tv Hannity FOX News April 15, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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completely out of time and will be back tomorrow. have a happy night with the ones you love. sean hannity is standing by in new york city to take over, about nine seconds early but we are happy. >> sean: i will take it because you were late for the last two nights. i'm not talking about the post anymore, we have more important things. national emergency, pandemic, great show as always tucker. welcome to "hannity" and would begin tonight with the fox news alert. a bombshell alert from our own brett bear. the pandemic we now know likely came from a biological testing lab in wuhan, china. scientists were studying the coronavirus in baths and the virus was transmitted from a bat to a lab worker, ground zero. according to brett's sources tonight, patient zero was at work or in the wuhan lab who accidentally became infected with what is now known as cobit
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19. that infected worker then went into the population of wuhan. the virus spread quickly. make no mistake. if this is now all true in the days and weeks and months that followed, we witnessed the single biggest deadly cover up the world ever seen. we destroyed samples, journalists and doctors disappeared and china shut down domestic travel to and from wuhan, but they did not stop international flights to and from wuhan. in other words, they protected their own country but were willing to expose the rest of the world knowing the real risks. now that would mean they need to pay massive financial and political prices for this. these actions from china have directly led to widespread suffering and death all over the world and frankly, if true, what
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china's government did is frankly just pure evil in our time. according to brett's sources the world health organization assisted china's cover-up while every single step of the way. tonight, china and the world health organization are now denying the allegations but as the president said, many times the truth is a force of nature. here to break this all down for us, the host of "special report" brett bear is with us. my question right off the bat. you've gotten these emails, i've gotten these emails, you read social media and i read social media. i've been sent so many of these things. i look at them and i said, it's can't be true. it's like the conspiracy theory, i looked into it but never saw any evidence. but you have evidence tonight, what specific evidence have you uncovered? >> sean, good evening. this is from multiple sources who have been briefed at the beginning part of the origins from china. they've also seen documents open
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source and classified. we've asked to see those documents directly but they are saying that it is increasingly likely. there is increasing confidence that the virus cobit 19 started in that wuhan lab not as a bio weapon. let's just be clear about that. there's no one who is saying that this is a bio weapon. >> sean: how would we know that? >> we wouldn't but the sources are not saying that. they are saying it occurred naturally because china was trying to show that they could be as good if not better than the u.s. in handling viruses and discovering viruses and this was a botched effort to contain this and it got out to the population. so there is increasing confidence of that's how it starts. they are 100% confident that china altered the data in the statistics, they did a lot of things to contain the information. meanwhile they cut down as you
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mentioned travel from wuhan internally but left the international flights going. there obviously is how you have a spread like this. now what i think you are going to start to see as more and more officials being obviously asked about this. secretary pompeo was on martha show tonight and ask specifically about it and also these documents that u.s. doctors went to that lab a few years ago to inspect it. through the embassy in beijing sent back warnings to the state department saying that this lab was really not living up to standards and there were warnings about how the levers operating. i think you are going to see more and more officials they this. chairman of the joint chiefs general milley asked about it and said the evidence was on to inconclusive but look to natural. you can do natural but still have a botched handling of the virus in one of these labs and
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that's what we are getting tonight. >> sean: it certainly would speak volumes if they are not allowing people from wuhan to travel to china or any other areas of china but they are letting them travel internationally, that would mean they knew the risk was real. they protected their own country but nobody else and we already know that they were not forthcoming. there had been all of these internet conspiracy theories, you saw them and i saw them. this is a little different, but we really don't know what their intentions were except they didn't want to tell the world. we know that, that's clear. >> i will just say that i think you will see more and more coming out. speaking about this, obviously john roberts asked the president about it and he kind of didn't answer on the specifics but said he is hearing that more and more and he wouldn't talk about how he has talked to president xi. the big picture, the u.s. still has an issue to deal with as we are coming off this curve. some states obviously at the
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peak. ppe and other things are needed from china. so from a diplomatic perspective, throwing this right now, i guess that is some of the concern about having the story out. my sources are not just one place, and they've been briefed on this. the fact that they are saying it like this is news in and of itself. i think that you are going to have -- we really want to see the documents, the hard direct evidence and we will see if we can get this. >> sean: what did the world health organization know and when did they know it and why do china only take steps to protect their citizens are not the rest of the world? we will keep following that. according to what we just heard in the early states of the coronavirus, china knew that disease with deadly and they knew it was highly contagious. but for months they still
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allowed international flights. they knew the risk. and that is beyond reckless behavior and a dangerous behavior. china must be held accountable, we must get answers. also as it relates to the world health organization, willing accomplices seemingly up to this point and according to fox news, w.h.o. was complicit, and now hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are dead and that this has been the largest funding source for the w.h.o. the u.s. contributed $400 million per year more than any other nation and china only contributed 10% of that. how were they ever trust classified as a developing country, which is ridiculous, and why is the w.h.o. reportedly conspiring with china's dictatorship, and covering for them and spreading their propaganda? it now looks like the w.h.o.
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director general may need to come clean and resign and until then probably after then, no u.s. funding for the w.h.o. take a look. speak to in order to advance the health and security of our nation and all nations as we announced yesterday, the u.s. government has put a hold on funding to the w.h.o., world health organization, pending a review of the organization's and mismanagement of the coronavirus outbreak over the objections of the w.h.o. we took decisive action and early life saving to suspend travel from china. they didn't want to do it and they were angry that we did it. >> as a president has reiterated its time for the u.s. to analyze our funding and membership in many international diplomatic bodies. the w.h.o. falls under the umbrella of the united nations. guess what? you the taxpayers contribute
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nearly $700 million to the u.n. every year. by the way, once again more than any other country, over the years we've witnessed anti-semitism, anti-americanism, actions and words of the u.n. maybe the u.n., maybe we will let china take it and let china pay the massive amounts of money to fund it all. we need to take a close look at the world trade organization because yes, once again you, me and the people contribute nearly $24 million every year to the wto which is also more than china. in the meantime, how should this country respond to the source of this corruption, that is china's communist dictatorship? here now with reaction, arkansas senator tom cotton. you went out early on this. i remember watching and i'm looking at him listening, i've always viewed you as very credible. i wasn't sure of it all and did my own investigative work. i didn't have a definitive answer and i still don't but in listening to what you are saying and what he's saying, where do
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you think the story leads? >> sean since january i have said it seems to be highly coincidental that this very contagious virus originated just a few hundred yards or maybe a couple of miles from laboratories where the chinese communist party researchers coronavirus is. brett bears reporting tonight shows that the chinese communist party is responsible for every single death, every job lost, every retirement nest egg lost from this coronavirus. and xi jinping and his chinese communist apparatchiks must be made to pay the price if that turns out to be true. >> sean: while they certainly uphold a lot of america's debt. this in an area where we could perhaps get compensation? >> we can examine that area. i think we need to make the american courts open for lawsuits against chinese communist leaders. i have legislation that would modify the foreign sovereign immunities act to do just that. i think we are going to begin to
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see a massive shift of manufacturing capacity out of china and back to the united states, or at least a friendly allied country which would be devastating to the chinese economy. but just imagine, not just in america but all around the world the demands for accountability and consequences on the chinese communist party and a chairman g. if it turns out the chinese negligence and then chinese corruption and treachery was responsible for unleashing this pandemic on the world. >> sean: if his report bears out as you said, and i have no reason to doubt that it will look at it certainly speaks volumes. we weren't allowing travel from wuhan to any other area inc. china but they were perfectly willing to let people in wuhan travel to the rest of the world. that needs to be addressed and answered. senator cotton, thank you. as our monologue continues tonight, much to get to. we need to address what is the revolting, repulsive and sadly predictable behavior from two groups of people in this
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country. the same to predictable groups. the mob and the media, the democratic party. the vast majority of our fellow americans are working night and day, day and night together to beat back this national emergency and pandemic. these two hate filled groups using what is a disease antivirus at an important moment to save lives as a political weapon. the dog bites, the bee stings, if you are feeling sadness/out at donald trump. tonight's example comes from the democratic speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. she just authored what is nothing short of a bizarre, reach filled trump obsessive rant which is full of outright lies, offending hypocrisy, breathtaking, out of touch reality from her part. ed according to the speaker after an easter weekend full of deep prayer and reflection. that usually sets you up for, okay, what's next? god apparently communicated to her that donald trump was responsible for the carnage
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caused by coronavirus. writing, "in january donald trump was warned about this pandemic. ignored those mornings and took insufficient action, caused unnecessary death and disaster. okay, let's let truth get in the way of her little narrative because you have to remember that china didn't identify the coronavirus until january 9th. the first known case in the united states was january 21st. ten days later in record time, controversial at the moment, hysteria, xenophobic, fearmongering racist, january 31st. ten days after the first case in the u.s. donald trump implement to the travel ban. and remember, mandatory quarantines, first time in over 50 years. subsequent travel bands, declared a public health emergency. as a matter of fact nobody in the history of modern medicine intersecting with politics has ever acted faster. what was nancy pelosi doing in
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january? spending every waking moment impeaching the president. then january 15, 5 days after the world was warned about cobit 19 she was all smiles. she signed off on her impeachment shift show stunt with selfies, smiles and pictures. she knew the impeachment witch hunt was dead on arrival and the senate yet all of january and into february, that was what the focus of her attention was on. nothing about cobit 19. in early february as a president mentioned it to coronavirus in the state of the union, scene? pelosi acting bizarre and pretty ripping the speech while the president was talking all about, in some cases, coronavirus? this was her preplanned made for public tv temper tantrum sideshow. then february 24, 1 month after trump's travel ban. well into this health emergency, pelosi shows up for a publicity
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stunt on the credits streets of chinatown. she's hugging and shaking hands with supporters encouraging everyone to come to chinatown saying everything is fine. turns out it was pelosi who was giving out false information. it was losey who failed to take action. it was pelosi who failed to lead and it was pelosi who was so upset with impeachment and her stunt at the state of the union that she couldn't see the forest through the trees. what could easily be a moment of self reflection at the end of pelosi's prayers and her ranting, she writes "a weak person, a poor leader takes no responsibility. a weak person blames others. you are that person, you are that poor leader. you are the reason that americans hate career politicians. even the middle of a national emergency and pandemic, pelosi puts politics like every other grant, give them before anyone
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else. sick and disgusting. and by the way the country and our constituents deserve better. here with more is house minority leader kevin mccarthy, replacing her and 202 days would not be about thing for the country. think about it. she is telling people come hugging people and shaking hands with people, come to chinatown. that's a month after trumps sign ditched travel ban. she withheld funding so she could fund the national endowment the arts and humanities, kennedy center. she didn't give money to workers that desperately needed it, she delayed it. hospitals that needed the money, small businesses and large money to make businesses that needed the money. and she wanted to change immigration laws. so everyone is put on hold and she's the one that's waiting, she is one telling people a month later that everything is safe and sound. she was wrong. her advice could have been deadly.
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>> you would hope she would have learned from those mistakes because what she's doing right now is continuing that behavior. we have more than $308 billion that has now been sent out to the small businesses. more than 1.4 billion small businesses through almost 5,000 banks. but you know what? that money will run out come thursday, tomorrow or friday. nancy pelosi is holding up approval of more money it would keep the small businesses aflo afloat, keep their employees paid for and paying their rent. but nancy pelosi says no because every moment of the time she wants to play politics and try to change history just as she tries to blame this president, president trump, who took that action. >> sean: congressman, she's not at work. she's in charge of the house. the farmers are working. the people that pack our food and medicines are working. the truckers are working. health care workers are working, manufacturers that produce all the safety equipment are working. she's not working. she's in her gated community in a multimillion dollar mansion
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flying in a private jet with a huge carbon footprint. why isn't she at work? >> we all should be a work. you see the president working every single day putting task force together. he was right about shutting down those flights. if we all pause for one moment and sit and think about china deflecting, and china going out and applying to the public, not directly led to americans dying. and now we have nancy pelosi holding up the money to keep small business employee is hired. >> sean: is with the message has got to be. look, i understand why republicans finally had to throw their hands and couldn't wait any longer. she held the money hostage the last time. why? to fund the arts. here's my advice. she's holding necessary money for american workers and small businesses hostage again. but this time, you guys can give
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in. sit there, money held hostage by nancy pelosi day number one. on day number two i will make up graphics on the show. pelosi holds a worker money hostage. that's it. count it down until she is willing to fund what is so necessary and not waste fraud and abuse in the process. >> this is a program that's working, going to small businesses clear across america. everyone has the opportunity for it and it's about to run out of money because it is successful. that money is used to pay for employees. so anybody else that's going to go to the unemployment line, thank nancy pelosi for that. she's holding it up and not allowing to come forward. she doesn't even have to come to washington to pass it, he could pass by unanimous consent just as mitch mcconnell tried to do it. it's one page, one page. all it is is requesting more money for one successful program to pay the employees and small
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businesses. >> don't give in. >> this is who they are. it's really sad to be very honest. she needs to get back to work and stop sending out proclamations from her gated community mansion or private j jet. it's unbelievable. in the middle of a national emergency, that was another investigation into trump. >> she should have sent a letter to joe biden, it took two months stopping those planes and coming from china to america. >> sean: r8 kevin, we got to roll. minority leader kevin mccarthy, 202 days, you could elect to that guy speaker. it's up to you. you want nancy pelosi back, it's your choice. for months the w.h.o. misled the world, spread chinese propaganda and even suggested the president was racist and a xenophobic. but the mob, the media and the
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democratic party, they clearly lived by one motto. the enemy of my enemy is my friend. and so for weeks now they have been defending the w.h.o. and trashing president trump. of course, that's all they ever do. cnn "defunding w.h.o. is like pulling the plug on firefighters and the aftermath of 9/11. please don't insult firefighters because they gave us false information that led to americans dying. that's who cnn is protecting. obama's former u.n. ambassador samantha power and playing the president was doing prudence bidding. okay, you've lost your mind. and believe it or not, the hysteria was even worse on fake news cnn, msnbc come all the same predictable wires, conspiracy theorist and those of pedal hoaxes for three years. take a look. >> what do you think of president trump's plan to vault the half a billion dollars to
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the w.h.o.? >> if i had to sum it up i would say, sheer madness. it's obscene, it's strictly political. >> but that was a big swing, to point out w.h.o. and say, there was a problem and here's the big thing i'm doing to address it. >> for all those watching to whom this is not obvious, let's be truthful. the president is looking to distract and assign blame here. >> i just spoke with a former w.h.o. official and that's exactly what he told me. >> the president is sounding very baghdad bob like in the way he's assigning blame to everyone but himself. >> sean: okay, fake news or costs are, fake news cnn, let's go to anderson cooper, the date, march 4th. did it. well i think we have it up there somewhere. anyway, march 4th, it was cooper
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that said, for his own thing. remember? he said oh, yes, the flu is worse. i think we have that tape now, let's hit it. >> half of the american people do not get a flu shot and the flu right now is far deadlier. so if you are freaked out at all about coronavirus, you should be more concerned about the flu and you could get a flu shot. >> sean: does dr. cooper have blood on his hands? no he doesn't. china was lying, the w.h.o. was lying. even dr. fauci said on february 29 that the risk was low. joining us now is ari fleischer, former white house press secretary. it's all the same predictable people but they get more extreme by the hour. >> when i hear cnn say that this is like going after firefighters in the middle of the fire, this is like going after arsonists who let the fire. that's what we should be doing. it's also called leverage and it it that's something, you have a
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lot of anti-american bias and he does it through leverage. the way the democrats in the media instantly embrace this organization, i don't understand sean for the life of me why they would rather blame donald trump first for everything. and you see what they do, they hold money hostage is coming desperately needed national emergencies and they hold it hostage for changing immigration laws and changing you know, voting laws. the media mom doesn't even run the press conferences, they missed most of the president's opening comments for 20 minutes and they do that often and on purpose. there's a lot of heat behind us. >>.
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and that's her first instinct. china and the w.h.o. need to be held. in the next several years the biggest story on earth will be the u.s. and china rivalry. that is a growing issue and the turning from china back to america. donald trump is honest and saw it early and it's a huge fight. >> sean: donald trump was ahead of the curve on china, and we will bring those manufacturing curves back to this country. when we come back, more disturbing news out of china. china might be in later, he's back. dennis miller is back. we need a moment of funny. i hope he's funny, straight ahead.
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>> sean: mark breaking news out of out of china tonight, a possible chinese nuclear testing which is starting a lot of concerns. trust gallagher is starting a lot of this. >> the u.s. into china is rapidly diminishing. the state department is strictly adhering to the international card, china might be secretly conducting nuclear test with a very low explosive power. that raises concern including a lot of high level of activity, and interruptions in the transmission of data that detect missions and seismic tremors.
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the organization that monitors that data says it's not because of nefarious behavior. but beijing is also thought to have the special chambers to contain explosives. president trump is hoping to negotiate a new nuclear deal with china although it is unclear how this reporting affects that. sean? >> sean: thanks trace gallagher. also the president today continues to move ahead health care mobilization, and they are discussing plans to restart the economic engine of this country. it will have a big announcement tomorrow which includes a massive expansion of testing nationwide and americans across the country are making it clear. they are already willing and able and dying to get back to work.
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this massive protest today in michigan, they are organizing in lansing to call out governor whitmer's kind of restricted distancing laws and restrictions which they say are counterproductive in a government abuse of power. also breaking tonight, they are hoping to override that democrats lockdown order. and back to his liberal roots announcing that the state will provide coronavirus cash, and why is he now attributing over 3700 deaths to coronavirus? those 3700 people were never tested whether they were cobit 19 positive.
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attorney general pam bondi, good to see you both. number one, i would argue that a sanctuary state, they are aiding and abetting criminal activity. we know that for a fact. now they offer health care and put the burden of paying health care for illegals, that's on the taxpayers for the country and the state of california. okay, so cash payments to people who are here illegally, that's not illegal in and of itself. if i aided and abetted judge pirro in any crime i think they would lock me up and throw me in jail. >> they would, i sure would for sure. >> sean: thanks a lot, i was going to hire you as my attorney. [laughs] >> i think that's a fundamental difference between democrats and republicans. we prioritize americans and american values. democrats are looking out for everyone else in the world
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first, and i think of a lawsuit was filed governor newsom would be in a lot of trouble. they are working in our country and shouldn't be here. we feel for them, of course we do. until everything a person in california has taken care of with the california tax dollars than if they want to help illegal aliens they need to do with philanthropic money and not tax dollars. >> sean: judge, your take? >> absolutely. the point that you make is correct, and they are using covid as a pretext to bring in the leftist agenda. the american people are not stupid, they are now locked down in their homes and starting to feel frustrated. they started talking about what's going on in michigan. just stay locked down, stay and shelter and the leftist trying
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to keep us down. problem is there are 16.8 million people out of work. small businesses are going bankrupt, americans want to get back to work in the leftist trying to stop that from happening. they are not stupid and they are not going to let it happen. you can't tell people that you can't go to church, can't go to synagogue, we are adults now. you over blue what was going to happen in terms of telling people they are going to die and now you're still telling us we have to stay home? >> sean: we are going to take down people's license plates for a drive up easter terrible. pam bondi? >> she's telling a guy that's retired that he can't go to the cabin in michigan that he owns to live there. within his own state. frankly i think she wants her
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5 minutes of fame because she's on the short-list to be be vice president. bring it on. she can't be doing that. instead of focusing on the people in her state who needed things in need of masks, first responders, she's putting these crazy restrictions. if you go to a grocery store you can only buy certain things, she's not a dictator. >> sean: by the way, nobody in the democratic party seem to like the travel ban. a judge, you get the last word. >> that's right. they even like the travel ban and the best part of this sean, aunt pam you can relate to this, they want to let people out of jail. i forget what state it was but they let some guy run out and kill someone. they want to keep us away from churches and synagogues and they want to make sure we don't go back to work. they don't get it.
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the american spirit is too strong and americans are not going to take it. what happened in lansing today? god bless them, it will happen all over the country. >> sean: when we come back, we now go back to the deep state. we are seeing major declassification's. this is worse than even we thought and we are way ahead of the curve. tons of indication tonight that durham is moving forward and the evidence is beyond overwhelming and controversial and likely illegal. and probably warrants a arrest. grand jury convictions, if the truth matters. if we have equal justice. information released reveals why, what companies fbi knew about christopher steele and the russian efforts. it's beyond repulsive what you will learn later. you don't want to miss dennis miller, he joins us tonight.
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>> sean: this is a huge fox news alert on the deep state. newly declassified footnotes from the inspector general's pfizer reporfisa report. catherine herridge revealed it now tonight that the fbi was warned multiple times about russian efforts to use the steele dossier as a conduit to spread propaganda and misinformation. in other words, they knew that steel was being fed lies from russian intelligence and they knew as early as july 2016 that steel was working on his spear investigation into donald trump. they still used hillary's dirty bought and paid for, unverifiable now debunked
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dossier. there was quote contacts between sub-sores and individual in the russian presidential administration in june-july 2016. the sub source voicing strong support for candidate clinton. turns out they were feeding christopher steele allies that would represent the dossier that hillary paid for that was unverifiable that then would be used to spy on candidate trump, and president trump. joining us to react to on these new development would be congressman matt gaetz and devin nunes. more vindication for us but more importantly now we have crossed a league legal barrier. this is way beyond premeditated fraud in the fisa court. they knew it was lies and misinformation from the get-go. >> sean, you are beginning to see what we wanted you to see
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all along. >> and now you sneak this information to me? you could have handed to me on the sly but you didn't. >> because like everybody else in washington, i don't leak. but here's the problem that we have with the dirty cops at the fbi at doj and elsewhere. we were running an investigation. house republicans are running an investigation starting in 2017 on everything russia. remember? well here, the whole time, who had this information? the fbi knew that it could be compromised so that's problem number one. lots of lying and lots of obstruction of a congressional investigation. remember, roger stone is in jail right now because of these dirty cops and the obstruction of justice trap that the mueller team put together. there better be people that are charged with lying and obstruction in a congressional investigation because we could
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have been given this information. one more important point. remember the i see a that i called obama's dossier? remember they put that together in late 2016 after the election? and what did it say? it's at the russians were trying to help trump. in that report, in the annex, they put in what christopher steele clinton paid for dirt steele dossier. if that is all of the information that we have from all of our intelligence assets, where was the information that we now learned from the horowitz report? why was that not in the i see a? >> sean: by the way, roger stone is not in jail, he now needs a new trial. a lot of people need a new tri trial. >> a lot of people have been treated unfairly here.
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he took a pretty strong stand a couple of times, and what is the reaction to the news? >> i asked robert mueller directly whether or not the steele dossier was part of the russian disinformation campaign. he said that was not his purview. so either he purges to himself or the fbi withheld information from robert mueller. we know that russia wanted to discredit both hillary clinton and donald trump in the 2016 campaign, they discredited hillary clinton by releasing the perspectives of her own staff. they tried to discredit donald trump by using russian spies, funded and directed by the russian government to comingle with the dnc dossier. it's shameful and devon's right, people should be charged with crimes for obstructing his investigation. devon has been an american
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patriot on this issue and he has been telling the truth and whole time. >> sean: that sheds a light on how tough the attorney general bill barr's comment has been. he sending a very loud message and they are getting to the bottom of it. but i have also heard something about guys like brennan and clapper and how far up the chain those issues go. great work. take a bow. you guys were right and we were right on the show. i wish you would have given me more information, all i got was you are over the target. anyway, when we come back, dennis miller is back. it's been way too long. he's next. ♪
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the ever confused quid pro quo joe has gotten a host of dennis miller options available on westwood one and itunes. we got bernie, elizabeth warren, pocahontas and we've even got a lukewarm enthusiastic support of obama. 202 days. >> sean hannity as i live and breathe, i'm in your old stomping grounds. santa barbara where i love the thought of you as a contractor, driving around in your little van with a sign that says let not your roof be troubled. >> sean: let not your roof be troubled, the glory days. >> it's been three years since i've been on fox and i noticed donna brazile sent over questions this afternoon.
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i've been lying around all day, marinated in some hydroxychloroquine, going to knock back a couple zithromax and jell-o shooters later and i'm going to binge watch aqualung's and biden's looper real. i can't believe anyone is endorsing this guy. i know he lost his fastball but i've been watching them lately. i think he lost his curve, and his slider and you think is wearing his cup as a letter and 95 mask. >> sean: oh! >> the guy should be in the backseat on a sonic commercial. his plan for dealing with cobit 19 is he asks it to step outside but whoever is working that geppetto strings over there, i seriously think they made a consequential problem in his campaign. in biden, he had to do that
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thing where if he wants advice i will talk to him. when trump takes him up on that, and establish some sort of collegial interchange between the two guys come it humanized him. i think biden, if he gets into a debate with trump, it's over. he can't do that and he had a way to not do that play that game where he said i would not step on the debate stage with donald trump. i would not normalize or legitimize him. brought about by biden saying, i'd like to talk to him. i think he has to do it, and i'm telling you if he steps out on the debate stage in front of donald trump on live television they might as well send him out carrying in acme firecracker crate because it's over. i see aoc endorsed him today on the view and i miss that, across
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the pacific with the rabid meerkat. but i'm telling you they are going to use you will. she wants 15,000 votes in the new york district. they let her play and biden will get to the point where he has to bring middle america and he is going to take her out, it's frivolous. >> sean: by the way, this has been my joe biden. i start walking off camera. and dennis miller, good to see you again. thank you! goodnigh! [ cheers and applause ] now enjoy the second half of the commercial! even renters can bundle and save!
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where did that come from? i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. and i just didn't listen. until i almost lost my life. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously. ♪ >> sean: all right, that's all the time we have left this evening, we will never be the media mob. ever we seek the truth, we will never stop. keep your family safe, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham -- by the way, i saw some idiot writing "we need to put a news person in lore's
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lot." no, laura has record ratings, a loyal audience and -- >> laura: by the way -- wait, i have a question. >> sean: we are going out together. you, me and tucker. >> laura: it now it's three musketeers. there was a time where it's not prime time -- prime time wasn't always this friendly, hannity, let me say but we actually really like each other here. >> sean: i'm like i'm reading this tonight and i don't have any beef with the writers. i'm allowed to have an opinion, but i've got one idiot over "the washington post" wants me dead.
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