tv The Five FOX News April 15, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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>> neil: these protests will continue in michigan, they are not giving an inch. and we are likely to hear something from the president of the united states on this when his health care task force meets in about half an hour. stay with us. you are watching fox. here comes "the five." ♪ >> greg: i am greg gutfeld with juan williams, dana perino, jesse watters, and kennedy, "the five." ♪ well, the big orange meanie has struck again. >> today i am instructing my administration to halt funding of the world health organization while the review is conducted to assess the world health organization's role in some severe mismanagement and covering up the spread of the coronavirus. had the w.h.o. done its job to get medical experts into china
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to objectively assess the situation underground and to call out china's lack of transparency, the outbreak could have been contained at a source with very little deaths. >> greg: as if on cue, the media spewed. >> this is an attempt by the president to steer you away from his own actions. >> if you go through the scapegoats that he has blamed so far for the coronavirus pandemic, the w.h.o., members of the news media, members of congress. >> what you're seeing is a president who deflects, demeans, and announces others as opposed to taking responsibility. >> if i had to sum it up, i would say sheer madness, it is strictly political. >> what he is accusing the w.h.o. of, he did even worse. >> greg: madness, obscene, it is a reaction we come to expect from the children in the room, none who cared much about the pandemic, because they were too busy smoking that crack pipe of impeachment. are you surprised by trump's
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actions? are you the media that every day is like the first day of the presidency? no, you get it. the strategy from day one is based on incentive. he asks, how can we expect the w.h.o. to do better if they are going to get millions anyway. the w.h.o. is like everything in trump's orbit. it's going to kick the tires, threatened to pull out, nothing is off-limits, especially in organization organization notorious for abuse. trump just spanked the leadership who spent trillions on jets. if we are taking the order, why are we paying the rent? it's a good question, when the media won't ask. they pretend it is the end of the process, when it is just the start. trump shakes the box to see what happens next. it's not new, but it works. that's why yesterday obama spent 12 minutes saying nothing to defend joe, it all hinged on personality.
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yet trump is mean, but joe is nice. unless your name is tara. to the problem with the defense, the proof. did the stock market crash when he reamed a cost it employ rise when trump had a nickname. no, all obama has was that the complaint was as great as he has. yes, we get it, mr. trump is mean. but he is mean on our behalf. and the media implodes because he demands confidence from people soaking us for millions. i guess if it were biden, mr. nice guy would've just sniffed to their hair and called it a day. you know, dana, i like to offer solutions when there are problems, and if you notice what president trump said, he said suspended while they were review is being performed. this is beginning of the process which would be to fund directly so that we can watch the money. let the state department with
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the health funds. so we can see what is going on. more transparency. >> dana: at the end of the process when it is finished, if you have united states, basically still paying the lion share, but also then utilizing the influences that come with that. we are the superpower, and we should act like it. so therefore we are going to be here, and there will be a minder. and there is a united states person that is going to be involved. and there are some good things that the w.h.o. does for developing countries in particular. and when an outbreak like a bullet happens. it's really important that everybody is on the scene to help try to stamp that down. because more fail-safe is not good for anybody in the world. so there is that. but when it comes to protecting our own health, if we are going to do that, we need to get something for it. i don't think that it will all
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go away, unless there is complete and total resistance. if the w.h.o. decides that it wants to thumb its nose at america, then you might see america pulled a funding output and at that point it would probably be the right thing to do. >> greg: you know, kennedy, 2018 they spent over $200 million on travel expenses, and meanwhile, they were having issues with ebola, they could not get the money. what do you make of this? >> kennedy: i always think it is a good idea to look at the massive expenditures, figure out where the money is going on there transparency. i don't have a problem with that. if the w.h.o. is spending so much money on transportation and travel, why did they not go to china with a group of international experts including epidemiologists from the united states. and really figure out the origin of this virus. and i really don't think now is
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the time to appease china. i don't mind if we take politicized nation out of the entire picture, but i don't have a problem with asking these important questions. and we should do that with every government body who has dropped to the ball whether it is the federal government on the state level or the massive international conglomerates, that at this point are doing a little bit more harm than good. >> greg: do you think that the w.h.o. is the victim in this? and we are politicizing the story? and, it seems like the media immediately, whenever trump does not like something, the media always likes that thing he does not like. and when he like something, they always take the opposition. so isn't that kind of what is going on here? >> juan: no, let's take the media out of it for a second, greg. i think that you can have two realities. one is that china lies a lot and lied about the virus. and the president is right when he calls them out. i wish he would do it more.
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but secondly that the w.h.o. takes a lot on face value and tries to work with the governments that maintain or retain their sovereignty, so they need them to cooperate in order for the w.h.o. to do their job. so you have these two conflicting realities. so i think the president is right to say, hey, why doesn't china stop applying? instead of lashing out at w.h.o., he should lash out at china. but to do what he is doing in the midst of a global pandemic is a little bit like cutting off your nose despite your face. we need, we don't even have a replacement. nobody in the world level is in a position of the w.h.o. to help us deal with this crisis at the moment. we can't as the united states stop it unless we deal with the developing countries and even with china again, because right now i understand that they may be facing a second wave in that country. so all of that is important. and i think in terms of the
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politics of it, apart from the president putting his signature on stimulus check it, it is like he is trying to distract us from all the critics that say he has had some problems in terms of his response. >> greg: what do you think, jesse, is that the case? >> jesse: to juan's point, they are there to prevent pandemic, and they blew it. they are useless. they are not there to cure pandemic, they are there to prevent to. and they failed. let me show you a snapshot of the w.h.o. it is rotten from the top. so chairman, dr. tedros, do you know who he gave a goodwill ambassador ship to? robert go dobby of zimbabwe. the backlash was so strong he had to resend it. he is from a marxist revolutionary party in ethiopia purity was part of a regime there that had really brutal crackdowns, and rights atrocities galore. the $200 million they spent in one year on travel is more than
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they spent fighting malaria,, and tuberculosis combined. they were booking presidential suites with marble bathrooms. they were doing first class. they were doing luxury limousines. so now you have the flush fund run by a marxist, basically and then american expense account. and it is under the u.n. umbrella. must i remind everybody about the united nations? i mean, this is like for arab dictatorships, european socialists, third world want to be's, and they are all just trying to take down america. it's a patronage mill. and we pay for that patronage mill. and oil for food? the rate scandals in africa? they predicted manhattan would be under water last year. the whole w.h.o./u.n. scene is a bad scene. they have a lot of meetings and they never do anything. we have to make sure that we get it right. >> greg: i think you summed it
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♪ >> juan: welcome back to "the five." president trump eyeing a major plan to get the u.s. economy moving again. and he even has a date in mind. >> i will be speaking to all 50 governors very shortly. and i will then be authorizing each individual governor of each individual state to implement a reopening and a very powerful reopening plan of their state at a time and in a manner as most appropriate. it's going to be very, very close. maybe even before the date of may 1st.
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>> juan: meanwhile, there is a backlash against michigan governor expanded stay-at-home order. protesters they are holding a rally around the capital to say the order has gone too far in their opinion. for example, if bands visits to relatives and friends, among other controversial restrictions. but consider the other side of the coin here, south dakota's governor kristi noem has so far resisted ordering people to stay at home. and now it has one of the nation's largest coronavirus hot spots. more than 400 workers at a meat processing plant today are falling ill from the virus. so, jesse, i think a lot of this has to do with trust about when we reopen, i think of new yorkers as very skeptical, skin and coal people. but they have followed orders about to staying at home and the like, and they have cut the level of transmission. so what do you think about people who are objecting to what
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is going on from governor whitmer in michigan. >> jesse: there are reasonable objections. for some reasons and states a guy in colorado was arrested, actually handcuffed when he was having a catch with his 8-year-old daughter at a softball field. or they are ticketing to the tune of $1,000 per fine for drive-through churchgoers. you know, other people in rhode island got arrested for playing golf. for playing golf. they are opening up prisons and they are shutting down gun stores. before we even have a conversation about days opening the economy, we have to get rid of some of these crazy government overreach. because a lot of it is unconstitutional. it is un-american. and there are other ways to go about it. there was a guy in a philadelphia bus that got yanked off the bus. physically yanked off because he wasn't wearing a mask. all the guy had to do was say, hey, buddy, put the shirt over your face for the duration of
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the ride. it's getting crazy. things were well behaved and reasonable, let's take it one step at a time. >> juan: all right, so greg, let's look at the governor of michigan, gretchen whitmer on what she has to say about protesting. to be know that people are angry. and that is okay. and if you want to take it out and send it my way, makes me feel better, that's fine. i support to your right free speech. and i respect your opinions. i just urge you, don't put yourself at risk. and don't put others at risk either. i was really disappointed to see people congregating, not wearing masks. this kind of activity will put more people at risk. and sadly, it could prolong the amount of time we have to be in this posture. i just ask you to do your part.
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>> juan: greg, what do you think? >> greg: i think we are getting to a certain point of understanding. a call it the oscar theory when everybody realizes that the oscar show is too long. we might be getting fooled by a false sense of security. we are staring out at our nation and it is calm and quiet and tranquil and patient, but it could be like one of those one-dimensional phony sets at a western that's right behind that is real misery and suffering, and at a certain point it's going to come out. people aren't going to be nice anymore. they are going to realize that they are going to have to take a risk. and i think the nancy pelosi, she was on james corden last night. and she showed what was in her fridge. and she had all of this ice cream. you could tell that she could live in her mansion forever. and i don't think people that are so far removed from the daily lives of others should have an opinion on when we go back to work or not.
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and i think trump has a rare skill of reading the country and sensing that people are getting restless. and that maybe it is time to get back and work in phases or not, but i think it will be in phases. but i am getting emails. i'm sure that everybody on the set is getting emails from people, they are not selfish people. but they are losing their jobs. they are not getting by on the money that they are being given. it's getting to a point now where it is almost time that we are willing to absorb the risk and get back to work. >> jesse: yes. >> juan: dana, what is your take on this? >> dana: i was going to take it from a different standpoint, that's about gretchen whitmer herself. she has gotten a lot of positive media attention. and even suggesting that oh, maybe she would be a really good vice presidential pick for joe biden. it's michigan. he said he is going to pick a woman. she is a governor.
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governors have to do things and run things. and competence is your calling card when you are a governor. i don't think her tryout for the vice presidential slot is going that well. and partly that's because of what greg was saying. it's not reading the room. i actually think that her intentions are good. as with all of these governors. they are the ones closest to their states. they can look around and say, this is the concern that we have. this is what we need to do. and if you see something like what governor newsom did yesterday, he said here are the six criteria that i am looking at so that we can get to reopen paired i think that gives people a little bit of hope that this is not forever. integrates point about coming in oh, how distressing it is about the second round of layoffs that is happening and coming. today during the daily briefing, i checked it during the commercial break, and harley-davidson had had to lay off global production. and that means how many people then aren't getting a paycheck? now they don't have health care
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insurance. now they have to figure out a way to feed their families. they have to join one of these food lines, and they are concerned about the risk. if you are hungry, you will risk a lot. in order to feed your family. you cannot think straight if you are hungry. and so when you are talking about basic needs like that, you have to find a way to give people encouragement and also keep them safe. i don't envy the governors. they have a really, really tough job. >> juan: and kennedy, i know you have some libertarian leadings, gleanings, do you think they would object to the idea that you have to stay at home with an order from the governor? >> kennedy: i think when there is a mutual understanding of what is going to keep people safe and what we can do to help people with that, that's one thing. my biggest fear is the biggest month and a half in the middle of homeschooling, and people really hoping that their personal stimulus checks get to
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their mailboxes as soon as possible. my worry is once the government has taken so much control over your life in every aspect on every level, municipal, state, and federal. what makes any of us think that they are going to so easily take that back. that's what is so scary. it's the long-term consequences of actions like this and the idea of tattling on your neighbors that has thrown everything out of balance, and there is an imbalance between what is happening in michigan and what is happening in north dakota. and we have to make sure that as individuals and states that we do a better job of finding that. >> juan: that is pretty good. yes, i agree. in just a second, the white house coronavirus task force will be coming out. but coming up in our next segment, joe biden, the former vice president notching another key endorsement as new attention is paid to a sexual assault allegation against the former
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please visit for more information. ♪ >> dana: "the new york times" accused of hypocrisy over they they -- how they covered a 1993 sexual assault allegation over joe biden. the times admitting that they removed at behest of the biden campaign to take away inappropriate hugs, kisses, and touching in their piece over his accuser tara reid. she says he sexually assaulted her when she worked in his office. the biden campaign pushed back saying that the paper made it seem like there were other instances in which biden has been accused of sexual misconduct. meanwhile congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez has the topic is a legitimate thing to talk about and fox news has reached out to 16 prominent democrats on the short list with
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big names like kamala harris and elizabeth warren, no one has responded yet. by the former vice president continues his push forward to carrying a another endorsement today from elizabeth warren. >> joe biden has spent nearly his entire life in public service. he knows that government runs with integrity, competence, and his heart will save lives and save livelihoods. and that's why i'm proud to endorse joe biden as president of the united states. >> dana: jesse, i have been wondering why joe biden's team is rolling out all of these endorsements in such quick succession, none of them have a moment to breathe. they are not being able to win multiple new cycles. and i wonder about "the new york times" story. in summary like elizabeth warren trying to get this endorsement out there before it becomes uncomfortable to do so. >> jesse: it could be a good idea. it does seem like the latest
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accusation is becoming a me to go scandal. because if you look objectively, the kavanaugh accuser and the biden accuser. one has a hazy memory of what happens, the other says she was pushed forcefully and held down against her will, and another says that she was physically violated in a graphic way that i can't even really get into on television. one person did not tell anybody about this for decades, the other person told friends and family. one's friends and family don't believe her, and another friends and family do believe her. the first public contact for one of the accusers was a democratic senator on the eve of a hearing. and the other has first public contact to that was a podcast. so it is clear that this has been treated completely unfair in the media. cnn has not covered it. none of the networks have covered it. and all of the organizations like women's march, emily's
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list, the acl you, they all condemned the cavanaugh accuser. and they have all been silenced on the biden accuser. i have no idea if this is true. no one knows. it is a he said, she said, many years ago that any evidence or witnesses, but there is video of one person sniffing and caressing and massaging, yet, he is painted as pristine by the mainstream media. i hope it's not true, i really hope it's not true, but it is just not fair. >> dana: greg, i'm a member sitting with you during the kavanaugh hearings, the multiple hearings that he had, and you think about some of those senators who then decided to run for president, and they were quite vocal at the very beginning of any sort of accusation. and have been pretty quiet this time around. >> greg: yes, it is an obvious point to reveal the hypocrisy in all of this.
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and the idiots at "the times" michelle goldberg who called everybody pigs. and suddenly there is time for nuance, and that may be, oh, we should not believe all women, and maybe you should have a presumption of innocence. but of course, only if they are progressive. it is a progressive pig path that i talk to you about before. the media gives a path to progressives that they would not give to anybody else. hence harvey weinstein. he got to abuse women for years, because, you know, he supported all of the feminist causes. and i would like to give points to aoc, because, you know, i disagree with her on mostly everything, but at least she is consistent and she sees biden for what he is. he is the past. and she has no interest in indulging passing fingers. >> dana: she seems quite reluctant to vote for biden if she does so. i am just looking down here, the
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accuser, tara reid says that she filed with the senate in 1993 a document of complaint. in "the new york times" says that they tried to find that document, unable. they had to do a search, but it took months. isn't that the next step in the story that this document services, maybe? >> juan: it would be helpful, because as jesse said, this is a he said, she said, it is not clear, nobody remembers her filing such a complaint or coming to them to have a discussion about the senator's behavior. biden was a senator at the time. so what you get is a situation where the biden campaign vigorously denies the allegati allegation, saying that that never took place. and then as everyone has pointed out in a very awkward position of wondering if it is a political thing. is it like how people say it was political against kavanaugh, you can say this is political
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against biden. one key difference, obviously in the kavanaugh case, the young lady was a teenager. you can understand teenagers not being quick to file reports, but in this case, it was not a young person. and she did not file a police report until just i think last week and the district of columbia. so it is a little different. and of course, there is also the politics of her being a sanders supporter when sanders was still in the race. and she is very pro-pollutant, all of that is out there. i understand why people on the right one to draw comparisons to kavanaugh, but in terms of attacking the times, i would say, in the kavanaugh case it was an ongoing and immediate situation, and he was about to be confirmed to a lifetime seat. biden is now the likely democratic nominee, but the election is pretty far away. >> dana: okay, but that seems pretty significant, right? that he will be the democratic
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nominee. i wanted to ask you one thing, kennedy. let me get kennedy and here, because i know we don't want to go over time. so "the new york times" said that when they talk to tara reid, she said she filed the complaint, and then soon after that she was removed from her responsibilities and she had to go work at a different office, and in her role as a junior staffer, she was responsible for overseeing the interns. the only other cooperation that i see in that regard is that when they talk to the interns, they said that they never heard of anything in terms of sexual assault, but they did remember that suddenly she was no longer their boss. >> kennedy: yes, and i think it is more appropriate that she had conversations with her friends and family as jesse pointed out, and probably not with some college aged summer associates who are they are working on capitol hill, but you are absolutely right. we will see if there is
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documentation from back in 1993 when this allegedly occurred, and i don't appreciate people trying to tamp down the importance of the timeline. yes, the election is in november. he is a presumptive menominee. he is in a position to be the president of the united states, which is arguably the most powerful person in the world, so, if it is so important to try to derail supreme court nominations for brett kavanaugh, then, democrats do look incredibly hypocritical when they are led by alyssa milano who have very different sets of standards. and the only thing i have asked for the entire time as uniformity and fairness when bringing things out, and when you are discussing sensitive issues like this with victims. >> dana: it is interesting, 1993 was just a couple of years after the clarence thomas hearing, where senator biden played an important role.
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choice if we left the jail system fully populated, than the pandemic is able to squeak through the jail system. but some of them were not going to go back to court. they are going to end up being, they will go to the warden, and failed to appear. those who do not have a job and the beginning or out on the streets. it is unchartered territory that we are headed into. >> jesse: all right, kennedy, i know a lot of people who really don't care if the people in prison get covid-19. but these people are americans. they have rights. they can infect a bit because you them in prison. it is a really thorny issue. >> dana: with criminal justice reform, you want to treat the problems before they arise to the level of crises. and that's exactly what happen here. so you want to keep people who
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should not be in prison out of prison so that you don't have overcrowding on that level. instead of letting a bunch of people out with may be improper vetting process and creating other public health and safety issues. i think that we should have a conversation about why we have so many overcrowded jails and prisons, but this is not the best way to solve that solution. >> jesse: greg, do you think that they released at the man from rikers, and he held up a bank? >> greg: i can safely say this does not help matters. i'm going out on a limb, but right now you have people who are not working, they are at home. they are suffering psychologically. uncertain of their future, but then you throw thugs out into the street. that is definitely adding to the mix. that's like going up to a guy on crutches and breaking his other leg. i think we have to realize that right now, we are living through history. this is not something -- we are in the middle of it.
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and if there is one thing that i learn from history, is that sooner or later something big happens. and sometimes it can be great, or sometimes it can be awful. but we are kind of getting to that moment, where it could be awful. and we have to start thinking about this. this is a sign. this is a sign that rings could go bad very shortly. we should not forget it. this is important. >> jesse: i mean, juan, it is quite a lucky break if you get locked up and then they release you to home confinement during the covid-19 pandemic. but wow, i don't know if a lot of the country likes this idea. >> juan: everyone is concerned about our safety, their safety, from what i understand in california, these are nonviolent offenders. they are talking about juveniles, because, prisons are
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essentially if they get crowded like that. and as he pointed out, that would affect the guards, and the community in a negative manner. but the constitution protects people who are even sentenced to death. on death row from cruel and unusual punishment. that is the constitution, and we don't care if you are in a jail and gets overrun with the coronavirus. we have to be aware of these things. and i think we do have to maintain law and order. i don't think it is fair to say some young person who did something wrong and is released in 30 days, you have to stay in jail and potentially lose your life. >> jesse: it has to be case like case, and wasn't michael avenatti trying to hit some judge to spring him free because he was at risk behind bars? >> dana: i think he did.
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>> jesse: and they released him. >> dana: also nonviolent, if we want to put it that way. i think that shows that people in decision-making authority are making decisions right now that the choices are not between good and great decisions. their options are bad or worse. and i don't envy them. and i want to support our local officials, keep in mind and keep in your prayers, the police officers, anybody in law enforcement that is trying to do a really hard job, sometimes is not very good guidance, right? the governors a little bit like, yeah, we need to make sure that nobody is in the park, but they don't actually have strict guidance. and the police are out there trying to do their best without a lot of specific guidance. i would put new york city in that category as well. so at least stay home when you can come and do the right thing.
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but also keep the police officers in your prayers. >> jesse: yes, and if you can release the prisoners, don't shut down the gun stores. makes perfect sense. straight ahead. clinton has a new gig while on covid lockdown. we will tell you about that next. ♪ open road and telling people that liberty mutual customizes your insurance, so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i'm a talking dog. the other issue. oh... i'm scratching like crazy. you've got some allergic itch with skin inflammation.
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and it is very exciting. it has been a horrible time to see such deaths, and destruction. especially when you come out of what was the greatest economy in the history of the world. the greatest. there has never been an economy like what we had produced. but we will produce it again. and i think we will produce it again very fast. the medical and health care advances have made are critical to our continued progress. we've rapidly developed to the most expansive and accurate testing system anywhere in the world, and have completed more than 3.3 million tests. to date we have authorized 48 separate coronavirus tests, and the fda is working on 300 companies and labs to widen the capacity still further. today abbott labs has developed an antibody test to see if someone has been previously
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infected with the coronavirus, and potentially developed immunity. it's a great test. the company says these tests could be available to screen up to 20 million people in a matter of weeks. my administration is also distributing vast amounts of medical supplies to states across the country. through project air bridge, which has been an amazing success, we have completed 44 flights, and these are flights of very, very large airplanes. massive cargo planes. 44 flights of critical supplies as of today, and an additional 56 flights scheduled in the near future. we have some very brilliant people working on this. it is logistically incredible what they have done. and we have also been working on this with the military, and to these people have been the genius of all of them together, it has been incredible to watch. in total, through all channels, the federal government has
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developed and delivered 39.4 million n95 masks. 40 million gloves, 57 million surgical masks, and 10.2 millio. we ordered 500 million masks, and they will be coming shortly. and we have distributed 100 million masks. following our use of the defense production act, gm announced that its first ventilator has come off of the assembly line in kokomo, indiana. great place. they did it in 11 days from start to finish. a remarkable testament to the ingenuity of the american worker. gm will ship over 600 ventilators this month alone with thousands of more to come. we have other company is doing something similar. i think they said that there is a brief clip that we have of general motors, sent to us by general motors. and i think they might be wanting to play that.
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>> president trump: i know you got a little bit nervous, when you saw there was a clip about to be played. but that was sent to us by general motors, and we thought it would be a good one to play. it's amazing. what they have done in a very, very short period of time. they are now making thousands of ventilators, and they are coming out of the factory very rapidly at a clip that no one can believe. we have others also doing it. and these are very high-grade ventilators. we are helping a lot of people. at this moment, nobody needs them. we have to remember during the surge, no one has needed them for weeks now. but we will have them for stockpiles. very importantly, we will have them for other countries, because nobody is able to do things like we can do. and we are going to be able to help other countries that are having tremendous problems. to put it mildly. my administration is using every available authority to accelerate the developments, study, and delivery of therapies. so important, therapies. treatments and ultimately what we want to come up with is a
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safe vaccine. but frankly, the therapy is our most important, because it takes care of people right now. of the vaccines have to be tested, so it takes a longer period of time. but we have some great potential therapy is already, and we will see how they are working. we will be able to report on that over the next week or two. charmandetremendous progress han made. 35 clinical trials of promising therapies are now underway. if so 35 different genius companies, if you look at aids, ebola, so many things they have come up with the answers to so many things, he would not have believed it in. and we are very honored to be working with them. they include antivirals and also, something which is incredible, keeps the virus from multiplying, a mechanism that keeps the virus from multiplying. immune therapies that prevent the immune system from
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overreaching to the virus, andns that use antibodies from the blood of recovered patients. and we have a lot of patients who recover. and they are so happy to have recovered, that the first thing they do is say we want to give our blood, and they do that. it's incredible. we have thousands of people that are doing that. they recover and they feel that they have an obligation, because they have gotten such great care, and a lot of them did not think that they were going to make it. as the entire u.s. government works to combat the global pandemic, it is absolutely essential that the key positions at relevant federal agencies are fully staffed. we are not allowing that to take place through our congress. they are just not giving it to us. we have many, many positions that are unstaffed, because we can't get the approvals the democrats are holding up. we cannot get approval. we've gotten judges, because we go through the process. i guess we are up to 448 federal
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judges, and that we have gotten because we focus on it. we've taken the maximum time, because no matter who the judge is, they take vast numbers of days and hours to prevent, leaves no time left for others. very unfair system. if a judge is going to be approved in one hour, one session, does not matter. they will take the maximum number of hours and days, you are talking about days to get one judge approved. and we are close to 250 judges. but because of the way that they are doing it, there is no time for anybody else. and many of these people have been waiting for two and half years. we have a couple that has been waiting for longer than that. they are currently 129 nominees stuck in the senate because of partisan obstruction. many are nominated for vacancies that must be filled to assist with the coronavirus crisis, and
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the resulting economic challenges. and i have read over the years, well, i did not fill positions. i don't fill positions, and some cases we don't need the position. and i am all for that. in many cases you do, but we can't get them approved by the democrats. they won't release them. the positions include the director of national intelligence, two members of the federal reserve board of governors, the assistant secretary of treasury for financial markets of the united states, and to the under secretary of responsible for administering food security programs. and sonny perdue, who is going to be speaking today as saying, please, can i have this man. can i have this particular person approved as soon as possible? he has been telling me that for a again, every single judge, every nominee we have goes to the maximum or at least we go through a long process and it is
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days and days the concerted effort to make life difficult. an example is michael pack, he is my nominee for the ceo of the broadcasting board of governors, he's been stuck in committee for two years preventing us from managing the voice of america, very important. if you heard what's coming out of the voice of america, it's disgusting. the things they say are disgusting toward our country. michael pack, he would do a great job but he's been waiting for two years, can't get him approved. the senate has left washington until at least may 4th, the constitution provides a mechanism for the president to fill positions in such circumstances, the recess appointment it's called. the senate's practice of gambling into so-called pro forma sessions where no on
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