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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 14, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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millionaire entertainers, i'm sad again. why? i'm not on the telly. >> sean: with that said, dennis miller tomorrow night, we need some comedic relief. but not your heart be troubled, laura. >> laura: i've got to say, i can't keep up with any of this at times. the celebrities who go to their montana estates and opine on this -- difficulties of sacrificing during all of this. it's only so much you can take after a while. i think dennis miller is a great idea right about now, frankly. >> sean: i've got to tell you, the leveling, the starting to drop, the pattern sold, the precipitous drop, i want to go to a baseball game. i will even invite you. you and dr. oz. >> laura: i get an invitation once every five years. i take that, hannity. i'm coming. opening day, whenever that is,
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2024, i'm coming with you. >> sean: opening date -- we've got to figure out how to open the country. we will. we will. >> laura: great interview with pompeo, i enjoyed that. he's fantastic. >> sean: by the way, elbows out. handshake. >> laura: thanks so much. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. as the president announced his creation of a council to reboot the economy, protesters in north carolina are demanding we get to it already. home depot cofounder bernie marcus, can't wait to talk to him, he reacts and then we will get more details about the administration's plan to reopen the country and my exclusive entity i did today at the white house with covid task force leader, vice president mike pence. plus, president trump met with coronavirus survivors who credit hydroxy chloroquine with their recoveries. former nfl tight end mark campbell from the university of michigan as well, remember that championship team, was one of
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them. he's going to be here to tell us his miraculous story. and rutlan reverend franklin grm come here to respond to the latest round of attacks from the left. get this, they are now targeting the field hospital he set up as an amazing charity to treat all the people of new york city who need help. it's unbelievable. i'll get into that. and on top of that, the left is trying to make the covid outbreak about race. candace owens fires back. but first, my thoughts at the end of day 29, america in shutdown. we know too many americans continue to die today of the novel coronavirus but we also witnessed the flattening of the covid-19 curve. and thus, it was not surprising that we are the strongest indication yet that the white house is ready to green light the reopening of large parts of the country. >> the plans to reopen the
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country are close to being finalized. certain states, as you know, are in much different condition and in a much different place. it's going to be very, very close, maybe even before the date of may 1st. >> laura: i think we are talking a couple days if i can read between the lines there. it's clear the president never contemplated mandating a one-size-fits-all approach to reopening. he didn't do that for the shutdown, after all, he let states decide. because that would be insane, because new york is not the same as other states. remember, it was two weeks ago that governor cuomo and health experts were fearmongering that the entire nation would soon look like new york. these horrific images of refrigerator trucks lined up outside hospitals coast-to-coast. of course, that was insane and we called it out of the time because we knew that was not correct. for weeks we've also told you
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that the covid models were all wrong. the mortality numbers are far below, thankfully, initial projections. projections that we have to remember spurred governors to institute the stay-at-home orders and most of america. i think it's fair to say that closing businesses and schools and undoubtedly both saved and ruined lives. throughout the crisis, ordinary citizens and courts are now starting to challenge and reject some of the heavy-handed and arbitrary moves by state officials. michigan governor gretchen whitmer i'm a kentucky governor steve bashir, both democrats, are coming under increasing scrutiny for their rt shutdown moves. the angle has urged the statehouses in both states to come back into session to challenge these actions, but so far, even though these are republican majorities, in most states their m.i.a. we did, however -- this is good -- see signs of life in
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pennsylvania today. by a vote of 107-95, republicans passed a bill to overturn democrat governor tom wolf's strict business shutdown rules which were far more severe than the federal guidelines. it's about time. their thinking is that since the virus will probably be a threat for months or years, it's important that we have a vision. it's important we have a plan to get back to work. california governor gavin newsom thing c has a plan to get his state back to work, kind of, could actually be a plan to avoid a return to normalcy? while, in the golden state, more than 780 have died due to the coronavirus and as tragic as any and all loss of life is, and it sure is, that figure is astonishingly low for a state of 40 million people. now compare that to the numbers in new york, a state with half the population and more than ten
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times the covid deaths. yet today, gavin newsom insisted that the state could only begin to reopen if six distinct conditions were met. they are quite involved and perhaps not realistic, we will get into more of that with home depot cofounder bernie marcus. by the way, with hannity, if, like me, you really miss major league baseball or the nba or other professional sports, college sports, you're looking forward to college football in the fall like i am, well, don't look for any hope from gavin newsom. >> large-scale events that bring in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of strangers altogether across every conceivable difference, health and otherwise is not in the cards based upon our current guidelines and current expectations. >> laura: well, look, californians are just going to have to decipher themselves
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decide for themselves how much of their freedom, their work, their schooling, their leisure, the family time they're willing to sacrifice going forward for the promise of safety from a virus that so far, we did the math, has killed .002% of the state's population. and those are my thoughts at the end of day 29, america in shutdown. joining me know is bernie marcus, cofounder of home depot and founder of the job creators network. it's great to see you tonight. president today obviously is -- he's itching to get the country back into business. he sees the damage that has continued to add up on the unemployed, the hopeless, the isolated, in addition to all the catastrophic loss of life, which is undeniably horrific. this reopening of the country and the task force -- first of all, are you going to be on the task force?
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>> they have my name on it -- >> laura: your name is on it, okay. >> but i'm not sure, i'm really not sure. >> laura: bernie, why is this moment in america's history so important given the balance between protecting life and protecting livelihood? >> well, laura, i've been around 90 years and i've seen a lot of things come and go in america and i've watched wars and i've watched the inflation and i watched deflation and i must tell you, i've never seen anything like what we are involved with today, and i've never seen it in such a short period of time affect so many people and i just wanted to, limit the president on passing this -- the bill, the paycheck protecting th protection act. a brilliant stroke that he had to do it he got her through the
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congress, which is kind of amazing to me, because small businesses represent 50% of the jobs created in america today. about 70 or 80 million people in their devastated and when you say open up and i hear this, and i've spoken to a couple of lieutenant governors and governors in the last couple of days and i tell them all the same thing. look, the one thing we have to be careful about is that the government has a responsibility here. the responsibility is the health of all people, to make sure that we don't get into another series of attacks of this virus, but when it comes to business, my god, let the business people decide how they're going to do it and what they're going to do. i can't imagine, laura, that any businessman that knows what he's doing hasn't been working on this problem for one month at least. every issue is different and i saw the task force they put
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together today between airlines and retail and hospitality and all of the others. they're all desperate. everyone is different for the other and the problems they're going to come across are so different and each one has to be handled differently. i'll give you a perfect example. take a dentist. that's one-on-one. how is he going to deal with his patients? how is he going to determine how his patients come in, who is going to see? he feels he's very close, nose to nose with them, how does he protect himself, how does he protect them? then come on the other side, you go back to what you and hannity were talking about, that is a football stadium full of people. they have a different issue. the guy that owns the italian restaurant, he's also got a different issue, and his issue is how does he get people back in? april are afraid to be next to each other. i go out for walks and i go out
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and walk and i come across people and they walk away from me. nobody is passing by each other. we are now -- now it's part of our -- how we deal with each other. so are they going to go back to restaurants? well, he's got to figure out, number one, what am i going to do to get them back in the restaurant. number two, how do i make them comfortable? number three, how do i protect my employees, and number four, how do i protect the customer and still make a living and still produce some profit somewhere? they are also different in each one has to be done differently and i don't think the government can do that. i just don't think so. >> laura: bernie, you mentioned restaurants. i have a good friend in my hometown here who owns a couple of just wonderful restaurants. these restaurants have been around for 25, 30 years, and they were virtually in tears when they had to lay off i guess 300, 400 employees, people who
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are like family to them. but they said we have no money coming in. i don't know how we are going to pay our rent on these restaurants and when they say we can socially distance, we are going to cut our restaurant traffic by two-thirds, well, we are out of business. that is a catastrophic series of business failures coming up, which i don't think we would be gunned to think about. a loss of life is a loss of life, which is horrific but there's a loss of a sense of community here with the restaurant business. that's just one business i'm focusing on by example, but that's kind of hard to socially distance as the president said the other night in new york city you have to pack them in. >> well, everyone has a different kind of story and as i say to you, the people in the airlines industry have another issue, how do they put people -- can't pack them three across anymore. it's not going to fly. can they fly a plane with half the load that they did before?
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everybody has a different thing, so you put a task force together, i guess you can come up with some general things, but you cannot come up -- we don't need government running businesses, that's the problem. that's what i'm concerned about. we don't want government involved with running the business. look, the government has to do what they did. i think that trump did exactly what he had to do. he did it -- i think he didn't do it early enough but he didn't know. remember he was involved with this impeachment nonsense that went on and on and on. the whole world was involved with that, that he did when he had to act, but now all of a sudden we look at the situation, i can tell you right now i would guess that 10%, 15% of the small businesses won't open. they're not going to be able to do it, they haven't been able to sustain themselves during this period of time. they live month-to-month. sometimes the rent is so high, especially in a city like new york with the rents are
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enormous. they can't go three or four months without cash coming in. so i just think it's very, very tough, but i have to tell you this; american business people are pretty damn smart. if they didn't bring this thing on themselves. it came and i trust them to get out of it. just give them help, give them a little help, this business protection plan and i'm just playing with pelosi to get off her high horse and stop looking for money for museums one people out there needed for payroll and to cover their rent and expenses. you can't be holding small businesses hostage. you just can't do it. it's not smart. >> laura: we also can't stimulate our way out of this problem. i think the president has made this point over and over again. with got to figure out a way to get people back to work. otherwise -- i mean, we can have all of the safety -- but if
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people don't have jobs, they're going to stop believing in capitalism and the free market real quick if it turns out that they can't trust the models, the projections are wrong, turns out you start a business and you get hosed, you can't reach the small businesses. at some point in time, bernie, people are going to say, you know something? you either have to let this fly with some new protocols in place or it's just not -- it's just going to collapse, and that's what people, regular working people, the people i came from, the people you came from, that's what they're worried about. if they were in raleigh, north carolina, today. i think we have some video of it. protesting 100 americans including a small business owner woman who was ultimately arrested because you can't protest anymore. this is what she said, watch. >> it scary. and our livelihoods are at sta stake. this isn't just say this is my
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livelihood, we put everything into our businesses and it's really scary. >> laura: north carolina obviously is not new york with a number of deaths and so forth from covid. a lot of the states are like one-size-fits-all, does not work for us, we want to go back to work with new protocols. >> she's right, and let me tell you, she's got a very good point. not everything is closed, is it? pharmacies are open. grocery stores are open. home depot is open. there are many businesses open, they are functioning. they are taking care of their employees, their making sure -- they're concerned about the customers. we can go back. we don't have to wait for this thing to turn all the way down. fauci and the people in the medical area, those people would like to see no deaths, no infections, boom, everything is safe. it's not going to happen, it's
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not going to happen for a long time. and we can't wait until the end. that is going to be a disaster for us, like walking to a cliff and falling over. if business can't survive, and people can't survive. they can't pay their rent, they can't pay their car payments or anything else and we've got to worry about that. and i think the president is right. he's thinking right. he's a businessman and he understands what small people are going through. >> laura: it's the working class people, bernie, who always end up suffering the most. we wanted to have you on for so long. bernie marcus, thank you so much for spending time with us tonight, we really appreciate your perspective. >> going to be with you. >> laura: you take care. coming up, my exclusive one-on-one interview with covid task force leader, vice president mike pence. that's next. when it comes to autism,
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>> laura: earlier today i spoke exclusively with vice president mike pence about the administration's response to the virus, including the plan to reopen the country. take a look. >> laura: mr. vice president, thank you so much for joining us in our socially-distant manner here. >> good to see you, laura. >> laura: dr. fauci told the associated press that "we are not there yet" in terms of tracing and tracking, that he believes is necessary in order to reopen the country. what does that mean exactly -- americans i think are looking for both safety and some specifics here. >> we really are an president trump is made very clear that he wants to reopen the american economy, but we want to do it at the time that is responsible, can be safe for the american people and we're going to be producing new guidance for states across the country to know when that will be possible, but as dr. fauci suggests, a big part of that will be the kind of testing --
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not only testing where you can diagnose whether or not you have the coronavirus, but also what the experts call the kind of surveillance testing and literally just this morning, we brought our entire testing team together, u.s. public health service, dr. birx, all of our supply personnel, and we are developing a framework as we speak for making it possible for a broad range of resources to be available across the country. >> laura: the concern is of course for public safety but also whether these goals being set by the health care professionals that look at this very important aspect of american life, obviously, that by some measure, six and 7 million tests a week by some measures per day would be necessary in order to reach that, you know, ultimate testing and tracking bar. is that really realistic and can the country wait until we have all the people in place, all the volunteers in place, all the
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framework in place in order to do that? >> that will be a decision for the president of the united states to make. and right now the president, as you saw today, unveiled a broad range of leaders from virtually every sector of the economy that will be giving him counsel about how we can move forward in a responsible way to reopen our economy, but make no mistake about it we are going to listen very carefully to our health care experts and ensure that we have a sufficient amount of both the diagnostic and the surveillance testing to be able to allow many businesses to begin to reopen, may be educational institutions reopen, but our recommendations will be specific to those areas of the country where we've seen some limited impact but we will also have guidance for areas of the country that have seen a large outbreak of the coronavirus. >> laura: he says it's pretty much really optimistic to think
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may 1st is going to be possible. if those are all the signs he's giving in multiple interviews, so my question is is there any -- is there any dispute between kind of a more pessimistic, which he says i'm kind of always pessimistic about this cautiously optimistic in the president, given the real pain also being felt by those who have lost their jobs and a lot of people losing hope out there that this is ever going to reopen. >> let me say that the timing will all be determined by the president when we are at a responsible moment where we are on track to put the coronavirus in the past, and that's in the hands of the american people. >> laura: on the testing and tracking that we are hearing about, there are a lot of americans -- i think stuff they read online, the government is going to track me. the government is not going to let me work unless i'm tracked and tested and so forth. what can you tell the american people about that given what they've heard about some of these solutions in order to
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reopen? >> we will always protect the privacy and the liberty of the american people. and the testing recommendations that will accompany new guidelines for reopening america will make it possible for us to do two things, laura. number one is to be able to quickly diagnose people who have symptoms that may be from coronavirus. but when you hear about surveillance testing, that just simply means being able to test a sufficient number of people to determine those that may have the coronavirus, but not be aware of it. but it's simply two different models of testing and making sure that we deploy the resources and activate resources around the country to do both things will be an important part of not only reopening america, but keeping america open. >> laura: how close are we on the immunity testing will? because i know it's a little iffy on whether the false positives, false negatives and
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whether they are necessarily that effective in determining whether you've actually been exposed or just may have been exposed. >> we expect the fda to approve a new antibody test in a matter of days and if approved could literally create more than 20 million new tests a month, but to your point, laura, that will be a test that will tell you whether you have had the coronavirus in the past and whether you might in fact be immune to it going forward. >> laura: andrew cuomo said today in his daily press conference, also an appearance on tb that if the white house tried to force new york to reopen he would take the white house to court. is that the state of affairs, the relationship between the white house and new york at this point? >> we have a very strong working relationship with governor cuomo, with mayor de blasio on behalf of all of the people of new york and i have every confidence that
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going forward as the president makes a decision and we issue new guidelines for reopening america that not only new york but states around the country will continue to cooperate, will continue to work with us, because we will be tailoring those guidelines based upon the science, based upon the best interest and based upon the coronavirus outbreak in those particular communities, and so there will always be disagreements in public life, but i have to tell you, where we've come to today, and i know where we will go tomorrow, the american people can be confident president donald trump is going to continue to marshal all the resources of the federal government, will partner with our local states and governments and always put america first. >> laura: is not a one-size-fits-all from the whole country, new york is different from nebraska. >> it's not a one-size-fits-all. i think one of the remarkable
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things about the team that the president assembled was our health experts had literally been tracking on a county by county basis the outbreak of the coronavirus and we've been working with states and i can tell you that at the president's direction, we've ensured that states have what they need when they need it based upon the dimensions of the outbreak in that state. when we issue the guidance, we will focus the guidance based upon what the data and what the science and what the best recommendations in america -- >> laura: will you take into account the other fallout, social isolation and depression, suicide, drug abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse, despondency? we saw that after the 2008 collapse. now the imf is saying this downturn could be the worst since the great depression. so are you taking that into
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account while you look at all of the medical data underlying the virus itself? >> president trump said this this is clearly going to be the biggest decision of his life and it's because he's looking at every aspect of this and when he speaks about his unique responsibility as president, it's because he understands that it's not just a matter of looking at health data. it's a matter of looking at what's in the interest of our economy, what's in the interest, as you rightly apprehend, the emotional and psychological impact on americans and he's brought -- he's brought advisors together to bring the full range of counsel to him to make that decision. >> laura: vice president pence, the senate is out until at least the next seven days, not coming back to washington. the house isn't going to come back until may 4th. you have spoken so eloquently about the whole of government approach.
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is that the whole of government when we are in the middle of what you and the president and is describing is a war against this health crisis in this vir virus? shouldn't congress be part of this decision about whether we're going to open or stay closed and if not, why not? >> well, i think with regard to the decision about reopening america, with the president announced today is we brought together not just business leaders from every sector of our economy, but political leaders in both political parties to offer counsel. >> laura: so you're fine with them not coming back into session -- the biggest crisis we've had and they are in their home districts. you have a slit served on the hill and you know what it was like. but government workers are putting their lives on the line. doctors and everyone else and we are spending trillions of dollars and yet they fly into vote and then they leave. >> i'd say two things about that. number one we are very grateful for the bipartisan efforts that have put three bills on the desk that not only made coronavirus
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testing free for every american extended paid family leave, but the extraordinary rollout over the last week of paycheck protection, allowing small businesses to keep people on the payroll for two months, support for industries around the country, it really has been congress at its best in passing all these bills, but to your point, remember, congress can act by what's called unanimous consent and we are really calling on the leaders of the congress to expand the paycheck protection bill another $250 billion. there's been such tremendous interest in that that congress can act by a voice vote and we are encouraging them to do that, even without having to come back to washington, d.c. >> laura: coming up, the left continues to put politics ahead of saving lives. now they're going after reverend franklin graham for doing a horrible thing of donating a field hospital to new york city. the reverend himself will be
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here in moments to respond to those critics. , we used to. , we used to. new ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier kills and prevents bugs for up to a year without odor stains or fuss. get everything you need for spring at order today!
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>> a lot of your predecessors in times of national emergency reached out to pastors and other spiritual counselors. have you done that during his national emergency? >> i never say that but franklin graham a summative it's very special. he loves helping people. and he loves jesus, that i can tell you. >> laura: president trump sharing his thoughts about the reverend franklin graham was
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organization had just opened an emergency field hospital in new york city. many people in the city gladly accepted the help, thousands were stricken with covid-19, but the radical left was far from welcoming. >> i have a very hard time believing that there was not one other organization in the entire world that could have partnered with to save people's lives. >> how is this group ever considered to bring their hatred and their vitriol into our city? >> laura: even as nurses and doctors are treating patients, democrat city and state officials are claiming the group is homophobic. tonight, franklin graham himself is here to respond. reverend, it's great to see you tonight. why is your organization -- by the way, i just sent a check because i got a solicitation in the mail for all the amazing work you've done. considering a decent sized check
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going to you tomorrow morning when i can get to the post office. why are you being attacked for building a field hospital? what's going on? >> it's -- we have a statement -- we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that goes back to the beginning of time to the first man and woman that god created. and this is our standard, and so for people that we hire, we are a christian organization, we are religious organizations we want to have people like mine and we have a statement of faith that we require our employees to sign. and then that is a marriage between a man and a woman and this is very offensive to some people. and the gay community. i'm not homophobic and i'm certainly not going around bashing people because they may be homosexual. i believe that god loves all of
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us, he created us all but we also are sinners and our sins separated from god and i want people to know how they can have a relationship with god and that's their faith in his son. i don't bash them. i want them to know the truth. that god does love them. and he died for their sins and they would refund and put their faith and trust in him, god would forgive their sins like you forgive me. i'm a sinner too. i'm a different than anybody else. i'm a sinner that was saved by god's grace. >> laura: reverend graham, the point of the matter, whether it's at this field hospital or around the world, you do not deny treatment or help to those based on their sexual orientation, correct? >> that's correct. we've never discriminated forever based on sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, or anything. now, we are christians and we want to have a solid team of men
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and women that believe the same and are focused on the same, but our help is unconditional as to all people regardless of what they believe or what they stand for, their politics or anything else. we help everyone and so we were asked to come to new york. fema posted on their kind of bulletin board that we had a hospital with this capacity. and found sign i saw it, give us a call, asked us we would come to new york and we said yes and so we came. our goal is to save life -- to save the lives of new yorkers. we are not here to get into a debate with people because they don't like our hiring practices. we are as a christian organization, we have the right to hire who we want and that's just the law. and we stay within the law, we abide by the law and it's very unfortunate that these groups are distracting our team from helping the people that we want to help. that's the people of new york and it's a distraction. >> laura: reverend graham, there are other things that are going on with faith groups in
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the country right now during the covid crisis. three churches in california are now suing governor gavin newsom. harmeet dhillon is a civil rights attorney, involved in representing in this case over his stay-at-home order. in the associated press said the church is arguing that the state and local orders are overly broad and that they can practice safe social distancing in the same manner as grocery stores and other outlets. what are your thoughts on that given what happened in kentucky over the weekend during these easter services, a federal judge issuing a temporary restraining order against that mayor, greg fisher in louisville, reverend? >> well, i think, laura, it's our constitutional rights being thrown out the window, are they? it's okay for liquor stores to be open, it's okay for walmart to be open. it's okay for grocery stores to be open but a church wants to meet in a parking lot and sit in their cars and to have the police come and take the numbers
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of the license plates and give them a ticket or send them a fine in the mail, this is just absolutely wrong. and we want to have i think some problems in this country if we don't get this country back to work soon and i agree with some of your other guests that said earlier american needs to get back to work and that's so important. i hope the president does this sooner than later. >> laura: reverend graham, the prayers that so many of us are trying to say all day long, night, before we go to bed, to try to heal this country and the partisan divide, obviously that might be wishful thinking but nevertheless, so important for people who feel isolated, especially the elderly and the vulnerable who can't make that human connection because of this crisis, what do you say to them tonight? >> well, that's a great thing. great question. first of all, remember this, god loves you, and he hasn't forgotten you. he's not mad at you, he cares for you. and i believe in prayer and i
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believe in the power of prayer and we've been inviting people to call -- go to our website. we have a phone number there. people can call and we have people 24 hours a day, seven days a week there to answer the prayer -- the phone, to pray with you if you want prayer and it's been a tremendous ministry. people are afraid, laura, no question about it. people are scared and they don't know what to do. god has not left, god is still here and we put our faith and trust in him so we don't have to worry. god will be with us. it doesn't mean we put our faith and trust in him that we get a pass. we don't have to go through the storm. but he promises to be with us. he said i'll never leave you nor forsake you. and so he will go with us through these storms. as strong a storm we are in there, he will be with us. >> laura: reverend graham, thank you so much for what you've done for the city of new york. we really appreciate your being here tonight.
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candace owens joins us next to expose the left's latest attempt to racialized the covid outbreak. stay there. you've got it all.
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♪ >> laura: the left is now using the coronavirus emergency is just more evidence that america truly is just a racist
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country. >> we are dying. and we are seeing the disproportionate impact of the burden of this pandemic cicely because of the inequality and the deep structural racism that has defined american society for generations. i'm talking about black america. and i think the effects of this pandemic will throw us back into the '60s in the '60s. in terms of our economic standing. >> laura: squad leader aoc also joined in on that race baiting tweeting "corona queens is the most heavily covid impacted zip code -- i can tell you firsthand that many people are too scared to go to the hospital and continue to work because of xenophobic response." joining me now is candace owens, author of "blackout." i can't -- i don't even understand what aoc is saying there about -- it's xenophobic.
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now she still wishes we had flights coming in from china? i don't even understand my point. reaction to what you just heard. >> first off, i can say in her defense that she doesn't ever understand the point that she is trying to make either. in the same sentence they are talking about race being an issue, you move on to xenophobia, which would be a fear of foreigners, that makes no sense entirely, but to stick with that we are talking about with race here, going to get the left the benefit of the doubt and i know no one has ever accused them of being intelligent, but i'm going to. give them a benefit of the doubt and assume that not everyone of them thinks that the virus itself is racist. are they perhaps suggesting that minority people are harder hit by certain diseases? is that possible? yes. the number one killer in this country is heart disease. black americans are impacted more by diabetes and heart disease because we are disproportionately overweight. does that have anything to do with race? no. what they are hating it is not racial disparity, its economic disparity. our black americans more than other races in this country? yes? no other question is why. it's not because of the coronavirus. it has nothing to do with a
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history of racism, it has to do. the biggest contributor to poverty in this country is the inability to have a job. i don't see any leftists at the forefront arguing that we need to get to reopening this country are arguing that we need to make sure that we prevent this great depression that it seems like we are headed towards if we do not get people back to work. so nothing that they're saying is making sense. they are not on the side of the angels when it comes to this pandemic. >> laura: the working class people, bringing marcus and i were talking about earlier, they always bear the brunt of these types of crises. they always pay the bid price and african-americans have suffered enormously during this pandemic, there's no doubt about it. the underlying conditions that talked about with doctors that people across the spectrum suffer from, candace, prediabetes, diabetes, hypertension. these are all tough things to have with this virus rolling around. msnbc's chuck todd, you wouldn't
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be surprised, does not want to see this pandemic go to waste either, watch. >> there's always been an inequality in this country when it comes to access to health care. this pandemic is shining a light on that issue like no other time in our country's history. even after the virus is under control, those issues will remain in less perhaps this makes lawmakers finally tackle them. >> laura: candace, anthony fauci, dr. fauci said a variant of that the other day that said we need to tackle the underlying issues, so apparently he's going to move into policy when it comes to health care as well. but he said basically the same thing. >> you know, i think what we are releasing, especially on the left when we talk about these anchors is that it shifted for them. first and foremost it was about fearmongering but now they seem really an opportunity for them to put forth their own policies and to push through their policies because they never want to let something like this go to waste. they say okay, we have a huge
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opportunity when people that are very fearful, people who have very little information, we can control what information we put out and scare people into getting behind policies that are ultimately going to hurt them. none of these policies that they're offering are going to help black americans or help americans in general. obviously there is no greater killer in the world than poverty. people that are impoverished don't have the economic means to help themselves and yet we are seeing the left push these policies. i disagree with dr. anthony fauci on various things. i think they've mismanaged a lot in terms of the estimations and there is no doubt people that are going to be harm to the most coming out of this are impoverished people in this country. >> laura: candace, those people who will not be able to get jobs. even when the economy starts to reopen as bernie marcus is saying, it's not just going to magically come back to life, it's going to take a lot of hard work. candace, thanks so much, great seeing you tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> laura: stay tuned, we have a last bite. it's a doozy, next.
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when bugs move in, we stress out and spray. well, we used to.
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new ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier kills and prevents bugs for up to a year without odor stains or fuss. get everything you need for spring at order today! ♪ >> laura: all right, it is time for the last bite. former president barack obama it endorsed joe biden in an excruciating 12 minute video. but it was one of nbc's anchors that really made my day. >> good government matters. that facts and science matter. that the world law matters.
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>> a substance of a convention speech. and that seems to be the right thing to say and the right way to win and beat donald trump. >> laura: convention speech? it was totally taboo them. that is all the time we have tonight, shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" take it from here, shannon. >> shannon: great interview with the vice president, laura. >> laura: thank you so much. have a great show. >> shannon: we will. major break with global policy establishment and president trump drops the hammer. the united states will stop funding the world health organization pending a review of the organization's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. the president is saying the w.h.o. put political correctness over saving lives. today's announcement appears to be just one of the thing setting up yet another showdown between the president and the white house press core. and the face-off between the president and several governors as the commander-in-


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