tv Hannity FOX News April 9, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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than it's ever been. we are out of time, thanks for staying with us for an hour, we'll be back tomorrow and forever after we help. if you have a happy night with the ones you love. sean hannity is next from new york. >> sean: great show as always, welcome to "hannity." tonight, the president's election team just released a blistering ad blasting joe biden for being soft on china, you're going to want to see this ad tonight. mark live-in fired up over the latest conspiracy theory being spewed at conspiracy television, msdn c. he will join us in moments. more positive signs for the state of new york, not great. we want everyone to live but as hospitalization rates, they are now at their lowest point since beginning of this crisis in the state of new jersey, the number of patients on the ventilators is decreasing, and oklahoma, a
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hospital is closing due to a lack of patients and in louisiana, will have an update from senator kennedy in a minute. if numbers from wednesday show fewer state hospitalizations, fewer patients on ventilators and fewer new cases reported. deaths remain high and several hot spots but experts have been saying the death rate is the lagging indicator of the disease, you hope for the plateau than the precipitous drop if the patterns hold. if these trends continue it appears that covid-19 is leveling off of the united states. the next step is what we are hoping for, a dramatic drop. we can't take our eye off the ball, this country must now plan for a new massive challenge, simultaneously -- how do we safely get this economy up and running as quickly as possible? "the wall street journal" pointing out based on the latest analysis from america's leading public health experts, politicians can stop comparing covid-19 to world war ii but can
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their war on the u.s. economy be halted in time to prevent irreparable damage? this country cannot print money indefinitely and at some point in the near future, safely, businesses must reopen. americans must return to work and to their credit, the american people want to get back to work, that's what they do best. if we don't figure out how to do this quickly and safely, the country will see long-term economic suffering on a massive scale. we've got to prepare to transition to safely getting back into the workplace. just this week we have more jobless numbers. keep in mind and this is important whether or not this virus rebounds is not a question of if -- the doctors and experts are telling us it will reemerge, it will rebound, we can prepare ourselves for this. the question is how do we get americans back to work safely? the answer is not simple in every case, the solution will
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likely be tailored to different communities across the country and in many places with a high population density like new york city -- masks, gloves, compulsive hand washing will probably be the new normal for the foreseeable future if we want to keep the country running. areas with less population density, it can be much easier. the real key to doing this safely and successfully is going to be testing. we will be asking doctor's how do we open up america and prevents that rebound? incredible innovation by abbott labs and this is incredible testing, these guys deserve a lot of credit for this. this has led to a test we now know can determine positive cases of covid-19 in as little as 5 minutes, negative case is around 13 minutes. the test is conducted on a lightweight platform as you can see there about the size of your toaster and to date, abbott has
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the capacity to determine 15,000 results each day, soon they will be up to 2 million. businesses in new york and elsewhere, if we are capable of implementing using this abbott test, we do need to increase it dramatically. that's going to be the tipping point in all of this. in the meantime, other measures could involve digital temperature checks and telecommuting for those who are able. essential personnel go in, nonessential they can work from home and do a great job, period of widespread antibody testing can also be a critical tool in getting americans back to work and as we move forward with this strategy, it's critical that patient privacy, constitutional and civil liberties must be protected. this is the united states of america, we have a constitution. there cannot be and i have read people are afraid of any type of
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government record or government database. there is no such need for such a privacy invasion, none whatsoever. medical privacy should be in the forefront, patient privacy protected, civil liberties must remain intact. still a major question remains even with these strategies, how do we get people into restaurants again safely? how do they open their dining room doors, sporting events, concerts, venues, what about the airline industry? these are not simple questions here. how do we get every sector of the economy back up and running without jeopardizing the safety of the american people and to subsequently some type of rebound? here with reaction from one of the u.s. coronavirus hot spots, louisiana senator john kennedy. you are sounding the alarm's the other day, we are seeing better numbers, a trajectory headed down, give us an update in your state and are you getting
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everything you need in terms of help from the american people, the president, et cetera? >> thanks to president trump, we have gotten everything we need including but not limited to ppe and ventilators. of all our ventilators in the state only about 20% right now are in use. our numbers are headed in the right direction. he still have to be vigilant but while we save lives, we also have to get started saving livelihoods. we have to get the economy back open. before the well-intentioned arugula and tofu crowd gets all lubed up, i'm not talking about opening it monday but we have to get this economy open. government shut it down, we got
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some bad unemployment numbers today, i wasn't surprised. this economy has been chewed up, spit out and stepped on. it looks like a scene from mad max. i think it will be temporary and we got to be smart about how we do it. the president is shortly going to appoint a task force to talk about how we do it but austria is opening its economy, denmark is opening its economy, gradually as we will have to do. germany is starting to open its economy back up and we've got to start talking about how to do that here. i'm not saying to put the economy ahead of public safety but the fact is that both of them are important to us. we know that coronavirus can kill you but so can poverty. the american people -- we are where we are today in terms of public health because of the
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american people. the french existentialist wrote a novel in the 30s it was called the plague and it one of his characters said the only way to fight a plague is through common decency and the american people have demonstrated a lot of common decency. the health care workers, the food workers but also the people who have been willing to stay home but they aren't going to stay home much longer. >> sean: senator, let me ask you -- do you agree with me? i can't say enough about the company's and the great corporations, some often demonized like walmart and target -- abbott's five minute test to me is the answer. if you include that test, essential employees can get back. a city like new york is going to be more complicated restaurants more complicated, airlines more complicated. some people still telework, they work from home, they can do it
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efficiently. if you have social distancing, even masks and gloves for a while but it seems to me if we can test people quickly, we can get millions of those machines around the country. that to me would preserve the health issues and get the economy up and running, i have about 30 seconds for you. >> we have to do two things. testing has to be cheap and accessible. you get a test when you want to but number 2, we've got to develop therapeutics. why are people afraid of the virus? not because it will make them sick because they are worried it will kill them, they will be one of the unlucky few. therapeutics in a few weeks, maybe months but people have to know they will take a medicine that will lessen the severity and they will feel safe and they will feel like going back to work. people are ready now, the american people understand that
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doing is more satisfying than having. >> sean: i want you to know, the country is praying for your state just like mine, new york -- we wish you the best rate we want you to get up and running and get the people of louisiana safe and secure. as this worldwide pandemic unfolds, americans have not been served well at all, how many times have i said the last three and a half years, so-called journalists, i call them the media mob. they think in one voice and that is an extension, the party apparatus, the propaganda wing of the democratic radical socialist party -- it's sad, they've been hurting the country for three years and they continue this rage against donald trump. never ending, it's obsessive and compulsive, inaccurate reporting, never been worse than it is now. the partisanship never works, it's a national disgrace and having real consequences. it hurts the country, they don't seem to care. let's look at a time line for three days before
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president trump declared a public health emergency and announced a china travel ban and implemented mandatory quarantines, we can go right to the usual's of people that hate sean hannity and fox they were there getting it wrong as usual. buzzfeed, an article "don't worry about the coronavirus, worry about the flu." january 31st of the same day as the public health emergency, vox tweeting is this going to be a deadly pandemic? no. "washington post" publishing a piece with the headline how our brains make coronavirus seem scarier than it is. cnn accusing the president of using the coronavirus to spread fear, racism and xenophobia echoing all of the comments of the confused presumptive democratic nominee joe biden. february 3rd, let's stay with "the washington post" -- why we should be wary of an aggressive
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government response to the coronavirus. "the new york times," the same "new york times" it doesn't like me -- who says it's not safe to travel to china? that was a dumb idea, the coronavirus travel ban is unjust and doesn't work anyway, great advice for the american people. daily beast, no fans of mine, coronavirus with zero american fatalities is dominating headlines while the flu is the real threat. fake news cnn telling their viewers to be more concerned about the flu than coronavirus, i think that was anderson cooper their lead guy. two days earlier it was the governor of new york saying this isn't going to happen to us. we are new yorkers, new yorkers are tough -- it turns out he was prepared for nothing. without a doubt, the first critical months of this virus, the media mob accuse the president of overreacting and i will say early on, it's understandable considering we were all being lied to by the
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chinese government. the mob races to racism, the president wasn't engaged? while they were impeaching him and the mob pushing the impeachment, the president was implementing the travel ban they were calling xenophobic, hysterical, racist, and fearmongering. the president acted sooner than anybody ten days after the first diagnosed case, known case of coronavirus in the country -- wow. how many more americans might have contracted this disease? tens of thousands. how many more might have died? how much worse could this have been at the president didn't act quickly? they were impeaching him, they were hating them at the same time which they always do. they played down this disease over and over again. we are beginning to touch the surface, take a should be more concerned right now. >> lot of people are concerned about coronavirus because her hearing news about it right now
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but in reality compared to the flu it's not close to that stage. >> is an important context we need to keep this in and that is the flu is more deadly. >> this is one of the ironies that always comes up, take a look at the numbers. >> how worried should americans be about coronavirus? >> is not going to cause a major issue in the united states. >> half the people in america don't get a flu shot in the flu is far deadlier -- if you're freaked out about the coronavirus, you should be more concerned about the flu and you can do something about it and get a flu shot. >> sean: i'm not blaming them to my facts change all throughout this crisis but they were wrong. the president on january 31st was right, you can't ever say i didn't agree with it but he was right -- aggressive action, ten days after the first known case in the country, it saved lives. how many? we'll never be able to calculate. the media mob shift their smear tactics.
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according to the mob instead of overreacting, the president was actually under reacting, now he's overreacting, they can't make up their minds. the times ran another unhinged op-ed -- let's call it trump virus. if you are feeling awful, you know how to blame. let's call the trump virus, trumps katrina. "the washington post," it's trumps chernobyl. a nation claiming republicans xenophobia is going to make this pandemic much worse. just this week at msdnc, one of their so-called genius conspiracy theorists saying tens of thousands of people will die because of trumps coronavirus incompetence. make it up as you go along, forget facts, forget truth, forget there is a nationwide emergency, the media has been and continues to be obsessed with using anything to bludgeon
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pledge the dumb academic president trump politically. we have an election in 208 days, don't think that's not playing apart. they don't even want to cover the president's press conferences, important information for the american people in the middle of a pandemic in a national emergency -- wow. they must really hate him a lot as we've learned. >> there are tens of thousands of people who will die in the country and some of them have already died, more are still going to die because of donald trump's incompetence and lack of leadership. >> here we have a president who is exploiting a national crisis to move forward his own agenda, his own revenge, his own profit. >> he's still acting reckless and onboard. he still can't rise to the occasion. >> what we saw was a hijacking of the press conference by a president determined to rewrite the history of his early and reprehensible irresponsible
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response to this virus. >> this was a 9/11 level failure of the federal government. it needs to be talked about and covered and scrutinized that way. >> here in the united states, we are not doing what we need to do to fight this deadly virus because of the complete lack of leadership. >> sean: reckless, unmoored, 9/11 failure, i would say that would be the media mob and the democrats too busy impeaching to go along with the travel ban, the quarantine, the subsequent travel ban's. in order to justify these attacks, some in the media seem to be rooting for the pandemic to get worse. they aren't part of the solution, they aren't helping in any way and in reality the curve now shows the signs are flattening, hospitalizations thankfully going down. here and now one former "new york times" reporter who believes this has been overhyped, he's calling out the medias b.s., he's the author of tell your children. alex berenson.
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i've been reading your twitter accounts, following you closely like others are, you're pretty fascinating to me. certainly willing to say things that people find controversial -- here's my question. if we didn't have the ban, if we didn't have the quarantines, if we didn't have the mitigation efforts, the numbers would be dramatically higher. >> let me say i'm a registered political independent and i try to stay out of the politics of this. my concern about this in the last few weeks and believe it or not, i was extremely concerned about this a month ago, two months ago. my concern in the last few weeks as i tried to articulate on twitter is twofold. we were first told that the reason we needed to lock down
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the country was the flatten the curve and that meant the hospitals in the united states would not be overrun. there was talk that every hospital in the country would be out of beds and we'd be out of ventilators and out of icus and it is completely clear that outside of new york city, and possibly a couple hospitals and a couple other areas, that is not true -- hospitals are emptier now than they were a month ago. there has been no surge. my concern has been that the public health consequences as well as the economic consequences as well as the societal consequences of locking down the whole country have been massively understated and let me give you one example of that. kids, children, anyone under 30 is at no risk to this, no serious risk from this virus. i'm not saying it can never happen. >> sean: hold on a second,
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that changed in the middle -- you're right, everyone is telling us if you don't have a compromised immune system, if you're younger you're going to be fined but that changed. if you look at the hospitalizations in new york, those numbers changed. >> by shutting down the schools, we haven't just denied children and education, a lot of kids who might be in abusive homes, might be in homes with parents who are drug users, we are denying those children any eye on them from an adult who might not be a problem for them. my thought on this as the lock down, we need to talk about what the costs really are. we need to really talk about what's happening in our medical system. and new york city has had a bad month and nobody would disagree with that but if you look at the rest of the country, the surge has not been there. >> sean: would you at least agree had we not done certain things -- it's simple math, starting with the travel ban.
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i think if people are intellectually honest in retrospect, they would say donald trump was right, ten days after the first identified case. andrew cuomo was saying on marc, our hospital systems are better, then he's screaming a couple weeks later, i need 30,000 ventilators. then we find out he was told to buy them for this exact week we were living through and he chose not to. >> new york state will not need 30,000 ventilators. the travel ban in retrospect looks like a very good idea and we should've done much more in february, we should have ramped up testing. the question is where are we now? and is there a way to look at different regions and look at hospital capacity -- is new york different from houston, is houston different from san francisco? this is a big country. even the chinese, they opened up
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outside of wuhan much earlier than people realize. >> sean: would you agree with me the answer now with got to get this country up and running, testing is the key. ten seconds. >> testing is the key, we want the testing, this interesting data out of germany suggesting 50% of people in arendt by survey have gotten this and have recovered from it which would suggest fatality rate is little bit lower. we need a plan. if the hospitals are this full, we can open this. if they are this fall maybe we can open retail and hospitality. we need metrics and reporters that are going to ask the president and not just make things look as bad as possible. >> sean: i like your
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iconoclastic -- you're definitely making people think and it takes a lot of guts doing what you're doing, i don't fully agree with it but i appreciate you being with us. here are now more facts without fear, host of the dr. oz show, dr. oz, how do we open up the country without what you have told me is guaranteed a rebound? i think the key is testing, i would like to mass-produce the five-minute avid test. >> you asked me to get some follow-up to admit, i got through to them just before i went on the air with you. they are making about 50,000 a day, 350,000 tests a week. they are ramp to get up to a million tests by june and don't forget six and a half hour tests which is not as good because you have to wait overnight to get the results back but they did that early the next morning, there's a million of those tests going out every week.
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you put them together, getting close to a million and a half tests come you can get results back within 12 hours. >> sean: the people at abbott, thank you for what you've done. this is helpful to the contrary, can we also subcontract out to 15 other companies that they can produce based on abbott's formula? that would help the city of new york much faster. i don't know how we're going to open up the airline industry or restaurants, it's more complicated. >> i spoke today to a couple hundred folks in the insurance industry and health care plans, you need a digital tool so everyone can get double check reminders if these symptoms exist come you got to get checked. get sent to the closest testing center and we have to have them all over the place -- for now a million and a half tests might be enough for us to crunch through in major urban areas. once you have that testing, you have to help people to get the care they need, help them remind
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folks that they may have been in contact with so they can contain them. the germans have a hammer and dance model. whenever you see a forest fire about to emerge, you put it out and then you dance for a while and see if you need to do anything more. we ought to have a domestic peace corps, we have all these unemployed young people, let's get some of them trained up in public health, let's give our local officials a little support so they can coach people on how to get folks who are infected and healthy back into the workforce. that way the governors have a plan b instead of shutting the state down again. we will have outbreaks, it's going to be a rolling process. until a year from now when we get a vaccine, we need a plan. >> sean: we've got to get the country open safely. when we come back, senator graham, what are you telling china to do? also the great one, mark levan and an incredible new add
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why we are paying that u.n. organization so much and funding it. tonight, senator graham is building a bipartisan coalition in the senate to call on china to shut down its so-called wet markets which cause not just this pandemic but are breeding grounds for future ones. he joins us now. i think that is just the beginning. the u.k. study showed 95% of this could've been prevented. >> the first thing i want to do is get the united states senate on the record where we, we don't blame trump, we blame china. the chinese government is responsible for 16,000 american deaths and 17 million americans being unemployed, it's the chinese government and the way they behave that led to this pandemic. this is the third one to come out of china. i want to make our response to this so overwhelming that china will change its behavior, i want to get the medical supply chain back into the united states and i want to stop counseling some
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debt that we owe to china because they should be paying us. i think you will see a bipartisan push back against china to punish them so severely to determin deter them in the f. >> sean: what do you think if were going to get the country up and running and we're going to do it safely. abbott came up with a five minute test, -- >> that's longer than i get on your show. >> sean: you took one before you got on the show? if they can somehow get other countries mass-producing this, to me, that's the key to doing it safely and securely. >> thursday two kinds of tests, do you have it or have you had at? a lot of people have had it and don't know it, we need to test them and get them back to work because they are good to go and we nee tests to show they don'te
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it right now. if we are going to get the economy back open safely and the way to do it does have a testing machine that allows people to go back to work safely. better days lie ahead. >> sean: senator, thank you. we need those tests, as many as possible. they've done a great service to the country. when we come back, just when you think the liberals over at conspiracy television msdnc and the other corrupt media mobs can't stoop any lower, wait until you hear the latest conspiracy theories there they e floating this time. he's fired up, the great one mark levin and karl rove straight ahead. for the freedoms that we have here in this country. so for us, at newday to help those people at this point in time.
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>> sean: conspiracy theorists at msdnc are up to their same old tricks. this time a guy named chris hayes, he wants to out rachel maddow rachel maddow floating a sick theory on twitter that the trump administration downplayed death projections so they could take a victory lap one final totals proved to be lower. you are sick that's nuts. here with a number one seller, and host a show on radio, i call him the great one, it's been three and a half years of this hate. lies, smears, this merge meant, conspiracy theories, they got it wrong. we have all the evidence. >> there great candidate joe biden -- i want to tell the president and vice president, thank you for everything you're doing. i can see on your faces, how hard you're working.
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god bless you and thank god joe biden isn't in there, he would be calling the nation's top proctologist, he doesn't know what's going on. i have some questions i want to ask these doctors if i were there at the press conference. very serious questions that had been concerning me. this mitigation issue is an example. they tell you to hunker down. how long are we supposed to hunker down until? every single human being doesn't get the virus or can't get the virus because this is an important question. what happens after we are done hunkering down? doesn't that mean millions of people never have the virus because they successfully hunker down? doesn't that mean millions of people will be highly susceptible to getting it again or getting it the first time? they are not developing an immunity. tens of millions of americans as a result of this mitigation that dr. fauci and dr. birx are focused on will not have developed any immunity to this.
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isn't this why dr. fauci, i'm asking questions, you keep saying this will be seasonal? don't you really mean mitigation today eliminates the herd immunity necessary for a society to kill the virus broadly once and for all? isn't this why you say in the future don't shake hands? aren't you really saying in the future, don't touch surfaces, doorknobs, tabletops, because you know that shaking hands is fine if both people have had the virus but if somebody has it and somebody does, that virus will be obviously traveling along. that applies to any surface. it's an acknowledgment when i listen carefully to what alga
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dr. fauci and dr. birx say, even this period of time, what they are suggesting is not going to address this virus. your mitigation strategy accounts for none of this, why are you unwilling to acknowledge that there are businesses today -- i've asked both these doctors -- that can mitigate and remain open and encouraged governors and mayors to do so. why aren't you issuing guidelines to states and localities that help them do that? there is thousands of small businesses, medium-sized businesses who can chew gum and walk at the same time, who can mitigate and remain open, they are there now. what happens to societies when there's ten, 20, 25% unemployment, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed, bankruptcies, what happens to the health care system then? we are going through this now. what happens to the quality of medical care i'm at death rates, et cetera, obviously they skyrocket. are you tracking the number of people who might have lived but for the directive against so-called elective surgery? individuals with heart disease,
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cancer, diabetes, et cetera? what are the numbers of suicides so far february and march that have occurred? we have no idea. how many people who have the coronavirus are living today because they used hydroxychloroquine, they tracking that? they have been very ambiguous about this. i think it's a perfectly good question. i would ask dr. birx, you're the top model, have you been using the same model from the start? you said that 1.5 to 2.1 million people could have died without mitigation. a week ago you said 100,000 to 240,000. now around 60,000. there's something wrong with the model, not just the data and you say this is due to mitigation. that's one of the reasons that has come down significantly, may be so. three weeks ago there was a brilliant stanford professor, an expert by every definition who wrote the public peace that the
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data you are using is faulty. it's not accurate in his conclusion three weeks ago is the death rates that you're talking about were wildly off. why is he right and why were you wrong? another professor from yale, a top expert and known as such said three weeks ago that what you should be focusing on his vulnerable populations in the vulnerable communities rather than the entire nation, which has enormous societal, cultural, and economic impact. why were you right and why was he wrong? some governors have attempted to do exactly that, to fairly good outcomes. the governor of florida, the governor of texas, the governor of georgia have all been working on that model and have nothing like what's going on in new york and some of the other areas. i want to talk about the economy quickly. to be clear, president trump
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hasn't shut the signal business, the governors did. i want to ask the maduro republicans and democrats in congress, deficit spending, can you name one country today or in the past that has grown and created jobs through massive deficit spending? i can name 20 that happened. cut it out, get the people back to work, open up these states, these businesses can walk and chew gum at the same time, that's it. >> sean: great one, thank you. up next, the trump campaign just released a brutal add taking down the ever so confused quid pro quo joe and his ties to china. zero experience hunter made a fortune. karl rove will play that next, will get his reaction to the more straight ahead. talk to your doctor,
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♪ >> sean: breaking tonight, president trump just released an absolutely brutal add to exposing joe biden, the ever confused one, and his soft stance on china. his son got that deal in china after flying on air force two with daddy. speaker ready to go? this is no time for donald trump's record of hysterical xenophobia. they aren't bad folks. >> the communist party has been mobilizing overseas organizations to buy local supplies and send them to china. >> it's in our self interest that china continues to prosper. >> the beautiful history we wrote together.
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banning all travel will not stop it. >> the president is right, every public health official said -- >> xenophobia. >> i complement of him on dealing with china. i'm not going nuts. >> sean: house supports the china band, he's already shamelessly scheming to pander to bernie supporters reportedly now rolling out a new medicare policy, along with student loan forgiveness and attend public colleges or historically black universities -- now it all comes as the biden campaign is bracing for a very difficult general election race especially as biden continues to ramble rather incoherently from his basement bunker, the president's job approval rating has just hit a new high. herewith reaction is fox news
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contributor karl rove. let's analyze the ad -- i've been watching this biden stuff, every time he opens his mouth, it's a disaster, you think he's the guy? they're not going to try to replace him? >> the ad i think it's pretty powerful and i think it was smart to use -- you noticed the voices we were talking about biden having rejected the presidents travel ban, major garrett was one of them, a respected former fox colleague who was with another network n now. >> sean: cbs. >> cbs, right. i thought it was a very good ad, i'm a little surprised it was put out this early but it's one i suspect we are going to see a lot of it on digital and i suspect we will see it on cable and network if not today, than relatively soon. it's a powerful ad and it reminds people that biden has
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been here and biden has been there and he's been saying some things that were over-the-top at the time that he said them and he is trying to find a way to walk it back. >> sean: andrew cuomo says he's taking himself out. >> stopped, nobody is going to be the nominee of the party except joe biden. they aren't going to pick somebody else. it would require him to suffer a serious catastrophe for him not to be the nominee and the talk about andrew cuomo was a pipe dream. it is indicative of a problem and that is joe biden has an enthusiasm gap. the president's supporters are very enthusiastic about voting for him and joe biden's supporters are not. republicans are like 90% and biden is like 56. i got the white board but first of all i've got to show the
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whiteboard you sent me, the baby board. as your own staff refers to th this. >> sean: that is such a lie, karl rove is lying to the american people. >> he charged me 30 bucks for the name. >> sean: we got a minute. >> one of the problems for biden's he's been running for 32 years, he first ran for president in 1988, he's always been running. if theodore roosevelt ran for 32 years for president and got elected in 1904, he would've had to have been -- he would've had to have declared his candidacy at the age of ten, that would've been his first race. jfk would've began his first campaign for president at 11 in order to run 32 years before he got elected president, ulysses s. grant declared at 13, obama 14, lincoln and carter would've become presidential candidates in their first race
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at the age of 19 if they were to run for the next 32 years before they got elected. another way of looking at this? biden 2020, if ulysses s. grant was the same age as joe biden when he got elected president, he would've been elected president in 1900, not 1868. this is a very old ticket, head of the ticket the democrats have nominated and one who has been around the track a lot. >> sean: you're getting a new whiteboard so i don't have to hear it anymore. you are cool. cool. new reports the deep state ignored key evidence there was no collusion, sara carter with that update. this is also hal's heart.
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former trump campaign a george papadopoulos. here to explain what they reveal, fox news contributor sara carter. wow. this is big. >> it's really big, sean. these are 171 pages of transcripts actually between george papadopoulos and fbi confidential informant stefan halford. the cambridge professor. these conversations occurred in late 2016, just before the presidential election, so you can imagine he was really pressuring george papadopoulos to give up whatever information he thought george had regarding the trump campaign and russia. and over and over again in the transcripts george papadopoulos says you've got to be crazy, there's nobody here in the trump campaign that whatever deal with russia. i know this, i worked with them. in fact, no matter how hard he was pressured -- and he had no idea he was being recorded at the time, he continued to deny
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it. most importantly, sean, these documents, these transcripts were never included in the documentation the fbi provided to the foreign intelligence surveillance court. when they went after carter page. >> sean: we've got to go, but this is huge, we will have more. it's all falling apart. let not your heart be troubled, laura, rate interview with the attorney general. >> laura: thank you. he is so wise and of course because he is the attorney general and the trump administration he's trashed relentlessly. he could just -- could shower people with compliments and they were trashing. >> sean: i don't know. i think you and i get trashed more than him, i'm just guessi guessing. >> laura: a tiny bit, may be. sara carter, always blows me away. i love that segment. we are going to learn a lot more. >> sean: it's all falling apart, everything we talked about. i know we've been busy with the corona but this is all coming back now in a big way. >> laura: another reason we
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