tv Hannity FOX News April 20, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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by. from new york city, the beating heart of american media, the great sean hannity going to take over tonight seven seconds ear early. >> sean: i agree completely. handshaking? elbows, tucker. that's it for the future. >> tucker: elbows are for karate. >> sean: it's not exact utkarate. it's a mixed martial arts. welcome to "hannity." madness, frankly, blame, lashing out, finger pointing. and by the way, usual, breathtaking lies, breathtaking hypocrisy. it's sad in the middle of a national emergency and the pandemic but that's our reality unfortunately. some draconian measures by somei state governors are being met by protests nationwide. plus rightful outrage over the chinese communist dictatorship. new reports showing china may be actually profiteering off the
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virus thatpi they let spiral out of control. this after, of course, they stop all travel in and out of wuhan. but onl only two other parts of china they allow international flights in and out of wuhan province. have a report coming up tonight. first we witnessed more blatant, malicious deception, smears, lies, disparagement from the mob in the media. look at this article from "the new york times." it's titled, a bar owner's the bull about the virus then took a cruise. pretty much all but accused yours truly of murder. the story, future and a well like new york bar owner, his name was joe joyce, an avid fan of fox news. i want to stop. with all my heart, and want to extend my sympathy to mr. joyce's friends. so well-liked. his family, his love ones. mr. joyce was apparently a very special person. i'm sure this is very hard on
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all of them. so many other people that are dealing with what the president rightly calls an invisible enemy, it is an enemy. "the times" claims that because of something i said in early march, march 9th to be exact, joyce decided it would be okay to take a cruise to spain. they claim he ultimately contracted coronavirus. didn't quite tie it to the cruise completely. and sadly he passed away. this is where "the new york times"'s lander begin in order to smear yours truly. they literally, this woman exploited a man's tragic death. she willingly, maliciously, purposefully took something i said completely out of context and as proven by all my past statements that "the new york times" was very well aware of, and it gets worse. the remarks that she used, yes, they were from march 9th. again,n, taken out of context. it was also eight days after mr. joyce and barked on his
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cruise. those were the remarks that she referred to in her slanderous piece. that is slander, that is liable. forget about me in all of this. politicizing a tragedy, this "new york times" so called writer, reporter, whatever she is has added to the pain and suffering of a family that deserves better. this was all done to vilify this channel. as reporter joe pollock of and multiple other outlets to their credit pointed out that when "the new york times" got caught spreading -- they already took the cruise! yeah, messed that up. what they did is they didn't make it its correction. they didn't highlight a change but they just tried to sneak it in, a stealth at it in the article. in other words, to include a more accurate timeline considering they botched at the first time. by the way, that completely contradicted the entire thesis of the article. a real journalist would admit
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that they are wrong, issue an apology, issue a correction. in an interesting way, the stealth edit is nothing but an admission of their guilt and an example of how they tried to s ver up their smear, their slander, their lives, and everything else. miss belafonte? she's a hack. it works for a disgraceful organization, the same people who lied to, prussia, russia, impeach, impeach, kavanaugh, cabin up. same people who protected clinton, comey, the deep state. never investigated the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal because they were too busy spreading conspiracy theories and more hoaxes. by the way, another example of beyond journalistd malfeasance here, they are culpable. quietly editing the content when they are caught red-handed. by the t way, that's not where e story ends. it gets worse for them. on february 27, 3 days before mr. joyce decided to go on his
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cruise, the same "new york times" hack that tried to blame me for his death, jenny belafonte, she tweeted this. "i fundamentally do not understand the panic. incidence of the disease is declining in china." by the way, the virus is not deadly in the mass majority of cases peer production and so on will slow down and obviously rebounded. delma." that's the same behavior, same "new york times" five or six days after the president put the travel ban in effect, that would be the same "new york times" that says, who says it's not safe to travel to china? bad advice they are too. this is the kind of rampant hypocrisy, negligent behavior, that is so widespread. this is the 99% of the mob in the media. i call them a mob for a reason. they are nothing but state run print, state run tv. they are the allies of all thingsal radical democratic socialists and extremists. tonight their pattern of misconduct can be broken down
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into three categories but let's look at one. "the new york times" played down, they ignore the virus. number two, they politicize the virus. remember, they used it to call the president a racist with the travel ban. a they accused the president, fox news, yours truly, this program of not taking the virus seriously enough. they were given all the evidence to the contrary. more details? let's look at our conference of timeline. "the new york times," january 8th, reported "there is no evidence that the new virus is readily spread by humans." okay. keep in mind january china was involved in a massive cover-up and the information we were getting was full of lies, completely inaccurate. january 14th from world health organization. remember them? we pay those bills. chinese authorities have found no clearma evidence of human to human transmission. january 15, covid-19 -- it wasn't even on nancy pelosi's radar. top democrat in the country i'm, all smiles, the cell people or
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less, giving away pens , commemorative everything. january 21st, the first case of coronavirus in the u.s. on that very same day, even america's top expert who i have a ton of respect for, he's has saved lives didn't understand it either. he was being hyped to dr. dr. fauci said this is not a threat to you delma people in the united states i'm not attacking dr. fauci. he was working with chinese lies and spread by the world health organization. i had him on my showan january 27th 2 days later. people like buzzfeed publishing a helplineub come up "don't wory about the coronavirus to worry about the flu." cnn was saying that. fox tweeted
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same day, "washington post" published a piece with the headline, "how our brains may coronavirus seems scarier than it is." president doesn't seek advice from "the washington post," media mob, fox, any of them because ten days after the first case emerged in this country, your president, president donald j. trump, made the boldest decision to ban travel to and from china. he declared a public health emergency. it is incalculable, incalculable, how many untold thousands of americans did not contract this disease and untold american lives were saved. by the way, he got nothing but criticism, racism, xenophobia is him this. decisive action ten days after the first case bought us time, it saved us from an immeasurable amount of suffering. the mob in the media, they were outraged.
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fake news see and then accusing the president of using the coronavirus to spread fear and racism and xenophobia. they are just echoing quid pro quo joe. "washington post," there had theheadline was why we should be wary of to a government response to the coronavirus. what was nancy pelosi a doing? she was doing the little prepares that she could have her public temper tantrum for the state of the union address. the president that night was talking about covid-19. she was busy ripping. get this, february 5th, your beloved "new york times," the same paper accusing me of dumpling the virus when the opposite was true and i will prove it, ran this headline. "who says it's not safe to travel to china?" "new york times" is advising you to go over to china per that was dumb. the coronavirus travel ban is unjust, they said. doesn't work anyway. two separate democratic debates in february, not one candidate
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on stagege mentioning the coronavirus. not one. new york city's health commissioner was also downplaying the threat of the virus. take aat o look. >> the risks to new yorkers or coroncoronavirus is low and our preparedness as a city is very high. there is no reason not to take the subway, not to take the bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant. >> sean: let's fast-forward to february 24th. remember, trump put the travel ban inn effect almost a month earlier. okay. we are in the middle of a public health emergency. nancy pelosi showing up,os implicitly publicity stunt, at san francisco's chinatown, hugging and shaking hands with supporters and urging everyone to socially on distance. february 26th, another unhinged
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op-ed called "let's call it trump virus." if you are feeling awful, you know who to blame. in march, fake news cnn said, "calling the coronavirus wuhan or chinese coronavirus was racist," even though fake news of the use the exact same terminology in january. march thek, 2nd, de blasio encouraging new yorkers to go out on the town and catch a plane. same day, governor cuomo said, excuse our arrogance, but this disease will not be as bad in new york as other countries. it was worse. and on march 4th, fake news cnn anderson cooper, here's what he said about the virus. let's pay attention to his timeline. >> -the people of america do not get a flu shot and the flu right now is far deadlier. if you are freaked out at all about the coronavirus, you should be more concerned about the flu and you can do something about it and get a flu shot. >> sean: the facts on the ground are the facts on the ground. they did change at different
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times. we have to concede even with dr. fauci. january 29th, saying the risk was still low. dr. fauci said for healthy people can s still go on a cruise ship. that statement never made it into this weekendnt "new york times" hippies against of this program. they hate all things of trump all things conservative and they hate all things conservative, donald trump says so on radio and tv. neither did they watch my timeline which, by the way, i spent an entire hour going over with one of their top-notch fake news reporters. and it's been posted on i believe since march 18th. we've had dr. fauci on this program as early as january 27th discussing the serious nature of the virus. the next day, i've talked to a panel of doctors. february 10th, i had dr. fauci back on to talk about what about these people that are a some somatic and the spread of the
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disease. it's all there, you can see it all. we've got all the air for all you liars, all of you character assassins, you can all read. we praise the president's bold action to hot travel from china. that's a game changer. this has been the biggest medical mobilization in the history of this country. okay. everyone that needed a ventilator got a ventilator, not because any state had any of them. hospitals were built under a week including the javits center. the navy ships were sent, the ventilators were sent. the masks, the gloves, the downs, the respirators were all sent. record time, never seen anything like it. lives were saved. none of that made it into thefa fake news new york libel slander times article. that's because these so-called journalists who work there, theo are not interested in the truth. that is a fact. instead, they care about bludgeoning enemies. for them, enemy number one is
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not me, that would be president trump. enemy number two is anybody and everybody including voters that support president trump. "the new york times" is not alone print look at how fake news cnn and yes, conspiracy television rosewell rachel maddow cover this virus the past few weeks. take a look, the middle of a national emergency. speak of the president is sounding very baghdad bob like in the way that he's signing down the assigning blame to everybody but himself. >> there are tens of thousands pof people who will die in the country, some of them have already died, still more are going to die because of donald trump's incompetence. >> here we have a president who is exploiting a national crisis to move forward his own agenda, his own revenge, his own profit. >> the president determined to rewrite the history of his early and reprehensible the irresponsible response to this virus. >> he is still acting reckless
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and onboard. >> here in the united states, we are still doing not what we need to do to fight this deadly virus because of the complete lack of leadership. >> do you think there is blood on the president's hands considering the slow response? >> sean: from the people you saw with the virus, unfortunately they politicize that pretty early on. one more opportunity. they gotls everything else wrong about donald trump, russia, ukraine, impeachment, didn't investigate the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal int history. we got right, they got wrong. here with reaction, correspondent geraldo rivero, contributor dan bongino. truth matters. i contribute created timelines r eleverybody. i have a timeline for nancy, one for governor cuomo, one for de blasio, has health official, one " for "the washington post" and "the new york times," one for fake news cnn and conspiracy theory msdnc.
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and dr. apology. we were liedwe to and dr. fauci. we were lied to. i don't blame him. this is cross a line here. i want to get your thoughts. >> despite a horrible loss of life and the profound destruction of all of our lives, the most melancholy aspect of this to me, a 50 year veteran in this business, is how otherwise respected commentators and columnists and correspondents have attempted to twist this story to make a cheap political points. they hates donald trump. and any story they do has to resound negatively about donald trump. wolf blitzer. man, i've loved him for h more than 40 years. today, tonight, i watched what he was characterizing what donald trump was saying at his briefing instead of showing donald trump lives saying what he was saying! it is awful. they are upset for example what the president did or did not do it in but they had no horror on
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what china did or did not do in december and january. it was really so... it's such a classic example for historians of how the media has dropped the ball and attempting to have a political agenda in a science story, sean. >> sean: you have had a great -- people need to go back. it's on youtube. your willowbrook coverage. you agree, disagree, call it like you see it. i credit you for that. dan bongino, i said in 2007, 2008, nobody wanted to vent obama, nobody wanted to look at the biggest abuse of corruption scandal in history. they got it wrong on the russiai conspiracy hoax, they are fixated on impeachment, the president putting in place travel bands and an a long list of a other actions while they ae too busy. he cured cancer, i don't think -- that is not hyperbole. i believe that. >> i generally feel bad for you
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ifut you are out there taking "the new york times" seriously. i'm not being hyperbolic. sean, they blew the two biggest stories of our time.e. they calle told you spygate wasx and collusion was real. commenting on this story. sean, i've known you, you are a friend. put that aside for a moment. what they wrote in that paper, one of the most disgusting, disturbing things i've ever seen. i cannot believe she's trying to wreck retcon the story here and trying to attribute the unquestionably tragic death of this fine man the comments he made after he died that were entirely, completely out of context. and attributing some motive to you that you were somehow playing this thing down when in fact it's her! in her own tweets! anyone can go to twitter and see, miss belafonte, right there on your screen, they can see her
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tweets! i'm not critiquing her tweets. she was right! panic is never a good thing! the fact she's trying to say that while you were trying to instill a sense of calm out there in your coverage when nobody knew this virus was about because it of the chinese propaganda that you somehow kill this man? >> sean: he had left eight days earlier! the guy left eight days earlier and she said it just before the guy left. >> sean, it doesn't even matter! that's not what you said though! >> sean: for the family, i feel bad for them. >> she's making a whole story up! >> sean: geraldo,ea last word. >>al by addressing half of the american people and crafting everything they do or say opinion or news for that half of the american people, they do a graveal disservice. the unrest that you see now, the populist unrest is a direct result of that dissembling, that
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lying, that partisan reportage. they are not doing the job of communicating to the american people. they are trying to twist opinions. >> sean: geraldo, i mean disrespectfully. you have standards. i mean that ini a nice way. journalism is dead, guys. it's dead and buried. thank you both. we'll have much more on the mob -- they are the mob and the media throughout the show. we turn to another important story tonight. throughout the weekend from a protest erupting in multiple states, americans across the country arehe getting a little sick and tired ofng some of the draconian methods being done by some governors. police are stopping drivers. where are you going? by the way, that's not needed. that is a horrific use and abuse of limited police resources. and a really serious, unnecessary risk to them. cops in new york, and a lot of
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them have gotten covid-19. religious services in multiple states have been banned. even drive up services threatening to take down people's license plates. getting to report neighbor on neighbor, michigan governor issuing lockdown orders michigan residents is visiting their own family members, buying seeds, and fishing. fishing is about as socially distant as you can get. california, public parks, beaches are closed. maryland, those who violate the lockdown order could go to jail for a year. washington state threatening to revoke business licensesin for y entity violating shutdown orders. one state remaining open through business throughout all of this, believe it or not, is south dakota. here with more is the governor of great state of south dakota, governor christie governor, everybody forgets the country didn't shut down because i live right here in the epicenter. i'd rather live there in south dakota, i'd rather be in your state.
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but here, the store shelves stayed full. the pharmacies stayed open. restaurants delivered and had take out. the supply chains for food and medicine continued. the farmers farmed. the boxes boxed, the truckers drove. all the medical equipment manufacturing. shields, ventilators, respirators -- all going on. you didn't close your state. i know you had one hot spot at the meat facility. how did you doy. it? >> sean, i just believe in our people. they know and understand personal responsibility so i didn't mandate that any business is closed. ii just told people the facts ad the science behind this virus. but we were dealing with. and asked them to take seriously the cdc guidelines and to continue to innovate. i gave them the opportunity to still provide for their customers while protecting their employees and our businesses stepped up, our people stepped
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up, they made the right decisions. i think it really is an example for the nation. >> sean: restaurants even stayed open, but you appealed to people -- i think if people, i say this, my friends as i say it too much, but i want to see new york city open. that's challenging. probably half the people have to work from home and for a period people are going to have to wear masks and gloves. that would be my plan people ever listens to me, i'm not a doctor. i'd like to se see a yankee stam open. if i had a choice to stay home or wear gloves and a mouse, i'd rather wear the mask and gloves and go to a game. >> sean:f new >> new york city is not south dakota. people are spread out. it's easier to social distance here. we do have some pretty populated areas as well. when given the opportunity to let people utilize their liberties and freedoms that this country gives them, they do the right thing when it comes to protecting theirot families and their communities.
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we gave them the opportunityhe o do that and they overwhelmingly dead. we are in a really good spot as a state. we had one issue in a park processing facility -- b1 how's that going, by the way >> sean: how's that going, by the way > a big number of them, but they've isolated them. we are aggressively over testing in the area and identifying those positives and we are getting that county andci city under control. we've got some rough days ahead of us, but we are in a way better spot than most of the country and in a way better spot than we thought we would be. it's because the people stepped up and really did the right thing. so i am incredibly proud of the people of our state. i trusted them and they are coming through every day for me. >> sean: we'll pray for the people at the processing plant. they've been feeding the rest of the country. they deserve a lot of credit. >> they are critical infrastructure. >> sean: all the people putting up the food in the
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stores. you want to know the real heroes? medical people, nurses, doctors, front-line people. even janitors and hospitals. thank you, governor. china saying the coronavirus didn't come from the lab in wuhan but should we believe them? trace gallagher with the report. roger stone should be set free. lhe'll join us and i will tell you why straight ahead.
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♪ >> sean: more developments tonight surrounding that lab in >> sean: important development surrounding a lab in wuhan province in china that u.s. intelligence officials increasingly believe according to our own bret baier was the source of the virus outbreak. but the lab is trying to deflect any and all response believe. curativ with more, trace gallagher on the west coast tonight.
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>> we've heard a lot from china's authorities in recent days and experts say that's unusual and might be a sign china feels like it might be losing the narrative and we are directly from virology lab in wuhan that many think absolutely released covid-19. shi zhengli speaking with "conspiracy theories." >> why are there rumors? >> the institute of virology are in wuhan, people can't help but make associations which i feel is understandable. but it's bad when some are deservedly trying to mislead people. >> the director specifically called out g.o.p. senator tom cotton saying his accusations are spake down my face and speculation but it's notable that not only have u.s. officials told fox news, that te virus came from the lab, but
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u.s. intelligence officials are also examining whether the virus was accidentally released from the wuhan lab. sean? >> sean: trace gallagher, thank you for that report. even more troubling, development surrounding china as white house advisor pete navarro reveals that china has been caught cornering the market for key medical supplies and actually profiteering during the outbreak and not only that, drones being deployed to surveilled americans amid lockdown orders actually come from a company with ties to the chinese government. i wonder if hunter is making money off that too. interesting question, right? i was previously suspected and spying on u.s. citizens. the news is g.o.p. lawmakers like senator tom cotton, senator crenshaw, they are calling it beijing's lies. they introduce a bill that would allowha americans to hold china accountable for their virus response failures. of course, the democrats, and their allies, state run tv, media mob, continue to spend for china and attacked
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president trump. shocker. here for reaction, senator tom cotton, and congressman dan crenshaw.n congressman, you haven't been on for a while. let me ask you about your suit. to me, the most revealing and dastardly evil thing that the chinese government did, they saw how bad wuhan province was, so they cut all travel to and from wuhan within china but they let the planes fly internationally. how nice of them. >> exactly. 5 million people left wuhan. they allowed this virus to spread, they knew it would spread, they spread false talking points i like, it won't spread from human to human they didn't let scientists into investigate. they actually disappeared doctors who tried to blow the whistle. the number of deaths and infections they had when we drop this bill last friday, that was the same day the chinese government said, oh, we underestimated by about 50% the number of deaths. they didn't underestimate.
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they knew. this is china. everything a of person in wuhan. of course they knew. now we know how they wronged us, americans will do what americans do when we feel that injustice is leveled against us.s. we are going too find somebody and we are going to sue. >> sean: okay, true. we also saw something else. they have a lot of our debt. this is costing our country, senator cotton, a fortune. i say they ought to forget that debt as it relates to the cost of all of their mess that they cause. >> y sean, you and dan had some good points they are about the evil intent of china's leaders. intentionally allowing this virus to get outside their borders. you also mention hoarding personal protective equipment and now trying to profiteer off of it or sending chinese drones to america to collect information and send it back. china has to pay for all of this. one way to pay is the law that dan and i have introduced would be to allow american courts to
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hear cases against china's leaders. another one to be considered, all that debt that china currently holds, given the fact that we are going to have to deficit finance so much of the money that we are spending to help float ourat businesses and help our distressed companies. we also are considering sanctions against china's officials. >> sean: why can't we get the ppe money past? they try to change immigration laws, electionn laws, they want the endowmenthe for the arts and humanities and the kennedy center, why can't we pass clean bills to help american workers, businesses, hospitals period, and not spend any more money? >> it seems like the democrats don't want to take yes for an answer here. we've been willing to support our hospitals, support our small businesses, our families all along. t the democrats keep as you say, sean -- >> sean: what does nancy pelosi want now. gated mansion, she wants more ice cream? she can get on a private jet,
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lever million dollar gated mansion and i will buy her a freezer and fill it with ice cream. congressman? because it's infuriating. we should have been in washington a week ago having a noncontroversial votes to simply replenish the ppp funding. we all know that. do you know why they do this, sean? the mainstream media lets them get away with it. the left-wing media allows them to do it so they don't tell them what's actually happening. so they are supporters simplyh, say, oh, they mean well. they must have a good reason. they don't. there is no other side to this. it's really gross. >> sean: the senate should stay in session. have a vote every day. kevin mccarthy, bring the republicans back. i will send all the ice cream out that you can eat. thank you all. whene we come back, joe biden keeps trying to appease progressives. we'll tell you what happens today and wait until you see a new trump campaign ad about out of touch nancy pelosi. rightly time straight ahead.
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm jackie ibanez from new york. president signing a executive order preventing immigration to the u.s., latest effort by the white house to get a handle on the coronavirus pandemic. the pending order comes amid a sinking u.s. economy and as oil prices turned negative for the first time in history. mr. trump says in a tweet he aims to protect american jobs to the u.s. is also extending border restrictions with canada and mexico through the middle of may. meanwhile, georgia's governor attempts to reboot his economy as early as friday for his agenda will allow gyms, hair
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salons, bowling alleys, and talk to pollard's to open as long as owners follow strict social distancing and hygiene requirements. will begin reopening as soon as next week. i am jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity." >> sean: as i've been telling you, there are no moderates in today's radical extreme arcialist democrat party. far left environment to group endorsing biden due in large part to his h praise of the radical new green deal. the green new deal. biden search for a vp candidate has moved into high gear. some democrats demanding that biden pick a woman from the far left wing. also tonight, the trump campaign just released this blistering ad about nancy "i love my ice cream" pelosi. take a look. >> speaker pelosi, what are you going to share with us from your
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home? >> chocolate candy. >> thousands have been forced to wait forou hours and food banks all across the country. >> chocolate. we have some other chocolate here. we just got a big stock of ice cream. >> sean: here with reaction, fox news contributor, former bush white house press secretary ari p fleischer, foxes jupiter d former governor mike huckabee. you took of note, when the president answer the question of what do you tell your son barron, it's bad. he goes to fake news a cost, no happy talk, jim, this is death. it's the largest medical mobilization in our country's history, the fastest, and getting questions every day, could you have acted faster. he waste called racist or the travel ban ten days after the first case, ari. >> a lot has gone wrong since president trump has come into office.
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but most of what's gone wrong is his critics. the way they react to everythinn as if there is no sense of america anymore. it's can you get trump? is there a way we can twist or create a story to make trump look worse? sometimes the president makes mistakes on thee coronavirus issue. everybody got it wrong for the first couple of months. large part because of the reporting coming out of china and we've had ebola and other breakouts that didn't affect us on our shores so why should we think this is so different? now to gang this up entirely on donald trump and that's where i fight back. i'm willing to criticize the on this one from his critics have gone way too far and all they want to do is divide america. >> the >> sean: governor, largest, fastest mobilization in history a bit i don't know why donald trump didn't do the travel ban ten days after the first case. save a lot of lives in my opinion. never ran out of ventilators, we now have plenty.
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tawns, masks, respirators, gloves, hospitals, hospital staff all over new york. in months, one month, he got it all done. >> a lot of people not giving him credit the fact that he did an extraordinary thing basically saying we will shut down the economy. this is all about the economy and says, this is a medical emergencyy of such nature that i believe public health experts, we are going to shut down the economy. he did that because he was trying to mitigate what could've been a greater disaster. i think he's done exactly that. now he's looking at how do we get this economy going again? if he shuts it down, the media hates it. if he cranks it back up, he did it too soon. ari is 100% right. there is nothing the man coulds do. there is just nothing that he could do that they will ever say good done. good faithful servant.
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six words that you will never hear said about donald trump by the media. >> sean: every single day he's working. same predictable people who've been giving him crap every day. why is nancy out there eating ice cream? why doesn't she get on a private jet, take a little ice cream with her, and bring it to washington and go to work? he is there at work every day. he is doing press conferences every day. >> one of my favorite things to do is to see where bias lies in how it works is to watch the various news conferences given by governor cuomo for example, speaker pelosi, or the president. notice the different behavior of reporters in those venues. when president trump is speaking, frequent interruptions, frequent push backs, people telling him why he is wrong. you don't seewr that with pelos, you don't see that with formal. you see acquiescence and yielding. that's the bias and that's why he's got such a hard job. that's the way the media is
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today. >> sean: governor, how is this going to play out in 197 days? e we have an election. >> joe biden, if his campaignin were a movie, it would be "the invisible man." nobody knows what he stands for except he's moving to the left. i think president trump gets reelected and that'll make thosw media people really go nuts. >> sean: by the way, get ready for super thursday. it's coming one of these days. we will have it. thank you both. roger stone. gag order lifted. why he he deserves a new trial immediately. grave injustice. we'll explain all that. he's with us next.
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disgraceful miscarriage of justice surrounding the roger stone case. the denial of a new trial raising questions of possible pardons for the 67-year-old stone, manafort. and in the papadopoulos case, they withheld exculpatory evidence for they sent that guy to jail for nothing for the jury for was revealed to have a deep anti-trump and anti-roger stone bias that she stated publicly before the trial along with various other irregularities, abuses in the case as stone explained given his underlying health condition, entering prison could be a death sentence and that is true. here now, roger stone. papadopoulos, they withheld exculpatory. you, the jury floor person publicly criticized you. that doesn't call for and new trial, i don't know what does. the fbi knew that it was all b.s. and russian disinformation from the get-go which means they should have investigated any of
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you. even cohen who claimed he was my lawyer, he does not. roger? i don't think you can hear me. roger stone? >> you are back, i'm sorry. go ahead. >> sean: the jury b floor foreperson publicly had a bias against you. speak of the day i was arrested, your member that, 29 fbi agents heavily armed in s.w.a.t. gear storm to my home at 6:00 a.m., arriving with 17 armored vehicles for a nonviolent process crime. she tweeted, attacking me that day, she tweeted things from her facebook, attacking me during 2019, she attacked the president repeatedly saying all of his supporters were racists here e that would of course include . she had a deep bias against both
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the president and specifically against me. she had this in jury selection. she never should have been on that jury. she then deleted her facebook page after the trial which she had since 2008 and she had a new one to cover her trail. i think her bias was egregious. i think it was blatant. legal voices as diverse as jonathan turley, judge napolitano, alan dershowitz, the supreme down the constitution is clear, every defendant is entitled to an impartial and indifferent jury. this jury was not indifferent and typical of the other jurors. they were in the republicans on this jury. there were no trump supporters on this jury. there were no blue-collar workers on this jury. there were no african-american men on this jury. they have a deep distrust of big
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government and the man. i don't think any republican or any trump supporter can get a fair trial. to be when the man? i don't know what that means. let's stop for a second here. this is a country of law. this is a country where we are supposed to have equal justice but you didn't get equal justice but you didn't get a fair and impartial jury. you had a pipe down like biased jewelry for person didn't see didn't cnn, predawn raid to? >> yeah. ii think this is really simple, seansa. the same people who try to set up and take down donald trump, ric grenell, a great appointment by the way now proving by classifying these documents, succeeded in destroying me. thank god they didn't succeed ie destroying the president. the whole thing is as the president said a hoax. for over a year, the fake news
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media, cnn, msnbc, "the new york times," "washington post," said roger stone will be convicted of treason, espionage, cyber crimes, trafficking in stolen emails. none of those things were true. i was charged with lying to congress. lying to congress? mccabe, comey, strozk! i have michael cohen has been let out of prison. michael avenatti was let out of prison. rick gates who lied at my trial asking for home confinement. at 57 years old, this is a death statement! people who want to help we can go to to sign the petition. i think this entire decision is in the hands of god and i'm praying fervently. a >> sean: a little excessive. i've knownec you for a lot of years. what happened to you should not
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happen any american ever. i hope people help you. i really do. thank you for being with us. should never happen in this great country. when we come back, disturbing attack again against the new york city police officer. we have a full report. breaking news about kim jong un straight ahead. these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer
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when they bundle home and auto with progressive. wow, that's... and now the progressive commercial halftime show, featuring smash mouth. ♪ hey now, you're an all star ♪ get your game on, go play thank you! goodnight! [ cheers and applause ] now enjoy the second half of the commercial! even renters can bundle and save! where did that come from? the kitchen. it was halftime.
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>> sean: all right. with thousands of nypd officers out sick with coronavirus, criminals wreaking havoc on the subway system in new york. she of course by the trace gallagher live from our west coast newsroom. more disturbing attacks against cops. this is awful. speak lay witness say when in doubt like a female nypd police officer was put on by an unstable man who says he has coronavirus. when they tried to subdue the man, submitting, begging him to injure him, started to flail his arms and legs, kick the female officer in the face. when she tried to grab him, kicked her again fred tumbled off the platform, as you can see and down on the tracks. she did not come close to the
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third rail. but she did break her wrist. he was arrested. breaking news, north korean leader to kim jong un, sean, a heart procedure now recovering at his villa. his condition is unknown. >> sean: might be bad. let not your heart be troubled. laura, how are you? >> i'm well but that poor polica officer... what they have to put up with, sean, to protect all of us and gett grief for doing it is just -- it's beyond. by the way, what is that -- you are wearing an array of pins tonight? we know the american flag which we know is beautiful. >> sean: this is the fbi pin, the cia pin for the good people --. the 99%. by the way, 1974 in addition, 129 of "the amazing spider-man," that's "the punisher" all of these people have conspiracy theories. it's the punisher! it's a netflix series and it was a movie! >> laura: can you send me a pin that
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