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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  March 21, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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can, learn to play cards, read a good book, read my book, rea book, go find someone that needs your help, good night, that is it but i will be back ♪ ♪. greg: so far away. are you going crazy? don't be, we are all in this together, you and me like the wonder twins but better looking. we will beat this virus for one simple reason, humans are better working together than viruses. were a team species, viruses may be invisible and spread but we humans and that a lot of [blee [bleep], math, physics, dune buggies, we always prevail together. it reveals how the entertainment world wrongly pretrade that stuff, we do not turn on each other, we turn toward each other and we help at a safe distance
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of course. there has not been a time like this where the entire planet is focusing to save the weakest, oldest and most and firm among us. this is not a handmade tale, we do good things when things get bad. people are working around-the-clock on vaccines, drugs, and combos of drugs, no more crapping on big pharma, they may saber asses but throughout this, consider the people out of work, the lady at the nail salon, the dude who cleans your teeth. i just read an article that says prostitutes are being hurt by the economic shutdown. maybe it's me but i think we need a stimulus for a stimulus. supermarkets enacted senior grocery hours older folks can shop without getting infected by oblivious teens. it's like an adult pool with less peen. don't worry about food or drink, our country is amazing at making stuff and we will keep making it. still there is a shortage of coconut water in nyc.
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in our worst crisis, it is coconut water that is depleted. after a devastating earthquake, there is a run on pogo sticks. that is great, i do not drink coconut water. i am lucky, everything sold out is stuff i hate. and everything that i love, no one else does. i still get wafers, cream corn in a can, delicious. buffalo ranch pringles, no one likes those, not even the pringles people but i do. and of course cottage cheese. cottage cheese is everywhere, i could fill a hot tub with cottage cheese. and i have. i also noted how much stuff is still on the shelf but useless. there is steak sauce but no steak, onion dip and no chips, catchup and no tarina one smart blend. what can i say chicken and brown rice on trait is amazing and it makes my coat really shiny. people are still calling 911
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when they are out of toilet paper. which shows a lack of imagination. there are so many alternatives, the new york times, the washington post, children books by celebrities or how about the yard long receipts from the drugstore that can wipe more asses than a donkey carwash. is fine how we use more useless things. but you are the opposite of useless, you could be our teams in bp, there's something you want to learn or get better now is the time, language, chess, math, tax forms, role-playing. youtube is your university, a free online college, read a damn book like one of mine, you can exit this turmoil with new skills and mindset. the dire outcomes we hear about don't factor in the work we are doing together, the social distancing, handwashing, every
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act kills a vector. one person effects would have people. those people infect to have people each and so on. when you're doing the smallest thing, you're part of a bigger thing, america, the world, you are saving the universe. write matthew? >> we have an enemy in coronavirus that is faceless, racist, sexist and bipartisan and we all agree we want to beat and we will be different this viruses time might be the one time it brings us all together and unifies this like we have not been in a long time. greg: alright, alright, alright. mimi later at the moon tower. finally a celebrity i can stomach which reminds me celebs telling everyone to stay indoo indoors, banks, you can weather this for months, sitting on a pile of cash. i only know waitresses and
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bartenders and they are hurting. thankfully we have already slowed the spread and bought time. but now we must consider the devastating consequences if we extend the shutdown what's beyond tolerable. sooner or later will make a choice be under beyond the economy survival in the effects over time through the rich and famous calling that insensitive do not have to worry about that but you do. so far what we are doing is working, i wish i could say that about the media. >> why do you call this the chinese virus, there are reports of dozens of instants of biased against chinese-americans in this country, why do you keep using the term. >> because it comes from china, it is not racist at all. it comes from china. >> a person at the white house -- >> my question is -- do you think using the word chinese virus, that put asian americans at risk. >> noah comes from china. greg: that is the hill these idiots die on whether or not
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calling this disease originating from china, chinese. the media comes from useless obsession lost in the cloud of narrative and they cannot help you because they cannot help themselves. meanwhile people all over the world are doing great things, volunteers, 3d printed 11 grand valves for a buck to keep cobit patients alive. doctors practicing across state lines to easy the load on others. we are figuring out the quickest way to get money to those in need. this is a special time when you can prove your worth, all hands on deck. you can fall into the dead and arguing about who said what and when but at the time stuck for losers. instead what is important what we can do now for each other, you will like who you become, you will be a better version of you, stronger more capable person, a citizen of a better
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nation. you will care less about bickering and more about finding purpose and that purpose will be easy to find. it is about helping the people around you who need help. this is not a movie where there is only one superhero. you are a superhero among superheroes. if you can help those around you, dive in. and if you need help, do not be afraid to ask, we are only human, one that kicks ass over a virus. >> let's welcome tonight's guests. she flew here on a sparrow, my cohost on the five an anchor of the daily briefing dana perino. she is a market whiz from fox business, anchor dagen mcdowell. in social distancing for an olympic event, she would be on a box of wheaties. host of fox nation kat timpf and if you are worried about a virus, just call pirates, my massive sidekick to hig tyrus.
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greg: heidi think trump is handling this. >> as everyone started focusing and using him at the briefing every sigel day, taking all the questions, is not like in and out, two or three questions, he is taking all the questions and sometimes i think they lost to long because don't they have work to do but i think the country is showing we can all come together. remember not too long ago after the horrible mass shooting a friend of mine that worked at the company where it happened sent me a note and said this country needs a circuit breaker. and nobody wants to have to deal with a crisis or tragedy but i do think what weir scene scene g away an idea that america is so poorly advised and we are so far apart. we are really not, this is a
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circuit breaker that reminds us, we have to all get together, if you think about world war ii or the world war, that affected everybody in some way but over a long period of time. this is affecting all of us all at once. i feel pretty good where we are coming together, this is not anybody's fault. i think we president trump said that the other day, it was really important for everyone to hear. he repeatedly said the government will help, it is not your fault, the government will help. greg: , we already slowed the spread and bought time with our actions. what about the ramifications of extending the shutdown beyond what is tolerable. at some point, we have to weigh what we are doing against the virus and what were doing against the economy. dagen: if the economic slowdown turns into something that would be the great depression. and at last not just for months but for potentially years, you
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do not need me too quote numbers, like your monologue said, we all know people who have been hurt by this. we will see the result of what has happening in terms of people filing for unemployment benefits. you don't need to know how many people because we will see them in our neighborhoods, and our towns and cities. but money will go out to them, $3400 of a family of four based on what congress is doing, maybe another check, and employment benefits coming in but we can only tolerate this for a matter of weeks. people are getting really creative, my gray roots are going to start growing in any second because i am 83. people are doing online tutorials like you cannot go to a salon but here's the box color you can buy, i will show you on facetime or online how to apply. so nobody has to look at me be arthur. [laughter] greg: kat, you are sitting in tyrus' chair.
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>> my feet do not come close to touching the ground. greg: what is peaked your interest being at home for the last ten days? kat: i love that you brought up the celebrity thing, that has been a thing that drove me the most nuts. i was thinking, this is going to get worse and worse and i saw the video of the celebrities singing imagine from their mansions, i'm like it's already getting worse. i saw that in the only thing i thought, i cannot imagine being that obsessed with myself. people's lives are being destroyed and they think i know what can solve it, my face singing cheesy trash from one of my multiple mansions. that's what the world needs right now. there are so out of touch there so multimillionaires, they don't even know other people who are not multimillionaires and i just had to shut -- to stop, it makes me so sick.
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i have struggled with self-esteem throughout my life, and hating myself and now i am glad i hate myself a little. [laughter] because i'd rather hate myself for ever then love myself and be so obsessed with myself that i think i can solve the world problems by showing my face on the internet. get over yourself. greg: it has been two weeks since we've seen you, you been held up because you cannot fly over here. what have you been doing and what are your thoughts over this interesting pandemic? tyrus: as far as the gray roots, we will start seeing everyone is not physically what they look like but as well as what their character is all about. it is time for people to do their job. i think the white house has done a very good job of coming to terms with things and breaking it down and let the experts do
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their job pray the media will actually have to do their job, nobody wants questions of what the name of something, we want information. everyone has to do their job which i think is great. for those of you and that are at home with loved ones, you will find out what she looks like real quick for real for real. with the makeup gone, the plucking of the eyebrows is gone, you know what i'm saying. kat: hair extensions to. tyrus: a lot of guys are going to say i had no idea i was dating a brunette with no eyelashes. it is going to be a lot of truth. a very truthful time. i have been working, getting prepared, i have small children i have to check on and make sure everybody is okay so it's a lot of responsibility and a lot of things going on right now. greg: we have to roll, but this is how i look all the time. imagine not wearing any makeup. do not touch anything literally. we'll be right back.
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...that if it's connected, it's protected. even that that pet-camera thingy. [ whines ] can your internet do that? xfinity xfi can because it's... ...simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] greg: how can you be your best under house arrest.
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it has changed our lives in ways we never imagined. we finished our first week of social distancing and working from home. we watched every friend episode twice even working bee stings. and were drinking at home, a new thing for me of course now that the bars and restaurants are closed, booze delivery is skyrocketing, one service order jump 450%, that is like a hundred% times port times 50, obviously most come from downtown manhattan, not sure who that can be. and then there is the issue of working from home. a lot of companies have given their workers guidelines like getting dressed for work as opposed to sitting at your laptop naked and we call that the kill made, this is what i work when we had a video conference this week.
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[laughter] greg: kat, are you drinking more or less, i don't think you're drinking later, are you drinking later? kat: i managed not to, i try to wait till sundown. it's been really tough but i found things that help me, i don't know the things that help me would be useful to others because i don't know if others are as disgusting as i am. it helps to brush your hair, shower. greg: that is good. kat: i was walking by the mere a3 and i did not like what i saw so i suggested to my boyfriend, let's cover them with wrapping paper and he was like or, you can change and put on some sweatpants that do not have cheese dust all over them and i did and that helps. so babe, brush your hair, brush
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her teeth, basic sanitary hygiene, does anyone else struggle with that? greg: let me ask dagen, i've noticed for me, time has slowed. i feel like the first day was three days because you can feel every moment and i cannot wait to sleep. here was my solution, can't we take some drugs that put us to sleep or three weeks? dagen: yes, maybe if they still made play lewd. i have some cooking tips, country coronavirus cooking. salsa is also gazpacho, vegan's pasta sauce. who needs salsa, if you eat tostitos for three meals a day, seven days a week you might get scurvy. google that. one more tip on your tip, gin
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and buttermilk is not a good drink. greg: buttermilk is a problem. tyrus, how are you coping, do you have any tips for people at home, and nothing to do with relationships that's in the next block. tyrus: and i'm the last person to give advice on relationships, mine has always been dock and cover. [laughter] tyrus: the biggest thing was preparing so i have been prepping for about three weeks, we are kind of ahead of the curve, the next thing i found taken advantage of being outside mark and doing more things with the family, we brought boardgames back which was crazy, a lot of change, not the candyland that we grew up with. there is no stocking jelly jam land, everybody wins, the shoots and letters have no shoes because i don't want anybody to fall, it's changed quite a bit
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so i'm having to adjust. i played roaming again. and just focusing on things like that and here's the weird thing not watching that much tv other than news for information. kinda just getting back into family and life again, eating healthy and me and my wife -- while she works out and i try to do stuff in the back because i cannot go to the gym so i have to pick up people in my house and thrown around to get a workout in. kat: i'm proud of myself for changing my pants. [laughter] tyrus: i'm taking this on to be a better chance of me and working on all kinds of stuff. i have to listen now. i cannot talk, have to go to work. a lot of listening now. greg: i have to admit you are right about one thing dana, the one thing i think is important is not obsessing over this issue because if you get an issue in your brain and focusing energy
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on it and the only way to get out of the headspace is to read books. because then you get into other people's headspace. dana: three great things, obviously reading, i read my book, read all of our books, lots of books, i love fiction, you can travel somewhere and learn about something new. i like exercise and greg, i don't know if you knew, pellets on has a digital app, free for the next 90 days, you do not have to pay and if you do not have the by, they have things like yoga, meditation, boot camp, body weight exercises you don't even have to leave your house to do that, i love the free concerts, i watched one with levi, travis meadows, karen, it is kind of good. greg: i did go to boot camp that's a place where they teach you to throw up. tyrus: the working out of home stuff is great.
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greg: you don't have a problem? anyways, time for a break, wash those hands 20 seconds each.
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>> live from america's news headquarters. the federal aviation briefly suspending flights to new york
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area airports. faa saying the suspensions of the flight is due to the staffing issues as the coronavirus pandemic forces people to retreat to their homes. it leaves the streets and airports empty and this coming as. >> declares new york a major disaster area as cases of covid-19 soar above 11000. congress and the white house negotiating a $1.4 trillion package bid president trump urging lawmakers to strike a deal hoping the financial assistance will study the economy. senate democratic leader chuck schumer say in good progress is being made and experts saying along with measures from the federal reserve it could pump more than $2 trillion into the economy. i'm ashley and now back to the greg gutfeld show. weeks. greg: they chose bt stand over their dear old grand, rather considering the chance of their spreading the virus around the
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country which can affect their relatives, they had the florida beach. check of the video spring break, drinking, partying, the only corona comes in a bottle with one. >> if i corona, i corona, at the end of the day it won't stop me from partying in. >> i don't want to stop my spring break, what is there to do than other than go to the bars and the beach, their closing all of it. i think they're blowing away out of proportion and is doing way too much. >> there are more things more serious like hunger and poverty and we need to address that. >> i'm just here to party, it's disappointing but we are making the most of it. greg: i miss being that dumb. i hate people using partying as a verb. for analysis, let's turn to a wise person. kids are stupid but we created a family structure so the teenagers can make it to adulthood the mentoring of parents, when the parent advocates that responsibility,
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your for spring break with a bunch of people who have a short-term benefit, teens favor short-term benefit over long-term risk, this shows you this and the parents should've stopped this and they did not so they losers. i can't believe i'm saying this, you'd make a great father. [laughter] greg: i did not hear a word he said, i was mesmerized by his beauty. if you want to be silly do it without the crowd, like the sky. ♪. greg: that is juicy. kat, if that were my kid, if that were one of my kids, i would sell the house and move without a forwarding address before they get home. kat: it is not surprising, if
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you're at a party like that, you are clearly concerned about disease whatsoever, coronavirus or no coronavirus if you go there you're coming back with something. when i saw that, especially the girl that said she's 21, the first thing in thinking, who is paying for this. when i was 21, i did not get drunk and miami beach money. it was more like spring break, you go to the gas station, you get some natty light and drink in your studio apartment of your friend that graduated last year. by the way very fun spring break, shout out to lj and blake. but who is funding this. even if you have a job, it's not a job you can afford to get wrecked off a 17-dollar prickly pear margaritas, you have natty light money, is not just the kids, it is the parents who are saying, here you go, kill
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grandma. they do not have the money, someone else is funding it. go get drunk off a gas station beer like a normal 21 euro. you can still get just as wrecked. greg: so true. any words for these kids or their parents? tyrus: honestly when i sought, i shook my head and we always hear about the greatness of freedom in this country where we can say and do what we want and sometimes those freedoms hurt us because in other countries when they say shut down, you shut it down or you go away. at one point china was bolting doors in them melting apartments together, you do not go out and if you dig it out you did not want to be found, were policing yourself and doing the right thing is such an inconvenience to a generation group that needs safe spaces, victims if you say the wrong thing on social media but an actual thing comes that
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you actually need a safe space and they are outraged by it. there is no winning with this group. i really feel old. greg: soda why. kat: i feel poor, there were five of us in the studio. greg: it must've smelled awful, dana, you made a very good point earlier, no one is going to hire these people. dana: i would not. it was not just them, i'm talking about all the people after four days that the president, dr. fauci, dr. birx telling never become a stay home, they could not even do that, they were at the bars and hosting pictures on instagram, facebook and twitter, look at us how great we are, those pictures will last and if you want to hire 70 with good judgment and they did that, i don't not think you will do it. and the guy who said we should focus on hunger and poverty, no, were trying to save the human race right now so we can deal with hunger and poverty. thanks for what you doing on
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miami beach with all those issues. greg: so true. dagen: in terms of money, it is not what they're spending at the beach, somebody is paying for these dough backs to go to college somewhere. had they gone into debt to the tune of six figures to do what, chase dogs for a living for a ba, that is all there capable of. in my family, somebody would've showed up and grab me by the ear and pulled me off and kicked my ass in the street. greg: i don't know what i would've done at that age. i'm such a hypocrite. kat: an apartment in five people sit. greg: time for a break, no cuddling, back in a sanitized flash. this is big. double dozen big! it's captain d's new double dozen shrimp.
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it was interesting to think about their lives... their successes... and...their hardships. i think that's part of what i want my kids to know. they come from people who... were brave. and took risks. big risks. no pressure. [short laugh] bring your family history to life, like never before. get started for free at i wanted my hepatitis c gone. i put off treating mine. epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. i just found out about mine. i knew for years epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. i had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could
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cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or... ...kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions... ...and all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects include headache and tiredness. ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. dr. dto do a lot right now. that we're asking americans so we're asking everyone to be selfless for others so that we can protect those who are most susceptible to this virus. dr. jerome adams: a question i often get asked is, "why should young people care about the spread of coronavirus?" well we know that people with underlying medical conditions over the age of 60 are at highest risk, but they've got to get it from somebody. dr. anthony fauci: social distancing is really physical separation of people. dr. deborah birx: it's what we refer to when we ask people to stay at least six feet apart. dr. anthony fauci: not going to bars, not going to restaurants, not going to theaters where there are a lot of people...
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it all just means physical separation so you have a space between you and others who might actually be infected or infect you. dr. jerome adams: we all have a role to play in preventing person-to-person spread of this disease which can be deadly for vulnerable groups. for more information on how you can social distance please go to
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greg: can your bond outlast a crisis this bad, being cooped up with your mate can take a toll on any relationship. now is the time to understand who you are in who your partner is, the event changing by the day easy to get consumed and freaked out and how you respond to your partners and inevitable meltdown will make all the difference to your relationship. will this put your love to the test, will it make it stronger or weaker, is it possible a crisis can bring the recently split up back together? because they are so damn lonely, let's see how this couple is doing. ♪. greg: i don't think that's the least bit legal, fun but illegal. all right tyrus, everybody in
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your household getting along? tyrus: we are so happy and enjoying being together and talking every day and i'm just loving life. i get to work out with her on instagram, i get to work out and it's going really, really great. , never been so happy in all my life. cannot get the smile off my face, all need a plastic surgeon to get it removed. thank you so much for asking me that great question. [laughter] greg: i am sorry tyrus. i will pray for you and i'm not even religious. dana, is jasper sick of you? dana: i think pets across america think this is awesome. all my humans are home at the same time every night and there is take-out containers will be or done because i haven't started cooking but i'm going
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to. peter and i are doing pretty well, i talked to a friend and they have been quarantine for 14 days because they had an exposure and they did something where they had steam night, they would make barbecue and watch tombstone and then wings and top gun and then to confirm and watch goodfellas. that would be fun to do with things. greg: that sounds racist. the fact that letup harm because were watching movies with italian. i always knew deep in your heart you hate people and that makes me feel good. i have a theory called the almost famous test, based on the scene where the plane almost goes down, when you're in a life-threatening situation, do you hold your spouse's hand and tell her how much you love her or do you think when this is over i'm getting a divorce? [laughter] dagen: both, that can happen within the same minute.
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i love new relationships in this environment because it only takes a woman stuck at home with her honey bear a few hours to stop giving a damn. to stop shaving, honey you are watching narcosis, no we are watching valentine's day and i have a little bit of mustard on my sweatshirt, i will move my hair so you cannot see it. greg: here is the big question for cats, you have been dating kam for a year now, who is worse for wear, is he going crazy or you? kat: i see as an opportunity and i think all of my ladies out there should see this opportunity. they cannot go anywhere. legally they cannot go anywhere. so you have an issue, maybe he got a weird text mrs. a year ago and you did not want to bring it up but now is the time. he has got to talk about it, he
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has nowhere to go, some say keep the peace i say seize the day. there is also fun games you comply, ice played this fun game i made up earlier this week where i find a picture of arena woman, i texted to him and he goes who is that in isaiah really, that's what you're going with, do you think i'm stupid and you go on and on and we all have a laugh. he is having a great time. the fact that i am here, he is missing all the fun we are having but don't worry we have a lot more to talk about when i come home. [laughter] greg: you are evil. this is why you had so many bad boyfriends until now. kat: yes and no, i do deserve bad ones, i don't deserve one that good and that's quite clear. the best boyfriends, i mean yeah i'm insane but he must be into
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it. greg: i am having a great time, because alayna is cooking and she's not bad. speed seven are you doing the dishes. greg: no are you kidding me. tyrus: i am doing the dishes. greg: i usually pass out after a bottle of wine on the couch. kat: you and me both. greg: 6:00 a.m. i wonder around in a complete days. wearing my pants backwards. when we come back doctor drew pinsky gives us his take on everything. remind me to call petsmart for ralphie's appointment. who's his groomer? carrie. full groom for sure what? i just booked ralphie's appointment online. that work? wait you what? it's that easy! download the app or book online at billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath?
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there's a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy. there's therabreath at walmart.
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greg: there is nothing more fun than a one-on-one with doctor drew. hey doctor drew. >> hey, thank you for having me. greg: i wrote that song for you. >> we need upbeat music. greg: i want an update on any promising or good news on the horizon that you see. >> i see good news and a lot of domains, i was on television with doctor oz and we both agreed that we need two pieces
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of information to really change the course of the thing. one, a little more here data on the doxy chloroquine showing significant benefit of treatment and perhaps some evidence of prophylactic evidence to prevent people from getting this, that data comes and things will get better very quickly. greg: i did some research on my own and i was they get about side effects of this drug, it's been around 70 years and it causes maybe some retinal damage and that's about it. >> unfortunately i trained in a day and age where we used a lot chloroquine for a long period of time, we used to put rheumatoid authorities and the only side effect we worried about was a corneal deposit, we would have people once a year see an ophthalmologist, and a week or
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two weeks of therapy, that is not a concern. greg: you mentioned a while ago that there was more to it than the testing snafu that what we are hearing and it upset you, what is the testing we are not hearing correctly. >> dr. fauci is the north star, listen to him and we will be fine, that's his job he knows what he's doing, if we do what he tells you, but he was trained to help people understand that we had a diagnostic system in place and it was excellent for what we were asking you to do, we needed it to do something else to do more screening of increasing broad population, that's an entirely different thing and he made a point to say the private sector has to be involved because that's a big operation and that's different than universal testing. so my biggest thing, i been critical in terms of not understanding what they're reporting on and creating panic. i spent most of my days talking to people off alleged, the panic is going to have more effect
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than the outbreak because of the way this thing is being reported. greg: i will get to that in a minute, have a question, when we do political polling though do a randomized poll of the 1000 people and when we meet the ratings on tv, i don't know how many tv sets, maybe 1000 or 10000, why haven't they done randomized testing of the generic population -- they must have 1000 test that they can do and you can find out the percentage who is infected. >> right, the prevalence in a random sample. each part of the country is very, very different. somebody's going to have to come up with a model of what questions we want answered. washington is different than idaho which is different than montana. but i was reading about this just before we heated up on the air in the exact question, i thought somebody is doing it, it has to be done right now, it has got to be.
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greg: i want to get in to one of the controversies that you face. i have always felt and we had this talk that you are on the same page as dr. fauci and the other people. >> 100%. greg: the difference is over the severity of the instruments used to stop the pandemic. you agree with the curve but you think we should've spread over the time and not take the band-aid off, now the new york times says a despicable article in which if you only read the headline and saw the picture said that you are saying this was nothing. so do you care to respond questioning. >> yes, please, i don't know why but maybe i was being critical to the press in the beginning, i was saying the press needs to shut up because they were constantly promoting doomsday scenarios, four days ago the new york times has the worst case scenario on the front page, that does not help, people need to be familiar with the data and then
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go we are going to make sure that does not happen, the government is doing a wonderful job, dr. fauci is your northstar, i said that from the beginning and the reason it will not happen is because the guy knows what he's doing, cdc knows what they're doing, listen to what they're doing and shut up and stop scaring everybody because there will be a panic in the panic will be worse than the actual outbreak for the measure that we need to take to stop this. greg: i think we talked about this and they said focus on a humorous segment with you and rob snyder but you always said the doomsday scenarios do not factor in all the changes being made and we will end up spreading the outbreak along the line that can be managed, we hope. how long do you think, were gonna reach an inflection point where we have to make a choice between economic survival in the effect of the virus. how long do you think this clampdown, shut down will take?
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>> i see one of the many other things that is not factored into the models is human ingenuity in the world's geniuses all focusing on a solution. i have deep faith -- the u.s. healthcare system when it comes to innovation and flexing is the best in the world, all the criticism of the u.s. healthcare system, all the measurements that you see where we don't rank as high as other countries does not take this thing into account. we are ready for the worst case scenario and we will meet the demand should it occur. i don't believe it will i think will fund the curve in the meantime, i think the next two weeks we will know where we are, we don't know where we are in the curve, we may have already funded, i do not know, but with the advent of ingenuity and treatment, this thing could and faster than we know. all of a sudden we can have treatments.
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stay positive, report the stories, do not report the 60 million people with the illness of millions dying, do not do that. it is not going to happen, it would've or could've had we not taken up sectional majors which we are taking. thank you, doctor drew. back with the panel or final thoughts ♪ ♪ announcer: there are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. wash your hands. avoid close contact with people who are sick. avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. stay home when you are sick. cover your cough or sneeze. clean and disinfect frequently touched objects with household cleaning spray. for more information, visit this message brought to you by the national association of broadcasters and this station. of broadcasters dealing with our finances really haunted me.ttle cranky. thankfully, i got quickbooks,
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10:59 pm
>> it is the last thought, that's ways called the final thought. greg: time for one thought or two from me, my first thought, things will get better and it will be amazing how this country roars back so hang tight, number two if you have time at home and going crazy teach your child to change a tire. even if he or she is a toddler.
11:00 pm
tyrus: i'll get my toddler right on it. greg: thank you dagen, dana, doctor drew, tyrus, kat, i am great got so, i am. jon: scott will see you tomorrow at five eastern right here on fox. ♪ ♪. jesse: welcome to "watters world", i am jesse watters. killing coronavirus, the united states of america is rolling into a recession or depression. what we do now, will determine which one it will be. first, we have to stop the spread. you know what to do, wash her hands, stay clean, and practice social distancing. if you can, stay inside this week, work from home if you can. don't fly if you don't have to. the virus is mostly in ten large counties. a very high percentage in new york, california, and washington state. some of these areas


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