tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 13, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> sean: we just ran out of time. we'll tell you about dumb alec baldwin tomorrow.. let your not your heart be troubled. >> laura: i enjoyed today's coronavirus press briefing. it was great! >>my mom used to always say you can dish it out but you can't take it about people? they cany dish it out to trump, they can accuse him of everything, xenophobia, racism. the second he stands up and calls them on their nonsense, they cry foul and cutaway. so they don't like the tabless being turned on them. i love it. >> sean: if they had any intellectual honesty, and he!
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and they don't. they would say, you know, in retrospect, trump and the travel ban help the country. prevented people from contracting the disease.ea prevented people likely from dying. >> laura: no, no, no. >> sean: that is an impossibility. they are insane. >> laura: no. they are not going to do it. great to see you tonight. >> sean: have a great show. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. the numbers came in over the weekend and it's heartbreaking for american families that continued over eastern weekend. we have lost no more than 23,000 americans to this covid-19 menace. we cannot forget before we talk about any of the politics that tevery life lost is a loss selu and its mourned by family and communities. just over thest weekends, the brother of one of my good friends from high school, dear friend from high school, had a covid induced stroke in the boston area.
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the effects of this are real. a lot of us know people who have been infected by this, which makes the need for correct data all the more urgent tonight. we have a stack show for you, including this big question. where is congress? our country is facing a health and economic crisis. so why aren't they back in d.c. we working to fix this mess and be part of the solution? congressman jim jordan and lee zeldin going to weigh in on that and what happened today at this press conference. plus it's no longer up for debate. states are using these covid lockdowns to wholesale stripping people of their individual liberties. nharmeet dhillon on the case of the latest shameless attack on religious freedom and freedom of assembly. also coming up, you will know why the lame stream media will not report the results of this stunning study that came out from france, emmanuel macron has
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his hands on it now, of covid-19 patients who have been treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. my medicine cabinet will give you the facts that the media will not. plus how did "the new york times" report on sexual assault claims on joe biden compared with their coverage of brett kavanaugh? kim strassel exposes the paper's shocking double standard. plus raymond arroyo is here with a monday edition of seen and unseen. but first, my thoughts at the end of day 20, american shut down. over the past few weeks, our fellow citizens have learned a lot about the so-called experts. you know, the people who were told are the standouts, the most learned professionals in their field. not talking about politics, in the media and in science. let's remember what we were hearing out of new york. this was just a few weeks ago.
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politicians who made it enormously expensive requests from the federal government based on data that turned out to be false. >> all the projections say you could have an apex meeting 140,000 beds and about 40,000 ventilators. we arere following the data and science and that's what the data and science says. >> laura: those claims based on the faulty models of the empirical college of london study and there were profound implications. trillions of dollars spent based on the fear that those numbers or at least in the ballpark. we were told that the american hospital system was in danger of collapsing if we did not flatten that curve. the numbers were not even close. >> half of downstate new york in a position now where we are not going to need the ventilators. we are going to be okay equipment wise unless things change dramatically. >> no one who has needed a
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ventilator has not gotten a ventilator. no one who was needed a hospital bed has been denied a hospital bed. >> our hospitals were not overwhelmed and are not overwhelmed at thisot hour. >> laura: that is great news. it's 100% correct. the i hme model from the university of washington has the latest numbers and projections. right now, there is zero shortage of icu beds and zero shortage of events. thed projected need for ventilators on the peak day is 14,407 nationally. that's nationally. for icu beds, guess what? the numbers just kill the estimates originally. and by the way, another cost of these lame panic inducing models, it looks like we really didn't need the uss mercy or the uss comfort in new york or
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los angeles. americans should be furious about this! of course, the men and women in these ships are doing their patriotic duty. they are amazing. the commander, amazing. but this is a lot of money that we are spending on a response that was based again on faulty numbers. long before the government figured out that these fancy covid-19 models were wrong, my own littlero team, my little bad of medical advisors and a few statisticians a lot smarter than i am insisted they also crunched the numbers. and this was weeks ago. they were making decisions, the people in charge, based on what my team which were wildly incorrect assumptions and ultimately incomplete data. it was 18 days ago on march 24th i pressed dr. felt she on new york's specific ventilator and icu bed requests. >> if the numbers are not right,
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may be that affects the decision-making about when the government can gradually get back to g business. >> you are absolutely right, laura, that's exactly right. fema is working closely with the state of new york to try and figure out exactly what they'll need at what time. if the totality is 30,000, what do they need now next week, the week after? you are right, those type of models to help inform us. >> laura: it was kind of an answer of a nonanswer. my question is, if my guys knew the numbers were wrong, why didn't the experts know the numbers were wrong as well?t why didn't we adjust our shutdown strategy given the huge readjustment in, for instant, key number, that mortality number. the president indicated that he did suspect that cuomo's requests were way too high. but he kicked into action anyway. >> fortunately we don't need,
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just like we didn't need many ventilators when they were asking, new york, for 40,000 ventilators, i had experts, these people, i listened to them, they n said they'll never need that many and they were right. >> laura: well, he was right. and now the blame game, of course, has begun because over the weekend, "the new york times" attempted to make the case that dr. anthony fauci and others, they were urging the president to shut down the country i guess earlier. fauci said this to jake tapper. >> you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives. obviously. nobody is going to deny that. if we had right at the very beginning shut everything down ngit may be a little different. but there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down back then. >> laura: what? this at the press conference today but what was he talking about? at the end of february, he
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himself was saying publicly and presumably advising the president, that there was notuc all that much to worry about. watch. >> should we be changing our habits and if so how? >> right now, at this moment, there is no need to change anything you're doing on a day-by-day basis. you've got to watch out, although the risk is low now, you don't need to change anything you are doing. when you start to see community spread, this could change. >> laura: based on the projections that, again, we've gone through week after week were wrong, fauci and others eventually did push for a national shutdown. and in places like new york, they can make the argument that was necessary there. now, you look at all these other states, because tax revenues aren't coming in. beyond new york, new york is a case in it of itself here. the numbers are so bad there. the states want more federal bailout money. larry hogan of mary lynn, andrew cuomo of new york, teeming to
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demand $500 billion from the federal government. half a trillion dollars. 11 zeros. the question is where is that money going to come from? we'll print it, borrow it, will end up weakening our country in ithe long one. look for huge tax increases to pay for all of this which of course will further hamper economic growth. not that the media gives a darn. they are too busy trying to blame trump for not locking down the country fast enough even though his medical advisors had not yet suggested that. he spentnt part of his press conference today setting that record straight. >> because we are getting fake news and i'd like to have it corrected. they are saying what a great job we are doing and the governors of california, governor of new jersey, governor of new york.yo in new york, ventilators were going to be a problem? they didn't have a problem. beds were going to be a problem? i mean, i'm happy about it. the javits center, which is
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incredible, is almost empty because they don't need it. it's good news, not bad news. the reason they did isey to keep you honest be i don't think that's going to work. not going to have any impact. >> laura: the president is really frustrated obviously. the media spin on all of this has been outrageous. all the while, they ignore the cost of course, the other costs that are piling up here. medical procedures that people are putting off because they are afraid to do to this crisis, the cost to our citizens' mental health because of force cancellations, the cost of family harmony, children's well-being being kept out of school. of course, the cost to our civil liberties. during easter weekend, liberal governors moved against people of faith in scary ways. evenhe after religious gatherins theirpeople remained in cars were in legal limbo and a hinge on the whims of state and localan officials.
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mayor greg fisher of louisville had his police harassed churchgoers and those who actually dared to attend services again in their cars. if you sit in your car at a fine. store, you are but not at a church! now a federal judge slapped him with a temporary restraining order. it was blistering. going to get to that in a moment.i but i say it's time for congress and for state legislatures to get back into session. if they truly believe these ongoing shutdowns beyond new york, beyond the hot spots are necessary, l it's time to ps laws mandating them. stop hiding behind emergency declarations for a virus that while devastating will probably in the end according to the new projections take fewer lives of working americans and heart disease or the flu. get back to work so the rest ofd us can do the same, congress.
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and those are my thoughts at the end of day 28, america and shut down. joining me now, ohio congress men jim jordan and new york congressman lee zeldin. congressman jordan, let's start with you. looks like steny hoyer is saying that may 4th will be when y'all are called back into session for real as the country is bleeding jobs. obviously continuing loss of life. but things seem to be stabilizing and most of the country. why no congressional on-the-job movement here while the country is in much i peril? >> you are exactly right, they are doing great work but the task force b that supposed to be doing the people's work is the united states congress and the general assemblies in the respective states, they are supposed to be meeting, taking care of business and leading by example. we could be having hearings. we could sit every other chair. we could be
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why want nancy pelosiquit critit and tell us what her plan is for bringing congress back into session so we can lead by example and do the people's wo work? a lot of my colleagues are for that, but we have not heard anything from speaker pelosi and mr. hoyer other than we aren't coming back until may 4th. >> laura: i would consider the freedom congress and a lot of other republicans on capitol hill to come back. you can go in your offices, hold press conferences. congressman zeldin, asi. congressman jordan mentioned nancy pelosi. i don't know where she is. but she's railing on president trump. political reporting, pelosi sharply criticized trump's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, she said, "almost in full."
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tilt fail to live up to its promise to make testing available to every american quickly and down mass shortage et cetera across the country. if this is almost sinful, congressman selden, one about a speaker of the house when americans are dying and people in small businesses say they are dying, congress is not in session and apparently not going to pass the shut down mandate via legislation? >> the paycheck protection program, that's going to run out of money. looks at this as leverage to get unrelated priority items as she tried them and green new deal, ballot harvesting, some got in from a $25 million from the kennedy center. the hundred $50 million for the refugee assistance.he that actually made its way to the bill. she really likes the way the gavel feels in her hands over her, doesn't look at this as an opportunity to be bipartisan or nonpartisan, she just wants to expand her majority, wants to take outid the president of the
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united states, and regardless of the consequences for americans that need congress to work, she's just going to do what's best for her own political interests. she has people rank-and-file in her own conference, people i talked to would actually like to work with us, work with the president to get good things done. utbut unfortunately the leader e their party doesn't have that same goal. >> laura: congressman jordan, joe biden, i think like pelosi, they acknowledge the crisis but they see a political opportunity which has to be exposed every step of the way. this is what he said on using this for climate change, congressman. watch. >> of the united states has no choice but to see this opportunity c and create millio, millions of great paying jobs, that your energy plan has suggested and mine as well. back seat to no one when it comes to fighting limit change. >> laura: we have to seize on
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this virus as a political opportunity. imagine if the president said that, we need to seize on this virus and opportunity to come up you know, anything. to take on china, fond of the wall, jump all over him, and they do! >> two things the democrats, the left never misses, never lose the chance to attack the president. they started attacking the president before he was elected president so those are the two things you can always count on consistently from the left and the thing that changes me is the things we see happening to civil liberties. we had a prosecutor in one of our counties say he was going to charge people for a felony if they were violating the shelter at home. even said if you were governor, he'd call up the national guard and stop people from going to church on sunday. we have google single track and give that information to the government and the scariest
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thing of all, the carious thing is that the mayor of los angeles said if people's niche, they rewarded. >> laura:idha i did that too. >> all of this happens at the samee time that michael horowitz is telling us that when he looked at the fisa application, every single one of them had heproblems when they were spyin, when they were looking to spy on american citizens. that's why congress should also be back at work defending civil liberties and leading by example doing the will of the people. >> laura: i want to stand up and applaud that. congressman selden, we are thing of tracking americans who havinn lead to t contract a element tracing. some of it sounds may be plausible, but we are talking about to reopen the country according to some of the experts, we need to test 6-7000000 people with these various tests per week. i think we are doing, what, 200,000? is that right? correct me if i'm wrong. we have to set metrics for
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reopening the country that are realistic, not continuing to move the goal posts on when americans can actually exercise their civil liberties and make a decent living. >> laura: our economy was a strong as it's ever been before this happened. unemployment rates at record lows. we had markets at record highs, it all came to a screeching halt because this virusha quickly spread throughout the entire country. i am all for reopening our economy smartly. that means we don't want to see another outbreak. part of that is including a ramp it up, rampant testing, rampant antibody testing to be able to get a vaccine. >> laura: congressman, i've got to jump in on this. we've got to go in a second. i agree with you. in an ideal world where we don't actually have toll pay bills and small businesses don't have to pay rent, having six or 7 million tests -- maybe we can do all that. maybe my thinking on this is wrong. it may be. but it has to be realistic and achievable for a virus that ends
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up, andat mortality that'll endp being 55,000, horrible. but certainly not to .2 million. and we are going to keep america close so w we have a million tes a week or whatever the heck the new number is? people have to think about that. think about whether it'sev achievable before election day, i should say. final thoughts. quick. >> geography should definitely be a part of this. where i come from, suffolk county in new york where we have over 21 and a half thousand positive cases, coming to bring back an economy in mind might be different than some of the other parts in the country that have been less affected. >> laura: absolutely right. it's incredibly hard hit there and it's different from nebraska or even ohio. gentlemen, great to see you both tonight and i hope nancy pelosi is watching. bring congress back into session. get off the dime. coming up, billions of dollars
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the license plate licenses of easter worshipers. the troopers left notices threatening further enforcement if they didn't sell quarantine for 14 days. also pile of males and pictures of them on twitter will be dumped at the entrances to the church parking lot.he they were picked up by u parishioners and they went in anyway. join me harmeet dhillon, civil rights attorney and trump 2020 board member. harmeet, the conditional rights we all hold dear, they can be intruded upon, infringed upon in very limited circumstances as the attorney general told me last week. am i missing something here or are we down to really slippery slope of infringement? > be 29 , you >> laura, you are
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absolutely correct. immediately issued an exemption for reporters who are allowed to do their jobs freely but clamp down on religion and this has happened all country. and so what the attorney general is talking about was a supreme court place that religion may be treated as equally as any other organization and that is not discriminatory. every governor and every has exemptions for alcohol stores, for pop stores, for grocery stores, even abortion facilities in some states. there are a lot of exemptions not being allowed for religion. that's unequal. >> laura: the governor hadas state troopers harassed the r celebrants, that came after a federal judge castigated the mayor of louisville for what the mayor of louisville was doing, right? the same kind of deal there. but he wrote and this judge is also up for d.c. circuit
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nomination, nominated by the president a couple of weeks ago, said holy thursday and american mayor criminalized the communal nccelebration of easter. that sentence is one the court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, perhaps the pages of "the onion." it's stunning and beyond all reason. unconstitutional. harmeet,ng what was the judge gettingg out there and clearly success with the merits. these are legal battles that have to be waged now against these lockdowns, at least the attacks on religion. >> what the judge was saying right there is that it is unconstitutional to pick on people of faith. by the way, it's also unconstitutional to quarantinee people who aren't sick or have not been exposed to an illness. in that state, they actually have a religious freedom restoration act which provides a higher level of protection than the constitution of the united states. that is doubly bad for those
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folks. my law firm, san bernardino ande riverside counties today, same issue that police and counties picking on people of faith are harassing them, issuing tickets to them. soup kitchens are being shut down if they are run by religious institutions but not if they are run by the government, so a blatant persecution of people of faith, doesn't matter if it's two more weeks or four more weeks, they should not be our liberty will not be infringed. >> laura: we are going to track this every night because this could set precedent if we don't see these kinds of constant challenges. i know you are waging a good fight in california but this decision by judge walker was phenomenal. it was blistering. and i hope these republican state legislators are paying attention to this because all of them are, like, not at work.
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i don't understand how people are not working when they are supposed to be looking out for all of their constituents. harmeet, come back soon and keep tracking this for us because we are going to handle it every night this week. because thank you, laura. >> laura: new announcement from kaiser health news that montana and nebraska with few covid patients getting up to $300,000 for each patient. how is this happening? let's bring in my medicine cabinet to discuss this. dr. scott jensen, a physician and minnesota state senator, dr. jensen, why are hospitals in nebraska getting more per patient than new york city is the militia obviously has thety most cases by far in the count country? >> this is because the historical distribution of
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revenue to medicare and that's what they are doing. >> laura: well, expand on that a little more. it's medicaid base, but you mentioned last week that you are concerned that some of the counting -- look at the camera, my friend. we've gotar to look at you, do doctor. but some of the coding for the patient mortality might bent moe liberally focused on covid when they have several underlyingha comorbidities. does that plot play into this or not? >> i think it does. i think what's happening these $30 billion being disturbed and are being distribute it based on what they thought they would be doing in tradition and what we are hearing is that they are saying that is not fair. we want the money because we got more cases and this is exactly what we said last week. the counting of the cases will be critical. there if there is a way that governor cuomo or
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mayor de blasio can increase those numbers and they both talked about doing that, they are going to be able to get more of the dollars. last week i think we were criticized talking about money. but the fact that the matter is this is about money. >> laura: dr. we are going to get into the new hydroxy data. it was released in full over the weekend.d, but really quickly on this first. >> well. i think it goes to the cdc altering slightly how these cases are described in mortality work. i think it naturally leads to hospitals who are cash-strapped because they gave up elective procedures to goose the diagnostic codes. i'm not at all surprised. i appreciate dr. jensen's work and his pointing this out. probably what needs to happen, medical care needs to and which especially review this stuff. >> laura: i want to get your thoughts out of this major new
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study out in france. dr. deal who has 3,000 peer-reviewed articles on epidemiological matters, incredible career in epidemiology, did a study of a thousand and six to one covid patients, key findings. he gave good clinical outcome f for nearly 92% of patients within ten days. poor clinical outcome in 4.3% of cases. five patients died all over the age of 74. i don't know how dr. fauci and his others would go forward and dismiss this as all anecdotal, when you have hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin used early key in these covid patients. >> absolutely. i think the safety of this cocktail of both
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hydroxychloroquine, specifically zithromax and zinc should concern every american for the use of a high dose regimen, one i don't think that's often used in the united states, we may not see as robust success as the french dodo because we are usina lower dose regimen probably to conserve drugs volume that they use in china. this is incredibly reassuring and i think really should put to rest some of the recent sniping of president trump regarding his promoting this as a possible treatment, which it is in almost most possibles. >> laura: most of the people criticizing it, dr. jensen, they would be the first one to demanm their doctor to give them the hydroxy. where is the hydroxy. prescription, i want it now! i have to ask about what dr. fauci said about rolling, reopening of the government, dr. jensen. let's watch. >> the idea about how we would
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evaluate from a purely public health standpoint about what i call it reentry some sort ofs normality, as health, never known to claim about anything about economics, it's somethingg i referred to as like a rolling reentry. it's not to be one-size-fits-a one-size-fits-all. >> laura: i'm glad it'si' not going to be one-size-fits-all. but what about that, we have medical concerns, they are interrelated, but sometimes you got to make the call >> tucker: he's very fortunate. when we talk about total health, we talk about mind, spirit, body. he's able to focus on the body and the issue with covid-19. but there are people out there dying mentally, dying emotionally, dying spiritually.u frankly the first patient i saw today in the office was a patient who had a heart attack, 58-year-old guy. i askedn' him, why didn't you ce in sooner, he said, i was scared
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of this covid-19 thinker he's living and he's going to be okay. but this is happening all over america. we are so paralyzed by the fear andea doctor about she is feedig into that. there are natural things we can do to stimulate immune system and we need to have that battleground be our immune system to be immune to the covid-19 virus. >> laura: sweden is trying that and they've had some difficulties, but we'll see in the and which approachhe being e right approach, big data will tell that to help your gentleman, great to see both of you. wait to wait till you hear what michelle obama's plan is to reshape the next election. raymond arroyo with seen and unseen next. well, we used to. with new ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier, one simple application kills and prevents bugs in your home
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm jackie and bonnie is in new york. with unemployment continuing to grow due to the coronavirus, line stretching for miles in nearly every state. the demand is nearly more times than usual, released a statement saying come and never has a charitable food system faced a tremendous challenge and 37% of food banks reporting immediate critical funding shortfalls. meanwhile, votes are in from wisconsin after republicans
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pushed ahead with a controversial election despite democrats insisting that interest in voting and the pandemic was wrong, the result was a shocking victory for liberal state supreme court justice, bucking the incumbent conservative backed by the president. i am jackie ibanez. now back to "the angle." >> laura: it's time for our seen and unseen segment where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. joe biden got the long sought burning endorsement. no one noticed. does it do any good? for more, we go to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. virtually nobody saw it. what happened? i didn't even notice until you told me. >> it was a vintage biden basement event. you would think with aen teleprompter and a big endorsement there would be an exciting open. nope. >> going live in three, two,
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one... starting broadcast. >> laura, he looked like he was waiting for the colonoscopy to begin. when bernie finally joined him, it was magic. you heard of grumpy old men, these are the stumpy old man. they are stumping each other. >> taking care of all of our citizens in time of crisis. >> just... >> i want to thank you for your question. bernie, if you don't mind, the number... >> bernie, i wantan to thank you for that. it's a big deal. and, you know... [laughs] >> laura: i say this with my kids all the time. stop saying um, uhh... they were trying to get casual with each other, may be.
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the deal was presumably this endorsement. >> given the enormous challenges that we face in the future, it is -- we don't have a choice. we are going to have to come .ogether >> we don't have a choice, laura!a! this was so half-hearted. this was like the closed-circuit newscast of the retirement c ho. it was so embarrassing with these two. bernie looked like he was peeved because biden kept grandstanding through the whole thing. they announce this on six policy working groups for immigration, the environment, climate change. this is going nowhere. this should not inspire confidence in the democratic base and i don't think it will. >> laura: raymond, send me a memo when we are done with the working groups, okay, and the phrase "the new normal." i'm so sick of that phrase. iht thought the whole point waso go back to the old normal. where glass, wearing gloves, that's fine.
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i'm touching my face. >> that's not the new normal. in the meantime, obama is wading into the campaign season. not the one joe biden was hoping for. michelle obama announced today that due to the obama coronavirus, endorsing mail in ballots and early voting. they are supporting amy klobuchar is legislationob that would support downloadable, print in the mail in ballots. no excuse absentee bowling, and 20 day early voting. laura, what could go wrong? >> laura: my mom who i always invoke, waiting on tables, raising four kids. somehow she always managed to get to the polls to vote. somehow. i don't know how she figured it out, but she got there and she figured it out, and we been doing this. now nobody can get to the polls. nobody can get to the polls
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anymore. >> 82005 commission, the federal exult down like election reform commission, headed by jimmy carter the ten men that absentee voting has the greatest potential for fraud. dallas arrested a bunch of people for 700 ballots that were assigned by the same witness. it's fraud from top to bottom. g.o.p. operatives have been elected for doing the same thing. not good. >> laura: i noticed that cuomo announced that new york and five other states will coordinate, regional coordination in opening their economy, but cuomo has some biden-esque problems at the top of the oppressor. >> i think most states -- [music playing] operator, we are ready. i heard some music. >> laura: everyy body is tired of skype interviews. we have to do them.
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skype, zoom. i know it's great technology but it's just not perfect, okay? the left, they are always attacking the president claiming people at his presser have to pledge loyalty to trump, always grousing about that? what do you call this, raymond? >> governor cuomo, thank you for hosting us graciously. >> thank you very much, governor cuomo. appreciate it very much your leadership and what you've been doing over the last very difficult weeks. >> thank you, thank you, and you for doing this and all you have been doing. >> you call that the biden alternative. building up the alternative to biden p i just don't know why rhode island and connecticut and delaware are going along with this. they are all coordinating. why not mary land and in virginia. they are far enough away where they can social distance from andrew cuomo and whatever he's doing in new york. >> i noticed that maine,
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new hampshire, and vermont, they are like, we aren't doing this. we are the old yankees. we are cranky. we have the special surprise arroyo coming up. "the new york times," raymond, d is the leading and embarrassing detail in the story about the a sexual assault allegation against joe biden and they are trying to explain away in an interview with npr.ou seriously, it was super bad. next. when we started our business
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conclusion. "the times" found no pattern of sexual misconductt beyond the hugs, kisses, and touches that will me and previously set made them comfortable. join me now is fox news contributor raymond arroyo. that sentence has now been deleted by "the new york times." what the heck is going on here? >> what's going on is the campaign complained about it and requested they remove that line because they didn't like the t implications, that it was only this case and perhaps there was other activity. if you read tara reade who was a staff assistant when biden was in the senate. it was buried on page 19 in "the new york times," i read it today cover to cover, the thing that's most disturbing are her allegations here. it's not just kissing or smelling of hair or touching. it's graphic -- i can't describe it on a family show like this.
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these charges are so serious they do demand some sort of investigation. as kavanaugh was investigated, they need to find -- terra reade claims, she reported this to the senate at the time. they have not uncovered that document, doesn't have a copy of it, but they should track it idown and see if it exists. also told family and friends contemporaneously, this is a real challenge to the biden campaign right now and giving his activities of stroking, touching, kisses, there is evidence that you cannot look pastel. >> laura: the point we want to make is that it's so patently obvious that they use a different standard with kavanaugh and everything was on the line, a supreme court nomination, everything was on the line for the left so they decided to go all in on that. this is what the executive editor said when he was asked about npr why biden and
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kavanaugh were treated so differently by the paper. here is the following. kavanaugh was already in a public forum in a large way. what? kavanaugh's status as a supreme court justice was in question because of a very serious allegation. it was a live, ongoing story that became the biggest political story in the country. it was just a different news judgment moment. they claim that trump, they claim that trump plays fast and loose with how he describes things with fear coronavirus. what about this? >> a presidential campaign is not a live critical moment? this is outrageous, laura. joe biden has a long career of legislation to protect women, defended the rights of women. now is the time to stand on that reputation and allow this woman's charges to be fully investigated. he should cooperate with an >> laura: they arere treating
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this allegation the way they treated epstein's allegation in the beginning for not saying it's the sameot thing. but the double standard is beyond the pale at this point. raymond, thanks for joining us. in a special segment at the end of the show. we have another special announcement when we return. stay there. kills and prevents bugs for up to a year without odor stains or fuss. get everything you need for spring at order today! ..
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health of the republican the health of individual citizens. we are going to talk to mike pence who is heading up the task force tomorrow, you don't want to miss it. lots of big questions, states rights, federal government power of the deadly nature of this virus and what can be done. that's all the time we have to make, shannon bream to take it from here. >> i'm putting on my lawyer had repeatedly as we cover the stories. an important part of it. donald trump assessing only he has the authority to open the country for business while adding he's happy to keep an eye on what the governors are doing as they work together, the most contentious and longest coronavirus task force meeting we've seeing
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