tv Hannity FOX News April 8, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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hope you have a great evening with the ones you love, even if they are not in your immediate vicinity. we will be back tomorrow night. sean hannity takes over from new york and about seven seconds. hey, shawna. >> sean: that was a great message with the cardinal, good job. tucker, great show as always. welcome to "hannity." major coverage of our progress at covid-19, facts without fear. if the current pattern holds, coronavirus could be leveling off as we speak and followed by dramatic decline if the models hold. one frequently cited model which predicted a death toll, and that was without any travel ban were quarantines or mitigation would have been 2.2 million, as high as 2.2 million americans dying. then we had the big signs ten days ago, 240,000. that was revised down to 81,002 days ago and it has been revised downward again to 60,000.
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one question we do all need to ask tonight is how these numbers have been so far off the mark and how do we safely open up this country as soon as possible? we have a lot of ideas and we will also balance the medical side of this with dr. oz versus the economic side and getting our lives back to normal. the number of predicted hospitalizations fell from 140,000, 290,000. that same model is predicting the peak is just three days away. meanwhile the epicenter in new york state, new hospitalizations are roughly half of what they were a week ago and, in four days more patience have been released than have been admitted. keep in mind the model predicted that the state would need 70,000 hospital beds, over 12,000 icu beds at this point. instead, new york has only needed 16,500 beds and just over 4,000 icu beds and about at third of the predicted need. in the state of new jersey only
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three of the state 72 hospitals are at capacity in those states have experienced a surge anywhere near what was told and expected. the trump administration has shipped out over 11 million letter and unden95mask, and vent as needed with 2,000 more being available monday. while we continue to fight covid-19 this country must also harness its ingenuity and brilliance, the free market system, and figure out a way to get american safely back to work as soon as possible, where they want to be. you can't allow america's businesses to wither on the vine and die. there are parts of this country with very low incidence of covid-19 that likely, we could open those areas probably know. a geographical opening will be a no-brainer but even in these areas there will be some changes moving forward especially to
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avoid a rebound. there is the key. we have to open up the economy in a way that prevents future outbreaks and immediately contains them but also protects your civil liberties and your constitutional rights. one reality we must all understand and accept. one thing that will happen is you can't shut down the country like this again. a comprehensive plan that balances both aspects of this and needs to be implanted. we will be thinking of new ways and new paradigms just as we have throughout this entire pandemic. for example employers could utilize contactless digital thermometers. remember i went to the navy hospital ship, the comfort? they took my temperature and didn't touch me. the contractor employees temperatures as they enter buildings especially in big cities. face masks, elbow bums that set of handshakes and telecommute he could now become a temporary new
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normal and get our business up and running. social distancing on some level as well. one huge challenge will be restaurants and bars. do we take temperatures when people enter a place to eat? do you limit the number of people any one restaurant can have? that will be hard but testing will likely be the key solution to all of this. we could have widespread distribution of these newly approved, not only the antibiotic test but the five-minute covid-19 test results. you have it or not have it. that could play a huge part in opening up the country all over the place more quickly and more safely and contract tracing will also come into play. how quickly can these testing methods to be available? for example, can abbott mass-produce their testing. they are doing 50,000 per day now or have the capability.
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another factor that comes into play as patient privacy. yes, that matters. we cannot violate this in any way. there will be no database. people must be ensuring complete privacy and complete anonymity and all of this. also, you would think that the cooperation of people would factor in as well. now if the shutdown goes on for months on end america will not be the america we grew up in. very specific challenges for very specific businesses. massive challenges for big cities like new york city. small, medium and large businesses will go belly up if we are not careful and no amount of government aid is going to solve that problem. lifelong dreams will be shuttered, lives will be ruined and the hardship could under those circumstances go on for years.
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for some reason you got many doomsday democrats media mob people and he completely and totally irresponsible from whatever background, they want the shutdown seemly to continue indefinitely regardless of facts that are on the ground. and they constitute and continue for at least another 18 months. is he out of his mind? take a look. >> realistically covid-19 will be here for the next 18 months or more. we will not be able to return to normalcy until we find a vaccine or effective medications. i know that's dreadful news to hear. and that could go into the hundreds of thousands if not a million. we cannot return to normal until there's a vaccine.
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>> sean: the earliest as 15-18 months. really? because that lunatic is advising the joe biden campaign. what he's suggesting, that would destroy the entire economy. ask yourself, 1 18 straight months. mr. emanuel is far from the democrat seemly rooting for what it would be a long-term economic catastrophe. the new york governor, the ever incompetent all talk and no action andrew cuomo just promising new york but michael back to normal anytime soon. well, there is an ambitious plan. so does he think a months long shutdown for the america's biggest city is going to be a good thing? and why does nobody in the media mob ever hold that guy account
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to accountable? no state has had it as bad as new york, where we are tonight. of course new york city is the most densely packed area of the united states and we know it's an international city that hosts traveled from all over the wor world. it's obvious they are more susceptible to pandemics. andrew cuomo knew this, and they are both completely unprepared to fail in any way. in the new report, the former cdc chief found that if new york had acted sooner with the stay-at-home order, the death toll could have been reduced by a whopping 50-80%. in march, conrad de blasio was telling new york city residents to go out and enjoy the theater. cuomo was reassuring his constituents that the risk was low. on march 2nd, but where they
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sing on fox news? i was saying asymptomatic people that are highly contagious is dangerous. i was saying that in january and it was saying it before anybody else but this is a cuomo march 2nd, not that long ago. a little over a month. take a look. >> excuse our arrogance as new yorkers. we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in new york. so when you are saying what happened in another country versus what happened here, we don't even think it's going to be as bad as it was in other countries. >> sean: that was a little over a month ago, right andrew? were you that arrogant that you failed to prepare your estate or your city? don't forget, cuomo wasn't warranted directly that new york state would be 15,783 ventilator short.
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that was none of what the task force recommended and we have a duty and responsibility to do this. we have another report of another warning for propublica which in 2006, they were also warned. new york city's pandemic planned for the city to purchase 5,500 new ventilators of the time. and what they didn't maintain them, but then somewhere between 2014 and 16, nobody really knows, ventilators were auctioned off to some highest bidder. we don't know who. does anyone in the media mob hold them accountable for their failure? every public official in new york, have they ever been held accountable because of donald trump didn't build the biggest hospital in the country, they saved at the navy hospital ship and five other hospitals in new york and send the masks and respirators on the ventilators, they would have had nothing.
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and he's also staffing the biggest hospital in the javits center and they are taking covid-19 patients because new york wasn't prepared for anything. the mob in the media get a pass every single time. >> what are the risks and does it work? those are the questions that need to be answered about hydroxychloroquine. in the debate continues to wait rage in the white house, president trump asked what do you have to lose? medical experts say, your life. governor cuomo says monday he seen some promising results in new york where hospitals are allowed to use hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with azithromycin. >> i love how cuomo was talking about cabin fever and trying to help people through the therapy part of this, the psychology of the experience. and that is a display of fantastic crisis messaging. >> this is an administration that only acts in its own self interest, and the governor cuomo shows what a leader does when he
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focuses on the safety of the people. >> i have to admit that i am a fan of andrew cuomo and wish very much that he was president of the united states now. >> sean: wait until america sees the way he spent 750 million on a failed solar panel project and $600 million debacle on some computer chip and 90 million on some other light bulb deal in california? all wasted, paul mothballed. you would think any of these people would be so forgiving of president trump for not buying 16,000 ventilator that he was warned to buy? now, some are rooting for the country to stay in a constant state of lockdown which means failure. renowned economist's art laffer, smart guy, always rated for this country to succeed. and now he believes the key to getting the country back on
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track is not another massive new big government stimulus plan. instead, he's advocating for the payroll tax cut which would immediately put real dollars in the hands of the american taxpayers. here with more, fox business anchor melissa's fo melissa fra. we have 5.5 trillion in loan availability from the fed. then, we have -- and now they are talking about another 2 trillion and we haven't even gotten out the first 2.2 trillion. that's an infrastructure deal. didn't we learn anything, shovel-ready jobs are not shovel ready? >> sean, you had the nail on the head at the beginning of your monologue. we need to reopen the economy but we have to do it safely and we can only do that with confidence, and that involves what you mentioned, the antibody test. i know so many business owners who have applied for those loans and i have yet to meet one person in new york who has actually received the money. it has to start with those tests
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and it has to start with volunteers like myself. people that are willing to get out there and take that antibody test. my husband was diagnosed positive two weeks ago. i've had no symptoms, i don't feel like i've had it and i'm the perfect candidate to go in there and have the antibody test. i would like to do that. i would like to donate my plasma and then i would like to go and lead the charge back to our headquarters where our brave skeleton crew has been there keeping the lights on. we need a people to go first, to get a test, to do it safely and do it right because that is really important. otherwise there's no confidence and people are not going to go back to the stores. small business people out there know the government is doing the best they can to help. but it's about the customers coming back. i mean, you really can't fix this until people get out there and you can't do that until we have confidence. i want to go back to the barber. to the hair salon.
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to the restaurant. to the bar on the corner, let me tell you come up been in here for a while. i want to do all of these things but i want to do it safely and i want to raise my hand, i want to be part of the people. you are right. civil liberties have to be protected but we also need volunteers who are willing to get out there and believed tested and be public and go i want to be part of that charge sean, what do you think? >> sean: i think it's very creative, taking temperatures of people, telecommuting will now be the future. whether you like it or not he will probably have to get used to those masks and gloves a lot longer than you think but it's to stay open for business. i think americans will be willing to do it, similarly contact tracing. anyway melissa, thank you. this year of the u.s. is slated to send 122 million to the world health organization. last year it was over
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400 million, more than any other country in the world. but for some reason the w.h.o. has been doing china's bidding for months. they were actually involved in pushing chinese lies and propaganda, misinformation about coronavirus. they failed to alarm the world about the serious nature of the virus and they even suggest that president trump was racist for instituting the travel ban. thank god he did, it's incalculable how many tens of thousands of americans would have contracted the virus and how wars this would be today. the president is not rightly threatening to cut aid off for the w.h.o. calling them a chinese centric organization. today the current director for the president. i don't think it was a good idea, take a look. >> please don't politicize this virus. it exploits the differences you have at the national level. if you want to be exploited and if you want to have many more
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body bags, then you do it. if you don't want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it. >> sean: well, if you didn't echo china's lies and propaganda and misinformation, we would need as many body bags, not what week? has a great britain study showed, 95% of this could have been prevented so why are we still funding that corrupt organization? former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. is nikki haley. historically as we look at the u.n., and a lot of them are anti-american hostility and certainly anti-semitism, the world health organization failed on a spectacular level. we foot the bill. why? 450 million could be spent on american workers. >> the thing is, i think you
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have to look at the fact that the united states does fund a 22% of the world health organization. but this is even bigger than the world health organization. this is about china's influence into these multilateral organizations. we fought destined for the entire time i was at the u.n. right now, they had a civil aviation organization. they had to head up and agricultural organization and they almost became the head of the world intellectual property organization until singapore came in and save us from that. they are on the human rights council and now we are seeing their influence in the world health organization. this is what china does. they try to leverage and get influence and what we are seeing is the world health organization once again has fallen for it. i can't believe they are going to go so far as lecture the president. if anything, we deserve to hold them accountable. we have the rights to answers and they need to be investigated, why was it when
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the taiwanese told the world health organization on december 31st of that they had evidence that this was human to human transition, why did it take a whole month for the world health organization to respond? you want to know why that is? because china has kept taiwan from being a member of the world health organization. we are so used to this. good money after bad and getting nothing from this organization, either organization. >> the president is right, and, what about the victimization of americans? we are not the only country that is upset about this. but we will ask all of them.
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>> sean: china always pays about 12%. this is about accountability and we deserve it. >> sean: tonight democrats tried to make good on their promise to never let a crisis go to waste. 25 million, remember that kennedy center? they fought the late aid, small business and big business and the recent rescue package. the center still laid off all of their employee's prompting outrage from a chorus of lawmakers. anyway, joining us now house minority leader kevin mccarth mccarthy. the recent proposal is in the next round of new monies, is that true? >> that's true. pelosi playing politics with the pandemic. not just to illegal immigrants but you have a democratic congress woman, illegal immigrants and prisoners, the
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inmates themselve themselves. one of the war more than $100 billion in less than a week. that's more than three times what the fda did in the last year. why? green new deal. that's the reason why she held up the care act for more than a week. they were more than unable to unleash that money out of time. the loans haven't gotten out yet and i know some people are having problems with the small business administration but they are working out the kinks and i'm sure that will get fixed.
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we are we talking about more aid money now when it looks like it's far less severe than what they are predicting ten days ago? shouldn't that end up helping us get back on line faster? >> you know why that democrats are talking about this? the pandemic to restructure government and their philosophical beliefs. they were dwelling about inmates instead of what america needs them to. we should be focusing on implementing what we've already passed, $2 trillion. protecting the health of america and getting this economy back to work. this is a consumption economy and we need to be able to get back together once we solve this problem. >> sean: couldn't we spend -- could we go to abbott laboratories? 5 minutes and you get the results. let's say in new york city for
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example, would we be able to mass manufacture those tests, where every building in new york can buy ten of those test machines and hire people to run them, test all of the employees, safe environment, open for business, and a big city like new york. why couldn't we do that? >> we could do that across the country. i took that test with abbott. it's a few turns around her nostril and in less than 10 minutes you know whether you are positive or negative. statement what do they do after they take your nostril fluids, what do they do with it then? >> they take a simple q-tip and they bring it around your nostril three times. not deep, just on the inside, barely. and do you know what they do with the swab?
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you just put it in the machine and it tells them. it worked well. this therapeutics that were going, the antibiotics that we are finding every day. this is a chinese cover-up, they lied to the world. thousands of people have died because they have lied. this is exactly what president trump when he was candidate trump warned us about. the world health organization said it didn't transfer from person to person. he's been leading the charge here and he had the strongest economy in the world and would come back to it again. >> sean: we could open up
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new york city. 209 days to election day. coming up, the head of the task force on the vice president of the united states. coming up, how could we safely reopen the economy? dr. oz, straight ahead. ables. the only allergy product with relief of your worst symptoms, including itchy throat. plus an immediate blast of cooling sensation. feel the clarity and live claritin clear. there will be parties and family gatherings. there will be parades and sporting events and concerts.
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>> sean: earlier i had a chance to speak with the vice president mike pence about getting americans back to work. and w.h.o., and much more. vice president pence, thanks for joining us and glad you could be here. he spoke to republicans and democrats today, what is the plan now, what is your main focus at this point? >> the focus today as president trump had made clear
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from the beginning is to continue to engage every american to do their part to slow the spread. it really is inspiring to see the way american people have stepped up and put into practice social distancing guidelines, everything from personal hygiene to staying home from work if you can. avoiding unnecessary travel, and staying away from groups of more than five or ten people using drive-through's at restaurants. what we've seen in california where the numbers remain low and study and what we are just beginning to see in the greater new york city area and of course new jersey and connecticut and louisiana is evidence of the beginning of a stabilization which is a great credit to the people of all the states that i mentioned. but as we made clear to those members of congress in both parties today, we need every american to continue to do their part and we will hasten the day
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that we put the coronavirus in the past. but it will take all of us to do it. the good news is, sean, all evidence suggests that the american people are doing just that. they know our future is in our hands and as we put the presidents coronavirus guidelines into practice, we will get there. >> sean: and tell us what you envision for may 1st. we have a $2.2 trillion release package and we open up the fed for another 4 trillion in loans. i know some conservatives are nervous about another 2 trillion for infrastructure but, what does may 1st look like in your mind in terms of opening up the country for business again? how does that work? >> we are 22 days away from the 30 days that president trump asked the american people to work together to slow the spread. what i can tell your viewers is that, we will follow the data very carefully. while it's just the beginning,
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we are seeing evidence that in the areas of most challenged, and we grieve the loss of life in new york city that was reported yesterday, we grieve all the families that have lost loved ones. but while we grieve, we don't grieve like those who have no hope. and some of these, what we've seen in california and washington state and what we are beginning to see in new york and new jersey and louisiana and elsewhere is evidence of stabilization. i think the american people can be encouraged. if we all continue to do our part, we could be in a very different place by the end of april and we could be able to come to the president and work with governors to look for ways, in weeks, not months, to begin as a president says to reopen america and reopen this economy. >> sean: the president talked yesterday about withholding monies for the w.h.o. after they
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basically unchecked the spread of chinese propaganda as it relates to the virus. comments today, if you don't want many more body bags you should refrain from politicizing it. there's no need to use covid to score political points. no need to point fingers. well that's nice that they are on the attack but the reality on the truth is, they didn't verify a thing and they went forward with false information. is that one british study said, 95% of this could have been prevented had in fact china opened themselves up to the world for help and assistance and for early mitigation. and yet the w.h.o. which we found the vast majority of, they didn't do their job on any lev level. >> you know this is a president who believes in accountability and the american taxpayers
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provide tens of millions of dollars to the world health organization. and as the president said yesterday, i suspect we will continue to do that but that doesn't mean that at the right time in the future we are going to ask the tough questions about how the world health organization could have been so wrong. literally at the time that president trump stood up the white house coronavirus task force in january and suspended all travel from china just days before that the world health organization was continuing to diminish the threat of the coronavirus and its impact in china. we will get to the answers of that and we will create accountability, just like the american people would want us to do. but what i can assure you is what president trump has the steam doing every day, getting up early, staying up late, and is making sure that the american people know that every single -- what every single person in this country can do to slow the
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spread is go to to put these guidelines into practice in your family and your community. p is directed to spare no expense to make sure that we have the broadest amount of testing available, new testing develops and that most importantly our health care workers in america have the resources, the protective equipment, the ventilators to be able to provide the level of care to people that are struggling with the coronavirus. >> sean: do you think the country will be up and running on may 1st, number one, and number two, 4 trillion made available by the fed. there's talk of another 2 trillion. do you worry about the sheer amount of money that we are talking about, unprecedented amounts of money? >> well, america is the strongest most prosperous nation in the history of the world. and as we reflected on with members of congress in both parties today, president trump is truly grateful. in three different pieces of
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legislation, we demonstrated that we will do whatever it takes to get american families and american small businesses and critical american industries through this challenging time. in terms of when we can reopen america, i would just say to you i wouldn't speculate on a date but i can assure you that that's in the hands of the american people. if every one of us will continue to implement the presidents coronavirus guidelines for america, if everyone will continue to put into practice all the things that you have been articulating on your program every day, we will continue to save lives and we will reach that day much sooner than people thought in the beginning of this outbreak. spain went all right, mr. vice president as always thank you for taking the time out of your busy day. i know these press briefings are taking a lot of time and a lot going on behind the scenes. we appreciate you being with us. when you com we come back, we ae
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>> sean: at the american economy needs to be safely reopened and as quickly as possible. how do you balance keeping people healthy and safe while getting the country back to work? here to answer that and much more is dr. oz. so here we have the preeminent expert on for example hydroxychloroquine. this guy, i mean lupus,
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rheumatoid arthritis, cedars-sinai, 400 peer-reviewed papers that he's written. he says no, hydrox sp 20 to sav. at the use of doses there's no risk. so how concerning is that when science becomes politicized as it has obviously no? that's a problem. >> it's dangerous. in 30 years ago when i was going through my medical training i was taught like most doctors to ask the brave questions because that's where we find the best answers. we doctors search for answers and we treat patients independent of any political leaders belief. i get that pundits believe in majors, but one -- it complicates the conversations that doctors like me have with our patients. and it doesn't serve the public. they are confused ended they desperately need help. if it doesn't allow them to to e space to make decisions. i think we are perverting the process when media interviews with that sacred process.
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none of us know what best solutions exist for covid-19, but take hydroxychloroquine. i presented all the ideas. i'm not claiming it works for everybody, we don't know which patients, we don't know that combinations -- >> sean: but we do know it's safe. that part is clear, we know it's safe. but we should be answering big questions not piling on because you don't like the person you made a comment about it. that ends up becoming a major issue for medicine. >> sean: and again, it's in consultation with your doctor. people have other conditions and they have to weigh those issues. all right. now geographically reopening a country, there are big parts of the country that are not impacted by this and that seems like a no-brainer. now, when you get to something like as big as new york city i would think testing is probably going to be the answer, like the avid five minute test or taking people's temperatures. you don't even have to touch
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their head. but it has to be done in a way dr. oz that, we have constitutional rights and civil liberties. how do you balance getting the economy up and going as quickly as possible in a city the size of new york with all these people come in a small geographical area. how do you balance that with safety concerns over rebound which are inevitable? >> sean, as you know i'm a heart surgeon and i don't discharge people home from the emergency room. so we pulled the emergency brake and i we have to go to a plan for recovery. and it's a plan comes just aggressively pursued as the plane for treatment. i don't know what that process is what i tell you what needs to happen. you artie mentioned testing. without testing we are blind. no one's getting discharged anywhere if we don't know what your vital signs are. second, once we know then we help you track yourself because we can help identify from symptoms that are sometimes confusing to folks and help you
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get tested at the right place. identify a spot near you because i have test now for the first time. this is really critical. we have to then help you both understand how to quarantine yourself and contain this infection by making sure that you can talk. you personally on the information but you can talk to the people that you have come into contact with over the last couple of days. preferably more than 10 minutes and closer to 6 feet. that means you have to pull people out of the population and quarantine them without losing their lives or livelihood. >> sean: so they take the swap and go around the tip of somebody's nose. how quickly, could they do that and have like millions of those tests available? that would help open the count country. >> we were told it we would have millions. you take that swab and you denature the dna and then you use technology to expanded rapidly so it's large enough so you can measure what it is. you decide if it's really the virus, it takes about 5 minutes to tell that come in if it's not
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a virus, it takes a little longer to tell that. but you have to do it with the states that are hurting bad first. >> sean: if we get those tests up and running we could open up new york city in record time. am i wrong? >> you are right. >> sean: all right, dr. oz, thank you. bernie sanders drops out of the 2020 race and he's holding on to his delegates. and a rare rebuke from the pentagon after the liberal media is caught peddling fake news. wait until you hear this, straight ahead. ♪ [ singing indistinctly ]
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ladies, my friends and i are having a debate. -i have a back rash. -alright. whoa, mara. i laugh like this. [ laughs obnoxiously ] it's just not my scene. -i couldn't help but over-- -do you like insurance? i love insurance. did you know you can save money bundling home and auto with progressive, and renters can bundle, too? i know, right? [ laughs ] [ singing continues ] why'd you stop? i was listening. [ microphone feedback ]
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story from abc and fake news cnn claiming that u.s. intel officials in november put out a classified document warning top officials about the coronavirus. pentagon says tonight that's not accurate, shocking. joining us now is the press secretary along with republican congressman. sarah, it's not a surprise that the news gets it wrong. we didn't identify a virus with pneumonia like symptoms in china, the exact date is december 30th of last year. that doesn't make any sense at all. >> as you said it, it's absolutely no surprise that these other outlets would push fake nose. he's going to run for president and that's gotten worse since he became president. this is just another story that they are looking out to try to
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the president and his administration. when this is the time our country of all time should be coming together and should be supporting the president, they should be supporting our governors, our doctors and our nurses, not looking for ways to divide the country but for ways to bring it together. i think it's disappointing that day after day they continue to publish these fake stories when in reality he is done a great job in the polls indicate that. there's a reason why people want to see him reelected and think he would do a better job than joe biden, he's been a strong leader during the crisis. >> sean: so sanders did a couple of interesting things. he said he's going to support joe biden but he's keeping his delegates and said he wants to influence his platform and i'm sure there's some truth to that. he's also saying if they try to replace him, i got the second highest vote count here. do you think that's in play or no? >> i think it's something even more sinister. bernie sanders still wants
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people to vote for him and he still wants delegates because the relic of the bernie sanders campaign will now lay the groundwork for the eventual alexandria ocasio-cortez run for presidency. they want people on the platform committee and on the rules committee because even bernie sanders was not able to drag our country into a socialist revolution, i think he still trying to revolutionize the democratic party for ideas animated most by a cousin of cortez. she rallied and is it that will be the next move for the progressive left. >> sean: look. joe was confused, he struggling. everyone sees he is struggling. while they try to take this from him and will they try to bypass bernie if they do? >> look, i think bernie sanders wants to hold onto his delegates, i think matt is exactly right. he wants to continue moving the party to the left. what he missed is that joe biden has already adopted most of his far left extremist positions. he already wants to raise taxes
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on americans and he already wants to get free health care tl immigrants. he wants to destroy the oil and gas industry and further depress our economy through the process. he has adopted these policies and he's moving to the left. the contract could not be more clear between donald trump and joe biden and i think it's easy for joe biden to attack the president from his basement bunker but people are looking for a real leader and they have that in donald trump. >> sean: i had a very hard time getting off of that video podcasts. matt gaetz has his own and he does a better job. a man using a medical mask to hide his identity sucker punching an nypd officer. we have a full report, straight ahead. knowing we're prepared for the future. surprise! we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. oooh, well... i'm good at my condo.
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i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. >> sean: new york city, one of the biggest coronavirus hot spots in the world and the city's law enforcement officers, they are stretched very thin. houses are called out sick. criminals taking advantage.
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trace gallagher with this frankly despicable report. trace. >> week senior police officers get water dumped on them, trash dump on their cars. those are cases of blatant disrespect. this time it's felony assault. 31-year-old man identified as nelson gimenez was caught on camera watching the arrest of a robbery suspect and suddenly he appears to sucker punch the arresting officer's partner. the suspect then ran away but was quickly caught in a nearby store. the new york police commissioner called the attack disturbing and says he should be given a lengthy stay in prison. keep in mind the assault comes as new york police officers are extremely shorthanded. today, 7,000 police officers called out sick. that's about 20% of the entire police force. so far more than 2,000 officers have tested positive for coronavirus. separately, 3,000 new york firefighters and paramedics are also out sick and that will certainly ratchet up the pressure on other first responders and health care workers who are already working
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day and night. sean. >> sean: mayor de blasio, they are assaulting her officers. step up. thank you, trace gallagher. we will always be fair, balanced. we seek the truth, we are not the destroy-trump media mob, facts without fear. let not your heart be troubled. laura has a great show. you have the attorney general. >> laura: yes. so you had the president last night and then you go to number two and then i go to whatever number that is in the cabinet. i don't know. barr, it's a great interview. >> sean: you sound like a liberal. >> laura: i'm not. believe me, that's one thing no one's ever accused me of but i appreciate that. >> sean: so many developments with this deep state -- wow. it's about to blow wide open. i can't wait to watch. >> laura: we ask about john durham and the firing of the inspector general. the left going nuts on a whole host of non-covid friends. we tackle that with him. it's going to be a two-part interview but i'm looking
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