tv Watters World FOX News April 18, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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we are out of time. thank you, i love new america. ♪ ♪ jesse: welcome to "watters world" i'm jesse watters. seeking the truth, that's the subject of tonight's waters word. we need to know everything about the coronavirus to prevent pandemics in the future. we know it came from bats, and we know it came from china. but when, where and how exactly? the chinese communist government doesn't want you to know. they're hiding the truth and spinning tales about how great they handled it we won't swallow propaganda like some in the media we're looking for the truth. last week we discussed two scientific theories about the origins of the virus. did it come from a wuhan wet
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market or come from accidental leak at a wuhan lab? steve mosher was our guest and internationally recognized authority on china. it has his belief that the virus jumped from bats to humans in a poorly run research lab. >> china has collected 2,000 dangerous viruses from the wild including 300 coronaviruses roughly we understand many of which came from the interimmediate horseshoe bats that we're talking about as original carrier of the virus. but if those viruses had stayed in bats in caves 160 miles away from wuhan they never would have come in contact with people would they? >> why are they taking bats of the cage bringing them to research facilities and -- investigating the viruses that the bats have? what is the purpose of that kind of virus research? >> well, i think there were a number of purposes one goes back to sars epidemic back in 2003
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which killed a lot of people in china and infected a lot more. the sars virus, by the ways being studied in a lab in beijing in 2004 and twice late from the lab. in other words chinese labs have a history of leaking. this covid-19 is the second sars-like virus. so the research was being done to find out more about sars. jesse: in chinese come clean we can nail it down as we presented this was mosher theory based on his expertise and history and fact bus media pounced. a reporter named reid f. richardson wrote this stupid headline. jesse waters host author pushing spear rei theory that chinese government story is hiding truth about coronavirus origin. now either they're dumb hates fox or take word of the chinese communist party over an acclaiming american angt
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anthropologist probably all of the above and a conspiracy theory was inside job and china may have covered up a lab accident, is a legitimate theory now gaining traction, and u.s. government is officially open and investigation into it. what microbolings and biosafety expert richard told "the washington post," the virus, quote, could have occurred as laboratory accident with for example, an accidental infection of a laboratory worker. asteamed liberal columnist wrote in washington post, quote, scientists don't rule out that accident at a research laboratory in wuhan might have spread a deadly bat virus. that had been collected for scientific study another washington post reports said, quote, circumstantial evidence supports the lab leak theory. and yet another from "the washington post" this headline,
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states department cables warn safety issues at wuhan labs studying bats coronaviruses. now we checked and this reid guy hasn't written a single column called out washington post for conspiracy theory i wonder why reid wrote that he was writing evidence free claim now we check to see if reid in last three years wrote that people accusing trump of russia collusion were pushing an evidence free claim. and we couldn't find that either and my guess steve mosher dedicated 40 years of his life to studying china. in fact, he was the first american researcher to study inside rural china as published nine book on the subject. appeared on "60 minutes," and subpoena even testified in front of congress numerous times on this. well reid doesn't know a thing about china infectious disease
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we with look at his bio, he specializes in left wing blogging and that's about it. and reid wrois that, quote, chinese coverup narrative has become prevalent on the right. okay, every single western government, japan, taiwan, dr. fauci burks, washington post, "new york times" and our own intelligence community they know, they know that china was dishonest. and covered up the virus -- but reid thinks that chinese coverup is just a right wing narrative so there's a massive propaganda battle being waged of china some in media are played like idiots. as fox news gets closer and closer to truth about virus and china left wing media will come to china defense. because search for truth kick off trump in their opinion. you see in left wing media trump is the bad guy. he's responsible for the
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american death. not china. for search for truth in china is a distraction for them. and if you look too closely for the source of the virus, the want to hold china accountable, you're labeled a conspiracy theorist or racist. some american media outlets will go so far as to propaganda without a second thought. >> it was china that came to the rescue as italy shook sending medical personnel nine palettes of ventilator electric cardiograph and ten of thousands of masks. >> china the government attacked in the epidemic heart of wuhan city officials built two hospitals with more than 2,000 beds in the span of a few weeks. >> after 76 day of lockdown wuhan china is open again. the people counted like it was new years eve skyscrapers lit up, with the words hello wuhan, american mainstream media
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basically joined forces unwithingly or not with brutal chinese regime amount of massive coverup and damage president trump politically. but fox's not participating in this sick game and bret baier and broke a huge story this week. multiple sources are saying there is increasing confidence based upon open source and classified data that the coronavirus originated in a wuhan lab it was not developedded as a biological weapon. instead chinese in a race to outperform american scientist and enhance national prestige cut accordancers and botched causing to accidentally jump from bats to lab worker who unfortunately went outside into wuhan and unknowingly spread the virus into the population. bret is also reporting that documents show how scientists scramble toll contain it but were unsuccessful and wet market
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story may have been more of a cover story. source tell bret that this may be, quote, the costliest government coverup of all time. as data was scrubbed samples destroyeded and doctors were disappeared. knowing all of this, and the containous raid of it, china allowed hundreds of flights to leave wuhan allowing the virus to spread throughout the world sources say that w.h.o. knew all along and helped china cover its tracks. steven analysis tells "watters world" that in 2014 american scientists ended their collaboration with china's virus lab because of the risks associated with their research. here's a statement mosher released exclusively to us, quote, the mere fact of conducting research on a highly dangerous and infectious coronavirus, and a poorly run
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lab in the middle a city of 15 million people l is wildly reckless behavior and gross medical malpractice that the entire world is now paying for. as i said before, the truth will come out and american will see who fought for it and who fought against it. china and the w.h.o. will have to answer for what went wrong. no excuses. joining us now -- the man behind bombshell reporting fox news chief political actor and actor of "special report" bret baier complengt reporting on this. it is really moved ball forward in a very fast way. what was the pushback you got from the chinese on your reporting? >> jesse a lot chinese foreign ministry said in w.h.o. saying virus was not created in a lab now, obviously, that's it also a straw man. the intelligence just so that we
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are clear suggest that it was a natural transmission. it was not genetically altered there's nothing according to u.s. officials in the genetic sample of the virus that indicates that it was genetically altered like a bioweapon would be. but that it was sloppily handled and what they are 100% convinced that china covered up quickly after the outbreak happened and they are saying now on the record and on background they don't have conclusive evidence that it was in that lab. but they are increasing in their confidence as they connect the dots both the circumstantial open source stuff and classified information and that's where we got to, you know, in the reporting and this investigation is continuing at the highest levels. >> in your opinion when people at fox news ask questions about a wet market or ask questions
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about a bat or ask questions about a lab, as a part of an investigative discovery process, you think it is savagely attacked in some places in the media easy being, you know, [bleep] crazy. why do you think that pushback is so strong in some corners? >> i mean, listen, this has been the case since i've been here. 23 years -- sometimes we break stories that don't fit with the narrative, and then it gets there's a lot of -- public, you know, push that it says oh that's just fox. the problem is that now as the story starts developing, you're seeing other networks that officially that first criticized it doing almost exactly same kind of pieces. that the intelligence community is watching these investigations. and my sources are saying in six months time, all of this will be out in the open. there's a lot of holdback to the
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story they think because -- of china's control of some big elements like ppe and other things we have seen that comien is slowing up getting to the u.s. >> that's interesting soing definitely in play because of the economic calamity they've caused and we can't act too rationally as we try to recover and stuff is in play. amazing wrorting and we're going to continue to follow it on "special report" bret thanks very much for bringing that to "watters world." >> yes. jesse: cool pretties of this are becoming more clear and must be held accountable this week senator tom colten and congressman dan crenshaw introduced bill that would. allow american it is to sue china in federal court to recover damages for death injury and economic harm caused by the virus.
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by silencing doctors and journalist who try to warn world about coronavirus chinese communist allowed to spread quickly around the globe. and this bill modeled after the law that allowed families of victims of 9/11 to sue the saudis for damages. also on that front, president trump is holding up funding for world health organization. not getting a penny of our tax dollars, until we investigate why the w.h.o. mismanage and cover up coronavirus. joining me now fox news contradict tore former south carolina congressman trey that's huge if they can get this through congress and you can allow american citizens to file litigation against the communist chinese, that's a game changer. what do you think that chances are that that happens? >> in this political environment they would be really good and tommy and dan are to be commended with we need a change
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because of the act that make it is impossible to sue other countries and u.s. district court. you still jesse have the challenge of getting the information from china, that discovery as we call it in the legal realm, and then the damages. i mean if you've lost your life or lost your business, or suffered injury, you're entitled to damages but you have to collect. so that individual rout is one way to go. there's also a need a responsibility for the world to hold china accountable. i mean, if you cannot warn other countries that a pandemic has been unleashed, you have no business being a leader on the world stage. so there's the individual, there's the world and then there's what our country can do and i think where we can hit them hardest there -- is to is to ostracize them and reclaim our manufacturing reclaim our pharmaceutical manufacturing in particular. there are lots of ways we can hold china accountable. jesse: i totally agree with that
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because if the shoe were on other foot there was american company that was doing dangerous research and spreads throughout the world causing massive economic pain and even death dearn the trump administration had had tried to cover that up -- i mean they would have brought trump in front of the hade and brought him up on war crime charges that's how significant would happen in china is in now w.h.o., you know, just so people know this guy hand picked out of ethiopia from chinese this guy actually gave a goodwill ambassadorship to zimbabwe. i mean, that's just the thought process behind the guy that's rotting w.h.o. now we have caught funding launching an investigation what do you think this investigation is going to find and -- even if it finds that they were accomplice what do we do about
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it? >> we contributed a lot of that money so we can and should cut off the money. i think there ought to be an entity that coordinates pandemics. but let's look at the w.h.o. and track record from the inception of this virus. they first told us that it could not be transmitted human to human. e then they told us we didn't need face masks. jesse i made a d in the last science class you don't need to give me $4 billion to tell you exactly the young information. i'll do it, i'll do it for free. and then all of the heels of telling us it couldn't be transmitted and then they gave us this stellar piece of evidence don't sneeze on someone or sneeze into your elbow that's what we got for $4 billion two thing that are wrong and one thing that our moms told us. >> wow. wow. that's an expensive piece of advice all right thank you very much. >> yes, sir. thank you. jesse: coming up out of control
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>> two of the devastating flu epidemics asian flu of 1957 and hong kong flu of 1968 both originated in china. and left a trail of about 3 million deaths worldwide. the 1997 bird flu was traced to chickenses in china. the sars epidemic in 2003 was traced to chinese food markets. this is the reason chinese scientists take such great risks this study viruses. because there are big problem over there. our next guest is virus hunting traveled around the world visiting 20 countries including china. it is his job to trap animals in the wild and study them and laboratories. dr. krnl peters was cdc chief for eight years, and is here to shed is light on potential originnens of the coronavirus. so c.j., throughout your travels and knowing what you know about
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bats and china and sars what do you think about this new that this may have occurred through an accidental leak in a laboratory? applicable word is may. if you just took the fact and had done this and determine the genetic sequence you would say a aha it's a bat virus related to sars and also look at it and say it doesn't have any funny sequences inserted in it so it's probably not out of bioengineered virus at all but a natural, a natural virus. now whether that virus came from a bat in the wuhan market directly into somebody or via a pig or something, that can't tell. it may have come from that or it hay have come from a laboratory
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in china. >> so when you were studying these viruses and you were traveling throughout the world hunting these viruses, what was the most important thing you looked for, and when you did discover that, did you ever get pressure from any of these governments like the chinese government is handing down on scientists because some of these scientists they've disappeared. >> well, fortunately i never disappeared. but i -- [laughter] usually been attracted by finding by finding a person with an unusual clinical syndrome or very serious clinical syndrome. taking samples from that person and perhaps from rodents and mosquitoes also because they're often carriers of these viruses. and you take those samples and take them back to the lab and identify them.
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find out whether they're a new virus if they're a new virus whether they have a cousin that you know. and then from there, you go back to the country, and usual lily it's good form to go back to country that invited you. and they're often reluctant to let you publish this. they have often rather you told them and didn't tell anybody else. but i've always -- been able to convince them to let me publish, so we make it well known to other -- jesse: you have to get the word out there to scientific community. absolutely. so it's jr. exing per your expertise a sold pig on bat in wet market or it was being studied at this lab
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and then contaminated a lab worker and he infected one in wuhan a province are you leaning in one way or another and waiting to see how it plays out? >> i think only way you're going to be able to tell is to look at the lab notebooks in china. if you speak chinese -- or if you can get a translator, because there's no way you're going to be able to tell from the virus. >> yeah. well i don't think those notebooks exist anymore. it's just a hunch. from the bret baier reporting that we talked about those were destroyed. and those notebook were manipulated but we'll see what we can find out dr. peters thank you so much. biden sexual assault allegation is turning into a media scandal. very disturbing report on that later. also, democrat governor gretchen of michigan getting rocked by protest for her stay at home order now being sued.
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president laying out three phase plan to open up america again and look at new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, california eve this the most coronavirus cases. new york has more than all of them combined basically. and so they're not going to be quite ready to go yet. now, wyoming, alaska, north dakota, virginia, and maine they have a couple of hundred had cases each. so they can take off pretty soon we hope. and we can already see action opening up this weekend looking like texas is going to get a head start and jacksonville, florida maybe opening things up really soon. joining me now white house national counsel director larry kudlow. all right larry please break to down for us these three fazes how's it going to go? >> first of all health and safety number one criteria for reopening the economy. like completely agree we have to get the economy going again. but health an safety, it is
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going to be data driven okay. that's the advice and the guidance that our bests doctors and scientists are going to give to governors and mayors across country, and the basic idea here is we want 14-day decline within 14 day period you've got to see it decline in the volume of new cases. that's key. so testing is very important surveillance testing screening, diagnostic testing and, of course, best practices got to throughout this entire process, right you have social distancing for quite some time. cleaning your hands, washing up, and so forth and so on. so each time you look at a county or a state or a city whatever, and if the downward movement continues eventually you go from flattening to adjusts downward to absolute
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suppression that will cover the three phases and then hopefully prayerfully we'll all go back to work. >> all right so you have school ises opening with distancing you have restaurants opening with some distancing. maybe a table empty in between something along those lines? and then i guess maybe phase three you do larger gatherings or we talking about crowds in phase three like you can have people watching a ball game? >> i don't to be too specific it's not quite that way it really depends on what a the local authorities are saying and doing. but basically you're right. that's the progression if you're well and testing negative so forth and in numbers you're going to be in good shape so folk can go back to work and back to office buildings they can go back to their factories they can reopen schools yes. con conference call we had with
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all of the business leaders, two days ago, president herd commissioners of baseball for example, talking about reopening ball games. so i think that key is here we can start may is going to be a transition month. okay, america will be better off spirits will rise, let's get back to the booming economy that we had just a couple of months ago all president incentive are still there on taxes and regulations, back in place -- baseball larry. >> that's what people want. >> play some baseball jess numbers will tell the story -- very important people want to get confidence. people have confidence with the numbers, but i think this is very doable. chin up jesse we're coming back america will come back. jesse: here we go. all right. thank you very much larry all right. people now being pulled over off buses. they're fined from going to church. there's a big growing backlash
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millions of americans remain locked down folkses get ants city governorses are exercising a lot of power. and 10th amendment does state, quote, power is not delegated to yiet by the constitution nor prohibited it to states or reserve to state respectively or to people. governors have police power, they have emergency powers hof in order to protect people's constitutionallal rights these governors are required, required to make sure these restrictions aren't overly broad. many americans believe some of these governors are going way overboard especially when it comes to enforcement.
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philadelphia man physically drag off a bus. this for not wearing a mask. in colorado put in hand cuffs forking having a touch with his daughter and police handing out fines for drive-thru church-goers people sitting in cars listening to pastor preach on the mega phone. protest in michigan are growing because the governor democrat gretchen has told citizens they can't leave the city and stay in their summer homes. say they can't go out on a boat on a lake or they can't buy feed to grow their own food. so how do you fight the virus without shredding bill of rights? joining me now attorney robert barnes now filing civil rights lawsuit against the governor of michigan. all right mr. barnes what do you say in the lawsuit against the the governor? >> it is very simple there's no emergency exception to the bill of rights.
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14th amendment requires that governor respect the first second, fourth,sivity, amendment rights of the people of michigan and she's not done so. so president trump is right it is time to liberate michigan from the governor who would call herself queen, who effectively is decided to quarantine the constitution instead of quarantining the virus. and so we have brought suit on behalf many of people right to peaceably assemble rights of their business and their profession and their occupation has been stripped of them without due process of law. and their property taken away without just compensation is required under first and fifth amendment to u.s. constitution. >> do you believe that all of these state lockdowns, these shelter in places, social mitigation do you believe they're all unconstitutional or do you believe that michigan governor went way overboard? >> the michigan governor went way overboard so there was some sincere efforts by many governors in places like tennessee and texas and some other locations, to say if you're exercising your constitutional rights, that is by definition essential
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activity. so if it is core constitutional liberty it has to be essential activity exempt from any shutdown order urn fortunely governor of michigan like some other governors in virginia were going to be filing suit in other places too. went way beyond that. ban people from buying feed from buying flags going out to park you name it it is insane. >> yeah. she was saying like you can go out on a lake in kayak but not in a motor boat it doesn't make any sense so situations where people are driving past their church, listening to the pastor preach on mega phone and police are actually i guess on governor's orders -- handing out fineses to tune of a thousand dollars. >> exactly. i mean in my hometown we end up bringing suit against chatanoga if they went ahead with their drive-in church services that he would use all of his power to punish them by any means
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possible and you can drive in to get a lottery ticket you can drive in to get a liquor bottle but not drive many to pray you can't drive many to see your fellow parishioners many of whom only mechanism means they have to do fellowship was that method because they either e e have limitation on social media access or other method of doing church services. this is a violation of the first amendment right, that prohibits governments from restraining restricting religious expression in any way particularly when they're aa lowing the same form of expression for things like buy lottery ticket or liquor bottles. >> absolutely insane -- i don't know what they're thinking it has really about enforcement like you're dragging guy off the bus for not wearing a mask he can probably just pull his shirt over his face for the duration of the rides. robert you're following another suit about people trying to get bow petition sign and they can't lawfully assemble things like that. we'll touch on that perhaps next week. but let us know how litigation
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goes and keeps us posted. thank you. >> absolutely. thank you jesse. there's a coverup going on involving joe biden and woman says he sexual assaulted her. the media is involved. and details next. road-trip companion. it's kind of my quiet, alone time. audible is a routine for me. it's like a fun night school for adults. i could easily be seduced into locking myself into a place where i do nothing but listen to books. i never was interested in historical fiction before, but i'm obsessed with it now. there are a lot of like, classic and big titles that i feel like i missed out since i don't have time to read, mean i might as well listen. if i want to catch up on the news or history or learn what's going on in the world, i can download a book and listen to it. because i listened to her story over and over again, i made the decision to go ahead and follow my own dream, which was to help other veterans.
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>> joe biden accused of sexual assault, a former staffer tara reid says biden violated her inside u.s. capitol in 1993 filed a police report this week. here's her account. >> against the wall and then hands were down my skirt, with and up my skirt and i was wearing, i wasn't wearing -- and he then went from there. with his hands -- [inaudible conversations] nobody can verify this it is a he said she said with no witnesses from years ago. brett kavanaugh accusation also a he said she said with no witnesses from years ago. both men denied it. but both accusations were treated completely differently. because of politics --
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the the kavanaugh accusation immediately dominated the news, wall to wall coverage for two straight months. but you can't find biden accusation anywhere cnn hasn't covered it all look how many times they coveredded christina blasey ford there's been nearly a total blackout on the biden allegation on network television. in fact, since allegation broke, biden has done over a dozen interviews and hasn't been asked once about the woman who aaccused him of sexual assault these are same journalist who had accused brett kavanaugh of being a rape rapist without any evidence. i've never heard of a guy a one time rapist or one time sexual assaulter around this area he's the fifth guy in a gang rape he's amazed me we have administration that out of the million of people who were qualified many this country of all raws and genders they consistently find men who beat, abuse, sexual assault women. >> that man is disgusting.
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whoever he is -- the media double standard is clear. democrats are presumed innocent, and republicans aren't. let's compare the accusers objectively ford didn't tell anybody after the alleged incident took place. reid told friends and family and claim she immediately filed a report with the senate office. several of ford friends don't believe her. and have no recollection of the incident taking place. all of reid's recognize family and friends say they believe her. ford's memory of the incident was extremely hazy. dates and locations and people were very unclear. reid remembers details. ford alleges she was pushed and held down on a bed, reid alleges she was digitally penetrated. ford first contact of a senate
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democrat dianne feinstein who released allegations on eve of a confirmation hearing. reid's first public contact was a podcast in the media months and months before the election. ford had power house d.c. attorney who is took hers case pro bono. reid is not retain counsel yet. "watters world" has no idea if either of these allegations are true. we hope no one was victimized. but how can media find ford story nor credible than reid's? a fair minded person can't do that. now look at these so-called women's groups who condemn kavanaugh but have been totally silent on biden, plan parenthood emily list women march, aclu list goes on and on. it seems like believe all women really means believe certain women. the biden accusation is becoming media scandal and could take the me too movement down with them.
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here with that martha author of the book unknown valor. do you agree that media is covering up this biden accusation? >> fact that some of the people who ran against joe biden including bernie sanders, and amy klobuchar in interviews have been asked what they think about tara reid accusation but joe biden has done more than 10, 12 interviews since this information came out and he has not been asked once about it. that in and of it jesse just is raises so many questions. but what really strikes me in this whole story more than anything is something that we've been talking about for really long time. and that is is with these accusations which are always troublesome. the idea that you can believe all women or believe all men for that matter is just, is
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preposterous on it face you need to analyze in evidence a situation the credibility of the claim that is being made and evaluate it regardless of the sex of who the accuser is. man or woman, if that is just -- it's a, you know, sort of prefabricated that is meaningless and interesting that ruth marcus who wrote a whole book about the kavanaugh accusation said what she read tara reid account her gut told her that tara reed wasn't telling her the truth. so this really just sort of blows open a lot of these notions and should remind everyone about the importance of due process in approaching these cases. these cases are very sensitive. they deal with people's lives. and we've seen people get raked over coal in them enjustly and that's devastating. >> they're very hard to handle, and you want fairness, that's what everybody wants fairness
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and due process and even handedness. do you think that the way that media and even some of the democrats like elizabeth warren, harris, they've been asked about this and they went totally silent. do you think this really hurts the women's movement, the me too movement? female democrats running for president when they go so stone called silent like this? >> well, it just make it is clear to e me that they understand that there's so much hypocrisy in way that caseses are treated and if you can't hold everyone to the same measure, and so yes, of course, if you're going say believe all women which we have heard from many of the people you just mentioned then that has to ring true across the board even when it is the candidate who is running for president on your side of the fence. and so -- you know what i've love to hear from them so you know what this really has opened my eyes to a lot of things that we seen over the past couple of years. about due process, and about
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being fair, and about looking at actual evidence and the trail of it that leads or does not lead to these men and these cases. you know so it really -- it just really smacks something that is so disingenuous in way that people have approached these and breaks that wide open for future as well jesse. jesse: all right martha thanks a lot and everybody go check out the book. rng thank you. jesse: up next -- these folks don't have time to go to the post office
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that's all for tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. i'm watte and this is my world. [♪] president trump: a number of states led with by both democrat and republican governors announced concrete steps to begin a safe, gradual and phased opening. judge jeanine: president trump updates the country on his administration's response to the coronavirus and the steps taken to eventually get the economy back on track. welcome to justice. i'm judge:jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. more tonight with senate judiciary committee chair lindsey graham, congressman jim jordan,
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