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tv   Watters World  FOX News  April 4, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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dave, thank you dagen. kat.greg: i am greg gutfeld, i e you america. jesse: welcome to "watters world", i am jesse watters, keeping store, that is tonight subject, i've had enough of the media pointing fingers at fox and acting like they sell the virus coming. i've had enough of democrats claiming trump instead of china. they will not rewrite history on my watch, liars and hypocrites will get called out. let's start with msnbc. >> everybody saw this coming. everybody saw this coming in early january. >> who is everybody. it was not morning joe, do know how many segments morning joe did on coronavirus in january 1. and this is what their guest said. >> americans do not need to
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panic. we do not need to be overly concerned yet in the united states about the novel coronavirus. we do need to keep her eyes open for the seasonal flu. jesse: if everybody saw this coming in january how did morning joe look to the one guest that did not. impossible right. here's what i said in january on the five, we covered the virus three days straight. jesse: china has been lying about this. they headed over there for a year end they have not told anybody about it and there's been undocumented deaths, 1000 undiagnosed people and they have now quarantine the one city but people have already escaped the quarantines and they annoyed you where they're going. the trip of administration has a decision to make. out of the abundance of caution, you. the ban on now. i'm not afraid of the coronavirus at all and i think
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other people have the right to be scared, that is their business, if they don't have a hold on this you stop the travel ban on china both ways. jesse: that is right. i called for a full travel ban on china in january and i called on china for lying about the virus. what was the media saying about trump span, politico said the travel ban can backfire. coronavirus quarantine could backfire. in new york times they said it was still safe to travel to china. unbelievable. so pretty ridiculous. here is what bernie and biden said about trump's travel ban, all scientists say they save millions of lives. >> if you had to would you close on the borders? >> no. >> interesting that a president who has been demagogy and humanizing immigrants everything he can take about is closing down the border. >> this is no time for donald trump's record of hysteria, xenophobia to lead the way and set of signs.
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jesse: they were dead wrong. now they want to claim trump did not act quickly enough. we will not let them get away with that. the press asked the top two scientists of the federal government acted slowly. >> when you look at the china data originally you start thinking of this more like sars then you do with a global pandemic. i think the medical community may interpreted the chinese data as this was serious but smaller than anyone expected because i think probably we were missing significant amount of data. >> in a perfect world it would've been nice to know what was going on there. i believe that we acted very, very early. jesse: delete american virus experts say america acted early and could've acted earlier but china lie to us.
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but nancy pelosi is running around saying trump's fiddling cost lives. >> when did he know and what did he know. that is for an after action review but as the president fiddled people are dying and we just have to take every precaution. jesse: another life from nancy. when trump throughout the china travel ban nancy was pushing a bill in the house to prevent trump to throwing down the travel ban. what did nancy no, apparently not a whole lot. he or she is over a month ago. >> he we should come to chinatown, we think it's safe to be in chinatown and hope the others will come, it is lovely, the food is delicious, the shops are prospering, the parade was great. jesse: great advice nancy. president trump actually spoke out about coronavirus during the state of the union. >> we are coordinating with the chinese government and working
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closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in china. my administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from the threat. jesse: what did nancy do with that speech, if you guys remember. she tore it to pieces. trump was fighting the virus but nancy was impeaching him. what a very sad chapter. mbc chuck todd getting in on the action. >> do think there's blood on the presidency and considering the slow response. >> i think that is too harsh. jesse: good for biden for not taking debate. they moderated the presidential debate just over a month ago or so. now guess how many questions he asked about the coronavirus. 0. let's go back to my tape. remember back in january when i said other people have a right to fear the virus, andrew cuomo
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the mayor that liberals love, he disagrees with me. >> the situation is not a situation that can cause undue fear among people. jesse: i do not mind disagreeing with people on feeling fearful, i don't want people to be scar scared, i don't think they should live their lives in fear but i cannot control that. i speak for myself, i didn't speak for the virus and generally, and i still don't, i learned about the infection, i'm healthy and have a positive attitude. we should do last week not how to get it. and here he is again, fighting covid-19 on the frontlines of manhattan and he's not scared either. >> for the first time in a while i'm actually not scared become a hand not to. everything you know about your hands, keep them clean, you will not get this disease. the second thing you have to start psychologically working on the connection between your hands and your face.
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so someone at a party has this and you shake their hand and then you touch her face. it is that simple, that's how you get this disease. those two things combined is incredibly powerful and would prevent the transmission disease in your family in 99% of cases. to know your hands are clean and to not touch her face. jesse: is worth repeating every show. keep your hands clean, don't touch her face and keep her distance. if you do that, remember what fdr said, you should be okay. >> left the only thing that we have to fear is fear itself. please pay attention to what the doctors tell you. here is bill de blasio not paying attention to the doctor. >> this disease even if you were to get it acts like a common cold. jesse: three weeks ago has restaurants and schools still
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open and saying coronas like the common cold but the media goes after trump. >> the triple administration war on science has left a small noble. donald trump is not a doctor and i'm not sure he believes in science. i'm not sure he is allowing people to die because he doesn't look at science's. jesse: he extended the shutdown 30 days to kill the fight but the media is still on the atta attack. >> you said repeatedly that you think some of the equipment governors are requesting, they don't actually need you said new york might need 30000. you said it on sean hannity. >> why don't you act in a little more positive. it's always trying to get you. and that's why nobody trust the media anymore. >> how will that impact. >> you did not hear me that's where you used to work for the times and i you work fo 70 else.
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jesse: every day it is like another thing with these people. here is the headline, trump snap that black reporters calling them you people during rose garden press conference. and this guy tweeted that trump cannot stand being held accountable by black women. it is just crazy. but trump did not mean you people, he said that all the time and has nothing to do with race. he's talking about reporters. >> it was very early in china and i took a lot of heat including from you people, i did not have any symptoms but i got a test because you people were driving everybody crazy, look at my legal cost, you people, everybody is suing. jesse: we will keep calling out cherry picking, liars and backstabbing hypocrites on the show, the rest of the country is uniting against a common threat. let's turn our weapons against the real enemy, the virus. not each other.
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the brightest minds in america are working around the clock to find medicine to treat patients with coronavirus. last month president trump had a drug that was already out there, it's used to treatment area. >> a drug called chloroquine, a common malaria drug, very powerful drug in different forms. it is shown very encouraging, very, very encouraging early results. and we are going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately. jesse: antimalarial drugs, are not approved yet by the fda to treat coronavirus. but there is antidotal evidence showing promising results. the president was hopeful but was savagely attacked in the media. >> telling people a fairytale like that is cruel. and harmful and diverting and wildly irresponsible from anyone
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in any leadership role. jesse: which is ten days waiters until later they entered an emergency operation for the drug, the media was saying a different tune. >> we are seeing promising new in early data from china about how hydroxychloroquine which is used to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis could help coronavirus patients recover faster. jesse: the new york times is also coming around, first they reported his untreated drugs to treat coronavirus define science now they say this malaria drug helps patients approve in a small study. the governor of michigan had actually threatened to shanks and doctors who prescribe the drugs of the dying patients. but now she change the course, is big in the trump administration to send thousands of doses to michigan. so how close are we to finding a solid treatment for the virus. weeks, months, year, earlier i
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spoke to the fda commissioner doctor steven hawn. welcome to "watters world", if you can and please do it in the most rudimentary way, explain where we are with the antimalarial drugs that everyone is talking about. stephen: there is two drugs, one is called hydroxychloroquine and one is called chloroquine. both of these drugs are available for use around the world. hydroxychloroquine is approved by fda for other diseases, not covid-19. the drug is available for prescription by a physician and putting on my doctor had, that would mean if a patient or doctor thinks that hydroxychloroquine might benefit them, that's an individual patient-doctor decision. but we are also performing clinical trials because what we
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want is a necessary information to make a decision at the fda about whether it is safe and effective for covid-19. the preliminary data that we have from around the world that suggest it might have a benefit but those data are not sufficient to make a decision about the safety and effectiveness is why the clinical trials are so important. jesse: if there is a patient with covid-19 right now and it's a desperate situation, there doctor does have access to this drug and in an emergency situation can prescribe the drug in his or her recommendation. stephen: that is right, we provided, cdc has guidance around the risk and benefits of the drug so the doctor can incorporate that in his or her decision-making. a doctor could do that and it could go situation but a doctor could also do that in a non-critical situation. this is truly a doctor-patient approach to what we call an off
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label prescription of a drug. jesse: are you aware how often this is being prescribed in the united states right now for covid-19 patient. stephen: we have some information that there has been a significant increase in the prescription of hydroxychloroquine for covid-19 patients. were making that assumption is for covid-19 patients. but we don't have necessarily specific state-by-state. jesse: are you hearing any positive information about the results of the drug. stephen: were hearing antidotal reports of benefi benefits, casy case. but we need to make the best decision for the american people by the fda is really a controlled trial so we understand his true effect on the safety site and the effectiveness side. jesse: what do you think a trial like that will be finished. stephen: it will take probably month for that child to be finished for us to get that information. i know that sounds like a long time to people who are ill with this but it is so important that we get the right answer and we make our decision based upon science and data.
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jesse: so now, lisette plasma, if you can just kind of translate what that means and how that is being used currently in the united states. stephen: for sure. convalescent plasma is where you take a blood product, it's plasma, it's the form -- the liquid form of the blood that you take out of someone who has recovered from covid-19. these are people who are exposed to covid-19, no longer have active infection but they develop their own immunity against the covid-19 virus. we can take the plasma from th them, blood banks, the red cross can and concentrate that and create what is called convalescent plasma which is basically a unit of blood that we can give to someone who is sick. what this does is it transfers the immunity from the person who has had it to the person who is now six.
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jesse: that sounds fantastic. what is the timeline on that. stephen: we allowed individual hospitals to do this on a case-by-case basis for the last 12 days. we will be announcing very soon a nationwide program in partnership with hospitals across the country and academic centers run by the red cross and other blood banks that will allow us to have people come in who have recovered from covid-19, domi the plaza under plasma and give this to patients who are sick. we don't have the full evidence behind it so were doing this on a clinical trial called an expanded access program which allows us to gather the information about the income and the outcome but we are excited about it and we think it does have potential. >> that is very good i'm glad to hear that. what about the vaccine, where do we stand with that there was news out of the university of pittsburgh medical school that there was a breakthrough with
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lab mice that showed positive results in their fast tracking that. what is the update. stephen: the update that we are working with a number of different manufacturers and developers of vaccines at the fda. we are fast tracking that as well. there is one vaccine that is currently in clinical trial, that was being performed at seattle and is now well into the third week of the trial. that is a really quick moving. the other developers are on the pathway to development. you want to start with development in the fact that the vaccine anyone attested in animals and go to humans if it looks safe at that point. that is a progression after that for the development of vaccines. were looking at a year or a year or little bit more than a year of the development, i have to tell you we are working very hard with industry manufacturers to accelerate that. jesse: that's a long time, using best case scenario, next april. stephen: i think that's a best case scenario at this point although were really pushing hard to bring it sooner to the american people in the world.
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jesse: there's a chance it could go sooner. the before i let you go, the masks, from my understanding the main benefit from wearing a mask is to make sure you do not touch her face. because that is the primary method of transmission. you touch something, surface or another human being with covid-19 and then you touch your face. what the mask does, it prevents you from touching your face, your mouth, your nose or something like that and i guess if you're working in very close quarters with infected people, mask is preferable and i'm not talking about the and 95, other people were scars for instance, there is many options. stephen: that is right, we can refer these as cloth facial coverings as opposed to masks. when this outbreak started, the big question was, could a mask, in the normal world, not the
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medical settings you are describing but just walking down the street, could a mask help prevent a person from getting the disease and they really are not good data or evidence to suggest that that is the case for routine use. but what is happened as we learn more about the illness is that there are a fair number of people who probably are asymptomatic but have the virus. they just don't know that they have it. unlike other viruses, that seems to be the case. and where mask might be helpful, if you don't know that you have it, preventing you from spreading it to someone else. that is what folks are looking at now, whether that's a potential benefit to the american people. jesse: thank you very much and keep up the great work. we really appreciate it. stephen: thank you jesse. jesse: coming up, joe biden inc. uses sexual assault from when he was a senator, details on that later. ♪
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there are times when our need to connect really matters. to keep customers and employees in the know. to keep business moving. comcast business is prepared for times like these. powered by the nation's largest gig-speed network. to help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. and a team of experts - here for you 24/7. we've always believed in the power of working together. that's why, when every connection counts... you can count on us.
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jesse: if you want something done anyone and done quickly, call the u.s. military. hospitals are being built by scratch, medical supplies are being shipped all over the country and even while this is going on, the coast guard is cracking down on the cartel. president trump was boasting about the navy sending hospital ships to new york and l.a. harbor but there were some doubters in the media. >> there is no sign that the navy hospital ships that the president made a big deal of, the comfort and mercy there is no sign they will be on site helping out anywhere in the country for weeks. he said one of the ships will be operational in new york harbor by next week. nonsense. jesse: never doubt the u.s. military. both ships arrived weeks ahead of schedule. the comfort arriving this week in new york and the mercy is in
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l.a., both ships are receiving patients. joining me now the commander of the united states northern command. thank you very much for joining me. college and get right back to work because i know you have a lot on your plate, i cannot believe what you're doing building the hospitals, shipping supplies, i just saw you intercepted a russian jet entering alaskan airspace and turned it away and sending's soldiers down to the southern boarding under border. please extend what you are doing. gen. o'shaughnessy: thank you jesse, we really appreciate the opportunity to highlight the things that the u.s. northern command and arm entire department offense are doing. we are to defend our homeland, we make sure that we have the force that we need, 100% of the
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time, 24/7, 365 even while in the virus. we make sure were ready to prepare to respond to anything, we have that done were ready to go and at the same time were providing support, all across the nation because our nation needs us, this is a whole nation approach, we are part of it and as you mentioned with the hospital ships, with the army, hospitals built up in the javits center in new york city, were doing the same thing in seattle, were bringing sent down to new orleans, dallas and we will bring even more. we are part of the fight, our commander-in-chief declared war on copen 19 and we are treating it like a military campaign. jesse: did you guys have this planned out or is it on the fly. gen. o'shaughnessy: i will tell you what, to america wants to plan for the worst things, that's exactly what were doing. we have been this all away since he made the important decision to restrict the fights from china and were part of putting the american citizens home and
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quarantining them in some of our military bases. in some of the folks that were on the cruise liners, we were able to house them because american citizens needed us. were trying to stay one step ahead, were doing the plan and making sure we will be there when our nation needs us. jesse: we have a lot of confidence in you guys, we owe you a huge debt of gratitude. it's astounding what you guys can accomplish in such a short amount of time. last question before i let you go, this is not biological warfare, we have not come to that conclusion and intelligence agencies don't believe it is. but thinking ahead years from now, our enemies have to see that this really brought this country to its knees. are we prepared for our enemies to put together a biological agent that you can easily sneak into the country through humans, they shake a bunch of hands, cough on a bunch of people in here we are again shutting the whole economy down. how do you prevent that. gen. o'shaughnessy: you hit on in the porton point. i think it's a work ethic as
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this is, this will help america prepare for the future. the whole america approach is the exact approach, we have not seen this with world war ii the way america pulling together, the private partnerships or the inner agency pulling together or the u.s. military contributed right here at home, america, they stand up, when it is needed america will pull together and will do this whether that is something to get out of copen 19 or something to come on in the future. jesse: thank you so much for your service in america thanks you. we appreciate you coming on the air. gen. o'shaughnessy: thank you jesse. jesse: coming up joe biden facing allegations of sexual assault, the media is not covering it. what is the deal there. ♪ these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for
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♪ jesse: one of the main things we learned from the pandemic is this. jesse: one main thing we learn from this pandemic, the private sector is the best weapon we have for winning there war. the cdc waited too long to ask l companies for help with testing, now were getting up to speed. american labs will be the ones to discover the vaccine and private industries producing ventilators, sanitizers and tons of masks. some of the less are ungrateful even disparaging the work american business owners are doing to fight the virus. ceos of procter & gamble, united technology were at the white house this week amounting t majr steps to help sick americans. the ceo of my pillow, was with e was a major announcement. >> we have dedicated 75% to produce con facemasks. up to three days i was up to
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10000 a day and friday and want to be up to 50000 a day. i encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word, read our bibles and spend time with our families. jesse: when cnn took the podium, they cut away from the news conference. afterwards the media went totally berserk. >> i think these briefings could be better designed. the president could come out and say a few words and terms of what his administration is doing, not have these pr stunts like mr. pillow coming out and giving a plug for his company. >> those press briefings have become is no printed. >> it seems crazy that everyone is still taking them when they have the my pillow guy talking about readingng the bible. jesse: a man turns his company upside down, they make 50000 masks a day for the american people in the media mocks him. they look down on manufacturers, they are cool like tech companies. the media does not appreciate americans to make pillows and cleaning products and advertise
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with infomercials and reading the bible, that was way too much for the media. mike lindell is a recovering addict. in phase is very important to him. it is very important to millions of americans especially in times like these. throughout history, whenever culture iss faced with challenging times, that culture always turns closer to faith. to help them find their footing during the struggle. compassionate and enlightening people understand that. what does that say about the media that they do not. the radical left is wasting no time using the pandemic to attack capitalism. remember nancy pelosi, she slide toea slide the green udon to the rescue package. she got compote progressives are licking their chops to exploit the chaos and sink their teeth into america. >> coronavirus is done, it's poured gasoline on every slow rolling crisis that we have been
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experiencing in the united states and set it on fire on everyone all at once. we have long been talking about howee pillo healthcare should bd in the united states and why we need medicare for all. >> were in a wartime scenario with amara lago attitude being used by the federal government. >> this is a case for nationalization of crucial factories and industries. >> i hope very much that out of this terrible terrible tragedy that we do fundamental rethinking about the nature of american society. jesse: so, america is at a fork in the road, will the public survive, will capitalism continue to thrive or will thisc virus change america beyond recognition. joining me now entrepreneur and investor and the owner of the dallas mavericks mark cuban. what have you learned from all of this. mark: i don't care what the
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media says, i don't care what the politicians say, i care about what i can do to help. i care about others that can help and whether mike lindell or myself, whoever this is a time when leaders need to step up and do it right, help their employees in turn this thing around. jesse: i'm gonna put a theoretical, this is driving me crazy, president cuban. i shudder at the thought but if we had president mark cuban in the oval office, what with his plan b to turn this economy back around and open things up. jesse tch.mark: that's a surprig question. i would've set up over draft protection for every business. were doing it now and trying to apply for a loan, that adds friction to the process. this aim with a 1200-dollar stimulus check, it's not a bad program, it's a good program at this time but i would've done il different. effectively if you have a small or medium-size business, we would just cover all of your checks and then the fed would reimbursed your local bank for anything that you bounce.
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that way you can keep your employees employed to pay your bills and pay your mortgage, pay your rent, pay her utilities and things can continue as normal. now what the program is designed the way they are we don't know there's enough money for this and we don't know if people are qualified for that. that's how we do it differently. jesse: that's not a bad idea, i see where you're coming from from that. let me ask a philosophical question, how did this virus change the society because our people going to rush back into restaurants, are they going to hot bachop back into airplanes l continue to live in cities. what do you see changing fundamentally after all this is done. jesse.mark: everything, women go the otheral side, i've been calling america 2.0. we will see what is in front off us because you know as well as anybody when you have imperfect information you make imperfect decisions. so we really don't know what to expect on the other side but what i do know, in this country
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all the entrepreneurs that you referred to, all theal capitalit that exist, there is no better country, no other country a rather be in because i know whatever we find out companies are going to be invented, entrepreneurs are going to adapt, the united states of america will adapt. i am hopeful, and concerned but i'm also hopeful and i think we will end up in a better place. jesse: sewing my, are you nba guys having second thoughts about vowing to china after the whole. mark: come onn jesse. we don't vow to anybody. jesse: thank you very much. i appreciate it. mark: thank you for having me on. jesse: joe biden facing allegations of sexual assault. we will break down his accusers we will break down his accusers claim
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we will break down his accusers cthere are times when our need to connect really matters.
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to keep customers and employees in the know. to keep business moving. comcast business is prepared for times like these. powered by the nation's largest gig-speed network. to help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. and a team of experts - here for you 24/7. we've always believed in the power of working together. that's why, when every connection counts... you can count on us.
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jesse: joe biden still campaigning from quarantine. he has been trying to push his own plan to fight the virus has not made a ton of sense. >> in t order to avoid the very high numbers, we have to do at least several things, one we have to depend on what the president is going to do right now. and first of all he has to tel tell -- wait till the cases before anything happens. the whole idea, he has to get in place things that were shortages of. i suggested that we should have people in china at the outset of this event and when it all started in the war on province. jesse: its wuhan province and they tried to send it in th they said no. things got shakier for joe. >> i put it slightly
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differently, what is his responsibility and what allocating responsibility -- all it history do the. hjesse: speaking of history, a woman from joe's past has surfaced, she claims she worked for senator biden in 1993. she says she was delivering his gym bag onol capitol hill when e sexually assaulted her. she recently came forward and shared the details of her allegation. >> he put me against the wall in his hands were down my skirt and up my skirt and he put his hands from non what i remember is feeg
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really stressed, there was no real conversation, there was no precursor, it just happened and then when he did that i was obviously pulling away and he pulled back and said why don't you like me. jesse: the biden campaign strongly denies the allegation. women have a right to tell their story and reporters have an obligation to rigorously that those claims. we encourage them to do so because these accusations are false. joining me now former arkansas governor and fox news contributor. mike, this is impossible to verify these allegations but what kind of impact with the allegation have on the race considering the media is not coveringng it.
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>> that's the whole point, they will not cover it. when a republican gets accused of something, brett kavanaugh is a great example, it's wall-to-wall 24/7. i really think that we have to remember the democrat said we have to believe the women the senator from hawaii said the men shut up and accept what the women says is true. the democrats play by that until it touches one of them. i don't know whether joe biden did this or not, i'm not going to accuse him, it's been a longi time, i have annoyed you. but the fact that the press has a different set of roles when they're dealing with republicans and one whether dealing with democrats to be troubling to any fair-minded american regardless of their own personal political party. jesse: it is interesting that this woman alleges that she went to the harris campaign into the lives morning campaign and told them about these allegations and they got blown off. those two senators did not want anything to do with it.
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in the senator said for many, many years that they wanted to do everything that they could to help women in these situations but in this case they did not. i wonder what the i p differenc. >> the difference is political party, they do not police their own, ralph northam is still the governor of virginia. why should he be. the man admitted he wore a black face and he did things that would be considered utterly beyond racist, that is what we are dealing with. it's not the same set of rules. jesse: thank you very much. we appreciate your fairness. up next last call.
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that's all for tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, inand gram and twitter. remember i'm watters and this is my world. president trump: this will be probably the toughest week between this week and next week. there will be a lot of death unfortunately. judge jeanine: the president urges americans to continue to follow federal and state-mandated guidelines. welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. we'll get you up to date on the president's briefing today and the latest numbers on the nationwide fight against the coronavirus. house minority leader kevin


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