tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News April 20, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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7:00. have a great night, everybody. be well. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." i know if you look at the numbers and on the show we do our best to do that, the most terrifying period of this epidemic appears to be coming to an end if notte already over. the virus of course will still infect and sicken and kill many more americans, nobody should minimize that but the time for panic is now over. our greatest fear going into this was that our entire health care system would collapse under the strain of new cases. that was a real fear and it was justified. that's why we left the country down but that collapse never came and we were grateful for that. the famous curve they told you about has been flattened. in the meantime, an awful lot of people have been flattened themselves badly hurt by our
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government's response, tens of millions of people have lost their livelihoods. the whole economy is in tatters. just today, oil futures traded at negative $40. in other words, things are so screwed up that producers couldn't give it away. keep in mind we are not talking about overpriced handbags, this is petroleum which we need to keep civilization going.ri that's the measurement of where we are. our economy has shrunk to that point, what we never imagined would be possible and that's not a smallon thing. it's a disaster for all of us. so given all of this, it's not surprising and it's not unreasonable that some people would like to loosen the lockdowns. flatten the curve, let's figure out how to resume our lives. that does not sound crazy because it's not crazy unless you are the people in charge with their bodyguards in the media in which case opinions like that are a dangerous threat to your power and must be stamped out immediately. until recently for example, some citizens have been using social media to organize demonstrations against the severe lockdown.
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expressing your views about the decisions that politicians make is protected under our constitution. you could argue that the whole reason we have a constitution in the first place is literally enshrined in the first amendment and for a reason. but facebook doesn't care, facebook doesn't recognize the u.s. constitution, it doesn't recognize her centuries old norms. the ceo explained on abc people who complain about the lockdown and organizeed others to do the same have been removed from the site for providing "misinformation." >> how do you deal with the fact it is being used to organize a lot of these protests to defy social distancing guidelines? somebody trying to organize something like that, qualifies as wrongful information. >> we do classify that as harmful misinformation and we take that down. >> tucker: misinformation. that's a term that should give you the shivers.
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the country we are suddenly living in. the state of new jersey recently issued criminal charges against a woman. her crime? organizing a protest against the lockdown. in other words, she criticized the governor of new jersey so his employees had her arrested. are you comfortable with that? are leaders applaud it. makes life easier when your critic shut up and go to jail. they like that. in new jersey, using unmanned drones to spy on citizens and make certain they obey. that sounds like something they do in china and they do. in fact, the drones are literally from china. the companies donated them to 22 american states to control unruly voters. seems obvious they must be sending data back to their masters in china where the pentagon believes they are. but the mayor of elizabeth doesn't care. the drones are helping him
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consolidate his power. mayor bill de blasio doesn't seem to have drones just yet but for now he's got the next best thing, 8 million potential snitches all working for him.t he has ordered his citizens to spy on their neighbors and report their neighbors if they behave in unimproved ways.he needless to say, it should make you very nervous when politicians leverage your fear to make themselves more powerful. it should terrify you whens they start arresting people for the crime of disagreeing with them. our media exist to push back against these kinds of dangerous. are we watching that? ought to be asking that question. they should get to the bottom of it, but they're not. instead, they're cheering on the oppression. watch msnbc explain how anyone b who disagrees with the politicians they like it is needless to say a racist. >> what is that they are trying toto channel here?
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what does that have to do with the pandemic? >> america first was a phrase that was first used by charles lindbergh and the sympathizers in 1939 in 1940 him it became president trump's rallying cry. you had that on the right. >> when i look at these, what i see you're a bunch of white people essentially saying it's affecting those people, so why do i have to change my life for them? >> let's be honest about what they are, they are the fox news confederate of the republican party. >> it is not that hard to turn a health crisis into a racial ethnic crisis. >> i think what they're saying quite clearly when you see the numbers and the statistics, i want more black and brown people to die. if you want the governments to open up, then you want more black and brown people to die. >> tucker: joy reid is the
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biggest race baiter on tv. can you imagine putting that on your tv in the middle of the pandemic? on the basis of zero evidence? so irresponsible, it's hard to believe it's happened, but here's the bigger theme and you be sensing it. certain people would like to use this moment to elevate themselves and crush you. on "the view" today, host joy behar complained that not enough have been abolished during this pandemic. exercising right to bear arms should be treated going forward is a a >> why are you bringing guns to a rally? you call yourselves protesters, leave your guns homes. those are terrorists who bring guns to things. i don't trust that at all. >> tucker: these people should stay off television and still they can get some critical distance and some wisdom. something you are watching has been unleashed insideth many of
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the people who leave this country. this is in the media making excuses for fascist behavior. this is the media demanding more fascism now immediately. the sad thing is what they could befa doing. we have protests against lockdowns across this country. you may like them and you may not, but what does that tell you? why are they happening? did rush limbaugh do all that? no, he didn't. americans had confidence that the government's response to this virus was wise and thoughtful and thoroughly rooten in science, they probably wouldn't be for testing against those decisions and the numbers they are but they don't believe that and they don't believe it for good reason. when the state of michigan banse joint replacements but encourages abortions and lotto ticket sales, no epidemiologists recommended that for something else but you wouldn't guess that from watching those shows on television.ts the media are not bothering to report on what we know or don't know about the virus.
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is fascinating but they are ignoring it. they are not explaining the science of why it's closinghy those all summer or why it scientifically required to tell citizens to snitch on their neighbors. they are not even addressing that. instead they are lashing out at the insolence of their fellow citizens for failing to silently accept it all. many in the media seem to be enjoying this crisis and they are. it's been a great opportunity to talk at great length about their all-time favorite subject which is themselves and how much more impressive they are than you. is that weird little guy on cnn. >> it wasn't until this friday night that i had a wall and that's when the tears came. we have nothing to compare this with so it can be incredibly alarming. it can be incredibly depressing. the media can help. making media can help. the emotions are real for everybody. they were big part of the story.
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>> tucker: oh, barf. this is a guy who got a special exemption to the government quarantines he so fervently supports for other people, all of us in the media got that exemption. this is a guy working a high-paying job with tens of millions of americans not working.-p please be quiet, your tears are not a big part of the story and neither are you. for god's sakes, please stop talking about yourself. is insufferable. but they can't stop. the most consistent byproduct of privilege always and everywhere is narcissism so it's not surprising that our pampered overlords could not shut about themselves. alexandria ocasio-cortez doesn't make sense as a person. of course she did. and it's so obvious once you know it. thank you, wikipedia. and she has a child of privilege, not some kid from the streets. someone who actually grew up in
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the bronx would be far too embarrassed toy drone on about herself on instagram. suddenly people seem to have a lot more power than they did before this pandemic arrived from china. that's at least as scary as them virus itself and its effects will last much, much longer. you have a right to lawfully push back against that and youwi should. we are joined now by fox news senior judicial analyst, thank you so much for coming on. soly when politicians start arresting people who disagree with them and the media applauds, what sort of moment is that? >> it's a very depressing and fearful moment, tucker. the media could not exist in this country without the first amendment and they are applauding it being used and crushed because they disagree with the message of those who are being crushed. stated differently, the constitution applies in good
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times and in bad. there is no pandemic exception to the constitution. there is no emergency provision or trigger in the constitution. the rights articulated in the constitution are guaranteed, so the rights of everyone listening to us now to tell the government to go to an absolute personal fundamental liberty that the government cannot punish you for exercising and you are able to peacefully gather with others to deliver the same type of message is similarly guaranteed. but those who run the government, every one of them has taken the same oath that i once took when i became a judge that everybody works for the government, for mye governor to every cop on the street. to protect and defend the constitution of the united states which includes all of the amendments, the first ten of which are the bill of rights. ch you, my dear friend versus bubble last week when you asked the governor of my home state,
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governor phil murphy, did you consider that you might be nullifying the bill of rights and responded paraphrasing, the bill of rights is above my pay grade. you thought that was funny where he was being serious. absolutely wasn't funny. he has no business being the governor of the state because it's violating the oath he took when he became governor. >> tucker: i couldn't agree with you more. and i know people are afraid and i understand that people want to do their best to help and i think that's a noble instinctre but this is getting scary and i appreciate you pointing that out very much. good to see you today. speaking of scary, two sundays ago, a man in colorado called matt mooney went to a park near his house to throw a ball with his wife and 6-year-old daughter. the park was deserted which meant they were standing alone in a field. the police came anyway, handcuffed matt mooney in front of his family and threw him in the back of a police
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by state order, colorado residents are required to stay in their homes and he was outside so he was taken into custody. the next day, he did not apologize and instead issued an executive order extending his lockdown until the end of april. he included no scientific justifications of that decision and instead summed up his reasoning with a line fit saying simply quote by staying home, coloradans are saving lives. simply put. in other words, it's simple. follow my orders and people will live. does obey my orders and people will die. around the country, governors are making that very same claim. most outdoor areas in this country have been closed in response to the pandemic. people being arrested for sitting alone on the beach or walking on nature trails. not a single politician making these decisions has bothered to explain the science behind them. specifically which studies show staying indoors and at home iss safer than being outdoors. politicians don't tell us, and they're never asked.
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the media supports these decisions reflexively. last week when florida reopened its beaches, twitter opened up with the hashtag florida. "the washington post" rode an entire piece celebrating the fact that families in jacksonville were being attacked on social media and yet another opportunity to deliver a hot blast of nasty self-righteousness because the country needs more of that. let's set aside the casual judgment and consider these science behind all of this. what is the research actually tell us about the perils of being outside? as it happened, there's quite a bit of research on that question and it turns out and you may have guessed this already that enclosed spaces are a dangerous place to be in a pandemic. that was the conclusion of a study earlier this month and the kernel of the medical association. one of the authors of that study put it this way, "when one is outside of with air circulation or wind, the virus is easily dispersed andid less concentrat. that makes sense.
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another study from earlier this month was more specific about it. that study looked at 320 towns in china over a period of more than a month during a pandemic in order to determine how the virus spread. turns out the most common place patients were infected withh their homes. 80% of outbreaks began in the 34% of new cases began on public transportation. the number outside. here's the conclusion, "all identified outbreaks of three or more cases occurred in indoor environment which confirms that sharing indoor space is a major infection risk. that study is available to all online. jared could read it if he bothered.e any politician could read it. they haven't. they're notld interested. stay inside, save lives. they repeat that like the vacuous bumper sticker that it is. actual science suggests the opposite is true. being outside is far safer.
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it's also good for you. researchers have consistently found that fresh air and exercise boost your immune system just like your grandmother claimed. a recent piece in the atlantic put it "the outdoors and sunshine are such strong factors in fighting viral infections that in 2009 study, the extraordinary success of outdoor hospitals during the 1918 influenza epidemicrd suggested that during the next pandemic, which we are living through, we should encourage the public to spend as much time outdoors as possible,." as much time outdoors as possible.s as you may have noticed, our politicians are doing preciselyd the opposite. in it is driving america to neurosis. prescriptions for antianxiety medications have risen dramatically over the next six weeks so the question is why are our leaders hurting us on purpose? and the answer is because they can. controlling the population makes them feel powerful. our fear makes this easier to
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control. the average politician has no incentive to follow the science then you may be suffering intensely, but they are enjoying it. reports out from los angeles and ohio tonight prove something about showing few if any symptoms after contracting this disease. the numbers are remarkable and they have deep implications going forward. ♪
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quarantine we are now living through has never been attempted in our history. for many centuries, it's been common to quarantine the sick to protect the especially vulnerable no one has tried to quarantine millions of healthy people. so was it worth it and did it work? to keep the disease from spreading? here are some evidence that might help to answer that question. l.a. county has been in full lockdown, a very strict lockdown for more than a month, but a new study by the university of southern california suggests that 2.8 to 5.6% of the county already has hadf the virus. they tested positive for the antibodies. what does this mean? it suggests that more than 400,000 people in l.a. county have been affected. total number of confirmed cases? 8,000. we thought 8,000 people had got it, turns out over 400,000 have got it.
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in other words, despite an unprecedented and strict lockdown, the disease apparently still spread all over, but fortunately, few people died. what does that tell you about what we are doing? the end of the study had a line that said we should think through our policies based on these numbers in the science. some encouraging news today from ohio, the state's prison system has a huge number of coronavirus cases, massive but most have no symptoms. dr. marc siegel is a medical contributor here at fox and also a professor and joins us with more. hey, doctor. >> is you just mentioned in los angeles county, we know of a thousand cases and 600 deaths but a study out of the university of southern california that's ongoing chose 4% of those tested in the county were positive for covid-19 meeting the vast majority of people who had a didn't know they had it were asymptomatic. this project out to over 300,000
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people, not 8,000. so in other words, silent spreaders in the county and in other words, the death rate is much, much lower than we've been talking about. thinking about all these cases versus the tragic 600 that passed away. tnow in germany, they've tested and found that 14% of those tested, that's right, 14% already have at antibodies. where it slows the spread dramatically as to go from 50% but we are already on the road to that. in ohio at the corrections facility that you were talking about, 1800 ad of 2500 inmates tested positive but only 105 had symptoms. so what are we talking about here? we are talking about a virus that for most cases is dramatically mild, talking about a lower fatality rate than we thought and we are talking about the tremendous need for antibodies to figure out who has it, who might give it to you,
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who can reenter society. luckily, your next guest is from beaumont hospital which your producer and i know well. we love this hospital inm michigan. he is doing the largest study of antibodies to see who has it, who's gotten over it, who's been exposed to it but the missing piece here is going to be who is immune to it. we don't yet know that exact issue. we have to figure out exactly the antibody test to do so we can say your immune, you can go to a baseball game, you can go back to work, you can go to school. that's going to help us are normally and that's where the direction has to go. >> tucker: fascinating. it's's so interesting how our previous assumptions are so often overturned and thrilling to watch in real time. great to see you tonight, thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: is you just heard dr. siegel say, michigan and beaumont health hospital systems
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undertaking the hospital's largest study on the prevalence of coronavirus antibodies. director of infectious diseases research and he joins us, thank you so much for coming on. explain to the layman here what this study is looking at and what you think itt might find. >> sure, so we are looking at the antibodies again, how many people might have it. we are doing in our health system, so we have 38,000 employees and we have another 4,000 doctors practicing at our hospitals, we are in the private practice and they have about 1,000 who work with them and all of those people are eligible to be tested. these are people a lot of which are being exposed to patients who have covid. so what we're going to be doing is looking at a relatively high risk observation to see whether or not they've developed antibodies. now, there's multiple kinds of antibodies and some of them are better at this test than others.
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we are looking at a couple of different ones, and we are going to see. now, as dr. siegel said, the real question here is immunity. when will people be able to say i've been exposed, i have antibodies, and they're protected. that's what we're going to look at because were going to watch these people week to week and month to month to see who wdevelops coronavirus. who gets covid? and if only people who don't have antibodies get covid and other people who do them of this going to tell us the antibodies are protective and that people who have them can safely be exposed. now, there's a caveat to that. we don't know how long they're going to last, so for the common cold version of the coronavirus, they tend to last a short time.
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but studies with sars and mers, the other two very serious coronavirus say they last a couple of years, but it may actually last even longer than that if you have what's called natural boosting which means the viruses circulating in the environment and you are exposed to it and that triggersg your immune system to makeir new antibodies. so you don't get that with sars. there's no virus out there. you don't get that with that because it's very low level. you don't really get exposed to it in the same way. so that's one of the links we are going to find out. how long for these antibody lasts. >> tucker: it is such a fascinating idea, and i mean this as a compliment but it'ss surprising that no one's done this until you're doing it and i'm so glad that you are. really quickly, how long will it take it for the rest of us to benefit from this knowledge? >> and about of month, we willt have the first set of results back from everybody who volunteers for the study, that's
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going to really tell us what percentage of the population is asymptomatic, what percentage got it and never knew it. and it's also goingt to tell us what percentage how the exposure rates, are we seeing more antibodies and people who were going in every day then we are to say people who are working iw the warehouse. so that stuff will start coming out in about a month. whether or not it's protecting, we are not sure how long but were going to be looking at the data week to week and we have statisticians looking at it with us were going to help to say at what point is that statistically powered enough to say these are protective are these are not protective. >> tucker: amazing, so smart. i hope many other hospitals follow your lead. thank you for coming on tonighte >> happy to. >> tucker: top and highly informed officials now believe that the coronavirus likely
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that nothing has been confirmed one way or another at this point. if south korea looking into the reports but not detected any suspicious activity in the north. speculation about kim's health after he missed the april 15 celebration of his late grandfather. of meanwhile, kentucky reporting a spike in coronavirus infections after a week of protests reopening the state. if donor annie, democrat, democratic announcing 273 casesy breaking the states almost 3,00. it protesters gathered last week in the building shouting "open up kentucky." i'm jagged cabanas, now back to "tucker carlson tonight rita" >> tucker: even in the early days of this crisis, there were some voices out they are wisely questioning the official story is being china and its goons of the world health organization. in mid-february,
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senator tom cotton told maria bartiromo that he was skeptical of the claim that the virus started in a so-called wet market. >> we've been told that this originated in an open seafood market, but there is also speculation that perhaps it did not originate there. tell us what you know. >> just a few miles away from that is china's only biosafety level for super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases. now, we don't have evidence that this disease originated there but because of china's duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question. >> tucker: for saying that you're asking a perfectly legitimate question, cotton was denounced by the media who had literally no idea what they were talking about. now cotton is being vindicated. with access to classified materials now believe that the
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institute of virology is a top contender for the place where the virus started. they thought that for a very long time. since the beginning of this outbreak. the director of that lab is talking now and he's denying everything. gordon chang is the author of "the coming collapse of china" and joins us tonight. so the director of the lab is saying no, the virus did not escape from his lab. how much credence should we attach to this? >> about zero, tucker. early 2018, you have state department teams going to the wuhan institute of virology, and they came away alarmed. they saw protocols and precautions were not being adhered to, and they actually said there was a possibility off a sars like pandemic resulting from an outbreak from that lab. sars is that 2002 and 2003 coronavirus epidemic. so we've got to be really
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concerned and by the way, an official publication just released photos of the refrigerator at that lab. this was propaganda to show how precautions were being taken. you can see from the photo that the seals on the refrigerator doors were broken, which obviously is one way the virus could have escaped from the refrigerator and therefore from the lab as well. >> tucker: that was thee official propaganda? >> that was official. these are official photos that china's released which are damning and god knows what else there is there that we have not seen. but the point is, the assurances that we heard saturday from the director of the lab are not to be taken at face value at all. we've got to be concerned because beijing has prevented people from actually investigating this, and so there's got to be concerned. >> tucker: one of the first people who complained about it or blew the whistle disappeared and has not surfaced yet.
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so how concerned do you think the chinese government is right now about this story? >> i think there is probably hysteria in beijing right now and president trump at the saturday coronavirus press briefing actually talked about this and said we don't know whether this was a mistake and or whether it was "done deliberately" but what president trump has done is that he has taken this clearly to beijing and countries in europe are also asking that same question as the chinese. >> tucker: thank you for pointing that out, not simply the united states, europe has been badly damaged by this pandemic and they appear to be mad at the government of china. is that your impression? >> clearly, when you hear the statements from senior conservative party ministers and of course, statements from theor prime minister -- the prime of my president of france talking
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about how it would be naive toon accept their assurances and we've seen popular opinion in places like germany where a tabloid a couple of days ago came up with an invoice of about 149 billion euros china which was itemized showing all the damages that germany has sustained because of china's >> tucker: good for them. gordon chang, thank you very much for coming on tonight. no police state is complete in less ordinary citizens are encouraged to spy on one another. so naturally, bill de blasio was going down that road askingn new yorkers to inform on their will get an update from an actual new yorker in just a moment. plus, the lieutenant governor of texas took a lot of abuse for pushing back in a restrained way on the lockdown. what has this lifelike been since? the governor of texas joins us
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♪ >> tucker: the mayor of new york bill de blasio has asked all 8 million new yorkers to become informers to snitch on their neighbors. sounds a lot like east germany, but now with the smartphone. >> when you see a crowd, when you see a line that's not distance, when you see a supermarket, anything, you can report it right away so we can help take care of the problem and now it's as simple as taking a photo. you've got to do is take theso photo and with the location with it and send the photo like this and we will make sure that enforcement comes right away.
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>> tucker:gh melissa francis hosts after the bell on fox business and joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. i have never seen mayor de blasio issue a public service announcement asking people to report someone mugging someone, why now? >> i think probably because he couldn't collect money for those because he's issued 240 as of the latest count summoned for people who were not social distancing and for each one of them, he's gotten up to $1,000 so if you are cynical, you might think this is about money. but i'm not t cynical. well, i am. but anyway, i went into this niche line and i textedic to thm the fact that the homeless population in new york city has moved onto the subways with all of their things and they are not social distancing and guess who else rides the subway every single day? health care workers are trying to get to the subways. is all people in scrubs coming
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out and people that stay on are the homeless population. this is without question a health crisis for both the homeless population and our health care professionals. so i texted that to the snitch line. i didn't get a response. i texted them some photos finally just before the show i got a response and it said if this is about social distancing on the subway, please contact the mta. the mta is not responsible for policing the subway. that is the nypd and the mayor. so apparently, the only time he is interested in going out and actually following up on these snitches as if he can get $1,000 for that but he's not going to get $1,000 for giving a ticket to a homeless person and if you weren't totally cynical, you would think that a he would actually want to do something about the homeless crisis in new york because if there's any time, it's a public health risk to both the homeless and everyone else here, it's right
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now when were all supposed to be quarantining in place.en so when he goes on tv begging the president for money every day, i was going to say why doesn't he go to town the subway and do something about that but he travels around in a chauffeured suv so he probably doesn't even know what's going on in the subway. what do you think? >> tucker: i think that's anat amazing story. it's amazing. and next time we see mayor de blasio, i think were going to ask him about that. melissa francis actually testing the snitch line. w >> asked him if he is ever taken thet subway. >> tucker: great to see you, thank you. so very early on in this crisis, we welcomed lieutenantnt governor of texas on to this program. he took a very different point of view from that of a lot of politicians at the time. but he was savagely criticized for that. he said he was willing to assume
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some risk to himself as a man of 70 the sake of his children and grandchildren. here's part of it. >> i'm going to do everything i re's but if you said are you willing to take a chance and if i get sick, i'll go and try to get better but if i don't, i don't and i'm not trying to think in any kind of morbid way, i'm just saying that we've got a choice here and we are going to be in a total collapse recession, depression and collapse in our society if this goes on another several months, there won't be any jobs to come back to for people. >> tucker: it's been about a month since that moment, we wanted to check in again with lieutenant governor patrick who joins us. thank you so much for coming on, you were pretty clear in what you thought might happen in our conversation a month ago. you said if they don't pull us back a little bit, you're going
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to see a lot of people out of work and you're going to see the economy collapsed. do you feel you've been vindicated? >> i'm sorry that i'm vindicated. i wish it hadn't happened but i'm a small business kind of been around the block long enough to see what was going to happen. when you start shutting down society and people start losing their paychecks and businesses i a small business kind of been around the block long enough to see what was going to happen. when you start shutting down society and people start losing their paychecks and businesses'm l can't open and governments aren't getting revenues and it goes on and on. so i'm sorry to say that i was right on this and i'm thankful that we are now finally beginning to open up texas and other states because it's been long overdue. they told us to follow theex science.ue what science? at the end of january, dr. fauci who i have great respect for us as this wasn't a big issue in three weeks later, going to lose 2 million people. now it's under 60,000. and we've had the wrong numbers, the wrong science and i don't blame them, but let's facece reality of where we are.
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in texas, 29 million people. we've lost 495 and every life is valuable but 500 people at a 29 million and we are locked down and we are crushing the average worker, crushing a small business, crushing the markets, crushing this country and there are more important things then living and that is saving this country for my children and my grandchildren and saving this country for all of us and i don't want to die. nobody wants to die but we've got to take some risk and get back in the game andy get this country back up and running. one maxim in the meantime in the month or so since we've spoken, your state which is in some ways the most robust state in a lot of ways at a 50 has really been hurt. oil futures down to negative 40 bucks today which is shocking. neiman marcus over 100-year-old company from a texas company, dallas company, bankrupt.
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>> aoc put a tweet up today that she was happy to see the oil industry collapse. we cannot endure this much longer. every month we stay closed is going to take two to three months to rebuild than the other things that the president talked about and i think the president on the same day that i was with you one month ago to this monday night, we were both saying the same thing. we can do two things at once so we listen to the experts and doing everything we can to protect life and we have to the best of our ability and the death rate has been low. every life is precious but our country should not have been locked down and now i've always said if the democrats ever had total control, they would put people like you and me in jail and threw away the key. and that's what they're doing because they now have total control. everywhere you see this draconian rules of walking downl people and keeping businesses
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shut and destroying our country, it is mostly democratic governors, democrat county judges and democrat mayors. almost everywhere. and when i saw the governor of new jersey last week say on your show it's above my pay grade, then you need to resign. that's where you put the hand on y the bible and take offense. and to protect the constitution of this united states. don't mock it. so it's time to get back to work. >> tucker: and now he is arresting people who criticize him. lieutenant governor, thank you for coming on. i never defend politicians but the abuse you took was so ridiculously, i wanted to have you back. thank you for that. >> thank you, i'm blessed, god's good, i'm fine. >> tucker: thank you. after the break, handshakes one of the oldest customs in human history could be gone forever. ♪ every financial plan needs a cfp® professional --
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so what's going on? i'm a talking dog. the other issue. oh... i'm scratching like crazy. you've got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether it's a new or chronic problem. and apoquel's treated over 7 million dogs. nice. and... the talking dog thing? is it bothering you? no... itching like a dog is bothering me. until dogs can speak for themselves, you have to. when allergic itch is a problem, ask for apoquel. apoquel is for the control of itch associated with allergic dermatitis and the control of atopic dermatitis in dogs.
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do not use apoquel in dogs less than 12 months old or those with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chance of developing serious infections and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing cancers to worsen. do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. most common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. feeling better? i'm speechless. thanks for the apoquel. awww. that's what friends are for. ask your veterinarian for apoquel. next to you, apoquel is a dog's best friend.
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avoid sick people... and touching your face. there are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. visit brought to you by the national association of broadcasters and this station. ♪ 's pt there's a sculpture where you see two greek goddesses facing each other, their hands clasped. that piece was carved in the fifth century bc. that's how long human beings have been shaking hands. the handshake is a vital ritual in almost every society and always hasal been. thanks to the wuhan coronavirus, handshaking was and now, a
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verdict fromhe america's cheap pandemic advisor, dr. anthony fauci. >> i don't think we a should she gahands ever again to be honest with you. not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus, it would decrease the incident of influenza dramatically in this country. >> ever again. killing the handshakeke is a big step but it's a big moment. with its war,, we are told, we have to make sacrifices. r wartime, some accommodations are made. dr. fauci recently gave us what those may be. in an interview on snapshot, quote, "if you are swiping on a dating app and match with somebody you think is hot and you're just kind of, maybe it's fine if there's one stranger comes over, what do you say to that person?" fauci is 79 but didn't pause or blush. he drew this advice from decades of a scientist, "if you are willing to take a risk and h everyone has their own tolerance for risk, you can figure out if you want to meet somebody.
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if you want to go a little more intimate, that's your choice regarding the risks." got that? straight from america's most trusted doctor, shaking hands with friends must not be allowed. having sex with strangers you meet online is "your choice." following the science? therefoow isn't any. dr. fauci is making this up as he goes along. most of our leaders are for the good ones admit that. they don't pretend to be god. they know they are not god. most of our leaders are nothing like that. they have no humility. they are childrenn playing dress-up demanding we believe they are adults. on one level, it's amusing. the pretense isng ludicrous. f nobody is really fooled. but on the other hand it's scary. these are the people in charge of the country. that's about it for us tonight. we appreciate you watching. we hope you are enjoying the ones you love and those close by through the upside of all this. have a great evening and stand
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by. from new york city, the beating heart of american media, the great sean hannity going to take over tonight seven seconds ear early. >> sean: i agree completely. handshaking? elbows, tucker. that's it for the future. >> tucker: elbows are for karate. >> sean: it's not exact utkarate. it's a mixed martial arts. welcome to "hannity." madness, frankly, blame, lashing out, finger pointing. and by the way, usual, breathtaking lies, breathtaking hypocrisy. it's sad in the middle of a national emergency and the pandemic but that's our reality unfortunately. some draconian measures by somei state governors are being met by protests nationwide. plus rightful outrage over the chinese communist dictatorship. new reports showing china may be
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