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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 20, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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third rail. but she did break her wrist. he was arrested. breaking news, north korean leader to kim jong un, sean, a heart procedure now recovering at his villa. his condition is unknown. >> sean: might be bad. let not your heart be troubled. laura, how are you? >> i'm well but that poor polica officer... what they have to put up with, sean, to protect all of us and gett grief for doing it is just -- it's beyond. by the way, what is that -- you are wearing an array of pins tonight? we know the american flag which we know is beautiful. >> sean: this is the fbi pin, the cia pin for the good people --. the 99%. by the way, 1974 in addition, 129 of "the amazing spider-man," that's "the punisher" all of these people have conspiracy theories. it's the punisher! it's a netflix series and it was a movie! >> laura: can you send me a pin that everyone will talk
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about, please? >> sean: it's not a secret signal to people. >> laura: do you have a secret society you want of fess up to right now? is there a super secret decoder ring --n: >> sean: i don't get enough crap from "the new york times" and company... b3 keep this going, let's keep it going. >> sean: i have broken fingers! >> laura: you'll go through that again? the true punisher is hannity if you go after him from "the new york times." >> sean: it's a netflix series! it's amazing. spider-man, 1974 edition, 129! >> laura:: are you getting a kick back on or what? hannity, send me one of those pins. i like it. send me one. >> sean: done. >> laura: talk to you tomorrow. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. we'll attempt to answer some of the questions of the unintended
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consequences of shutting down a society, can we trust political, text, business leaders to end it, or the tech people mended after this is over, can we? why are health care workers suffering huge job losses as if they haven't gone through enough of this.ep will independently run medical offices ever make a comeback? speaking of coming back, is there a chance a big chunk of the workforce just refuses to now because, guess what, payments are coming in and in some cases we are finding out they are more than what folks made before? covid? we see how some workers get more money and make more than they than when they were employed. whyo it might be hard to turn that spigot off. my thoughts at the end of day 35, america inca shutdown.
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democrats taking the viral path of socialism. you feel it, don't you? you see it, you sense it. there is a growing divide in america in this covid-19 era, and i'm not talking about rich versus poor or black versus white, or even red state versus blue state. i'm talking about the growing tension between the open now coalition versus the stay closed in perpetuity contingent. "the angle" told you to see the governance response as more toxic than the virus itself? things would get start to be heated. that's what we've been seeing over the past week or so. >> i am protesting the slow erosion of our rights. >> we are just here for our freedoms. people who get back toto work. >> we are being muzzled by the government. where that masks turns into a muzzle. >> laura: the president even
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chimed in yesterday. >> people feel that way. you are allowed to protest. i watch the protests and they were all 6 feet apart. i think they were an orderly group of people. but somee have gone too far. some governors have gone toooo far. >> laura:>> the folks protesting this stay-at-home order are mostly small business owners, their moms or dads and the students even who are seeing their futures go down the drain. of course they are worried about their fellow man. of course they want to keep the vulnerable, the elderly safe and secure. but they also complain about utneedless an arbitrary and arbitrary rulesthat declares essential but not churches. probably one of the most disturbing visuals. officials entanglement to port 37,000 tons of sandan into ralps skate court after skateboarders were caught routinely ignoring the no trespassing sign. come on.
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this is kind of pathetic. our teens getting sunshine and zooming past each other the problem here, big threat to civilization? maybe... i don't know. over the weekend we learned that government researchers have found that simulated sunlight rapidly killed the virus and aerosols. sunlight could actually kill it. fresh air and sunshine really is the best disinfectant. but even if you do socially distanced in california, remember, you socially distance, but you can still be snitched upon. >> if you've observed occurring violations of the stay-at-home order, please continue to let us know. in this case, snitches get rewards. >> laura: 's that stitches get
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rewards. thatnt one comment told you everything you need to know that how far elected officials are actually willing to go to enforce a new normal, a phrase i despise. because a new normal means of liberties be damned. even don't think drones are overhead. >> the drones make it easier for police to see in areas where access by patrol cars is more difficult. that t includes tight spaces between buildings, behind schools, and in back yards. the drones donated by dji, a chinese company, have gone to 43 states. in 22 >> laura: chinese affiliated drone company? i mean -- i'm not saying oh brother, i'm saying big brother. the noble mode of keeping americans safe and free at the
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same time, it's the ignoble goal of using the crisis to remake american society according to more progressive ideals. >> let's use this situation, this crisis, this time to actually learn the lessons, value from the reflection, and let's reimagine what we want society to be. how do we have a better housing system, public safety system, better health special to him, better social equity, let's use this as a moment to plan change that we could normally never do unless you had this situation. >> laura: that's it. changet,t, you never could do iu actually had to run it by the state legislator, perhaps? maybe he's actually talking about improving the state government's response to a future, having for bed, pandemics. that would be fine for that would also require having a hard
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look while you're state budgetaris next ventilators in favor of social welfare projects. you get the sense of someone out there is feeling less doubt in this covid crisis because she's streaming up a storm on instagram. >> incrementalism is not helpful in this moment. we have to make sure that we demand meaningful change and meaningful working assistance for families but that means $2,000 a month, thousand dollarp for your kids recurring. >> laura: that's a pretty good amount. why stop -- 5,000 a week! do i hear six? on the west coast, they aren't about to be outdone by new yorkers because gavin newsom has his own ideas about how to use the shutdown to open up a path of neutral climate change policies. his new task force will be headed by none other than... drumroll please, the everyman
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tom steyer the billionaire who believes bending he says the goal of the task force is to recover as fast and as safely as possible from the covid-19 induced recession and to create a fair green and prosperous future.ut they'll make that remedies some of the injustices which this co9 pandemic has revealed in our society. this pandemic has revealed a lot all right about china, about state preparedness, about the ineptitude of the cdc, and about democrats' unwillingness to tolerate dissent. if you are someone who believes that shutdowns in most states now are hurting many cases more than helping? you are going to be labeled a pariah, and antiscience. heaven forbid if you choose to exercise theire first amendment rights to peaceably protest.
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>> somebody trying to organize something like that, that qualifies harmful information. >> we do classify that as harmful information and we take that down. af lot of the stuff that people are saying, that it's false, around a health emergency like this, can be classified as harmful misinformation. >> laura: "harmful rmmisinformation." what's more true here? new york will need 30,000 ventilators? that's parked a lot of panic, right? was that harmful? or this? >> i think it was the worst week of my life. pretty much looking at possibly losing everything we've worked for. >> we've lost already 80% of our inventory. >> right now we are zero everywhere. it's even worse than i could've guessed. >> laura: if those folksho wanted to show up and peaceably
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protest, that would be part of the harmful disinformation campaign that has to be taken out from facebook? i need the new rules. snitching, spying with drones, limiting speech, chasing surfers out of skate parks?op do you proportionally, very few covid cases. none of that sounds very appealing to me. those are my thoughts at the end of day 35, america and shut eown. joining me now is lara logan, fox nation host and former "cbs news" correspondent. also dinesh d'souza, conservative commenter andnd author of the upcoming book, "united states of socialism," and victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institute. why are the media not interested in holding big tech or any of the state officials here accountable. there are a lot of civilut libertarians out there talking about liberty or freedom for the syrians, the iraqis, the afghan
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is when it comes forward civil liberties being infringed in the united states, there are a lot of crickets chirping. >> the simple answer is that it's a political debate. if you are protesting, on the side of civil liberties, you must be on the right, if not you're on the left. that's one of the things that i always tried to avoid in my work as a journalist. those political traps that are set for us as journalists, because that's not how people see it. when i speak to people, what many of them say to me, why can't we both be concerned about the virus and series about these and serious about our civil liberties but why can't we go backck to work? why can't we feed our children, but also take the virus very, very seriously and recognize that this is a tragedy. for people in this country, for many people, those statements do not conflict. it's very apolitical.
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it's one of those political traps that journalists perhaps should do a little more, try harder to avoided. >> laura:e at one of my favorite civil libertarians remind me that it's times like these where it's most important to defend liberty and safety, you want security and safety, but there is always a balance. victor, thead media made sure to smear the anti-lockdown protesters. >> we are seeing militia groups, we are seeing long guns, we are seeing nazi symbols. >> liberate virginia? the kind of leadership that puts lives at risk. >> cortisol protesters, leave your gun home. those are terrorists. t >> reminds me of what they said about thehe tea party folks in 2009 and 2010. >> we thought this neo-socialist agenda was reputed in the 2019
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2019-2020 primaries, bernie sanders, aoc, that agenda is not popular. zombie-like, using this crisis to rebirth. never had the 1% support. what's really sad, laura, there is a suppression ofes expression that's not symmetrical. if you say that there is -- you know, zionsns is science is not exact. max wear good today -- may be reallyg bad depending on the day of the week and the virus is transmitted this way by touching something, by aerosol, by scieng to give it the benefit of a doubt but doesn't work the other way. if you have any skepticism of the lab in china, not that it was a bio weapon, that it was an accident, you are a conspiracy theorist. if you say to be 22 might have some useful off label use, it's useful to advocating the return of mercury or arsenic.
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if you say flu -- just the word influenza, that's a taboo word even though we know from the u.s. samplings, the stanford sampling, things overseas, that the people who are zero positive might be 400- that rapidly changes the denominator. maybe the virus and killed three or 400 but one oratorical like the flu does per thousands >> laura: the smear goes a long way. it's a familiar attack it. dinesh, dr. fauci had a message to all the protesters. >> put your message back. if you jump the gun and go in a situation where you have a big spike, you are going to set yourself back. as painful as it is to go by the careful guidelines of gradually phasing into a reopening, it's going to backfire. >> laura: dinesh, dr. fauci
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admits he doesn't have to make decisions about the economy in mind, that's not his focus. is that an issue? >> well, i think there have been jericho separate ideas that have been conflated from the beginning of this crisis. the first one has been the idea of social distancing and the idea is the idea of a competence of economic lockdown. avthose have been pursued at tandem but they are not the same. if you look to other countries. consider sweden for example, they have never had an economic lockdown. but they do have social distancing. it's possible to have one strategygy without the other. and yet what's happening now is the kind of rhetorical bludgeoning in which protesters who are saying, listen, let's take a second look, we are all for social distancing but there may be ways to open up the economy and still have social distancing and those people are treated as if they are somehow reckless, not considering the possibility of death, infect their fans don't make friends.
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regiment debate is beingha demonized and i think that's very unfortunate. >> laura: i want to get into the chinese issuee because we know china was not transparent,t lied, thought they could control this in wuhan. it got out. it was a disaster. what about those in the media who are still playing into china's hands here without -- may be they see that trump is anti-china so they do not want to be anti-china. what is that? >> that's a very interesting question to me, laura. as a journalist when i look at want toy i really understand about what exactly what china was doing there and when you look at what chinese scientists have been doing this year, there have been a number of them coauthoring articles with westernrn scientists. it doesn't take much to see there is a concerted propaganda effort they are coming e from te chinese government that extends well beyond just what we see in the media.
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any time a foreign government like china who has been shown to be very dishonest, any of us who work in china no, you can't do anything there without the communist party having a hand in it. so you are always more skeptical of the information coming out of there. and i've spoken to a number of bio weapons specialist, i've spoken to a number of scientists, have reached out to me, they have a lot of concerns about the chinese government, concerned this came from a wet market, some of them point out that you don't buy bats at wet markets. others say that viruses like this could be cultivated inside of it's possible it did come from a bat and it does occur nationally others say it to go viruses could've combined. there is so much that we don't know and it's unfortunate to me that journalists are not asking more of those questions. >> laura: yeah. the benefit of the doubt as victor said only seems to go one way. china gets the benefit of the doubt but not this administration. thank you so much. great to see you all tonight.
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coming up, why are mass layoffs hitting health care in the middle of a pandemic? my medicine cabinet ways and next. and do you know the story of the head of the well for the, his troubling past exposed ahead.
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>> laura: breaking just moments ago. after numerous calls to shut down our borders completely, president trump tweeting just moments ago, in light of the attacks from the invisible enemy as well as to protect the jobs of our great american citizens, i will be signing an executive order to temporally suspend immigration into the united states. this should be well received by all americans given what we are facing. but i think you are going to see a huge amount of blowback from the left on that one.
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also tonight, in response of the coronavirus, dozens of governors took a dramatic step of ordering hospitals to cancel all nonessential procedures and surgeries. but those dictates are only trading one crisis it turns out for another by crushing the medical profession. one recent survey found that nearly half of independent medical practices report that they had to furlough or lay off staff practices have seen an average 60% drop in patient volume and a 55% decrease in revenue. the situation was so dire that even in hard-hit new york, andrew cuomo is considering loosening the restrictions. joining me now is my medicine cabinet, team physician for thee rams and dodgers let's start with you, what's the long term damage that this is dueling to health care c provi
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providers? >> i think it's doing long-term damage to everyone. remember, health care is 20% gdp. independent health care providers as well as those employed by systems are taking .elf-inflicted pay cuts or ones inflicted by their superiors. this is going to take months, maybe years to ever recover from. when we have 22 million people who have lost employer-based health care insurance, these h hospitals, these doctors, these practices are going to take a huge financial hit for months to come. >> laura: i've heard this from dr. friends across the country. i've got to know wonderful health care providers, a great privilege to know so many doctors. these are grown men and women who are in panic because they see their practices and their staff now suffering because they can't do any casework. >> you know, laura, it seems the medical system with all the preparation that we took in the
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social mitigation from the medical system survive the virus, but what you're seeing now with this response to curtail medical service to most noncovid problem liberalists, what you are seeing in front of your eyes is the dismantling of the greatest and most robust medical system the world has ever known. >> laura: what about the virology testing that's now been done, testing antibodies in individualss showing that there are as many as 4% of folks, i think it's an l.a. county alone, university of southern california did thiss antibodies test, 4.1% of the county's adult population has an antibiotic for the virus. that translates to about 240,000, 400,000 adults who could be infected with covid and that's 55% times higher than the confirmed cases on the books. what does that tell us? >> what this shows is that the
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numbers as we go on day by day bears out that the true impact of the virus is down like as far as mortality rate is going to be what it would be thought about,. what we've done is we've shut down or severely curtailed much of our medical system into curtailing away from noncovid type problems and creating a huge eruption of problems that are looming. the problem is whenever they do come home to roost, whenever these problems do start to show back up, we are able to take care of them, the medical workers that we were employing are not going to be there in large numbers to take care of them. >> laura: i want to play for y you a clip from martha maccallum's show earlier tonight on fox. she interviewed one of the ihme university of washington modelers on the issue of the antibodies. watch. >> we've been looking very
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carefully at these early antibody tests and i think we, like the cdc and other parts of the government, have concerns about high false positive rates in many of these early tests. we think these early studies are probably greatly exaggerating the actual number of asymptomatic infections in the community. >> laura: that's a big blow off of three different studies now. one on the east coast, two on the west coast, and more to come. because that makes them look bad, doesn't not, because they were predicting doom and gloom and it's not good, a lot of people who have suffered here a lot of deaths. what the doctor just said to come close to .1%, that's a very different response to be called for by the government. >> the ihme has done a terriblet job at predicting. i'm shocked fox still has anyone on given the fact that they've overestimated matters by 200%. i think we need to move on to
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more reliable modelers. >> laura: gentlemen, thank you so much. great seeing both of you doctors tonight. the coronavirus pandemic has of course been devastating but it has also exposed the incompetence of the world health organization. the organization's impotence stems in large part from the group's director, general tedros adhanom. if you have truly looked into his past, but tedros is not the down that he did serve as a marxist revolutionary. not joking, by the way. tedros joined the tigre's liberation front which helped overthrow if you oppose governmentnt back in 1991. the same group the u.s. state department labeled a terrorist organization due to its "violent activities before it became part of thet ruling coalition in the
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ruling government of ethiopia in may of 1991." now part of ethiopia's governing coalition, a coalition that according to "the new york times" has been criticized for displacing thousands of citizens, gunning down hundreds of protesters and jailing and torturing political opponents and journalists. when asked about all these atrocities, the times characterized tedros' answer as if the obama is a growing democracy with themm common pais of new government. speaking of ethiopia, tedros' first big job was as thet country's health minister from 2005-2012. his biggest compliment was covering up not one, not two, but three separate cholera t epidemics. ethiopian officials pressured relocal ngos and doctors to classify cholera cases as acute,
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watery diarrhea which was of course c a lie and something the w.h.o. officials knew a at the time. hiding the truth is a good way to get ahead, apparently. tedros was promoted to foreign minister in 2012. it was here where he spends time making inroads to china. the chinese were pumping billions into the ethiopian economic development. but of course at a cost. china is the largest holder of ethiopia's external debt, which beijing knows can never be repaid. and that makes what i'm about to tell you all the more interesting. when tedros became a candidate for w.h.o. chief in 2017, china went all in for him. "the washington post" noted atn thee time that china works tirelessly behind-the-scenes to help tedros defeat the united kingdom candidate for the w.h.o. job. tedros' victory was also a victory for beijing whose leader, xi jinping, had made
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public his goal of flexing china's muscles in the world. given all of that, it doesn't come as any surprise that the w.h.o. is now praising china's handling of the disease that they unleashed onto the world. >> we would have seen many more cases outside of china by now. and probably deaths, if it weren't for the government's efforts. china is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response. >> laura: this is the same w.h.o. publicly bashing president trump for just telling the truth. >> i would like to begin by announcing some important developments in our war against the chinese virus. >> viruses known no borders. they don't care ethnicity. it's really important we be
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careful in the language we use, lest it leads to profiling of individuals associated with the virus. >> laura: what a total fraud. it's a chinese buyer is not because it's related to chinese people, but because of what happened, where the origin was in china. and they all know that. given what i laid out about tedros and china's diminished status currently. trump should demand tedros and his lackeys resign. before the u.s. ever agrees to give them another cent. and speaking of the world health organization, instead of calling it out for bungling this pandemic, the hollywood left decided to celebrate and raise money for it. raymond arroyo exposes it all on seen and unseen and it's all coming up next
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i am jackie a bonnie is in new york. the price of oil crashing falling below zero for the first time in history for the jaw-dropping event is a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, with so much excess oil, companies running out of places to store their product. on monday, president trump offered a glimmer of hope, saying the federal government will be willing to buy "everything we can get."
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meanwhile, far right president bolson aro joined a protest calling claims that the congress and supreme court have drastically overstepped the highest brazilian supreme court justice calling the action "nefarious." i am jackie and bonnie is. now back to "the ingraham angle." >> laura: it's time for our seen and unseen segment where we expose the cultural story of the day. saturday's "one world together at home" concert raise money for the world health organization as the president cut its u.s. contributions. we are joined by raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. i it's interesting who was included in the global concert and whoo was excluded. >> laura, it was more than 70 performers from around the world. big names. they raise $55 million for the well for the organization
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world health organization print some of these acts from everyone from paul mccarthy ted shelton john to jail low were a little less in fine form. watch. ♪ people who need people ♪ ♪ are the luckiest people ♪ in the world >> laura: raymond, wait a second. j.lo sounded fantastic! come j.lo sounded like she was singing with a tiny fan. and elton john, don't think he's quite standing anymore. any longer. >> i love>> elton john. but it is hard -- you are not
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going to hit the benny and the jets, upper range, not going to hit that anymore. it's hard. >> that's true. but lizzo killed it, just kille? it. who did you like? >> laura: the rolling stones in their late 70s stole the show, "start me up." play it. ♪ open >> ♪ can't always get mama what you want ♪ ♪ but if you try sometimes ♪ you just might find ♪ to get what we need >> laura: lizzo was amazing. i know he didn't saying start me up, but jagger can belt it.
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hehe was unbelievable. >> they are doing the air guitar and air drums, this is prerecorded. the president is right to question the w.h.o. and let me put this whole in context. this concert was about raising money for the world health organization. the ap last year did a piece on them. they waste $200 million a year on the jury's travel, which is more than they spend combating tb, aids, and -- what's the other... c malaria combined. $200 million. the president is writes to question them. >> laura: there was one moment, raymond, whether we got it or not, that was michelle obama, very popular. laura bush, very popular, to think our first responders and they issued a global call for unity. >> we've never been closer. not just in our great country, but tonight, we stand with the people of the world.
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>> laura and i want to express our overwhelming gratitude to the medical professionals. the coming days will not be easy, but this global family of ours is strong. >> apparently about a global family is not terribly conclusive. i called the current first lady's office today. they confirm that the global citizen organizers did not extend the invitation to melania trump to record a message. it is hard to the partisanship and the politicization. >> laura: melania is not going up there to push the w.h.o. we just cut the funding! >> she could say something nice about the first responders and didn't give her the option. >> laura: she is the most gracious person out there. you've got michelle obama star power, laura bush's star power, you got the stones. i've been talking about that all day. >>y. we've got to move on. >> laura: some corona kudos.
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who is it? >>, actor john krasinski, he sw a video of an alabama singer, her name is molly augurs, she was having a home prom with just her father because her prom was canceled. the actor decided to host a virtual problem this past weekend for all those seniors who are missing out due to the lockdown. >> there is akd so much we are l missing during this crazy time. but this week, there is one thing most kids are missing more than anything else. prom. so what did i do? l >> laura: that's awesome! i like that. >> he got the jonas brothers, billy they are missing their graduations, it was a nice gesture. >> laura: i think it's sad to be a member of the class of 2020. certainly memorable that they will not have those last few
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months of high school that we all remember -- well, most people remember. >> he used his fame to do something mcnabb and uso andt' that's really helpful, and not to serve some other agenda. >> laura: it wasn't about him, it was about them and that was very kind. and here is a concern that doesn't seem to be on anyone's mind. what if people don't want to go back to work on the other side of this? at that really be? herman cain joins us on the unintended consequence of government stimulus programs. stay there.
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>> laura: even more breaking news beer tonight, it is confirmed, something i had heard earlier today from i had heard earlier today from a source inside government reports out of north korea are suggesting that kim jong un on is in a very fragile state,
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something close to death even. this is a huge development that will have major repercussions for the region and for the united states. we'll continue to monitor it on fox news throughout the evening. >> i'm not going to be in mte. i'm not going to be able to pay my gas, my electric. >> i can pay any of my bills this month. definitely not next. >> i have had conversation with my parents how i should probably move back home if i can't find work. >> we>> understand the health risk, but we also understand the coneed to keep the economy goin. >> we want to get back to work. we are starving. >> laura: what if the so-called stimulus bill encourages people not to work? provisions that the democrats forced into the legislation could make it more lucrative for some workers to stay unemployed. this has been getting a lot of attention in the media, but my next guest has been thinking about it a lot and a couple of restaurant tours that i know,
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anherman cain, former 2012 presidential candidate, former ceo of godfather's pizza, also with rodney mayo, a south florida restaurant tour himself who is forced to lay off 650s. employees. i've heard this from a restaurant have of his employees have already said because of the money they areec now getting frm two different sources from the government, they are g making me staying out of work. these are close family friends over the years, but they are staying home now. what are your thoughts? >> myel thoughts are what are ty going to do when that runs out? one statistic says 20% of the business is, the restaurant businesses, aren't going to be around after this is over because 20% of the business is or more wear on the edge of bankruptcy even before this happened. even if they were to get a government loan/grant, they
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still are going to have to re-attract customers and they simply don't have the funds to do that. so they are right. theyo are going to have to look for other jobs. it's called do what you can do. go look for another job. if you don't think your job is going to come back and if you are part of that 20% that probably wasn't going to make iy anyway, you should be finding another job right now. >> laura:bu rodney, i'm focusing oner this perverse incentive tht two different restaurant to b go a different type of foo, both have told me a good percentage of their employees, even if they went back into business tomorrow, wouldn't come back until that money runs out. what is it? mid-july? what about that perverse incentive? >> it is a perverse incentive. >> laura: i'm going with rodney here now. >> go ahead, rodney. >> there's a lot of confusionhi over what all of this stimulus
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package means, but i think that's going to boil down to the owners and the boss. you know, it's their decision who they bring back on or who they rehired. that's going to get help funded by thehe stimulus package. so, you know, i don't think they are going to have a choice. there are going to be many owners or bosses to agree to pay somebody their full salary and let them sit at home. i would hope there is some other options open to restaurant owners other than that. >> laura: herman, i think when you look at this again, well-meaning government wants to help out them helping people. they need help now. it's not their fault that this thing happened, this virus from china. but politico reported tonight on the massive conundrum facing drumsmall business is, saying te new paycheck protection program that waives repayment of loan borrowing 75% of the money to maintain payroll intended to
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reduce layoffs, some workers can as much as double their weekly check if they stays unemployed. herman, this is going to be an issue and again the democrats messed around with this bill and this is what was created. >> it's going to be a big issue, laura, for one-third of the people. i estimate it's going to be about one-third of the businesses. and employees that look at this asas a windfall while they are t working, they are going to be on the short end of the stick when this is over with. they shouldn't be looking at this because it is a trap. i believe that two-thirds of the businesses are going to be able to survive with the government loans/grant. i believe that two-thirds are. but they are going to have to think outside of the box. those employees that you are talking about are not thinking outside of the box. they are looking short term and
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they are saying, wow, i could make this much money in the short term. they've got to start looking long term. that means they might have to be looking for other jobs with other companies. they will be there, but they can sit home and say, poor me, i'm waiting for a big government solution because big government solutions do not solve the problem. >> rodney, you have tennessee opening up. georgia opening up. it looks like north carolina, i believe, also getting close. south carolina gettingut close. where do you stand with florida, you have a great governor in ron desantis. when do you thin think you all l open up? >> let's see...$6 the $60 million question, we are all hoping as soon as possible. what i am a little afraid of is they are going to do this and the steps which isn't really going to benefit us that much because most people in the restaurant business know that our margins are short. t when we do the stage opening where we are only allowed to see
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50% occupancy, we are not going to beo able to survive doing that. we are barely living as it is. >> laura: c rodney, we'll check in with you. herman, thanks so much. even the nfl's biggest stars are getting caught in the covid era. don't go away. plus a powerful decongestant. so you can always say "yes" to putting your true colors on display. say "yes" to allegra-d.
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.. - when i noticed
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my sister moving differently, i didn't know what was happening. she said it was like someone else was controlling her mouth. her doctor said she has tardive dyskinesia, which may be related to important medication she takes for her depression. her ankles would also roll and her toes would stretch out. i noticed she was avoiding her friends and family. td can affect different parts of the body. it may also affect people who take medications for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. she knows she shouldn't stop or change
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her medication, so we were relieved to learn there are treatment options for td. - if this sounds like you or someone you know, visit to sign up to receive a personalized doctor discussion guide to help start a conversation with your doctor about td. you'll also be able to access videos and a free brochure that show the different movements of td. visit or call to learn more. - we were so relieved to learn there are treatments for td. - learn more at >> laura: it's time for "at the last bit shannon: time for the last plate, today the mayor of tampa bay was bragging about city officials citing some very
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famous for working outside. >> they patrol around to make sure and an individual working out in one of the down storm parks and she went over to tell him it was closed and it was tom brady. there you go. he has decided. >> tom brady is not immune from the social distancing police. that is all the time we have. sorry about the 12 seconds. i moved to tampa for this but -- >> exactly. have a great show. the economic recovery going too fast for some governors but not fast enough for critics including protesters, they want their state's economy is open now. brit hume iser


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