tv Hannity FOX News April 13, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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briefing at the propaganda session and uses task force briefing to try to rewrite history and... [laughs] this is totally real, by the way! imagine the rage of the 24-year-olds in the chyron booth. he's so bad! bad orange man! that's it for us tonight. see you tomorrow. "hannity" is next to its payment lying, psychotic rage. good show. breaking tonight. major signs of progress, the president 's bold actions are working tonight. what the mob and the media will never tell you is this, the european travel bands, the quarantines', they save this country, your fellow countrymen and women untold amounts of suffering. massive quantities of federal supply, every state is getting everything that they need in record time. thousands of ventilators have been distributed and we have 10,000 still plus to spare. if we need them. god forbid we do. along with millions of n95 masks
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and millions more in medical gowns and gloves and all the other necessary equipments. every state in need and most were not prepared, they should have been, but they weren't, the federal government has helped at the highest level in a medical mobilization that we have never seen before in history. and it has, we can report tonight, thankfully been a success on the lot of levels. sure, we can always learn to do thingsve better. a massive amount of federal aid has gone to new york, the epicenter of the disease. remember, the hospital ship the comfort, or did the army corps of engineers to build numerous hospitals, three thousand bed facility at the javits center and then they were both turned to covid-19 patients to take that was in coming and both those hospitals were staffed with federal employees after being billed by the army corps of engineers. members of the military stepping up as they always do. flawlessly. over 24,000 hospital beds built
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in less than a month and because of the president's orders, the navy hospital, emergency hospital, 3,000 beds at the javits center starting to accept covid-19 patients. thankfully, most of those beds have not been needed and now we are seeing signs of serious improvement. april 2nd, the net change in hospitalizations were up nearly 1400 but during the weekend, the cases dropped to under 100. today, there were just 118 new cases. the numbers of critical care admissions are even better. the icu patients decreased by 42. deaths in york also declined now for the second day in a row andg that if the patterns hold, you will see a leveling off and a decline and a precipitous decline. that'll be the next step, we hope. even governor andrew cuomo admitting president trump played a significant role in potentially flattening this curve to save lives. take a look. >> he has been good in delivering for new york.
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yes. he has delivered for new york. the army corps of engineers, we built thousands of beds, since the navy ship comfort to new york. he has delivered for new york, yes. >> sean: and the staff to them, and all the ventilators he didn't buy, he put them in the state. 5 over 5,000 of them to start. despite what you are now hearing from, well, some in the media s and some other people despite the hopeful facts on the ground, there is a level of fear,n hysteria, panic among many on the left. this frantic anxiety, doesn't have to do anything with coronavirus, everything to do with how well the administration has handled the national crisis. today, during a powerful pressce conference, president trump rightfully tore them to shreds. take a look. >> we did all of this work, but when you read the phony stories, nobody acknowledges this. it doesn't have to be acknowledged from my standpoint,
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but it has to be acknowledged from the great work these doctors, nurses, the army corps of engineers, all these people, they've done an incredible job and they should not be abused. i would love to be able to say that we have a very honest press. honestly, nothing i would be more proud of if the press would work -- i don't mind being criticized, but not when they are wrong. not when people have done a great job. >> sean: president trump was acting, protecting americans from a future pandemic, democrats obsessed with, what? they were impeaching the president. the mob in the media cheering on their democratic colleagues every step of the way.s it is clear the media mob is full of lawyers, they have psmeared, slandered, has besmirched this president from the day he came down the escalator from trump tower with melania p trump. they are propaganda outlets, they spread endless lies, conspiracy theories, one hoax, one conspiracy theory after
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another. when they lied, they never admit they are wrong, they move on to the next set of lies. they are hateful, this is a destructive force for the country. i have been saying it for three years. they have contempt for the the american people because they think they are smarter, they think they know better. donald trump's success is their failure and by extend if the president fails, clearly that's what they want. do they care about the damage they are causing the country? apparently not. they continue to cause damage. it's clear they have always wanted to defeat donald trump. 2016, what did they do? they helped hillary as much as they could, ignoring her clear violation of the espionage act, the bleach and deleted emails, they ignored her obstruction of justice. they ignored her now verifiable phony russian dossier, and they ignored the biggest abuse of power corruptionsc scandal in or history. they advanced one lie after another lie after another lie
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after a conspiracy theory and lie.. now they are ignoring quid pro quo joe's misconduct and covering 40 experienced hunter, the whole ukraine -- we are against quid pro quos but not joe, you are not getting the billion unless you fire the prosecutor, my zero experience g millions. they hate donald trump, they hate trump supporter's. you likeha donald trump? they hate you, they hate me, they have a lot of us on fox. they hate rush, they hit mark live-in, they hate others. the same bad actors have brought russia, russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine, impeach, now they are claiming the president must somehow be responsible for covid-19. especially true of "the new york times" which has so much blind psychotic rage, they don't even fully comprehend, forgive them, i guess, they know not what they do at this point, in themselves. we are now breaking down some of their greatest errors tonight.
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for example, that garbage of a newspaper published a hit piece, "he could have seen what was coming: behind trump's failure on the virus." okay before "the new york timeso rewrite their history, china did not publicly identified -- we did not as a world know about coronavirus until january 7th whenil it first got a name. the first case of coronavirus in the united states was january 21st, days later. ten days later after the first case. january 21st, the president intimated thathe travel ban and then mandatory quarantines, and then subsequent travel bans declaring a public healthbl emergency. be five haters everywhere said he was overreacting. he said they were racist, biden said he was acting out incredible xenophobia and fearmongering. that newspaper, "the new york times"? their headline, "who says it's not safe to travel to china?" save a device for your readers, adding that the coronavirus
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travel ban is unsafe, doesn't work anyway. even the top specialist warrant a widespread national crisis. for example, there is no better, more renowned, more respected doctor on the issue of pandemics. a man who has spent his entire life saving lives, coming up with treatment. t dr. anthony fauci, the country's leading infectious disease expert has dedicated his life fighting infectious diseases and saving lives. he has served under six u.s. presidents. this is hisis life's calling and life's work. perhaps no one in the world knows more about infectious diseases than dr. be 17. what i'm about to show you is not an attack on dr. fauci. number one, china lied to the world. this is about context. on january 20th, at the time dr. fauci wasn't sure if the disease would spread from person-to-person. and, nobody knew. a
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january 21st, fauci said it was not a major threat to the people of the u.s., 2020 said there is no chance of the world that the u.s. could shut down a major city like new york or san francisco. on the 26th, he said that coronavirus is not something that americans need to worry about. january 21st, he said that we still have a low risk to the american people. february 17th, he called the risk minuscule. as late as march 9th, dr. fauci said, healthy americans, you can go on a cruise ship if you are healthy. not an attack on h dr. fauci. he was making determinations based on facts as they were unfolding in real time, doing his best. as everyone else was. but it does shed a bright light on the president's decision early on to be called racist, xenophobic, fearmongering, et cetera, to put the travel ban in effect.
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dr. fauci clarified, president trump use dr. fauci's expertise and dr. birx's expertise as important tools to make critical decisions every single step of the way. they are corroborated, they worked together in the interest of the american people. it was a perfect science? nope. these things never are, are they? take a look. >> the first and only time that dr. birx and i went in and formally made a recommendation for the president to actually have a "shutdown" in the sense of not really shutdowns but to really have strong mitigation, we discussed it. there was deep concern by some that might have some negative consequences. nonetheless, the president listened to the recommendations and went to the mitigation. >> sean: the president relied on the experts. but even in spite of it, nobody really thought the travel ban
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wasn needed at that time and he was widely criticized and his own observations about what was happening in china, his own gut instincts, the president had the foresight, the courage, the wisdom to do something no other president has done. hadn't had aas quarantine in ovr 15 years in this country. the public-private partnerships, rewriting all the books on how we deal with pandemics, right before my eyes we are witnessing a paradigm shift. it is saving untold american lives, prevented untold tens of thousands of other americans from contracting the disease, extrapolating out from there, saving american lives.. the media mob, they continue to live. look, nobody is doubting that there is still important work to be done. we've got to stay focused on not even beating the disease but figuring out a way to reopen the economy. we can't go on like this forever. not enough money. you can't print your way out of
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this mess. this will be especially tricky in those high density population areas. for example, it's going to be a lot more challenging in new york city than any other place. my position? okay. half the workforce, if you have, essential, nonessential personnel, many americans will be a new normal for people to work at home in numbers never before seen. people going into work? they might have their temperature taken, they might have to get a covid-19 test. social distancing will be part of the less crowded office space. all of that, gloves, masks, for the time being, there is a disruption in everybody's life. keep in mind, our economy, it never fully closed.y truckers were working, farmers were working, grocers were working, manufacturers of medical equipment and ventilators, they were all working harder to keep the country safe, to take care of our first responders and hospitals all across the country. theirth safety, their well-bein,
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so critically important. but so too are our inalienable rights as we go towards reopening business in the country, we can't deny civil liberties, constitutional rights, people have a right to medical privacy, you can't be attracting americans as they travel. we can't have nationwide databases with america's personal health information on it but i don't trust any of them in washington and the swamp. the constitutional infringements coming from state, local governments -- this has to stop. in greenville, mississippi, for example, people ticketed, $500 for attending a drive through church service. drive through! socially distant church service! one california town issuing an order, mandating residents wear masks whenever they leave their towns, one guy in pennsylvania ripped off a bus because he didn't have a mass gone by ten cops. michigan's governor banning all gatherings of any size, including residents own homes, banning the purchase of seeds,
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plants, certain types of fishing. why? governor huckabee rightly stating that that wouldld shred the constitution. joining me now with more is the former arkansas governor, fox news contributor mike huckabee. as we reopen, there is going to be in you normals here, governor. i can accept that. if you want to open new york, it's easier to open arkansas than new york city, speaking sheer numbers. smallest geographical area, highest concentration of people. so there might be temperature takings, there might be tests. we've got to have medical privacy. people might be asked to wear gloves. might have smaller offices now with more spacing. temporary. but we've got to protect civilre liberties. >> you know, after 9/11, sean, a lot of americans gavee up civil liberties because we were told we had to in order to be safe and that we are asked to give up even more. this may be a bridge too far
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whenrt you start to give people tickets showing up to their church on easter weekend sitting in their own cars and the only violation of social distancing where the cops who came up to their car windows to give them the ticket, who got much closer to the 6 feet than they were supposed to be. this is scary stuff and i wish people would think about it deeply. my own church has not met in weeks. i have not left my house in over fiveee weeks so i'm doing what m supposed to do to mitigate this. on the other hand, let me tell you what i'm worried about, i am worried when a father gets arrested playing catch with a public deserted park. i'm worried about the long-term applications if the government can do this, if they can basically shut down the first amendment, freedom of religion andre freedom of assembly, what do you think the press would say over at "the new york times," your favorite newspaper, if the government decided to shut down the first amendment rights of the press and they were told what to write and what to say on television? how would that go over?
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if you can trample part of the first amendment, how long is it before some i government decides to trample the restre of it? >> sean: governor, people want to go to easter service. churches try to accommodate.ap i happen to watch service online. i watch michael w smith, reverend r franklin graham heren fox, i watch cardinal dolan, i watch pastor jeffers, i watched a lot of stuff over the weekend. >> you covered the bases, you really did. >> sean: i need to do a lot more mending faces if i have any shot of being a little cockroach in the corner up in heaven. >> they want to make sure you tied to all of those denominations. >> sean: i try to be generous. i do. it drives up a blessing to your pastor, preacher, easter blessing to give you hope in kind of o rough times. you are going to ticket people, take down their license plate number. are you kidding me?
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>> how far are we away showing your papers? when people are told they can't even go in their own yards and the government will arrest them if they do -- this is what we've been reduced to. it doesn't make sense, a brilliant federal judge in kentucky thatck struck out the louisville ordinance that wouldo say that the church members could not go to a drive-in service. he made the point and it was brilliant, how come you can go through a drive through at a liquor store but on easter weekend, the single holiest day of the christian year, church members told they can't sit their own vehicles in the church parking lot and hear a sermon by their pastor? he made the point, is the liquor store more important to people on easter sunday than the church is? i think it's an important question. >> sean: they are buying the wine. that's why the sales are up. they are notst getting it -- >> let me tell you something, the baptist weren't buying the liquor for the imbibing here
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they were buying it for disinfecting purposes only. >> sean: i can hear that too. you can just buy grain alcohol. all right, governor. thank you. one place now looking to swiftly and strategically reopen businesses to avoid another outbreak is the great state of texas bridge joining us now with more on that is governor greg abbott. governor, you did not get hit as hard as new york. it'll be easier i think for texas but it's still tricky, especially when we get to sporting events, concerts, restaurants in particular. we've got to be careful how we do this. how are you thinking about doing it? >> well, you are talking about sean, in the exact right way. listen, texans love to work, texans are dying to get back to work. we want them to get back to work. we have to do so in a very safe way so we don't regenerate the spread of the coronavirus in the state of texas. but we are working on strategies as we speak with medical experts, with business leaders
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to find the right strategies so we can unleash our -- remember this, sean, texas was the number one state in the united states for job creation last year. we are leading in gross domestic product. in texas, it's essential for the future of the united states of america economically, america needs texas to get back to business.. >> sean: but i think most states can reopen, even sooner than later. we don't have't to wait till may 1st. but it's going to be more challenging in a city like new york. i think there is a new normal for new york. half the workforce shouldng probably work from home, if they can. i think the issues of gloves, masks, that'll be part of it. i think taking the temperature without touching anybody, that'll be part of it. maybe testing will be part of it. medical privacy is important. we don't need a database. the people who have to know if they are positive, how did they contact other people that they got to contact, contact tracing, we call it. >> you are talking about all the
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right things and here's the deal: what we've learned the past two months as there are certain strategies that have worked because there have been some businesses that have been open while at the same time we've been reducing the spread of the coronavirus. so we need to learn from these strategies about what works and allow other businesses to deploy those strategies while we are ensuring that we continue to slow the spread of the coronavirus. >> sean: governor, we are cheering for texas to lead the way and i think you will as you often do. thank you for being with us. dozens of coronavirus vaccines are now in development worldwide. two in the united states already in human testing, phase of trials. a record time. how soon can a vaccine be available for the american public? in the meantime, what can the country do to get americans safely back to work. here now are part of our medical a team, dr. oz is with us. we are talking about opening and opening safely. let's talk about in particular
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new york. i think you are going to have to have a lot of people working from home for a while. ink think people do go to work, certainly a temperature check, as much testing as you can have. but i'm worried about medical privacy. how do you do it the right way. how do you open up a restaurant in new york, dr. oz? >> i think you'll be able to do that eventually but this city is still not passed the crisis. the ers are still busy enough, not as busy as they were a couple of days ago which is good news but the icus are still busy. this is why ihy think we've goto start off in texas and in other states where they have not been hit as hard to work through some ofof the kinks. new york is the ultimate stress test. it's probably twice as dense to its closest competitor which is san francisco. worked out how you get in an elevator which is basically ato cesspool of virus. public toilet is much more crowded to the very nature of how we get to work in the subway and public has predation systems, all the aspects of the
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city technology companies building better solutions to clean up every one of those. temperature sensor is our example. sensing smell which i'm told by european group, deficiencies and the smell of 85% of covid-19 patience. we've got smart people working on this. maybe new york is not first. we know for sure new york is in first, probably should be last. let's work out some of the things like containment issues that don't tread on civil liberties, are there ways of doing it, of course there are. it's going to take some elbow grease. we are definitely going to have to t test people more effectivey than we did in the past and i can envision a world where you control all of your information but you coast alongg the way. here's a couple of examples of things that if you have you ought to get tested, here is the closest test center. here is the example of what you do if you do test positive, here's what you are not going to do if you test positive so we can help people along. let's figure that out and places that are not in crisis mode where hospitals are not packed to the gills.
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then roll that out in new york. i have no doubt when we figure it out in the middle of the country we'll be able to use it on the coasts as well. >> sean: i want to figure out this issue what you have the smallest geographic area, highest concentration of people, this new normal i'm talking about which would be, okay, half the workforce probably should stay home, nonessential. those that come in, temperature, maybe over time testing. abbott is building a six hour test, five minute test. then you've got -- how do you get a sporting event up in new york, dr. oz? how do we have a concert in new york? >> sean, when they surveyed americans about going to a sporting event, as much as we love football -- i played football in college. i love the sport. you've got to think twice before going into a pack crowd. especially people should not go if they are high risk. we are going to want to help people who have comorbidities who represents 90% of the
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hospital admissions. we don't want them getting exposed. it's not good for them. it overwhelms the system when folks like that get ill and it's painful emotionally. you and i have both involved in cases. we have to help people decide. >> sean: how critical was this decision of the president's ten days after the first case in the united states? i would argue it's incalculable how much worse this would've been, how many tens of thousands of americans would've contracted the disease, then exponentially died. that was ten days after. then quarantine pure than more travel ban. nobody thought he b should do i. he still gets the crap be out of them. we've got 25 seconds. >> obviously shutting down every part of the system was valuable and seems to have happened in time across america. the real crisis is the lack of testing. even today, abbott is making 50 thousands of these tests, of the five-minute returns, we still
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don't have adequate testing and without that we really cannot open this country and i'd love to see a clear game plan of how that, the governors are pleading, crying for help. i know everybody at the federal level working at that. we need to make at that pure that's the number one thing we need for feasibility. >> sean: we are getting progress on that. abbott deserves a lot of credit. so good to see you, dr. oz. up next, state news cnn proving the president was right in his beat down earlier. the mob and the media, donald trump successful, not too happy about it. pretty sick, prickly pretty sad, sadly pretty predictable. straight ahead.
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your whole network, the way you cover it -- most of you, not all of you, but the people are wise to you. that's why you have a lower approval rating times probably three. when you ask me that question -- let me ask you this, why didn't lo why did biden apologize, why did he write a letter of apology -- that's very important, why did the democrats think i acted too quickly. do you know why? they really thought i acted too icquickly. we have done a great job. >> sean: july 31st, travel ban. untold thousands of americans contracted the virus, they blasted him ever since. there is nothing donald trump could ever do or say that they are going to like. today during the presser over there at fake news cnn and of course conspiracy tv ms dnc were actually airing the briefing and numerous outrageous but they cut away fromhe the
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briefing when he put forward, the media mob, they got it wrong. a little self-criticism hurts, cuts deep. angry trump turns briefing into propaganda session. your own words expect another o one, "trump uses task force briefing to try and rewrite history. he called out your lies in the mob. and refuses to acknowledge any mistakes. here is larry elder, former white house press secretary sean spencer. good to see you both. you are both laughing. i've got to tell you. it's not funny. because if they had -- i don't care what your politics is here for this virus does not discriminate, sean spicer. it'll go after conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, libertarian, conservative like larry. doesn't care. they don't even want to take this press briefing -- they can't even acknowledge one t simple truth. the travel ban in t retrospect s the right call and that proves to me that there's nothing he can do that they'll ever except.
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>> this is a network that talks about facts first. i've seen a lot of the president to posses briefings, today was one of his best. he hit back with the facts, shone through their own words, wasn't the president calling them names, it was their own reporters showing him and what hell actually did and showg the words t of other reporters d other democrats in what they said and what they said it. the facts may sting, but those are the same fax those other networks claimed to be all about.ey they cut away for a reason. they didn't want their viewers to see the truth. the fact of the matter is, look at the whole dr. fauci thing. dr. fauci should always be believed except when he's defending donald trump. well, doctor of algae, are you up here as a hostage? well, how could you possibly be doing this because you are siding with president trump. the president was right today. he's right to push back and i'm
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glad he and his team did what they did today because the american people can see what he's doing to fight back on their behalf. >> sean: larry? >> sean and sean, they are the reason why majority of democrats believe president trump said there were good nazis and bad nazis and why he said they are good white nationalists and bad white nationalists. he did no such thing. every gene majority of democratd believe donald trump referred to the coronavirus as a hoax, a majority believe that russians with theinterfered election, sean and sean, but actually change both tallies for the answer is liberal media, the bias, hatred toward trump, hatred towards republicans. in a full throated manner, has taken on the media and calledth them fake news and they cannot stand it. they help to make him by putting him early on in 2015 when he was running because they thought he was a jokee and they realized to
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late he was a serious candidate and now they are mad at themselves or making him the president of the united states. >> sean: at the end of the day, they were all wrong. anderson cooper. march 4th.r the flu is more dangerous. you should be focused on the flu. "washington post." they were wrong. can't overreact dealing with this pandemic. "new york times." trump virus. wow. that doesn't prove bias, sean spicer. the president is, like, okay, you aren't going to tell the truth, american people need to know the truth, but they think they're truth is right. in their year, their world of never ending lies in conspiracyn theories, they think they are right. >> even "the washington post" called it the chinese virus until trump said it and it became racist and horrible's but how about those chyrons, calling him angry andll hunted unhinged.he was on fire. he wasn't angry.
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but they have to push back because they cannot allow him to be right. i think larry was absolutely c right, your monologue was right, they cannot stand to be wrong and they to everything to go against him. the poll numbers show the american people are trusting him more than them because they know att the end of the day that he's standing up with all these government workers working their tail off for the american people and this whole government approach led by the vice president is working. >> sean: we are going to show this when we get back. guys, thank you both. here is what the president showed. we will get back to that next. "new york times" totally exposed by the president. if you missed it, it's a treat. straight ahead. m, a continuous glucose monitor, you don't have to. with a painless, one-second scan you can check your glucose with a smart phone or reader so you can stay in the moment. no matter where you are or what you're doing.
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by president trump that he has total authority to decide how and when to restart the economy. the president made that claim at a white house briefing late monday, but the nation's governors argue correctly that they have the primary responsibility for ensuring public safety in their state and when it's time to return to normalcy. democratic leaders in the north east and west coast have announced coordinated timetables on when they will ease stay-at-home orders. brazil, part of a study of malaria drugs touted by president trump as a possible coronavirus treatment. doctors after one quarter of people have high doses of hydroxychloroquine and develop abnormal heartbeats. back to "hannity."
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>> sean: "new york times," repulsive, disgusting, abusively biased even finding more ways to destroy their current ability tonight. when you thought it couldn't be possible after they were caught self editing their story about a serious sexual assault against joe biden by his former senate staffer, the times dismissed the allegation and instead ran cover for quid pro quo joe. compare the times original text with the stealthy edited vision for the original piece, no other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course ofn reporting, nor did any other biden staff members corroborate any details of ms. reade's allegations. found no pattern of wisconsin beyond hugs, touching, kissing that women previously said made them externally uncomfortable. the times updated the story, removing any mention of biden's long history of inappropriate touching. just more respectable reminders
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of how they treated justice kavanaugh. where are all the i believe he hers. that's not all, they try to rewrite history with a smear piece against the president. unnamed sources here, they are, everywhere. wrong about russia, wrong about ukraine, never covered quid pro quo joe, hilary's dirty dossier which they concluded it was likely rushing disinformation from the beginning, now we know it was ry beat the living daylights out of the abusively biased coverage. watch the president from earli earlier. >> we've asked them to a or whatever they are doing in terms of the vaccine. >> we will be suspending all travelel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days. >> to unleash the full power of the government, i'm officially declaring a nationalci emergenc.
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>> sean: and then the president played their clips because they were wrongho throughout all of this. it's safe to go to china expect don't overreact to the coronavirus! trump is out of his mind, he's racist, xenophobic! he's a fair monger! here with reaction, fox news contributor tammy bruce, reportera. for "the hill," joe concha. i see a lot of beat downs behind the podium. >> to talk about "the new york times," sean, as far as what they were saying about coronavirus. in february, headline, "who says it's not safe to travel to china." that's from the opinion side. the new side february 18th, in europe, fear spreads faster than the coronavirus itself. 40 cases have been confirmed in europe but people in places associated with the illness continue to face stigmatization. look, the president was going on information he was getting from medical experts, that's what we
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keep hearing. listen to the experts. january 14th, the world health organization said the virus was not a scenario that involves human to human transmission. okay. let's go to dr. fauci who is incredible and i have tremendous respect for him doing this since the reagan administration h but march 9th, he said if you are a healthy person there's no reason if you want to go to on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship. if you look back and start to play gotcha, you are going to play gotcha with a lot of people and a lot of news organizations. >> sean: they all did it!em >> this is unprecedented pandemic and we can't play this game right now we have to inform and educate people. >> sean: him calling them out for their lying again? they can't do that. let's go to more of the the presidents take from today. >> people should be more concerned right now with the flu in this country. >> a lot of people concerned about the coronavirus because they are hearing a lot of news, but the reality comparing it to the flu foror example, it's not evenn close to being at that stage. >> son jacob that they'll make, there is an important
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keep this in, and that's the flu is more deadly. >> this is one of the irony is that always comes up with this. >> how worried american should be about coronavirus? >> coronavirus is not going to cause a major issue in the united states. >> half of the american people do not get an flu shot. if you are freaked out about the coronavirus, you should be more concerned about the flu and you can actually do something about itom and get a flu shot. >> sean: tammy, i think dr. fauci is a hero, like i said earlier. thisishe guy served a six presidents. saved untold amount of american lives because of his life's work. february 29th, he said the risk is low. march 9th, if you are healthy, you can go to a cruise ship. we were lied to by china and they didn't know it was evolvi evolving. >> that's right. look, we were all at a point where we are on the learning curve with something that was
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completely brand-new. but at the same time, the argument really is in fact we should actually take the flu as seriously as we take the coronavirus. all of the lessons we are learning through this is going to feed into how we are in our regular lives of use already discussed, hygiene, watching hands, how seriously we take our personal health, all of these things are going to be discussed as well as what do we do with china and how do we handle being lied to you within this? all of that being said, today the president was a gladiator. this was a man who clearly understanding what his job is standing up for the american people, he knows like everyone else does, what's been going on, everyone is doing -- she's got an incredible team around him. >> sean: they have no intellectual honesty. if they can't admit in retrospect, the travel ban saved untold thousands of americans
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from contracting the disease and exponentially dying. >> let me tell you, the american people, sean, understand this. gallup did a poll of who they trust in the covering of the handling of the virus. they took nine entities were the only entity that was underwater when it came to trust by the american people was the news media. 44% approved of their behavior. 55 percent did not approve. that was the opposite for the president who was at 60% approval. u.s. hospitals at 8 88% approval per the only entity the american people did not approve was the news media which means they are alienating everyone. independence, democrats, republicans, because this is a nonpartisan issue about the health of our families come in the future. and you are right, sean, intellectual honesty. the president is appreciated because they know he's doing the best, he's doingt the good job n the midst of that, he's going to standor up for us and himself in
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this process. >> sean: he is presidential -- they don't even want to take a president in the middle of a national emergencies press conference. >> not so much a president but also today just as an example, dr. birx, fauci answering questions and giving key data and informationg about this virus. cnn and msnbc were not covering it. instead, they were doing interviews with opinion folks telling you what they think should happen and how things should go forward instead of listening to the doctors which should be the mantra going forward. >> sean: you think they would be happy that the models are projecting downward, happy that the president able to build these hospitals, get the ventilators, get the respirators, get the masks, get the gloves, get the shields. gets no credit. he will. >> sean: andrew cuomo doesn't get criticized for just a bank's own task force. >> the president will get credit in november. watch and see.
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as part of a russian information disinformation campaign. here with the reaction, fox news must get reporter sara carter along with fox news legal analyst, author of the best seller, gregg jarrett. what did ron johnson and senator grassley say, yeah, we did have russian disinformation and the election interference on behalf of hillary clinton because the russians fed it to christopher steele and nobody checked it? >> right. what was absolutely so stunning, sean, is that what grassley and senator johnson did, both these senators was give that up to the american public. information the american public must have. what it reveals is that senior level of officials in the fbi and in the intelligence community, former director of the fbi director comey, john brennan of the cia, james clapper, they knew this when they briefed president trump
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back in 2017 on that dossier. remember that briefing they gave him, that private briefing? they already knew that a number of the information that was in christopher steele's dossier was disinformation. they did sell so that they could get a news hook, so they could then link it to cnn and others. >> sean: from the legal side, sean hannity, premeditated fraud, lie on my tax return, which i never do, that would be dumb, i think i would go to jail. they knew it was lives, they continue with lies, they put theirr signature on the lies, that would be comey three times. yates, even rod rosenstein, let's see who else. mccabe. >> comey and his confederates knew all along that this was nothing but russianut disinformation. i wrote in both of my books, classic russian disinformation. but comey and others at the fbi
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hid this from the american people, from congress. they deceive the fisa report, they conceal this information and they hid it. they escalated. they lied to the court. bill barr tipped his hand in an interview wither fox news just e other day but he said, this is more than just mistakes and sloppiness. this was sabotage against the president. i don't think he would've said that unless he was briefed about the evidence gathered by john durham. potentially you are looking atki abuse of power, deprivation of rights under criminal of law, fraud, perjury, and false statements. sean: thank you both. we'll continue to follow. the quest for justice continues. hollywood liberal alec baldwin
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>> sean: we just ran out of time. we'll tell you about dumb alec baldwin tomorrow.. let your not your heart be troubled. >> laura: i enjoyed today's coronavirus press briefing. it was great! >>my mom used to always say you can dish it out but you can't take it about people? they cany dish it out to trump, they can accuse him of everything, xenophobia, racism. the second he stands up and calls them on their nonsense, they cry foul and cutaway. so they don't like the tabless being turned on them. i love it. >> sean: if they had any intellectual honesty, and h
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