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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 7, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> we want every american to know that what they are doing is making a difference. >> not only thing remarkable progress in washington state and california but we are seeing a leveling. >> tuesday april some of the fox news alert. is america braces for the worst of the covid-19 pandemic proof that social distancing is working in the nation's first hotspots. rob: live with the next steps as states report good news. >> the supreme court gets the final word on today's election as wisconsin wait in limbo. >> the state's governors reacting to a ruling that leaves voters an impossible choice. >> the ipad, two winners.
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>> the virtual game of bingo with a summary twist making everyone feel all right all right all right. rob: "fox and friends first" continues. good morning. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. jillian: thank you for starting the day with us. the white house celebrates remarkable progress as the coronavirus outbreak may be stabilizing us hotspots. rob: desktop 11,000, now is not the time to let up the fight. todd pyro joins us as more crews live to new york city and miami. >> good morning to both of you. so many of us change our lives dramatically in the last few weeks, and effort that when combined with heroic action of
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medical professionals seems to be working according to the vice president. >> not only seeing remarkable progress in washington state and california where numbers remain low and city, a great tribute to the people of both of those states and all their dedicated healthcare workers but we are also beginning to see a leveling. just at the very beginning. >> more positive development in louisiana where the governors hopeful they are beginning to see a flattening of the curve, the state is no longer on track to run out of hospital beds and ventilators this week. the governor announcing hospitalization, icu admission and daily intubation all down suggesting a flattening of the curve there as well. this graph showing daily new cases falling in some leveling
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off in the past few days but the battle is far from won, the pentagon announcing 1500 military medical personnel will arrive in new york city by wednesday, many deployed to hospitals to help the city's overwhelmed medical staff, the pentagon planning to build a field hospital at the miami beach convention center which two months ago was the site of so much super bowl fun. they expect the first week of may to be florida's peak. the comfort accepting patients regardless whether they have coronavirus, the new jersey governor thinking the white house for allowing its residents access to beds on the medical ship after we just got word that crewmember tested positive and is in isolation aboard that ship. 20,000 people have recovered from the virus so far. >> we are staying on top of those recovery numbers. they are so important.
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>> south carolina's stay-at-home order goes into effect today. >> we want to urge everyone to stay home, stay home, we have emphasized that. things are safer at home than anywhere else. >> the governor requiring people to practice social distancing. residents can leave home for exercise, food and medicine. >> texas sets up checkpoints along the louisiana border to contain the state's outbreak. greg abbott issuing the order requiring drivers to complete a travel form and self quarantine for two weeks. the longhorn state has 8000 covid-19 cases with 153 deaths. rob: world leaders sending boris johnson messages of support as he fights covid-19 in intensive care. >> reporter: the latest word
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from london is no change in the condition of boris johnson. he is fighting coronavirus and according to what newspaper, fighting for his life. a statement from the office of the prime minister last night read in part over the course of the afternoon the condition of the primacy has worsened. he has been moved to the intensive care unit in the hospital. the primacy you might remember was diagnosed ten days ago. he left self quarantine sunday night for testing at the hospital but then apparently a rapid deterioration which includes high fever and coughing, that prompted the move to the icu. he is not on a ventilator being prepared for one but is getting treatment with oxygen, world leaders responding with a number
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of get well messages including donald trump, one of his key foreign allies, here's what he said at the coronavirus briefing last night. >> i want to send best wishes to a good friend of mine and friends to our nation, boris johnson. americans are praying for his recovery, something special, strong, resolute, doesn't quit, doesn't give up. >> acting in johnson's place while he is incapacitated, dominic rob says johnson is getting the best care. remember, the state is dealing with its own major coronavirus challenge, over 5000 deaths, 50,000 cases. a big challenge. jillian: hundreds of thousands of voters are expected to ignore state at home order and take part in wisconsin's presidential primary. rob: this despite a last-minute
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attempt to delay in person voting. griff jenkins joins us with the legal battle. >> reporter: a lot of drama beginning with the executive order to delay the primary by two month, voters will have to head to the polls despite the stay-at-home orders. the us supreme court having a final say on absentee ballots after wisconsin's supreme court blocked in person voting. the governor says thousands will wake up and have to choose between exercising their right to vote and staying healthy and safe. the high court's majority writing in their opinion, not just received by clerks but cast my vote is for an additional 6 days after the election date fundamentally alters the nature of the election, justice ginsburg wrote the defense saying this puts voters safety at risks and will cost them their right to vote possibly. now around 20,000 wisconsin
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national guard members will help out in 72 counties. the election commission explains. >> reporter: the national guard is assisting by putting on active orders. if someone is a member of the wisconsin national guard they are being asked to serve as a poll worker in the county of their residence. >> reporter: neither biden or sanders will travel to wisconsin today, sanders called the decision outrageous, biden was busy on a phone call with donald trump. the call lasted 15 missions -- minutes, saying vice president biden shared several suggestions for actions the administration can take to address the pandemic and expressed appreciation for the spirit of the american people in meeting the challenges facing the nation. moving down the calendar the next primary would be able 20 eighth, there are six dates involved, all have announced delays.
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rob: rainbows popping up nationwide turning into a scavenger hunt creating a lot of family harm. >> this is a dark period, we know people are sick, this means light and joy and happiness especially for kids, something for them to look forward to. jillian: the trend posting rainbow artwork and windows and the message of hope started in italy and has moved to spain and now in the us. rob: more stories like this, head to together. jillian: doctor anthony fauci says vaccine will get us back to normal. >> i feel confident over appear go of time we will get a vaccine and never have get back to where we are now. jillian: it could take a year before one is widely available. our next guest travel to china to study the virus in ways and on whether we can turn the
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corner before a vaccine is ready. >> my family has been driving me nuts. i have a solution. going for a walk. rob: quarantine coping strategy is hitting home. keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
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>> when we get back to normal we will go back to the point when we can function as a society. if you want to get to pre-coronavirus that might never happen. >> before we have a vaccine a widespread therapy that provides a short-term immunity if that becomes possible than our movement back to normal will need to be gradual. >> a lot of experts agree the united states may never return to normal we knew as the
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coronavirus claims 10,000 american lives. kim jong un second american company is looking to find a vaccine for this thing. how do we curb the outbreak and normalize before the vaccine comes? joining us with expert insight after studying coronavirus in china is doctor ian lives can. we are seen china start to normalize at this point. tell us what is happening there and can we expect it in the us? >> it is similar to the trajectory we have except they are a few months ahead of us. returning to normalcy will require a vaccine. there is going to be risks this virus will reemerge even if we get it under control in the next fall and winter season. the vaccine is critical. jillian: let's talk about two companies attempting to create the vaccine. this is what it looks like using 40 healthy volunteers from philadelphia and kansas city using part of the virus's
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genetic code and expect results by late summer. they are aiming to have 1 million doses by 2020 and the nih and moderna starting the clinical trial using 40 healthy volunteers in the seattle area, using messenger rna. what do you make of these clinical trials? >> they are on track where i expected them to be. there are many vaccines being made by other companies around the world. we will need hundreds of millions of doses to get coverage. everything that can be done to expedite the manufacturer of these vaccines, the testing, is being done. it is an accelerated schedule but i do think, i don't think it will be complicated to make this vaccine. there is no evidence the virus is mutating and becoming more
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dangerous or capable of evading a vaccine so i'm quite optimistic this will work. rob: are we going to restaurants or returning to normalcy, socialize with other people before the vaccine comes? >> i don't see how we can. it is going to be difficult. social distancing is working, the earlier segment, flattening curves across the united states, if we hold to that we will do fine. we will lose a lot of people and that is tragic and i'm not meaning to diminish that at all but the evidence is we are getting where we need to be so stay the course. it will take a couple weeks without any new cases before we are confident. jillian: didn't mean to interrupt. >> distancing will be getting things under control and i think the efforts to start wearing masks which is something we should have been doing a while ago is also taking hold.
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that will also be important. jillian: aaron asked, your urge to wear facemasks in public, if i make one how do i make sure it is effective and can it be reused? what do you say to that? >> there are two issues with the masks. you have a famous n95 masks which providers need to wear but virtually anything you wear over your mouth and nose that keeps droplets away from your face will be useful. if for no other reason than it reminds you not to touch your nose, mouth and eyes which is how you infect your self. there are a large number of instructional videos on youtube how to make these masks and this does make a difference. in 2003-2004 where we had
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studies of the impact of masks in china we found even the surgical masks, the ones that don't cover your face completely resulted in 60% reduction in risk if you wore them intermittently, 70% if you wore them all the time. jillian: and wash your homemade masks. >> you can wash them. this virus doesn't live on surfaces more than 3 days. if you make three masks and rotate them you are also fine but it is important to know the front of the mask will get contaminated. when you set it down adjacent to your face and put it back on you are not contaminated your self. rob: i know you have been through the virus. you had covid-19. what was it like? how do you handle it? >> it was miserable. you have high fever, headache,
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coughing incessantly, like death for me for almost a week. i never got to the point i needed to go to an icu. i am now back on track and working on plasma therapy, communication, diagnostics, everything i can do to help. jillian: we are glad you're doing better and made it through the other side, thanks for sharing that information. have a good day. rob: sports, part of the fabric, like ghost towns. jillian: our next guest says they are making dramatic and painful changes as they adapt to the new normal. jackie brewer joins us live. these folks don't have time to go to the post office
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they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again.
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jillian: stadiums across the nation remain empty for the unsuitable future major shift happening in sports from the nba, pay cuts to the nfl moving to a virtual form of a draft. jack brewer joins me as the sports world is adjusting to the covid-19 outbreak. we know that this is a move that needed to happen. everything is empty, every stadium across america. what do you think will happen? how do you see this going on? >> it is indefinite. the athletes -- people in the locker room together, people sweating among each other. i think it will be quite some time before we see organized team sports back.
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when you look at the general population it shows you athletes in sports aren't immune. we are all fighting the same invisible war. jillian: a lot of money last year, the average estimated nba revenue loss is $1 billion. adam silver talks about player pay cuts. >> no one wants it but if you read the nba collective-bargaining agreement the league has the power to come in, if you're forced not to play games i don't think the players should ask to pay them their entire salary, suggesting they cut by 50%, the nba players association responded with a request for 25%.
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jillian: the nfl draft a lot of things going virtual. we have seen nascar and other things going virtual. what would an nfl draft look like if it was virtual? >> it would be unprecedented. the nfl draft has always been about the guy taking the stage, putting a hat on at draft time and you are used to seeing teams packed into the war room with other advisors, scouts making decisions. this year you will see a lot of general managers, never seen the general manager on tv but they will be there or on zoom or whatever platforms they are using but it will be unique. it is unfortunate when you think about those players that didn't get a chance going into this draft, thinking about myself, don't know if i would have made it. a lot of changes around football.
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jillian: big moment in people's lives. you talk about your job, an important time in your life, that is how people feel about graduation, proms that should be happening, things that are big moment in people's lives that we are not able to experience. the president wants fans back in the arena by august or september. we will see. how important is that? first and foremost is everybody's health, we are talking about the vaccines that could be coming out next year, that is number one. a lot of people have a hard time without that outlet. >> we are a country of sports. i think it will be a huge statement, getting back in those stadiums. if you look throughout history any war we have been through sports has helped this country rally together.
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i don't think this will be different but by august, we don't have any glitches. we will stay on our knees, stay together, keep our bibles and pray, we will get through this thing. jillian: way to end on a positive note, good to see you as always. >> god bless you everyone. rob: 27 after the hour. wuhan then, wuhan now on the right. a dramatic difference in two month as china claims they have had no new deaths. they have made progress. beijing is back in the hot seat accused of turning a profit off of donated medical supplies. we will explain. of frequent mos can plunge you into deep, depressive lows. (crying) take you to uncontrollable highs. (muffled arguing) or, make you feel both at once.
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rob: china in the hot seat again
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accused of forcing italy to buy back critical medical supplies that italy donated to beijing at the start of a pandemic. jillian: china lifts its lockdown. >> reporter: good morning. a new report indicates the chinese government forced italy to buy group of medical supplies that was originally supposed to be donated. what is worse, according to this report the personal protective equipment was given to china from italy when the outbreak began so china is making italy pay for the donations. european countries purchase chinese gear and tests were not working properly. china in the news today, italians have reached out to numerous countries to get equipment as the country remains overwhelmed with covid-19 cases. one piece of good news means the number of cases in italy and other us allies in europe is dropping.
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there is new concern that countries in asia returning to normal life rapidly things could get worse again very quickly. japan is set to declare a state of emergency over the virus pandemic after easing restrictions last march and new images out of china show large crowds of people at popular tourist sites. lindsey graham reacted on fox news. >> if it were up to me the whole world should send china a bill for the pandemic. this is the third pandemic to come out of china from these wet markets where they have bats and monkeys with the virus carrying the virus intermingled with the food supply. i would make china pay big time. >> reporter: important note indicating the chinese government is forcing italy to pay for this protective gear that had been donated, a single story with a single administration source. we've not heard from the italians or the chinese about this new report. jillian: thank you.
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rob: with passover in the midst of this pandemic religious groups are being asked to cancel large gatherings planned for this week. jillian: this afternoon your orthodox community held two events in brooklyn leaving officials worried. brooklyn assemblyman joins us live with more. appreciate it. >> i'm sorry? jillian: good to see you this morning, what is your message to those in the community who might consider having these gatherings? >> it is unacceptable and inexcusable and the overwhelming majority of people in the community are abiding by the guidelines issued from washington. it is very sad that some people think they know better.
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one of the most fundamental things in judaism is to protect human life. your life and the life of other people and you see what is going on, people are dying in our community. i'm afraid to pick up my phone because i'm afraid of who i'm getting a call about who has just passed away. the idea that anyone would gather publicly with other people and go home to their wives and children is inexcusable and really a fringe of people in the jewish community who are doing this and we are trying to do everything possible to stop this behavior. people who indulge in this behavior whether in the orthodox jewish community or people who go to beaches and think that is okay, you're endangering your life and endangering the lives of other people and it is unacceptable.
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rob: let's look at recent events we are talking about, one on april 5th in brooklyn, a couple funerals, at a school, 50 students, new jersey, a couple weddings in new jersey as well. what is the perspective of people attending this. how do they rationalize going to a big public event like this? >> they are idiots. they are nuts. they are out of their minds. they follow what is going on, they see the funerals, they see their neighbors dying. people are in panic in the community because of what is going on. there is no explanation. it doesn't make sense. to have young people, all kinds of people gather. i watch these videos and cringe and look at them and i can only say what idiots, they are out of their minds. we need to continue to address this. all americans must follow the
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rules if we want this pandemic to come to a end. whether it is the orthodox community or anywhere else, you are endangering not only your own life but the lives of the people around you, your community. it violates every precept of judaism. i'm going to be home, i don't go to the synagogue. i'm going to be home for the passover, we can't see our grandchildren. i've gone to my grandchildren and stands 20 feet away and can't hug my grandchildren. jillian: we are running out of time. a lot of people want to celebrate easter and can't do that in large gatherings. it important that every single
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one of us, we need to remember and do our part. thank you for joining us, appreciate it, we will be right back. o of me. oh, that's a good one. wait, what's that? that's just the low-battery warning. oh, alright. now it's all, "check out my rv," and, "let's go four-wheeling." maybe there's a little part of me that wanted to be seen. well, progressive helps people save when they bundle their home with their outdoor vehicles. so they've got other things to do now, bigfoot. wait, what'd you just call me? bigfoot? ♪ my name is daryl.
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jillian: the antimalarial drug sparking national debate in the fight against covid-19. kim jong un michigan democratic state representative says it saved her life. jillian: jackie ibanez with praise for the president. >> reporter: many americans hope certain drugs can help patients in their battle with coronavirus. hydroxy chloroquine for saving her life. listen to this. >> you have to give this an opportunity and for me it saved my life. if donald trump had not talked about this it would not be something accessible for anyone to get that right now. >> donald from tweeting so glad you are getting better. hydroxy chloroquine is fda
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approved, treating malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. it is used to treat covid-19 patients in controlled clinical trials. doctor anthony fauci said americans should not put much promising to the drug. >> the data are at best suggestive, there may be in effect and others to show no effect. we could not definitively say it. >> donald trump's trade advisor is pushing back. >> i let him speak, second opinion. doctors disagree about things all the time. >> the doctor says -- >> physicians do this all the time and that is why the
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president made clear this is up to the physician and patient. >> patients are treated with drug, the university of albany full of public health this preliminary study come back in weeks instead of months. they are taking steps to increase supplies after the drug was put on a shortage of lists. rob: the coronavirus outbreak keeping millions of people home. >> no vehicle crashes to file insurance claims, auto insurers are giving back. rob: cheryl casone he is here with which companies are offering refunds. >> your and company is giving you money back, kind of a shock. policyholders get a 15% refund for april and may. there will be a refund of $50,
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40% drop on march 11th through april 3rd. they will be expanding coverage for delivering food, you have to go to work and if you are one of those great americans trying to help feed the hungry. if you have geico or state farm you should contact them. we will work with you if not driving as much. $50 per vehicle, it is great. >> virginia allowing distilleries to ship directly to consumers. >> they are homeschooling. how many friends you had call you but they are allowing
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distilleries to shift to consumers. there are a few caveats. it is an obvious thing. the shipment has to be make through ups and someone has to do that. virginia, the distillery business, these are businesses with other businesses and maybe americans kind of need that distillery. >> people helping people. rob: a message of resilience sent by a patriot who survived the horrors of war. this will be difficult but we will get through this new fight against an invisible enemy. veteran joy jones joins us left. jillian: what is coming up next on "fox and friends," good
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morning. >> reporter: i am home most of the day, if anyone wants to send the wine i will be happy with it. it is a quarter before the top of the hour. the all-star panel of doctors, we have dr. nicole saphier, siegel and doctor oz joining us live in the commanding general of the us army corps of engineers lieutenant general todd dement, trey gowdy talking about what is going on capitol hill, larry kudlow on the economy and the always interesting mark cuban. we have a full three hours kicking off 14 minutes from now on the channel you trust for your morning news. more "fox and friends first" in two minutes. these days you need faster internet that does all you
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we are at war with the deadly virus, success will require the fool absolutes measure a collective strength, love and devotion. i want every american to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. >> the united states is at war with an invisible enemy, the save 10,000 american lives. jillian: retired marine corps bond tech joey jones says we can get through this. he joins us with this message. we talked how difficult it is when you are overseas fighting a war knowing you are keeping us safe here but this is on our turf you give perspective and tell people we will win this battle. >> appreciate you having me on to talk about it.
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it started a week ago. my first reaction was you have been a wartime president and i realized with the defense production act and everything happening at home the statement he was trying to make which makes a lot of sense is we're in a wartime effort is a country. up until now the wars we have fought in the last 20 years have not been a national effort, but a specific and small effort. i draw parallels. in an op-ed we stayed 10 meters apart from one another. we didn't wanted to be -- we made makeshift weights out of what we had available, played cards, virtual happy hour and so many comparisons to this monotonous and boring lifestyle that danger is around the corner. the person that carried it, this virus if you are carrying the virus, you look like everyone
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else, to tell where the danger is in the fear of uncertainty gets to you, you know how to react, there's fear of uncertainty and the fear that exists in our minds, they do it in a positive way. rob: you compare this to a war. for a lot of people it will be a difficult and humbling experience. do you think people will come out stronger on the other side of this? >> absolutely and i wrote that in the op-ed. we will be physically more resilient, emotionally stronger, collectively as the populace a better version of ourselves. i don't want anyone to die for our country to become better but through death you can't prevent we can choose to be better and that is what will happen. in the op-ed i wrote and very
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much believe it we had to deal with politicians swaying their opinions almost daily. political and strategic leaders change their minds almost daily. the one mission that kept us going was coming home to family and freedoms and that is something everyone in this country is feeling the stress of right now, they can't see with their family and friends, don't feel free, knowing that getting through this fight regardless of what you understand or agree with get you back to that place and we signed up for the military, we choose to go there and we can't do any of those things here. this is indiscriminate, affecting children and elderly and innocent people and i wish i could be on the frontlines but in this fight my job is not to be on the frontline but to support those on the front line and that is what i encourage everyone to do, don't be another person i have to take care of. jillian: that is a good way to take care of it, our healthcare
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workers are the frontlines every minute and every day, please stay home for us. thank you for fighting for our country, for us and everything you continue to do. and oscar-winning actor making bingo night great again. >> i 24. we have two winners. rob: all right, all right, all right, this liberty host going viral. y, can i... - safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. .
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rob: an nypd officer back on duty after recovering from covid-19. jillian: this is great news. carley shimkus here with the celebration on social media. hello. carley: i will get straight into it the post says it all. nypd's 19th precinct tweeted good news they say welcome back officer pieto one of our first officers fully recovered from covid-19 back full duty fit as a fiddle no worry the mask is only for full protection. we are so happy to have him back. posted that with the picture of the officer right there. a lot of folks on social media are very happy about this and sharing kind messages on twitter. one person writes phenomenal news. so grateful to these tremendous police officers. we on manhattan's upper east side are fortunate to have you. carol on twitter says we would
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give you a welcome back hug but, you know, social distancing. this is very good news, guys, considering nypd's 2200 officers have tested positive for covid-19. jillian: good to see him recovering and back. i might get to play bingo. >> we have an i-24. >> oh, richard. we got charles. two winners he would make it fun. carley: matthew mcconaughey did something cool over the weekend. he dropped into a senior living facility's video conference call to play virtual bingo. so the enclave living facility posted on facebook ever play virtual bingo with matthew mcconaughey? you would be a whole lot cooler if you did. you know you would be seeing a lot of posts like this from wendy saying all right, all right you, all right best shelter in place video ever.
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i love this idea. i know they enjoyed it. it's really hard for seniors right now. very cool creative thing to do with your free time. i love it. >> hey, if your family is driving you nuts right now. you are not alone. take a look at this. >> this whole quarantine situation, my family has been driving me nuts. hey, i think i got a solution. i call it going for a walk. oh. you didn't think i would actually go for a walk, did you? >> a lot of people right now are hurting for a little alone time. this parody video showing this guy finding the only blind spot in this house to hide from everybody so he could drink beer in peace. emily brings up a good point on facebook and the wives are inside with a bottle of wine saying thank god he is on another walk. everybody is trying to cope and the only way that they can. they all have different ways of doing it.
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rob: we love it. carley, thank you so much. we do appreciate it. jillian: thanks everyone for watching "fox & friends" today. we will be back here tomorrow morning same time same place. "fox & friends" starts right now. bye-bye. ♪ >> we are going to have a rough week maybe a rough little more than a week. there is tremendous light at the end of that tunnel. there is so many things happening with therapeutics. with vaccines. with things that we really want. carley: president trump with a message of hope as a second company starts clinical trials for covid-19 vaccine. cases here in the united states topping 368,000 deaths. now nearing 11,000. nearly twice as many people have rferred. brian: in new york the pandemic pertinen


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