tv Americas Newsroom FOX News April 17, 2020 6:00am-9:00am PDT
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it. >> that's right. thank you very much for joining us. that's going to wrap it up. we'll be back next week. we are going to get through this together even though we are apart. have a good weekend, see you on monday. >> sandra: the white house unveiling its three-phase plan to restart the economy. saying states with low coronavirus numbers could open by may 1st or sooner. good morning, everyone. i'm sandra smith. >> ed: i'm ed henry. movie theaters, restaurants, and some sports venues could reopen but with strict social distancing measure still in place. elective surgery could also resume but schools would stay closed at high risk individuals should stay home. president trump emphasizing a return to normalcy comes one very careful step at a time. >> we can begin the next front in our war which we are calling opening up america again.
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we must have a working economy, and we want to get it back very, very quickly. and that's what's going to happen. i believe it will boom. >> sandra: all of this as china raises wuhan's covid-19 death told by 50% among growing questions over its handling of the outbreak. we have fox team coverage for you on this friday morning. gillian turner standing outside the chinese embassy in washington but we begin with john roberts live from the north lawn this morning. >> good morning to you, white house officials and dr. anthony fauci said this is not going to be like flipping a light switch, this is going to be a rolling opening to get to these guidelines and they are going to be very specific state by state and county by county and city by city. first of all, these areas have to achieve what is called gating criteria, 14 day downward trend in infections and make sure they have adequate testing and place.
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they get through that gate way, they can then begin to enter phase one when people can go back to work and phases of telework still will be encouraged. in addition to that, schools and organized youth activity should remain closed. minimize nonessential travel. large venues including restaurants and some sporting facilities can open and operate with strict social distancing. elective surgeries can resume on an outpatient basis. bars have to remain closed and vulnerable individuals continue to shelter in place. after that there was another 14 day downward. matt, they can get into phase two were nonessential travel can resume, schools and organized youth activities can resume, bars may operate though with diminished standing room occupancy, vulnerable individuals should continue to shelter in place and it would go through another 14 days of downward trend. we get into phase three were vulnerable individuals can resume public interactions, visits to senior care facilities and hospitals can resume and some unrestricted staffing of
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worksites can resume. it's almost back to normal but it would be the new normal. here's what the president said about it yesterday. >> instead of a blanket shut down, we will pursue a focus on sheltering the highest risk individuals, so important. we are establishing clear, scientific metric and benchmarks on testing, new case growth and hospital capacity that must be met before advancing to each phase. and that's each phase specifically in the reopening of our country. this is a gradual process. >> the guidelines leave it to the governors to come up with individual plans for their own states. north carolina's democratic governor saying there are still some hurdles to get over before his plane could be implemented in his state. >> this virus is going to be with us until we have a vaccine and we are going to live in a new normal. i want to live in that new
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normal, but the new normal is going to rely on testing and right now, we don't have the full capability to do it. we are working on it. >> the guidelines and recommendations did get the signoff from the president's three main medical advisors but has likely opponent in november joe biden all but dismissed the plan. listen to this. >> i wouldn't call it a plan. i think what he's done is he's kind of punted. he's decided that he doesn't have the right to make the call for the country. >> joe biden may not like it but those markets certainly do. the dow futures are way, way out. again this relies on this dating criteria, 14 days of a downward trend and there are a few states in the nation that already have met that gating criteria and could open a lot earlier than may the 1st. in fact, the president said there are a couple of states that could be in a position to open as soon as today if the governors have a plan going forward. >> sandra: it is going to be
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really something to watch this all play out. john roberts at the white house for us this morning, thank you. >> ed: meanwhile, the u.s. intelligence community is now reviewing the material collected on china's handling of the covid-19 outbreak. lawmakers calling for beijing to finally provide some transparency. >> the question the chinese government has refused to answer is whether they were studying this particular virus, the novel coronavirus in one of these labs and did it escape accidentally? they are stonewalling and refusing to answer that. >> ed: gillian turner is live for us outside of the chinese embassy in washington. good morning, gillian. >> good morning, ed pugh to breaking news overnight as you mentioned at the top of the hour. china's government now admitting that the number of people who have died from coronavirus in wuhan is increasing by about 50% from the reporting they've been giving to the international community over the last couple of weeks. lawmakers, other u.s. officials
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have been warning us about the numbers coming out of china saying they're inaccurate. they are often incorrect and now we are learning just how far off they have been. we are also getting new details about the u.s. investigation into the origins of the virus. according to our sources, and of evidence is continuing to release that it may have been released from an infectious diseases lab rather than a food market as china has long claim claimed. >> we know that china has a very sloppy history of laboratory safety. some of our own diplomats at the end disease and china went to these labs has far back as two years ago and said the practices there were very alarming. >> fox news was first to report yesterday the lab in question may not have been operating at the safety level that was cleared for it. it's what's known as biosafety level for making the lab unqualified to handle a highly
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contagious airborne pathogen like coronavirus. here is china's foreign minister responding directly to our reporting yesterday. >> translator: the head of the w.h.o. has stated many times that there is no evidence that the new coronavirus originated in the laboratory. many prominent medical experts in the world who also believe that the so-called laboratory leak has no scientific basis. >> last night, we were able to confirm that the u.s. intelligence community is involved in this ongoing investigation into the wuhan lab, but now we're learning more details about what it's going to look like going forward. right now, intelligence operatives and analysts are looking at the labs looking at the numbers, what china's government knew and when at a certain point in the not-too-distant future they're going to present those findings to the white house white house. president trump is going to use that information to make a decision about how to hold china accountable for the spread of this pandemic. >> ed: a lot of people waiting
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for those next steps. thank you for the reporting period >> sandra: as you just heard, president trump laying out that plan to reignite the u.s. economy starting with guidelines for some governors to begin rolling back restrictions in their states. let's bring in a former speechwriter for president george w. bush and a fox news contributor. he joins us now. good morning and great to see you. i want to start off with larry kudlow was speaking from the white house a short time ago on fox news channel. he said this is going to be fazed by phase, this is going to be a gradual transition. these are all his words. data dependent, they will have to be a climbing trajectory he said. these things we will have to look at is a transition basis. so there is going to be a lot of numbers that have to be looked at, a lot of response to reopening the economy that has to be assessed. how do you see this all playing out now that we've heard from the white house on a? >> first of all, a few weeks ago everyone was criticizing
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president trump for reopening the economy and now we all agree it's a good thing to do. president trump knew from the beginning that we needed a sustainable strategy to defeat this virus and the current lockdown is unsustainable. we just had 22 million americans in a matter of a month file for unemployment. that's the worst since the great depression and a happen faster than the great depression so we can't go on like this forever. what the president laid out with his public health officials is a very carefully calibrated phase plan to slowly open up a little bit at a time, to have metrics which is basically do you have a 14-day period where deaths have continued to decline and cases have continued to decline and if they do, then you open up a little bit more. if things like that, then you can shut it down again. so this is the kind of plan that we need to take steps to get the economy moving again so people can get back to work and get back to their lives. >> sandra: he says this will be a transition month looking at
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may. as far as the pushback in some states that we have seen, michigan grabbing a lot of headlines there with the governor gretchen whitmer. in she has had very strict restrictions for her state, and she is getting a lot of pushback. you've seen the protests to those. some sheriffs now saying they will not enforce those restrictions. she went on tv this morning reacting to those sheriffs opposing her stay at home here's the governor. >> making a point, that's fine. i can take it. it makes people feel better to take their frustrations out on me, that's fine. all i ask is let's not get overly political here. >> sandra: so while we do see or we will see some areas of the country reopening, some will not, and there's growing anxiety about that. how do we handle it? >> it's very opportunistic for her to say this is political because i haven't seen protests against governor cuomo who was a democrat in new york. i haven't seen protests
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against avenue seven or the democratic governor of washington state so this is a political. this is two things happening. one, her measures have been so arbitrary that people are reacting to them because you can't go buy seeds at a garden store but you can't buy marijuana. is just completely arbitrary and people are hurting. people have been -- their families and lives are being destroyed. they don't know how they're going to pay their rent or anything and so she is in contrast to president trump laying out a phase careful return to normalcy for this country which is what the american people want. >> sandra: and she has called some of those protesters irresponsible. fear is one of the sheriffs explaining his opposition to her orders. listen. >> we just want everybody to pump the brakes a little bit and say you know what?
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we're going to get through this. this is america. the constitution still matters. >> sandra: so i want to transition to the reporting that we are now seeing out of china, the origination of covid-19, and you have a brand-new piece in "the washington post" on how china stifled taiwan's attempts to warn the world about covid-19. what's your message in this? >> you have a really interesting clinical study that's happened because we have two chinese societies, totalitarian china and a free china and taiwan and they both handled this situation completely differently. communist china lied to its people, try to suppress evidence of the virus, covering up the origin story of the virus and spreading disinformation that there was no person-to-person transmission and the result is not only has china been devastated by the virus, but millions of people around the world have caught it because of china's irresponsibility. taiwan by contrast should of had
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the second largest number of cases in the world, it is 80 miles off the coast of china, has 3 million visitors a year from mainland china. they have only had 393 cases and they've had only six deaths and they've done it without the lockdowns, without the community mitigation measures and without destroying their economy because what they did is they didn't listen to china's lies. they acted in december. they started shutting down travel and had trouble shut down through the month of january and early february and as a result they've been able to defeat the virus without destroying their economy. what we want to get to is where taiwan is. which is isolating individuals, without isolating entire populations. >> sandra: great to visit with you this morning. thank you. >> ed: good to have mark back as always. and now the fight in congress over funding for struggling small businesses.
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without an agreement to shore up the paycheck protection program which has now basically run out of money. joining is now a senate majority whip john thune. it's good to have you, sir. "the wall street journal" calls this a jobless claim tsunami, that you've got 22 million of our fellow americans out of work in the span of a month and yet nancy pelosi is still saying this morning she's not going to sign off on more small business money without you agreeing to money for the states and hospitals. how do you get a deal? >> you're right. all these people -- this is about workers, obviously, and more workers who don't buy jobs, the more they're going to be hitting the unemployment lines of the more those numbers will go up. the paycheck protection program was designed to allow these employees to continue to work and it's been very successful obviously as evidenced by the fact that we need to reload the funding authority for it, and i think it's just unconscionable
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that washington democrats are playing political games with people's lives. this is about american workers and right now, we've got a crisis, we have an emergency and the democrats in washington don't seem very interested in helping to put out the fire. they always want to attach other things which are not related to this issue. this is the crisis we have in front of us it all it takes is a little bipartisan cooperation. we could move this thing and it be done. we could get the dollars back out on the street, businesses applying in workers keeping new jobs. >> ed: when you mention other items, a lot of people in this country are still fired up about the fact that the kennedy center and other folks got money when it seemed unrelated to the emergency at hand as you suggest and is not just your fellow republicans saying it. max rose, a democratic house member was on this program yesterday and he had a direct message for speaker pelosi. watch. >> if for a second you think that this is an opportunity to insert some random tenants of the green new deal, some random
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things that support the kennedy center or anything else that the far left calls for, that is not the time. i hope you'll have me back on. i'll be the first to come back on and say no. this is not the time to do this. this is wrong. >> ed: you can, and they are on democrats taking on the speaker but i hear from a lot of people in our audience who say why do republican leaders end up signing off on some of this? i know there's leverage they are in these talks and you have to get the money moving fast but can you guarantee our viewers that none of this other stuff will be in the next round of funding? >> it won't be if the democrats will just agree. senator mcconnell went down to the floor last week with a very simple ask. all that was was changing a number in the bill. increasing the amount of funding authority. nothing more, nothing less. and the democrats objected to it. with the democrats always try to do in circumstances like this is try to hijack the process to get unrelated agenda items included. speaker pelosi does this all the time. that's why the last round of funding got slowed down by
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several days is because they bring these things to the table and attempts to try and accomplish their more permanent liberal agenda. and we don't need that right now. this is a crisis. we have to put the fire out and get these dollars out there so these businesses can keep operating and keep their employees employed. this is about american workers on their economic livelihoods. is not a time for political games. >> ed: quick answer on china because your colleague ted cruz said that china has clearly been stonewalling our colleagues here at fox, bret baier has done some outstanding reporting about the what the u.s. intelligence community is putting together here. what is your bottom line on how you hold china accountable? >> first off, we know there has been misinformation and disinformation coming out of china from day one. that is finally coming to the surface. eventually, it was going to come out that they were understating the number of deaths on the impact of this world wide. i think of nothing else, hopefully it's a wake-up call to the world about how they
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operate, the lack of transparency, the censorship of journalists and it's going to take a global international response to hold them accountable. and i think there are a lot of ways in which you can do that but obviously it's something the president has put on his agenda and the president to his credit even before he was president while he was a candidate was talking about bringing the supply chain's home, these critical capabilities that we need in this country and not something we need to be focused on as well. >> ed: we certainly hope you and your family are doing well in these tough days and we appreciate you coming on, thank you, sir. >> thank you, same to you, ed. >> sandra: larry kudlow meanwhile sing the second quarter will be pretty awful for the u.s. economy. what will that mean for the president's plan to reopen the country? plus, new york's governor sending the states stay at home order for another month. a live report on how america's hardest hit state is adjusting next. >> how do you now restart that machine in a coordinated way
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that doesn't drive up the infection rate? it is government deciding with private businesses who now have to take a look at this new normal, this new reality. wow! that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it's a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! keep it up. you'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein.
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>> the new york pause policies, the closedown policies will be extended in coordination with other states to may 15th. >> sandra: new york governor andrew cuomo they are extending the stay-at-home orders until mid-may. the state seeing almost 15,000 coronavirus deaths so far and now leaders are trying to figure out how to safely reopen the area. david lee miller is in new york city with more on all of that. good morning. >> good morning, sandra. starting today, all new yorkers have to wear some type of a face covering when out in public if social distancing is not possible. as you mentioned, governor andrew cuomo has now said that all nonessential businesses throughout the state have to remain closed until may 15th. the governor says efforts to slow the spread of the virus are working and must remain in place in order to save lives. he did not offer up any plan for
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what happens next. >> people need certainty and clarity so they can plan. i need a coordinated action plan with the other states, so one month will continue the closedown policies. what happens after then, i don't know. we will see depending on what the data shows. >> the latest numbers show 606 new yorkers died from the virus, down 20% from the previous day's death total. many facilities and health care providers can barely cope. another report this morning of a massive outbreak at a nursing home, workers at a facility in the new york bureau of queens told "the new york times" as many as 60 residents in the facility died from the virus for the governor says he will issue an executive order requiring all nursing homes to provide families with information about infections and deaths in new jersey governor phil murphy has ordered an investigation after police found at least 15
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bodies at a nursing home's makeshift morgue. the governor says he is outraged and that residents of nursing homes deserve in his words respect, compassion, and dignity. he read mount sinai hospitals, doctors say all of the intensive care units have now been converted into what they call a negative pressure rooms. that means the air in the room which could spread the disease cannot enter the hospital always. and the doctors also say that many of the patients here are young. and they do not have any previous medical problems. in the words of one physician, few patients are getting better, even if you were he says can leave the icu. >> sandra: thank you for your continued reporting on the ground there in new york. david lee miller, thank you. >> ed: dow futures up sharply this morning for reopening parts of the economy and promising drug treatment for covid-19 breaking as well. joins us for the opening bell just moments away. plus, we take you to the front
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lines of the battle against coronavirus. doctors share heartbreaking stories of their fight against the pandemic. that is next. >> you don't want to see anybody else go through this. we want to stop this as fast as we can come up we want to get back to normal as fast as we can. when you take align, you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it.
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and the online tools you need because you have always set the highest standard and reaching that standard is what we're made for ♪ >> sandra: trading is underway on wall street a minute and then you're looking at nearly a 600-point jump for the dow, 546 points at them moment. lives, you do something every night, a great service for people. you sit there and you talk them through the evening trading. starts at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. last night, you saw the stock futures skyrocket on hopes over this treatment and the success they're having with it. in the chicago area. and on the unveiling of this blueprint for bringing the economy back. so a big gain as we start the morning.
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>> absolutely and this may be the most important piece of the news that they we all get today and it does have a direct correlation as i noted on my twitter life that i do every night when the future start trading and what's going on because they had immediately shown a huge bump. what's happening is this company gilead was doing and effort. was doing a test at the university of chicago. this is a leaked piece of statistics here, so that's very important. gilead has not officially confirmed it yet but it has very good news that it's drug which has originally been created during the ebola outbreak back in 2013, and antiviral, not a vaccine. this would be a therapy, has very good results at university of chicago. they were testing about 125 very ill covid patients and they started around january looking for drugs because pharmacologists, what they do first when they see this brand-new virus as they start
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looking for existing drugs because it takes years to develop drugs and when they looked at it, they said this may actually work because it mimicked the building blocks of the ribonucleic acid chains of ebola. works its way in, tricks the actual virus and then shuts it down by overwhelming it. they have very promising results on this. almost everybody was treated, started to see improvements in six states of the markets took off on that leaked report from statin news and that's why you are seeing what you're seeing today along with the fact that we do have some good news out of boeing about starting commercial jets back again in washington state in what president trump looked at yesterday which was three phases of opening up the economy. >> sandra: absolutely. so it was something to pin your hopes on that may be gradually we will see this economy come back. larry kudlow this morning was on the fox news channel. admittedly last night he said the second quarter is going to be pretty awful he said but on
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the paycheck protection program, which is so important for the american people that had been suffering through this, here's what he said on that this morning and the ongoing negotiations for more. >> i don't know why it couldn't have been automatic. i stood here and said earlier this week we were going to run out on wednesday or thursday and sure enough, i just don't know why they can't do a quick vote and replenish it and get them the dollars. you see the unemployment insurance claims, they're very high. it's a dreadful story, a lot of hardship. let's get moving. >> sandra: dreadful story, predictions of a pretty awful second quarter on hannity last night talking about the unemployment insurance claims went up 22 million as we've been reporting this week in four weeks alone, so while we can look to the future and start reopening the economy, were going to see some pretty bad numbers for a while. >> i think what larry kudlow
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learned and a lot of people who are either doctors or politicians are learning is that it is better to under promise and over deliver. in the early days, he and some of the administration were jumping out and it was more wishful thinking. meantime, it was february and we had to get to see worst of this. so marx became very ugly but the little bit of hope that i would give the viewers is that this is all rearview mirror data. in china for example is now back open once again and they just got the worst contraction in their growth. their gdp in history since they've been keeping data. it's contracted 6.8%. so they are already getting back to works of these data points are going to look very awful. they will psychologically destabilize people that if you start to look forward, you realize that the american medical profession and these developers of drugs are on the
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case. there are some 100 of them working right now on different therapies and vaccines and you've got to believe in the ingenuity of the medical community and thank our doctors and nurses and pharmacologists every second of this day. >> sandra: the number was 6.8%, the chinese economy shrinking in the first quarter and as we watch markets open here this morning, 6 minutes into trading, the dow up 544 points and you think why is it rallying with all these great numbers? you and i both know that certainty does a lot of good for the stock market so as long as people start to have a plan for reopening the economy, they know the numbers are pretty bad. they will look pretty bad looking out into the future, at least some sort of certainty can bring investors back into the stock market. final thoughts? >> my final thought is look at washington state. was the first state to completely get drenched in this horrific nightmare, and now boeing which has a huge operation in puget sound and washington state has said as
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early as the end of next week, it will put 27,000 people back on the assembly lines they are to put together commercial jets once again to restart that production. now, i'm sure they'll be doing social distancing but remember, washington state was ahead of new york and california so hopefully everybody is really careful and they don't rush to this situation because you don't want to make an early move and then of course you start seeing secondary infections once again. so there are good points of hope here and you see it reflected in the markets. >> sandra: and we all need that been getting america back to work is going to be so important. we will see you again soon, thank you so much. one maxim health care workers treating covid-19 patience are seeing both tragedy and triumph as they fight to save lives. to some of them now speaking to fox news about their experiences on the front line. matt finn is live in chicago
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with more details. good morning, matt. >> this pandemic might be leveling off but health care workers across our country are still going to leave the comfort and the safety of their homes and families to head in the hospitals to treat patience that might be contagious. >> seeing how scared they are before they went on the breathing machine and knowing how hard we are working but despite our best efforts and as modern as medicine is, you can't win every battle. >> brady scott works 12 hours and overnight shifts as a respiratory therapist at chicago's rush hospital. >> we go over there and get our temperature, we get a mask and we proceed through our work environment. >> medical workers also get fresh scrubs that will be sanitized at the end of their shifts. >> one of my fears is taking it home to my family and infecting them. >> he says it's difficult to hear of other frontline workers that struggled to get ppe. >> certainly tough to see.
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her physicians and nurses that don't have quite the resources that we do. >> he treats critical covid-19 patients that need ventilators to stay alive. >> this is not made up, these patients are very sick. >> he recalls the thrill of recently taking one of those very sick patients off the ventilator. >> i apologize to him, sorry about that and he looked at me and said don't apologize, i didn't think i was going to make it. >> this morning, johns hopkins listed cook county as a seventh deadliest in the country. >> ed: a tragedy but also some triumph, good to see stories of hope. thank you. >> sandra: denver broncos linebacker von miller revealing that he has tested positive for covid-19 and saying that he is in good spirits despite his diagnosis as he remains under the care of team doctors. he is just the second active nfl player to test positive for the
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virus after rams center brian allen revealed his diagnosis earlier this week. >> ed: your fitbit could detect coronavirus before you even see symptoms, but how? we are talking to a scientist leading that research effort next. now that joe biden is the presumptive nominee for democrats, who will be his running mate? we know who it won't be come with a high profile person he just ruled out is next. >> there's plenty of qualified people who have the experience and background who are women and ready to be president on day one. veterans: you know mortgage rates have fallen to
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thank you. >> ed: your smartwatch could soon detect coronavirus. stanford researchers teaming up to see if wearable tech can detect covid-19 and other viral infections. days before the symptoms even show up. and dr. michael snyder is part of this team and also chair of the genetics department at the stanford school of medicine.
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good morning to you. tell me first of all about the breadth of this study. >> is to detect disease before either you have symptoms or when you don't realize it. i'm >> ed: what are the early stages of this in terms of have you already started collecting data, are you learning anythingt the beginning of a? >> it stems from a study waited a long time ago actually trying to track disease either before it happens or predict disease risk and in this case, it came up when i got lyme disease. i was trying to see whether these common devices, the smartwatch is people where would be able to tell whether you're being ill or other situations and in my case, i figured out i got lyme disease of all things because i was wearing a smartwatch in a simple device that measures your blood oxygen. >> ed: so tell me how that works. how when your case did you spot that from the smartwatch and how
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might this apply to covid-19? >> what happens, these devices literally take hundreds of thousands of measurements on you constantly all day and so what happens is when you start getting ill, your heart rate and your skin temperature, your blood oxygen all change and so in my case, my blood oxygen dropped, my heart rate went up in my skin temperature changed and that told me something was wrong even before i fell ill at all and then later i learned it was lyme disease and that helped me figure this out and then we also showed it works for viral infections. common colds can be picked up before you get ill at all so it's pretty amazing because your heart rate is very sensitive measure when you're ill. it comes on before you actually get symptomatic, before you're congested. so we are now trying it out for covid-19. we want to roll it out to millions of people if it successful. >> ed: bring us to the next stage of then. i have an apple watch on right now. you have to have a special app? is it just connecting people
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because the data is already collecting all kinds of data? talk about how you take it to the next phase. >> so what we do is we enroll you in our study and then if you have been ill, you will let us know so we can train algorithms. any smartwatch or ring, in fact i'm wearing three smartwatch is right now. so any of these things should be able to work. you share your data, we are going to train algorithms and do it for every device to try to tell when you're elevated in your heart rate. we will see when it goes up relative to when you got ill and it usually goes up before you realize. >> ed: go ahead. >> it tells people when they're getting ill. that is to say we're just trying to show if the algorithm works and if it works with covid-19 and it should work even when people are asymptomatic but in the next, we want to alert you
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if you think your heart rates up when it's not supposed to be. >> ed: some of the last 30 seconds we have, if someone wants to join this study, how do they do it and how do you think this may help with the transition to work for people if we've got these devices and you connect it and you figure out who sick and who's not? >> the way you enroll is simply go to their web site at the site and you will find it on the stanford web site and sign up and then how it might help, i think it's going to help detect disease early and that's going to be very powerful for people, you better stay home and if we can alert people that's happening before they are symptomatic, it should have brought impact and could reach millions of people because they were millions of apple watch people. >> ed: is a very interesting study, we appreciate it. >> sandra: college seniors are
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to my coronavirus changing life for the class of 2020 with some universities postponing graduation ceremonies are opting to live stream of them as seniors are concerned about entering the workforce more focused on layoffs than recruiting. alex hogan is live in new york city with more on all of that. a lot of uncertainty there. >> that's right. more than 3 million university seniors will not walk across the stage and that's because of covid-19. different universities are taking different approaches to this but after years of studies, this is not the culmination of a
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college career at the students expected. >> it was immediate tears down my face. >> i'm a first generation college student so it was important that everyone sad and angry and just confused. >> many universities are offering a live stream ceremony complete with musical performances and your name read just like it would be in person. a former secretary hillary clinton is joining forces with john legend and jimmy fallon to offer several commencement speeches online. other schools have left the decision up to a vote from seniors and many say they still want that in person ceremony but after the pandemic. students will receive their diploma but this year after a walk to the mailbox. chancellor mike haney says it's important for schools to offer a commencement experience for the graduating class. >> we recognize that we have a legal obligation to actually award degrees so our students can go on into the workforce and
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pursue graduate school, et cetera. >> a students wrap up their final studies online, many of them are trying to grapple with the loss of job offers in a growing number of jobless clai claims. >> the anxieties of going into a job market that is more focused right now on who they were about to lay off rather than who they were about to hire. >> we all had great internships that could have potentially launched us into our careers and they got cut. >> for high school seniors who are looking forward to getting to college, they might have to wait a little bit longer because boston university announcing that it might keep campus closed until 2021. sandra? >> sandra: such an important side to all of this story. alex hogan reporting from new york forest, thank you. >> ed: listen to this, a new york city nurse who just recovered from coronavirus has been beaten and robbed on her weight and work. reporting team suspects jumped
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her. some nearby drivers came to her rescue. the suspect initially got away but they arrested some of them yesterday. the nurse has a lot of bruises but thankfully no serious injuries. >> sandra: lawmakers calling for china to be held accountable for their coronavirus pandemic saying the country's leaders must pay a price. we will get analysis from chris wallace. he will join us top of a brand-new hour. plus, the senate adjourned and with no deal on a small business loan program. we will be speaking to senator kelly leffler about what is blocking this from getting done. it's that simple. with their va streamline refi, there's no income verification or home appraisal. and this refi costs you absolutely nothing out of pocket. it's the quickest and easiest refi newday has ever offered.
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than rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. when considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. it can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. as have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. tell your doctor if you've been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if you've had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections.
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don't let another morning go by without asking your doctor about xeljanz xr. >> ed: fox news alert, the push to reopen america's economy taking shape. releasing brand-new guidelines to safely get the economy back on its feet in three stages. >> instead of a blanket shut down, we will pursue focused on sheltering the highest risk individuals, so important. we are establishing clear scientific metric and benchmarks on testing, new case growth and hospital capacity that must be met before advancing to each phase. and that is each phase specifically in the reopening of our country. this is a gradual process. >> ed: governors making their own decisions on when to get
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going based on the state and local data and the president discussing his plans for an economic revival with faith leaders later today. >> sandra: a major jump in reported deaths from covid-19 expected in the days ahead as states begin to include probable cases in the overall numbers. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm sandra smith. happy friday morning to you, ed. >> ed: i'm ed henry. new guidance from the cdc setting the stage for a spike in american deaths a tribbett into this pandemic. a probable cases are added to the total. the country looks ahead to reopening gradually and safely. the white house saying testing and tracking new cases will be key to preventing another deadly wave. >> remember, there's two types of things, antibody tests and test for the diagnosis of who has the disease. when you need for contact tracing on the other when you need to find out in society.
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we are going to have both of them is much better in the next weeks and months and by the time we get into the fall, i think we are going to be in pretty good shape. >> sandra: fox team coverage for you this morning, chris wallace with a look at the new guidelines to restart the economy. but first, we go to jonathan serrie at cdc headquarters live in atlanta for us this morning. >> good morning to you, sandra. covid-19 deaths increase for a third consecutive day but that may have a lot to do with the fact that researchers are now including these probable cases, not just those confirmed in laboratories. within the hour, the governor of mississippi is expected to announce a decision on his state's shelter in place order which if no action is taken is set to expire on monday. reeves tweeted about rising unemployment figures in his state adding "this is insane. the bleeding has to stop.
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lives depend on this as well. please pray for wisdom as we consider all options. our people can't take much more." this illustrates the tough decisions governors face as the white house issues new recommendations on how to gradually reopen the country while also containing the spread of the virus. >> the major thrust of how we're going to control and make sure that we continue to keep this nation open is early case recognition, isolation, and contact tracing in us the fundamentals of public health. that's what were going to do. >> governors in the midwest, northeast and west coast have formed regional coalitions to coordinate how they will lift restrictions and in tennessee, leaders from the states for major metropolitan areas are coordinating their response. the new white house coronavirus task force guidelines can be implemented on a statewide basis for even on a county by county basis.
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sandra and ed, back to you. >> sandra: thank you, jonatha jonathan. >> our team of experts now agree is that we can begin the next front in our war which we are calling opening up america again, and that's what we are doing. however approach outlines three phases in restoring our economic life. we are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time. >> ed: president trump right they are unveiling a new federal guidelines for reopening the economy. the stakes could not be higher as a plan is rolled out for the next steps in the coronavirus response and if that weren't enough, in the middle of his bid for a second term in office as well. let's get into all of this with fox news sunday anger chris wallace. good morning to you. it's interesting because the president started this conversation several days ago with the idea that i have total authority here to reopen things, got a lot of flak for that but
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it seems to me that after thinking it through, talking to the doctors like tony fauci, he ended up coming up with a plan that gives governors a lot of flexibility. what are your thoughts about that? >> i completely agree and one of the things that i think and why this is generally being very positively received is because there's been such a difference between what the president was saying at the beginning of the week and what he actually did last night. as you point out at the beginning of the week, he was saying i have total authority, i can open the government by myself, open the country in the economy and what is striking about this plan is that it is all based on the states, all based on governors deciding for themselves when and how they feel safe about opening. the other thing is the president said we have to reopen, we've got to start but he really does seem to have listened to his
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scientific and medical experts like dr. fauci and dr. birx had this is a very gradual approach. you have to reach certain metrics to even begin this. the gateway, there has to be a decline in the number of cases for 14 days, the hospitals have to be able to handle whatever cases there are, no crisis situation, then you go into this first phase which is very gradual, very slow, only after two weeks there if they are continues without any uptick that you could go into phase two. having said all of this, they were still critics out there and their basic criticism is that there still is not enough testing to safely reopen the country. we are having about 150,000 tests a day right now. they're saying you need multiples of that, maybe 500,000, 750,000, even a million a day so that you really have a sense of how far this has spread through the community and then contact tracing so that once you know who's got it, you then find out they've been in contact
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with. >> ed: we are showing on the screen as you're talking all of these stages, the phases that the president laid out last night. we don't have to go through every last one but i think the key is i saw an op-ed in "usa today" this morning from suzanne clark from the u.s. chamber of commerce who is saying if we don't get this right, the public health and economic costs are going to be even more daunting. this is a very delicate balancing act. >> absolutely. we've been through a really tough month. first of all, the victims and both public health victims, well over 30,000 americans who died. the economic victims, 22 million people have lost their jobs in the last month, but then all of us who have had to shelter in place and haven't been able to go about who have been observing the guidelines in terms of social distancing and masks. you start to reopen and it's too soon and you start to see an uptick in more deaths and also what the economic implications
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of that could be, if people go out and take their first step into the waters and it freezes their toe off, you're going to be that less likely to go out again. they do have to get it right and they do have to do it slower. i do understand the need to start to reopen the country but gradual and careful would seem to me to be two of the keys here. >> ed: another delicate issue for the president and the congress. leaders for both parties is what to do about china. here is senator tom cotton last night on hannity talking about bret baier's reporting here exclusively on the fox and the road ahead. >> if it bears out and shows that the chinese communist party is responsible for every single death, every job loss, every retirement nest egg lost from this coronavirus and xi jinping and his chinese communist apparatus must be made to pay the price if that turns out to be true. >> ed: to be clear, brett's reporting is that the
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intelligence community has high confidence. nobody is certain of exactly how all this played out. but i wonder what you think about both how the tough question of how you hold china accountable, doesn't seem like that's easy, and also the president is in the middle of trade deals and all the rest and is trying to balance that with the chinese president. >> i think the trade deals and as important as they are, probably take a backseat at this point. i'm just not sure how you hold china accountable. this seems no question, the reporting brett has done indicates that this was a naturally occurring virus in a lab and that it wasn't a bio weapon, but that they didn't have the security and hit escape from the lab. someone was in the lab, caught it, took it out and then spread it in the city, 10 million people of wuhan where the chinese government seems most responsible as they were far from transparent. they covered it up, covered up
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the doctors who are reporting it and that allowed the virus to spread more. how you respond to that and how you hold them accountable, i'm not sure. we are not going to go to war with them over it. you can i suppose impose some economic sanctions but i'm not sure that sanctions at this point when the entire global economy is in a free fall to get into some kind of a trade war makes the most sense. so i'm not sure how you can do it in the short-term, but but it certainly does point out the problems with the chinese government. you're dealing with a totalitarian dictatorship and obviously, they decided at that point saving face in controlling information was more important than being transparent and sharing it with the world. >> ed: and there's the 2020 campaign or what semblance of it that there is this week joe biden getting some of these key endorsements lined up from sanders and obama and warren, now biden said that a fund-raising event i believe that he's already put a transition team together for the
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possibility of forming a government. your thoughts about where we are on that? >> i think that it's important to note that this party is more united now than it has been in any contested year since 2,004 with john kerry. 2008 if you remember, the battle between obama and hillary clinton went on almost to the convention, well into june or july. in 2016, the battle between clinton and bernie sanders went on almost to the convention well into july. so now here we are in mid-april and this party is totally unit united. i think barack obama's endorsement is important not because there was any doubt that he was going to support his former vice president, but he's the most popular person in the democratic party now with a possible exception of his wife and so would increase to some enthusiasm. the only thing i point out there is barack obama campaign very heavily -- i was going to say
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for hillary clinton in the last time i checked, she wasn't president. so there's a limit to how much you can transfer support or enthusiasm to somebody else. >> ed: on sunday, you do have some big guests, vice president pence heading the task force and the speaker of the house and what we do with the small business fund that is out of money. >> the two big questions are the reopening, his task force has been one of the central players in getting this to happen and the way it's rolling out. pelosi immediately very critical of that and then also that big question because the payroll protection plan, $350 billion gone, a lot of businesses still want that money so they can keep people on their payroll and there was a fight in congress with no solution in sight. we'll be talking to both pence and speaker pelosi about that. >> ed: finally, the "tiger king "star joe exotic remaining under quarantine in a texas
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prison. >> you got me in such trouble this last week, you're going to take me back here now? >> ed: i get to ask the questions. you wait until sunday morning. a friend of joe exotic says he t is "taking a toll" on joe exotic. you have any regrets saying you are not a fan? >> no, i don't have any regrets about that, but i will say this. michael cohen can be let out of prison because of the coronavirus, i'm not sure why joe exotic can't be let out. that doesn't mean i'm going to watch his show, but i think potentially an early release. so for all you joe exotic fans, i am showing compassion. >> ed: that's what you call him mr. sunday. try to get him in a corner and he's ready for it. chris wallace, have a good show. >> thank you. >> sandra: fox news alert now from london, the u.k. extending its lockdown at least until may 7th as it battles the
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coronavirus pandemic. the government saying that using it since restrictions would be dangerous. greg palkot is in london with more on that. >> it has made that announcement about the extension, however it has not made any really concrete ideas or presented any plans as to how it's going to reopen the economy. prince william today opened via a video link another new emergency hospital. the country has a three week lockdown. infections and especially death tolls remain high here. the meta-search for more protective gear for health workers and tests for the virus. germany is planning to reopen much of its economy over the coming weeks but announced today they would be a ban on major sporting and concert events there until august 31st. next-door switzerland will restart its society and economy beginning on april 27th and do that in three stages over the coming two months.
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japan is frankly going the other way after dealing with the coronavirus for months now, it is seeing the biggest one-day spike in cases in tokyo so leaders they are declaring a nationwide expansion of its state of emergency. and in china where we know it all started, officials in the wuhan epicenter of this virus have reported up with their death toll by 50%. we all know that numbers from china have been highly questionable throughout this crisis and its reported economic growth for the entire country for the first quarter will go down for the first time in nearly 30 years. is the mounting global toll both in lives and livelihoods. back to you. >> sandra: greg palkot reporting from london, thank you. >> ed: protesters all around america demonstrating against stay-at-home orders in their states and costing many of them
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their jobs and livelihoods. do the measures go too far? we will look at that. and here in new york, a look at how hospitals are coping with the overwhelming number of deaths. the governor detailing the extent the toll of the virus has taken on his state. >> i understand the toll on the health care system. i understand the nurses and the doctors who are stretched to their limits. new yorkers don't forget new yorkers are the most generous and most gracious and will be there when people need help. the financial strength, stability, and online tools you need. and now it's no different. because helping you through this crisis is what we're made for.
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>> sandra: now a story of recovery. was deployed to the emergency room at elmhurst hospital in queens, new york, one of the hardest hit hospitals in the epicenter of the nation's outbreak. he contracted the coronavirus himself while tirelessly working to save his patients. but now, he has recovered and he has gotten back to work. he is joining us now and we think him for that. good morning and nice to see you're doing well this morning. >> good morning, sandra. thank you. >> sandra: tell us your story. here working and you can track the virus yourself, you fall ill and you have to stay home and battle the virus yourself. how are you doing and what was that experience like?
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>> thank you for asking. in the grand scheme of things i recognize, i had a milder case but four days i had a high fever, the cost, the loss of smell and taste, the muscle aches and one of the saddest parts is despite my best efforts to quarantine, i spread it to my lovely wife and so both of us were sick for a couple of weeks there but we are now much better i'm happy to report and the other day, i got my antibody results back which came back positive which suggests that i might be protected going forward but of course like most things with this virus, we don't yet know for sure. >> sandra: we don't yet know for sure but we hope to learn more about all of this as the days and weeks go on. meanwhile, you have returned to work in the emergency room. what inspired you to do that and did you have any fears or reservations about doing that?
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>> of course, a part of you feels a little scared to go back but like thousands of health care workers, front-line workers who got ill and returned back to the job, that's our job. this is why i went into emergency medicine and this is why we work on the front lines, to help people when they're having the worst day of their lives. and this time in our country, this is when people need us and so i was inspired by the heroic work of my colleagues and honestly excited to get back to the front lines because this is an all hands on deck situation and i'm happy to help however i can. >> sandra: i'm sure your colleagues are so happy to have you back and have you well aga again. the makeshift icu at elmhurst, i know originally there was 26 patients at one point. what's the update on the scene at the e.r. they are in the hospital in queens and are things getting better?
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>> it's a different world. two weeks ago, our hospitals were packed, worried about running out of ventilators, building all of these capacities, the tent and the convention center in the makeshift icu that you referred to. fast-forward two weeks later to yesterday, i'm happy to report that that icu spaces now empty. and that's great. the new cases coming into the hospital, they are plummeting and that is just proving that social distancing or sm liked to call it physical distancing with social intimacy because we still need to keep up those bonds, it's working. >> sandra: those are such strong words to hear from you they are from elmhurst hospital at the epicenter of this outbreak as people are still scared, there are still fears out there as we hear we are going to start to open the economy on a rolling basis. what that might look like. what is your message as we see
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the administration trying to lay out this plan for getting the economy back open, getting people back to work and eventually having restaurants open again? you experience the disease yourself, you got over it and you work in an e.r. what's your message? >> i'm a doctor and i saw firsthand how terrible and tragic this disease is. yes, i had plenty of patients in their 70s and 80s who passed away but i also had patients in their 30s and 40s and those are all of them lives cut short too soon. this tragedy killed more people in new york city then 9/11 and so i think it's important to put this into context. yes, things are getting better. that's great, but we still have a long way to go, and whatever we do going forward means to be careful and needs to be cautious and it needs to keep in mind the sad tragic reality and the lives
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lost so that we honor them and those lives were not lost in vain. >> sandra: i hope you hear all those cheers every night in new york city when residents open those windows and cheer for our front-line workers because you're right there fighting this battle and we thank you for that. thank you, doctor. >> thank you. >> ed: great story there. widespread testing for antibodies seen as a key tool in defeating the pandemic finally but faulty tests flooding the market are raising some alarms. we'll get into it. plus, the white has no getting advice from lawmakers on how to jump-start the economy. one of the q senators advising the president, she joins us on the next steps just ahead. >> to win this fight, we have undertaken the greatest national mobilization since world war ii. we've unleashed our most potent weapon of all, the courage of the american people.
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>> we took the greatest economy in the history of the world, and we closed it in order to win this war, and we are in the process of winning it now. >> sandra: lawmakers on both sides of the aisle now advising the white house on strategies to reopen the country bringing the public and private sectors together to keep americans healthy and safe while protecting the economy and our jobs. senator kelly leffler is a
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republican on the bipartisan task force to revise the economy. this is a huge job. how do you do it safely and effectively? >> good morning, it's great to be here and it's truly an honor to advise the president as a member of this task force. the first step obviously is keeping americans safe but equally important is getting our economy back to work. this is what i'm hearing from georgians across our state. people want to get back to work but they want to be safe and i commend the president for taking these steps to do that. >> sandra: what do you see is the biggest challenges? this is what everybody is trying to imagine and predict has the economy starts to reopen, there's obviously going to be some hurdles that will eventually have to jump over. what are you most concerned about? >> first of all, safety. the president is right in terms of taking a very data-driven approach to this and i think with data, we can all understand
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where the trends are and where things are headed. in georgia, the governor is working very closely to monitor these trends and keep us all safe but i think it is equally important that the security of americans and their economic security most of the first step obviously is assuring them that they'll be safe. the second step is how do we do it? how do we open the doors? that's one on the phone every day with leaders across our state about how we reopen safe safely. >> sandra: speaking of that, in georgia, testing seems to be the crucial issue for your state. 175 deaths, 4800 cases in one week alone. we hear it's going to be all about testing in your state but understand that there's only 5,000 test kits available right now so what are you doing about that in order to ramp up the testing? >> i've stayed in close contact with our health care providers. in fact, i'm leaving here to get on a call with heads of hospitals. the president acknowledges that
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testing is core to opening our country back up. the governor's working hard on it but i've got to tell you, i'm concerned that china is holding up test kits. they are playing games with trade policy to prevent us from getting the testing that we need. we are looking into this. we've got to make sure that those tests get freed up, get in our hands and get americans tested and back to work. this is critical. >> sandra: was going to be a huge challenge and also a huge challenge is helping out our small businesses. we know they are the engine of our economy. they employ millions of americans and there's a big debate going across the aisle right now over how to increase funding to small businesses. we saw huge response to that. you hear is john thune, republican from south dakota who joined us earlier on this program and said we've got to get those dollars out there to our small businesses. >> with the democrats always try to do is hijack the process to
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get unrelated agenda items included. we don't need that right now. we need to get these dollars out there so these businesses can keep operating and keep their employees employed. it's not a time for political games. >> sandra: so nancy pelosi said this on a conference call with reporters responding to republicans. "we don't want to perpetuate the disparity of access to credit for some of our businesses," she said. "it's not that we don't share the value a small business. we do. they are the lifeblood of america's economy and in order for them to succeed, people need to be well and people need to be safe and we need to have the state and local funding." so what happens with this debate as it goes into another week, senator? >> it's very simple. basically, the democrats are blocking access to funds and every hour that they block access to that additional $250 billion that we know is needed that millions of small businesses are waiting on
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getting that jobs are lost, businesses are shut down permanently. this isn't a game. this isn't a political game, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer are playing a game right now. they are very well-funded. we have simply run out of money in a program that was unanimously passed and we just need to refund it and get americans confident that they can reopen their doors very so soon. >> sandra: i know the president on this phone call with the task force that you sit on now, he said he wants to work with democrats to get that done. what is he saying about that? >> he's taken a very bipartisan approach to reopening the economy and i applaud that because we are working for all americans to reassure them that we care about their jobs, that this economy can restart safely and i think he has been very open to ideas from both sides and i've been sharing my ideas directly with the president. >> sandra: i want to circle
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back. we had you on this program within 24 hours of the news coming out suggesting that for some reason you had made an insider trade. you and your husband with your individual investments, your private investments. you came on your program and denied that. you have since said you were going to liquidate your individual stock additions despite the fact that you are defending yourself on that. you said just to avoid the controversy in the criticism. have you and your husband does not? >> yes, and i've been very open about addressing all those questions. this is a political attack that is designed to distract from the issue at hand and to use this outbreak to play politics. we have addressed this and taken extraordinary measures to make sure that we can't be attacked for our success. this gets at the very heart of why i came to washington, to defend free enterprise, to defend capitalism, and this is a socialist attack. we have taken extraordinary measures and i am focused solely
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on working for georgians. i've been doing that seven days a week around the clock and it's my honor to be here and serve and that's when i stepped out of the private sector. >> sandra: the accusation of insider trading was based on you receiving federal information and then there were stock sales made and you and your husband's name. but the question was, did you liquidate those investments since you said that? >> that's right, we have. we have taken extraordinary measures to take that off the table as an attack area and we are done with it and we are moving on. i've been focused on georgians 24/7 addressing this crisis and we are ready to get back to work safely. >> sandra: okay. thanks for coming on the program this morning, really appreciate your time and we look forward to an update on reopening the economy, thank you very much. >> ed: meanwhile, new development and antibody testing which can detect whether someone has recovered from covid-19. some experts worry that unproven
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tests flooding the consumer market could be hindering this important process. bryan llenas is live with more details. >> good morning. to ramp up test manufacturing, the fda relaxed its rules allowing companies to create their own antibody tests without the need to be authorized by the fda. that leaves 90 private companies have created their own tests and hit the market but now the association of public health laboratories is warning some of these tests are unproven and could lead to inaccurate results. some companies are even falsely claiming they are fda approved. governments are even falling for faulty tests rated the united kingdom reportedly spent $20 million on chinese antibody tests that don't work. just four have been vetted and granted emergency authorizations by the fda including mount sinai hospital in new york which is using the tests to identify
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donors who have been previously infected and could provide blood plasma and experimental treatment for covid-19 patients. the hospital's president says more research is needed to determine if covid-19 antibodies give people immunity and if so, for how long. >> i think the science of this needs to be better understood. i think we have to put aside any false notions that there's going to be this immune work course that will go back to work and everybody's will has the socially distance. i think we have to change the way the work place is organized. >> abbott laboratories says they are in the process of getting fda emergency authorization for its new antibody test, but in the meantime, it is shipping 1 million tests this week. new york is beginning to administer its antibody test to its central personnel this week but experts say if a physician says they can give you an antibody test in the office and
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give you the results right there, it's likely a red flag. they are only being done in labs right now. >> ed: bryan llenas, thank yo thank you. >> sandra: truck drivers are playing a key role in keeping our economy going. president trump honoring america's truckers at the white house yesterday. their role in keeping our country running. that's next. >> at a time of widespread shutdowns, truck drivers formed the lifeblood of our economy. with va mortgage rates suddenly dropping to near record lows, my team at newday usa
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staying connected shouldn't be one of them. that's why we're offering contactless delivery and set-up on all devices. and for those experiencing financial hardship due to this crisis, we'll work with you to keep your service up and running. hi! because at at&t, we're always committed to keeping you connected. i often get asked what should i do if i think i might have corona virus? people who are sick should stay home. you don't go to an emergency room. you don't go to a clinic. you get on the phone and you ask for advice and instructions from your physician. we don't want you to go into the e.r. or the doctor's office without talking to them first, because you might spread corona virus to someone else. please visit for more information.
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>> ed: the markets as you can see surging a bit amid news that a drug being developed to treat the coronavirus is showing some promise. you see the dow up about 340 points and up even higher earlier in the trading session. interesting because we are also seeing bowling on the rise. let's bring in a fox business morning anchor, good to see you. boeing saying we are going to get back in terms of production, get that restarted. this comes on the heels of the president last night saying big picture, he is taking these concrete steps, working with the governors to get the economy going again. >> all of this is leading to what you are seeing on your screen. first let's talk about gilead sciences, that report coming out of chicago that it is showing very promising results and a larger scale study out of chicago, that's one of the things that really kicked off things this morning. the boeing news obviously, next
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week going to start playing production up again my that's a dow component and also the president yesterday saying that there's been 29 states i could probably start to reopen in the president saying that the peak may be behind us or is behind us. we may have some stumbles and some falls but i was looking at the numbers and you and i have talked about this when we see the low of the markets for the year, s&p is up 25%, the dow was up more than 26% from march 23rd and if we're into the green today, s&p is going to be up for two straight weeks. so i'm not saying get the champagne out. it's at 23,000 and change, but right now, if we can come out of this and get the economy at least part of the economy up and running, that is a big market positive. >> ed: interesting, they were different tracks here going at the same time and some of them are going to watch this and say wall street is up, may be good for their 401(k) but maybe that just means a whole bunch of
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companies are doing better but you look at "the wall street journal," 22 million people are out of work and they're trying to navigate how to get the unemployment benefits, am i going to have a job in a couple of months, what's going on with this small business loan progr program? >> we are hoping the negotiations in washington continue and that would be another market positive but also a positive for the small businesses that need the money so desperately right now, i really hope they get that 250 billion working for american small businesses, but you mention we've got more than 13.5% of the labor force right now in this country out of work. i couldn't believe yesterday on fox business, the numbers 22 millions of americans have now filed over the last month. is staggering. i will say that the average unemployment check is between 20550 a week depending on where you live in what state you're in plus the extra $600. some of those checks are delayed because some of the states have got -- new york is trying to get their computer systems up and
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running so when all of this is over, i want to see several states get some new technology at work when it comes to the unemployment issue. >> ed: the president yesterday thinking these truckers who were helping keep everything shipping and going. we want to see a lot more people getting back to work as well, not just the truckers but the president highlighting that. we shall see how it all plays out. thanks for coming in. sandra? >> sandra: thank you. a facebook now fighting fake news on coronavirus. what the social media site is now doing to protect users, it says, from misinformation. is ned once it comes out of the oven. and we're taking extra steps, like no contact delivery, to ensure it.
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misinformation, facebook will start alerting users when they are encountering fake news about the coronavirus. brett larson is here with fox news headlines 24/7 channel 115 on sirius xm. he joins us now on that. >> hey, how are you? this is a good move and i've actually already seen this in practice on facebook when you're scrolling through the timeline, you might see someone has posted something. someone is posting something that turns out to be factually incorrect, the post won't show up in the timeline, it will actually have kind of a sensor bar over it that says fact-checking has proven that this is not accurate. here is the information that you need to know with links to the cdc and the w.h.o. facebook, twitter, google and their video sharing site youtube, apple, everybody is stepping up to the plate to fight the misinformation that is out there in the covid-19 outbreak. so now what facebook is going to
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do is lead is like contact tracing and social media settings were basically if you have liked, commented, or posted on anything related to covid-19 and it turns out that that information is incorrect, they're actually going to reach out to you and let you know either the information you shared, posted, or commented on was incorrect or that something you saw was incorrect and they're going to take you to the appropriate place to find the good information. one little caveat and we always have to say this when we are talking about these things is social media giants in the tech companies do, a lot of this is going to be done via algorithms and automation so not a lot of human interaction. that is to present problems certainly. i've read reports of certain facebook groups in certain gatherings that people do online, they are still allowed to propagate misinformation so there's a little bit more work to be done in that realm but for
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the most part, they are definitely stepping in and making sure that what we see and what we read is accurate information. >> sandra: all right. brett larson, we will see how that all works out. thank you for joining us. >> ed: fox news alert now, retailers taking a big hit from the pandemic now pushing for aid to keep them afloat. is the government doing enough to help? plus, some health experts voicing skepticism about reopening the economy warning the coronavirus could make a comeback. is the president's plan coming too soon? >> want the american people to know that we do expect there will be setbacks in some places but one of the criteria is making sure you have the ability to quickly detect to be setbacks and respond to them so that one case doesn't become 1,000 cases. for what you need! [squawks]
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they've ever offered. you can lower your payments by this time next month without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised, and there's no money out of pocket. call newday right now. >> ed: president trump unveiling the three-phase plan for reopening businesses as new york sees a drop in day-to-day cases. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." so wonderful to see you again, sandra. >> sandra: good friday morning to you, wonderful to see you. here are the latest coronavirus numbers. there are over 671,000 confirmed cases here in the united states with more than 33,000 deaths. president trump's guidance for states that all about reopening an economy that has seen
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22 million people file for unemployment claims in the last month alone. in >> we are not opening all that once, but one careful step at a time, and some states will be able to open up sooner than others. >> the thing i'm most concerned about as a public health professionals i want to make sure each of these states is looking at their public-health capacity and understand they have testing in place and they have the ability to contact trace so that you don't have a big blow up if we do have a setback. >> you've got to look at the numbers on the numbers must be reassuring otherwise you can do it. as practices in the testing combined will reassure people and create a lot of confidence. >> sandra: we are covering it from all angles this morning. dr. marc siegel with the latest coronavirus numbers that we begin with john roberts reporting live from the white house this morning. >> first of all, the way that we get to these phases is the states would have to go through a recommended gating criteria
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and that is a 14 day downward slope on infections. and also make sure they've got the testing capability in place to be able to pick up new cases. they satisfy the criteria according to the recommendations, they can enter phase one and here's what phase one looks like. schools will remain closed, people could start to return to work in phases though they would be encouraged to continue teleworking and minut minimize d they would be restaurants and sporting venues and other thin things. under strict distancing and sanitation guidelines, elective surgeries could be conducted on an outpatient basis, they would have to remain close, continued social distancing in public and avoid groups more than ten people and vulnerable individuals would be recommended to continue to shelter in place. now if there's another 14 day trend, they could go into phase two where they can reopen, people would continue to be
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encouraged to telework. you could resume nonessential travel, large venues can operate under moderate physical distancing. bars can reopen with diminished standing room and maintain social distancing and vulnerable individuals still continue to shelter in place. another 14 day downward trend, begin to phase three, employers can resume unrestricted staffing. that means they can get back to normal. large venues can operate under limited physical distancing, bars can operate with increasing standard room occupancy. senior care facilities and hospitals can resume. vulnerable individuals can resume public interactions but practice social distancing but low risk population should minimize their time in crowded environments so still some requirements in place. he is with the president said about it yesterday. >> as i have said for some time now, a national shutdown is not a sustainable long-term soluti solution. to preserve the health of our citizens, we must also preserve the health and functioning of
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our economy over the long haul, you can't do one without the other. >> president trump had a teleconference with the nation's governors yesterday to walk them through the guidelines. north carolina's governor roy cooper saying there is still a critical shortage of testing which could affect the process of reopening. listen here. >> no one wants to get the economy more than i do, but i want to make sure we save lives. i want to make sure that my hospitals are not overwhelmed with people who are sick coming into them and i want to be able to make sure that people are safe. in order to do that, we need to be able to do widespread testing. we need to do contact tracing. >> some states have already been in a downward trend for more than two weeks now. states like idaho, montana, wyoming and president trump suggested yesterday without naming specific states because he wants to leave that to the governors to do that they were some states that if they had the
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testing in place could reopen today. >> sandra: all right, john roberts at the white house, thank you. >> ed: for more on this, let's bring in matthew shea with the national retail federation, president and ceo and advisor to president trump on all of these matters. we appreciate you coming in. we saw the retail sales numbers this week. has cratered for retailers in this country. how critical and we are showing them on the screen right now, for retail and food sales obviously with restaurants either forced into take out or just shut down altogether, what is your message to lawmakers in both parties this morning about the need for more money for small businesses? >> i think you identified the exact issue and that is the longer that we are closed and we can't put these businesses back to work with their employees and having cash come in the door and delivering paychecks, it's going to have continuing drag on our economy in a pretty big way. so we want to do that as soon as
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we can come on what to it thoughtfully and we want to do it after considering all of the issues related to the virus and medical experts and the guidance they give. and that was the tone and tenor of the discussion with the president earlier this week, taking a balanced approach and ensuring that whatever we do, consumer safety, the safety of associates, the safety of the american public is the number one consideration. >> ed: let's get down to brass tacks on the political reality which is laying out this problem but you've got one party led by speaker nancy pelosi saying hang on a second, we are not approving the $250 billion that you say the small businesses in your federation and others need and less states and hospitals get money and clearly, states are hurting, hospitals are hurting, medical workers on the front lines but what is your message specifically to nancy pelosi about whether all of this money should be tied up or should be done in phases? do your people need money immediately? >> yes.
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the small businesses and their employees, those millions of workers out there that don't have jobs at the moment desperately need this financial support so our message to all congressional leaders would be to end the brinkmanship, come together and certainly there are many competing priorities in terms of the need across our economy and we want to be supportive of all of those. and that's why we continue to work with secretary mnuchin and the team at the white house and the president on implementing the cares act and the terrific relief that was provided in that act but it's not going to be effective if we don't continue to fund it at appropriate levels and there's no question that these small businesses and these employees need more funding from the paycheck protection program. >> ed: so that is one challenge, let's get to another big challenge. i keep hearing from people on social media, email, facebook, every single email, there contacting me and saying all the money washing in the system and then we have the screen shot of that says it is
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currently unable to accept new applications for the paycheck protection program based on available appropriations. similarly, unable to enroll new ppe lenders at this time so the money is running out but what these folks are contacting me and telling me is i've got a small business in pennsylvania or florida and i can get through. they are saying that they are calling, writing, and hearing about all this money being dispersed but they're not getting it. so what's your advice to someone who's watching right now saying it's great that all these other people got checks. i'm not getting through. >> there's no question that although this is an unprecedented level of support for these businesses that that has in many cases overwhelms the ability to deliver that support has effectively because we all needed to be in working with individual banks. i think continuing to work with the bankers, them's independent community banks, larger banks depending on the size and scale of your business, but there's no
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question it's been uneven and spotty and inconsistent and that's been widely covered that in some areas of the country, some banks and some of those applicants have gotten relief more quickly than others and some have not been able to get that relief so they're going to continue to work on it. i know the administration is working very diligently with the spa and with the rest of the administration leadership to try to make this more effective and so in the meantime, i think unfortunately you have to be persistent and continue to go back there. >> ed: in the last 30 seconds we have, we are hearing positive signs this morning about both the health side of this, maybe it's getting better, positive signs for the economy that may be president is talking about reopening things, working with governors and all of that, but take us through your forecast of what you think about where retail operations were small businesses will be six months from now. i keep hearing these stats that one in ten or more of may simply away regardless of what congress and the president do. >> i guess i would just say that
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those retail industry leaders that i was previously with with the president the other day, they've got experience, they've been on the front line of this and deemed essential and they've been open and finding ways to continue to serve customers and get through this process so there's a lot to be worked through their experiences. but the retail industry employs more than 50 million workers across the country and many of those are small businesses and that's a huge piece of our gdp. we've got to put america back to work soon. >> ed: if there is a viewer who is writing me saying i'm not getting through, how do they contact you? how do they get to you? >> the national retail federation and we will do everything we can to help them. >> ed: a man of his work trying to help some folks. we really are appreciative of you coming forward. >> sandra: some health experts fear lifting restrictions too soon could result in a surge in new cases. without expanding testing, it
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will not be safe. and a fox news contributor. doctor, good morning to you. so you heard the president's plan, they have laid it out and nancy pelosi is criticizing it as being too vague. is it the right plan obviously considering the fears out there that this could be too soon? >> first of all, i don't think it's vague. i think it's very specific in terms of gating and the phases that you would have. two weeks of gating we are not seeing an increase of cases and actual declining cases, then phase one where you reopen gyms and stadiums and restaurants, then phase two where you open up more things like bars and you have more outdoor things like parks opening. that's pretty specific. i have some other concerns, sandra. and i'm not the only one to say this, we need massive testing to ensure that we are not seeing the resurgence that dr. fauci is talking about. how are you going to know?
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you don't want to be in a situation we've been in the last few weeks will be only find out how many cases there are indirectly by how many hospitalizations we get with our facilities being overwhelmed. we need point-of-care testing where we can say you're sick, you have it. not your very sick before we can test you. you're sick, you have it, we can do point-of-care testing with things like the abbott platform and antibody tests and the cdc director redfield told me they are doing these kinds of surveillances in ten different states already but i want it across the united states were i could say this is a community and people here have it already, they are already over it, they can go back to work or they never had it. we need to know which communities are at risk in which communities are getting over this. we need the testing to be able to do that and then in terms of the phases themselves, i would point out that there are some downsides to some of these issues because there's always the risk if you're in a sporting arena that people are going to get too close while there going
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to order a hot dog or a beer so it's very hard to keep social distancing in place and some of these places including restaurants. >> sandra: very interesting. nancy pelosi in her own words said this after the president announced his plans last night, the white house does nothing to make up for the president's failure to listen to the scientists and produce industry approved national rapid testing. even though the surgeon general went on fox and friends this morning, defending these decisions saying they are going over the numbers every hour of every day. here's the surgeon general. >> this virus has humbled me, humbled the task force, humbled the entire country. i can promise you in the american people that the task force is going over data four hours a day every single day and having the humility to say look, we thought it was a, now we find out that it's b so
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let's change our recommendations so they can be as safe as possible. >> sandra: so there he was assuring the american people they are taking in the right steps to reopen the economy but at the same time keep everyone safe. final thoughts, dr. siegel on the promise of this new drug, moving markets this morning. an early peek at data on gilead coronavirus drugs suggest patients are responding to treatments, so there are reports that they are using this drug on coronavirus patients at a hospital in chicago and having a lot of success with this. what can you tell us about this and is this a game changer? >> i think it's a potential game changer. i interviewed dr. khalil who is in charge of all of these clinical trials out of the university of nebraska in february. he was optimistic but sandra, a news organization getting a video of some doctor saying it's working on the wards that university of chicago is hardly science.
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we need to have clinical trial. we don't have the results he had. may be promising, but we don't even know when to use this drug. my prediction is by the way that it will be useful but it has to be used early in the game before all the inflammatory effects we are seeing and all the blood clotting we are seeing. by the time you are in the icu, it's probably too late for this drug but that's the kind of things the clinical trials will tell us. we don't have enough information you have to be giving it a ringing endorsement. we've got to wait for the science on this. >> sandra: all right, you've been taking us through this and we appreciate your time this morning. thank you so much. >> thank you, sandra. >> ed: china raising the death toll suddenly in wuhan by nearly 50% as new questions are raised about beijing's handling of the outbreak. plus, for some americans, wuhan is home. we will speak to one of them about his journey back to china in the middle of the pandemic. and protests popping up all across america as some fed up
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folks are demanding an end to stay at home order screwed up next, will talk to one sheriff who says he will not enforce the policies because they simply go to far. >> instead of looking at essential and nonessential, let's start working at what's safe and unsafe and start getting people back to work. if you're the spouse of a military veteran,
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here's money saving news from newday usa. your spouse's va streamline refi benefit lets you easily refinance when mortgage rates drop. and they just dropped to the lowest in newday's history. refinance now. there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. one call can save you $2,000 a year. refi now. g:zpz61-]ññ the theater home to you,t to with xfinity movie premiere.
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>> sandra: knew protests over stay-at-home orders across the midwest even as governors from seven states announced they will coordinate the reopening of their economies. mike tobin is live in chicago with more on that. >> in minnesota, the demonstrators didn't even wait for their own planned protests. an organization had planned a protest for today at noon but they got in front of the governor's residence in st. paul yesterday for the reference things like president trump's statement that the cure cannot be worse than the disease. liberate minnesota calls his stay-at-home order and overreaction, and organizational claims people are fed up with the lock down and they want to get back to their jobs. [indistinct] >> ready to go to business. they are not wanting to go out of their house, stay home and i
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fully support that. those of us were healthy and want to do business, we need to get this going again. it's time. >> that was a demonstration out of virginia but saying they want to reopen state economies with a scientific approach in a manner that promotes the health of workers. governors from six midwestern states formed a bipartisan alliance that includes kentucky, minnesota, michigan, indiana, wisconsin, and illinois. >> we are committing, all of us, to working close coronation as a region to most effectively reopen our economy with a fact-based, data-driven approa approach. >> meantime, governor tony devers of wisconsin announcing an extension of a lock down all the way through the month of may and groups are pushing back with a demonstration planned for the day the state was supposed to originally open up again for business. back to you. >> sandra: mike tobin, thank you. >> ed: for more on this, let's bring in sheriff of berry county
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michigan. thanks for coming in. you are one of the sheriffs who is saying i'm not going to listen to governor whitmer. i'm going to defy the order. why? >> we are not saying we are not going to listen to governor whitmer. we are going to use common sense when it comes to enforcing it. when people are being respectful and using that 6-foot range and, we are not going to go about and start telling people to go home. we have a lot of people that when hastings here, we have a lot of people who want to go out and do some fishing. they are at home and we have an order right now that you can have a kayak in a canoe but you can't have a motorboat. i want people out of their house, we have an uptick of domestics from our 911 center and i want people to get away from the house, what better place than out in the middle of a lake when nobody's around you? >> ed: i understand. governor whitmer was on abc this morning and seemed to dismiss
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some of what you just said and said this is all about saving lives. watch. >> shares making a point, that's fine. i can take it. it makes people feel better to take their frustrations out on me, the fact of the matter is better to be 6 feet apart right now than 6 feet under and that is the whole point of this. we fought to save lives. everyone matters. >> ed: this is about saving lives, which i'm assuming you clearly want to do when you made that clear in your first answer as well, but she was dismissive. she said this is 4 out of 83 sheriffs and they're making a political point. >> is not political, it's more common sense. somebody's out in the middle of a lake and away from everybody around their lawn mower in their 100 yards away from people, that's where we want them. we don't want them bottled up inside the house when they start arguing and start drinking alcohol and i think that's reasonable. >> ed: you are on the front
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lines of this. do you feel like the pendulum is swinging a bit and that there were some justifiable reasons to make sure that health and safety came first, but that now may be some things have gone too far and people are standing up for their rights? >> yes, i agree with some of that. that curve they are talking about is flattening and right now, we are in kind of the peak of what they said was going to hit. a week ago, we had seven that were positive, one that was recovered, and we had one death. now we are up to 16 and this was yesterday. i haven't checked today's numbers yet. we still have the one death but we have two or three. >> ed: we certainly hope that continues to flatten not just in michigan but all across this great country. we've been thinking health care workers working on the front lines. law enforcement on the front lines as well, want to thank you
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for your service and thank you for sharing your views. >> thank you. i want everyone to respect the health workers. you can stay at home, stay at home but if you need to get out and walk out, we are not going to bother you on that. you need to walk or get on the boat, some people are getting on the back roads. we are not going to do anything with that. >> sandra: thank you, eddie. an american and his family left their home in wuhan china never thinking it would be months before they would return. he will join us to talk about his journey. plus health care workers battling coronavirus share their experiences on the front lines. >> they put their confidence in their lives in our hands and it's really hard to have that relationship when you're standing 8 feet away from your patient. since 1926, nationwide has been on your side.
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we've been there in person, during trying times. today, being on your side means staying home... "nationwide office of customer advocacy." ...but we can still support you and the heroes who are with you. we're giving refunds on auto insurance premiums, assisting customers with financial hardships, and our foundation is contributing millions of dollars to charities helping with covid-19 relief. keeping our promise to be on your side.
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>> sandra: gamers are coming out of the woodwork using the pandemic to find new victims. in "the wall street journal" warning about two common crimes everyone should be on the lookout for a period of text and phone scams designed to trick you. nancy grace is the host of "crime stories" on fox nation. you can download an upcoming chapter on cron coronavirus reld crimes. what do we need to know about how they're trying to scam us
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using our phones and even texting? >> right now, the fda and others are warning about phishing. when you get calls about fake cures, treatment and so forth and the latest one is even a text that you get stating that someone close to you has tested positive for covid-19, click here for more information, fake emails and texts from the irs, from the government, and they look real. >> sandra: you put together a list of how to avoid these scams, you say don't respond to the text emails or calls about government checks, ignore online offers for vaccinations and home test kits. hang up on the robocalls, watch for emails claiming there from the cdc or world health
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organization and bottom line, do your homework when it comes to donations. what finally do we need to know on that? >> absolutely. first of all, if you get a text or an email or a phone call from w.h.o. or cdc, go to their official web site and check it out. you get a robocall, you typically hear a take, hang up. whatever you do, don't push a button especially with these door-to-door salesmen that are selling testing kits, they are not testing kits. there's no vaccination or cure right now. people are approaching a victim's doors dressed in medical card. they get their toe in the door, it's like the camel's nose in the tent. will surely follow. you don't want them in your home. you don't want to click on a fake ad that could download malware and get your credit card information. >> sandra: when it comes to those donations, and as you say it's really important not to donate by cash, gift card, or
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wiring money. last thing i want to ask you, and here are some of the numbers from the complaints. these are unbelievable to look at. 20,000 reports of complaints over these scams, $15.6 million lost, so watch out and those are good warnings. finally, i want to ask you about the fda issuing this morning about home covid-19 tests. what are we hearing their? >> it's actually getting worse than just the warning. i worked for a period of time and the federal trade commission and they are on it. here's what's happening. i have just covered two recent covid-19 testing type cases where they approach the door and medical garb like surgical masks and then a home invasion occurs. so what they're doing is a distraction robbery, they open the door, you got the door open to them thinking they're trying to help you with covid-19. they get in your home, rob you or were sent at the very least, they get your bank or
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credit card information. so between the robocalls that you pointed out, the emails, and the text, now door-to-door sales at a time when we should be pulling together, they are coming out of the woodwork. >> sandra: something to look out for. nancy grace, thank you. you can catch much more nancy on her fox nation show, "crime stories." >> ed: you can see the governor andrew cuomo in new york is talking to the press. >> still about 2,000 per day and that is still very high. so yes, fewer people in the hospital, fewer people being intubated, but still too thousand people walking in the door and if you notice, it has hovered about the same rate for several weeks. peaked, but that's a very high number. the number of deaths
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unfortunately refuses to come down dramatically. 630, that is still breathtaking and it is pain and grief and tragedy. and basically flat again like many of the other numbers. just in terms of overall context, where are we? where are we? where we going? everybody wants to ask that question every day and i understand that. we have to get to tomorrow. what is the final conclusion of this ugly chapter? i still believe it's when we have a vaccine, when people know that this virus is totally controlled. that is 12 to 18 months, hopefully it can be sooner. maybe there's a medical treatment in between we hope, we pray. a lot of medical companies are working very hard on it right here in the state and all across
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the country. that would totally change the trajectory. people who are looking for a quick fix, a quick answer, it would be a medical treatment. that would be the quick fix and that would be a quick fix. in the meantime, it's going to be an incremental process between today and tomorrow. and as much as people don't want to hear that, that's the truth. you are not going to hear any day soon it's over, the nightmare ends and we wake up. is going to be incremental and we have to be smart as we do this. do no harm, control the infection, the rate of infection as we go through this, we also have a lot of work to do operationally in terms of the health care system and now testing which i will talk about in a minute. the testing tracing is the guidepost through this, right? as we are working our way over
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the next several months, the testing which is informing us as to who can go back to work, helping us isolate people, it's about testing. and testing is a totally new challenge. nobody has done this with what we need to do on testing. and then phasing the ramp up of the economy to the new normal as we do this. again, in terms of perspective, i think of it this way. our whole response thus far basically has been a response to a crisis, right? and as the numbers start to come down and as people start to take a deep breath and people start to feel we can control the beast, which we can, and they take comfort in the fact that we can control the beast, which i do. i was afraid this thing was uncontrollable and that despite everything we did, the numbers were going to continue to go through the roof and by the way,
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nobody could tell you otherwise. but we proved we can control the beast. we can reduce the rate of infection. we did that by our response to the crisis. credit to all new yorkers and all-americans. they flatten the curve. nobody else, no government agency, no public health expert. people's actions flatten the curve. we responded to the crisis. that is all in this first response, first phase. bring down that infection rate. the infection rate was one person infected 1.4 other peop people. that is when an epidemic breaks out. that is fire to dry grass, right? that's what we talked about yesterday. we have the infection rate down to .9. one person infects .9 other people. i've never met up .9 person, but
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the infection rate is less than one to one. that then sees the outbreak starting to subside and number starting to come down which is what we are seeing in the numbers. so we did that. this is all in our response to the crisis and let's say it is from minute one to where we are today. this has all been crisis response. bringing down the infection rate, we did that. bring up the hospital system to this projection level which would have been impossible, but ramp-up that hospital systems and when you have all these new infected people, you can handle it and you don't overwhelm the public health system, you don't have people dying in hallways which is what we saw in italy on tv, right? that is all phase one. that is critical response. hurry up, get it done, every day is vital, drastic measures taken quickly in a coordinated way.
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that's phase one. we are still in that phase because you still have 2,000 people coming in the door every day so don't get cocky, don't get arrogant, we are in control. no, you're not in crisis because you can control the beast, but you're only controlling the beast because of what you're doing. that's where we are. we are starting to transition to another place. what's the other place? it's going to be the second half of this situation. which is on pausing, right? the situation we are in now is unstable. people can't stay in their homes. for this length of time. they can stay out of work. you can't keep the economy closed forever. you just can't. society can't handle it. personally or economically. so now we are moving into another phase which is this reopening phase.
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how do you plan the reopening? nobody's ever done this before, and how do you plan a reopening of an economy and at the same time be cognizant of the public health crisis that you're still in, right? lately have the infection rate down to .9. one person is infecting .9%, less than a person. okay. the epidemic outbreak percentage is 1.2. one person infecting 1.2. you only have between .9 and 1.2 has a margin of error. we have to reopen, we have to reopen. you only have a very slim margin to operate on. you open to fast, you bring people out too fast, you'll get to 1.2 and three days and we will be right back to where we started. so that is the i want to get out of my house versus public health
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balance that we are talking about. how do you measure this, how do you calibrate it? you have to develop a testing capacity that does not now exist and then you test people on a higher volume than ever before. he would then trace them to find other positives, and then you isolate them. in the meantime, we have to stabilize the state's finances. because we have a terrible economic deficit where spending money every day that we've never dreamed of spending, we are asking all these hospitals to do things, all these local governments to do things. we are paying when and we are in a position where we don't have any money. which is also an unsustainable position in life. you can't keep writing checks if you have no balance. in in your account. doesn't work long-term.
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one point they come in they knock on the door. i don't know who knocks on the door when you're a state government, but somebody's going to come knocking on the door. so that's where we are overall. the next frontier is going to be testing. we don't have a testing system that can do this volume or that can be ramped up to do this volume. we don't have a public health testing system, by the way. you look at what our government departments of health have, it's a relatively de minimis capacity. what is our private sector testing capacity? that is relatively de minimis also. think about what we're talking about. we are talking about labs that normally operate to do blood testing if you need a marriage license, you have to get that. you have your child is sick you have the first strap test. the doctor says go take a blood
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test for allergies. you go when you go to a lab to have blood drawn. that's basically the system we are talking about. that system does not do large-scale covid testing. covid testing in and of itself is a very complicated new text. is not as simple as drawing blood and getting it tested. this test in and of itself is complicated and expensive. and you don't have the network that does that. just does not exist. this is where we were with the hospitals. we came up with what we call surgeon flex. but what happen the hospitals when this started, we started seeing the much higher numbers that would overwhelm our hospital system. how do we ramp up the hospital system? he don't really have a public hospital system.
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in the state of new york, you have about 100 hospitals. you only have about 15 of those 100 look hospitals. the rest are all private hospitals. voluntary hospitals, we have to get those private hospitals to work with government in a coordinated way. never happened before. extraordinarily difficult, but it was a phenomenal undertaking. you now have 300 laboratories and hospitals across the state that do virology testing. how do we get 300 private labs and hospitals to become one system statewide to do testing for covid? and how do we get the more coordinated? this is something that has never been done before and is going to be a tremendous undertaking. also to further complicated,
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what they will tell you now because we've been having the conversations, the labs if they can get the test, which they have to purchase from private sector companies, the tests require certain chemical reagents to operate, so you take a sample and then you mix it with other chemicals. they can't get the chemicals that they need to mix to do the test. who has the chemicals? no one has the chemicals because everyone has been overrun with demand and the chemicals come out of where? china. where everything has come from over the past 40 days. everything goes back to china. and china is now in a position where they are being asked globally for these reagent chemicals and that is a piece of
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the equation that i can't figure out. and that's why the federal government has to be part of this approach and part of this answer. i can do what i can do on the stateside, and i will. and i'm going to issue an executive order that says the department of health will be coordinating those private sector labs which are private sector companies, but they are licensed by the state of new york. they are permeated by the state of new york, and we need them to step up and work together. but the federal government cannot wipe their hands of this and say the states are responsible for testing. we cannot do it. we cannot do it without federal help. i'm willing to do what i can do and more, but i'm telling you, i don't do china relations. i don't do international supply chain and that's where the federal government can help. also remember, the federal
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government at the same time as developing testing capacity. so we wind up in this bizarre situation that we were in last time, 50 states all competing for these precious resources in this case, it is testing and in the federal government comes in and says to those companies, i want to buy the tests also. this is mayhem. we need a coordinated approach between the federal government and the states. second thing that is of immediate concern is we have to stabilize the finances of the state. the federal government has passed three bills to address this crisis. of those three bills, the state governments have gotten precisely zero, zilch, nada, and unrestricted aid. the state should this, yes. what support have you given the states? none.
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how can that even be? have is that even possible as a strategy? it doesn't work. we need financial resources to stabilize the states because when you starve the state governments, i still eat. but we can't fund schools, we can't find hospitals, we can't fund small business, we can't fund all of these extraordinary efforts that we are undertaking. makes no sense. we need to support the states because the states are the ones who are doing this. reopening is up to the states, right? that's the federal decree. is up to the governors, the governors will decide. the states have to decide. everyone is in a different position and it's up to the states, which i agreed. also happens to be the constitution, but put that aside. i also think it's the right approach. okay, it's up to the states, but then don't ask the states, don't
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give them this massive undertaking that has never been done before and then not give them any resources to do it. that's not how this is going to work. the expression "don't pass the buck without passing the buck's." mark remembers him. don't ask the states to do this. it's up to the governors, up to the governors. okay. is there any funding so i can do these things that you want us to do? know. that is passing the buck without passing the box. passing the buck, which is the opposite of the buck stops here. the buck doesn't stop here. i am passing the buck, and i am not passing the box. i am not giving the financial assistance to actually perform the responsibility.
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so last point is we go from today to tomorrow, but we talk about the new normal. this also has to be an opportunity where after this horrendous period that we have gone through on every level, after the exorbitant cost of this, the personal pain of this, the death of this, this has to be one of those moments in time where we look back, where we say society transformed. was a learning and growth in transformational period. where growth and evolution was accelerated. yes, society took a terrible blow. but it became a moment of reflection where all sorts of
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new reforms and innovations happened. that's what we have to do with this period when they look back at it. so our goal is not let's get up and turn the machine back on and keep going the way we were. no. how do you make the changes now that you've been talking about in some cases for years, by the way, but you never had the political will to do it before it was too hard or it was too difficult? we talk about environmental changes that were going to make but we never really do it. we talk about issues of income equality but we never really get there. we talk about changes to our public transit system but it's too hard, too controversial. all right. now, you have an opportunity in this window to really make changes and reforms and improve things in a way you haven't. and by the way, if you went through this pain and aggravation and suffering and you didn't learn?
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then shame on us, then shame on us. because there are so many lessons to learn, and then you come back better than you were. 9/11, new york took a terrible beating. this nation took a terrible beating. we learn from it, we grew. we are better. 9/11 transformed the country. i told you before 9/11 you were going to take off your shoes for you get on an airplane and they were going to go through every bag and every -- you would never do that. 9/11 put us in a different world. look at the security measures we now have posted 9/11 that we would've never envisioned. we went through hurricane sandy. we didn't build back what was. you build back better than before. you take that moment and he will learn that lesson and you improve society.
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we have to do that here. and we have to do it affirmatively. doesn't just happen. you have to say we paused. new york paused. you reflect, you learn, you grow, and you move forward. look at what we learned about the public health system. you know what we learned about the public health system? there is no public health system capacity. hospitals have the number of beds they needed to operate, but what about in case of an emergency? there was no emergency capacity in hospitals. nobody had beds left empty. that wing is in case of an emergency, then we would use that wing, doesn't exist. why not? well, that's not what we did. so how do you improve the public health system? how do you improve the emergency response? we never had to deal with the pandemic before.
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and by the way, what is a pandemic. now we did, and now, let's learn and how are we going to be ready for the next situation like this because there will be another. i don't know what it is. i don't know when it is, i don't know if this virus comes back in a second wave, but there will be something, and we have to be ready and better for it. and not just what you learned, but what have we been talking about doing that we should be doing that this is now an opportunity to do? we've been talking about reimagining the workforce and workplace. does everybody actually have to drive into the office every day, or did we learn that there are ways to telecommute and work from home where it's actually more efficient and actually more effective? what do we do about a transit system and how do we make it safer, not just the way we've
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been talking about but also from a public health point of view and how are we now smarter about the public interactions? i can't tell you how many doctors now have come to me and said i said for years we shouldn't be shaking hands and it's a total way to transmit germs and viruses et cetera. so how do we take this moment since we are paused anyway and actually come back smarter? i also believe it will work -- it's a moment of personal reflection. we've been in a different circumstance, we've been in a different circumstance vis-a-vis our family, what have we learned during this heartbreak and during this crisis? i spent a lot of time with my kids, 22, 25 times. my interaction is with my kids,
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gotten so superficial over these past few years. everyone is busy, busy, busy. so everything good, when do i see you, i miss you, that was the same conversation over and over and over. now i've got time to sit with them and really have in-depth conversations. but i haven't had in the long time. and i'll tell you one of the things i learned is i was missing a lot. in not for five or six or seven years old anymore. they are grown up and they have complex lives and complex feelings and complex situations, and you don't understand that or get to appreciate when all you say is as anything you need, when do i see you again? i was busy i was busy.
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except that's not an excuse. take a deeper reflection on what's important in life and you can't have a real quality relationship with your child over another human being and less you take the time to get below that surface and really understand the person and really take the time to talk through what's going on. people don't work that way. they don't open up in a four minute conversation. so now i wind up in a situation where i have a couple of hours to talk to one of my daughters. and there's a whole person and life and nuance that's going on that frankly i had been oblivious to. i'm not going to let that happen again. i haven't been able to see my
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mother. she's a little older, and i see a lot of people and i'm exposed to a lot of people. i don't see my mother because she is in a vulnerable population and i am out and about a lot, so it would be careless to go see her now. but i think about all the times i have said to her -- she lives in manhattan -- she said can you come over for a cup of coffee today? how many times i've said yes, i will come over for a cup of coffee and then called back and said i can't do it today, next time. why? because something came up. i was wrong. that was more important than anything else. sometimes you don't miss something until it's been taken away. it made me rethink what was important. and what was -- what i had been
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missing. i've been missing a lot, because all this, "we are all busy, we are all busy, we are all busy." what is mean at the end of the day? >> ed: you been listening to andrew cuomo, he's getting more personal about his afflictions on where we are in this crisis. some important data points he lists topic of a 630 deaths yesterday here in new york state. that's up slightly from the day before. big picture, he said hospitalizations are down. at one point he said we can control the beast and that the curve is flattening in new york and around the country because, he said, the american people are following the guidelines. interesting that at one point he sounded like he was supportive of the president, saying he can't people home, it's unsustainable, he went on to complain that the federal government is not giving them enough money, saying they are passing the buck without passing actual books. and that he needs help with testing and other matters. >> sandra: one big piece of
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news here, he is issuing an executive order directing all private and public labs to now work together in coordination with the state department of health to increase our testing. so, really interesting developments coming out of new york. ed, great to be with you on a friday morning. have a wonderful weekend. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: fox news alert, growing pushback against stay-at-home orders amid the coronavirus pandemic as governors are grappling with when and how to reopen their states. less than an hour from right now, people in minnesota are set to hold a protest at the state capital. after people in kentucky are expected to rally against research in there today. and in michigan, where demonstrators stormed the state capital or this week. governor gretchen whitmer now faces at least two federal lawsuits against her stay-at-home order, which includes a ban on visits to friends or relatives.
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