tv Media Buzz FOX News April 19, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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rtgage solutions. so you can... retire better. howie: this is a fox news alert on howard kurtz, 39,000 protest against severe state restrictions, california, arizona, colorado, maryland and other states. the governors of new york and new jersey are urging the trump administration to help ramp up testing for the virus saying they can't reopen their economies without it. on the positive side, new york just reported lowers deadly death toll, still 540.
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from a windy rooftop on the hill, president trump is urging governors to move toward reopening the economy this after drawing harsh media criticism for declaring that he has the sole power to decide when the country goes back to work. >> the president of the united states has the authority to do what the president has the authority to do which is very powerful. the president of the united states calls the shots. >> the president has total authority to reopen the economy. the president's lies were so extreme about this today that it provoked one reporter to finally shout-out, that's not true. >> it is funny to think that they are saying that the president can't single handily open the economy but he should have single handily shut it down a long time ago. howie: but the president telling governors late in the week that they, in fact, will be opening
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with his support. mollie hemingway and fox news contributor, susan ferrechio and m elleithee, the media was, that's nice, not realistic, not happening any time soon. your thoughts? mollie: when president trump made plan for reopen the economy, it's almost difficult to criticize and we have a media that criticizes anything that president trump will say about this and have a particular bias about reopening the economy, for some reason that the shutdown needs to think for long period of time perhaps until a vaccine
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is found. not great that everybody in the media seems to share the bias and be so opposed to ending the economic catastrophe even as we are concerned about the global pandemic. howie: mo, do you agree that everybody in the media has the view and that there's been lack of adequate testing and 1% of the population and that's making it difficult and many politicians saying this as well to having confidence to reopen schools and the like. mo: i don't know a single person that says wouldn't it be great that the economy stays shut down any longer. i think what you're seeing is a real attention between urgency by some to get the economy reopened and the urgency by others particularly every major public health professional especially those who work for
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the president who say we are not ready to do it yet and the media has been pointing out that tension very, very strongly, and when they see that tension from the same platform in a white house briefing between the president on one side and his own medical advisers on the other, that's a legitimate story for the media to -- to push. and i think that there are those who are out there that the media wants to keep this thing shut down are completely missing mise boat in trying to stoke more tension. howie: well, i certainly would like it to be over so i can get out of the household more. the president largely stuck to the script when he announced guidelines and start today get into a back and forth with new york governor andrew cuomo. andrew: he's sitting at him watching tv, maybe he should get
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up and go to work. second, let's keep a emotion and politics out of this and personal ego. howie: what prompted trump was saying tweeting during daily news conference and the president tweeted stop complaining, stop talking and doing your job and he went into crazy nancy, crying chuck, radical left, do nothing democrats. when the press writes the story the president is being more bipartisan usually takes a couple of news cycles to change, right? [laughter] >> his reelection hinges on how the public judges outbreak, so when he's feeling criticism like that from governors we are not getting the supplies even though trump says they are getting the supplies or criticizing the federal government, the
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president is pulling back and that's what he's doing with the governors. howie: mollie, soon after fox news aired and we have protestors gather about harsh restrictions, liberate, minnesota. what's your reaction to the call for liberation? mollie: well, there's a tension on how some states are handing restrictions strictly versus other states handle social distancing. there's a range of possible ways to handle this and some states are really at the staff extreme and i want to point out about andrew cuomo, a couple of weeks ago that president trump came in for a ton of criticism because
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he doubted whether andrew cuomo really needed 40,000 ventilators. he was asking for 30,000 from the federal government and trump said, i don't know if that's -- if that's quite right. turned out that new york already reached its peak and i think they only used about 5,000 ventilators and i haven't seen any media readdressing that issue after condemning trump so strongly for wonder if andrew cuomo had a really good handle on how much he needed. howie: well, that's a fair point, cuomo overestimated but he was dealing with worst case scenarios. on this point about the protests that are spreading to various states, mo, new york times news story says the president is seeding any national leadership on pandemic and choosing instead to divide the country to playing for political base. i don't know if you agree to that. it's not an editorial, it's a news story. mo: i would agree with that. the president tweeting, liberate the states when the governors
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are adhering to the guidelines that he himself has set out. he's out there, his white house has put out guidelines that social distance is required. that said that the governors of the states should make the decisions on the timelines that works best for those states. so now he's out there encourage ing these types of protests that are allowing people to protest in ways that will likely continue to spread the virus without social distancing and that undermine the -- the leadership of the governors of the state with whom he's touting himself on the back for power, so i think it is a dangerous thing he's doing and the prez is calling him out on that. mollie: the media would be very upset if people said that during
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a pandemic you don't have your full first amendment rights. people do have a right to protest and there's freedom of press and freedom of speech and when the rights are infringed and the media saying you don't have a right to protest at the time and you take what people say and no power to push back. there's too much agreement in the media, i think, that these things should not be allowed. they would not take it well if he said during a pandemic you don't get to ask questions that are too tough of the president. they would rightly understand that's a constitutional threat. howie: susan, people absolutely have a right to protest the president was asked what about the fact that they are grouped together and not follow social distancing guidelines, he said their conduct was okay and vice president pence deflected on the question this morning. quick thought on that? susan: i heard the vice president's interviews, in some of those cases the social distancing guidelines were not being followed and other cases
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they were from reports from yesterday. i think, though, to mollie's point some of the social distancing guideline that is the president are put forward are being followed in arbitrary manner by the states. for example, not being allowed to buy certain products doesn't make any sense, closing certain things and not others. it's not exactly following the president's orders, taking it too far. those are the people that the president is talking to when he tweets like this but again it raises the question you talked about, promoting social gatherings and people standing close together at the time when it's not advisable. howie: yeah, there's a wide variation. i'm tight on time, let me ask a couple of tight answers here. the president doesn't recognize he has total authority of economy, some conservatives, hey, sorry, that's not how the
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constitution works, should he have skipped and go to guidelines where he would work with the governors? mollie: he should have been credittized that he had complete authority. the media spent weeks and they were wrong then, he was wrong when he said he had complete authority. we have a constitutional system that devolves powers to the states and that's a good thing. howie: mo, did the press overreact, by the next day trump sort of backed off and said he would also authorize the governors to do their jobs? mo: look, i didn't hear a lot of people defending his comments on the first day. this is where mollie and i are in agreement. huge overreach for him to say that and caught people off guard and opened up the possibility of -- of a dangerous constitutional showdown in the middle of a pandemic. i'm very glad that the president backed off that the next day and
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referred to the governors but it did raise questions down the road if the pressure -- if the president is feeling additional pressure to reopen the economy and governors are going slower than he would like them to, will he try to force the issue. howie: right. mo: what happens in the governor of north carolina doesn't open -- howie: got to go. fortunately he did not. if barack obama said he had total authority conservatives' heads they would have exploded. the president clashing with reporters over this very issue, stay with us. ♪
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howie: here is what happened when cbs paula reed said trump didn't do much after halting flights from china in late january. >> the argument is that you bought yourself some time and you didn't use it to ramp up testing. >> you're so disgraceful -- it's so disgraceful the way you said it. listen, look, look, you know you're a fake, you know that. the way you cover is fake. howie: mollie hemingway what do you make of the president lecturing paula reed when she criticized he didn't do much in february. mollie: paula reed was the person who suggested that anthony fauci was being held at gunpoint and forced to say things he didn't believe.
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i think maybe in that same press conference. she seems to be enjoying the grand standing but absolutely true that the press is treating this issue as political issue. they are trying to turn president trump's handling into of this into a katrina and he's fighting them every step of the way and i think that's why they don't actually like that the press conferences are continuing. everybody is seeing how the questions are asked and how hostile and unnecessarily that many people in the media are and it's not a great look and that's why the press' credibility numbers continue to plummet with so many people. howie: mo, i would say the politicization on all sides including the media and the president is entitled to defend record when up against reporters in briefings, when the president says to cbs reporter, the question was disgraceful, are these not legitimate questions? mo: i think it's 100% legitimate
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question. the president is looking for congratulations on the job he's done and i think there's arguments to be made on all sides on the job he's done but one big question is about the month of february which a lot of experts said that the china travel ban bought us some time in order to do some of the things that we ended up not doing. so the president wants the congratulations on the job he's done, he would have to answer for that question and i don't think that was the illegitimate question. and the president should have an answer for that and that should be a softball for him. rather than try to answer it he goes on attack against reporters. howie: susan, the new white house press secretary who just started kayleigh mcenany slammed msnbc and cnn which she was once a contributor for not carrying the entirety of the white house coronavirus briefings. here is what she had to say.
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>> the news organizations across the country who chose not to cover it and instead put on partisan individuals to put a lens on the news instead of hearing directly from the leaders, it is shameful. howie: now msnbc is break agoway a -- breaking away fact-checking, cnn after trump finishes talks and prompted kayleigh mcenany's comments. does it goo too far for the white house to say that it is shameful that the other cable channels aren't taking the whole thing? susan: i think for the president, again, he's in the political fight of his life right now and when these cable networks cut away from the briefing, they are cutting away in some cases from very meaningful parts of the briefing that answer the very questions the reporters are hammering the
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president with. the big question of what did he do during the month of february, why didn't things change in february in a way that would have stopped this thing from spreading so all the questions can be answered by the professionals and have been answered. dr. fauci has gotten up and said, look, the president acted early. the president acted when we instructed him to on mitigation. the president did everything we told him to do along the way. howie: right. susan: if you're not airing that on the network, those very important questions that the reporters are asking every single day they are getting answers. howie: mollie, msnbc cut away from last night's briefing when andrew mitchell saying that the president was on a political tear. he was criticizing maggie,
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reporter. a story she had written or coauthored saying that mark meadows had cried a couple of times in meetings. they were saying -- the president confirmed it and said, well, he may have been crying for a different reason, so he went off on a long screen on "the new york times". mollie: i think the problem that we have with the media is not that they don't have information but can't be trusted to convey it accurately. if the last 4 years have shown us anything at all that the media doesn't understand the administration at all. howie: got it. mollie: i want to say on sourcing, there's an issue -- media needs to be held accountable and main people as much as possible. they don't even try. howie: all right, well, we try to provide some measure of accountability on this program.
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mollie hemingway. mo elleithee, susan ferrechio thank you for joining us. that's straight ahead on it! audrey thinks she's doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk? maybe not. jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection... the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection,... ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction and don't take it if you're on dialysis
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♪ ♪ howie: president trump told he we wanted to start a daily white house talk radio show but he didn't want to compete with rush limbaugh according to new york times and led to offer from the conservative host who recently received the presidential medal of freedom. >> if he wants to host it himself, he can do it. if he wants to do it for 2 hours, that's what he said, we could look at it as an audition. howie: an audition. trump has 2-day hour show called white house coronavirus
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briefing. abc george stephanopoulos, figure to have contracted virus since wife was infected and he shared the news on good morning america. >> i've never had a fever. never had cough, never had shortness of breathe, never had chills, any of the classic symptoms you have been reading about. howie: it's stuff to stay safe when your spouse has it. we wish them both the best, and for cnn's chris cuomo who has been quarantined in his basement, he's the one that gave it to his wife. >> kristina now has covid. she's now positive, and it just breaks my heart. it is the one thing i was hoping wouldn't happen. howie: that's painful. we wish them both well. cuomo closed show when he did soul searching about his tv job, he said i don't want to spend time doing things that aren't
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valuable to me personally. i don't like what i do personally, that matters to me more than making millions of dollars a year. cuomo also said that president trump is a full of s. now, look as the son and brother of new york's governor cuomo. he walked it back and said he loves his job and is treated well at cnn. we are all a little bit frustrated these days. still to come, finally some of the media, not all getting in on the allegations against joe biden from quarter century ago. we will have that for you in a moment dad, i'm scared. ♪ it's only human to care for those we love. and also help light their way. it's why last year chevron invested over $10 billion to bring affordable, reliable, ever cleaner energy to america.
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there's growing concern about the long-term financial impact as the federal government is now on track to spend almost $4 trillion more than it takes in. around the globe more than 2.3 million cases of coronavirus. more than 161,000 people have died. new cases are slowing down a bit in western europe and south korea but russia is reporting a surge in covid-19 infections. most news outlines remain silent when senate staffer for joe biden alleged that he sexually assaulted her back in 1993 which his campaign strongly denies. >> against the wall and his hands were down my skirt and up my skirt and he pulled back and said, come on now, i heard you like me. howie: new york times ran a detailed account last week 19
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days after it went public. washington post interviewed reed last year but did not run the story after times piece. the paper was going to cover the story, quote, we need today introduce it with some reporting and perspective. he says the sexual misconduct allegations against brett kavanaugh were treated differently because he was already in a public forum in a large way with biden on the verge of becoming nominee they weren't, quote heated race from a clock ticking. joining us from new york who now host sexton podcast and leslie marshall. buck, tara reade has more corroborating evidence through washington post and interviewed a friend of reade who was told by reade about the alleged
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attack by biden and papers waited weeks to publish. your take. buck: it's one of the most egregious instances that we see. in this case "the new york times" and washington post do the same thing and no justification for it which is why when you had "the new york times" interview about this, i mean, the justification was laughable. no serious person would ever think that joe biden is not and he's running for president of the united states as much a public figure as really any human being on the planet. the idea that was put forward for why they delayed just shows you that there was a bit of panic, but we also have to remember not only as you said is there greater credibility to the allegations that have been leveled by readde than ford. howie: all right.
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buck: there's a sense that you could be a person who was guilty of this during the kavanaugh hearing, you should step down. the country deserves better. democrats have no way of grappling with that standard now. howie: let me get leslie in. what do you get you that biden is running for president but no ticking clock, what did you make of that explanation by the times editor? leslie: i understood what he was saying but i honestly myself before he even gave explanation i would have said covid-19 is taking up pages 1 through 12 commencing in march. i think that's a valid reason for one delay. two that you have to interview everybody. i was very surprised and i wasn't happy about the delay with both "the new york times" andrew: the washington post in reporting this. look, you know, i have a journalistic background and the job of the journalist is to report the facts and let either
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the viewers, the listeners, in this case the readers make their own determining and that's what i want to do as a reader and i think all readers of anything, new york times washington post or anything else. it's their job to investigate it and put the facts out. howie: leslie -- right, but leslie, does this put liberal women in the media in difficult position? many of them have not exactly jumped on this the way they did with brett kavanaugh, with the allegation against roy moore, with the allegations against candidate donald trump, do you see a -- >> leslie: look, i'm a feminist and victim of both assault and rape so i know what it feels like and i know what it feels like have someone accuse you of lying. it's disgusting, women or -- democrat or republican need to be women first. there are people on the right that didn't believe kristin blasey ford, because i can speak
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from this experience myself, i always start off believing the woman but then i do my own investigation and i do look at the facts that are there because sadly howie, although the overwhelming majority of individuals out are telling the truth when they come forward, there are times that a couple percentage of the time, 2% of the time where somebody may not be telling the truth and especially we see that in politics and i don't think investigations left or right are unwarranted. howie: i didn't know that about your background. thank you for sharing that. buck, when times did stories interview to top biden senate staffers who said that tara reade never complained to them about the boss as she has claimed and washington post said she changed her story, first biden touched my neck and shoulders and more recently when she was backing bernie sanders by the way did she describe sexual assault, so there was reason for some caution by the
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news organizations. buck: well, the news organizations didn't show any willingness to take into account -- remember, we are talking about fundamentally the double standard. leslie, for example, was outlining what should be the standard and i would agree with that, some people bring false allegations, that's always something that needs to be -- this is fundamental to our justice system and the media changed the standard very clearly and we all remember, we are all quite aware of what it was when it was somebody was going to be republican appointee to the supreme court. you mentioned donald trump and this time around it's all changed. i mean, we are talking about skepticism which bring up, howie, from media outlets about the allegation, that's a new thing for them it seems when we compare to what was going with kavanaugh. it's really about looking at how the standard has shifted so very, very conveniently. there was contemporary -- contemporary, rather, corroboration for tara reade telling people she didn't know
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biden, she did work for biden, there's nothing about her story that seems like a -- that's not the case, not just with blasey ford, there were two other women, one was clearly lying about brett kavanaugh. howie: clearly unsubstantiated allegations were reported. i have to jump in, there was self-editing of a sentence after biden campaign complained, no pattern of sexual misconduct beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women made them uncomfortable. i feel half a minute, still today after the two major papers have weighed in and made it for everyone else no mention on cnn or no mention of msnbc, how do you explain that? leslie: there's no explanation for that, you to report the facts and let your viewers in the case of cnn and other major networks make the determination and they are going to be biases
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as we all know that. we come to the table with our biases. allegations -- numerous allegations against the president and people who support and love the president chose not to believe those and i'm sure there are some in the biden campaign that feel the same way about the former vice president as well. howie: stay put. right after this there's a whole lot of people endorsing joe biden. there's a presidential campaign going on. is anybody paying attention? that's next.
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♪ ♪ ♪ howie: overshadowed by other news but joe biden has finally picked up some key endorsements at least on video from rival bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and barack obama. >> if i were running today, i wouldn't have run the same race or have the same platform as i did in 2008, we have to look to the future. bernie understands that and joe understands that. howie: buck sexton saying that barack obama would run a different way in 2020, seems backing more progressive agenda for his former vice president and bernie sanders supporters but in terms of media attention here is the former president of the united states. a 12-minute video was pretty much ground out.
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buck: obviously anything that is going to get through the covid-19, all the focus on that right now is going to be -- barack obama putting a video like this, everybody feels like biden is the last man standing and it's not really anything -- it almost feels like this is a default move by obama and whatever he has to say about it it's not clear that it moves the needle that much for biden. we will see what bernie supporters think. howie: yeah, leslie marshall, you can just imagine the huge stories, endorsement falling in line if we didn't have a coronavirus pandemic and yet it seems the media, you know, fairly or unfairly have marginalized biden because he's candidate, leader to have party but he doesn't have any formal role in battling the virus. leslie: well, first of all, covid-19 takes front seat and
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i'm never a big fan of endorsement t. i don't see endorsements moving the needle any time for anyone. 3, puts to bed that obama wasn't going to endorse biden. here is the problem what the endorsements can't do, howie, they can't get the enthusiasm that joe biden in a sense is lacking as candidate compared to donald trump and his base and in addition if bernie sanders can't get the voters to come out to vote for him how is he going to get them to come out and vote for joe biden and also obama comes out with this video much loved and i think because of covid it took a while to trend on twitter. i don't think that these endorsements by elizabeth warren, senator sanders, former president barack obama are going to do much for the former vice president. howie: i agree the media way overplay endorsements but might help with fundraising. washington post feature, buck says the following that biden has been doing tv interviews from delaware is shrunking down
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and the candidate has never been quite seen so small. fair or unfair assessment of the virus situation? buck: i think it is fair if you are looking tat optics -- at the optics of this. of course, the incumbent has platform advantage. that's never going to change. in an era where you can't do normal campaigning and who knows when that is going to change, you are seeing the guy in his basement and looks like bloggers and podcasters and the rest of us across the country who are stuck at home, really feels like there's only hope for the campaign, as if there's a major change in ability to get out there. who knows in that will happen and trump doing a 2-hour press conference, love it or hate. some people feel differently about it. it's putting them out there and he looks like a commander in chief. howie: you can't ignore it.
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love it or hate. i've been podcasting from my house and we are all in the same level. finally, leslie, some pundits are saying maybe this helps joe biden because it makes the election more of a referendum on the president's performance in handling coronavirus. la time column in your city says joe biden is stuck in his basement it just might help him win. [laughter] leslie: i think quite frankly when you just look at the way our country is before covid, during and after god willing soon covid, it's going to be a referendum. look, trump has his base. the people who love him are going to vote him and the people who don't and hate them are. we aren't looking at those people. we are looking at that sliver. i think he needs to get out as soon as possible. come on your show, howie, and every network that he can because quite frankly the president has couple of hours of
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free advertising and campaign rallies on national television due to covid every day. howie: all right, i'm inviting joe biden right now if he wants the platform. thanks to both of you buck sexton, leslie marshall, good conversation. took a liberal comedian to accuse the media of pushing panic. we will have the story next. let's find the food that you like. petsmart has everything your pet needs delivered directly to your door. or save 10% when you buy online and pick up in store... now with curbside pickup.
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eggs, another recent times headline was, it's terrifying, millions more out of work. what the -- is terrifying doing in the headlines. trump calls you fake news, don't make him be right. howie: joining us now from a warmer place in washington than i am, fox news correspondent griff jenkins. when he accuses the media of pushing panic porn, i think that resinates with a lot of people. griff: you know, howie, the fact that it took bill mahr to be the first one to come out that the media was oversensationallizing the first pandemic in our life is really quite telling in and of itself. the best line mahr had by the way he said you don't have to put hot sauce on a jalapeño but
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the show is a comedic one. it's serious. no one knows what is coming. to overscare people or drive up higher than needed their anxieties in fears certainly worth mahr pointing out. more people should perhaps have done it earlier. howie: right, on the other hand, there's the 24/7 nature of the coverage which we all participate in this crisis but when the media takes a closer look at the people who have tragically died and look at the businesses that have shut down and look at the financial problems and the long-term prognosis, it is scary but it's also news. griff: sure it is and it needs to be balanced and needs context. that, of course, is the important part. for example, every day on fox news we give the new numbers which are worse than perhaps the day before, actually maybe declining in some spots but you've got to get the recoveries as well so that people understand it and when mahr was
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pointing tout headline that simply said it's terrifying, he's right. you've got to give more than that otherwise you drive the narrative. you attract people to perhaps the one and only thing that they see if they don't read the entire article and that's dangerous. howie: we don't need to shout out at people that it's terrifying. finally, president trump lost page with matt, really nice guy, long ago, people are dropping like flies and drudge, i've known him since he started the site, the past 30 days have been the most eyeballs in the -- excuse me, 26-year history and heartbreaking under such tragic circumstances. my view is he posts everything, a lot of it is protrump and a lot of it is antitrump. griff: good point, howie, the fight makes no sense because -- that the president is picking.
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drudge getting the views. i would quote this to president trump being the brother in the front seat of the car when a fight breaks out. you can't beat the guy follow the backseat because he's in a better position. drudge isn't a reporter, he doesn't necessarily do original reporting. he puts things out there and as you point out for the last 25 plus years it has been go-to site for conservatives, lawmakers and influential people. howie: all right. well, now more for the drudge report. griff jenkins, good to see you. griff: thanks, howie. howie: and we will be right they are the heroes, the helpers - working on the front lines, and here's one small way that you can help them in return. back.
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non-drowsy claritin cool mint chewables. the only allergy product with relief of your worst symptoms, including itchy throat. plus an immediate blast of cooling sensation. feel the clarity and live claritin clear. howie: the media are in wash of false choices, either you're about saving the people from the virus but don't care about killing the economy or getting
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back america back in business but heartless of americans who may die as a result. right or left, most people want to alleviate the pain and suffering from economic shutdown but save as many human lives as possible, but instead we see the president's media allies praising state protests to ease restrictions and the democrats allies hold lines to prevent unnecessary deaths. because the media love conflict, ideological warfare, that's their default setting and that's precisely what we don't need right now. have a healthy debate, sure, these are difficult issues, absolutely, but we are all in this together. we are all americans. that's it for this edition of media buzz, i'm howard kurtz on rooftop of capitol hill. i try to make the point in media buzz meter about all of us being in it together. hope you like facebook page and let's continue the conversation in twitter at howard kurtz.
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there's a lot of journalism out there, there's been a lot of partisanship. i think we can do better. we will see you back here next sunday in the latest buzz. ♪ ♪ eric: this is fox news alert. there could be a new development on the front of medical research of coronavirus. we are waiting for new york governor andrwe cuomo outside of nassau, long island, you see the setup. he's speaking at the center where they are researching plasma and the use of antibodies to fight coronavirus. this is the number of confirmed cases in the u.s. approaches 740,000 so far. almost a quarter of a million cases in new york state alone and nassau county where the governor will be speaking momentarily, well, that county
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