. that has to change and change
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fast. jesse: china threatened to withhold some pharmaceutical ingredients and said it would plunge america into a mighty sea of coronavirus. when you hear that type of talk from people in china, how does that make you feel as a u.s. senator? >> it makes me outraged that the chinese communist party threatened the lives of basic pharmaceutical products. it makes me angry at our leadership classes as we outsourced so many critical industries to china. we can look ahead and we can make a change. we can say if you are making critical products whether it's pharmaceuticals or medical device in china, it's time to pack up and get out.
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jesse: we also have something coming out from the foreign ministry of china. they are saying it might be the u.s. army that put the virus in china. they are not taking responsibility for it originating in the wuhan province. that looks like propaganda to me. but everybody in the world knows where it started from and we know the truth. we are seeing people on msnbc who said it's gross to call it the wuhan virus. i don't know what that means. his colleagues in the mainstream media in january were calling it the wuhan virus. >> the coronavirus. the wuhan krf rsh. >> more on the wuhan coronavirus. >> the wuhan coronavirus.
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jesse: do you think the mess and as gotten out from the chinese government to the american media and they are following orders from the chinese communists? >> anyone who complains it's racist or xenophobic to call this the wuhan virus or china virus is a fool. in fact as you say, the chinese communist party is trying to blame this on america. in their chinese language media they are telling their own people this did not come from wuhan. it came from outside china, probably from the united states. we put the blame where it lies object the communist leaders in beijing. jesse: senator, thank you very
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much. i appreciate it. president trump: today i'm officially declaring a national emergency. two very big words. the action i am taking will open up access up to $50 billion. very importantly, very important in a large amount of money for states and territories and localities in our shared fight against this disease. i am urginger state to set -- i'm urging every state to set up emergency centers. we are forming a partnership with the private sector to test for the krf -- for the coronavirus. we want to make sure those who need the test can get it quickly and conveniently.
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we'll turn a corner on this virus. some of the doctors say it will wash through and flow through. interesting terms. very accurate. i think you will find in a number of weeks it will be an accurate term. the spirit and wonderful our nation is unbreakable. when america is tested, america rises to the occasion with faith and heart and hope and love and determination. we'll succeed. we'll prevail. we'll be very, very successful. jesse: joining us, congressman devin nunes. it looks like we are in phase 2 of combating this thing. you will see drive-thru testing. we are looking at a lot of
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people testing next week. how do you think the president is handling this and how do you think the left is handling it. >> if you feel sick and have a fever. obviously keep the fever down, and talk to your doctor so you can get tested. a lot of people are panicking. one guy sneezed. someone has a runny knows. it's becoming springtime in many parts of the country. things are in bloom so you have a lot of allergies. first make sure somebody that's elderly with preexisting conditions of any kind, any underlying health concern, that those people are kept in isolation as best as possible. if they start to raise the temperature get them to the proper medical facility. but other than that, i think the
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main issue is for us in the united states is to remain calm. the president talked about an emergency declaration to make sure states have plenty of money to a minister the test or to treat people. jesse: the president has taken heat from the media for telling people to remain calm. joe biden alarmed everybody during the swine flu panic and the white house had him apologize. >> i wouldn't go anywhere in confined places. >> i'm telling you what he meant to say, which was -- obviously if anybody was you be duly alarmed for any reason we would apologize for that. jesse: the former vp did not
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strike the right balance, and i think the president is saying be vigilant and remain calm. >> i think that's correct. someone who did come down with h1n1. i had it for two weeks. it was a pretty bad flu. but i remember that nobody was panicking. i didn't have to self-quarantine. they told me to stay away from people and keep my temperature down. the media is putting the country into a panic for no reason. i'm not saying this isn't a serious health concern. but if you look in places like south korea that had a big outbreak. necessity had one problem air -- they had one problem area, but they are getting it under control. by and large we are keeping it under control. now with everybody staying home,
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ebb staying away from each other, it's probable we'll get through this quickly. the more people we test, the more cases will come back positive. but most people will get over this very, very quickly. jesse: thank you very much, congressman. stay safe out there. while watch for more action coming out of washington, d.c. a victim of jeffrey epstein joins us later in the show for a "watters' world" exclusive. i'll show you the craziest things happening on the streets of america. nobody likes a tight squeeze.
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[♪] jesse: joe biden is set to debate bernie sanders one-on-one sunday night. joe biden wanted a sit-down. he only spoke for seven minutes
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the other day. that's because joe can't go very long without a gaffe. >> is joe biden fit to be commander-in-chief? >> this is a disgusting smear tactic. and this kind of thing is exactly why people want joe biden to be president. this false misleading basically conspiracy theory that, you know -- ed: how is it a smear tactic to ask you about a video where the vice president in his own words struggles to complete a sentence? jesse: it wasn't long ago when members of the left-wing media were asking the same question. how sharp is he? >> there are definitely moments
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when you listen to joe biden and you just wonder. >> he knows he's having trouble finding words. the sentences are jumbled and the words are jump bold. >> is the media grading joe biden on a scale, are we afraid to say a lot of his sentences don't make sense. he's having trouble completing thoughts. jesse: it wasn't that long ago people were saying is this guy fit? the only thing that i see that changed is that he's now the nominee and he needs to be protected. is that how you see it? sara: 100%. they are focused on a way to beat trump. they haven't found anybody who
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can do that. but they are stuck with biden. he appears he's going to take over and be the democratic nominee. anybody paying attention knows he's been a terrible candidate whether on the trail or debate stage. he would make a terrible president. i don't think even the mainstream media can hide and cover that up. jesse: joe ro rogan had this toy after watching one of joe's gaffes. >> we can't play games mere. this is a really old man who can't talk. this should get you into a mental hospital. they should say, hey, joe, are you okay? >> he shouldn't be doing this. jesse: he's not a political pundit like you see on cable so he doesn't have to sugar coat
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it. but a lot of people at home think that way. do you feel bad that people feel this way about joe biden? is it elder abuse? sara: i think the opponent we need to be focused on, you are seeing the president turn his time and attention to his taking out the coronavirus. i think that's what we are going to see take place. i think there will be plenty of time for campaign fighting and rhetoric. there is no doubt there will be a lot on both sides. they can focus on the real opponent we have the president is turning his focus to. let's hope everyone can get behind him in that effort. nancy pelosi and all the democrats. it's a good time to take a breath from politics and focus
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on this virus. it's something we need to hammer down on and make sure we have plenty of campaign time left. jesse: i cannot believe you expect political unity in the united states of america. sara: one can dream, jesse. jesse: it's a nice thought. i want to play some sound. joe is out campaigning in michigan. i think ran into some guys there and is going to do a little confrontation. >> you are trying to diminish our second amendment rights and take away our guns. >> shush, shush. it's important, the second amendment.
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jesse: joe has bernie sanders sunday one-on-one. this is not a good harbinger of things to come. is there anything the vp could learn from that confrontation. sara: take a minute, count to 10, do what you need to do and come back to the table. bring the temperament a little bit more level and see if he can interact with people he needs their votes if he wants any chance of winning. i think he has forgotten that running for president is all about getting support and getting people to vote for you. a lot of that ier action, hopefully he can take a minute, count to 10 and come back with a cooler head the next time he
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has a tough exchange. jesse: who knows, it could be a winning strategy. sara, thank you very much. coming up, an exclusive interview with one of jeffrey epstein's victims. we go behind the scenes with one ♪ it's surprising how the bigger a city gets... the smaller it starts to feel. which makes it even more surprising, how big it feels in here. with sliding rear seats... and more available second row legroom than say... a chevy suburban. this is the completely reimagined 2020 ford escape.
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i'm aishah hasnie. [♪] >> what started as an armed robbery call for officer ross took a very dramatic turn. >> the gun was load. an additional ak-17. you are under arrest. >> that's not cool. you should not let somebody pee. >> i asked you what month it was. that's not a month. jesse: that's the hit tv show
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"live pd." departments are wired in he weekend and the show dials in to some of the hottest action around the country. the author of the new book "john adams under fire." i learned a few things. if you have a warrant don't run, they will catch you. if you are a felon, don't be around fire arms. if the cops ask you to get out of the car, get out of the car. >> i'll give you a couple more. drive with a license. dana. dan: not even i don't have a license. i lift at home. when someone is found with drugs
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in their pants, their response is those are not my pants. that's one of the my favorite responses. jesse: drugs are a big part of the show. i learned that if you have marijuana on you, even a small amount. if you are honest usually the police have discretion. here is an example of how it can go for you if you are straight up with the police. >> you be cool with me and i will be cool with you. did you smoke weed in this car. i kind of got a whif of it. you going to give it to me? not often do you stop somebody who is as honest as you have been. >> it's better to be honest. >> i appreciate honesty. so i'm going to cut you a class
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c ticket for possession of drug paraphernalia. jesse: some guys come out of the car like a chimney saying i don't have anything. dan: it's so help new when you are honest with police. and you see it time and again on the show. the people who cooperate and respond reflect any and understand the police officers are doing their jobs, they are the ones who are cut breaks. and cops do it with discretion. it's an important lesson to remember. it's not that's to ask when the officer approaches you and asks for certain information. answer it, and answer it honestly. if you say i don't have any drugs and they suspect you have drugs, they will call the k-out who search around the car. jesse: these officers are so
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well trained to deescalate dangerous situations. you don't appreciate it until you see it in realtime. the more people watch live tv, the greater appreciation you have of the professionalism and danger they confront. they don't know if you are and or a fugitive. they are trying to defuse the situation. dan: that's what people forget. when you call it a routine traffic stop, there is no up thing. the officers don't know. they are trying to protect the public and trying to protect themselves. they don't know. cut them a break. they are approaching the vehicle and they are trying to get a handle on the situation. i think the show shows the every day aspect of being a police officer as we were talking about a moment ago.
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the vast majority of police officers never fire their weapon in their line of duty. jesse: before we get to the book, "john adams under fire." the racial angle is eye opening. it doesn't matter what you look like. police will treat you the same way. but the minute you are disrespectful -- dan: i hope so. so we do have a diverse police force of people we are following. and as well as the people pulled over. jesse: i guess he's seeing success. tell us about the book. dan: this is a book about a trial where john adams agreed to
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represent the despised british soldier. we have a 21717-rain transcriptf the trial. he didn't like the soldiers. in high school we see that picture of the british soldiers with their guns firing at these innocent colonists. there was a fight that ensued and the question became murder, manslaughter or justified. and john atoday's di -- john ada fantastic job. jesse: hollywood child star corey feldman sta
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jesse: former hollywood child star corey feldman joined. "watters' world" last week. he promised to name names in a pedophile ring and he did. he says this actor allegedly raped his friend. >> it wasn't like by the way this happened. he went into great detail, he told me, charlie bent me over in between two trailers and put crisco oil on my butt and raped me in broad daylight anybody could have walked by, anybody could have seen it. >> he shared with me on the set of lucas that he was raped as a little boy. he told might was his costar. and he told might was charlie sheen that did it. jesse: charlie sheen strongly
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denies the allegation. joining me, raymond arroyo. i don't know what to think about that it's a he said-she said situation. raymond: corey feldman is one of so many child actors, young men, women and boys in hollywood who have been abused. he's part of the what i call the he too movement. how do we know? how can we know? the statute of limitations in some states have been opened up where you can go back and there is no statute of limitations over this crime. if corey hayne's family believes the story they could press charges and investigate. i think it should be looked at to protect the current and
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future generation. jesse: when something happens you have to immediately blow the whistle. go to the police. that's where they can adjudicate it. something interesting happened. don, jr. was on axios and he challenged hunter biden to a debate. >> you moderate a debate between hunter biden and myself. let's do it seriously. we can go full transparency. we show everything. and we can talk about all of the places where i'm supposedly drifting but hunter biden isn't. raymond: as fun as that might be, i'm more interested in trump and biden, southwar senior deba.
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he has to answer what did he know about hunter biden and how he helped facilitate the side hustles for the family in china. i'm more worried about the chinese biden virus sucking money out of the chinese. we need answers on that front. i think trump will get that from biden. jesse: hunter biden was getting rich off the chinese when american factory workers were losing their jobs. >> if there is a silver lining to this crisis. the dramatic slowdown in manufacturing and driving has caused a reduction in carbon emissions. we have seen the nasa satellite
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images that show the improvement in china's air quality. raymond: it only cost 1,05 chinese lives. it's sunny in shanghai. jesse: coming up, a. "watters' world" exclusive interview with one of the first women to accuse jeffrey epstein of
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[♪] jesse: alicia marie arden is a model and actor. she says she was sexually assaulted by jeffrey epstein during which she thought it was an audition to appear in the victoria's secret audition. she was asked to undress and assisted her by pulling her cloud and skirt up while saying let me man handle you for a second. charges were never brought against the pedophile. alicia, how old were you at the time? >> i was a 26-year-old.
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jesse: you thought he could help you get into the modeling business, specifically victoria's secret. >> at the time i was work. i had come off of bay watch. i had a spread in "playboy" magazine. i came from a lot of ads in lingerie. so i thought i could get back tonight in 1997. he i sent my pictures to new york and he liked them. he said i'm coming out to california and i'm going to stay at shutters hotel in santa monica and i would love to meet you. jesse: did you get any feeling inside i shouldn't go to this hotel room, maybe this isn't the right kind of scene or did that not cross your blind? alicia: it always crossed my
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mind. i never auditioned in hotel rooms. you go to a place, a company, a studio where they are occurring, the auditions. i thought maybe this is a hookup where i can get in the magazine and i don't have to be in a huge audition with a sea of girls. jesse: when you walked in the door what went down. alicia: i went to his hotel ream was wearing black sweats and not professionally dressed. i hand him my portfolio. he was turning the pages and looking at my pictures. he wanted me to cop closer to him. he was making comments saying why do you look bustier. you look bustier in the photos. i said i take many different pictures. i can look like many different
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people in the photo. he wasn't liking that. he wanted to touch my breasts and buttocks, an started lifting up my blouse. he was making me do a turn and spin around. he was lifting up my blouse and skirt and take off my shirt. then i became scared. i was taking his hands off me and pushing him away. he was a lot bigger than me. jesse: you went out of the room at that point. alicia: i wanted to leave. i was feeling uncomfortable. when you go to a swim suit audition and lingerie. you want them to see your figure. i started to cry. and i was not happy. so i collected the portfolio and i said, i'm going to leave,
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jeffrey, thank you. he took out a hundred dollar bill and put it on the kitchen table. i said i'm not a prostitute. i'm not here for anything like that. i didn't take it. i left it on the kitchen table and i walked out of the room. so he ended up following me and met me in valet parking and ended up giving me the hundred dollars in valet parking. i drove to the police station. jesse: you make the report. and we have that report. the police did not press charges at the time. did they give you any explanation as to why. alicia: the guy told me why are you filing a report. you went up there willing too the hotel room. i said i felt like i would be raped and attacked if i didn't leave. he said you are very pretty and i think you intip date men. maybe you should think about it.
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i left, i went back to work and i thought about it. and my family was worried about me. they didn't want me to file the report. i felt i needed to. i thought is this person luring girls in telling them they can get in victor's secret? i thought it needed to do it. i thought about it for a week and i went back and filed it anyway. jesse: the result of that police report was what. did they question jeffrey epstein? alicia: the police officers i heard did call him as well. he denied everything. the police never helped me. the police department never filed anything. i believe to this day -- i get upset talking about it. because i believe if the police would have followed him, put a private investigator on him, they would have seen who is this
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guy who says he works for victoria's secret making appoint thes in the hotel rooms with girls. jesse: in 1997 he would have got locked up if they found out he was preying on women. many, many, many young women would have been saved the tragedy of being with jeffrey epstein in florida, his island and manhattan. >> it kills and pains me to this day that the police didn't follow him. i believe i could have saved a lot of these underaged girls. jesse: i'm sorry you had to go through that. but you are very brave. thank you so much. i appreciate it. alicia: thank you, jesse. jesse: up next a big surprise in "last call." the all-new silverado hd
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jesse: a tap face was revealed on the masked singer. watch. >> oh, my god. governor sarah palin. [♪] jesse: she would have made a much better vp than joe biden. be sure to follow me on facebook, insta grab and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is
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my world. [♪] judge jeanine: breaking tonight, the white house physician confirms president trump has tested negative for the coronavirus after his interaction with a member of the brazilian delegation who tested positive. i'm judge:jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. that news breaking from the white house. we have a lot of information to share with you tonight. my guests absolute surgeon general of the use the, ever rep


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