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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 7, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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bottom line, things get botched. bottom line, someone has to take responsibility and say two words. i goofed. ♪ >> i'm dana perino and juan williams. we are working on getting -- we are going to get him. this is a book about the five. at any moment, the white house coronavirus task force will begin. the death toll rising to 12,000. there are over 380,000 cases now confirmed in the narrative states. so far, this is an important number to me. 20,000 people have recovered from the virus. there are some other positive signs. dr. birx said the death toll can be lower than what the models predicted and the stock market is starting to rebound over signs at the economy could
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rebound sooner. >> they view this as a campaign issue. they want to make trump look as bad as they can, because they want to try and win an election that they should not be allowed to win based on the fact that we have done a great job. we built the greatest economy in the world. i will do it a second time. >> the president asking congress for the small business loan program. white house economic advisor at larry kudlow dropped his hand about reopening the economy. >> the president would like to reopen the economy as soon as he can. and we are planning internally. we are looking at a number. most of this is health and virus related. we are also looking at the economics of the story. our best to get us going. >> let me go to you first. there are these little glimmers of hope. it's almost like looking through a stargazer. you can see not all full light at the end of the tunnel.
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there are some pinpricks of light especially if it's true that there is a lower death toll at a lower rate of infection than >> greg: because the models did not go into the mitigation that we took, the social distancing, the almost paranoid hygiene practices that are driving me crazy, and the drugs. and i think the drugs are showing promise. and i think the stock market is going well, and an indicator this week as people are not going into the hospitals as much. i want to defend every single person who was wrong on this. because i think the best analogy for dealing with this pandemic is a sports car. you have to shift gears intending on the terrain, which is the information you get along the way. so you want to have one expert like fauci, the top expert who
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early onset is, no need to change your lifestyle, go on about your life. and a few days later, wash your hands vigorously. limit your contact. then days later, work at home. and then days later, shelter in place. so it could be the very same doctor who said, look, this is not going to be a big concern to we need to shut things down. it sounds like a contradiction when in fact what is happening is people are shifting gears based on the information they were getting. everybody was doing it. everybody on every network. we love to point fingers, but now we have to decide, look, we have to look and see what we are doing right and stop looking in the past. i want to bring up an interesting thing. i think about the reporter that asked trump, how many deaths would you accept, and it was a terrible question to ask, it was a gotcha question, but then he reversed it and ask the media, do they have a number they are
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okay with to restore the economy, because they do have a number. they obviously have a number of credits 12,500, right? because that's what happened the swine flu in 2009. so we know they are okay with 12,500. it had nothing i'm sure with friends of obama being in charge. but i'm wondering if they are going to be authentic to be real about their number that they are okay with now that trump is in charge. and we should ask everyone in the media, are they okay with a number? >> dana: to your point about changing the recommendations based on the information you are getting, that something that the surgeon general said in regards to the mask. he says as we got more information about the way it is spread and how contagious it is, et cetera, that's why they changed the guidance. >> greg: the only exception, dana. >> dana: yes? >> greg: my only exception, they were super wrong on mask from day one.
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>> dana: oh, okay. but the surgeon general is saying, first of all, as he is explaining, he says that they got more information. but i think we have jesse watters. we will bring him into the conversation here. jesse, we are were just talking about -- it's great to see you. looking good, looking good. >> jesse: you don't know what went into this. >> dana: tell us, tell us what happened? >> jesse: no, i would rather not. [laughs] lets just all be grateful that i'm here. [laughs] >> dana: we will be back in just a minute. i want to ask dagan about the economy, because there were reports today that the small administration, they are trying to get the loans out, a huge amount of demand, some kinks in the system that they are trying to work out an already additional funds are needed because the impact on small businesses. and maybe if you can take a passing glance at the stock market with some gains, may be a
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little down today. >> dagen: i'm going to take greg's lead and be super optimistic and not get in the weeds and bitch and moan and complain about the little things that went wrong. because in terms of the economic and financial response from this administration, and the federal reserve, it has been unprecedented like nothing we have ever seen before. it has been quick, creative, anti-norma spread to federal reserve has come in and done things it has never done before to make sure that larger companies were liquid and remain solvent. it will do more for medium size businesses, state and local government. you name it, they are on it. in terms of the small business -- the payroll protection grant, these are grants. $350 billion, they roll this thing out in less than a week and the money is getting to people. i've been on the phone talking to them. it is so successful so far that
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they will add another $250 billion to it. that's to make sure that workers get to keep their jobs, and they don't have to go on unemployment, you have expanded unemployment checks that are going out. it is astonishing what they have been able to do in terms of, usually you just get protection for people who get laid off. this is different. they are sending money to businesses to ensure that the jobs are there when we get on the other side of this. it's really astonishing. >> dana: one thing, juan, if you look at some of the things that happen in the seattle area and washington state when they did those early measures, the social distancing was right away. they've seen their curve flatten as well. so that might show some hope for other places. >> juan: oh, yeah, it is clear that social distancing and all of those things that seemed so erroneous at times.
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everything from taking off your washing clothes, washing hands, everything. it has some impact. we see some encouraging numbers. the last two days we saw the numbers go down in new york. today they are back up a little bit, dana, but i think those are encouraging signs. i don't think that it is necessarily a reason for us to rush back in. which is what i think it's the political signal is coming from the white house is that they would like to rush us back. larry kudlow saying he can see us back to normal in 4-8 weeks. larry kudlow said he thought this thing was contained at one point. i don't think we are going back in 4-8 weeks, and part, because even in new york, you have to understand that new york as an epicenter is really in some ways blessed is the fact that it has so much in terms of medical facilities, ivy league teaching hospitals, and the like. it has so much of the equipment that is they are because of the huge city. it is not a predictor of how this will play out as you get to
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medium-sized cities, and especially to rural areas in our country. they have not been hit yet. they have not seen their peak. and that is coming. i don't think there's any question. we have to keep all of that in mind. and then the second thing to say is when you look at some of the cities, and here is something that i think -- i heard you talking earlier today about the disparity in terms of minority communities, low income communities, and specifics. you look at places like chicago, the mayor there was saying 50% of the people who are impacted in her metropolis are blocked. and i think that is shocking when you start to understand that low income people, people who are minorities and found in the service industries, hospitality, leisure and the like, it is harder if you are poor to practice social distancing, all of that is still in place. so the president says, the democrats in the media, they want to politicize.
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i think we need to take the politics out of this for a moment and be serious about fighting a pandemic that as dr. fauci says will still be a threat in the fall even with a vaccine, because it is potentially going to explode on us again. >> dana: let me get jesse in here, because i think with the economic adviser larry kudlow saying we can get back, no one is under the impression that it means all of a sudden everything is the same. there are going to be tears or phases in order to do it safely. i don't think anyone is suggesting that it would be a rash decision. >> jesse: anyone except to juan. let me take issue with something juan said, only the political people are geared to pick this thing back up. i think the american people are ready to pick it back up, and i think doctors have signaled that we will open this backup. i heard a doctor today say that
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he predicts may 1st, we start opening up this economy. it's not because of politics at all. it's because mitigation was extremely successful in this country. we are going to peek out in the next few days, the model said, and hopefully we have it on the down slope. we face in certain sectors. we went over this yesterday, if you watch the show. we have discussed it. we know the deal. but you can almost feel it in the stock market and when you talk to other people, but mostly, you can feel it when you step outside. the light at the end of the tunnel, you walk outside right now, spring is almost sprung. those little green bugs are bursting up through the soil. the birds are chirping. it's getting warmer. you can feel it coming. so we keep our fingers crossed, stay focused, and we will get through it soon. >> dana: one of my favorite times of year is when these blossoms come out. an update from the coronavirus task force is coming up, and we
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will of course bring that to you as we always do. up next, you guys may be missing this on the show, greg has a very special treat for you next. i have been looking forward to it all day. ♪ i just love hitting the open road and telling people that liberty mutual customizes your insurance, so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ if we weren't able to stream anything, i think they'd be lost. she's listening to music. he's watching the news. (vo) verizon is giving you more entertainment, like apple music, disney+, and youtube tv. unlimited plans start at $35. shop online. only at verizon.
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♪ >> greg: if there is one agitated that hasn't been used to describe the pandemic, it is normal. but there is something mundane about its repetitive strangeness. every day it is the same thing, the old normal has been replaced with a reverse normal. it's like going to being singled to prison. i mean married. and we crave the things that are
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gone. juan misses the after show hug. jesse misses his full length mirror. dana misses the magic mushrooms she used to buy on canal street. and i miss the charity work with the orphans. the social distancing has taken us from a lot. of the whole world looks like a gym on prom night, people standing against walls nervous. but it's for a grander mission to save lives. this is the d-day, except the d stands or do nothing. but there is one more thing that i miss "one more thing." ms animals are great, i miss jesse's mom's ruthless text, and juan's stories about his track suits. and dana's inability to escape any story without working in her dog, whose name escapes me. ♪
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>> jasper. jasper! [maniacal laugh] jasper! >> dana: [laughs] >> greg: you don't get that on cnn, probably for good reason. honestly the press briefing interrupts our show, which it showed, and we never get to the one more thing, making us the real heroes. so today, because many of you ask for it and many of you didn't, we are doing the show in reverse, starting the b block with "one more thing." ♪ >> dana: so cute, i love it. >> greg: i will kick it off with ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great alall right, this is soda pop.
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i love this boxer, purely platonically, living a at the stone house urban winery, do we have a film of this? am i going to act it out? the winery, there we go. and what he does is he delivers wine to curbside pickup, because you are not going out to get to the customer. so this is adorable, this boxer, actually, does his part, goes over there, delivers the wind to the customers who obviously need a drink and all of this. and then he returns to the fire escape where he smokes a pack of cigarettes. i'm kidding. he does not smoke cigarettes. god knows what he smokes. adorable dog. i have to say everybody is pitching and including the animals, and that is why -- ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great all right, jesse, you are up.
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>> jesse: like this, it's like when you have breakfast for dinner. you just do the whole show in reverse. we have mom texts. let's run it. mom texts, everybody. >> greg: [laughs] can we see it? >> jesse: do we have it? i can't see a thing, so i'm just going to start reading. number one, good morning, you are beyond blessed to have a job, keep behaving. number two, random hope, just try to be a tiny bit less nefarious in your trump applause today, and you can't see dana's eyes. number three, honey bun, you are sounding like arnon chris biden. you told the subway story yesterday. and when you speak about coronavirus, you sound loony.
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ouch. number four, greg has lost we get. number five, and he has. i just ordered a bathing suit from lands end, and have been on the phone with laura from chicago who loves you. i mean, really. and number six, you are hilarious, except for the metaphor. ... , i love geraldo. and finally the number seven, please do not go towards attacking others, it is about pulling together, stay there, jesse, please. you can do this. >> greg: you know what i love is that just like so many people in this planet, she went from to thinking about geraldo. >> jesse: i know. slip of the tongue.
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>> greg: anybody want to respond, or should i move on? to juan? dana. >> dana: i have missed "one more thing" very much too. this is from the u.k. so there is a talented mother of two, and she bakes a cake in the shape of a roll of toilet paper, lisa jamison is her name. she raised $2400 in just four hours. a chocolate fudge sponge cake. i bet juan's daughter can make one like this. she is very talented too. she went to bed with just $122 in the account, woke up with $122,000 in the account, she donated to the local hospitals. everybody is doing their part. before she spent hours on that, i heard when she was done, she was white. >> dana: i miss you. >> greg: the silence is painful.
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>> dana: i'm laughing, there is a delay. >> greg: there is always a delay with my jokes. there better be track suits. >> juan: it cannot be track suits, you already made fun of me. i only take vacation once or twice a year. i have missed "one more thing" so much, because in the time that we have not done "one more thing," we miss larry david doing a psa that i thought was really funny, and we also, i was going to do one about the haircut challenge where if you look at jesse, greg, and at me, you can tell that we have not had haircuts in a little bit here. but then there was one that i was going to do about a granddad who had, yes, exactly. there was a granddad who was dancing with his granddaughter across the speaker first social distancing, and it gave me an idea, my grandson eli had his
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tenth birthday yesterday. so over the weekend we were supposed to have a birthday party. but because of the coronavirus crisis, no birthday party. so take a look at what his grandma and i did to celebrate eli's birthday. ♪ happy birthday dear eli ♪ happy birthday to you yes, the sign we are holding up there is actually a roll of birthday gift wrapping paper, we also handed him a colorful bag filled with birthday cards, more gifts are to come later when we are able to get together and have a real party. he has a great boy. so happy birthday, eli, from "the five." >> dagen: i by the way did cut my hair this morning, i cut my bangs at 2:00 in the morning. that's my public service announcement, don't do that. so my one more thing is, i was
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really revved up for the "top gun" sequel and it has been delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic, but we have this little teaser. ♪ so that was a test shot that they were taking. you can see the actual shot, this is a blue angels fighter jet sweeping in, and leaving a dust cloud's world, the shot is at the end of the trailer. this is u.s. navy owned aircraft used as a test. i just want to share with you, i have not flown for the blue angels, but i did go with the thunderbirds, there is a shot of a photo of me before i went up in the jet, but i climbed out of that jet and lay down on the tarmac in front of all of those men and women and lined up on the tarmac after that ended, and i barked for 12 hours after
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that. it is a lot harder than it looks >> greg: that is quite an image. >> dagen: it was cool, but you get sick. >> greg: i have thrown up for less, let me tell you. less is my personal trainer. the white house press briefing coming up. but job bad -- joe biden in a briefing for the election. ♪ isn't just a department.
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(burke) fatthat can happen to yourons wehome...or car.t everything bundle home and auto with farmers and you can save an average of twenty percent. so get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the white house coronavirus task force is set to give us another update soon. in the meantime, the battle brewing over in person voting in the age of covid-19.
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wisconsin voters going in their primary. after a ruling overturning a last-minute executive order by the governor to suspend in person voting until june. high-profile democrats like nancy pelosi and bernie sanders say the move undermines democrats and could cost lives. what is happening in wisconsin is setting up a larger fight on the national stage. democrats have been pushing hard for voting by mail for the presidential election. but republicans worn that it could lead to fraud and massive abuse. and here is joe biden weighing in on the possibility of delaying or even postponing the 2020 election. >> we are going to have to conduct the election on novembe. we have to make our democracy as well as we can function. we can do both. i would much prefer to have in person voting, but it depends. it depends on the state at play. we cannot delay or postpone a constitutionally required
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november election. >> jesse: first of all, joe coughed into his hand and then touched his face. that is a no-no, joe joe. i can't believe he did not know that by now. but in all seriousness, dana, the democrats, i am confused, because they are freaking out about trump possibly delaying the election, and now we are freaking out that wisconsin did not delay their election. i just don't know what it is. >> dana: and they are freaking out that we could reopen the economy or not to reopen the economy, there is a lot of freaking out. i do think that november is a long time away. look, last month, we were about six weeks ago, five weeks ago was the new hampshire primary, then we did state of the union. iowa caucuses, the end of impeachment, and then all of a sudden everything looks very different. in november, it's not that long away, but it is far enough away
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that we will have a handle on things, people will be creative and smart, and i know one person voting is the goal, i'm actually quite open to the idea of don't you mean, everybody. i am open to the idea of secure mobile voting like we do on our phone that you would not imagine doing anywhere else, and might be an unpopular opinion, but it is one that i have. and here's the other thing, i thought that the speaker of the house, in wisconsin, he dressed in full ppe dear. there will have to be a little bit of give, i think the people like the governors that postpone their primaries until june 2nd were prudent. it's good to be prudent. >> jesse: dagen mcdowell, one of the things that nancy pelosi wants to do is basically no one to go to the polls. she wants everybody to do it absentee ballot, what has happened is she wants paid
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political operatives to go door to door to just take people's ballots by the truckload. that's called ballot harvesting. if you think pay democratic political operatives are not going to go door to door and coerce or try to bribe or tamper with these ballots, you don't have any idea what they are capable of. >> dagen: and i think politically people like speaker pelosi are trying to take the wisconsin issue and extrapolated to make it about the united states. wisconsin is a very specific issue legally. the governor's powers under state law, the question was about the scope of them. and in contrast with other states, wisconsin law did not specifically address steps to take regarding elections during health emergencies. that's why other states could make changes to the date. and the actual high court decision was simply about the absentee ballots. that's all that decision was
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about. they had to be postmarked and on what date they would be counted. so this is a wisconsin problem and not a national problem. >> jesse: greg, one of the other funny things that nancy wants to do for people that do do in person voting, she wants to open the polls two weeks before election day and just a revolving door of democrats putting on different disguises and voting on monday, tuesday, wednesday. i mean, come on, man. who does she think she is getting? >> greg: the easy solution to all of this is don't vote. it really doesn't matter, are you really going to change things? come on, and i love that dana's unpopular opinion is on mobile voting. i mean, she is really living on the edge. the unpopular opinion is on having multiple wives or
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believing in cannibalism, but nobody even talks about mobile voting. but i go back to my theory, joe feels so sidelined in all of this. it's like, he is like a rerun of "gilligan's island" on tv land during the super bowl. everybody is focused on something as poor gilligan is trying to hit on marianne. >> dagen: that's why he is rubbing his face so that people will watch him. >> jesse: okay, juan, how do you think the election will shake out? >> juan: i think it was ridiculous to have people voting today in wisconsin. i mean, what a crazy idea to have large numbers of people gathering in a limited space in one place and telling them oh, yeah, it is your health or your right to participate in democracy. i think it is unfair to the voters, and the governor of the state was making a decision in the best case of his residence. and all of a sudden it gets very
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political with both courts in wisconsin and the supreme court issuing very divided along political lines decisions. to my mind, what we should be doing is preserving the idea that people can vote and not take it away. when it comes to november, jesse, you were saying that you can't see the difference. why are people like the democratic governor saying vote in wisconsin it should be delayed, but while people like joe biden are saying, don't delay, november appeared to pick up on dana perino's point, november is a far way away, and we should have some better sense of how we can deal with this. everything from testing to what is possible including not just mobile voting, but mail and voting, that's maybe more secure than in person voting, because you have to send the ballot to a fixed average dress with a name on it. >> jesse: you tell a lot of whoppers, but mail and voting
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being more secure than voting alone in a booth by yourself is one of the biggest ones you have ever told. we have to go though. we have to go, juan. >> juan: no, you are locked in a fantasy. and let me just tell you, several states have mailing voting and there has been no evidence of any fraud, what you're doing is practicing g.o.p. -- >> jesse: there are many times that we disagree with you, and that is saying a lot. of next the coronavirus task force briefing set to begin soon. and on "the five," president trump calling out the world health organization saying that they dropped the ball and covered up for china. ♪ our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence... we can spend a bit today, knowing we're prepared for tomorrow. wow, do you think you overdid it maybe? overdid what? well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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trust us. us kids are ready to take things into our own hands. don't think so? hold my pouch.
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to start. we are going to talk about that right here while we wait for the president and his aides to come on in the white house briefing room. i was going to ask you, dana, oh, here comes the president right now. >> president trump: thank you very much. today we continue to send our love to the great people of new york and new jersey. we support them fully. we grieve alongside every family who has lost a precious loved one. new yorkers are tough and strong and brave. new jerseyites are tough and strong and brave and they are being hit very hard right now. for the next week, hopefully not much longer than that it will start to go in the other direction. our country is being hit hard, but some areas have done so incredibly well. we are so proud of them.
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they will beat this virus. we are going to beat it with the grit and the heart for which they are known, and which our country is known. and we appreciate everything that everybody is doing. we also pray for prime minister boris johnson, who has become a great friend of ours. he loves this country, but he loves the usa. and he has always been very good to us when we have had difficulty, he was with us. and we appreciate it. we pray for her minister boris johnson. he is going through a lot. as we intensify our military campaign against the virus, i think that it must be brought out that we have to think the american people for continuing to follow our guidelines on slowing the spread. an expression that more and more people are thinking about, nobody heard of it two months ago, and now everybody is talking about slowing the spre spread, stopping the spread. even during this painful week,
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we see glimmers of hope. this will be a painful week. and next week, at least part of next week, but at least all of it. if one person dies, it is a painful week. and we know that that will impersonally happen. this is a monster, we are fighting. but signs are that there are strategies that are totally working. every american has a role to play in winning this war, and we are going to be winning it. we are going to be winning it powerfully. and we will be prepared for the next one should it happen, but hopefully it won't. our massive airlift operations of critical supplies, it's called the project air bridge, continued today as five massive planes, flights landed in the united states with personal protective equipment, and our nations heroic health care workers will be the beneficiaries of that. 27 more flights are scheduled in
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the near future over the next couple of weeks. the army corps of engineers is constructing facilities that will hold 15,000 hospital beds to treat patients in need, so they are building now approximately 15,000. they just completed the big one in new york. they just completed and are in the process of continuing in chicago. and many other places, they are incredible. the army corps of engineers, we owe them a lot. what they are able to do in such a short period of time, they build these massive facilities, 2,000 beds in four days. that is very special. i know that i was in the construction industry, you don't see that happen very often. i want to remind governors and emergency managers that share real-time data with us about equipment and their needs is very important. all of the supplies, hospital occupancy is critical. a lot of the occupancy is really
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getting a little bit lower than anticipated, and that is good. we sort of thought that was going to happen. and we are getting along very well with the governors. this whole situation with respect to talking to us about equipment and equipment needs, giving us a little bit of leap time is so important. all of the supplies, we are getting it to everybody like they never thought possible. but we will ensure that we can rapidly deploy federal assets where and when they are needed, especially on ventilators. we are actually getting some ventilators back. as you know, the state of california was great. they send some back that they did not need. and washington state, likewise. and we have some others coming back, so we are using them in areas where the we need them. we are pressing forward on the scientific frontier of the medical ward. the companies, i have spoke to
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the four leading genius companies, they are doing incredibly well with respect to cures and also with respect to a vaccine that is going to protect us, totally protect us. it will take us a little while yet, but they have some potential in great early results. and the governor has been working hard. we are working hard with the governors, great coordination especially over the last little while. we give them a lot of equipment and ventilators, but a lot of equipment of all types. and i will protect you if your governor fails. if you have a governor that is failing, we will protect you. but the governors are working well with us over the last period of time. today in our stockpile of ventilators, and we need to stockpile so that we can move them from place to place, wherever the monster hits.
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a monster. we have 8,675 ventilators right now in stock ready to move. and we have all sorts of incredible soldiers. our military is going to move them should they be needed as an example, we need additional in new york or the new york city areas. in new york state, i spoke to mayor de blasio, and we really have a great well-coordinated campaign with mayor de blasio. it has been very good. i spoke to governor cuomo, it has been great coordination. so if they need something, we have it. if louisiana need something, we have it. same thing with michigan and illinois. there are certain spots that are very hot. we will see what happens. but we know that we will have time, and we will be able to move it. in addition to the 8,000 -- ventilators, we have 2,500
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arriving on april 13. we have 5,500 arriving on may 4th. these are the ones we are building, and as you know, we have great company is building them heard ford, general motors, g.e., we have really some great companies that are doing it. on may 18th, we have 12,000, on june 1st, we have 20,000. on june 29th, we have 60,000 ventilators coming. 60. 6-0. we have a total of 10,000 ventilators coming over in a short period of time. i don't think that we will need them. hopefully we will not need them. i don't think we will need anywhere near them, but we will have them for the future and be able to help countries that are desperate for ventilators. the u.k. called today and they wanted to know if it would be possible to get 200. we will work it out. they have been great partners. united kingdom, and we are going to work it out for them.
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so they wanted 200. they needed them desperately. we now have ten drugs and active trials. with 15 more soon to follow. and candidates and active clinical trials prayed we will do whatever is needed to secure medical supplies and get to production of medical supplies back to our shores. we are doing that. we are bringing it back to our shores. a lot of the companies went a little bit haywire. they went away from this great country, and they had them produced elsewhere, so we are going to start bringing them back. i have been talking about that for a long time. not only with medical, but lots of other things. america continues to perform more tests than any other nation in the world. that's probably why we have more cases. because when you look at some of these very large countries, i know for a fact that they have far more cases than we do, but they don't report them.
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we've performed 1.87 million tests today. that's 1,000,870 tests today. think about that, 1,870,000 tests today. and now we are performing them at a level that nobody has ever seen before, as we announced yesterday, cvs testing sites in georgia and rhode island will be using avid labs, rapid five minute tests. we are at five minute tests so that people can get the results back very quickly. and we are actively engaging on the problem of increased impacts. this is a real problem. and it is showing up very strongly in our data. in the african-american community, and we are doing everything in our power to address this challenge. it is a tremendous challenge. it is terrible. and provide support to african-american citizens of
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this country who are going through a lot. it has been disproportional. they are getting hit very, very hard. while we have tony here, i would like you to come up and address that point. and i will continue. but if you want to address that, that would be great. >> thank you, mr. president. we have a difficult problem of exacerbation of a health disparity. we have known literally forever that diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and asthma are disproportionately afflicting the minority populations, particularly the african-americans. unfortunately when you look at the predisposing conditions that lead to a bad outcome with the coronavirus, the things that get people into icus that require intubation and often lead to death, they are just those very deities that are unfortunately
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disproportionately prevalent in the african-american population. so we are very concerned about that. it is very sad. there is nothing we can do about it right now except to give them the best possible care to avoid complications. >> president trump: there are some pretty accurate numbers over the next few days. they are very nasty numbers. terrible numbers. in total, 1,200 avid machines, avid laboratories has been fantastic has shipped nationwide. up to 500 more are being produced every week. and 50,000 testing cartridges are being manufactured per day. that means a lot of very fast tests. no nation in the world has developed a more diverse and robust testing capacity than the united states. we are dealing with other nations, helping them out, because the testing is very tough for them. and our tests are very accurate. a lot of tests are out there that are not accurate at all. to some of the test, you do not have a clue of what is going on.
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so we are at a time when many americans are experiencing increased stress, anxiety, and personal laws, we must ensure our country can lead to the mental health needs of those struggling this crisis. there are people struggling. they are struggling. some people are getting to know each other, frankly. some families are getting to know each other, on a positive note. but there are a lot of people struggling. on thursday, i will be speaking to leaders and advocates for the mental health organizations all across our country. we are going to be talking about resources and tools that we will make available to them. they need help. it's a big problem. when you take something where it was the most successful country in the world, still is. the whole world is shut down. think of it. we are down to numbers that are incredible. as i said yesterday, i think
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it's 182 countries right now. 182 countries are under attack by the, by the scourge virus. but as we wage medical war on the virus, we are also speeding economic relief to our people. it's incredible. we just had a meeting that was absolutely incredible with the banks. i spoke with leaders in the banking and finance industry about our efforts to have workers and employers. as of today, small business has processed more than $70 billion in guaranteed loans and will provide much needed relief for nearly a quarter of a million businesses already. so we are going to be providing tremendous amounts of money to the small businesses of our country who have been absolutely clobbered. we are keeping them open and they will be paying their employees and they will be all
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set to go. were going to have a rocket upward. i want to thank david solomon, ceo of goldman sachs, brian moynihan, ceo of bank of america, gordon smith, copresident, coo of jpmorgan chase. charles scharf, ceo of wells fargo, michael corbett, ceo of citigroup. alcala, ceo of visa. the ceo of mastercard, noah wilcox, ceo and chairman of grand rapids state bank and we had numerous others also on the call and i just appreciate them. we are way ahead of schedule by the way. we are way ahead of schedule. the paycheck protection program has been incredible. so based on the incredible success of the program, i'm announcing that i'll be asking congress to provide an
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additional $250 billion for the paycheck protection which will help keep americans employed to facilitate a quick and full recovery. we are doing very well. we are working very bipartisan. a lot of people want to do it in the plan is amazing. you know, they are processing hundreds of thousands of loans and this is the big banks that are doing it, the community banks. but the biggest banks right now and our country are doing it, and they are doing it for a lot of reasons. one of them is they want to help people. the w.h.o., that's world health organization, receives vast amounts of money from the united states. and we pay for a majority of the biggest portion of their money and they actually criticized and disagreed with my travel ban at the time i did it and they were wrong. they've been wrong about a lot
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of things. a lot of information early, they seemed to be very china-centric. we have to look into that, so were going to look into it. we pay for, give a majority of the money that they get. it's much more than 58. $58 million is a small portion of what they've got over the years. sometimes they get much more than that. sometimes it's for programs they are doing and it's much bigger numbers and the programs are good, that's great as far as we're concerned but we want to look into it. world health organization. because they really are -- they called it wrong. they called it wrong. they missed the call. they could've called it months earlier. they would have known. they should have known. they probably didn't know. so will be looking into that very carefully. and we're going to put a hold on money spent to the w.h.o. were going to put a very powerful hold on it and were
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going to see. it's a great thing if it works. but when they call every shot wrong, that's no good. we are in the midst of a great national struggle, one that requires the shared sacrifice of all americans. in recent weeks, it's been remarkable to see some companies and organizations and individuals like the banks that i just told you about, biggest banks in the world, they stepped up to help small businesses. big business, small business. small business will someday be the big business. the small business is 50% of our economic strength. people don't realize when you add them up but they just wrote to the occasion. everybody's rising to the occasion. it's been incredible to watch. to honor and celebrate their extraordinary examples of patriotism and citizenship, we are seeing, i'm asking americans to use the hashtag #americaworkstogether when sharing stories of how we are all working together to get


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