tv Media Buzz FOX News April 20, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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a tally rate is much lower. not 3% or 1% as we were told but likely between one point to percent. what does that mean? for us as we said, protect the vulnerable. there really are at great risk. the white house guidelines are right. it also means this virus is out there on a much bigger scale. that had to affect our plan. you can't reopen unless you can do widespread testing. isolate everyone with the virus and trace their contact. that was doctor fauci's mantra. >> identification, isolation, contact tracing, identify isolate and contact trace.
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>> now we know how widespread the virus was. it's likely that millions of americans have it. millions more will get it. you can't quarantine and contact trace them all. it was a major victory for science and common sense, but this was cut from the new white house guidelines. they do not recommend testing everyone, only those who have symptoms or those with no symptoms in vulnerable populations like nursing homes. as the president has said, state and local leaders decide when to open up and the problem is a disk disastrous groupthink has emerged around the extreme version of doctor pouches plan. >> i think widespread testing and contact tracing will be essential to finding out exactly where we are in this fight against this deadly virus. >> the variables will include the capacity of the healthcare system to identify, isolate
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and treat those infected so they can slow the spread. >> we can't open the country back up until we can do testing on a massive scale. why are we even close. >> it would be impossible healthcare experts believe, to reopen the country short of a vaccine, which is a year or so away, unless there is widespread testing. >> just in the last few days the establishment put up a new roadblock to reopen, tripling the number of test identified the majority of people who are infected and isolate them from people who are healthy. this is establishment groupthink. it's misinformation. it ignores the latest data. no surprise big business has bought into it too. they told amazon shareholders this week that those who test positive could be quarantined and everyone who test negative could reenter the economy with confidence. what an idiotic statement. we have enough problems without throwing out
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unscientific mumbo-jumbo. some states local leaders are talking, gavin newsom said california will need to do widespread contact tracing before relaxing their stay-at-home order. these people and their public health officials talk to doctor fauci's. i'd like to talk to him. his advices largely controversial. we've been asking for a while but unfortunately he won't talk to us. tonight i'm going to ask the questions anyway and see if we get a reply. one, doctor ouchi you keep telling us you are led by the science and the data. why is your data so wrong for so long. why didn't you commission survey testing like the
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sanford team just carried out to get an accurate picture of the spread and fatality of this virus. will you carry out nationwide survey testing immediately? two, based on this new data do you now except that it's unnecessary and impractical to identify, isolate and contact trace everyone who has this virus. three, will you tell the government, the media, the big business bosses that widespread virus testing of individuals is not necessary for reopening? will you rule out immunity certificates immediately. for, do you agree that all deaths matter not just coronavirus deaths. will you commit to a study of the long-term public health cost of the shutdown to help inform any future pandemic response like suicide, rise in opioid and lower life expectancy caused by shutdown induced poverty. now, the contour of the political battle over all of this became clear this week. president trump now owns reopening but with connecticut
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governor looking at the end of may and mayor de blasio saying mae and governor newsom saying next year, democrats own the shutdown along with their allies and establishment media and the work from home elite. by setting up the small business rescue plan and pushing for infrastructure, payroll tax cuts, trump owns the rebuilding but with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer blocking emergency help, small businesses under collapse. the white house reopening guidelines. [inaudible] free of stupid over restrictive mandates, but even there there is still room permit. you can't really reopen the economy until you reopen schools and we still face a grave danger of government corona overreach. that is the immediate political battle. the threat of this overreach is everywhere, even among conservatives. they should know better.
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texas governor greg abbott put this man mark mcclellan on his reopen tax force. he is the co-author of a reopen plan that is a monstrous technocratic nightmare. look at this beauty from former romney advisor. this is a real quote. those wishing to engage in air and amtrak travel should be required to participate in a certified contract tracing app and demonstrate at check-in that they have tested negative. insein. do not let them expand the petty busybody bureaucratic state on the back of this crisis. we all know finally, thanks to the stanford research just how widespread this virus is. we can't hide from it, we must learn to live with it. until we get a vaccine, a cure, of course protect the vulnerable, but most people who get it don't even know they've had it. all these technical schemes are reopening endless testing.
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we were supposed to be flattening the curve, not eliminating it, slowing the spread not stopping it. we've done those things. it was an incredible achievement. now, let's get back to work. if you agree with this message please follow us at steve hilton next and share it far and wide so everyone else can hear it too. let's bring in our guest for tonight. very exciting sarah's podcast, you have to go to it. florida congressman matt gates and tammy bruce. all right. great to see you all. matt gates, you're on one of the presidents groups looking at reopening. where do you think things stand right now both at the national level and at the state level in terms of reopening and moving on from the immediate crisis stage that we been living through the last week. >> the president is chomping at the bit to unleash the
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opportunity in the american economy once we can do so safely, but steve there is a globalist element to the establishment elite thinking you described in your monologue. i would call the who telling us the death rate could be as high as 3.4% and yet in santa clara experience you site shows that who could've been off by a factor of 17 - 28. americans can take great pride in the fact that president trump isn't going to overpay for bad science from people who shill for china when it is convenient for them to do so. i think that brings the decision-making to the president, and i think that eisenhower warned in the stairwell address that we could end up heeding too much decision-making to a technological elite and real leaders had to ask tough questions and balance these considerations that you've reflected on. steve: such a great point
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about the who. you still hear people today citing who advice in terms of how we should reopen. it's absolutely unbelievable. tammy one of the things that's very interesting, the group behind it we had them on last week. part of that team helping with the resources is david millman, the founder of jetblue and he is chomping at the bit to get things moving again. he's highly aware of the jobs impact of this and also parents at risk. he has a plan to bring this virus, or not the virus but the antibody survey so you can get a snapshot of how widespread the virus is in different communities as a way to inform local decision-makers. they say they can see that it's already out there and that it would make them more confident and also make people more confident about opening up. it's amazing to me that they've got this sort of renegade group of doctors and entrepreneurs pushing it forward and yet the system itself isn't demanding more from that kind of testing so we get an accurate picture of this virus everywhere.
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>> well, obviously what i would've expected, and it seems to be coming true is that the machine doesn't want that to continue because it does exactly what you outlined there. it takes fear away and when there is less fear, government has less power. we are less inclined as individuals to feed power to the government because of an unknown monster that's out there as long as we don't know, really, that is the problem. so, clearly we must do that, i understand it's not the president's goal to test everyone, literally, but when we can have random groups, thousands of people that stanford looked out over in santa clara, finding that this is in fact widespread. that doesn't mean it's harmless. we still have a lot of unknowns. steve: yes. >> we don't know long term impact like chickenpox that leaves itself in your system to appear decades later as shingles. there's a lot we don't know,
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but right now what california relies on, as an example, and what the system relies on his being able to tell people you've got to stay hidden because this is still a monster. as we learn more, information is power, you've got, they rely on ignorance, the more information the better and then we will at least find out the degree to which this is spread, especially for individuals and business owners to understand that this is something that is similar to what we've seen, we must do more research and when we do that we will be able to move on even further, allowing the president as an example, when you say in your monologue that he is preparing us and he will leave us better prepared, this entire system must be better prepared for what something like china does and for the impact of viruses like this on our lives. steve: that so well put. i totally agree. sarah there's one thing tammy mentioned that i'd like to get you to react to which is this attack that comes against all
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of us who, you kinda emphasize the need to get things moving in the economy, to stop those job losses and stop the human suffering and help the problems that come from the shutdown. were just accused of not caring about lives and putting the economy and wall street ahead of people. it's exactly the opposite. it's quite possible to say, as we been saying all along, of course we recognize this is a really dangerous illness if it gets to people most vulnerably such as the elderly and those with underlying conditions. we've got to protect those, but because it's true, from the data we now see, that over 80% have mild or zero symptoms, it's just not necessary to have this total lockdown forever and it seems to me the media and the establishment, their actually invested in the shutdown. they kind of like it. they want it to keep going. >> well because tammy was one 100% right about the fear,
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utilizing fear, then people succeed their liberty to the government because there's so afraid but the random sampling, to understand this and doctors have said this over and over and experts have said this, the stanford study is an example of that in santa clara. to understand this pathogen, you don't need to test everybody, you just need random sampling throughout the country to truly understand this. we may have already developed a certain herd immunity to this virus anyway, to the wuhan virus and we may have to delve into that. we don't know everything about this virus because of course the chinese communist party has been totally, totally untruthful and have hidden so many factors about this virus from the world, not just from the united states of america so we do have to understand that but we may have developed a herd immunity in some sense
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to this virus. that's not to say we can't protect those that are most vulnerable. we have to, but steve, we have 1.5 million people in the healthcare industry that are going to be losing their jobs according to oxford. we have people who can't get to a hospital, to check on, they may have cancer, who knows. they can't go in for regular checkup. we've seen hospitals across the country that could be filing for bankruptcy and boston mexico is furloughing 10% of its staff. there are a lot of people who are going to be affected by this, particularly when we are thinking of health and the health of our nation and both the economic aspects that go along with that. >> such great points. i just want to wrap this up by underlying a couple things. one, on the wealth care system and the disruption there and the cause of that, i noticed in the uk a cancer dr. just this week said that is in his view already, because of the
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disruption to treatment in the uk, over a five-year period, more people will die from the disruption in the uk just to cancer treatment, then to coronavirus. and secondly to your point about herd immunity, it's interesting in that phrase frightens a lot of people because the uk government, sweden and others used it but i was very interested to see that gavin newsom use this term over and over in his remarks this week. he just has a timeline that's much further out than what you were suggesting but the key question is we need to know and that's why we need better data and that's why the study is so important. all right. thank you all. coming up, nancy pelosi gave some interviews this week from her ivory tower. they were truly awful. we will bring you the worst
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[ whines ] can your internet do that? xfinity xfi can because it's... ...simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] steve: welcome back. it's bad enough that nancy pelosi is playing politics with hundreds of thousands of businesses on the verge of bankruptcy intensive millions of people have filed for unemployment but instead of taking responsibility, disgracefully she is literally accusing the president of killing people. here she was this morning. >> the earlier delay and denial of death.
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>> it's incredible to me. a few weeks ago she did this but in kind of a less direct way where she said his actions resulted in killing people and now she's doubled, she got a lot of blowback for that and now she's double down. it's totally shameless. >> it is, and let's remember, as the president was making his decisions in late january an early february, what was she doing? she was impeaching the president. they are really hoping that the people somehow forget about that, but even during that time the american people didn't like it, and his approval rating went up. they didn't like what they were seeing so this is a remarkable turn of events where, look, this is in excess essential issue. it already has been costing the lives of tens of thousands americans, it will cost more lives, and all they can think about is how to smear the man who made the difference for us
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because of the november election. that is all they can think about. now, this brings to mind for the american people to think about, and we see this across the board with media, with politicians, with other people we've known, with the behavior people, it's funny what you learn about people when there is a crisis, and how they respond. some people would argue that this is partisanship, how you view the democrats, and this is not fair, even democrats at this point, when you look at the approval ratings of the president, when it comes to how we've handled the virus, indicate that they've understand what he's done and they approve of it. this is desperation but it also reveals there is nothing being taken seriously about the seriousness of what they could actually do to make people's lives better. i will make one more point. yes individuals have filed for unemployment and businesses might go bankrupt. if we look at the detail of that, but in the middle of that remains the psychological impact on people who don't know what tomorrow brings.
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this is unacceptable for the greatest country on earth and that is what the democrats have created. they've created an environment where, as the average person still really does not know if the big company they work for would survive. neiman marcus is expected to file for bankruptcy next week. these are emotional times and the emotional impact for how people view their own lives and what the future holds. shame on her. they have no shame and they clearly don't care about the individual in this country at any point. steve: that's right. that's really strongly put and i totally agree. if we weren't on tv i speak and even more strong term because every time i see her i just get so angry with her attitude just politicizing this to an unbelievable degree. she sang all this about the president, and at the same time, for political reasons, she is blocking the money. she's blocking the lifeline
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money for small businesses. they go on about how they're the party of working people. if she says the president is killing people, then are we entitled to say the same applies to all the consequences from her actions on small business. >> nancy pelosi is the hypocrite of the house while donald trump was shutting down travel from china, nancy pelosi was volunteering as a tour guide in chinatown and she said she did so so there wouldn't be racist attacks and really that's just the democrats resorting to identity politics, but it is in fact nancy pelosi who is directly responsible for the death of businesses. it's really rich for her to talk about any delays by the president when her delays and reauthorizing the paycheck protection bill will result in the death of businesses that will never come back. those families are forever changed because of nancy pelosi's irresponsible conduct , but not all democrats are behaving this despicably. i've gotta give a shout out two tom's wally, they are on
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the presidents passport with me, they did constructive meaningful comments. we need more democrats like them and a lot less that just want to score political points. >> the credithe president has the attitude just like you, he's constantly praising the democrat governors he's working with, just this afternoon andrew cuomo and so on, but she just can't get that. sarah, the other thing that just made me sick this week while she's grinding the noses of small business into the dust with their delay she's parading in her mansion with the giant fridge and hoarding ice cream and going on about yakking it up with james cordon. this woman, i don't know what to say about this. i think we've got the picture, my goodness. >> she is so disconnected from the american people. she doesn't even see it
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herself. there are 22 million, roughly 22 million people have filed for unemployment. we haven't seen this since the great depression. 17.7% were expected for unemployment. that's up from 4.4% last month and she does this social media type advertisement with her thousand dollar fridge and all of her ice cream inside and she's just very disconnected, but i want to say one thing, she should put the blame directly on the chinese communist party. president trump is not to blame for this virus that came out of wuhan. they lied to the world so it's nancy pelosi, if she wants to do the right thing for the american people as house speaker, she should stop playing politics and she should put the blame where it
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needs to reside, and that is on the chinese communist party that not only wounded and hurt their own people, their own people, but the rest of the world. if we stay together and focused on that, we can make real effective changes, but we can't when the democrats keep playing these political games. steve: totally right. she and the other members, joe china remember that's the one we keep coming back to because it's incredible important for the future of this country and the choice in november. it's serious enough without the media stirring up fear and panic with their a apocalyptic spin.
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steve: welcome back. we learn how serious coronavirus is. we could do without the ridiculous media outlets that sensationalize every piece of coronavirus news. you highlight this trend on his show on friday. take a look. >> last month the washington post ran the headline it feels like a war zone with this picture. this is not a war zone. this is a man with a box of eggs and i've never seen a war zone with this much bacon. >> he ended that monologue
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with this, we need the news two calm down and treated like adults. trump called fake news. don't make him be right. i thought that was great. i don't know if you saw the whole thing but it was just a really good, very forensic look at some of the ways in which these headlines are so hysterical these days. as if it's bad enough without making it sound worse than it is. >> i will give you the most vile example of media hatred from just hours ago. a columnist with the miami herald tweeted essentially that it would work out nicely if crowded florida beaches resulted in the death of trump and desantis supporters because that could result in more political power for the democrats and will she lose her job at the miami herald for that? of course you won't because the media has been feeding into the hate and hysteria
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with equal portions. my governor i has taken a lot of incoming from the national media but when you look at the science and the fact, doctor burke said today that the state of florida has one of the most sophisticated contact tracing systems so that we are able to use science and innovation and data instead of the most for chromium procedures to shut down the economy and zap the will of our fellow americans. steve: that's really, i can't believe, miami herald did you say? that's amazing. >> yes. steve: unbelievable. look, sarah, were roughly partisan and its largely emergency but the media doesn't treat it like that. they're very explicit bias is to paint trump as a villain whatever happens and that is leading them to make these frightening statements to people that exaggerate and terrify with the language they use. it's so irresponsible. >> it's absolutely irresponsible.
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it's like screaming fire in a theater. there might be some smoke outside and not having all the facts. we shouldn't downplay that people have really been affected in their lives have been changed and people have lost their lives because of coronavirus, but because of the way the media has been treating this, we can't separate the fear from the absolute fact in the media is supposed to be delivering the fact to the american people and to our legislators so we can make the best decisions moving forward just like matt said, and unfortunately the media is not doing that. there focused on president trump 24-7 and trying to target him in this administration, and unfortunately that just backfires and it backfires in a really bad way in the united states really needs to move forward and find solution and not live in fear and panic. steve: exactly. there's another terrible example today, today there was
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a call in the new york times, tom freedman the great guru, the globalist elite had an analogy in the headline the trump reopening plan is inviting americans to play russian roulette with their lives. that is so over-the-top and ridiculous. >> well it is, but it's also abusive of individuals who, in the regular news of what the reality is is stressful enough but remember in the beginning the same news media was getting excited by saying this was going to be trumps katrina so they pictured it from the beginning as a political opportunity, one that they could associate of course with harming a republican president. they didn't see it as another disaster for america, natural or man-made disaster, it was oh, how can we use this to get what we want politically. this is how absolutely appraised and ghoulish the
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media has been, the bit of anti- trumpets still out there that can't see past any of that in order to think of the american people or this nation so remember, that was the core of their initial response. this is trumps katrina, once again underestimating him and the people who think of this country first and mostly underestimating the american people and it is a ghoulish point of view and one that they've held for obviously a generation now. >> and it's actually so clear when you put it like that, the alliance between the media, the democrats, that's exactly how nancy pelosi is handling it as we discussed earlier. coming up, the democrats touted that tenth ame road-trip companion.
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steve: welcome back. the left worked themselves into hysteric this week when the president said he would be the one who decides when to open and he went on to say that his decision would be made in conjunction with the states governors but left out that inconvenient facts get in the way of the narrative. he's proclaimed himself a king. what about the tenth amendment. it's obvious they haven't even read the tenth amendment. if they did they would realize they'd have to throw away about half their platform. here's what the tenth amendment actually says. the power is not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited by it. or reserved to the states respectively or to the people. take note biden, cuomo and the rest of you about signaling trump hating elitist. that means.
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[inaudible] so say goodbye to your plan to expand obamacare, your plans for free collagen to make bank on mortgages. you use taxpayer dollars to expand the federal government in a hundred different ways every day. now you're the ones lecturing us about the tenth amendment. give me a break. the american people see right through you. we hear on the show on the other hand truly believe in decentralizing power and where planning a big campaign on it so stay tuned for that. so stay tuned for that. all right, coming up, when we started our business
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steve: welcome back. let's talk about the tenth amendment and democrats obviously insincere, incoherent, abrasive and just attack president trump. look. they are so inconsistent on this. earlier on they were screaming at them to nationalize the response and now they tried to do that and they say you can't do that, that's the tenth amendment, it's just laughable. >> the president is constantly in favor of the states addressing complex issues, the american economy can go
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roaring like a bonfire and the coronavirus snuffed it down to an ember. we have two near true that and blow little oxygen into it and then you layer on the tinder in phases, that's why the president's multiphase approach empowers the state will giving them the federalist support they need to accomplish the stated objectives. steve: with this whole debate tammy, it made me think of a point you made a while back that really made an impression on me. we are talking about the populism of the right and left and bernie sanders and you said you can't be a populist on the left because you don't believe in people power and decentralizing power it's all about centralization and that's what the left believes. the idea that there suddenly in favor of the tenth amendment is a joke. >> it's out of convenience but you can look at it this way. donald trump is so powerful he even got the democrats to believe in federalism even if it was for five minutes but at this point, also andrew cuomo was saying you can't tell us what to do a morgan a duet on
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ourselves it's the tenth amendment and the next thing you know he's been complaining over the past couple days, please we can't do it without federal money for testing. that is because the budget for california and new york have been a disaster and they want to hide that fact so it eventually comes out and at one point they say daddy you can't tell us what to do and then daddy please help us. really, federalism, the power of the state is the only way for the people to be truly free and i think the american people are recognizing that. steve: exactly. it's actually really, really pointing on the fundamental founding strength of this country the fact that you do have this decentralized idea built into the very foundation of the country through the constitution. the democrats don't really understand that and. [inaudible] >> no, they don't and tammy brought up a really great point as far as budgets. before coronavirus these people were already suffering. they had terrible budgets.
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they were already suffering in education and healthcare and this is about being prepared. i think what the states have learned because of coronavirus, because were dealing with such a crisis right now is that the states need to be prepared. they need to be ready to face things they never expected to face before and i think that is the lesson learned here and i think the president did a phenomenal job of saying look, the federal government here we will help you out, but this is a state issue and we want to be here to support you, but this is up to the state and the states need to be ready whether it's been a ventilators or their budgets or other systems and other unexplained or unsuspecting issues of crisis that come into the future. they need to be ready and that's what the tenth amendment is about. it's about individual rights and state right and then the federal government assisting.
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♪ steve: we are more comedy goals from joe biden this week. it started putting his wife, jill, out there with him in case they keep an eye on him as things go off the rails which they nearly often do. >> we got to, it's just, but you got to, we got to reassure, look, my message to everybody i've talked to is we are going to get through this. steve: i don't know if you can get through that interview. this is cnn and the brilliant thing is watch the faces of anderson cooper and doctor guba
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during this biden. >> the kinds of things that have to be done. during world war ii you know, roosevelt came up with a thing that, you know, was totally different than a then the, he called it a the world war ii he had the war production. [laughter] steve: it's so bad. you know, the thing. there is nothing new to say but it's so entertaining. >> s, i end turning into a german shepherd who hears a weird sound. my head keeps turning and it's awkward but i can't wait for the debates. let me leave it there. steve: all right, i totally agree. sarah. >> i don't know. i think i can wait for the debates. this is tragic. i want to laugh but i don't
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because i really feel there is something going on here and people need to start asking questions, real legitimate questions about what is happening with joe biden, former vice president. it's very concerning and i don't know if the american public fully understands what is going on here if they are aware of this because cnn, msnbc and the local channels are not putting it out there. steve: it is a serious point but as i keep saying, he's one putting himself forward that you know, he can do this the biggest job in the world and he's got competent to do that so i think let's take him at his word and they keep saying there's nothing wrong with them so let's laugh at him because it's so ridiculous. it's week after week, it never ends. >> doctor jill biden is a billion women though she may have to hold her ventral quiz him skills so that when the biden - he can offer meaningful
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commentary been talk about bulls, biden and the democrats told us for years that russia was the geopolitical threat we had but this election will be about who is confident to confront china and on trade and on national security and on global transparency. donald trump is a person our country can trust to get the best deal on the best answers out of china moving forward. steve: i totally agree. let's underline that point is a quick final thought from you on that, china points. it will be such a big issue and this moment, just very quickly, you got all these issues that trump has been on about for so long all coming together in his favor in the selection. trade, china, manufacturing. >> that's exactly it. the democrats are trying to make it seem as though donald trump did not know what he was doing but the fact of the matter is all the facts point to really the nature of his decision-making and that is what will see from the summer and into the fall.
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steve: exactly. there you are. thank you all, great show for it nice to see you in sewall next sunday when the next revolution sunday when the next revolution rob: it is monday, april 20t april 20th. this is a fox news alert, states are moving into phase one, taking the first steps towards reopening the country, as governors sound the alarm whether they can do enough testing why americans are making it clear they want to get back to work. >> we want small businesses ready to go. we have a good chance of getting the deal. we want the deal. >> we want to add more money there. rob: close to a deal, much needed relief could soon be coming for small businesses and hospitals. jillian: we're live in washington with why democrats say they were right to drag their feet. thank you to all our
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