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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  April 4, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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at that's all for tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, inand gram and twitter. remember i'm watters and this is my world. president trump: this will be probably the toughest week between this week and next week. there will be a lot of death unfortunately. judge jeanine: the president urges americans to continue to follow federal and state-mandated guidelines. welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. we'll get you up to date on the president's briefing today and the latest numbers on the nationwide fight against the coronavirus. house minority leader kevin
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mccarthy and admiral brett giroir, and dan brouillette. you may not have lived during the world war but you are living in one now. this war unlike any we have seen in history. an invisible enemy crossing the world with a virtual paint brush. we are hunkered down, sheltered in place. and praying for life at the end of the tunnel. 300,000 americans stricken. 8,000 killed. the leader of the greatest nation on earth is in a war posture.
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we watch president trump daily as he tries to take this country from a place of frightening reality to a position of strength. at the same time as a businessman he's mindful of the free enterprise system that produced the vast wealth that funds the vital institutions that protect us, including our medical system. finding solutions to win this war. beginning in january block those coming from january nearly 10 days after the first coronavirus case was identified in the united states. he brought together the most brilliant minds in science and medicine, healthcare, energy, and manufacturing to fight this i visible enemy. and he brings them out to be
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questioned and cross-examined. he fears no one, and is not afraid of complete transparency. he triggered the defense production act to begin mass production of needed supplies. he even gained in the public private partnership giving credit to companies like walmart and target and boeing and more. companies who stepped up, companies that asked for nothing and offered help in spite of the fact they are suffering their own financial hardships. and he called out 3m and gm for not doing enough to fight the virus. the navy ship, the whoseship comfort *ooo -- the hospitalship
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is in the new york harbor and its sister ships mercy is on the west coast. in typical trump fashion he delivered ahead of schedule. thank god at this moment in america's history we have a businessman as the president of the united states. as leader, president trump doesn't listen the to the lieutenants moaning and whining and making outrageous claims as they sit and pontificate about what should be done for them. about what they need which in some cases they already have. president trump is more than capable and would be justified to counter punch based on the ridiculous claims he could easily rebutt. >> as the president fiddles,
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people are dying. judge jeanine: the only person fiddling is you. the president is in full throttle war time mode as a general, focused on keeping all of us safe and healthy. the president has talked about mayor deblasio. he's being complimented by california governor gavin newsom. he ebb complimented democrats on the stimulus bill, choosing not to comment on the effort to include the green new deal, abortion funding and millions for the kennedy center. the president has been beyond gracious even to chinese president xi jinping.
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he believes the virus stems from the wet market in wuhan, china where animals lie next to each other in open markets. a virtual petri dish where virus can jump from animals to humans. even dr. anthony fauci as to whether wet markets should exist said this. >> i think they should shut that down right away. it boggles my mind when we have so many diseases that he nate out of that unusual human-animal interface that we don't just shut it down. i don't know what else has to happen. judge jeanine: china has to be made accountable for its complete lack of transparency. china could have prevented a
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great deal of pain and loss, both physical and economic if they have been honest. we have a lot of time to think about how this needs to be resolved as it relates to china when this is all over. that's my open. let me know what you think on my facebook twitter, #judgejeanine. the latesten washington's fight against the coronavirus, house minority leader and california congressman kevin mccarthy. thanks for being here. congressman, i would like to start with where i ended on the open. that's the issue of china and the fact they were not transparent. they hid information from us. our own intelligence community told us they were hiding information about this virus and as a result we are suffering and we haven't hit the apex in this
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country. what can you tell us about congress, what you are going to do when this pandemic is over? >> you are correct. this is a china, communist cover-up. the doctor who gave the warning, we cannot find him anymore. judge jeanine: he's dead. >> the university of southampton did a study. if china had been honest with the world, 95% less people would have been sick. it would have been controlled and contained in china. now what we are finding and you are watching china still open up these wet markets. haven't enough people died for them to understand? hasn't there been enough financial destruction around the world he single day, and they continue to deny it? their own numbers are a lie.
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there was a recent study. they estimate 43,000 people died in wuhan. we'll not know because they killed the doctors. and because of their cover-up we are having more than a any people have this virus and the thousands of people who have died. judge jeanine: there is also talk about in addition to the wet markets. there is talk about the fact that there was this bio sceptical lab within a few hundred yards of the wet market. what have you heard about that? >> they have a facility there. most doctors will tell you it came from the wet market. they should close those wet markets and not have them moving forward. but what's even worse. why we are fighting this virus in america and around the world, you know what china is doing? we have got to change the supply
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chain. they control so much of the personal protection equipment we need for our medical. they control so many when it comes to our pharmaceuticals. but now what they are doing, they will only sell to countries if they agree to buy their own technology, huawei inside china. another industry with another supply chain. that's wrong. >> that's clearly wrong. what they are doing is getting leverage and access through their technology to what we are doing again. this is the problem. you talk about the pandemic that had its genesis in china. then we talk about the fact that whatever treaties we may have with for countries to get personal protective equipment we are not getting. then you have the issue of the supply chain.
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why are we not getting what we need and make what we need in the united states. donald trump is the first president i have heard talk about america first, made in america. they loved at him on the left. now we realize we are vulnerable because we. >> president trump warned america and washed the world. this is what acampaigned on. but he's -- what he cap paine -e campaigned on. but he was held up because all they wanted to do was impeach him. china has been allowed to have this control over the rest of the world. because they control the supply chain they are trying to control who can get the personal protective equipment to their medical individuals and hold it for ransom based on getting
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another control in another industry. why can't we bring that back to america. we need to control our minerals, we need to control when it comes to medical equipment. it should be here in america and not let any other country have control over us or any place in the world. judge jeanine: one of the things up on the screen was the coronavirus campaign. what's interesting is on march 4 chinese state media threatened to cut off critical u.s. drug supplies. then they pushed the theory that the u.s. military started the coronavirus pandemic. march 19 they report no new local cases. do you believe that? >> i don't believe that at all. their numbers are a lie. we know from the study the
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numbers would have been if they had been honest. we have to go into the other chains of events china is trying to control. the part about this president trump warned from the very beginning. president trump made that decision to stop the spread by disallowing the planes coming from china. jojoe biden just now agreed yesterday, he's so far behind. judge jeanine: why -- joe joe d nancy pelosi can try all she wants to with this new committee. >> there are three oversight committees. the leaders inside the house and senate appoint another
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individual. but you know it's politics when you look at who nancy pelosi wants to appoint. clyburn. he said the coronavirus gives him the opportunity to restructure government in their liberal vision. judge jeanine: thanks so much for being with us. ken rasky is still ahead tonight from the greater new york hospital association. we'll give you an update from the area hardest hit by the coronavirus epidemic. i will talk live about where we are in this fight and about president trump's warnings with the assistant secretary for
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judge jeanine: we heard from president trump at the top of the hour at the week ahead could be a bad one in this ongoing battle against the coronavirus. here to talk about it from the front lines is the stand second tear joy her helts and human services, admiral brett giroir.
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admiral. i want to talk about a couple things. the issue of the testing. the abbott test gives you a positive test within minutes and a negative within 4 minutes. i know we -- within 14 minutes. how long before everyone can get one of these? >> testing has ramped up in an unprecedented historic way. we tested.55 million 1.55 million samples. the abbott machine is toaster size and there are thousands out there every day being used to test for flu. 50,000 tests are being shipped every day around the country.
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they have been good to work with us going to the hotpots where we need them the most. we sent 1,200 machines. and to rural places like alaska where they need a small portable device. you will see tests pouring in this week. judge jeanine: how long before you think anybody who wants the test will be able to get a test. >> we'll have 250,000 to 300,000 a week. this is still a limited source. we are not at the stage yet where anybody who wants a test will get a test. but people who need a test will get a test. hospital workers, people who are elderly. we have got it. judge jeanine: let's talk about the antibody test. it will tell us if you have had it, and now you have a
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resistance to it. and if that's true, you can tell me. and if maybe you will never get it, that you have a natural antibody or natural resistance. >> this is a whole different type of test and one that could be scaled to the millions and tens of millions very quickly. it does tell you if you have an antibody it means your body has seen the virus and has responded to it. this is very, very important for us to understand kinds of what the disease did. did it attack 1%. 5%, 20% of america? it will let people know with assurance you will be immune the next time it comes around. and if you are not, those are the people who need to take special precautions. judge jeanine: some people have had it, and they are
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asymptomatic, they don't know they had it, and now they developed an immunity. >> this is right on the horizon. there are tests out there in the marketplace. but i want to caution everyone. if the test says you are immune, you really have to be immune so you don't have risky behavior. we are testing the precision of these tests to make sure they are perfect or as good as they can be. you will see them starting to roll out the next couple weeks. judge jeanine: let's talk about the serology test, the blood test. how does that play with the other two tests? >> the blood test, the serology test is the antibody test. you can also do a finger prick
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and get a result within minutes. this is tried and true technology. judge jeanine: now the masks. we have two controversies. the president said he wasn't going to wear the mask. but the same date president said he wasn't going to wear it he just had a test to say he doesn't have it. if the point of the mask is to prevent you from spreading it to someone else -- >> i will give you an honorary m.d. degree because you are exactly right. the purpose of the mask is to protect other people from yourself spreading it to them. the president knows he's negative so he won't spread it to anyone else. you have got it summed up. judge jeanine: let's talk about the hydro chloroquine. i have to tell you, i know
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people who were taking it. people who never had the covid as far as they know. if it is fda approved, it's not approved for the covid, but it's being used off label. is there a harm to it being used off label? i suspect you will say it depends on who you are. but why not try something if it's not going to hurt you. >> it can be used off label and we have a lot of the experience with it. with any drug there is no such thing as a free lunch. there is always potential side effects. we know there can be side effects of hig -- of hydro chlo. as you know, there are some data, not proven or scientifically absolutely 100%.
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but there is suggestive evidence it can be helpful. this is a decision between a physician and patient who goes on it understanding the risk and benefits. with the coronavirus and the possibility of benefits with in other drugs out there, many people are choosing to use the drugs. it's a reasonable decision. it's between the patient and the physician. the data are suggestive. not absolutely true, but suggestive. judge jeanine: i understand dr. fauci and i respect him, but he works off date and science and numbers. to the ordinary american who doesn't know his head. they will say, people are dying from this. how many days before we think this starts, you know, the spread starts to slow? >> i think we really are getting
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some evidence that the spread is starting to slow in many areas. clearly washington and california are done a really good job, and we are seeing the benefits of their early action about slow can the spread from the physical distancing. we are even seeing some optimistic signs in new york. buff what i want you -- and i know you understand it and your viewers -- the illness we see now, the hospitalizations and unfortunately the deaths are the result of infections that took place two or three weeks ago. you will see by all models and predictions that unfortunately the mortality will go up this week and the hospitalizations, but we are seeing signs -- if you his be to what the president and vice president said, 15 days, now 30 days to slow the spread, we'll come out of it strong.
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but we'll have a difficult week ahead of us because we are dealing with the infections that occurred two or three weeks ago. judge jeanine: i'm in new york city right now. given the location of where you are, it seems to have hit new york so quickly and seems to have moved to other states. we may see the spread spreading in other states. doesn't it depend upon where you live? >> you are exactly right. where we are seeing the big population centers is where global tourism came even before the chinese announced the virus was there, there were probably hundreds of thousands of swrils tores out of those areas that came -- visitors of those areas that came to the united states. new york is first with new jersey.
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we are concerned about detroit. and new orleans. you may seether pockets. the -- you may see other pockets. but clearly new york is right out in front with new jersey. i talked to their doctors, their nurses, their public health people every day. and i want to salute them for doing a heroic, great job. i can't admire them any more than i do now. judge jeanine: admiral brett giroir, we admire you. and we are not underminedful of the fact that you guys are going 24/7. franklin graham from samaritan's purse will join me.
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next, ken raske is the president of the greater new york hospital association representing 250 hospitals operating in the heart of his zone in the country. justice is back in a moment.
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jackie: i'm jackie ibanez in new york. new york is running owth of ventilators and governor cuomo is getting a helping hand from overseas. china sending ventilators to new york. governor cuomo praising the chinese government for their help saying we are all in the same battle here. meanwhile the two kennedy family members missing thursday while canoeing. the search started add a report of a canoe in the bay not running to shore. she was the niece of robert f.
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kennedy and rob john f. kennedy. [♪] judge jeanine: new york where i sit tonight has been undoubtedly the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic with 100,000 cases reported today and upwards of 3,500 deaths. many of the big apple's hospitals are joe run with victims and have staffs working around the clock to save lives. ken raske is the president of the greater new york hospital association. thanks so much for joining us. you are -- you represent 250
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hospitals, healthcare facilities in new york and new jersey, connecticut and rhode island. what do you see as the biggest problem right now in all of those hospitals that you represent? >> i can tell you in the metropolitan * area of new york we are under siege. we turned our hospitals upside down and inside out. reconfigured them to handle the onslawft this epidemic -- the onslaught of this epidemic. we are converting our main institutions and the teaching hospitals we represent into giant i.c.u.s. and they are doing a heroic job. i can't tell you enough. the staff is marvelous. our workers, nurses, physicians, they are so committed to tackling this issue.
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and they are duress. i know that. and i feel badly. in 7-14 days the worst is yet to come. we mow that, but working together, we can get through this. judge jeanine: i know you have been involved in healthcare for well over 35 years. and i want to talk to you about ideas regarding healthcare policy. but we have always seen healthcare providers on the property lines. these are almost like civil war situations where, you know, they just come in one after another. but the difference between this and what happened back then is now you can actually catch something from the patients that you are trying to protect and heal. and it has to be frightening for the staff. >> absolutely. it's essential that we protect our staff with the personal protection equipment.
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and that is masks and the appropriate gloves and all that -- the gowns that go with it. we are totally dedicated at the greater new york hospital association to make sure we have the best that we can get. obviously there are short ands of gloves and short sangs of masks -- shortages of masks. we are work with the state government. governor komo is doing an outstanding job on his leadership. i was on a phone call with him asking what are the ppe needs, what are the drug problems associated with putting people on ventilators. all of that has to be done in real-time. the amount of stress is astronomical. but the purpose is god's will. we are trying to do the best we
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possibly can to make surer patient that comes -- make sure every patient that comes into a new york hospital we take care of the best we possibly can. judge jeanine: what is happening in terms of people and the number of beds you have available for the people coming in. the u.s. comfort is at the pier in new york, and patients are in the javits center. i have reverend franklin graham coming on. he's setting up tents and emergency room settings in central park. how many beds short are we? >> this is the problem. we don't know. the models vary in terms of the intensity. will mitigation and social
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distancing flatten the curve in i pray that's the case. the expectation is all surrounded on how much flattening of curves. under the current configuration we think that we could squeak through this with enough beds. but we are going to need the safety valves of the afterits center and the usns comfort to decompress the intensive pressure on our institutions. and that is going to be the maybe stay of our salvation getting through this crisis. we need those satellite facilities to come on line and take care of covid patients. that's essential. judge jeanine: you are well respected across the country on issues involving health policies. ems workers were told if they
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cannot resuscitate and revive someone at the scene, they are not to bring them into the -- into the hospitals. one doctor talked to me about gerri rigging them. are we in a situation where we are deciding who lives, who dies. who gets treatment based on management and the availability of staff as well as equipment? >> i think everybody in state government, city government, and the hospital community is working desperately not to get to that point. we want to be able to get the right equipment, the right protective gear, the right kind of drugs into the supply chain to make sure we do not have to face life and death situations. that's exactly what we are trying to do at this point. i pray to god we never get to
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the point where those kinds of decisions have to be made. judge jeanine: how much is this costing each one of your hospitals. 250 of them. >> the numbers will blow you away. our large academic health systems, a system of hospitals is probably losing anywhere from $350 to $450 million a month. each one of the systems. judge jeanine: $350 million a month? >> for the large systems. 350 to 450 for each large system. the smaller hospitals will be a smaller number. but some of our institutions could be out of cash in a week or two. and that's a problem i'm facing right now and i have gone to washington on to talk about get something desperate help into
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these institutions. judge jeanine: does the stimulus help you in any way? >> there is $100 billion in there. senator schumer put a lot of pressure to put that number in there, and that number will help cushion the impact. but the numbers are astronomical. when we talk about the total sum, i can't even guess what that number will be. judge jeanine: ken raske, thanks for joining us on "justice." stay well and keep up the fight. franklin graham still ahead. but next, president trump pushing ceos in the oil try to help the economy through the devastating shutdown. i'm joined by the secretary of -excuse me. uh...
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do you mind...being a mo-tour? -what could be better than being a mo-tour? the real question is... do you mind not being a mo-tour? -i do. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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and a few practical waysith you your family can stay healthy.
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first, hand washing is essential. children should wash their hands after coming in from outside, before eating, after coughing, sneezing or blowing their little noses. second, limit all crowds and explain that no one is shaking hands or hugging because that is how germs can spread. what changes need to be made now, i encourage parents to let children know this will not last forever. i urge you to stay connected to family and loved ones, stay safe and remember while many of us are apart, we are all in this together. please be sure to follow cdc guidelines which can be found at along with other information and resources.
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judge jeanine: so many facets to the coronavirus pandemic including the long-term ramifications on the u.s. oil industry. dan brouillette is the secretary of energy and he joins me to talk about that and more. i understand that you had a meeting with the president yesterday, and many individuals in the oil industry. what was the meeting about, and what came of it? >> we had a meeting yesterday in the oval office. the president has been personally even ganged. this is such an important industry to america. he wanted to hear correctly from the mom and pop shops, the smaller players in the energy industry so we could understand what this covid pandemic crisis
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is doing to the energy market. it's been a bit of a double whammy for this industry. we have seen the demand drop off because we are rightfully addressing the issue. but we have seen russia and saudi arabia come into the market place and provide disruption, if you will. judge jeanine: explain what's going on between saudi arabia and russia. >> there is a cartel in america that everyone in america is familiar with. they got together and had to decide how much oil they were going to produce. they got into a spat, and they couldn't find an agreement within opec. when they parted ways they made an announcement they were going to produce more oil, at a time when the world doesn't need it because we are facing an increased demand because of this global pandemic.
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judge jeanine: what about the strategic oil reserve. the president said he was filling up the reserve because it's so inexpensive. there he is the businessman. how does this impact the ordinary american who wants to put gas in their cars and how does it impact the united states in terms of our being energy independent. >> you know this president well. he does approach this as a business person. he does two things very, very well. he asked himself two important questions. what's good for the country and what's good for america. as he sees problems he approaches it as a business person does. when these two players decided to overproduce and drive prices down, that's a bargain to the american taxpayer. in america we have a strategic petroleum reserve. now is the time to build that
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up. over the years as we tried to fill the petroleum reserve, we tended to buy high and sell low. when prices are down we are going to fill it up right to the top. judge jeanine: how does the department of energy work with congress to try to get funding to purchase oil. >> here is what we are doing. we can have appropriations from the u.s. congress to buy oil. we can also make the storage available to the industry. in the oil business the way it works is you produce it and use it. we can't do that because demand is down. or you can store it. so in this petroleum reserve we decide to make it available to the industry so they would have a place for their production to go while we address this economic crisis we are in. that's what we are doing. we are moving very aggressively.
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this week we announced we'll go to market for 30 million barrels to put into the strategic petroleum reserves in louisiana and texas. judge jeanine: how does this affect you as the secretary at the department of energy, how does this impact our being energy independent? we were exporting crude oil, correct? >> that's correct. the nation is turned around in the last four decades. we have got from and you importing to an exporting nation. we are fundamentally different. but we are also independent from the types of actions i mentioned earlier. where opec can address shortages, we no longer have to pay as much attention to those actors as we used to 30 or 40 years ago. let's fill up the strategic
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petroleum reserve. judge jeanine: russia was claiming they hadn't even spoken to saudi arabia in the beginning of all of this. i'll tell you, mr. secretary, as we go through this pandemic, it's interesting how we realize how interwoven we are in terms of the other nations. whether it's china on our need to be independent of them, or opec and the whole lot of them. but we certainly have a president who recognizes america first as the answer to a lot of our problems. thanks so much for joining us tonight, energy secretary dan brouillette. the group samaritan's purse doing its part to help the pandemic by setting up hospital tents in central park. nowadays you do more from home than ever before.
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[♪] judge jeanine: many across this country are pitching in to help in the coronavirus pandemic. and in new york the hardest hit, the demand for help is great.
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franklin graham of the christian group samaritan's purse joins me to talk about that and more. thank you for being here tonight. i know that you are set up in central park in new york city with tents that are in essence as i understand it, you know, emergency rooms, icu units, he equipped to handle whatever comes in. and i have seen you all over the world with some of these he -- these epidemics. did you ever imagine you would need to set up a hospital zone in new york city. >> we never thought we would be in new york city for sure. these tents are state of the art mobile hospitals. we can equip them for trauma for war like we did outside of mosul in iraq where we had gunshot and shrapnel wounds. normally we have two operating
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theaters. portable x-ray, intensive care units. this is set up because of the coronavirus. it's set up differently. we don't have the operating theaters. but we have the -- we have the ventilators and the icus. we have doctors and nurses working with us who have experience working with he beale and infectious diseases, and they know how to protect themselves. judge jeanine: you were just recently and i believe you continue to be in italy. how do you compare what happened in italy to what is happening in the united states. is it similar? >> very similar. the hot spots in europe, and i believe we are probably two weeks behind where italy is. we are hoping we'll see a plateau in italy in the next few
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days. of course, as we come to this week of easter week, i would encourage people across the country and around the world to pray that god would protect us and god's hand would relieve us from this pandemic. this is a very serious situation. and we need god's help. in central park doctors and nurses, we are christian men and women. we have chaplains here to pray for our patients. we pray for everybody who comes in. we want everyone to know that god loves them and hasn't forgotten them and we pray for them in jesus name. judge jeanine: given the number of americans, thousands who have already died. you must get questions, why would god allow this to happen? >> i don't think it's god's plan for this to happen. it's because of the sin in the
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world. man has turned his back and god. we sinned against him. we need to ask for god's forgiveness. that's what easter is about. god so loveth the world that he gave his only begotten son. he came to save the world. if we put our faith and trust in him it will heal our hearts and change the course our lives. this pandemic is the result of a fallen world that turned its back on god. i encourage people to pray, just ask god for help. judge jeanine: i don't think there is any question but that this is giving people the tremendous opportunity for people to be introspective. this is an opportunity to be closer. can you please tell those that you work with how grateful we new yorkers where for everything
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you are doing. we thank you for being here. god bless. >> god bless you. thank you, judge.
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motor? nope. not motor? it's pronounced "motaur." for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.
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wash your hands. avoid close contact with people who are sick. avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. stay home when you are sick. cover your cough or sneeze. clean and disinfect frequently touched objects with household cleaning spray. for more information, visit this message brought to you by the national association of broadcasters and this station.
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