tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News March 29, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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report the truth and not report what's happening and that's really sad. >> yes. well we will keep on it. thanks to all of you. great to see you, see you next sunday when "the next revolution" will be televised. hello america i'm mark levin. this is life, liberty and levin. as you can see we have an empty chair. the reason we have an empty chair is because we will continue to do the format in this program but we can't have guests present with me. so we will be be bringing guests in here by skype and other means so we can talk but again we will continue the format but first, before i go to our great guests, i want to make a statement. i drove down here to washington d.c., about 40 miles from here. there was nobody on the roads,
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i drove down pennsylvania avenue. i was the only car on the road , that in the police cruisers. you see pictures of manhattan, you see pictures a wall street, you see pictures of fifth avenue completely empty. congress has passed this, i'll call it a half abomination, half of it yes, half of it's a disgrace. we have people out of work, we have businesses shutting down, people are getting sick, some of whom are dying in a minute tell you something, the communist regime in china is a big part of the blame for this in the united states and italy and spain and all over the world. that regime tried to keep this quiet. that regime, when our president offered to send the best scientist over there to find out what's going on, they refused. that regime disappeared some of its independent journalists and doctors and as a result we lost time, as did every other
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country on the face of the globe. you cannot conduct yourself that way when it impacts us. the impact on our country right now is greater than the soviet union's impact on this country. that's how severe this has been economically and otherwise. i will talk about this budget for a moment. we have a guest coming up, newt gingrich coming he may or may not agree with me but he's the right guy to have's to talk about these things. this so-called stimulus is the third one. last week it was 850 billion. then i went to 1 trillion, bennett went to 1.2 trillion, then it went 1.8 trillion, then went to 2 trillion, now it's two-point to trillion plus were told, and people are celebrating, now the federal reserve says 4 trillion so by count, with the loans that 6 trillion. the federal budgets about four and half trillion.
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while parents it could take eight or ten years. [inaudible] at this kind of activity will catch up with you. the law of economics is the law of economics as much as the law of physics is the law of physics. please don't get me wrong. i do believe these are extraordinary times and they require extraordinary measures, but extra ordinary measures doesn't mean out-of-control behavior from members of congress and that's exactly what we have here. i don't give a damn if they vote 96 - 0 in the senate and you get all the votes in the house. i understand why republicans and some conservatives are voting yes because they know money needs to get people in loans need to get the businesses but put another trillion or another 1.2 trillion dollars on top of it, i have an article here. governor cuomo doesn't think it's enough said he never ceases enough. we have a congressman and senators now saying this is
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the third stimulus. there might be a fourth and fifth stimulus. this is my concern and the president of the united states has been totally sober and response about this. he's been talking about focusing resources and letting the rest of the economy developing get back to work. he's been talking about being careful about how we do these things. he's not a member of congress, he doesn't write these bills, they plop it on his desk and he has to make a decision. i think now is the perfect time to call in the former speaker of the house, newt gingrich who is in italy right now and i don't think he's coming back to the united states anytime soon. mr. speaker, how are you sir. >> i'm doing well and we are here, basically isolated in the house because italy is really severely hit by the coronavirus so our entire
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embassy staff is working from home, they have their meetings with things like zoom and skype. it's a sobering experience to be here and the only stores that are open are grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations. the police are all over the place and if you don't have a legitimate excuse for being out you can get up to an 800-dollar fine so there's really, they got hit so hard by the virus early on that they really have tried to clamp down and we are hoping that we will begin to see a slowdown in the rate of the virus spreading but it may be very close to a midpoint where it starts to decline. it's not quite there yet, but that's our hope. mark: is one of the reasons italy was hit so hard, that i've been reading about and maybe you can confirm or
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challenge this, is that particularly northern italy there's an awful lot of commerce and interaction with china, particularly the wuhan province. is that correct or not? >> there are about a hundred thousand chinese who live in northern italy so when the chinese companies came in and bought some of the highly and italian brands, they wanted to be able to say they were made in italy so they brought in chinese workers and it's actually made in italy by chinese workers in one of the big differences where i think president donald trump comes out with very much like a statesman and a very smart leader, he caught a lot of flak when he cut off all the checflights from china but the italian government didn't want to look politically incorrect and they didn't cut off flights from wuhan and as
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a result there were a lot more people who showed up in italy who had the virus then showed up in america. you could argue that president trump bought us six or eight weeks to get our act together by being so tough at the very beginning in cutting off the flights. the italians didn't and the result was it got out of hand and it's mostly in northern italy but there are places in northern italy where 20% of the people have the virus and it's a very serious problem. >> now you spent a lot of your life in the house of representatives, contract for american, you duped it out with bill clinton, you are very conscious of fiscal responsibility and so forth. i understand emergencies, i understand we have fellow citizens who are hurting, whether they are business owners or executives or employees or whomever they are , and that in a time like this they need help, particularly when the government, mostly governors are shutting down
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businesses to no fault of their own through the result of this virus, but i have to tell you, i have millions of people who listen to my radio show and on my social site and for two hours last week, i just took calls. [inaudible] into a person, except for one, people were calling and they were mostly blue-collar, cops, nurses, the wife of a butcher, a fedex driver and so on, they are furious with this bill because they said yes let's help our fellow citizens, but two-point to trillion. people are even bragging that may be at $6 trillion. americans are commonsense people. what you think about this? >> first of all, i think this is like being at war. it was psychologically very important to get that bill passed and to get it passed helps with the momentum. [inaudible] but i also think there's a lot
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of congressman, every person who's upset about this bill should call their congressman and build the fire if you will against anymore. the thing that happens is you take something we really need to do, let's say a trillion, somebody else will keep coming rushing in with something they want and it keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. i do think we had a passive pretty big bill, i think this is exactly like world war ii, we have a global problem caused by the chinese, you're exactly right, i did a news order and i took day by day with the chinese have done and have made this much, much
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worse. if they have been honest and intervened at the beginning i think 95% of this. [inaudible] that isn't just my opinion. other experts say what the chinese did dramatically expanded. >> then chinese needs to pay a price for it, we can't do business with china as usual. tom cotton from arkansas has a bill out there that are pharmaceutical companies need to relocate into the united states. china threatened to cut off our drugs, many of them, up to 80% of them we rely on china and then they blamed the united states military, there is a huge propaganda campaign which, by the way many of our media are very receptive to, and i do not think china, if you're saying this is the same as world war ii, then let's be honest, they were the enemy, and if that's the case in
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china cannot get away with this. what sort of thing should we be doing. >> first of all i think there's going to be another bill. [inaudible] book we have to have a stated goal, not just pharmaceutical or medical, nothing which really matters to us in terms of our national security or health should be manufactured in china. now, under president trump you need to continue down the road of being tough and make it methodical. make sure we think through a strategy that will shrink the chinese, that will punish them and that will not allow them to do the kind of things were doing. i think secretary pompeo is
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exactly right when he launched a campaign to communicate this disease came from china this is china's fault and they allowed this to h want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. and even though tables are empty at the moment... now you can be there for them. while the doors may be closed, the kitchens are open for delivery. today is the dawn of a new lawn. that's because roundup for lawns has arrived. now, there is a roundup brand product made just for your lawn. so you can put unwelcome lawn weeds to rest.
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mark: welcome back newt gingrich in italy, mr. speaker, you made a reference to world war ii. in some ways it is and in some ways it isn't. i think nancy pelosi agrees with you for a different reason. a prior bill she had loaded that thing up with left-wing policies that really would have fundamentally altered the private sector and our economy and the nature of our government. changing the way we vote which you know is an issue early on during the constitutional convention and later with the ratification conventions, basically nationalizing state authority when it comes to voting, pumping enormous amounts of money into the unions and on and on and on. in many ways she used this too, doesn't she.
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>> i think she saw an opportunity to try to blackmail the country, that's what she did and it failed. i think it blew up in her face. i think people were discussed and that at a point when were trying to get to a relief bill that at least it's focused on helping people get through this mess. she comes running in with the sort of left-wing radicalism, clearly trying to use power to get things she couldn't get any other way and i think they acted very badly here. mark: when this virus started to become known in our country, the democrats in the senate were still holding the impeachment trial, and if they had had their way john bolton would've been testifying, other people would've been testifying, this would've gone on three weeks, four weeks, five weeks, weren't they utterly irresponsible to try
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to take out a president of the united states for no constitutional basis whatsoever, finally after three years this is what they're relying on. many of us said you're taking your focus on international needs and now your, there would've been three or four more weeks. remember the senate is paralyzed. they can't do anything else, they can't debate, make have to keep their mouth shut, they have to sit at the tables and that's what they did up until early january. what are your thoughts about that. >> i think the whole investigation cycle has weakened the country. i think it weakened the president, i don't care how strong you are and how smart you are and he's both very strong and very ho smart but to have this happen every single day, it's not just the democrats. you cannot overstate the american media has been and how dishonest they been, how
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bitterly anti- trump they've been, some of them frankly took the chinese side about this whole issue of the virus, a number attacked the president and said he was racist and it wasn't anything like that. he was cutting off the place where the virus was but this desperate need to attack trump everything will day, clearly has hurt the country and it also meant that we didn't have the hearings we should head. we should've had the senate and house by the end of january taking a serious look. we know as early as the sixth of january secretary. [inaudible] who's been asking the chinese if we couldn't send our best expert to get ready for it and they wouldn't let them. so at least by the sixth of january we knew there was a
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problem and we knew it was dangerous and yet the house and senate democrats didn't have a clue. mark: you know mr. speaker, you're so right about this, even now at these press conferences, we have a remarkable president. every day he stands in front of that podium with the experts around him. every day the media performs in an abysmal way. trick questions, trying to turn him and doctor felt she against each other, you said this three weeks ago even though the dynamics in the data are changing, why are you saying this now, now you're saying that chloroquine you recommend what a lot of people are taking and why are you doing that without trials and he's trying to find ways to defeat this virus to open up our economy to do both and rather than trying get information to present to the american people, it is a
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constant tug of war and a constant battle against the president. i don't thing we've ever seen them media conduct themselves this way. >> i would say there's two parts to it. the first is that a very large part of the american left including. [inaudible] those folks wake up every morning and they know donald trump has done something terrible, they just don't know what it is. that's how they start every day. the second part is something we should take much more seriously than we do. this is a man who gets things done. he's a great entrepreneur. he doesn't bring in 12 bureaucrats, he just keeps chugging. i think that's very unnerving to the washington establishment which most people just make a living by studying and showing up on tv
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now there's a guy who is maybe one of the most aggressive president since andrew jackson and it's amazing to watch him and you watch him learn and you watch him get the right people and doctor felt she is probably one of the best people in the world. these kind of people are what a great president should happen that doesn't mean. [inaudible] they have a specific narrow lane which is public health. he has to think about the economy, national security, he has many different subjects he has to parallel and at papa john's, we want you to know that from our 450-degree oven, to box, to you, it's our policy that your pizza is never touched once it comes out of the oven. and we're taking extra steps, like no contact delivery, to ensure it.
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an hour and a half long press conference in the rose garden braced the nation. social distancing will continue through april. doctor fauci said it could kill up to 200 million americans and millions more could be affected. >> the city that never sleeps is now standing still in an eerie silence. new york state has over a thousand deaths from the virus after 161 died in new york city in just the past 24
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hours. the situation is slamming the healthcare system already stretched thin. mayor de blasio is building emergency hospitals right in the middle of one scene central park. now back to life, liberty and levin. for all your headlines log on to they have been. now back to life, liberty and levin. mark: welcome back america. speaker gingrich, you brought up to me, i think this is a very important point that you raised, that is, first of all i have this question for you. they weren't ready for this pandemic either. they were so focused on trying to take out trump they really weren't paying attention what was going on in china either. now china has thrown out a number of their reporters, wall street journal, new york, i could barely hear a blip of information about that. what you make of that either
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way? >> first of all i think they did a terrible job early on, they underestimated the virus, they attacked the president when he did take it seriously, you go back and look at some of the embarrassing things they said, it's pretty absurd, second there are elements the media frankly feel warmer toward the chinese dictator than they do toward donald trump. there's a whole left-wing media that doesn't understand what a dictator is like. they apologize for him all the time and they apologize for china's behavior, and i think the penetration of the american culture by the chinese is real, i think the number of professors were chased by china, the number of places. [inaudible] all of this stuff is very real. marco rubio has done great work and is probably most aware of how much the chinese have tried to penetrate our society. i think the news media, on many grounds is probably in
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the worst shape it's been in in american history. i think they're profoundly dishonest. i think they are rabidly anti- trump, and before the virus, i was at the museum in northern italy and the tour guide was. [inaudible] he's showing me this one mommy and he says there's the story and he said it was fake news. i thought to myself this has truly penetrated when the italian tour guide says it's fake news. i think so much of nbc in the new york times and the washington post is fake news, just a fact. >> it's interesting, president's poll numbers are going way up for their handling of this crisis come away up generally because the american people are getting to
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see him without our interpreters, without the very people you're talking about so there's some suggestion, and actually some of this is starting to go on, particularly in the left media but some of the other media whether saying don't cover it, don't cover the trump daily schedule. the biden campaign is trying to figure out how to get biden involved but then he doesn't know what day it is or if issues are tied or whatever it is. they're trying to figure out, they're not focused on the crisis in this respect. they're trying to figure out how to contain his popularity. what you make of that. >> you mentioned biden, i think the odds are that governor cuomo will replace biden. it's so obvious that he just isn't up to the game. day after day it's embarrassing to watch him. i think at some point the democrats are going to realize they can't, particularly with
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a crisis of this scale, can you imagine, given his current situation, him trying to manage this, it would be utterly absurd. the other problem is very simple. they want to guarantee that. [inaudible] all they have to do is quit covering. the reason they covered candidate trump, your audience will be much, much bigger. if nbc or cbs decide not to cover them they will just guarantee more people and it won't be people who won't find him. i would be surprised, if you were these guys and you hated him as much as they do in you watched him performing better and better, getting bigger and bigger audiences, getting more and more and then you said, what can i do? i think it must drive these guys crazy. mark: newt gingrich, i want to thank you. my best to your wonderful wife
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investor. what does that make you? she's the ambassador, what are you called. >> i am the trailing spouse. [laughter] and i'm listed as. [inaudible] mark: all right. god bless you both and be into a smaller life? are your asthma treatments just not enough? then see what could open up for you with fasenra. it is not a steroid or inhaler. it is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. it's an add-on injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. nearly 7 out of 10 adults fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils, a key cause of asthma. it helps to prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can reduce the need for oral steroids like prednisone.
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mark: welcome back america. before we get to our next great guest i want to make a couple more comments. you watch your television and it doesn't matter what you watch, there's a graphic on there which basically says the number of confirmed individuals who have the china virus and then the number of deaths. i am deeply troubled by this. first of all it's not a basketball game and i don't
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know why we keep running those but that's up to these various entities, not me and it's also misleading. there is a wonderful piece in the wall street journal the other day by two top medical professors from stanford university. it's not conspiracy, frontline men and they wrote fear of covid-19 is based on its high estimated case fatality rate. 2 - 4% of people have died according to the world health organization. we believe that estimate is deeply flawed. the true fatality rate is the portion of those infected who die, not the death from identified positive cases. this is crucial so when you see a number that's has identified positive cases, and death, unfortunately a lot of
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people may be misled and say wow, that's the number of people who are dying and this is the number affected. >> no that is not the number infected. we have no idea how many people are infected. it could be five times, under times the number you see in terms of the people who are infected. why? because everybody hasn't been tested so in other words, the fatality rate from this disease is much lower. look. i'm not understating what's going on. i'm trying to put some facts on the table. the fatality rate, when you look at the general population, and those actually infected is much lower than what you are seeing on the screen if you're using those two numbers. they say the rate is misleading because selection bias and testing. the degree of bias is uncertain because available data are unlimited. we have more and more tests going out and you'll noticed with more test taking place in the fatality rate will start to come down because this is a statistical issue when you're
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looking at statistics and numbers. but it could make the difference between an epidemic that kills 20001 that kills 2 million. if the number of actual infections is larger than the number of cases, that is orders of magnitude larger than you are hearing, then the true fatality rate is much lower as well. that's not only plausible but likely based on what we know so far. this is a very, very important piece, not because it tells us we can give up and ever ready start kissing each other again, it's not a big problem, no that's not the point. the point is this fatality rate, if people are going to put it out there, put it out there with some truthful contacts. put it out there so people understand that were not talking about the number of infected people who are dying, were talking about the number of infected people who we've determined are infected. that's a completely different issue. all right. i ought to be very careful when i talk about this stuff. there's a great economist i want to introduce you to.
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steve moore is my next guest. former trump advisor, herod and brilliant man, welcome. i want to get right to you with this. we have a two-point to trillion dollar bill. i spoke with two senators before the vote on it, they said they got it very close to the vote but they weren't really even able to read the thing. i want the american people to see the bill. that's the bill, right there. now, as i told newt gingrich before, i have many listeners on my radio show and i spent a couple hours taking calls, most of the calls were coming in from blue-collar individuals and small business owners and they were furious. they said i want to help my fellow citizen, but this is nuts because i think the american people are smart and i think this kind of spending, or some politicians think it will gain them points, i think will backfire. in fact, when i was listening to the callers the other night, it seemed almost
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another tea party movement because people are saying hey look, i'm breaking my back, i'm working, i want the country to work, i want to pay taxes, i want to do whatever i have to do for my fellow citizens but these clowns are running away with the treasury department. what is your thought? >> this price tag got so inflated, i am in favor of providing some short-term aid to the workers and the businesses that are being so negatively affected by this, and after all it's the government that requires these businesses to shut down, but it turned into a christmas tree, massive amounts of spending that are not needed in this and pelosi should be shamed for what she did, by the way she delayed this bill by a week. if it's so urgent we get the aid out to people why is it taking so long but the other thing to think about in the context of how much money were talking about, with two-point to trillion dollars we could eliminate the income tax for
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every american worker and every american business. >> wait a minute, you're saying that we could have eliminated the federal income tax for companies and individuals for an entire year. >> yes, for the cost of this bailout plan. the other thing mark, we have to stop calling this a stimulus bill. every news report says the two-point to trillion dollar stimulus bill. milton freedman taught us there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. if the governments going to spensend thousand dollar checks to people that's fine and they might need that to get through the next few months but that doesn't stimulate the economy. the only thing that stimulates the economy is when you are producing things. so i think i'm somewhat frustrated by this labeling that somehow are magically going to make the economy better by stuffing hundred dollar bills in helicopters and dropping them over cities. wouldn't be such a wonderful thing if that's all it took to revive our economy. i do support the loans to the
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businesses because just as an example, i'm on the board of a small business, we have about 25 or 30 employees and it was heartbreaking, we have no revenues now because of this lockdown on the economy, we had to give pink slips to every one of those 3 30 workers, one of the most heartbreaking things i've ever had to do and that's going on throughout the economy. we want to make sure these businesses are healthy and on their feet so we get this thing over with we have what's called a v-shaped recovery and we just boom out of this and get on the strong track we were thanks to donald trump before the coronavirus hit. >> when we come back, it seems to me donald trump understands this. he's not a member of congress, he doesn't write these bills, he's got to deal with what's delivered and what the treasury secretary negotiated with pelosi and the others and what mcconnell brings to him. it seems to me he's trying to pivot and focus resources where they're needed, he is
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trying to open businesses where they can be open for the governors are making a lot of these decisions. narrator: 1 in 3 adults has prediabetes. that means it could be you, your favorite brother, your other brother. you, your football buddy, your fútbol buddy. you, your plumber, your plumber's masseuse. you, your dog walker, your cat jogger.
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. i have another document in front of me from the institute that talks about certification of need programs. 35 states in the district of columbia where the states cut to the chase, limit the number of hospitals and the number of hospital beds, icu beds, mri, ventilators, these are decision states and governors are making and now they keep saying federal government we need more and more and more. that's fine and were all americans here, but also, these governors need to learn that they are also primarily frontline response to these pandemics if they're going to take responsibility of the
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hospital beds and ventilators. >> look, the governors are trying to take appropriate measures here but when i see what's going on in california come in my home state of illinois and new york and new jersey, where you are seeing extraordinary powers being grasped by these governors, just as an example the story of what's happening in los angeles, this is the mayor actually who's basically said, he is going to shut off the water and electricity of any business that violates his curfew. and takes customers. i mean come on, are we russian now or are we the soviet union, i think they're abusing the power and look i'm very sensitive to the people who are losing their lives and affected by this, one is in a coma right now because of this disease, but we have to be smart about this and we do have to protect people's individual liberties and this is one of the reasons why i strongly support what the president said, of let's take some smart measures to protect people's health in the best
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way possible but also reopen arch 20 trillion-dollar economic engine which is the greatest engine of growth and prosperity in the history of the world. we cannot keep this shut down for as long as people are talking about. >> so why then have we seen so much resistance from the media and certain governors and many in the democratic party. >> that's a great question. we have to have a balance between what is prudent in terms of protecting the health but i'm here is an economist to tell you definitively, we cannot keep this economy shut down for six, eight, ten, 12 weeks. the economic carnage that would happen, were talking tens of millions of americans losing their jobs. were talking about millions of americans losing their life savings. were talking about millions more businesses that people spend their whole lifetime
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building up in bankruptcy. when i can have an economy to come back to if we don't start getting smart about opening this up, and donald trump is being smart about this he sang look come over and open it up in certain places, it's one thing to keep new york where half the infections, what about idaho or iowa or states where you don't have a lot of cases. what about some of the areas where were going to need a steel industry and construction. why not, mark, allow individual businesses and individual americans to assess the risks and the benefits rather than having politicians choose that choice for them. >> and you're right because this would be, as i hear you, the greatest economic disaster in the history of this country if this keeps up, and secondly, you're a statistics guy, were told listen to the experts, they're getting more and more data. we know the populations that are at the greatest risks, we know the geographic areas that are at the greatest risks, why would you shut down kansas in
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manhattan and on and on. the scientific approach, the rational approach is the data we can trust, the data we have, use it and yet he still getting this resistance. >> the president has called himself a wartime president. i think he's right, he is a wartime president at least he's fighting an invisible enemy and as you know, presidents during wartime have to make very difficult decisions. it's a difficult decision to send 20000 people, americans into battle and things like that nature. we need to look very smartly at these choices, and i'm here to tell you, this idea that liberals are talking about will just keep the economy shut down until we solve every case of this, who by the way is being most devastated by this economic shutdown? >> right. i thought the left cared about the lowest income people. if you're making 18, $20 an
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hour and y l do for those people. the wall street journal had a fascinating front page story. mark: will get to that in a minute. we'll be right back. people used to care. heck, they'd come all the way out here just for a blurry photo of me. oh, that's a good one. wait, what's that? that's just the low-battery warning. oh, alright. now it's all, "check out my rv," and, "let's go four-wheeling." maybe there's a little part of me that wanted to be seen. well, progressive helps people save when they bundle their home with their outdoor vehicles. so they've got other things to do now, bigfoot. wait, what'd you just call me? bigfoot? ♪ my name is daryl. today is the dawn of a new lawn. that's because roundup for lawns has arrived. now, there is a roundup brand product made just for your lawn. so you can put unwelcome lawn weeds to rest. draw the line. with roundup for lawns there's no better way
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♪ ♪ mark: welcome back. steve moore, you were talking about the lowest focus on the lowest rung of the ladder. >> they're the primary victims of keeping our economic engine shut down. one important point i want the make to you and your viewers, and this is really important, it doesn't matter how many trillions of dollars the federal reserve prints, and they're printing trillions right now i. doesn't matter how many trillion dollar aid packages congress passes. if we don't have a productive economy producing goods and services, there's not going to be anything for people the buy with all this money. it's a prudent step to take these measures to get the american economy up and running as quickly as possible in the places that we can, taking the best public safety health measures, and that's exactly what this president is calling
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for. mark: steve moore, if you keep printing money and and you don't have enough goods, what do you create? >> well, this is so obvious, i asked my second graderrer, and he knew the answer, this is going to cause inflation. a seventh grader understands that, but these ph.d. economists and politicians in washington don't. mark: liquidity without a purpose for liquidity is just more cash into the system x that's on top of quantitative easing. so people talk about economic cycles, of which there are, but some of them are stronger than others, some are easier than others, and i think what you're saying is if we keep doing this, we're going to have a problem in a few years ahead with terrible inflation. and i agree with you 100%. let's do what we need to do to help our fellow citizens, let's get the economy working where we can, let's focus as many resources, health resources as we can on the people who need it in the areas that need it, and
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uh-uh think this is what the president -- and i think this is what the president has been saying. for which, oddly must enough, hs under attack by the media. >> well, he's a businessman. he knows how to deal with the crisis, he knows how to make a payroll. he's done an amazing thing. the surge in husband approval ratings -- his approval ratings an indication of how well the american people think he's performing. the next step, mr. president, let's get pro-growth policies in place so when we get this virus over with, we're going to boom out of this. he created the best boom in 30 years, we can do it again in the next six months. mack: and i think that -- mark: i think that's what his intentions are, and i certainly agree 100%. and i am concerned that if we do this again -- [laughter] we're not going to recover from that. if this is world war iii, this'll be world war iv right here with massive inflation. we have to keep that in mind. steve moore, i want to thank you very, very much. keep up the good work. god bless you, my friend.
9:00 pm
>> thanks for having me. next time, folks, on "life, liberty and he slip." >> here we are all together at home we're taking care of each other, doing what we during this crisis. there's a lot of grief out this, uncertainty and fear, but let me tell you what's going to keep us together, all the goodness we still have. doctors or nurses and scientists on the front line, they're living proof that most superheros don't wear capes. teachers writing letters to their students, it's inspiring. it shows us that once we get through these tough times, better days lay ahead. and since we're all hunkered down together, until those days, we thought that we'd put on a little show f
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