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tv   Watters World  FOX News  March 28, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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i love you, america. ♪ thank you for watching. >> welcome to waters world i'm jesse watters anguishing virus that subject is tonight's waters word knowledge is power we're going to show you a video from a new york city doctor change how you think about this whole thing name is david price he works at one of the best hospitals in manhattan and on frontlineses this the fight against coronavirus. e-we're extremely grateful for his work what he says in this video is going to help you understand how virus actually infect use and what you need to do to stop it from getting into your body pep and here he is in his own words -- >> you may hear inflection in my
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voice like i'm emotional not because i'm scared but actually the opposite for first time in a while -- i'm actually not scared. i work at probably the premier hospital new york city, our hospital is almost exclusively a covid-19 hospital. but we're learning and we know a lot. and what i want you guys to know is that -- every single day we're getting better. we know more. and i'm confident that the stuff i can tell you today should make you guys feel like when this comes to your community, that you don't have to be scared and that you can protect your family. what i'm going to play for you next is very, very important listen very carefully. this is how you actually get infected by the virus. >> the way that you get this is transmission of the virus almost exclusively from your hands to your face. from your hands to your face and
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so either into your eyes into your nose -- or into your mouth. so there's a lot of talk about contact or getting it through contact hand to face there's also a small thought that it can be air and kind of exist a little bit in the air. the thought at this point is that you actually have to have very long sustained sustain conh someone and i'm talking about over 15 to 30 minutes in an unprotected environment meaning you're in a very closed room without any type of mask . for you to get it that way. but simply to state the overwhelming majority of people are getting this by physically touching someone who has disease or will develop it in next one or two dayses and then touching their face. the thing that make me smile a little bit is that i actually know now that i won't get this disease.
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because i know how to protect myself. >> let's go over this again. you get the virus when your hands touch and infected person or an a intected surface. and then you touch your hands to your face. don't the do that. and in some cases if you're in a small sealed off a space for longer than 15 minutes or so you can also probably get it that way. now listen to these two tips coming up on how to prevent yourself from being infected by coronavirus. >> so i want to give you guys a few very, very practical tips to how to protect yourself. it is become a hand natzke keep them clean and you will not get this disease, second thing, is you have to start psychologically working on connection between your hands and your face. so someone at a party has this and you shake their hand. right, and then you touch your face. it's that schism.
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that is how you get this disease. those two things combined is incredibly powerful and will prevent the transmission of disease in your family in 99% of cases. to know your hands are clean and to not touch your face. period -- this is the key, if you listen to any part of the show listen to this. this ising straight from are the doctor on the frontlines. keep your hands clean. wash them all day long. carry hand sanitizer wherever you go use your elbow were shoulders to open doors, whatever. if you need to touch something like a grocery store cart use hand sanitizer before and afterwards and please stop touching your face. that's how the virus transmits from your dirty hands into your body. it get in your eyes, your nose, mouth so just be aware with of where with your with handle are at all times. wearing mask is one way to train yourself to not touch your face.
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you know you can wear a mask if you want. but don't hoard them do not shake people's hands. you can go outside, but just keep the six feet distance apart from people just to be safe. and when you sneeze or cough just do it in your elbow. not in your with hand or definitely just not out in the air. and shrink your social circle. the people that are keeping large social circles right now right a much higher risk. sitting in a small area with someone outside that circle with the door or window closed, not a good idea right now. most of the transmissions from family member to family member. so make sure your family member know these tips. we will vanquish virus if we're smart and clean. 35 medical teams around america are racing towards the vaccine. the pace is incredible. records are being shattered. just last week, the volunteers were given their first experimental dose.
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we're going to have a cure next year. and we'll have medicine in months. dozens of canes have stepped up to the plate. producing millions of masks, gloves and hand sanitizers. fema is shipping equipment all across the country right now. and national guard is providing a lot of support on the ground. the army corps of engineers is building field hospitals and hot spots. basically overnight, the navy sending ships with thousands of beds to new york harbor, to l.a. harbor. really fast. s doctors and nurses and paramedics are doing an amazing job taking care of our people. starbucks giving free coffee to first responders and saint quarterback drew brees donatinged 5 million dollars to fight the virus. thank you. testing is finally ramped up. we tested more people in eight days than south korea tested in eight weeks. 90 % of the people tested don't
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have it those that a do usually recover quickly based only age and health. the mortality rates are dropping united states with and germany lowest mortality rates of any country in the world. we need to keep our foot on the gas. america can't fall back more ventilator and mask are needed so-so is testing so stay home for now. stay smart and stay clean. my heart goes out to the american who lost their jobs and their businesses. i'm so sorry if you're sick. we'll make america healthy again, economy will come back. things will get better. we're all in this together. earlier i spoke with man leading white house task force, vice president mike pence. i want to talk to you about the strategy being deployed here and i've been watching these briefingses, so tell me if i have this right.
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you have this 50-day pause period where you're trying to slow down the virus. and it also gives us a window to surge these supplies for the hot zone to the hospital. get the money out to the american people, so when the economy eventually does open up, you can go on offense with this thing, get these drugs out, and get the vaccine out eventually to kill is, is that about right? mike: i think you described it well although thanks to president trump's decisive action going all the way back to january. we've had the opportunity to stand up a whole of government approach now as marshaled leadership at the state and local level. and engaged literally businesses and every american in our 15 days to slow the bred. spread but i think it is important for viewsers to know that when president made the unprecedented decision to suspend all travel from china in
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january, and then suspended travel from europe, u.k. and ire land even before that began screening all passengers from italy and south korea, it bought our nation time to do exactly what you said. and that was stand up a national response president signed a declaration of emergency around the country. we put fema in the lead, and literally over the course of this week, we've been -- we've seen testing dramatically expanding now more than half a million tests performed around the country. we're surging supplies especially to those areas of new york, new jersey, california, washington state, and parts of louisiana where the coronavirus has spread the most. but the fact that the president act ad early, and the fact that tens of millions of americans have been putting the president's coronavirus guidelines for america into effect, we truly believe that we
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have significantly reduced the spread of the coronavirus and will continue to make the recommendations and surge resources to bring a full american response. when did trap travel bans in them saying no, no you don't have to do that now. maybe a little wait for a second? mike: well let me say the president listen haded to health care advisors in -- i was literally sit next to the resolute desk in oval office when the decision about closing all travel from china was presented. and president trump made that decision without hesitation and he has every step of the way. he has put the health and safety of america first. but the really inspiring thing is, that with the president's
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decisive action, with the extraordinary efforts across the broad sweep not just of the federal government. but, i mean, to say this president has formed a partnership with every governor in america, organized our response through fema because you know, you know jesse, you understand when it comes to health crises in our country the response are locally executed those courageous health care workers and oftentimes law enforcement supporting them. and it is a state managed federally supported mission had. and president has been driving that with consistent leadership and the legislation passed by the congress this week that third bill that the president was a i believe to secure is feeding resources to american families. help for people employed by and who own small businesses going to strengthen our economy across the board, support our state and our hospitals and our health care workers. but what president trump is made clear from early on is he would
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not hesitate to take the action necessary to protect the people of this country from the spread and the threat of the coronavirus and we've put particular emphasis if i can say, jesse on the most vulnerable you know the truth is -- most americans whob who even contract corona virus will have mild and flu like symptoms and full hi recovery but particularly seniorses with with serious underlying health conditions or anyone with an deficiency threat of the coronavirus is very real and reason why throughout the 15 days, from early on when we raised the guidelines for every nursing home in america and began to do aggressive enforcement with long-term care facilities, we're going to protect our vulnerable americans
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but in the midst of doing all of that is the president said his desire is to -- is to put america back to work. it is to open our country up as soon as we can responsibly do that and the team this week has been bringing those recommendations to him. >> so you leading the task force are looking at this recommendation that you're going to deliver to the president within the the next week or so. it is a very tough decision. maybe even tougher than slaying the travel ban on china because there's risk. if he opens the economy up too soon there's a risk if he doesn't open it up soon enough, there's another risk. what are you specifically looking at and a base your decision on and then formulating a recommendation to the president on? mike: well it's the right question with jesse what i can tell l you short answer -- we're following the data. i mean with the -- with the public private partnership that the president secured with massive commercial
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labs around country. we're literally doing tens of thousands of tests a day and we have the gotten a great deal more understanding about where with people have contracted the coronavirus. who is recovered, who is most at risk and regions of the country most impacted. and so while the president has said that he would like to open the country up in weeks, not months, we're going to be bringing that data forward to him. the the of not the best health care expert in country but best in the world are working on our task force pane ultimately president will make a decision that he believes is in best interest of all of the american people. >> there's a lot of data out there and people get it from the u.s. media. is there specific statistics that you think maybe people should not be focusing on or should be focusing on? is it the mortality rate is it the number of people infected? is it the percentage of people who get tested that don't have
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the virus? what do you think people should and shouldn't be focusing on when they hear numbers? mike: well first and foremost it speaks to the compassion of the american people that our hearts go out to any american family that's lost a loved one from coronavirus. and american people are right to focus there. but to your point, jesse what the number that you don't see resited on screens on a regular basis is how many people have been tested versus how many people have contracted the disease. people, people can go and look for that data on virtually any network including this one on a regular basis. but literally because of the partnership that the president create new system of testing, that really replaced a system that was never designed to do the massive surveillance testing it that we're able to do today. we have a much better understanding, and a part from some areas of the country where
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we've with seen a higher incidence of the coronavirus areas like the new york city metropolitan area, the average is that for everyone that is tested, roughly 10% of americans test positive for the coronavirus. and i believe that that would be an encouragement to people to understand that while they may have symptoms and they're certainly more than entitled top a coronavirus test, that still the data is is shows that whether it's eight out of ten or nine out of ten, that number of americans, the vast majority of americans even that have been tested for coronavirus have not tested positive and that's a number that i think should be encouragement to people but also, also factor into their understanding about the scope of the coronavirus in our country. >> that's a great number before i let you go i have one thing
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you might want to address with the task force. is the task force -- with every american if you guys could all stay inside for one week, we would save the 2020 football season. [laughter] i'm telling you the whole south would be with locking up in their own bedrooms. you don't understand. they want their football because tell them to stay inside to save football that would do a lot of good. mike: well jesse thanks for the recommendation. and i'll tell you look, i think president trump has made it clear we want to open our country up as soon as we can responsibly do that. but you know my last word tonight to your millions of viewers around a the country is we can hasten the day where we can reopen our country if the the american people will put in the practice the president's 15 days to slow the spread avoiding groups of more than 10, not eating in restaurants. avoiding unnecessary travel,
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wash your handing looking after members of your family. staying home if you're sick. people have been doing this all over the country over the the last two weeks. and all health experts are convinced that it is with a material impact on a positive spread of the way of coronavirus we think we have significantly reduced number of americanss who have been exposed but as american people put these guidelines the president issued now better part of two weeks ago, into practice, we know that we can slow the spread. we can protect our most vulnerable and we had will heal our land. >> thank you very much mr. vice president. we appreciate it. >> thank you jesse. >> still ahead, joe biden having a hard time campaigning for president. it hasn't been pretty. but first, "watters world" calls out villains of the coronavirus. and a steve bannon reacts. when we face adversity,
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jesse: when america is faced with a crisis heros step up and help. but villains also emerge. "watters world" is names name let's start with the legendary hedge fund manager bill went on cnbc and tanked the market.
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>> hell is coming. this was a feeling like i've never had like there's a tsunami coming. right? the tsunami is coming and you feel it in the air. right, the tide start to roll out. okay, and on the beach, people are play and having fun like there's nothing going on. and that is the feeling i've had and for last two months. okay, and my colleagues at work okay thought i was a lunatic we need to shut it down thousand. america will end as we know it. [laughter] okay i'm sorry to say so unless -- we take this option. jesse: his comments rocked wall street and dow dropped 1300 point. all hell broke loose over next week and panic set in markets continue to dive making politicians scramble all over washington, d.c. what we're now finding out, though, is this, he made $2 billion on the crash. $2 billion. he shorted the market. he bet on it crashing and then
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pushed it over edge on tv and cashed in on or $2 billion bet and speculated spooked and collected and we don't know if this was proper but it needs to be looked into. an update on another villain we told you about last week north carolina republican senator richard burr is being sued. he was the guy who went to a secret senate briefing on the virus. told some insiders it would hit america very hard, then basically sold off his entire stock portfolio nearly $2 million before the virus scorched market he made a lot of money at the right time but didn't warn the public. i guess he warned his broker instead. so he got slapped to fat lawsuit from shareholders congressional insider trading, we'll keep you posted on that. evangelist jim baker up to old trucks remember thrown in prison defrauding -- viewers out of millions of dollars. now he's back facing followers once again.
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baker invited a quack on a show to pitch a cure for coronavirus. baker and quack said virus would be cured by a silver solution. now they upheld for low cost of $80 a bottle. it is, obviously, fake, and the state of missouri sued baker. is the very definition of a snake oil salesman. nancy pelosi exploited pandemic to push radical agenda and almost blew up relief package in order to shoe horn billions into left wing clauses. green new deal radical quota, social justice regulations, and election shenanigans few of the irrelevant itemses that pelosi tried to wedge in having nothing to do with fighting virus eventually she was successful in getting millions for e illegal immigrants and npr into the bill. shameless. new york city public officials belong in the hall of shame. you've seen them blasting president trump saying he's not
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leading. saying he's not taking the virus seriously. well, "watters world" looked back to see what same new york officials were saying just weeks ago. >> life is going on pretty normally right now. and we want to encourage that. if you're under 50, and you're healthy which is most new yorkers, there's very little threat here this disease even if you were to get it acts like a common cold we cannot shut down because of undue fear. >> the risk to new yorkers for coronavirus is low. and that our preparedness as a city is very high. there is no reason not to take the subway not to take the bus. not to go out to your favorite restaurant. >> that was mayor of new york city and a new york city health commissioner saying everything is fine. everyone is prepared, go out to live your normal lives. that was just a little while ago. it takeses on unbelievable amount of, you know, what to turn on a dime like that and
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pointing fingers at the president a lot of people in the media have some nerve. look at the washington post on february 3rd why we should be weary of aggressive government sphobs to coronavirus now "the washington post" is saying trump should shut down the entire economy for months. and if he doesn't it's because he doesn't care about people dying. look at npr on january 29th, about worried about catching the new coronavirus? in the u.s., flu is a bigger threat. then npr changes tune real fast here's their headline from this week. fact check, trump compares coronavirus to the flu, but it could be ten times deadlier so when these no it alls in media and left start prancing around acting like trump is is always wrong. see how they play the game. spineless cheap shot artist how terrible a job trump has been
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doing. but american people they disagree. abc, washington post poll americans give the president better mark hads for handling coronavirus than they gave barack obama for handling ebola. president trump's approval for handling the virus very strong. and president approval at all th american people want to get back to work, president will work with a scientist and a the governors to make that happen hopefully by april. people will go back to work with in phases and in different parts of the country. and they're beginning to work differently and smartly still keeping distance and keeping clean. the president would love to see our economy start coming back by easter. >> i would love to aim it at sunday open for church and church services generally on easter sunday that would be a beautiful thing. our country is not supposed to be, you know, not -- it's not built to shut down.
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and a i said, you know, i don't the cure to be worse than the problem itself. >> now that's just a goal, a good goal and flexible and based on science. but it seems like media wants the economy to shut down for months and months on end. >> if that happened, on easter sunday just 19 days from now then in may -- you would have millions of dead people all over the country. >> that's fake news. totally irresponsible and it is a lie. but why would the media besides genuinely wants to protect our health why would they want an economic shutdown? >> i feel like the bottom has to fall out at a some point and by the way, i'm hoping for it. because i think one way you get rid of trump is crashing economy. so please bring on the recession. i've been rooting for recession while you should wish or for recession because that would get him unelected. we have survived many we can't survive another donald trump term. i've been saying for two years
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that i hope we have a recession. i'm just say we can survive a recession we've had 47 of them we've had one every time there's a republican president. they don't last forever. jesse: there's your answer now almost everyone in the media they don't want a recession. they don't want us to shut down so trump is not reelected -- but some villains might want to. like mar and continue to call him out. up next, steve bannon on china, coronavirus, and the fake news media. announcer: there are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. wash your hands. avoid close contact with people who are sick. avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. stay home when you are sick. cover your cough or sneeze. clean and disinfect frequently touched objects with household cleaning spray. for more information, visit
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this message brought to you by the national association of broadcasters and this station.
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than 1,000. now back to jesse. jesse: president has a tough decision to make soon. when to open the economy back up and how, and msnbs said trading debt for dollar. now making argument let the world world war ii vets die and vietnam vets die let even in that generation die. we're worried about boeing it is born, it is the weakest among us, it is senior as thes. ready to euthanize -- because they want boeing's corporate earnings to not dip too low.
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jesse: joining me now host of the war room pandemic radio show, steve bannon, so steve what's the calculation for opening this back up? steve: i think the president you look at what chairman powell said when he went on tv you have to put this virus in back of us and then open it up that 2.2 trillion trillion package that took on economic crisis that drop in aggregate demand has done is a start. but you have to bridge the whole thing. i'm actually an advocate jesse and i think that data will get president trump there and people should understand. he's a business guy he's very numbers and data driven. i think you're going to see a big shirt over this weekend where he's going to sit there and go hey right now we're going to continue to keep it and maybe even increase lockdown which i'm a big advocate of. i think in your opening segment to me, was one of the most powerful things that i've seen in media got to be played everywhere if you see that i think you go to even ad harder lockdown right now. a harder e lockdown right now
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and then we bring nobody should lose a job, no company should go out of business, we've got to bridge the small companies the entrepreneurs to get to other side if you have to go through hell, about go through this fast as possible. the president is a wartime president. he's made some tough call as already. he's shut down all of the traffic coming in from china any quarantine everybody that came back and he was criticized by morning joe and biden and those guys as being racist and zen phobic made right decisions i happen to think numbers show him where new york is going and where new orleans is going and where detroit is going that we keep this in a harder lockdown at least through easter and then see where we are. and your colleague steve hilton i think had a good program last week but i would disagree in fact that it is not a either or. you've got to bridge you've got -- and powell said this this week about you have to bridge economy to get over it chasm. i think that president trump is going to come to conclusion hey i want to even tighten this thing up some more to get
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through this quicker faster to have a steeper revival and i think that's what, i believe that's what's going to happen i think that is right thing to happen. >> all right i think you're right about that and we're going to hold steve over now because he wants to talk about china and some other issues regarding fake news media. trump task force press conference setting record ratings but media doesn't want you to see them and we'll tell you why and joe biden struggling to make sense. >> the bad news is people know me and good news is they know me.
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♪ jesse: president trump coronavirus task force briefings are becoming must see tv. they provide critical updates, health tips and monster ratings. average briefing now drawing over 8 million viewers on cable more than bachelor my favorite show and monday marathon briefing drew over 12 million on cable. up there with "monday night
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football." now there are many reason for this, people are home and they're thirsty for info and they're filled with compelling moments like these. >> we have army corps of engineers so teed up and so stocked up and they're psyched incredible and there's no games with these people. they're in there screaming get it done, get it done not like sitting around taking it easy. >> how many deaths are acceptable -- >> how many, none, okay how many deathses are acceptable to me? none. >> saturday, had a little low grade fever -- >> uh-oh. >> on monday who are you with? >> did you speak -- i'm with bloomberg. >> bloomberg, michael doing good? >> you tweeted earlier linking closing of the country to your election success that in november is it easter timeline based on political interest? >> no. >> you said that media wants the country remain closed through -- reelection -- >> no media would like to see me
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do poorly in election i think it is very clear that there are people in your profession that write fake news. you do. she does. jesse: now media is not happy getting loads of questions but they hate it and they want these things blacked out. >> if i were up to me and it's not i would stop put those briefings on live tv not out of spite but because it is misinformation. >> briefings are substitutes for rallies there's no question there to the outlet ability l of stage we know it is dominate the newscast. >> there's also a trump using this as a political platform to proet no the messages that he does not able to promote at rallies because he can't hold rallieses right now. >> npr refusing to air briefings because or there are concerns about misinformation isn't that rich, the media concerned about misinformation -- what's really going on here back now with steve bannon, steve, just 20 seconds on this and
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let's get to china. what do you think here? steve: it is very powerful. every day he gets up there and walk withs through power moves that he's doing to help the governors and to help the mayors and that's why people are tuning in. they want that information. i think these i think thises cannot stop. he's a war wartime president we're against war against dangerous enemies country has ever had a economic crisis he's solving with crisis is needs to be expanded with other people but president trump is apartment of it. i think it is very powerful and must continue country needs to. jesse: and china accountable real quick? >> okay well look we now know he's dealing with at a level he has to deal with two countrieses have to get along. chinese people most decent hardworking people on earth have been really terrorized i think bien chinese communist party and knew about this, and maybe as early as late november. and they department really fess
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up human to human transmission until they couldn't hide it and a it is fessed up in mid-january it was that 45, 60 days this thing metastasized from italy to india to europe to united states and china remember they were big victims of this on doorsteps of the chinese communist party and responsible or for this and must be held accountable you're seeing people in senate right now saying that josh hawley marco rubio saying they have to be held accountable i think every company that took a penny must sue them in federal court i also think any company take aspenny must bring supply chain back up and people of the world in particularly that should have been particularly defensive people -- we've got to get that back in there and this is by the way, the people that we're fight
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for -- is also the chinese people. these people are terrific. this totalitarian dictatorship if you see what they allowed they lied about what was going on in wuhan and doctors who were the heros there who exposed there were torture and force to sign confession and rumor amongers these doctors went back and died giving treatment to the people in wuhan. that's a quality of people you have in china and these are the monsters in chinese commerce party they must be held accountable. jesse: steve always appreciate it biological, unbelievable. joe biden el emerges and a democrats are [spoken]
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>> joe biden campaign has been quarantined he can't hold rally or fundraisers he has to run for president from his house not his fault but it is not going well. >> and in addition to that, in addition to that, we have to make sure that we are in a position that we are, well let me go to second thing. jesse: took team biden almost whole week in his house i'm in
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the business and only talks day. he's having trouble with a tell rompter also having trouble telling the truth. >> when i left united states senate i became a professor at the university of pennsylvania. >> not really. joe never taught a single class at u pence and honorary degree when he left the obama white house that's it. and then other things that didn't make any sense at all. biden went on view to explain how he would fight coronavirus. >> we have to take care of the cure. that will make a the problem worse no matter what. no matter what -- jesse: what taking care of the cure will make a the problem worse unfortunately there was more where that came from. >> the good news is bad news. the good news the bad news is people know me and good news is they know me. [laughter] jesse: that was joe started doing more interviews things got even more awkward here he is own
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msnbc. >> why doesn't he just act like a president? that's a stupid way to say that -- >> donald trump was asked on -- [inaudible conversations] sorry. >> go ahead. >> no -- no -- probably best i don't. i don't know like watching yo-yo. i shouldn't have said it that way. >> i want to ask -- i want to -- [laughter] that's okay. >> starting to feel sorry for this guy i really am. he's not even pay attention to coronavirus guidelines. >> excuse me. you're supposed to cough into your elbow i don't know -- sir, i learned that actually cover your white house -- >> no actually -- that's true but fortunately i'm alone in my home but i agree you're right. >> old school to do with your hand. >> now we know joe is not alone if n his home because he's nots running camera feed by himself so should he just turn cram off
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and lay low until the virus break? joining us to answer that question steve hilton host of the next revolution so what do you think, steve? steve: don't lay low keep going we love it honestly jesse -- a few week ago months actually on my show we started this regular segment the joe biden comedy segment. every single week he provided us new material. you've just showcased some of it right there he was a gift that keeps on giving what is hilarious about joe biden is that he is making such a mess of this, and it is going to a disaster for him both politically in short-term and short term trying to put himself out there even though no one is interested in what he has to say that he's a better leader than president trump with the experience, he would handle this crisis better, but every time he tries to do that he just makes fool of himself and basically comes across like what he looked
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like there which was a old fool. the last person you want in the crisis like this and then he's attitude on china, and trade and all other thing, and long-term he's last person we need to handle this situation or any other. jesse: we're going to keech keep watching him and thank you very much. up next -- out of help during pandemic you can do it from your couch. right back. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees and account minimums. so, you can start investing wherever you are - even on the bus. download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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website. judge jeanine is next. just remember i'm waters and this is my world. >> breaking tonight, a man quarantined in the tri-state area won't be necessary and calls for travel advisory where the coronavirus is hitting hardest. hello and welcome to justice. judge jeanine will be along in just a moment. we are having some technical difficulties with her live shot but thanks so much for joining us. we will get to her in a moment. but first let's get into the president's plan for new york, new jersey and connecticut. we discussed the possibility of returning to some resemblance of normalcy in other parts of the country as well. we will do it all with a stellar lineup of gas


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