tv The Greg Gutfeld Show FOX News March 15, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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stay safe. be start, and wash your hands. and i'll see you next saturday night. ♪ greg: so take a look at our studio audience -- yep. not a soul. completely empty why is that? it's not because i had two burritos for lunch it's because owe don't want to risk the health of our awesome fans now shows are doing similar thing seth meyers they're going without with an audience but hey they're used to it. see that's where audience would laugh. [laughter] you can't hear it because they're not here in the studio. but it feels good to laugh. someone mas to or the virus has won. so let's see where we stand -- some people are freaking out
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going to costco buying cases of toilet paper i don't get this reflex and when i panicking i don't think about how i'm going to wipe my ass and placed an order online for 48 toilet paper rolls. but then they hit the wrong button and ended up with 48 boxes or over 2,000 rolls that's enough to tp the taj mahal according to the dad it will take them 12 year to use up all of that toilet paper. [laughter] unless they're luke our media -- who are really full of crap. i wonder is this trump katrina hostage crisis, or noble. >> role in that. let's just lean into that. and incumbent lost to a republican channeler because of an exigency late in his tour, the taking of american hostage.
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people said this is china noble. engaging in wishful thinking due to investment in hate for trump. if it were con contagious can't trust people dripping in political bias and coronavirus spread in china. watch don lemmon flip out on john kasich who dupght like trump but refuses to follow don's script. >> i watched the address tonight and i thought it was fine. we need straight accurate information from this president and this administration and we're not getting it. and i don't understand why you are tiptoeing around it. that's why you're here toe talk about the president. >> cans i finish now? >> let me talk. let me talk. john because we're here to talk about the president. wait i don't you to -- i don't you to go on to deflect to talk about about something else. egg greg: john didn't dance to don tune so acted like a bank
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robber who found out his get away driver took him straight to the police station there's a clown says calling it a virus is like a racist. >> as a foreign virus. why the president qowld go as far as to describe it as a foreign virus, that is something we'll also be asking questions about. it's going to come across to all of americans as smacking of zine phobia. >> rocky mountain fever are all racist named after places of origin. emotional bias should be called cnn virus named after its origin. but i don't have time for this and frankly neither do you you're either a plus or minus and those are all mys us ins about pluses are now canceling events even a conference on coronavirus canceled that's canceling my club meeting because i'm too hot and nba postponed their season but it is baseball and hockey too. let's go to espn to see what
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they're it showing. >> now let's go down here and turn around. >> doesn't know where in the -- no with your big mouth, shut your mouth -- yeah. [bleep] i don't know where in the hell we're going. >> i prefer that programming more. [laughter] now the houston rodeo was also postponed an i was planning on going. so turns out it won't be my first rodeo afterall. [laughter] yeah i admit that's a pretty terrible joke but i couldn't count it out but you have to self-distance avoid large groups finally world with has caught up with mess. a misthrorp my life is about self-distancing i've been doing this show for five year answer i have to write down names of my co-host. postponing gutfeld monologue because of the virus move into fall because again it is about you the fans being safe.
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they postponed coachella which means somewhere in the united states there are 75 mediocre bands unpacking their bongs let's not forget wiener mobile, they canceled their events too what will i do with my buns? well i do have a case of toilet paper. meanwhile the stock market reacts to fear in gossip that the next day it wakes up hungover and corrects itself it is up and down and up and down like you're dating lohan but it is a living organism reacting to fears of the unknown that's a real problem we're human and fear exist because we're living in a cloud of unknown and fear fills that empty space where facts should be that can create panellic. but panic in formation a becomes control and then preparation and that's good. so you have a war of perspectives on one hand you've people putting death risk are in context by comparing to other kill rs like cancer and heart disease. but be there are other people whoing flag this viruses fast spread which must be slowed so
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hospitals can feel incoming sick instead of care and these can be right but second one is one that really matters because it enables action. true in a few months we may look back and think wow we overdid it we're such fools but i'm okay with being that fool and so should you. now how important is president in all of this he's got to be forceful in alaska which he's been and stay out of the way so experts can do their jobs. but because he can't vanquish a virus he can only prepare for it avoid it until it leave. and trump struggles for words for that. but to its credit, he's found the d -- closing border, bought us time for effective measures, and also mistakes -- without a head start in are bust economy the the testingness could have been devastating. let's hope it won't end up that way but it is wrong to compare this to a past flu because we with don't know where this could end up. it is like comparing last year
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super bowl to next year's crucial info is missing. the future -- a better comparison, 9/11 terror like a virus already here and mutates to survive it is invisible, goal is to get past defenses and createses fear because it's out of your control. good news is you can gain control but doing protective things. first realize that we're all in this together even washing your hands and self-distancing reduces risk for everyone. staying in -- checking yes or no older relatives, exercising at a home. these acts are important. more important than you realize. you're reducing transmission, you save lives, simply by staying in and that is fantastic. just watching the show at home reduces risk of disease -- note this doesn't work with other shows. especially jesses -- [laughter] the bright side these behaviors may reduce overall a fatality of other viruses. and yeah we can tell you some more good news, just to make you feel good but it is better to
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give you information to do some good. ignore minor differences for largest similarity that we're all a human and a a little scared. but we can all reduce the strain by contradicting what we can to the shared effort because this is a big war against the tiniest of things. it is invisible you don't know if it is there or not and you know what you can did and knowing that alone will make you hero in a world where we can use a few more. >> clap, clap audience, claps right -- oh. greg: let's welcome tonight's guest she's a lady with the drawl who is ready to brawl dagen mcdowell. so sharp he can't hold a balloon tv writer are producer rob long she's zany brainy stiewms complainny host of fox nation kat timpf and kill you with his eye bro former cia operative black files declassified oh, my
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god on science channel, mike baker. yes. yes. you know great thing about not having an audience i don't feel bad when somebody gets more applause. you know what i mean like you're somebody is might like dagen more than mike and mike at end feel really bad. your egg go is fragile everyone during times of great misery he's worried about how much applause he gets. >>i cant pander like hillary clinton and everybody -- >> you can to us. greg: whenever you land a joke that they don't like all you have to do is say, but what about hillary? you get so much applause. >> constitution. the constitution. yeah so dagen you are mind here. i have so many questions two of them why do we keep showing dow ticker because that is like -- watching a slow rolling disaster like turn it off a. get it off the screen for few hours. i might be wrong and also we close down the stock market
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for -- seven days after six or seven days of september 17th what's the reason not to do this here? >> that was structural problems actually down, and lower manhattan after the terror attacks. but you can't shut markets down because you're literally just hiding what is really going on in the market. the more you know again it is just like the virus. the more you know the better. because to you shut it down, then you have kaboom the apocalypse after you open it. the news -- >> if i look in the stock market as a drunk guy at the blackjack table who is losing and i'm his best friend going let's go into the buffet for a few hours. that's all i want. [laughter] no -- not that easy? >> sound investment advice there. everyone at a home. go to the buffet. if this is vegas buffet is i don't know what the -- it >> buffet is at this point it is a toxic center of disease. don't go to the buffet. go home. don't go to buffet. >> sneeze guards are not your
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friend. >> market so overvalued that down draflt you have what 10 trillion in debt on corporate balance sheet is in last deck so a lot of problems that we're building anyway. and a so this virus takes off and then you have oil price war and so the washout that you're seeing is creating this sense of panic. panic and fear begots fear and you have lunatics basically it could get worse in economy because of what's going on in markets just like -- i went into whole foods in the last week. and you start you see the -- the shelves are all cleared out. and i'm grabbing like brazil nuts and radishes and i've got like my arm with brazil nuts and i realize this is crap left over at the worst apartment of a -- christmas party. greg: i think that's a great food channel called it not a whole lot of foods.
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you know -- the audience laughed. [laughter] the audience laughed. hey robert you panicked do you think it is qiez to overprepare and be -- relieved? two-thirds of what they're telling us to do frankly we should have been doing anyway. like japan did. you live in a hurricane area a tornado area you live in a snow emergency area and west coast where you have earthquake you should have 72 hours of water and food and two years of toilet paper ? >> not that i am but go to arby's a lot but not say you should but we have to -- you were right you're right we have to sacrifice a little bit. you with clearly just buy your outfit, and sacrifice your moment. but preparedness is look, i said this before. the benefit of this experience now is that we're being -- training ourself it is to prepare for the next one. right. they are going to keep coming this is way of the world and works. >> you're say we're going to learn from past --
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>> we're going take this on. better next time. >> great if we did, and everybody sort of prepared for that. greg: look profits will go down, in the second quarter we know that. and stop business activity for two weeks almost. three weeks or more take a hit. that's something we all have to pay for and in the big scheme of things it is not really that much. economy is great. country is in great shape. world is in good shape. we have to stay is home for two weeks. >> i like that he said that. i know kalt you have shut down your singing telegram service. >> i know and it was really picking up steam. a lot of birthdays you know -- upset i just thing is -- preparedness is one thing but there's nothing on the shelves in so many places and hand sanitizer and a soap hoarding doesn't make sense because everyone always say you're so selfish cannot wash, to hoard all of l this stuff, and you're selfish not thinking of other but that's truce and also not thinking of yourself because it also benefit you if other people in your community are washing their hands.
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>> if they don't have toilet paper and they're not wash their hands -- oh, me and college. >> and squeeze lemon juice on their hands there's no soap left. mean while you're fulling it all to your slip and slide in your backyard whatever you're doing with that. >> in the basements. really nervous about it i'll sell you purell for 1600 -- >> i know you live out here. man i mentioned a couple of things. ito jinx great state of idaho bt no reported cases yet and nobody is panicking. we've got potatoes and a lot of trout. a trout. >> out there too we've got -- [inaudible conversations] absolutely. greg: how many guns are under your bed, mike? >> no it is a walk-in safe. not a gun under your bed. not when you have kids around. >> although you know scootsers is hunting certificates he's
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gooding to go. but anyway point being is shelveses are are full. we're not seeing the same sort of thing that you may be seeing in other urban areas and part of that is because of number of cases that may be happening but i think -- there's a big, big difference between being realistic pragmatic and prepared and panicking. >> but that's my point of impact is give into the panic a rational personal if you're surround by lunatic and become a lunatic for like -- my rad radish and brazil nuts i was having an anxiety attack and i called a friend of mine i was like i don't have toilet paper they said wash your butt. >> by the way we have to move on but there are alternatives to toilet paper. you know you have kleenex you have "new york times." >> bash the media. corn cobs? old days. got to be really careful with a corn cob. just saying. hold them right. that's what i read. [laughter] greg: qhar you reading? don't go anywhere.
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week's primary saw joe biden extended delegate lead over bernie sanders, who promised to fight on despite is the poor showing. >> we are winning the generational debate. while joe biden continues to do very well, with older americans especially those people over 65. greg: well turns out one generation is coming out to vote more while another generation says they are, but they get strong in the next day that was me for hike 30 years so as of a of the time we're taping this, twos two debate sunday without a studio audience amao i don't know what means like abe lincoln and joe bernie both there for. mono or mono who cares, biden pick up wins in mississippi, idaho as a we said before michigan. but it wasn't all smooth sailing for biden this week when he cursed at autoplant work wither while arguing about gun rights.
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[bleep] [inaudible conversations] >> wait, wait, wait -- [bleep] greg: graduate is getting angry now we know joe is gas machine but party may be picking him for a different reason, for the vp who will be the p -- the other day i heard amazing theory from a stone-cold genius this election is like buy a house not for the structure, but for the land because if joe win, you're going to tear down the house -- but you still get the lot. [laughter] that's really good and hair look
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great, oh, my gosh. you know, if i -- mike let's just play that a clep over and over. exactly. greg: so mike, what are your thoughts going into the debate if it happens? >> if it happens. >> do it on face time no mob until one passes out. greg: do it at a diner in line at the buffet screaming at each other. >> no buffet -- fighting over the last radish they're around one of the big pots of turkey soup because nobody eats that except them. and they're fighting over the ladle. [laughter] >> yeah. i think frankly -- we're an uncharted territory, obviously, with way this election is going to play out over next two or three months trump is not going to get this big rally or town hall and doing debate without an audience interesting to see how that works. but -- you know, ultimately bernie is not going anywhere or getting out of this it thing right this is his last chance this is
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riding this pony until it is dead and he's going to get something out of the convention. if on the platform, what i find interesting is sort of the similarities the things they're doing like yesterday or today as well. they came out looking presidential or trying to look presidential about the virus. and they've got the same talking point as pelosi and a schumer in that -- you notice they keep talking about well, needs to be science-based. like trump is actually in lab somewhere trying to create the virus on his own, and exactly. well in their minds that's it. so interesting to see what they're trying to do to take advantage of this situation it is natural and going to happen i'm not belittling it. >> billed season without question [bleep] i'll tell you why kat did i shock you with my strong language? >> skanked liesed. >> no children in the audience. >> said we would not close borders and saying that is so important because if he goes i think he said that won't stop
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the disease. or stop it -- it's about slowing the spread you -- you demented man, kat. >> that video you didn't play the part that drove me most crazy you better stop it pal or i'll throw you outside. why threatening to beat people up up, and yopght have good impulse control i have never done nothing in moderation because i don't have a death wish. he's not a 77 like he would go out -- outside and do that, and a by the the time he was out there forget why he was there. but like that i forgot any binoculars and gets punched in the face stop threatening to beat people up. or were they workers? >> not a good idea. you're going to lose that fight, joe. >> he threatening people because it's his crutch he knows everyone looks at a him particularly wh you get a full body shot and realized i
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wouldn't let him mow the lawn in middle of june for fear he would say i certainly don't you know if you're kids folks house and need to go to with for mountainw you're going to ask for keys. not let him drive and trying to be a tough guy because he knows he needs a long spa kation they are protecting kaingts because they are joe and bernie are high risk. there's like a 50% not a scientist but a 50% chance but anyway. go ahead. >> according to data. >> handle, of course, they are in high risk group. but look we're in the phase of this primary season where every prime season where people after they go through the weird -- on seg with broker convention, and they realize that's not going to happen and then they're like the veep pick is important it is not important and -- no one is thinking. it is not part of anybody's indication ever when they volt
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and we're waiting when they vote. i agree with you, though, i never -- >> i think it is important. to be president. it doesn't matter don't go this road where you think it is important and maybe if you need material but it doesn't -- >>how dare you. doesn't ever matter. hey i'll take you outside. >> openly saying you'll die in office. what are you saying how dare you. no, no i have a firm belief they're going to pick kamala harris and he's out if he wins he's out and she's president but i'm going to wrap this up. >> might pick her because he thinks she's going to aattract more votes and he doesn't need help. >> but he needs a woman and who doesn't. greg: i have to overrule but hard for democrat hads to look at this field think they have four years to prepare, and what are they left with, two old white men. remember, these are the people the democrats who demonize conservatives, republicans, libertarians, for being bigots for not using right pronoun and
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adheres to past and who do they choose two old guys from muppets and and never call us names again unless it is my safe word. again unless it is my safe word. stay right there. - when i noticed my sister moving differently, i didn't know what was happening. she said it was like someone else was controlling her mouth. her doctor said she has tardive dyskinesia, which may be related to important medication she takes for her depression. her ankles would also roll and her toes would stretch out. i noticed she was avoiding her friends and family. td can affect different parts of the body. it may also affect people who take medications for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. she knows she shouldn't stop or change her medication, so we were relieved to learn there are treatment options for td. - if this sounds like you or someone you know, visit to sign up to receive a personalized doctor discussion guide to help start a conversation with your doctor about td.
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well now there's score!, time...from force factor,enin'. to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder walmart offers score! in more locations than any other performance enhancer. unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score!. ♪in paris and rome but i want to go home♪ ♪oh i miss you, you know
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too, but you don't really hear about it because let's face it trump will be nominee again and primary opponent is former governor bill weld known as i'm sorry who -- as of friday trump has over 1100 delegates bill got one, you need 1200 and 76 to win the nomination, but even though trump's primary victory is fore gone conclusion he's driving a massive turnout compared to what obama did during reelection bid in 2012 as politico recently noted not only did trump do well in iowa -- but votes i can't read that. the vote totals in new hampshire were even stacker. the president received only a 130,000 doubles bush and obama totals amazing and in michigan this week trump pulled out 639,000 votes. but obama in 2012 just got 174k, i'm no math wiz but that seems like a lot less. but let's be honest which really
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wondering is if those ladies ever made it to the store. >> do i go right -- yes. up hill. up the hill -- and then left up here. and then you turn to your right. left -- left -- it will be on your left. >> did you hear her say left? >> left -- a dead man -- greg: i could spend you know -- if i could be quarantined with them for weeks and never be bored so rob i know you're going to pour a bunch of wet soup over this great topic that trump is killing it doing better than obama. doing better than bush, don't better than that other guy -- [laughter] yeah. yeah other guy i feel like i'm one of the ladies. in the car right now. >> steven. it doesn't matter -- look, but trump has a very, very is strong, very passionate very loyal base that is not enough to win the presidency. there's not an indication he's going to win the presidency i
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think he's got up hill but he probably will. get the bernie prores and vote i would vote for it. but -- i don't think he's going to -- going to this is not indication. if it just isn't. it is something that people like to stay to themselves because i know people like to reaa sure themselves everything is going great. usually when it is not going great but i would be much happier it if i felt that the -- the trump campaign brain trust whatever it is is not taking this story seriously. got to be working to person who haven't decided. greg: second segment that you have criticized. >> not allowed to. greg: audience was here they would have -- >> audience a here i would be saying by the way hillary clinton that she's crazy. right? cheering me they would forget what i said. but it is true. greg: you are fast becoming my least favorite guest and used to be mike baker. [laughter] >> congratulations. >> you don't want that position. i don't know. >> you got the chair. greg: couldn't be here because he couldn't fly you know stuff like that sew he's fine.
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>> you flew from idaho isn't a real plane. but potato. like the underground bullet train. goes to point here. >> i took the subway. >> so did i. >> i took the -- not done with euphemism. [laughter] >> i took the train if i could interject here for a second. >> please do -- >> you know what you are like old ladies. turning into bernie look i don't understand why bernie supporters because i saw you with nodding your head bernie supporters vote for trump you were nod your head i don't understand how they -- 18% of them did. fast. >> say you are screwing over bernie we're screwing over democratic party which is legitimate response. >> women understand this. because you get dumped by a guy and ignored and you had will go out of your way and have sex with like the grossest person -- that's how i -- >> i didn't mean it like that but it's a grudge another --
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better word. >> a grudge four letter word. wasn't for that i never would have gotten anywhere. >> they agree with him on trade. they agree with him on immigration and bernie and immigration policies aren't that different from trump's trump is a little bit more blunt about it. if plus they're high. but even -- >> real truth about about bernie bros they aren't turn out to be bernie so not going to vote for anybody in november. greg: it's a fair point but back to original thing, kat and to refute everything that rob long who really is just a tv writer doesn't know much about politics. >> like i've got my -- >> you're a libertarian -- [laughter] >> this base came out even though they didn't have to. greg: that's what i'm talking about. they didn't have to come out, so it's -- it wasn't even like close race they're going against what's his name from boston. i don't know who he is -- he's a welder. >> he's got one delegate but, i mean -- i would be happy if i got a
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delegate. you know. i don't have any delegates. >> where did this delegate come from? >> i don't know baa it's not important. greg: his own dell galt. >> but he was winning primary which is he, obviously, was going to win. he congratulated himself -- [laughter] on all of it. he had graphics made, thank you hoy, thank you, michigan. trump wins, and i would do that too. greg: of course you would. you do that right now. >> and i'm not winning any -- >> i would have feather hands and mind trickery and show trickery. >> but they turn out in part because of the threat of bernie sanders surges so idea of a socialist possibly getting close to white house and so if biden is now the candidate that get that same passion? >> i don't know. other thing too is we have to move on. we have to factor in -- will the virus depress turnout
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not suppress but depress because people may not be around people and doing what they call. via instais gram poll. i do mail, i do mail ballot. >> i thought you were doing scratch tickets. >>greg: mail ballot. >> a little bit of this. >> guy in the unitard should be in a better mind. you know what's true everybody. time to take a break. back 240 seconds.
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back with his ex-madison. >> obviously family is important. it is mass a i important so howo we turn page and give this a shot together? >> chris he's going to have to fail to succeed. that's it. all his friends, all of his friends all of his family everyone that knows him, knows that it's -- it's not you know, it's not gong to work. so we've been trying to help him. would we want it to work? yes. >> that is had such a barb move but then feater said he and madison broke up holy crap he listened nice work barb over on big fox sarah palin revealed as last the latest mask singer. self-proclaim l momma grizzly wore a bear costume and song of choice amazing grace. that was her mix a lot baby got back.
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♪ so many thoughts -- they're ahead of the curve on whole wearing mask thing, and who was next? i can't wait to see mike pence seeing fight the power. [laughter] i'm also a going my own show called helicopter hampster here's the pilot. ♪ it is like a modern day air wolf so kat i firmly believe scariest thing on the planet is somebody else's mom any time somebody else's mom yelled at you it was foreign. and you didn't know how to react because they aren't other moms aren't supposed to get mad at you and back in my days, other mothers and fathers they could spank you. in public -- >> yeah. i was more scared of my own
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mom -- but -- that was her. that was just with her. she was -- she meant business. but you know, qea -- i also think we're given mom too much credit she saw this coming it didn't work out. it's not because there was something wrong with madison like absolutely is. that's not -- not telling the full story. you're not on this show if there's nothing wrong with you every one of these people like if you want to cry in front of like america, get on the train. you know, cry in front of people there. it can be quite therapeutic and freish but going on this show to compete with all of these other people and everybody is superhot over a dude who sucks i just dude always sucks. they always suck. >> like i had three old oher sisters i can dish taught every kind of boyfriend come through, these guys are pretty boys totally back rob and make me
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sick to my stomach would you like to comment on that or sarah palin? >> body issues but i would say -- mom is say is that she doesn't think this instant relationship that was televised. >> she was going after madison specifically get with it. >> but you're right about old ladies but saying quit it or i'll tell the lady because there was a lady to tell -- so i'm you know -- if i could just speaking of something before i forget bob remindinged me sitting here thinking, back in the day -- moms and dads were not supposed to spank other people's kids so i don't know what the hell is going on in your neighborhood but that's just not right. >> called spank city. on palin i would like to veer is from bachelor to palin because i didn't know bachelor was still on. there's knob i don't think who believes that this was first time palin ever sang baby got back wearing furry get up. so that's all i got to say.
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you are right. greg: if you just show us on the doll where the neighbor -- i'm not going to answer that question dagen what would you like to hear more about palin or -- >> singing in public and think what smelled like on inside. it probably smelled great because it's sarah palin she smells great. >> for sh show years ago i tell you it doesn't smell great in there. >> they don't wash those costumes but i'll bet her costume smells like shotgun shells and deep woods. >> she's a knockout for her had age. what is she like 70? >> younger than me. >> i'll be hot until i die and when i die i'll still be hot. [laughter] greg: some people. maybe a guy at the morgue but we don't want to talk about that. all right -- mike -- [laughter] my favorite story possibly of
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all time up next. guys, it's that time... and nothin's happenin'. well now there's score!, from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder walmart offers score! in more locations than any other performance enhancer. unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score!.
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mcdonald debuted supersize version of their signature burg they are week teaching a whopping -- four patties. yeah i haven't seen a foursome this hot since i hooked up with that tribute band. >> i love the bengals open for a limited time and not really because ordering extra patty will always be an option. like irish bar. according to mcdonald's, the department of menu innovation they have a department i love that double big mac created to give customers new way withs to enjoy the burger they love. that sounds perverse. more accurately just kl you i can't but still tough to think about burgers all thinking about these two -- oh -- >> [bleep] oh, my god. >> i'm not sure but we're going.
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hot topic are they going to hot topic. one thing that's good to know in times of instability rely on mcdonald's -- you can always rely on mcdonald's as long as you eat it at home because nobody wants to see anybody eating that in public that is meant to be eaten in your best wet pants that have ranch dressing stain on them. >> and -- it alone in the dark and have is lost lay of the land. >> saver with tears. >> i want to be at the meeting in innovation part like how about the -- two more patties on there. [laughter] greg: first of all they probably said three and thought about about it, it is just not right. you know what it was like a guy who had this whole idea right -- that he had planned called triple threat and he had played on it and charts and like yeah this is a triple threat three patty and some new kid goes why can't it be four and everybody
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goes four and guy with the triple threat is like -- innovation department. four is a bad idea because it inserts idea of quadruple into that and that gives with bypass and here's what's good mcdonald's admire them as a corporation so much when you're in middle of a public health crisis what american really need so calm down is gluttony and they have answered a screaming need on part of a lot of americans who are carrying a lot of anxiety right now. greg: also think about perfect too manyinging four patty burger while stocking up on toilet paper which is going to be useful if you're eating that kind of cow. >> that's what i look at it don't want you to stay home like a cheese on mouse trap. smacker is -- >> i order my mks when i lived 300 feet from one -- if i eat mcdonald's i'm not in a position for them to see me in that moment.
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>> you have to go insiding to go into the bathroom to get the toilet paper. it is locked in and you got to wrap it around your wrist and stick your hand in your purse and walk out. >> what have you done? >> that is an amazings track. >> people watching this show you know. amazing to college because i was broke. >> that's incredible. i have done it. >> never -- hiding your rolls in your purse. work for a lot of things. okay, we've got i think one more special segment. be right back.
2:00 am
catherine, mike baker. i'm greg g. i love you america. be well. great show.icicicicicicicans gon scott this is a special edition of the fox report. john: more than a hundred and 45000 cases have been confirmed worldwide with over 2000 here in the u.s. covid-19 cases reported in all but one u.s. state. the dental no doubt more than 50. overnight the house past a sweeping relief bill that includes free coronavirus testing an extended leave benefits for those who are sick. as the state struggled to meet the priest testing demands. americans are coming to grips with the growing pandemic. we begin with stephen is reporting live from cbc headquarters in atlanta.
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