tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News March 31, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." america's coronavirus death t has now surpassed that of 9/11 and unfortunately tonight that number is going up. just a short time ago the president warned the country to brace itself for what was going to happen. >> president trump: i want every american to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. we will go through a very tough two weeks and then hopefully as the experts are predicting and as a lot of us are predicting after having studied it so hard we will start seeing some light at the end of the tunnel but this will be a very painful two weeks. >> tucker: ominous.
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the key question though is after two weeks what happens then and the short answer is no one really knows. we are hoping that the numbers will give us some clear picture of that and to get the latest numbers and an idea of where things are headed we go now to trace gallagher. >> as the president's coronavirus task force has repeatedly said, the numbers coming from these projection models are very fluid and likely to change. but right now projections from the institute of health record metrics and evaluation from the university of washington say the overall u.s. will see the peak of the virus on april 15 and covid-19 deaths could be as high as 84,000. in new york the peak is predicted on april 9th with the highest death toll of 827 coming on april 10th and the overall death toll in new york at just under 16,000. the projected numbers don't show california peeking until april 27th with an overall death toll of just about 5,000.
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i want to put this on the screen as well. up until just a few minutes ago california had just 205 new cases today with four more deaths today. even dr. deborah birx today noted that california's social distancing appears to be paying dividends with other states. watch. >> washington state early, about two weeks before new york or new jersey. california one week before new york or new jersey really talked to their communities and decided to mitigate before they started seeing this number of cases and now we know that that makes a big difference. >> you mention washington state, finally in the seattle area were 37 of the nation's first 50 deaths happened is singing a payoff because of social distancing. there is significant evidence of the virus has slowed in recent days and death not nearly as fast as other states.
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>> tucker: finally some good news. thank you so much. last night, we showed you the video, and it was nauseating, of senior world health organization officials refusing to answer questions about taiwan and how it was dealing with coronavirus. in fact, howard wouldn't even acknowledge the question or the existence of taiwan. it was repulsive. but it wasn't surprising, he was just following directions from the very top. tedros adhanom, who is the director of the world health organization got his job with china support after he covered up cholera outbreaks in his home country, the perfect man to lead the world health organization and he has subsequently set the standard for corruption. here he is in january. watch this. >> the chinese government should be congratulated for the extraordinary measures it has taken to contain the outbreak. the speed with which china detected the outbreak isolated the virus, and shared it with
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w.h.o. in, the word is very impressive. china is setting a new standard for outbreak response and that's not an exaggeration. >> tucker: that's the top public health official in the world and everything you just heard him say there was a lie. a recent 60 minutes piece from australia, a piece that our media are not playing shows just how deep the lies go. in fact, there is nothing speedy about how china detected the outbreak and warned the world. indeed, they did the exact opposite. >> from the very beginning throughout december it was spreading and we now know it was spreading human to human. but the official line of the chinese government was this was all related to an animal market and once to close the market it
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would all go away. >> did they know differently at that time? absolutely. because they were seeing cases coming into the hospitals that had nothing whatsoever to do with that animal market. >> tucker: so the world health organization's leadership tells you that china "set the standard to the outbreak response which includes disappearing doctors who tell the truth about it. >> as china now tries to rewrite history and claim it was transparent all along, a final nail in the coffin as they lie. two weeks ago the head of emergency at wuhan central hospital also went public saying authorities had stopped her and her colleagues from warning the world. she has now disappeared, whereabouts unknown. >> tucker: again. why is it left to australian media to produce a piece like this?
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the truth is a 60 minutes australia explains, instead of worrying about these developments, in early february the director of the world health organization was still lecturing the public that using terms like the wuhan virus was inappropriate. >> they are using other names that can be inaccurate or stigmatizing. >> tucker: you might think that the world health organization, a group that got 50 million of your tax dollars last year might care that a government arrest doctors and lies about deadly new diseases. but no. like so many organizations they are lapdogs for the powerful and that means a real job is sucking up to the chinese government. speaking of the chinese government, on february 6th scientists from the south china university of technology uploaded a paper on the origins of coronavirus. where did it come from? this offers some clue.
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at the time the official death toll in china from coronavirus was 564. the paper made a number of notable observations and claims that are worth knowing about and that's why we are telling you. we want to be clear that we are endorsing any of these conclusions, we have an independent confirm to them, we can't. but these findings come from chinese scientists who work for a university that is controlled by the chinese government. so whatever else they are, what you are hearing is probably not chinese racist propaganda. first the scientist confirmed what scientists around the world have said they believe. the virus most likely came from an animal known as the intermediate horseshoe bat. there are no known colonies of this bat nor are there any evidence that they were sold in the wuhan wet market despite many claims made by the american media. including this one by the way. last night we did a segment and suggested that this bat was sold there. but let's be clear.
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the only actual analysis of that question that we are aware of is in this paper. these scientists interviewed almost 60 people, 59 of them who frequented the wuhan wet market and they confirmed there were no horseshoe bats for sale there. period so that raises the question, rated the virus carrying bats come from? the paper says this. "we screen in the area around the market and identified two laboratories conducting research on bad coronavirus. within a few hundred yards of the white market was something called the centers for disease control and prevention. the center used horseshoe bats for research. 7 miles away was another facility, this one was called the wuhan institute of virology. the virology institute also conducted research on intermediate horseshoe bats, the one they were not sold at the wet market. south china university scientists concluded that the coronavirus pandemic that people
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are dying from here likely came from one of these two government labs in wuhan. they noticed that a scientist at the wuhan centers for disease control and prevention have been exposed to the blood and of horseshoe bats. they also suggested that infected tissue samples from research animals may have wound up in the wuhan wet market. they entered the paper this way. "the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in wuhan. safety levels may need to be reinforced in high-risk laboratories and regulations may be taken to relocate his laboratories far away from city centers and other densely populated places. how is that for interesting? this paper has been online for nearly two months and so far it's been virtually ignored in this country. almost nobody in american journalism has dared to write about it. the few who have were attacked as a dangerous conspiracy theorists. instead of assessing what seemed like rational conclusions, there was a spate of american news stories and academic research designed to show that the coronavirus absolutely could not have been engineers in the
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chinese lab. they sounded supremely confident of that but do they really know it? the answer is, no they don't. the fact of the matter is it's impossible for the western scientists to show it's possible either way. instead they amped up the rhetoric hoping you would know the difference. a post on the nih website dismisses any sub speculation as "outrageous." keep in mind, nih is supposed to be keeping you safe from diseases like this one not running interference. this is how they are spending their time as americans die in the middle of a global pandemic. and still, no one address the substance of the claims. the south china university paper concludes that the virus probably escaped accidentally from a lab in wuhan. it said not one word about about bio weapons. the nih, "usa today" and
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countless other outlets have devoted thousands of words to scolding you for thinking of virus may have been a form of biological warfare. notice that is a totally different claim made them the one in the paper and that's not accidental. one of the surest signs when someone is lying to you are that they answer questions you didn't ask and that's exactly what they are doing in the story. they are claiming to know things they don't know, dismissing the obvious as impossible and blaming you for their failures in the media are helping them do it. the stakes are too high to let them continue this way so no matter what, stay skeptical as you assess the world. remain rational. gather your own evidence and come to your own conclusions. you shouldn't have to do that, you ought to be able to trust the people in charge but you can't so at this point you have no choice. dozens of sailors have come down
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that are degrading? legacybox professionally converts them to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud. legacybox is simple and safe, with over half a million satisfied customers. visit today, and get 40% off. actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. wash your hands. avoid close contact with people who are sick. avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. stay home when you are sick. cover your cough or sneeze. clean and disinfect frequently touched objects with household cleaning spray. for more information,
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couple of weeks to test 5,000 members on board. they are testing 200 of the 5,000 sailors per day and that testing is quickly ramping up. about 700 sailors so far have been tested. our fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson reports the spike in cases on board the single aircraft carrier represents up to 30% of the u.s. military's total number of coronavirus cases worldwide. acting navy secretary thomas mosley tells fox news taken the aircraft carrier out of commission will have a huge implications in the coming weeks. the vessel has weapons and expensive aircraft on board but he says the u.s. has at least 100 ships at sea at any given time. people should feel comfortable that america has other ways to respond to aggression if needed. there are two other aircraft carriers deployed right now, the u.s. harry s. truman and the dwight eisenhower are currently in the arabian sea. we will bring you the latest numbers from the aircraft carrier. >> tucker: thanks a lot,
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matt finn. those numbers are big. which leaves the question, how and why is coronavirus spreading so quickly? the biggest question might be that it lingers in the air. if that's true then the mass of course would be a useful way to prevent spreading it. somehow though our health authorities have concluded the surgeon general continues to downplay the effectiveness of masks. >> the world health organization and the cdc have reaffirmed in the last few days, they do not recommend the general public wear masks. wearing a mask improperly can increase your risk of getting disease and also give you a false sense of security. you see many of these pictures with people out and about closer to six week feet to each other but still wearing a mask. we want to make sure that we are reserving the ppe for the people who most need it and that's how you get the largest effect. if health care workers get sick, they can't take care of you when you get sick. >> you want to put that aside for health care workers and we get that.
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>> but again, that it doesn't show helps individuals. >> tucker: it would be interesting to hear someone explain in clear language how it would increase your risk. but it's a question that could affect millions of who is right? our health authorities or countries like south korea and taiwan where apparently the coronavirus spread has been kept in check at least in part for the mask wearing of masks. dr. marc siegel is a contributor to join us tonight to help sort this out. >> hi tucker. >> tucker: one so question of how effective masks are for nonexperts, and let me stipulate at the outside, no one would ever really want to take mask from health care workers who
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have to be our priority, but all things being equal, why are they telling us that masks don't help nonhealth care workers? >> first of all i would start with that exact point you made. if you have to make sure that health care workers have enough masks and there is enough in hospitals, and i'm not just talking about the letter and 95 respirators, i'm talking about surgical masks. if health care workers are taken care of then we have to consider the general public and here's what i would say about that. if the mask is used properly i certainly want anyone that's coughing or sneezing or has any health issues going on to wear a mask. anyone who is immunocompromised or with chronic health problems to wear the mask. what about the general public? here's the answer. the mask has to fit on just like this, slightly. there can't be any areas where there is exposure. you have to understand that if you are touching the mask to
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hands very thoroughly afterwards wash her face. it all has to do with proper use of the mask. >> tucker: okay. i heard one emergency room physician say that wearing the mask might remind people not to touch their face which i think has been established as one of the main routes of transmission. face touching. do you think that's a valid point? >> yes. i think that's a valid point. i think if you have the mask on you may not touch your face as often. but here's the main point i need to make. it is a lot more of this virus in the air and on surfaces and it's a lot more contagious than we had realized. before i said not to use a mask but i'm starting to rethink this now because i'm starting to realize that it's way more contagious than we realized. so i think europe may be heading in the right direction and i think south korea may have been right. i think of people use mask properly then it may be a good idea. in close quarters when you are close together with people.
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not walking down the street, but when you are in close quarters. so i'm starting to rethink this. >> tucker: so you are making now a point which you have made from day one which is, everyone who is following this is learning as we go. none of it was clear at first but the outlines are becoming clearer and it's important to admit that i think, always. and i mean, instilling a line from you. >> and his social distancing working on its own? we need an additional device to use. you may have this virus are not even know you have it. you may find about it days later and then you may say, who did i exposed to it? if i wear the mask i would decrease what i'm spewing to other people. since we don't find out till after the fact since the testing is imperfect we may need to use the mask as an additional device to cause more separation. i think it will decreased spread
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if its use properly. >> tucker: dr. siegel, thanks for that update, great to see you tonight. a story that we've been covering since the beginning because it's important, local governments have been stepping back law enforcement and releasing criminals from jail. now a virginia store employee faces decades in prison for defending a store from a robbery. he sitting in jail with no bail. his boss is furious, and you may be, too, after you hear him, next. ♪ at papa john's, we want you to know that from our 450-degree oven, to box, to you, it's our policy that your pizza is never touched once it comes out of the oven. and we're taking extra steps, like no contact delivery, to ensure it.
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♪ >> live from america's news headquarters. president trump warning americans the next two weeks will be very difficult. this comes as the task force as the u.s. could end up with 100ed 240,000 coronavirus deaths before it's over. anthony found she says well we should be prepared for those staggering numbers, we could reverse the course. >> as sobering as a number as that is, we should be prepared for it. is it going to be that much? i hope not and i think the more we push, the less likelihood it has being unrealistic. >> there are now more than 800 confirmed cases globally, 200,000 of them here in the u.s.
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i'm marianne rafferty. now back to "tucker carlson at night." >> tucker: in the last two weeks new york governor andrew cuomo has become the most high-profile democrat in america. his daily briefings are playing to a national audience. he has made it tough announcements like banning everyone in the state from holding on essential gatherings and thanks to his press conferences is closer to the center of this world changing story than almost anyone in this story, closer than nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, sand euro because cortez. also it then presumptive nominee joe biden. joe biden has practically vanished from public view both by design and sadly, necessity. andrew cuomo who has never run for president and would never win a primary is suddenly widely been talked about as president. in other democrats are watching this happen and they all now want to be andrew cuomo. yesterday governor clan rubs blackface of virginia ordered everyone to shelter in place and not go outside except for essential errands.
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that lasts until june 10th. june 10th is 71 days from now. we have literally no clue what the world will look like in 71 days. and yet governor blackface claims he plans to keep his state's population home until then. and to show he means it, he's warning that anyone who goes outside improperly or hosts a private gathering of more than ten people will be fined or jailed. message? i'm not the sniveling moral coward i appear to be. in fact i'm strong and decisive like andrew cuomo. meanwhile other deeply mediocre politicians including mayor mount muriel bowser of d.c. is doing the same thing. she is threatening with jail time if they violate her command to stay inside. >> we don't expect we will have to issue you need fines and jail penalties because we expect the people of the district of colby to comply. we do of course have penalties we do of course have penalties at our disposal but i don't expect we will have to use them.
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that is certainly my hope. >> tucker: oh please. she can't even pave the streets. but you are seeing threats like this suddenly everywhere. governor jay inslee is holding press conferences and announcing that people going outside without permission will be jailed. businesses that open improperly bought their license is revoked. so think about this. democratic leaders are threatening normal people with jail time for going outside. but at the same time they are letting actual criminals out of prison in very large numbers. from cleveland to philadelphia to california to washington, d.c., officials are releasing inmates from jail and also ordering police to scale back radically in some cases any law enforcement. in new york, convicted sex offenders are going free. in king county officials released hundreds of inmates. maybe they will be resettled in the homes of law-abiding people arrested for going outside. in fact we imagine they probably will. in march bill de blasio urged new yorkers for the movie
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theater rather than worry about coronavirus. now they want to release jose gonzalez, a man accused of murdering an emt by stealing her ambulance and running her over. francisco calderon threatened to stab two men with a syringe and that was merely the latest in a long list of crimes. thanks to coronavirus police released him almost immediately after arresting him. jason is an area radio host. good to see you. you are hearing people, notably the mayor of washington, d.c., widely mocked by the people who live there announcing people who violate her orders will be imprisoned but at the same time they are letting actual criminals out of prison. what do you make of this? >> it's absurd. it's some news media that is covering a whole lot of stuff having to do with the coronavirus which means there are some ideologues who are
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basically able to sneak in some of these social justice causes. remember, you have politicians from washington state to washington, d.c., who believe that the justice system is inherently racist and it goes after communities of color and cops are all evil. so now that you have an actual tragedy that's taking place across the country from a health perspective and an economic perspective, people aren't paying as close of attention to some of these pet projects that a lot of these politicians want to push forward. the case you mentioned of francisco calderon, that's the 75th time he's been convicted. now he gets caught again and almost immediately re-released out into the public. this is a person who will commit a murder and only then will politicians here in seattle give a damn. it's the same across the country, and that's a shame. >> tucker: it's a tragedy that america is facing the crisis at exactly the same time the worst people on the planet are in charge of the places.
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the most frivolous scum of the dumbest most narcissistic people are running our cities. how did that happen? >> and it's worse than that. remember as we were saying we will release some prisoners from jail as we are not going to book most misdemeanor charges. we are also closing down gun shops because they are not essential. we are also closing down offices in counties for people to apply for a concealed carry permit so we aren't even allowed to protect ourselves. we got here because a lot of big cities are run by progressive politicians with the younger demographic that are out there actually voting these people into office. part of me says, we are bringing this on ourselves. it's not the fault of the folks who don't back these politicians but i think this could be another wake-up call that elections matter. they are coming into november and trying to defeat president trump. that means a whole bunch of other politicians who are progressive are counting on that anger coming into the ballot box which means we all need to vote and we need to make sure we are
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keeping bad politicians out of place and we need to shine a spotlight on these issues. when we tweeted the story they quickly started to change their tune on it and we have to do that. it's up to us. >> tucker: yeah. in many ways this stuff matters much more. you can be mad about what's happening nationally but if you are letting into your neighborhood, that really matters. jason, thank you for your updates on the stuff. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: in virginia, governor klan robe blackface -- across the river from 3 men broke into a store in arlington, virginia, right across the river from washington. an employee who was living in the store that time opened fire on the burglars, wounding one of them. happy ending, you would think so. prosecutors have arrested the man. he's being held without bail.
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he faces charges in 20 years. he is in jail now without bail. we are happy to have his boss on tonight. thank you for coming on. so we just described what happened. are we missing anything? your employee was in the store and these guys broken and he shot one. correct? >> correct. they had broken into the store, three men with masks on. the neighbor upstairs said when they broke the window it sounded like a car smashing into the store. the employees said it sounded like a shotgun. and when he woke up, he reached for the pistol and shot inside to scare them and one of them hit the suspect. what happened after that, when the police came, we thought we were in the right. three masked men, 4:30 a.m. on a
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sunday morning. i was watching across the stre street, boxers on gum a tank top, 40 degrees, the cops treating us like we are the ones who caused the harm. it's very sad for america today as american citizens practice the second amendment to protect to the store and their lives. not only that, the people upstairs, do you know what the police officer told him? why didn't you run out the back door? and guess what. when we checked the back door there was a book bag with two rocks and a pole. if you would have ran out the back he would have met up with the three masked men and there he probably would have shot all three of them. then what, do 60 years in jail? this is absurd. we went to visit him to try to get him bonded out, $25,000 bonded out and the prosecutor appealed it. and i heard him coughing very hard in jail which makes me think, you are supposed to keep
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people safe, people away from jail or anywhere, this is very sad, practicing your rights in the united states of america. i was born in arlington, i pay taxes. the gun is registered and everything is perfect but i can't believe as american citizens we are being treated like this. and this gets the criminals out there, we can go rob stuff. kill people and hurt people and guess what, people have to run out the back door. this is mind-boggling. i can't understand it. i've been stressed. i've been reaching out and getting so much support from the arlington community, from veterans, many people are coming to the store, they want to hug me. we can't believe this is happening. what is this, i'm honestly still in shock. we need justice and i know arlington county could really bring justice and show the american people that you are
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safe in your house. you can protect your house. what are people doing at 4:30 a.m. when everybody knows they are supposed to be home? plus we didn't know they were juveniles with masks on. we are their parents? i don't understand it. >> tucker: it's irrelevant, it's totally irrelevant. i can't remember a story that has made me as mad as this one and i appreciate that you are so clearly describing what happened. and of course we support cops reflectively on the show but i wish i knew that cop's name because he should be ashamed. let me ask you one last question. does your employee who is rotting in jail with no bail and coughing, does he have a family? >> yes. he has a 5-year-old daughter and a 9-year-old son that he was supposed to see on sunday because that is his day off. his wife is calling in all of his family is calling, it's a hard time in america.
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being an american citizen in standing up for your rights, i can't believe it. he's been in jail three days already. >> tucker: i hope the prosecutors are watching this and i hope all the prosecutors in arlington are watching this. thank you for joining us tonight. >> i appreciate it, god bless you. >> tucker: god bless. restaurants and retail outlets are being hit very hard to come but there is another industry, one that's absently critical to this country no matter what they tell you that is suffering as much. it's america's energy sector. it really is and the implications are profound for all of us. rick perry joins us after the break to discuss. first coronavirus is still ravaging new york city and that means the streets are is quiet as they have maybe ever been. our footage comes from nathan furness tonight. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: no show on television, i think it's fair to say, has mocked chris cuomo more lethally than this one has, but tonight we will take a break from that. tonight he announced he's been infected by the coronavirus. he said he's had fever and shortness of breath but his main worry was infecting his wife and children. those are the right prorate ohmic priorities. he said he will continue to do his show as long as he can from isolation in his basement. we respect that, too. godspeed to you and your family. we are rooting for you.
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ast. it's those workers in the permian basin and in the bucket in north dakota, in pennsylvania and the pipeline workers out there. there is of americans who, their entire future and taking care of their family and playing their mortgages is tied directly to the energy industry. it's a driver of a massive amount of our american economy. there are some big companies out there, there are independents out there that are the real buffer. but here's what you need to keep in mind. if we were to lose those independent operators and we are on the verge, let me tell you. our capacity is full. the saudis are flooding thet market with cheap oil, and i'm telling you, we are on the verge of a massive collapse. the last three or four years to
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filter the number one gas producing country in the world. giving americans some affordable energy resources. ifif we were to lose that -- ife woke up a year from now and there were five big companies, because all of these independents were going out of business, and there is a company called aramco, ross met with the russians, exxonmobil, chevron, maybe bp, if that's it, i would suggest that would make a lot of americans really nervous, that that's the only thing -- >> tucker: i agree with that. may i interrupt you and go back to something you said, which is baffling? so the industries on the verge, really come of a collapse, yet we are being flooded with foreign oil, refiners are being flooded with foreign oil. why are we allowing that? >> so you bring up an incredibly important issue. here's what i would do, and i would certainly give this advice to the president. i would -- for the next 60 to 90
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days, not from now on, but the next 60 to 90 days, i would say refiners, we are going to provide u.s. crude only. that would give a buffer to the market and sent a clear message that we are not going to let foreign oil flow in here, but our energy industry. i here's the more important than, tucker, i think not only your viewers but everyone the administration i think those. this is about our national security. this is about america's ability to defend itself. if our independent operators, who made america number one gas producing country in the world, if we lost that, we'd go back to 1974-'75. i was a pilot in the united states air force in that. of time, i remember that, we would go to countries that didn'ter necessarily have our bt
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interests in mind, we can't afford that again. >> tucker: of course, and i don't know whyor we would allow our fake ally the saudis just lower on market right now, and i hope yourur recommendation is active. mr. secretary, thank you so much -- >> and i hope we will talk about maybe the treasury department buying all futures. i think all of these things -- save the american energy industry we worked so hard to build. >> tucker: great to see you. thank youn for that. well, you've been told by your media that it was bigoted to worry about coronavirus. calm down, racist. now they wantor to use the pandemic to get veto power over what you are allowed to talk about. they o are using this. it's priceless. we will tell you how in just a minute. but first, from los angeles tonight. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: protecting the public from this pandemic is more complex than almost anything we do as a country. several months in, there is still a huge amount we don't know about coronavirus. we don't know how easily it spreads, how long it can c survive outside the body, the real deathts rate, how many people currently have it or how many of habit and recovered. most important, we don't know the best way to treat it. those are some of the things we don't know, and we should never be embarrassed to admit that. w all scientific advances come from conceding ignorance. that's always the critical first step in discovery. admit what you don't know,
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observe, test, test again and compare, never allow your preconceptions to influencew, the results. that's called the scientific method. it works. that's why the average life expectancy is no longer 42. unfortunately, western media companies are not pro-science at the moment. they are opposed to science. it means losing control. they see their job not as encouraging the kind of robust and open-minded debate that yields scientific breakthroughs, but instead as guardians of stale conventional wisdom, the praetorian guard of the discredited professional class. for example, brazilian president jair bolsonaro recently questioned the value of quarantine. bolsonaro argued that the coronavirus was less deadly than we thought, that keeping the economy from crashing is more important goal, and that isolation should be practice for only people at risk. he could be wrong about that. he might also be completely right. we don't know. nobody does. but big tech does nothe believe you should be allowed to think about this. so twitter has already deleted bolsonaro's t comments. the other tech monopolies have followed
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they claim bolsonaro contradicted official public health guidelines. consider that. h "official public health guidelines." the u.s. government has spent weeks telling you that masks don't protect the public from coronavirus. that is a lie. it's also an official public health guideline. in mid-january, the world health organization told you that chinat had determined that the virus couldn't be spread from person-to-person. that was a lie, too. it killed tens of of people. another public health guideline. should twitter has censored anyone who disagreed with it? if it happened today, they would've censored anyone to do disagreed with it. at the moment, twitter is censoring comments that say unapproved things about hydroxychloroquine, the antimalaria drug showing promise. is the drug known for certain to be effective? no, it's not. but some doctors and researchers on the front lines think it works, and they are treating patients with it right now. the fda just approved it. i yet, because the media are partisan and stupid, their position is hydroxychloroquine doesn't work and can never work, and if you disagree with that, we will make you shut up.
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that's the middle ages position on science. free inquiry is scary and must be suppressed. they are doing it now on the largest scale in history and they are not likely to stop. it's just too tempting to use a crisis to achieve your political objectives. soon they will be telling you that fox news, not china, caused this pandemic. in fact, many are saying that now. how long before they start claiming that in the name of public health, fox news must be suppressed? paranoid? okay, you watch. that will happen. harmeet dhillon is an attorney and she serves on the president's 2020 advisory council and joins us tonight. harmeet, thank you for coming on. it seems like efforts to censor opinion, opinion that falls outside the boundaries set by the professional class, is more aggressive than ever. you've been following this for a long time. is that true? >> absolutely, you mentionedn just now. only a couple days ago, they were censoring people for reporting that a drug had been approved by the fda. at the same time, if the chinese government spreads
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absolute gaslight propaganda, that the virus started not in wuhan. but by the united states military taking to china, that's a okay in twitter's worldview, and they have explanations for why theyta are allowing certain leaders stating certain viewpoints to continue to spread false propaganda on an american company medium, whereas people seeking truth are americans, the mainstream media and the social media czars are allowed to treat it differently. it's absolutely orwellian. >> tucker: how can you innovate? how can you practice the scientific method when the h opinions that fall outside pre-prescribed guidelines are banned? >> well, we certainly, i certainly hope we aren't practicing our science through twitter. information is very important in a crisis like this. the government relies on the consent of those being governed. and so, if the populace is
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being fed total propaganda from foreign nationals trying to manipulate our public opinion which is absolutely what's happening, according to not fox news or you or i, but propublica. it's a very dangerous situation and they are deliberately doing it. the documents that china is doing that and they were being allowed to do it by twitter and by the other social media companies. you may ask yourself why. well, the answer is the big dollar sign. these companies are desperate to break into china. they are currently banned from china. even though twitter has over 10 million users there. these american corporations want, they are globalist and they want to push a global agenda and make sure that when the time comes for china to be open to that they aren't on the wrong side of china's propaganda arm, the chinese government.n' so that's why they are allowing it. it could have health consequences. if people are telling people hydroxychloroquine doesn't work. and chinese bots are out there telling them they will die if they take that, that could happen, the way these rules are areg applied, and yet they
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being allowed to get away with it, absolutely. >> tucker: if fox news and this show were under the control of google, we would have been silenced and pulled off the air a long time ago. you can bet money on that. harmeet, great to see you tonight. thank >> thank you. >> tucker: that's it for us tonight. stay in touch with the ones you love. we will see you tomorrow. sean hannity takes over. >> sean: good show, thank you. welcome to "hannity."" as you know, every night we begin, this is a national emergency that our country is going through, it continues. we start with facts without fear.ti just the facts, that means the good, the bad, the ugly, what should most concern you and your family. sadly, this time, we see the worse and some people but the majority we see the best in. we are going to name names, america needs to know. we start tonight with an important message from the president earlier today. take a look. >> i want every american to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. we are going to go through a very tough two weeks. and then, hopefully, as the experts are w predicting, as i think a lot of us are predicting, after
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