tv Hannity FOX News March 17, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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using this crisis for political gain. you bet. it's not the only person who is doing that and we are going to be on that. we will be back tomorrow. the great sean hannity from new york takes over tonight. >> sean: are right, social distancing paired we are practicing. everybody got to do it. have a good one. great night. great show. welcome to "hannity tonight." we are dedicated to bringing you facts. without fear of panic, hype, and in some corners, hysteria. cycle analyst who wants to have trump prosecuted for negligent homicide because of the coronavirus. all right, it's bad. we will have a lot on the mob tonight. also, the vice president of the united states will be joining us. also, senator lindsey graham a lot of self quarantine. he is here testing negative. plus, we will have the very latest. fox news, now projecting wins for joe biden in florida and
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illinois. we will have more on that. but we start tonight with an important message from the president of the united states. take a look. >> so, it's 15 days from yesterday. we'll see what happens after that. if we do this right, our country and the world, frankly, but our country can be rolling again pretty quickly. pretty quickly. we have to fight that invisible enemy that is i guess unknown, but we are getting to know it a lot better. >> sean: invisible enemy. the president is right. as we speak, the entire world is in a fight against that enemy. now, major financial help is on the way. the white house, actively working on an aggressive almost trillion dollar stimulus package including payroll tax cuts, money for small businesses, emergency assistance to major industries that are directly impacted by this virus. that would mean, yeah, the airline industry, cruise industry, treasury secretary
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said that the president wants americans to receive checks within two weeks. look, we are americans. we are going to help out our fellow americans. this country rebuild europe after world war ii call. we saved an entire world numerous times from evil and tyranny. we did it again and again. we paid that price. we must help our fellow americans like post-9/11. industries, directly impacted. they will rightly get the help they deserve. american workers, they've got to get the help they deserve. we help countries every day and night and every single time. we help the world. small business, they've got to get the help they deserve and need, and hopefully something nonpartisan. i have a huge caveat on this. all of you swamp creatures, pay attention. we will find the money. that's who we are. but, washington, all of you, republicans and democrats, stop with the misuse of our tax dollars. you remember congress, this is
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not about your special interest project. this money, every penny of this money needs to go to american workers and american businesses directly impacted by the virus. that's it. that's what this bill should be. nothing more, nothing less. it's got to be managed wisely, so people who need the assistance get the assistance and get it as quickly as possible. not power-hungry politicians who build their power base by creating dependency that want to spend it on issues that have nothing coronavirus-related. this is a crucial moment, because even now the u.s. military is confronting the coronavirus. breaking tonight, the department of defense, they are now deploying 5,000,095 masks to health care professionals nationwide. that's great news. why? well, we got to protect health care workers that throw themselves in front of this virus every single day.
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they've got to be protected. that a part of defense is also relation an additional 2,000 ventilators in case civilians need them in partial dominic preparation. they are now being prepared for possible deployment to help overcrowding in hospitals. plus, the department of defense is opening 14 new coronavirus certified testing labs. the national guard now assist in states with logistics and medical support. all hands on deck situation paired by the way, states, governors, municipalities, you've got to do your job too. thanks to some very decisive early action by the president, we are now in a position to beat this disease, mitigate the impact. every day, we now see how critical this was at a critical time. and very successful. slowing the spread of that disease. and now, european union is replicating the band within their own borders. it's a little late for them. the first case in this country
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was january 21st. the first known case pair the travel ban was put in place ten days later on january 31st. nobody has ever acted that quickly to stop the spread of the pandemic. can anyone find one good thing to say about president trump? we will get to that later. on the very same day, oh, quid pro quo dr. joe said it was fearmongering and xenophobic and hysterical. that one decision, that travel ban prevented this pandemic from being exponentially worse, thousands and thousands of americans would have contracted this disease and it would have been dramatically more difficult is attain and mitigate. it is resulting in expedited testing for americans. they now have drive through testing centers. that's a good thinker the last place you really want to be as a hospital. we need beds for people who
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really need it. number one, number two, it's a petri dish. you don't want to be there. medical researchers are now rapidly developing not only treatments, but hopefully a vaccine. this unprecedented cooperation between the government, private industry, this will not forever change the way this country and the world will deal with future pandemics and crises just like the travel ban. unfortunately, bad news to report. why they are doing this? i don't know. they are placing an indefinite paws on arrests for certain nonviolent crimes. crimes are still had a warrant served for a later date. this is a really bad idea that will license people to commit crimes and sometimes major cas cases. they must continue to enforce the law, especially in times of uncertainty or you will have more lawbreaking. they will say go ahead, you are fine. that's not good for the people of philadelphia. we'll keep you posted.
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also, let's get to some important facts and information again without fear. tonight, as expected, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases is rising. there are no more than 6,000 confirmed cases in the united states paired we've been telling you this is happening. sadly now over 100 dead this in. the number will likely arise seemingly and dramatically in the next days and weeks. the hope is that if we follow the president, vice president for his 15 day recommendation, we will mitigate the spread of this virus. so, that's why it's important. listen up. it's more important than ever to heed the guidance of this task force and the president. they are calling on all of us to do this for the health and safety and security, especially for older americans. those with compromised immune systems, underlying health conditions. take the precautions of the next couple of weeks. do it why? because we love our grandmothers, our grandfathers come our older moms and dads. they are the most vulnerable. they are the most at risk.
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if you feel sick, stay home. if the kids feel sick, keep them at home. anyone in your house testing positive for the coronavirus, keep the entire household at home. if you are an elderly person or someone with these underlying medical conditions or you have an autoimmune disease, you need to stay away from other people on your own. if possible, work from home. avoid discretionary travel. avoid social gatherings. avoid nursing homes. avoid large group settings. in other words, for the next two weeks, stay at home. we hope you will stay with us here at fox news. but, we are trying to get you the information that will keep your family safe. but, by simply doing nothing, we can all save lives. we can flatten the curve of the disease and get back to normal. we will eventually. the great winston churchill, in the middle of the bombing of britain, every single day, he walked among the people of great britain. blood, toil, tear, and sweat.
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that was the goal. we will be victorious here. he requires little more than social distancing for the majority of our population. we can all do our part, like i said in an all hands on deck situation. for many, the vast majority, no. if you are young, healthy, you don't have a compromised immune system, if you have contracted the virus, you may have no symptoms. it is passing it on to those people that would be at risk. this country will be fine in the end. we have the best doctors, hospitals, scientists, medical researchers, the greatest economy in the world, and we have an abundance of food, an abundance of natural resources, a robust, hardworking, intelligent population. they are filling those -- don't run in for toilet paper an
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extra paper towels. i don't get it. they're going to be filling the shelves everywhere across the country. that is also in the works tonight. we will pull together. we will defeat this invisible enemy. lawmakers in washington, you need to put aside the b.s. politics. these americans need help. don't waste our money. don't waste it. it is important to our hardworking americans. give it to the people that deserve it and only the people that deserve it in the right way. set the economy up for -- before we get to our guest, i have more important message. make no mistake. the dictatorship of china is -- this is where the pandemic started. i'm not saying they are responsible for the pandemic. they are responsible for being irresponsible trying to hide it, misinforming the rest of the world rather than inviting the world to offer their help and assistance to them. now, during that critical, those
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critical early stages, china's so-called leaders, they tried to cover everything up an instead f alerting the community. many, themselves, not contracting the virus appeared some have even died. china's government spreading fake information, propaganda, and lies. they are falsely even blaming the u.s. military for the disease. i was glad the president pushed back hard against them for that. that was part of their massive government. you all should be ashamed of yourselves and china, because it's your reckless actions that have led to thousands of dads, not only in your own country but around the world we have would hav dell might gly help too. millions more are now suffering because of your role dictatorship and your lack of a con ability. you ultimately need to take responsibility for all of that.
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you will be informed without hype and hysteria. or a logan. >> a good evening, sean. welcome of the of cases of the coronavirus is just below 200,000 at this point. 197,126, according to johns hopkins medical center. the dads are approaching 8,000. the total number of dads now stands at -- recovery, though is just over 80,000 people here they have actually recovered. what is pretty interesting about this for me, because i covered it where almost everybody died in the last epidemic, the biggest one is that a significant number of people can and do recover from the coronavirus. perhaps what has got doctors --
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the rate of infection is higher than the flu. while the numbers of the coronavirus have -- the statistical rate of transmission is 1 in 3 for flu and 1 in ten. so, you're basically giving it to ten people if you have it instead of giving it to three. so, it is much, much more infectious. so, that may be some of what explains why this is expanding. today, one of the four nba players who came out and said it was, i was one of those who tested positive was kevin durrant. he said that he hasn't experienced any symptoms yet. he was one of the four players that tested positive. the number of officials in the
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control center tested positive. you wouldn't know it. you want to know anything about the coronavirus on the beaches of south padre island, texas, and other places, where spring break is still in full swing. but in miami, they are kicking people off the beaches late at night. sean. >> sean: all right, parents, listen to what we are saying. why are you letting your kids go to spring break? you are probably paying for that. maybe not this year. all right, thank you for that report. without the hype, partisanship, and fear. mayor de blasio instructed new yorkers to prepare for a shelter in place directive. that means you can't leave your house. that idea. andrew cuomo, the governor of new york, rightly pushing back against that. here with more in new jersey, our own rick leventhal without report. even italy, in the midst of this, i talked to newt gingrich. he is in italy. he said grocery stores stay
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open. people have to eat. you are stuck in your house. what about the people they don't have food or need medicine and need certain supplies? they ought to be able to go. >> well, it is certainly an eerie and unsettling feeling here in new jersey, sean, and what could happen in new york city is already starting to happen here. we are just across the river from manhattan. a curfew takes effect here less than an hour from now. this was the first city to stop serving food and only allow takeout and delivery. today, the mayor of the city told its 50,000 citizens, "whether you feel sick or not all residents should immediately begin self isolating at home." a dramatic effort to try to avoid transmission. now, the new york city mayor 's warning that a similar order could be issued within the next
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48 hours. that would require the city's 8 million residents not to leave their homes, except for food, medicine, doctors visit, or work, or some other essential travel. presumably, the nypd would help enforce it. as you mentioned, the governor says it's not up to the mayor. it is up to him. he doesn't seem like he is ready to take such drastic action. but sean, this is a very difficult decision i had. >> sean: all right, rick leventhal, thank you for that report. we appreciate it. mitch mcconnell, now bowing to keep the senate in session until the coronavirus response package has been passed. join us now with the latest details, chad pergram. real people with real needs, industry people, businesses, small businesses, american workers, and they are arguing over things that have nothing to do with the coronavirus, chad. you give the hitchhikers guide to everything. can they pass a straight assistance bill that has
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underlying -- >> that's what they are working on right now. for the second time in 24 hours, the secretary of the treasury came to capitol hill to talk with senate republicans. they are talking about a trillion dollar package. we don't believe that is going to be all raw money that they are just going to drop out of helicopters. there is going to be some direct payments, maybe $1,000 to individual americans. but there is also going to be tax relief. there will be money for small businesses. it will be for the airline industry. this is what he said when he met with senate republicans. "it's a big number, but it's a very unique situation." senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said "we're going to move at warp speed. everyone is seized with urgency." they want to get this moving within the senate sometime within the next couple of days. here is the other problem. the senate has still not approve the bill that the house of representatives located in the wee hours of saturday morning. that was the second coronavirus package. we are told they are trying to get a deal to do that around
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2:00 on wednesday afternoon. this bill, that bill was supposed to be the easy one. i was told over the weekend do not underestimate how challenging getting that measure through the senate is going to be on the fact they are not going to move it until wednesday underscores the challenge there and also the challenge of doing phase three here. keep in mind, they had to have democrats on board. they have to get 60 votes in the senate. that would involve negotiations with chuck schumer, also my he began around of telephone calls. they feel that they are in a race against time. they want to get these bills through both the house and senate before everyone here get sick, sean. >> sean: all right, john, thank you. on capitol hill tonight. the rapid economic response. it helps to have a lifelong businessman at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. this is all paradigm shifting and changing. this week, senator graham said that president trump is our best bet for getting the economy off
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quickly, back on track. we are now learning that the white house is continuing to take bold action to keep us safe and secure. here with more is the senator himself, lindsey graham. you know, senator, it really made me mad. with the one thing that makes me mad, well, two things. one, the media mob. they can't even admit that the travel ban was the biggest best decision and record time that the president made. they can't even give him credit for that. that's who they are. the second thing that makes me mad is your friends, you live in that sewer. i will call it a sewer, swamp, same thing. this is about workers. industry, through no fault of their own. we are going to pony up the money. we beat back tyranny and dictatorship, fascism, and the like. we pay that price all the time. can we just do one bill?
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corona related? >> i couldn't agree with you more. you know what makes me happy? we are seeing the best of america. we are seeing grocery stores allowing seniors to come in and shot first. we are seeing neighbor take care of neighbor. the war on terror, 1% of the country has been fighting radical islam, this enemy called the virus. we need 100% of us. all hands on deck. we need that fighting spirit of world war ii. i just got off the phone with the president. here is his number one goal. containment is walking down the economy. president trump's policies in his first three years liberated the economy. along comes the virus, that has put a padlock on the economy. the sooner we contain it, the better off we will be in terms of health and prosperity. the governor of south carolina tonight closed all the bars and all the restaurants. that is designed to stop the spread of the virus.
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my goal is to make sure all those people who were working in the restaurant in myrtle beach and working in a bar all over south carolina, that their income is protected. we don't need a christmas tree approach. we need to protect people who have lost their jobs because of the virus. no more, no less. >> sean: all of that. are we going to get that? it didn't start out too well in the house. >> welcome to the house bill is going to pass in the senate tomorrow afternoon. what happens now is that people in the south carolina throughout the country are out of work, because of the virus. the economy three weeks ago was historically good. along comes the virus. this closed down travel between us in china, the single best decision he made. those people are out of work because of the containment policies. shutting down restaurants, hotels and bars. we are going to keep their checks coming. they don't need $1,000.
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they need a sustainable income. either through loans from their employers to keep the payroll coming or get on on employment insurance or something like it so that they will have income. our number one job right now is to provide income to those people who have lost their job because of the virus. >> sean: okay. that is a top priority. the money is going to get there quick. i think this is important. when we earmark this money, where it goes, how quickly it gets there, but more importantly, all right, so the travel ban bought us a lot of time. very important. the public-private partnership, drive up testing. we won't inundate our hospitals and put americans at risk. new innovation. that will change. that's a game changer. all right, are we going to have enough medical supplies? triage capabilities of a particular geographic region. a c-130 medical supplies pack
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ready to go. we have that. respirators, ventilators, everything else. are you confident question mexico yet. he has basically called up the medical reserves. the president is taking mobile army hospital and -- the military has capability that has been stockpiled over time peered we will begin to share it with people who needed the most. but my number one goal, if you get nothing else out of this interview, people are out of work in my home state and throughout this country. no fault of their own. they are out of work because of the virus. the containment policies are putting people out of work. we need to guarantee their income. >> sean: absolutely. i did send lindsey graham. the reddest steak house in south carolina we are glad you are well. we are glad you are out of self quarantine. >> i'm ready to fight. i want to go to the senate until this viru is passed.
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>> sean: you keep cursing on my show. [laughter] all right, thank you, senator. president trump highlighted the american men and women who are working to keep this country running during this pandemic. here's what he said. >> we are taking aggressive action now as one nation and one family so that america can rebound stronger peered frankly, stronger than ever before. we recognize that while many american workers can work from home, many others cannot. many of our health care providers, first responders, and many in the food service and manufacturing, are showing up and standing up to provide us with the goods and services we need. >> and joining us now is the vice president of the united states, also heading up to president's task force on corona. thank you for being with a spirit to go thank you, sean. >> sean: let's start, we've got a lot of ground to cover.
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a lot of things have been happening. this 15 days of guidelines to the american people and the reason for the importance of this. >> welcome sean, first, thank you for your efforts to convey the president's coronavirus guidelines for american. the president unveiled yesterday and what we are pleased to learn is being embraced by states and communities and millions of american families of what we believe is important for every american to do over the next two weeks. two significantly impacts the spread of the coronavirus in the weeks and months ahead. all of our experts tell us, and they advised the president as he endorsed of these guidelines, to avoid social gatherings of more than ten people. if you are sick, stay home. if there is someone in your home
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that contracts the coronavirus, that everyone should stay home. all those recommendations are parked in parcel of an effort by her experts, endorsed by the president to limit the reach of the coronavirus over the coming weeks and months. we need every american, every american business to step forward and recognize that if we act now, if we act now, we can limit the spread of the coronavirus significantly and ultimately save lives. >> sean: lets go through a little checklist if we can. i know you don't have a lot of time. how quickly will the drive up testing sites of walmart and cvs parking lots, et cetera, i wish i could name them all, because they have really stepped up to the plate. how long do you expect those and how big of a part of the country will be covered? >> what is happening is that as of last week, ten states around the country had initiated drive through testing centers. but sean, they were using the
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old manual testing methods in labs, which could only test about 40-60 people a week. because president trump, two weeks ago, brought together the top commercial labs in the country, and because the fda moved in record time, now we have what are called tests, automated tests, that can literally test thousands of people a day for the coronavirus. i couldn't be more proud. the dedicated people at u.s. public health service and fema are working with states around the country to build on the state's efforts to establish drive-through and community coronavirus testing centers. those are coming online starting tomorrow and they will be widening their scope around the country. we are going to be supporting state efforts. we will be working with them to make sure that those retailers,
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which are cvs and targeted, and walgreens, and walmart, that they are opening their parking lots were drive-through centers are included. but the american people can be confident that now that we have the commercial labs around the country with those high speed automated tests, you are literally going to see tens of thousands of tests in the days and weeks ahead for the american people. >> sean: let's talk about what we have for medical equipments. it was released by the pentagon. that's really good news in a worst-case scenario. also, talk to doctor. he said that he likes to err on the side of caution. worst-case scenario is what you are planning for. are we ready for that for example, cities that may be overwhelmed where we have triage capabilities, doctors on standby with all the equipment that they need, the medical supplies, the tents, supporting staff, that we could see 1:30 cargo plane them
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over. >> welcome sean, today, the president can be the nation's top industrial suppliers. names that are familiar. home depot, amazon, and others. we directed them today to ensure that those critical medical supplies are being focused away from construction and other industries and focused exclusively on the needs of our health care industry. the president has made it clear that this is all hands on deck. we are going to continue to work with businesses. we are going to continue to work closely with governors. i spoke to the governor of new jersey today. i spoke to the governor of washington state yesterday. we are day by day evaluating what their needs are. our priorities for people that have contracted the coronavirus, making sure that they have the
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testing and the care that every american wants for their family. our second priority, right after it, is our health care workers, sean. president trump has made it clear that we are going to use every effort of the federal government, every resource of the government, as well as harnessing the power of the private sector to make sure our health care workers have the personal protective equipment that they need to do their job safely. >> sean: mr. vice president, i want to ask you this. especially on the economy. we know that there' there are cs going out i believe in the next two weeks. people paying their taxes will get a delay. no penalties, no interest. there is going to be set up for those small businesses and relief for workers, really for those industries in particular, airlines. the president has mentioned the cruise line interests. industry. we may be spending close to a trillion dollars?
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>> sean, what the president has made clear, and every american can be confident is we are going to do whatever it takes. any hourly worker in this country who feels like they may have contracted the coronavirus should stay home. they shouldn't worry about missing a paycheck or working with congress to make sure that paid leave is available for hardworking americans. making sure that this economy gets back on its feet and americans are able to weather this time is also a priority for president trump. we are talking with the leadership in both parties on capitol hill and we are very confident that as congress did before, the legislation that is moving through today, paid family leave and cover the cost of the coronavirus tests for every american, whether they have insurance or not, we are going to build on that with an
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economic stimulus package that will bring us through this time. when we are through the coronavirus, as the president sighed again today, we know this economy will come roaring back, sean. with all the fundamentals there, the best thing we could do for the economy is what the president called out every american to do yesterday in the 15 days to slow the spread. the more we can do, every single one of us to prevent the spread in our family, in our community, in our place of work, the sooner we will be through this. it will still be weeks and months to go, but we can lessen the impact of the coronavirus in the weeks and months ahead and we can save lives. as the president said, when we defeat the coronavirus in the united states, this economy will come roy and back. >> sean: mr. vice president, thank you. >> thank you, sean. >> and coming up the president
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vo: visit or call 1-877-866-8555. ♪ >> sean: china, continuing to ramp up their authoritarian tactics amid the upright. "wall street journal," the very latest, our chief breaking news correspondent, trace gallagher. wow. a moment at the press conference today when do you think presiden --no, it's wrong for co stigmatize the united states and falsely lie and blame our military with what they've been putting out there as lies and propaganda.
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>> will play that. along with "the new york times" as "the wall street journal" " the chinese foreign ministry accusing ideological bias. breach of journalistic ethics. they have ten days to give up their press badges. as you mentioned, china is demanding president trump stop linking covid-19 with china. this week, the president tweeted that they would be supporting the airline industry and others impacted by the "chinese virus." today, he tweeted that some states were being hit hard by the chinese virus. today, the president was asked about the phrase and the criticism from china. watch. >> china was putting out information, which is false, that our military gave it to them. that was false. rather than having an argument, i said i have to call it where it came from. it did come from china. so, i think it's a very accurate term. >> he is referring to a
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spokesperson saying last week that a member of the u.s. military possibly brought the virus to wuhan. >> sean: trace gallagher without report. like we've been saying, china needs to be held accountable for their lives, their propaganda, state run tv, media. they are all covering up the extent of this pandemic, hiding it from the world. hear what the reaction, fox news contributor's, mike huckabee. we will start with you. i like the president today. i know people, actually one of my best friends is with the woman, girlfriend, soon fiance, from wuhan province. they are saying it's the wuhan virus they are according to her and her family who still lives there. >> you know, sean, one of the things that a level at this president, he has the courage to push back on china. no democrat and no republican
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president in my lifetime has had the courage to just recognize that this is a totalitarian communist government. they abuse people's human rights. i'm wondering if "the washington post" and "new york times" will appreciate that of all things, it's donald trump who is defending them in the freedom of press, because the chinese totalitarian dictatorship has basically said you can't have free press. well, we knew that all along. i think this is a wonderful reminder that this is a president who said he was going to hold china accountable, not just for diseases, but her trade and for all of the ways in which they have been cheating and he has done it and it's been for the benefit of every americ. this disease is a terrible terrible thing. but it has pointed out why donald trump had to take that position and we are the beneficiaries of it now. >> sean: this has gone on too
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long. one is donald trump. i will think anybody more than him, probably newt gingrich second. unfair trade practices. intellectual property theft. a $220 billion trade deal with china helping our farmers manufacturers, auto industry, energy industry, service industry. and then, they could have had the world's greatest scientists. all they had to do was ask. everybody would have said boom. their best people into. i say they throw out their journalists. >> yeah, the biggest mistake was that their entrance into the wto and the increase in global commerce was going to make them wealthier. making them wealthier. we haven't seen that. what we've seen is the world's largest surveillance state and really a growing tyrannical state at this point. let me say on this china efforts to dictate the narrative and how
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we discuss the chinese coronavirus, the wuhan virus. china is not a race. it's a country. this has nothing to do with the chinese people. nothing. they are not telling us how to do this. this is an effort by a totalitarian regime. their bots to dictate how the american people speak about this. we are not going to do it. the effort is being led by the president. what is surprising. it is not surprising the chinese did this. what is surprising is how many useful idiots in the media right here in this country are actually playing along with china's attempt to manipulate the liberal left's love affair with identity politics. it's really unbelievable the suckers they are for playing along with this. >> sean: take note, it dominic governor huckabee, conservative, saying yeah, as fake as "the new york times" is with fa, they have a right to be there. and they should be there. the world needs to know what
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they are reporting, especially if they occasionally stumble on the truth. but we have that freedom. even to lie about all three of us would say -- >> it's important to note that they have been just relentless at attacking the president. but the one person who came to their defense was a very president who also calls them out for the times when they promote fake news. i think it's a reminder that these are not equal opportunity offenders, but he is going after what is best for america. how good it is to have a president who is not a globalist, who doesn't sell off america's greatest asset so that a few multinational corporations can get rich at the expense of american workers, and even tonight, he is fighting for american workers to get paychecks because he is doing what he said he would do. i'm glad he's in that office right now. >> sean: and dan, i know
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washington, we know what they are capable of. don't waste your money. this money, huge sums of money, needs to go to the people that are impacted, not your project. >> sean, my last words are this. don't screw this up. everybody is watching. ♪ >> sean: all right, thank you both. still, more breaking news tonight. fox news projecting that quid pro quo joe will win the primaries tonight in florida, illinois. karl rove has his whiteboard. i've got to get his address. i don't have it. you won't give it to me. s raight ahead. ♪ pend a bit today, knowing we're prepared for tomorrow. wow, do you think you overdid it maybe? overdid what? well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has a plan designed just for you. and, for a limited time only,
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joe, winning the states of florida and illinois. also breaking, president trump, record numbers in every state so far. he clinched the republican nomination. "new york times" editorial board is despicably sowing chaos, spreading more fake news about the white house. that is that president trump with the "so-called record" on blast today. take a look. >> they are going to say things that are false like the story that was written yesterday. a lot of people, i don't know, somebody, i think i know who, but they taped the conch dominic conference call i had with the one of it was "the new york times" and "the new york times" chose to write totally inaccurately about it. it was a disgraceful thing. it was bad journalism.
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the one state run conspiracy television. one of their analysts accusing the president of negligent homicide. voluntary manslaughter. here with the reaction, the architect, deputy chief of staff, karl rove. i've got special stickers for your whiteboard, made up just for you. >> no, no, no, no. it arrived. it finally arrived. the teeny-weeny little itsy-bitsy whiteboard arrived. [applause] thank you for the little magnets that go go on there. >> sean: it's fake news. >> can we talk about "the new york times"? this is egregious. she sends out a tweet in which she says that the president told the governor's "they are on their own." he never had words like that. she is a member of the editorial
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board. maybe it's the corruption of social media and twitter that she tweets this out. it's not accurate. so, the president said, "don't wait for us." grab everything you can locally. direct purchase, whatever you can get. get what you can. now, peter baker, who is a journalist with "the new york times" at least had that part of it. he sent out tweets saying that the president tell the governor not to wait for federal government. to look for needed medical equipment on their own. but he didn't go on to say with the president said next, which is, you may be able to get it direct, but we will be backing you up. but go read what you can locally. so, first you got the editorial board member of the times who is totally distorting it. and then you have a respected journalist who is being accurate, but not complete. he should have gone on and put the entire context in there. even then, what is the editorial
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board tweet out? her own personal views on this. where is the substance that ought to be there in the time of crisis that we are in? now is the moment when journalists have a special responsibility to be accurate and full and complete. >> sean: but this is the same paper that from the get-go said, if you are feeling awful, you know who to blame. the others, this is his chernobyl. i'm like, wow. it won't take long for the next round. i think the worst thing is, joe biden saying the travel ban, it is uniform it, fear the best decision so far. >> now that you brought biden up, i thought he got the best of bernie on this, because he had that great line. italy has the single-payer system. they are not doing too appeared to think about what he said in that debate about the corona
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virus. it was not challenged by the press either into the debate or even afterward. he said we did a great job. there was criticism. he said, let's send in the military. we've got to deploy the milita military. nobody said where are you going to deploy it and what are we going to do right now? you are insisting that we deploy the military pretty set, we need to build hospitals. exactly where do you want to build the hospital? no, you built one hospital in liberia and took 3,000 u.s. military to do it. he got away with all three of those things. >> sean: the thing, the thing. he's doing it -- he forgets he's on camera. exactly. you see the presidency up close.
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don't you need to be a little more with it? >> look. i turned to a friend of mine. we were watching the debate. i said, you know, it really worries me that we've got a 77-year-old and a 78-year-old. the 78-year-old who just had a heart attack looks like the guy who is ready for the job. thanks again for the teeny-weeny whiteboard. really. seriously. >> sean: right now, karl rove. "new york times." i never thought i would have to say it. >> really nice. >> sean: you are going to go nuts. only come back, how the corona virus reportedly impacting john durham and plus breaking news, john sullivan next. ♪ "nobody should." but, i just don't think you need a separate private plane. but i, but i want it! hey, buddy. what's the damage? i bought it!
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september. with the news, investigative reporter john solomon. >> i've heard from multiple justice officials that that report is a spurious, there is no truth of the coronavirus is having any impact on the investigation. the more important thing of the new documents that have emerged showing what the former obama officials were saying about mike flynn simply wasn't true. they weren't looking to prosecute him on the logan act, they didn't find him deceptive and most importantly, they did not believe he was an agent of russia, they had determined that in january of 201 2017 if they e going on camera telling a far different story. >> sean: more vindication for your reporting. >> for all the good reporters who dug into this we have a lot more to go, i don't think we know the whole story. >> sean: just read it, realize fake news over here, conspiracy
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theories, hoaxes and lies and we got it right. john solomon, great job. we'll always get the truth, we will have more tomorrow. laura ingraham live tonight, laura. >> laura: fantastic show, where up-to-the-minute with reports and what happened in the primaries tonight and the latest on covid-19. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight, my angle is going to reveal what we still don't know about the coronavirus. why are there so many unanswered questions at this point? dr. anthony fauci is here from the white house with some answers. and you have heard the left's claim that trump got rid of the pandemic response office, tonight we have someone who lead that very office and he says the left as usual is lying. plus the trump
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