tv Hannity FOX News April 4, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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thanks for spending an hour with us tonight. sean hannity next. ♪ >> sean: think about this, a lot of breaking news this friday night. one month ago today, what were we thinking about? voters in 14 states went to the polls. was super thursday if you're joe biden, super tuesday but in all seriousness, what a difference one month can make, so much has changed. the shocking events of the last few weeks on the character in the course of this republic. this is a transformational time. you're watching daily the books being rewritten on how the world
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and we will deal with pandemics. very important decisions, life changing decisions "happening now." got to make sure we get as much right as we possibly can, we will all be on board. tonight, no matter what horrific path this pandemic takes, it cannot be worse than the crisis. we need to solve the serious medical emergency as quickly as possible, get this country back on track and what that means is let americans go back to work and do what they do best. and that is leave the world. we are dedicated each night, facts without fear, the good the bad the ugly. going to tell it all to you. the same people for three and a half years, the same people showing the worst side of
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america during a national emergency and every american tonight when you learn what we are going to tell you, you should be livid at their conduct in the middle of this national emergency. media mob doesn't want to cover the president's comments in a national emergency and what they do talk about they have earned the utter contempt that most people have for them. we will name names tonight. also meanwhile, on they are all playing their same old a radical game, radical behavior. it's deplorable. congress first delays desperately needed relief dollars. in other words, they are holding hostage money for hospital workers. small businesses, large businesses, american workers. then they want they can national endowments for the endowments on
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the kennedy center which ended up firing people in npr that won't cover the president's daily briefings and pbs, they hold up money for that and then the middle of national emergencies, what are they now calling for? investigations? these people are out of their mind. you cannot trust them. this is hurting the country, what they've been doing and this is even worse. also tonight we have a message, new york governor andrew cuomo, you need to listen to me tonight along with senator schumer, comrade de blasio. we will explain facts about what is an epic failure on all of their parts. cuomo needs to release hydroxychloroquine and andrew, you believe in the right to choose, right? how about americans and new yorkers to use your phrase having the choice if they in consultation with their doctor want to take hydroxychloroquine
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being allowed to do so, we start with our facts without fear tonight. we have confirmed cases, covid-19 raising in the united states, more testing and any other country across the globe, 275,000 cases in the u.s. around now 7,000. 3,000 new cases in long island the loan to newsday. i live in long island. at johns hopkins university has documented at least 10,000 recoveries in the u.s. anthony fauci is now pouring cold water showing studies that americans could be killed and saying you cannot rely on the models because they were too many variables. breaking today, the cdc is now recommending that all americans where face masks, that is new today. or other facial coverings when traveling outside the home. and it's all comes as the
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president utilizes the defense production act to ban certain exports of critical medical supplies. he did this because 3m were selling masks made to other countries. hello? and by the way, the company ceo said stopping international shipments would have significant humanitarian implications. we didn't elect you for that. americans need the masks. who are you to decide that? now they have no choice, rightfully so than u.s. company should not have been giving those masts abroad when this country so desperately needs them here. the president was right to take action. now the u.s. is even allowing imports of what are called by chinese alternative to the critical n95 masks and we do know the production gm ford and others are beginning to crank them out as well. the president also announcing that the federal government will cover hospital costs for
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uninsured covid-19 patients. everybody will be covered. as we speak, hydroxychloroquine is frequently used now nationwide by hospitals to treat the disease. with positive preliminary results and by the way, of 6,000 doctors surveyed, they agreed, this is the one thing they are saying that they would use to treat people that have it. will get into the details of dr. roz threatening and a doctor that prescribed as potentially life-saving medication, finally michigan's governor is now reversing course and begging the federal government for more of the drug. andrew cuomo, you need to listen. and on the economic front, small businesses can now apply for forgivable emergency loans today to keep their businesses afloat during that crisis, and it brings us to facts that should concern every american tonight. you make no mistake, the economy is suffering. those numbers on the other side of the health issue are going to
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be extraordinarily scary to every american. the unemployment rate is nearly up an entire point, it will get worse, and this report does not reflect the most recent job losses. a quarter of all small businesses are now considering permanently closing. that's what the 2.2 trillion was for. in the epicenter of the disease, death continues to mount. yesterday, new york did see its biggest single day increase in covid-19 deaths to come. we been warning you these couple of weeks will be rough and of course, new york is not the only state suffering with growing hot spots that we have to pay attention to in louisiana, michigan, connecticut, and florida tonight. also while the toll of covid-19 continues to rise, the response from great americans across this country is inspiring and nothing but remarkable which brings us to our facts without fear segment today. scientists at the university of pittsburgh believe they think they found a potential
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coronavirus vaccine. of course, production of any vaccine will be many months away. that's why treatment in the interim, hydroxychloroquine is imperative in light of what we are seeing in the data that we are accumulating albeit you can't have a clinical study. meanwhile italy appears to be flattening the curve finally as a state cases have now slowed ever now since the nationwide lockdown they are. back here at home, so many great americans, it's inspiring to watch them rise to the occasion. tom brady teaming up with a nonprofit to distribute 10 million meals to those in need, even leonardo dicaprio, good for you. he is helping launch another $12 million food donation program and one celebrity chef has promised to give doctors and nurses free meals when his restaurants reopen. that's awesome. and an artist in brooklyn, new york, is working day and night on her own 3d printer to turn out face shields for
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medical workers. aerobic actions are now underway all over the country. this pandemic is a serious crisis. you see the best in people, the overwhelming majority and then the worst in others. soon, we will be on the road to recovery. will beat the disease and as i have said many times, this too shall pass. in joining us now with more facts without fear, the u.s. surgeon general dr. jerome ada adams. why have we had such -- thank you sir, i know you're working day and night and know when sleeping. why has there been so much confusion on the issue of surgical masks? >> that's a great question and it's important for the american people to know that the task force always makes recommendations based on the science and the science originally told us that people who wear masks are not protecting themselves from the virus. we actually recommend that people who have symptoms or people who think they may have the disease to wear a mask so
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they don't spread it to others and the w.h.o., the cdc office all initially stated that. what's changed? what changes we found that there are significant number of people who have asymptomatic spread of the virus, and so the cdc changes recommendations today and they now suggest that the general public consider wearing masks when they're going out in public so as not to spread disease to other people particularly in situations where they may be closer than 6 feet from each other. one back a couple of really important points that i want you to know, number one this does not replace social distancing in the most important thing to do is to still stay home. you're going to wear facial covering, make sure you don't touch her face and that you wash your hands and leave the n95 in the surgical masks to the health care professionals because they need them to take care of high risk patients. that's what the cdc recommends, that works just fine to protect other people from you because we are all in this together.
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you wear a mask to protect me and i wear to protect you. >> sean: can you tell americans tonight that we have enough masks and will have enough ventilators? these are important questions, we know what gm is doing, we know the defense act was utilized by the president for ventilators and now today as it relates to 3m, but i think what everybody wants to know, 3,000 cases where i live tonight, new cases today. and americans just want to know that the equipment is going to be there for front line workers, those that put themselves on the line and people want to know that those that get really sick will have the ventilators that they need and how important would it be to get enough hydroxychloroquine to new york so that andrew cuomo's executive order forcing people to hospitals when people in consultation with their doctors want to take it won't have to go to a hospital which is not necessarily the best place to be. >> you ask a great question about supplies and we are
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working with the stockpile to make sure places like new york city are getting what they need when they need it. and that's not to say that you're going to get 30,000 ventilators. that's to say if you need 200 ventilators tomorrow, we will make sure you get 200 ventilators tomorrow so everyone has a ventilator. the president is also working on the supply chain to create new supply, working on reallocating supplies locally, but the most important thing for people to know is the way did not run out of ventilators is to make sure so many people don't need ventilators and that's why we extended the guidelines for another 30 days. we need to drive down demand and not so many people out there spreading the disease to each other so we don't run out of supplies. >> sean: i have dr. oz on my radio tv show who has talked a lot about hydroxychloroquine. you've been reading about it. what are your thoughts? >> i think there's promising data out there and dr. oz and i talked, dr. torres, we talk all
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the time along with other people on the task force and there is some promising data out there. >> sean: if you contracted this, would you take it? >> if i contracted it, i wouldn't necessarily take it right away. i would talk to my doctor. i have risk factors and many people know that i've talked about the fact that i am prediabetic and i have a lung disease. i would talk to my doctor and determine whether or not we felt my course was such that i was someone who should take that but i think every patient should have the opportunity to talk to their doctor about this and make a decision that's right for them since it's still in experimental drug at this point. >> sean: that's a good point, everyone has their own underlying issues and consulting your doctor is key on that. all right, thank you. hopefully we can get the equipment we need at the time we need it. thank you for all you're doing. each night were going to update you with the latest facts without fear including information your not going to get from the biased media mob,
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they are using it as another opportunity to do what they do every day and that's bad president trump. how many times have i said it? if he cured cancer, they'd criticized him for that. misery seems to love company. trying to get california governor gavin newsom to say bad things about the president beard unfortunately, it did not go as planned, take a look. >> do you feel like you have to feed this guy's ego to get the respirators and to get ppe and that's what's going on? >> all i can say is from my perspective, the relationship has been strong and i'm not doing it to kiss the ring and i'm not doing it in a way -- i am just being forthright with the president. he returns calls, he reaches out, he's been proactive. we've got that mercy ship down here in los angeles that was directly because he sent it down here. >> sean: by the way, there's a lesson there for andrew cuomo. in the president is giving you
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those hospitals to take photo ops in front of. he's been building all the things that you didn't do yourself. governor newsom is a far left democrat and has about 68 lawsuits pending against the trump administration. not really a fan of donald trump it is working together and leading his state and making it more safe and secure, done a much better job and they've done in new york, i'll tell you that. and he's telling the truth and putting partisan politics aside and he should be commended tonight. cuomo on the other hand has been complaining each and every day and sure, he's going to show up for a photo op, at the javits center hospital that donald trump and the federal government constructed, the army corps of engineers accepting thousands of ventilators, millions of masks and gowns and going around on tv and take a photo up in front of the ship, the comfort which only 20 people today, i'm not sure why, and bash the administration demanding they do their job
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yesterday tweeting "we do not have enough ventilators period." so how many ventilators is he short? he does realize they were 50 other states that are dealing with the virus. today during his daily briefing, the president address this very issue, let's take a look. >> they should've had more ventilators. they were totally underserviced. we are trying to do our best for new york. we have states, we have a lot of states, we have territories too, but we have a lot of states that have to be taken care of. so much more so than others. we work very well with the governor, we happen to think that he is well served with ventilators. were going to find out that we have other states to take care of. >> sean: every new yorker needs to know what an epic fail -- governor cuomo has failed the state of new york on a terrible level. after all, november 2015, he was given -- will show you the
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report, an important report from new york state's health department. let me read from page 30. says "during a severe influenza pandemic, there is likely to be a projected shortfall of ventilators. 15,783 during peak week demand." after reading this report, cuomo purchased zero ventilators for new york. by the way, smallest geographical location with 11 million people, new york city. instead, he instructed the commission to figure out ways to ration the existing 2,000 ventilators. the number one target of terrorism, the number one at risk place in the country for disease, the most dense population has a shortage of ventilators. he wouldn't buy them, but he wasted 750 million on a solar project, another 600 million on another idiotic project, $90 million on the light bulb project and he wouldn't buy the
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ventilators. now because of an executive order in new york, any prescription of the potentially life-saving treatment hydroxychloroquine, if you want it, you've got to go to the hospital system which is already overrun. so in other words, you can't have your doctor call into your pharmacy in consultation with your doctor, he won't let that happen and cuomo, why? i thought you were pro-choice, governor. let new yorkers in consultation with their doctors decide. the president when you ask him like every other time bailing you out, i'm sure he will send you the hydroxychloroquine, just ask. instead, he goes out on tv, pounds his chest, all talk, no action, blames the president and his own health department told him to buy them. he refused and wasted hundreds and hundreds and even billions of dollars. the mob in the media love governor cuomo governor cuomo. they treat him like he is a
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hero. he failed the people of new york and he treats the president like garbage in the middle of a national crisis, there is no help to the american people, none. how did you not prepare? the number one target of terror, unbelievable. and it's all over the media as we now go through and a lot of the media mob in different ways and you watch on morning media what they say over there, fake news saying that all over. believe it or not, don lemon pretends to be a news anchor over there and if he were an actual journalist and this was an actual news organization and he was in a partisan hack and they didn't have a leftist agenda when they were obsessed with the impeachment witch hunt, the federal government was warning americans about the coronavirus. december 27, chinese officials, world health organization, they saw that work there was some type of pneumonia looking like virus and they didn't know what it was called, people were getting sick. december 30th is when they first
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found out. then january 6, the federal government started issuing warnings. follow these dates, january 20, cdc, emergency operations center, january 31st, 10 days after the first known u.s. case, president trump issued that travel ban and conducted a mandatory quarantine is followed. look at your screen, every step of the way, the administration took unprecedented aggressive action and got it kicked out of it, racist, xenophobic, hysterical, fearmongering. think about it this way, dr. anthony fauci served six president that has been a champion of fighting pandemics and i mean that. highly respected in one of the most trusted experts in the field. dr. fauci didn't realize the true threat of the virus on january 21st. take a look. >> bottom line, we don't have to worry about this one, right?
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>> obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kinds of things that the cdc and the department of homeland security are doing, but this is not a major threat to the people of the united states and this is not something that the citizens of the united states right now should be worried about. >> sean: very well respected, not to say anything bad about dr. fauci, he was lied to by the chinese government. january 26, take a look. >> the american people should not be worried or frightened by this. it's a very low risk to the united states, but it's something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously. >> sean: five days later, president trump enacted a travel ban. how much worse with this i'll be? and i'll get this, just breaking tonight. the ever so clueless and out of touch quid pro quo joe. remember him? he is running those bad
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podcasts. initially called the band xenophobic, hysterical, and fearmongering. look at this news. joe biden now supports the president's travel ban with china. that's two months and three days too late. and now every democrat running for office needs to be asked the same question. is asking now in retrospect, was donald trump right? this was bold and unprecedented, untold thousands of americans didn't contract the virus and many others didn't die. in china lied to the world. that's why dr. fauci didn't know. it's not his fault, but still the president got it right five days later. they lied about the number of cases, the amount of deaths, the way the diseases spread, they block to use u.s. researchers, they spread their lies and propaganda. they were a disgrace and we should have nothing to do with them down the line. one study in the u.s. found china had been honest sooner,
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that study 95% of all of this could have been prevented. the mob in the media don't care about truth. they're just worried about scoring cheap political points as demonstrated by fake news accosted today. take a look. >> where is dr. fauci? >> i don't know, but every time you asked that question, you say where is he and you say is there a problem? no problem whatsoever. every time he's not here. sometimes i'll ask him to come because it's the first question that you and a couple of others from the fake news establishment ask is where is dr. fauci? we are doing great. >> sean: minority leader kevin mccarthy. china, horrible. xenophobic one, really? a little late, joe. >> the thing i see, sean, the president's action about stopping the flight from china save millions of lives. we need to be focused on right now is the health of the
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american public and what you're watching with the president is doing as he's taken leadership day in and day out to make that happen. we need to be working together unlike what speaker pelosi is doing. she now wants to create a new commission to oversee this when in the care zack to create a three oversight committees already. a pandemic one made up of inspector general's that were fine, we got an appointment by the president confirmed by the senate for five years, another individual to oversee it, and then a congressional special committee to oversee at that that is appointed by every one inside congress. you want to know why she's doing it, because she wants to .2. >> sean: let me ask you this, first they withheld money. for the humanities and all of this. and now they are starting another investigation. this is how sick they are. sounds like psychosis on a level i can't describe during a national health emergency. >> i wondered when i saw that
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number this week, 6 million more americans lost their jobs and how many of them could have kept their job had nancy pelosi not held this up? today when we took out for small business just starting the program, unheard of that it was this fast, $5 billion got process for small business today. that could have been a week ago had nancy pelosi not held this up. >> sean: now they want another investigation. in the middle of a national emergency. i've never seen anything this sick in washington, and that says a lot. kevin mccarthy, thank you. appreciate you being with us. up next, we are going to hold china accountable. you know why? because this all could have been prevented. also dr. fauci says it is mind-boggling that the wet market still are operating there. we'll have that report, dr. oz on the medical breakthrough and on the medical breakthrough and what is available straight when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running.
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>> sean: now the coronavirus is exposing deep-rooted corruptions, lies, and outright propaganda in china. calls ramping up to shut down the country what they call wet markets, exotic animal markets believed to be the direct cause of our current pandemic. listening to dr. fauci from earlier today. >> i think they should shut down those things right away. i mean, it boggles my mind how we have so many diseases that emanate out of that unusual human/animal interface that we don't just shut it down. i don't know what else has to happen. >> sean: the disease in fact originated in china, that's just the facts. the disease first rapidly spread in china, that's a fact. china lied to you and the entire world, that is a fact. we had this pandemic in large
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part because of their deception and the deception of their cohorts spreading their lies and propaganda from the world health organization. these lies hurt the world. they lied and people around the world died. china should be compensating the victims' families all over the world for the destruction and the chaos they caused. tonight, senator marsha blackburn of tennessee has another idea. have beijing way some of the u.s. that as well. along with china expert borton chang. senator, i agree. i played dr. fauci, dr. fauci was being lied to. >> we know china, the communist party knew that they had this virus. they knew it for 51 days. and, sean, as i have talked to some of the activists who were fighting against the communist party in china, they said it was unprecedented. they knew they had this. but to protect the party and protect the chinese new year and
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the celebration, they try to keep it quiet and then they had an outbreak. of course, they should compensate to us. they should take some of the debt, they should compensate these victims and families. where they have lost family members. because of their deception, because they lied, because they were not transparent, they refuse the help of the cdc and the w.h.o., and they should be making compensation. of course, gordon chang knows that better than anybody. he's one of our experts on this issue. >> dr. chang? >> certainly. >> sean: i can't introduce you any better than she did. >> thank you, senator. she is absolutely correct. china actually knew some time may be week of december the their words human to human transmission. didn't actually acknowledge this until january 20, during this
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time the virus spread out of china. this would've been a local outbreak contained in wuhan if it weren't for the actions of the communist party. the senator is absolutely right. one way or another, china must pay. it should just voluntarily contribute its treasuries back to us. if not, we should be working in conjunction with the other major issuers of currency around the world to seize their obligations. if we do this in connection to the holders of pounds, swiss francs, euros, and yen, we have a solution. >> sean: i would like to know that we are getting real data. we have any idea they are telling us the truth now, senator? >> we did not know. it's interesting as i've talked to the activists this week, they are watching the individuals going to the funeral homes to receive the urns. the bodies. the ashes. of those who have lost their life. they are watching that as the
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funeral homes have open their doors. i think a week from now, we will have a better idea. sean, as we look forward on how we respond to this. president trump has done a great job managing this rescue and moving us to recovery. we need to begin to talk about an exit strategy. we need to be talking about how we are going to bring manufacturing back to the united states, how we bring our pharmaceutical manufacturing back, and our supply chains. that is also a way we can make china pay. >> sean: i want to thank you both. we will follow this story more closely. sad. the world would've open their doors. we had secretary pompeo who said, we would've sent our best people, but they lied to us. they lied to the world. people died. could've been prevented. a lot of this could've been prevented. when we come back, the president spoke again today about hydroxychloroquine at the task force presser.
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>> we continue to study the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and other therapies in the treatment and prevention of the virus, and we will keep the american people fully informed of our fightings. hydroxychloroquine, is looking like it's having some good results. i hope that would be a phenomenal thing but we have it right now and approximately now increased to 1,50 1,500 people. >> a tremendous supply of it, we've ordered it in the case that it works and they could
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have some pretty big impacts. we will see what happens. >> sean: the president earlier today talking about hydroxychloroquine, the mob and the media, the ones who have beaten me for discussing any possible treatment are now backtracking very quickly because after initially mocking the president and anyone who talked about it for suggesting there's some evidence here, antimalarial drug, journalists are not acknowledging it might be able to treat coronavirus. here now, the host of what is a must watch tv, dr. oz is with us. there was a 2005 study, sars was very similar, 2005, that showed promising results. two questions and i'm just going to hand this off to you. one is are scared tonight my talk about what the real chances of death are for example and talk about what we know about
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hydroxychloroquine, sir. >> let's talk about the medications first because they were two really good ideas that are out there, one approved by the fda for widespread use which is convalescent plasma which you touched on earlier and the other is this hydroxychloroquine. in the interesting thing about hydroxychloroquine as it's been around for a while, so it's been studied a lot and they used it right after the sars epidemic hit in 200210 fairly sophisticated studies, seem to inhibit the ability to enter cells. it seems to change the hospitality of the cell to the virus and also changes the immunoresponse to the virus once it's in the cell. all of that excitement never resulted in much because it went away. but now it's been used in several different settings. i spoke to with a well respected french physician who did some of that early work that alert a lot of us to this reality.
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he is an outspoken gentleman and he's going to talk next week when he pulls the data together but he thinks it is heading in the right direction but that's not a controlled study. this week when the controlled study came out, i thought they would be an embrace of it because they have to see significant improvement with less fever, less coughing and improvement in pneumonia, statistically significant. slipped away and i think we need a little humility here. medicine advances mistake by mistakes of masts are back, go figure. they make sense, people in hospitals wear them for a reas reason. but the cdc very wisely said put cloth on your face, it's better than nothing in there some pretty good data saying significantly better than nothing. same with this medication, if we find out that it worked in a different country managed to figure it out, i think it's okay. the fact that some of them have it in the national protocol, other countries do as well. we should be opening our minds to this idea especially with so many doctors choosing it as
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their number one option outside this. and then this hyper immunoglobulin is fantastic. 100-year-old. >> sean: convalescent plasma. >> that's. >> sean: people may not know. so you contract the disease, you build antibodies, you recover. you donate your plasma, then they infuse the plasma into patients that are very sick and with the antibodies, we are seeing positive results there. >> had a nice paper of five fake patients who are deathly ill being primarily used for patients already on a ventilator that are the sickest of the sick and for "the five" of them we are not sure about but now they're saying organize this, america's good at this. that's going to make this into something that can work for hundreds of hospitals everyone is encouraged to go to the blood bank.
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in i haven't left my basement in two weeks except wants to go with my family to donate blood. so if you've already had covid-19, donate some of your plasma. it will give it to someone who is barely holding on, just the precipice that life and doesn't want to fall into the dark abyss, help that person up, you can save theirs. >> sean: a lot of people are afraid tonight, you said something is on the radio show that give perspective in the last minute we have, the prospective part, of course we are vigilant but the perspective in terms of most people that get it, i'll let you take it from there. >> 50% of the people we believe who have covid-19 have no symptoms and don't even know they're sick. the remaining people have pretty minor illnesses. they know they've got it and they're not happy about it, but they recover without too much difficulty. then the next 10% end up going to the hospital. of them, a quarter go to the icu
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and of them, about half get intubated. that's the group we are most worried about. but everybody else does pretty well so it's a serious illness, we deal with it, i'm dealing with it. i've lost patience with it and i understand the pain that causes but the vast majority of americans are going to do fine with the illness and we have to be hypervigilant to make sure we protect the folks who are most prone. >> sean: last question. i don't want to drag you into my political world because you're a doctor in europe 24 hours a day. talking of doctors around the world. could we please release the hydroxychloroquine to patients in new york without forcing them in the overburden hospital system, andrew cuomo, please, i'll say it nicely, let people get to their pharmacy in consultation with their doctors. >> early on, and understand what the concern was, it was people
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with lupus couldn't get their medications, pumping a lot more pills into the system, it doesn't make sense for the governor to restrict it anymore and doctors want to prescribe it. i know personally because we've had patients in new york, don't make them do illegal things. we need larger trials but for now, it's the best tool we have. >> sean: well said. we would love to have a clinical trial that takes three years but we don't have time. lives are in jeopardy now. thank you for sharing all that information and for those who don't know, i want to say this, i've talked to him at one in the morning and two in the morning and he's up in reading and talking and he's on with us and he does my radio show and his own show. thank you. coming up, democrats reportedly worried about their chances in november have good reason to. you won't believe the latest biden blunder and joe biden's campaign said tonight they support the president's travel ban to china. a little late, guys. straight
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>> sean: you ever confuse joe biden's basement broadcast, rambling and stumbling incoherence in the latest installment and now supports trump's travel ban, that in a phobic and racist and fearmongering. >> what is president trump's level of culpability, what's his level of responsibility say, toward the illness and fatalities we are witnessing every few minutes these days? >> i put it slightly differently. what is his responsibility and what, if there was in allocating
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responsibility, i'll let history do that. we need to get direct tax relief payments to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. this may sound straightforward, but no american should have to wait a single minute's of donald trump put his signature on a physical check. >> sean: okay, and get this, after calling it xenophobic and hysterical and fearmongering, joe tonight says he supports the president's bold decision. okay. you are two months in three days too late. how much worse would it have been? former white house chief of staff reince priebus, tammy bruce. i literally watched tonight like it's not funny. because i wouldn't have even said it at this point because it is so ridiculously late.
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>> it is, but you know what this shows you is the impact of identity politics, how it crushes leadership. joe biden at that point was placating and pandering to individuals who wanted to hear about racism and issues of identity, and that's where he went. they kept him from being able to look at the issue itself. donald trump gets into trouble because he leads, because he makes decisions based on what's in front of him and what's best for the american people. very often, that is going to conflict with identity politics and the agenda of the left, but he is free to do it. so when we are looking at any individual who still feels that they belong has leaders in the democratic party and will pander to that framework of identity politics, it makes a dynamic like this involving foreign policy almost impossible to address. so this is what when we think about the election in november a month this is about leadership. we know the american people are
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responding well to what the president is doing regarding the virus and i think that is this kind of decision that separates out president trump from anyone the democrats would be choosing for november. >> sean: it is incalculable how much worse this would be, exponentially worse, how many thousands and thousands of americans would've contracted it to how many would have died. joe, you're clueless, you're confused, and you're late. your reaction. >> one of the biggest problems that joe biden is having its what's called the enthusiasm gap in politics and i think most of the listeners know what i'm talking about. these are the very excited people within your party that want to put up the yard signs and go wild for you. joe biden is at 24% as of last week. to give you a perspective, hillary clinton around the same time was up 46%.
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he is nearly over 20 points. >> sean: and they try to kick them out and put someone else in there? >> i don't know, but every time joe biden opens his mouth, the enthusiasm goes down. the only thing he needs to do is be quiet and show up at the convention and show up in october and find out how all this turns out. the president has all of this on his shoulders. the world economy by the health of the country, all the decisions coming up in the next few weeks with the doctor saying one thing, the business leader saying another. they can't get any more important and lonely the president then where we are today, but joe biden is obviously out to lunch. >> in right now, the right man at the right time. >> sean: got to ♪ wash hands now ♪ wash hands now
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one month ago super tuesday a lot of change has happened last month. land of the free, home of the brave. we will get through it. a sorry ray, out of time. fox news at 19. >> this is a fox news alert, democrats reacting with outrage late tonight as the president's fire the intelligence community inspector general. he was the official who told congress about the anonymous whistle-blower complaint that helped set off the event leading to president trump's impeachment. tonight, america is given a new way that we can help stop the spread of the coronavirus. some call it a pivot from what they said weeks ago. it's necessary while out in public. the president calls the guidance and voluntary, he's not going to follow it himself in the oval office, and the fact that it's v
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