tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News March 20, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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i guarantee you the books are being rewritten. we'll overcome it. let not your heart be troubleled. lawyer are is next. >> i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle." the trump administration taking bold action closing the southern border and sending anyone that crosses it back to mexico. we should have already been doing this it. mark morgan is here with that good news. senator tom cotton has a grave warning about our dependency on china. he and i have talked about this for decades. hate to say see, i told you see but we told you so. also, imagine if celebrities thought of anyone else but themselves during this outbreak? that can't be. we have to be joking. raymond arroyo is here from new orleans with the trouble in friday's follies.
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first, a dose of reality. that's the focus of tonight's angle. all right. today my favorite subject came up again. the covid-19 briefing. you know, are there treatments out there that are already in use with minimal side effects that could bring relief to our people in our economy? our own john roberts pressed dr. anthony fauci about the drug that we introduced to the wider public monday. >> dr. fauci, it was explained yesterday there has been some promise with hydroxychloroquine, this potential therapy for people infected with coronavirus is. there any evidence to suggest as with malaria it could be used against coronavirus? >> the answer is no. the evidence that you're talking about, john, is anecdotal evidence. as the commissioner of the fda and the president mentioned yesterday, we're trying to strike a balance between making something with a potential of an
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effect to the american people available. at the same time that we do it under the auspice of a protocol that would give us information to determine if it's truly save and truly effective. but the information that you're referring to specifically is antido antidotal. >> laura: i have great respect for dr. fauci. but when you hear something is anecdotal aside from the clinical terminology, to most people, it doesn't sound hopeful or impressive. and anecdotal doesn't described the findings of the world's top researchers that just a few days ago published results of their first study on hydroxychloroquine and hydroxychloroquine with erythromycin. a lot of you have taken zpacs over the years. check out their findings. despite the small sample size,
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our survey shows that hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated, significantly, with viral load reduction or disappearance in covid-19 patients and the effect is reinforced by erythromycin. now look at the chart. the blue line is the control group. they took nothing. bad for them. they all have the virus after six days. the red represents those that received hydroxychloroquine. so some improvement. 40% or so still had the virus. look at the yellow line. the yellow line represents the patients at the end of day five only who are on a protocol that included hydroxychloroquine and erythromycin. now, the researchers in this study and they're all incredibly prominent epidemiologists and researchers, dozens and dozens. they understood when they
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understood the severity of the global crisis we're facing. they also understood the risk to millions, millions of people around the world including our healthcare workers. and they concluded as a result of all of this thinking and what they looked at the following. we therefore recommend that covid-19 patients be treated with hydroxychloroquine and erythromycin to cure their infection and to limit the transmission of the virus to other people in order to curb the spread of covid-19 in the world. now, i understand that we want our own data that is a large controlled study. i understand that is necessary. and the trump administration is 100% correct. at the same time recognizing the benefits already reported in the use of this drug and the drug combo that we just mentioned.
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by the way, hydroxychloroquine, a lot of people don't understand this, but it does not need to be approved by the fda in order to be administered by doctors for off label use. because as i said before, we don't have to go over it but it's prescribed for anti-malaria use and lupus in some cases. our physicians are already using it in our major hospitals for covid patients. they used it in some cases against sars which had a higher mortality rate. the president, as usual, has sharp instincts. he sees things that sometimes the intellectuals and academics might get lost in the details. he's pushing to get millions of doses now into the united states. >> i'm a big fan. we'll see what happens. we all understand what the doctors said is 100% correct. it's early. you know, i've seen things that
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are impressive. we'll see if it's effective. it's a strong drug. >> laura: i can also report tonight that another drug is also showing significant promise in the fight against covid-19. it's called ectemra. it's an anti luken 6. it's a anti-inflammatory prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis. off label use is being implemented now by the chinese who are finding that it works very well against covid-19. roesch makes different versions of this drug. our doctors and our hospitals need all the ammo that they can get to fight this disease. we want fewer people to need ventilators, right? we need to reduce that absolute necessity to have vents in our
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icus. because we have a critical shortage. we have to get people home to quarantine if they're sick. then a necessary amount of time to get those people healthy and back to work as soon as they're medically cleared. i respect the professionals working on this and working ridiculous hours. i respect dr. fauci enormously. in an ideal world, we want everything buttoned up as far as randomized trials go but our country needs hope right now. a all the bureaucracies have to give way. america wants to get back to work. that's the angle. all right. joining me now is dr. william grace, an oncologist in from new york city. doctor, what is the best way to keep people -- keep infected people away from those with
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compromised immune systems? is it the mass shut down that we're seeing or is it a focus on the compromised populations? >> well, we've had the understanding that the old people have the compromised immune systems. it's just the opposite. it's a paradigm change. they have the more mature immune systems even though their bodies may be weakened. their immune systems are strong. it's the strength of that immunity that causes the damage to the lungs and the deaths in these cases. hence, the reason why hydroxychloroquine is beneficial by two mechanisms. suppressing the immune response and number 2 acting to suppress the replication of the virus. that's why the anti-inflammatory drug you just mentioned before i came on is working in china because it's cutting down what we call the inflannmmatory stor.
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that's why you see that it's -- the immune system causing most of the deaths. >> laura: again, it's counter intuitive, dr. grace, from what a lot of people thought, including myself, full disclosure. i was confused until one of these doctors explained this to me about the hydroxychloroquine and actemra. so an older person's response is powerful to a foreign agent coming into their body, this is a new foreign agent. their immune response goes crazy. so you need to drop that down in order to prevent the damage? is that correct? >> yes. that's correct. in addition, you have hydroxychloroquine that also inhibits viral replication. >> laura: dr. grace, there's a lot of skeptics and i understand it's great to be skeptical. but a lot of skeptics out there about this drug that is
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currently in use in the united states. cnn in particular. watch. they're excusing trump pedalling false hope with chloroquine. president trump said he was dispensing a game changer break through on treatment, holding out promise of hope to shift the alarming reality of infections, building economic crisis, shortage of regulators, et cetera, et cetera. is it false hope or do we have at least examples in our country right now of this working, including in your hospital? >> well, laura, you saw the curve that you just put on showing the difference of viral free curves of those that had standard therapy, those that had hydroxychloroquine and those that had the combination of hydroxychloroquine and erythromycin. where all those that got the combination were basically
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virus-free by day five. the results of those tests that show that hydroxychloroquine alone and the sinnynergsynergy, chance in 10,000. that's significant. we look at data today. we accept one chance in 20 of having it occur by chance alone. so one chance in 10,000 is huge. the president is exactly right. this is going to help a lot of people. by the way, the tension you saw with anthony fauci and the president today, both can have their cake and eat it, too. you can take the seriously ill people and treat them off label with the combination of hydroxychloroquine and erythromycin and you can take those people that are not so seriously ill and put them on whatever randomized trial you want. as many limbs as you want. it will be plenty of patients
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out there that will be sick and not so serious that they're in danger of dying. >> laura: some of the researchers are saying can it be prescribed widely as a prophylactic. a preventative of getting the virus at all. when fauci says it's anecdotal and a blow-off. i get it. they want a 2,000 person controlled randomized -- i understand that. this is an emergency. it's working for a lot of people. >> well, when this whole problem with covid-19 is over, we'll talk about the same problems existing in cancer where you have break through therapies, identified by people, very outstanding people and it's called anecdotal and forgotten and buried. let's get rid of covid-19 first and then i think the president is exactly right on this and so is dr. fauci. we can have our cake and eat it, too. >> laura: dr. grace has been at
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the forefront of so many different off-label uses of medical technology and medicines that the experts aren't yet on to. i know that for a fact. thanks so much. >> thank you, laura. thanks for having me on. >> china is blaming the coronavirus, get this, it's an american disease introduced to the country by the u.s. army in october. did you start this disease and give it to china? >> no. that's absurd. look, if the chinese government had been more transparent and contained in china. >> laura: defense secretary mark esper laying out what we've been telling you for weeks. china has some responsibility here. don't you think? they knew in december probably earlier, that this could be a
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massive health crisis for the world. instead of warning us, they engaged a cover-up. our economy is in horrific shape because of it. if we're not careful, china will do even more damage. according to "the washington post," beijing is preparing to use the crisis to advance china's economic strategy against the u.s. several chinese company agencies and officials are talking publicly about how china can take advantage of being the first country to start recovering from the novel coronavirus to take over the industries of the future. we're way too reliant on china in key industries. i've been talking about this for 20 years. medical supplies, space weaponry. they threatened to cut off bio medicines and pharmaceuticals just last week. nice people. joining me now, marc thiessen, former white house centerpiece
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reacher and fox news contributor doing great work on this. marc, what do we need to do right now? right now to pull off the blinders on china and begin to decouple ourselves from this communist regime? >> first thing we have to do, get out of this recession and pass the recovery bill so we can get through this and american businesses and families can get back to the prosperity that they had before the covid virus was unleashed by china. when that is done, we have to look back for who is responsible for the unbelievable economic damage that we're suffering today. the reason we're going into a deep recession, the reason why our economy is in freefall is the chinese regime is more interested in suppressing the truth. they knew there was human behavior transmission. medical workers were getting sick. january 14, the chinese told the world health organization that there was no evidence of human-to-human transition when
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they knew it wasn't true, a couple days later, they had a banquet in wuhan. they had tens of thousands sharing food and then they let people spread all over china and spread it all over the world. an axios report showed that if they acted three weeks earlier, 95% reduction in cases. we need to hold china -- we're about to spend $1 to $2 trillion. we need to send the bill to china for that. donald trump needs to tell china to pay the bill. >> laura: they're blaming us. in line with what you're saying, ian bremer, i've had him on my pot cast before and radio show, he is urging america to kind of lean in to our reliance on china. check it out. >> if you're fighting a war, you need allies, right?
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the war is a global war. it's not against china. it's against the virus. you know, almost all of our medical equipment, the comply chain comes from china. 2008, the americans were leading. 2020 we're not. the chinese are the ones offering medical assistance and we're here without the ability to provide for our people. >> laura: marc is that the lesson? china does it better. it's not that they stole our technology, all the ways that they subsidize their state industries? the lesson is, look how great china is. i don't get this. >> the best rebuttal to that is the chinese just threatened the trump administration, you better be careful about calling this a chinese virus because you may find out that we're going to cut off your pharmaceutical supplies and plunge you into a worse epidemic. that was on the state mouthpiece news service. so they're threatening -- we
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depend on china for about 90% of our antibiotics. >> laura: has to end. that has to end. we cannot be reliant on them for any essential goods at all. if it means -- we're not -- >> and 5g. >> laura: europe is completely supplicating themselves. they're completely bowing down to them. they're saying thank you, master. thank you for your help. china looks like the white knight. this is a situation we're in now with china. >> we need social distancing and economic distancing from china. when this is done, laura -- after 9-11, the congress passed a bill that removed sovereign immunity from saudi arabia. we should strip china of sovereign immunity. all of these businesses should
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sue china for damages. they unleashed this virus on the american people. >> laura: what do you think about the trump administration trying to increase the -- some republicans trying to increase the number of eb5 visas for chinese investors? so it lowers the threshold of money that they have to bring into the united states and makes it easier for them to come buy our companies on the cheap. what are your thoughts of that? increasing the number of eb-5 visas after this. >> we need to have a broad policy of strategic dis engaenge disengagement from china. where american investment is supporting the people's liberation army, creating internal representation. this is something that we have to remember. that the way china -- we're discovering something. we learned a lesson after september 11. what happened 3,000 miles can affect us here at home. that led to a terrorist attack.
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now it's a virus. the way the chinese people treat their own people affects the health and safety of our country. we have to put freedom back at the center of our foreign policy. >> laura: we can't do this to our country, our small business, our families. every time china decides we're not going to share information with you. we can't do this. this is not be the new normal where this is just what we do and we stay in our houses for lord knows -- can't happen. it's ridiculous. >> if we want to get our sneakers and clothes at walmart made in china, no problem with that. i don't want our drugs made in china. heparin, alzheimers drugs. 5g. the backbone of the 21st century economy and china is in the lead on it. how did we allow that to happen? the greatest free market country in the world and a communist
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dictatorship -- >> laura: you know the answer. a lot of people were making a lot of money by parking it in china and doing deals with the chinese government and looked the other way and called us xenophobes and china bashers. thanks. love your column. you are doing great work. thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> laura: coming up, trump's move to close the u.s.-mexico border comes in the nick of time. i'll explain why mexico's coronavirus outbreak could be worse than italy's before mark morgan responds. don't miss it.
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>> these massive flows place a mass burden on our healthcare system. doing a global pandemic, they threaten to create a perfect storm that would spread the infection to our border agents, migrants and the public at large. this would cripple our immigration system, overwhelm our healthcare system and severely damage our national security. we're not going to let that happen. >> laura: yes! president trump closing the u.s.-mexico border to fight coronavirus. remember when people said you couldn't close the border? i guess they were wrong. allowing essential travel and trade. we warned you about a potential nightmare unfolding at the southern border. last week, the number of confirmed cases quadrupled from 40 to more than 160. that is only what the official stats tell us. the mexican government doesn't seem to care at all.
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why they did close public schools, there's no travel restrictions and limited screenings of any travelers. large gatherings, concerts and stuff are still happening. what you have here are the ingredients epidemiologists are saying for an epic disaster. here's how one of mexico's top epidemiologists put it. we have all the conditions to turn this into a tragedy similar to italy. imagine what would happen if mexico overtook italy? chad wolf painted a dire picture earlier today. >> the outbreak on our southern border would increase the strain on health systems in our border communities. >> laura: joining me now, acting cbp commissioner mark morgan. the border is closing. does that mean enforcement is enhanced and more boots are on
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the ground? how are we "closing the border." in places where i was, it was desolate. >> so all of that has happened. but words matter. it means something different to certain people. we're not really closing the border. as you said in your opening, we're absolutely limiting and taking reasonable restrictions to contain and mitigate. but still open to essential travel and a cargo commercial trade will continue to flow. but this president, this is the first time this has ever happened that we've taken these authorities and apply them. we're doing it at the northern border and the southern border. again, this is bold, aggressive action. but it's yet common sense and exactly what we need to do. >> laura: mark, we've talked about this before. we're not talking about the normal entry points where people
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have to meet a border patrol official, a customs official. we're not talking about that. we're talking about people who just walk across the border a little fence where we don't have the wall yet or people that float across the rio grande. people were floating the rio grande last year and it was narrow in the places we were and shallow in some places but still water moves. they were just turning themselves in to border patrol and then getting bussed to a different part of texas and ultimately released into the country. i understand that we've also gotten rid of or suspended all asylum applications at ports of entry. is that correct? >> you're right. that's a game changer. that's the bold aggressive action that this president took today. with the cdc order what they have said is that exactly what you've been saying, laura. we've been part of the task force from day one and we've
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been talking with cdc and other healthcare providers. they gave the final order that allows cbp to do what you just described. when they enter illegally, they have no documentation. instead of taking them in -- >> laura: i'm saying, we could have done this -- we should never have taken them in. this is what we saw when we were there. i want to remind you, these family units can come by the thousands in the united states, crossing the rio grande and being released is because the trump administration was sued, liberal judges put an injunction stopping the administration from sending people immediately back. correct? that was liberal judges who at the time were endangering our health, security and just our school resources and everything else. this is something the trump administration has tried to do before and judges stopped them.
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now everyone is a border hawk because they're like well, my life might be in jeopardy now. >> well, laura, you're spot on. this is another -- today right now, this is not about immigration. what this is about is borders matter though. that's what we're seeing right now. the unprecedented bold action this president is taken is first and foremost. it's a healthcare crisis. we need to protect -- for me, i want to protect the men and the women of the cbp and the american people. with this bold action, the immigrants will be protected as well. so once they come across illegally, the men and women of the cbp, we're turning around right there around returning them to mexico. >> you like the world "bold" mark. you said very bold. it is bold. it was bold last year when the administration did this. they tried to stop this nonsense a year ago. again, trump was way ahead of the curve on this border problem. now all of these other people are coming along to the view.
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however, commissioner morgan, joe biden just eight days ago was tweeting this. he said, a wall will not stop the coronavirus. banning all travel from europe or any part of the world will not stop it. this disease will not stop. we need a plan to combat it. joe biden wouldn't have done this. we would have more people flooding in from affected areas. >> nine months, 30 days, because of the tactics that we've taken own i'll say it because of the bold action -- >> laura: a drinking game here. >> in a single month, we've reduced that flow by 100,000. that's -- right now, in this pandemic that we're in, that's 100,000 less individuals that would have been illegally entering our country. that is absolutely a game changer. and the wall is a part of that. >> laura: we need all of that. this has to be a lesson for
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going forward. we don't need t.b. coming into our country, our schools. people are losing their jobs all over the country. we don't need new workers. we need people back to work as soon as medically possible and okay health-wise. commissioner morgan, great to see you. stay safe out there and our love to the border patrol. they're amazing people. i met so many of them the last several years. take care. >> i'll pass it along. >> laura: all right. in moments, is the coronavirus causing the internet to overload? uh-oh. and the quarantine is bringing out, well, not the best in certain celebrities. wait until you see who cnn trotted out as their expert on covid-19. raymond arroyo breaks it down on friday follies next. announcer: there are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. wash your hands. avoid close contact with people who are sick. avoid touching your eyes,
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- do that are degrading?ideo tapes, film reels, or photos, legacybox professionally converts them to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud. legacybox is simple and safe, with over half a million satisfied customers. visit today, and get 40% off. >> laura: its friday and that means it's time for, oh, friday follies. of course. quarantine is getting to some celebs. broad band is narrowing? for all the details, we're joined by raymond arroyo, fox news contributor who is sheltering in place. that's not the right terminology in new orleans. will wilder 3 out in paper back next week. we're seeing reports about strains on the internet in europe. what would happen here in the
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united states in families stuck together for all this time, started losing their broad band? >> laura, with hundreds of millions of people using broad band for work, classes, gaming, video, there were concerns that it could break the internet in europe. verizon says usage is up 75%. youtube and netflix have agreed to reduce streaming quality in europe for 30 days. the u.s. could impose similar limitations if this drags on. as an example of what you can expect at home, this is how disney plus' mandalorian looks in high definition. watch. now laura, this is how the same clip could look in standard def at low resolution.
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look at baby yoda here. >> laura: what? >> it's not that bad, laura. but there are concerns that this could happen and some of our favorite shows might see a decrease in the quality. i mean, only so much broad band to go around. >> laura: now the coronavirus quarantine has inspired some strange programming. but experts that you don't expect have noticed. tell us about the cnn coronavirus town hall. >> yeah, you'd expect a network to feature doctors, elected officials. >> laura: oh, they do. >> yeah, but cnn gave us sean penn the other night looking like he's fighting a virus. watch. >> we're all fighting as one species. any little activity has happened too late. it's time to give the military the full breadth command and
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control of this operation. >> laura: are you -- wait a second. >> it's unbelievable. >> laura: that was not sean penn. >> yes, it was. this is odd times at ridgemont high. can you believe he's calling for the military to take over? he was a close friend of hugo chavez. >> laura: they love dictatorship. they love it. there's a lot of liberals that are a little happy that people are stuck in their homes and they're not polluting the environment, not driving, not traveling. they're just not living their normal lives. people are afraid and waiting for someone to help them and rescue them. liberals -- >> in 2010, penn helped haiti. okay? this is not a relief organization, this is a pandemic. it's a different fight. laura, penn is not the only celebrity acting out in strange ways.
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gal gadout got her celebrity friends to join her in a cover of john lennon's "imagine." ♪ imagine there's no heaven ♪ easy if you tried ♪ no hell below us ♪ imagine all the people ♪ living for today >> laura: oh, my god. >> so painful, laura. talk about off key. not just the singing. it's so out of touch. who during an epidemic wants to hear people talking about no heaven. it's ridiculous. >> laura: sorry. remember, raymond, imagine
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there's no country. that's part -- >> right. >> laura: i love the melody but i never liked the lyrics. >> i hate this song. i can't stand it. these celebrities imagine no possessions while they're on their ranches in malibu. >> sean: it sticks in my crawl and those unemployed right now. >> laura: imagine no possessions from sun valley, idaho. >> right. >> laura: as i hop the g-5 to wherever. okay. >> laura, some of them are using their platforms to encourage young people to social distance. that's a good thing. some people are doing read-alongs for kids and families. i'm doing one tomorrow on facebook. that's great. positive. but it's when you look closer at people like josh gadd. this is one of the most absurd things i've ever seen. he was olaf the snowman in frozen and seems to be melting now. watch. >> cry for a second. now i'm going to do it by myself
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and thought, you mow what? it's important for everybody to understand that we're all going through so much uncertainty right now. we're going to get through it. it's hard. i'm emotional. >> this is so indulgent, laura. watching this guy emote -- people don't need this. i was with waiters and waitresses today that were laid off. yeah, how dare he cry? the residual checks are rolling in. it's embarrassing, particularly those suffering. >> laura: when you said he played olaf, i thought he was going to show up in a snowman costume. >> at this point, i'd like to kick over a snowman. i wrote up a list of films people might want to consider. it's on including passion of the christ, which is streaming on fox
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nation. i did an exclusive interview with the producer. he has secrets behind the scenes. it will make for a good evening for a whole family. particularly it being lent. >> laura: it's fantastic. you can go to fox nation. raymond, i saw a picture of your whole family playing monopoly. i did see one player cheating. okay? there was something being done -- >> i don't know who that could be. >> laura: stay safe without restaurants that you can go into. lots of good take out in new orleans. have fun. >> go get your food. it's fun. have to keep the it's be -- keep the businesses going. coming up, senator tom cotton has a plan to claw back the industries from china. he joins us next.
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>> laura: earlier in the show, we laid out why we need to decouple ourselves there china. now more than ever. especially when it comes to medicine and medical supplies. my next guest has introduced legislation to bring those industries back home. joining me now, senator tom cotton from arkansas. how are you going to get those companies to start producing here because the message from the globalists is it will cost ten times more until you have trillions lost down of the american economy because we can't protect our people. how do you do it? how do you get them back? >> laura, i think most americans are shocked when they learned in recent days that so many of our
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basic drugs are made in china, dozens of ingredients that go to finished products. what we're going to do is help create supply here and create demand. so the demand is going to come to the federal government's purchasing power. the department of defense, the v.a., medicare, medicaid, others purchase an immense amount of drugs, many which original in china. in a few years, we're going to say that ends. no more drugs from china purchased by the federal government. second, we're going to give incentives for manufacturers and entrepreneurs to locate pharmaceutical factories here in the united states. for example, by allowing them to mediately expense the cost of building the factories and buying that equipment. you can produce generic drugs that have been around a long time in places like rural arkansas just as you can in rural china. it's not that much more expensive and we can see that it will make us safer and more
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secure. >> laura: senator cotton, we need jobs. we're going to have an enormous unemployment role if people are really going to be staying in their houses longer than a few weeks. a lot of damage done. we need the jobs with that having been said, back in 2018, "the new york times," which is often not too anti-china, they were reporting on the following, for over a year the chinese government has withheld lab samples of a rapidly involving influenza virus. specialists needed to develop vaccines and treatments despite questions by officials. so shouldn't we have been on notice that you can't really trust the chinese to give us the
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information we need about critical points such as these horrible health scares and possible epidemics? >> yeah, laura, we should have been on notice going back decades. it was never a smart idea to outsource our basic industrial productivity to a country like china. we need that in america. unfortunately though, it's not just china. china is just in the last two weeks threatened to withhold basic drugs. but allied countries in the face of a global pandemic are withholding basic pharmaceutical ingredients, basic medical supplies and devices. that's why it's so vital that we have that productive capacity here in the united states for our safety and for jobs. >> laura: real quick, senator, this is governor cuomo in new york. he's been pretty good, trying to be positive in a horrific situation in new york. this is what he said about the
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n-95 mask situation. watch. >> if i had a new york state defense production act, i would use it. we need masks. if you're making clothing, figure out if you can make masks. i'll fund it. i'm doing everything i can to increase the production. that's decides having people all over the globe trying to buy product. >> laura: buying product on the open market, 3m, honeywell among the companies that make these masks. but they make them in china for the most part. correct? >> yeah, fortunately too much of that capacity is in china. i agree with governor cuomo, companies looking into that crash course for manufacturing, what we need here until we contestant can get a long-term solution. >> laura: there's seamstresses that are taking up a mask making
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i laughed out loud. that's all the time we have. >> shannon: illinois, california, new york, connecticut, democratic governors of those states are telling their citizens to stay home. in new york, for example, no more outdoor basketball games. everybody not deemed essential to operations must stay home. the orders come with a message, they will be strictly enforced. texas tonight going a totally different route. advising citizens to think of their best interests but refraining them from ordering them to stay in place. we'll see how the rules play out. in california, marijuana dispensaries got a last second reprieve from the order to close because they're deemed essential businesses. a california plant
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