tv Bill Hemmer Reports FOX News April 21, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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>> dana: fascinating report, jared, i know everybody's anxious, we'll keep in touch with you, thank you so much. and thank you for joining us everybody, am dana perino, i will see one story time at 3:30. tomorrow we have brad paisley. see you then. >> bill: dana, thank you, fox news alert now, welcome to tuesday, i am bill hemmer. state of new york's economy dominating the action of the white house as we speak. president trump getting ready for a meeting with one of his biggest coronavirus critics. here is where we stand at this hour. a new york democratic governor andrew cuomo set to arrive at the white house for a critical meeting. that's it done comes a several governors try to reopen their states for business. meanwhile, we are just getting word to lawmakers on the trump administration have reached a deal on a nearly $500 billion deal that will provide even more relief for small businesses across america. in a moment, i will speak with
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the louisiana republican senator john kennedy. first, chief white house correspondent john roberts who leads our coverage there on the north lawn. john. >> you're looking ahead to that meeting that supposed to happen at 4:00 this afternoon. president trump and new york governor andrew cuomo have been going around and around on testing for the last few weeks. cuomo insisting that the federal government has to step up when it comes to testing. president trump saying, hey, the federal government is not in the business of standing on street corners testing people. but over the last 48 hours, signs of greater cooperation after cuomo acknowledged that the president is correct that testing is the purview of the states, the president now stepping up to increase the supply of testing swabs and a specimen test tubes so that those can be sent out to the states. before heading for washington this afternoon, cuomo indicated that testing will be a big part of this conversation after his meeting with the president because there does need to be a federal state partnership. listen here to cuomo.
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>> get the instinct to distance yourself from it, right? but it is a situation where you need everybody to work together and you need to understand quickly who is in a better position to do what. from my point of view, i think the federal government has to take that national manufacturer supply chain issue. >> the meeting is close to the media but we do expect that the president will talk about it at the upcoming coronavirus briefing later this afternoon. we will also, likely, at that meeting here about the presidents vowed to sign an executive order restricting all immigration to the united stat united states. the president says he's doing and in an attempt to preserve american jobs as the nation begins the process of getting back to work and also to prevent new coronavirus infection from entering the united states from overseas. the new measure is intended to be temporary, but it's unclear exactly what temporary means. here's the national security advisor. >> we will have to wait and see, but no one likes it.
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the president month the travel restrictions in place, he didn't want to put the immigration restrictions in place, but we have to because of the terrible virus being unleashed from foreign shores and the responsibility of the united states. >> not surprisingly, democrats are hammering the president over his about to restrict immigration. mayor bill de blasio of new york city saying that the president is merely deflecting from the juco important issues of testing and getting more money out to the states. listen here. >> what i saw was bluntly, and very sadly, just a brazen political move by the president to introduce the question of immigration in the middle of this, when he hasn't done those two things i just mentioned. he hasn't gotten a stamped sting, he's not getting a stimulus funding, he's not doing his job. >> the white house is optimistic they could get new paycheck protection money as early as this evening, may be put until tomorrow. so, it looks bill, as though thursday would be the earliest day that that fund could be
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replenished. >> bill: john, thank you so much, john roberts, headlines from the white house when we get in here. thank you, sir, want to bring a john kennedy now, republican senator from louisiana, thank you for your time. just to go through the details here, $310 billion for the paycheck program, $7 billion for hospitals, $25 billion for testing. does that sound about right to you, for the moment? >> that's about 450000000000-$500 billion, bill. money for the ppp, small business program, hospitals, and testing. the last bill we passed had money for small businesses, hospitals, and testing. the problem is, last thursday, we ran out of money for our ppp program, the program for small businesses. there was and still is money left for hospitals on testing. senators schumer and speaker pelosi, instead of allowing us to refill the
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program last week, for the small businesses, said we had to wait, and do it this week, to add more money for hospitals and testing, when we haven't run out yet. that makes no sense to me. i don't know how many thousands of businesses we have lost as a result of this week's delay. and it does make me angry, as you can tell, i think it was wildly irresponsible, i have tried to see it from their point of view, but frankly, i can't, because i can't get my head that far up my rear end. we've got to stop the partisan political pageantry and start thinking about working together. >> bill: well, you just her john roberts a be passed until maybe thursday of this week, we will see if that day holds. in the meantime, as you point out, the burden is extraordinary. larry kudlow's going to talk about that coming up in about 3.
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in louisiana, the governor says you are on track to reopen, not yet, the governor says, may be the 1st of may. what sort of consideration do you give they're in louisiana, when you consider how hard or lens parish has been hit, and really in the early days of this pandemic, sir. >> all areas are the same, about more than half of our cases are in the new orleans metropolitan area, but our numbers are headed in the right direction, in terms of health. they're not heading the right direction in terms of the economy. i don't know how long the american economy, and the wheezy hannah economy can stay shut down until they collapse >> bill: okay, all right, hang on, that's a doctor who is coming up in the next segment, craig spencer, he's in new york. but the louisiana senator, if we can reestablish the line, will
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go ahead and complete the thought here. because, what was happening here is that you've got governors in south carolina, georgia, and also in tennessee, they believe certain aspects of the business community in those three states can move forward and reopen now. so i believe we've got the senator back, just go in and complete the thought, i know exclusively in louisiana, that's where you are, but how much delicacy is given to these decisions that governors are having to make in 50 different states, senator? >> well, it's hard for them. it's a choice between cancer and heart attack. you want to protect lives, but you've got to protect livelihoods. i think we ought to follow the trump file g guidelines, they make sense to me. you obviously don't open a hot spot. you continue to socially distance. you encourage your elderly and those with pre-existing conditions to stay in, you use technology to predict hot spots. you wear masks.
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every industry is not going to be the same. this much i do know, the most important things in life aren't things, bill. life is important, but you can die from poverty too. and i don't know how long this economy can stay shut down without collapsing, but i don't want to find out. and some of my friends say well, we need to keep it shut down until there are no more coronavirus cases. and i don't see how that is realistic, or possible. i mean, we will have burned down the village to save it, we will all be living in a desert. so i think we can do both, save lives and save livelihoods. >> bill: senator, thank you for your time, and thanks for hanging in there. touch and go on the technology side of it, as you well know. john kennedy, thank you in louisiana, we will talk again soon. thank you sir. in the meantime, fox news alert, national security advisor today
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saying the u.s. is watching these reports about north korean dictator kim jong un on in very closely, it's hard to verify any information that comes out of pyongyang. a south korean news site reports that kim is recovering after he reportedly had a heart surgery. greg talcott has been to north korea several time, pride of london, the latest on this. what are we piecing together on this at the moment, greg? >> bell, that's exactly what we've been looking at for the past many hours now after the story broke overnight, and they are still many questions regarding the health of the north korean leader kim jong un and not a lot of answers. so, after appearing at a meeting of the polling bureau about a week ago, saturday, the south korean website claims he then went into heart surgery at the family hospital of the kim's, that's the north of pyongyang, and is recovering in a nearby villa.
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since then, he has been missing in action, that adds to the possibility here, including the celebration of the birthday of his grandfather, north korea's founder. and that time it was thought maybe he had cobit, but now, new reports say he is in grave danger since the operation. here's what national security advisor robert o'brien had to say earlier today. >> so we're watching a reports closely. we will have to see, as everyone here knows, the north koreans are parsimonious with the information that they put out about many things, especially when it comes to leaders, so we will keep a close eye on it. >> bill, obviously the health of this young leader is crucial interest on top of a mountain of nuclear weapons, and in difficult talks with the trump administration, interestingly enough, south korean government officials are trying to tamp this down, they're only saying he's outside of pyongyang, but we talked to key contact for
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fox news in the region, north korean news editor chad, he said we have to stay concerned about this, we will be watching, we will be waiting, back to you. >> bill: thank you, greg, greg talcott recording from london. again, piecing it together as we go. thank you, greg. in a moment, more on the pandemics impact on the economy. this is a major hit. what it can mean for our relationship with beijing. i will talk to the white house chic economic advisor larry kudlow on that, coming out. also the fda approves the coronavirus at home, how that might stop the spread, coming out. veterans can refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. one call could save you $2000 a year.
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but one thing hasn't: breakfast. and, if that feels like a little bit of comfort, it's thanks to... the farmers, the line workers and truckers, the grocery stockers and cashiers, and the food bank workers, because right now breakfast as usual is more essential than ever. to everyone around the world working so hard to bring breakfast to the table, thank you.
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to everyone around the world some companies still have hr stuck between employeesentering data.a. changing data. more and more sensitive, personal data. and it doesn't just drag hr down. it drags the entire business down -- with inefficiency, errors and waste. it's ridiculous. so ridiculous. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single,
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>> bill: health officials have been saying anti-buddy testing has been an important step toward reopening the economy. phil keating reports live from south florida where antibody testing is always happening. phil, good afternoon to you. >> good afternoon, bill, antibody testing really reveals the biological history of yourself. it shows whether you had covid-19 in the past or you didn't. majority of those who shows they did have it, they never even knew they did. our firefighters and paramedics, first responders, those are the people on the front lines, and it's imperative that we know if they are safe, not contagious, and if they had koba 19 at some point. so in florida, the entire fire
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department is submitting antibody finger prick test would help show the bigger story. >> the front line of what's going on in this pandemic, although first responders, nurses and stuff, people want to know, some people are a symptomatically it's in the back of your mind, you want to do the job, you want to be healthy, you want to not spread this disease. >> our own dr. marc siegel frame bit, these antibody tests are like a get back to work hard. university of miami is also doing these finger prick tests, all for antibodies. 700 people tested last week, 700 this week. ultimately aiming for 10,000. it's all about data collection to better help community leaders make decisions on when and how soon we all get back to normal. >> the antibody testing is really useful for understanding what's happening within a given geography, like a county, with regard to koba 19. it allows us to approximate the prevalence of local infection.
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>> the initial results from the um study show between 4%-8% of all those tested actually had covid-19 in the past, that matches up with l.a. county, which all show showed 4% tested that they had had it. and of all the people that do test positive, according to um, the university of miami, 60% reported they never, ever even had a symptom, bill. >> bill: well, phil keating thanks, thank you, phil. the fda meanwhile approving the first at-home test kit for covid-19. dr. craig spencer, director of global health, new york presbyterian university, doctor, good to have you back on the program here, thank you for your time. how does the at-home test work, doctor? >> so, it's important to mention that there is this fda approved, there is also dozens of other tests that are on the market that are nonfda approved. these antibody tests are not required to have fda approval.
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the specific one you're referring to is a nasal swab that you mix with a little saline and then you send back to a place like lab core, one of these big national testing centers. you will get a result back later to determine whether or not you have antibodies, theoretically, whether or not you are immune. this is important, and it's helpful, but we need to be careful to not rely on this too much, because we don't exactly know the thresholds, we don't exactly know if someone attests positive is actually immune. >> bill: so, if it is successful, and if it does work, doctor, how would that change the game for us? >> there's a lot of unknowns that still need to be answered, we need to know how good these texts are because no test is 100% specific or sensitive. meaning that just because you test negative doesn't mean you're necessary language of, and because you test positive doesn't always mean that you are positive. these are really, potentially small numbers, but they can be huge, for example, if you think about an antibody test like a pregnancy test, there's a
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certain threshold you have to reach before you turn positive. a pregnancy test, you could be for weeks pregnant, or 40 weeks pregnant, and he will have the exact same result. we don't know how many antibodies you actually need to be immune, whether at that four-week level or that 40 week level, and these tests are not going to tell you that. we still don't know how much antibodies you need in your blood to provide that protection, and like i mentioned before, some of these tests will come back with a potentially small but significant number of false positives, meaning people who actually don't have anybody's main test positive, and they may think that they have protection when they don't. it will be a small amount, even with the best test, it could be a big amount for some of the worst tests that are out there, but if you think about 3%-4% of the u.s. having hadn't been exposed to this, it's a margin of error meaning that the percentage of people that have a false positive test, meaning that they actually haven't been exposed but the test says they have antibodies, if that's 2%, 3%, 4%, that means many people
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could think they have anybody's and actually do, this could be dangerous if were giving this and people are using this as a kind of get out of the house and go back to normal functioning. >> bill: got you, doctor, one last question. you mentioned a nasal swab, i wonder if that's more accurate than a blood test, blood cells more accurate. if it is possible to do this at home, you're giving me hope, you're giving a lot of people hope, how can you get a test, doctor? >> it's really tough. right now, what we need, is we need a lot more testing, not just the antibody testing, it is the nasal swabs that were doing in clinics and urgent care is. we know that this is going to be the way to safely reopen back the economy, not just in new york, but all over the country. i see the health impact of this disease come i also see and understand the economic impact it's having, it's touched every single person in my family, we want open america is much as possible. the white house has a plan, we need a decreasing case for
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weeks, we need increase in testing, we need way more testing way more frequently. for basically everyone is going to be exposed over the next couple of months. >> bill: we may get some of that word from the white house a sour. thank you so much, craig spencer back in new york, thank you for coming back with us. in a moment here, the price of oil dropping into the red for the first time in history. wow. did you see this. what does it mean for the economy? we will check on that. $1 for a gallon of gasoline? also in a moment, the mayor of las vegas saying it's time to get back to business. i will talk to her. we will hear her out in a moment, next. >> no guarantee went to open safely is coming. i am just a saying let's go forward, do it now. during trying times. today, being on your side means staying home... "nationwide office of customer advocacy." ...but we can still support you
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b-2 said the ceo of wynn resorts calling for the las vegas strip to reopen next month, with what he calls extensive safety measures. las vegas mayor carolyn goodwin is with me now, she calls the shutdown "total insanity." she's with me amount to make her case. mayor, no you don't govern the strip, but you were born in 1939, major polio outbreak in america then. go ahead, make your case, why do you consider the total insanity over trying to keep bill safe and alive? >> well, first of all, the most important things were so grateful to everybody who is working on this, and absolutely, any one life lost his way to many. but the reality is, i'm assuming everybody is asymptomatic or is already a positive carrier, but maybe with no germs. today, you swab my nose, i don't have it, i'm negative.
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then next week, i will be positive. so the question is, how do we not assume everybody already is positive, and may be asymptomatic. but how do we then go back to work. the problem is we have so many in our community, because were a hospitality industry, and so many who are now without roofs over their head, waited to pay bills, ways to feed their children, and it is so more harmful than actually the disease to so many for the future for our children and their children. and what we need to be concentrating on is getting people back to work, in the most safe environment. and of course las vegas is going to be where -- >> bill: i apologize for the interruption, i know you guys are getting hammered out there in las vegas with the economy, i totally get it, but how do you do it in a way that's safe for everyone? i guess you could if you had a test on wednesday and a test
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available on friday, and again on monday, that's one way to do it. >> well, no, the reality is we have grown to be so successful because we have been so hygienically focused, people wouldn't come to her restaurants, and or hotel rooms, and these large gatherings if we weren't already successful in what were doing. get this point, nobody can be assured that tomorrow, or inform months, they haven't contracted the disease. so the reality is, we have to go forward assuming where all carriers, no how do we prepare best? and our people here, and the small businesses, in the hotels, especially in this city have been working on ways from the day they were closed down to figure out a way to bring people back to work and our customers, get back to our convention business, get back to the entertainment, and the dining experience and vacation everybody looks forward to in las vegas. >> bill: okay.
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well, i think we can agree on this, sooner is better than later, mayor. but, that debate continues, i appreciate your time today. watching a few events at the white house, carolyn goodman, democratic mayor there in las vegas. >> no, no, no, no, nonpartisan. >> bill: okay. noted. thank you so much. carolyn goodman, thank you for your time. right now, president trump is set to meet with new york governor andrew cuomo in the oval office, meanwhile, the governor of texas, and some other states are starting to lift restrictions as they push to reopen the economy. i talked to karl rove about balancing jobs and public health, plus we will talk about this. >> i also accept the all in challenge, i'm glad to help families in need to they need our help during this time. a lot of families are hurting out there, that need our help, need our prayers. >> bill: want to play golf
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with peyton manning? you want to hang out with justin bieber in your living room, now's your chance, we will talk to the man behind the all in challenges raising millions to feed the hungry during this pandemic. newday usa makes it so easy to refinance that one call can save you $2000 a year. newday's va streamline refi lets you refinance without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised and without spending one dollar out of pocket to get it done. it is the quickest and easiest refi they've ever offered. one call can save you $2000 a year, every year.
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>> bill: governors across the country now giving updates on the coronavirus, some of the states begin to lift restrictions. the governor of texas taking steps to start reopening his state's this week. they will allow retail stores to open on friday for delivery and pickup orders. i want to bring an karl rove or from our white house deputy chief of staff of the president george w. bush, carl, good afternoon to you, little crisis management here today, whether it's governor abbott there in texas, or the governors in south carolina, tennessee, and georgia. give us a sense about how they make statements, how they draft these leadership positions, and then ultimately, try and lead us out of the current place in which were in, carl, what's your
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feeling on that. >> well, take a look at texas, governor abbott enacted a strike force including leaders of the business community, big business and small businesses. and health care professionals, led by the former chairman of the university of texas, retired banker. they've begun to meet, and the governor has outlined come on friday, some initial steps. first of all, they're going to allow hospitals to begin elective surgery. as you know, hospitals across the country were told don't take elective surgery during this time in order to keep those beds open for covert patients. a friend of mine who is on the strike force told me that one of the major facilities in dallas, they have three covert patients, and hundreds of a available beds. so he said elective surgery. state parks could open so people who want to get out and don't have a ranch or don't have land of their own to go to can go to state parks. and then come on friday, retail stores can open as long as it's
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pickup only. people can't come into the store, but they can order online, or they can order over the phone and then pick up the order. this is coupled with some instructions on senior living, and then a decision to keep the schools closed, but to allow video instruction. so a balanced approach. going forward, however, the governor said whatever he does is going to have to have not only the support of the business and community leaders on his strike force, but it's got to have the approval of the health care professionals. and you've got some top-flight people. one of the leading experts in the country, epidemiologist on testing, parker hudson of dell children's hospital. mark mcclellan, a texan and the former fda commissioner and the head of medicaid and medicare under george w. bush. dr. johns there was who is a respected state legislator who is now the vice chancellor of the university of texas system in charge of this gigantic health care system that ut has. half the budget of university of texas is devoted to their medical schools, and so forth.
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dr. john hiller stat who is the state health and human services commissioner, also a doctor. they're going to have to agree on any steps that the business community recommends to gradually open up our economy in texas. all across the country got to be balanced. >> bill: is the way described that, carl, texas has got its own task force, to try to figure out the way forward. quickly, i want to share these monmouth results with you, now they go back to the 7th of april, so it's about two weeks old, a lot of things have changed into weeks, but this is what i find interesting, do you personally know someone who has contracted the virus. 74% say no. also in that poll, how concerned are you about someone in your family becoming ill, 50%, they are very concerned, about 33% say somewhat concerned. i don't know if that goes to you, carl if it's reality versus fear versus concern, how do you
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reflect on that first number, when you think about three quarters of those polled, two weeks ago, did not know someone who was covid-19 positive. >> yeah, well that's right, but 100% of the american people are aware of how dangerous this can spread, and how many people are dying. you know, we have become educated, like it or not. you know, it's funny. we have two concerns, deep concerns, people are fearful about the health of their family, and their fearful about the economic health of their family, so, you know, is somebody in my family going to get sick, particularly somebody who is vulnerable, somebody who's got a compromised immune system, or an older family member, and at the same time people are saying how my going to be able to pay their rents, pay the mortgage, save some money, for the things that we need for life, and a lot of people in this country had no resources to fall back on. so it's the balance between these two things. and governors across the state and mayors are going to have to
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do with balancing these things. texas is not the only state that has a task force like this, but in fact, mark mcclellan and his friend and colleague scott not lee are also advising the state of maryland, but it's smart for governors to sort of state and say i recognize these two concerns that people have, and how, as we begin to restart the economy do we balance those two concerns. >> bill: interesting stuff, thank you carl, great to see you today. karl rove, pushing forward, we will see how austin and the rest of texas does later in this week, thank you, carl, for your time today. i want to show you a live look at the dow, 20 minutes left in trading, oil prices plunged, still record those, this is what were getting on the market, down about 2%, trading down about 470 points. it's been that way most of the day. in some places are seeing gas prices drop below $1 a gallon. jeff flock, fox business, at a gas station outside of kenosha,
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wisconsin, for more there. hey, jeff. >> lowest prices in the nation, bill, in the state of wisconsin. right there, that's a quick trip in kenosha, and as perhaps, you see, it's a very windy day today, by the way, i point out. $0.99. that's just the tip of the iceberg. take a look at this map, i think it depicts some of the rest of the state, it gets is cheap as $0.89. that, if you do the math, it's cheaper than water and some places. national average, still at $1.81 for regular. that's about a quarter cheaper than it was last month, and a dollar cheaper than it was this time last year. and several states, bill, have already, now, the cheapest gas they've had in a decade, and topped by wisconsin, also including states like kentucky, michigan, oklahoma, minnesota, and illinois. and so there you have it. it's a great thing, the only problem is, of course, as
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perhaps you can tell, not a whole lot of people driving around at this point. so, it is a bit of a stimulus, puts a few extra dollars, perhaps back in your pocket, i gassed up this morning, i got $18 worth of gas, and the pump turned off, i thought shoot, what's wrong with that, i've got to put more in there, i usually pay about $40 or $50 to fill up. then i realized, $18 paid for 1. not bad. >> bill: make you feel good, jeff? >> yeah. i went in and bought a candy b bar. >> bill: so there's that. thank you jeff. jeff flock, kenosha, wisconsin, cheapest gas in the country, for now, thank you. in a moment, waiting on a senate vote expected later today to get more money to small businesses across america. in a moment, we will talk with white house chief economic advisor larry kudlow, live on the north honest senator chuck schumer says the final details have now been hammered out.
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also at this time, new york governor andrew cuomo's at the white house too. and we know what they will be talking about, number one, they'll be talking about money, new york and new york city especially is looking for billions of dollars from the federal government to help bail out new york, in order to help them get to the other side of this current pandemic. it is an economic crunch, and a significant way just like we are talking about from the mayor of las vegas about 20 minutes ago, you can imagine what they're dealing with a new york city as well, and all across america. at the same time, governor cuomo, earlier today, when acid is daily news conference about wood message he would take to the white house, he has been talking about testing to try to urge the federal government to provide more money for more testing, but apparently, some of that testing will be contained in this bill, that by all measures, at the moment, has bipartisan approval in the senate. if that is the case, we'll move forward, with another $400 billion, and what could be considered phase 3.5, or phase,
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eventually phase four for federal money to the tune of billions and billions of dollars. larry kudlow is hooked up now, larry, thank you, welcome back to her program here, and good afternoon to you. a couple things i want to go through quickly, larry, in the time that we have. oil prices have fallen through the floor. what does that mean for our economy, larry? >> well, i think it's a signal that the world economy has been a very badly hit by the virus and the mitigation efforts on the virus, and you're seeing a huge drop in the aggregate demands, that includes the demand for energy, oil, and gas, that's why prices are low. this will prove to be temporary, in my judgment, but as we try to reopen our economy, and provide new economic growth policies, hopefully there will be an oil rebound. but right now, we are still amidst a very bad economic contraction, it's not of our own making, not business,
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nonworkers, it's not our policies, it's all because of the virus. >> bill: i'm looking at a burn rate of $50 billion a day in these federal programs, larry. first of all, do you have a deal in the next phase right now? >> apparently so, judging from what i read from the leaders, sarah mcconnell, senator schumer, i think treasure secretary mnuchin and president trump will be talking about this at the presidents news conference and a little while. but i looks like it's about $480 billion, and the centerpiece, $320 billion for the payroll protection program. $60 billion for disaster relief, that's a special sba disaster relief. $75 billion for hospitals. and $25 billion for testing. i might not have it all, bill, but i think that pretty much covers it, it comes to about
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$480 billion. >> bill: i think that the broad outline, 310 billion into direct payments, $75 billion in hospitals, $25 billion for testing which goes to support a lot of governors. larry, what took so long, and why was that? >> well, i don't know, we try to come together, it's got to be bipartisan, as you know, president trump has been out in front on this, you know, even a day or two before the run rate for the ppp was coming to an end, he made his plea, secretary mnuchin, upon the hell constantly, i give him a lot of credit, trying to put it together with republicans and democrats, they need the money, trying to keep people working okay, were trying to keep businesses going, were trying to keep people working, and the basic program, look, it works very well and basically, 175 million americans either through the direct tracks, or the ppp, or a number of other
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assistance programs will be recipients, we want to just try to stabilize this story, keep people going, keep businesses going to the best of our ability, and the good news is the virus -- >> bill: try and get them -- >> to the other side -- >> bill: i've got a minute left, i don't mean to sound rude, i apologize for that. and the minute i have left, how much of a discussion in the west wing concerns china? if it is true that the reporting out of wuhan et cetera plays out, how will the u.s. government leave a mark on beijing so it doesn't happen again, larry? >> well, look, china must be held accountable. that's the key point that i want to make. there is no question of the origin of this virus. that was in china. a lack of transparency, a lack of information is extremely troublesome.
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this will be investigated over a period of time, and we will see how it turns out. we still have a trade deal with china, but they will be held accountable. the main thing here right now is let us get through the next few weeks as the virus numbers flatten out and the guidelines going to place for a phase reopening of the economy. people that will be so, social. >> bill: larry, thank you so much for your time, larry kudlow, i know you're very busy, thanks for being here. in a moment here, the nfl draft taking place virtually this year, have you heard about it? coaches and gm's have been tweeting pictures of their home war rooms. there is 49ers gm john lynch, john elway is set up, he says a practice draft went pretty smoothly, despite some technical
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glitches, just one of the ways, now, professional sports is adapting. back in a moment on that. that's me. by using your va streamline refi benefit, one call to newday usa can save you $2,000 a year. that's me. there's no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. that's me. put your va home loan benefits to good use. call my team at newday usa.
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>> bill: they are try going to do with the nfl in two days. he also started this challenge called all in which is partnering with thousands of athletes to raise money for coronavirus hunger relief. how will they do a draft from the basements or the living rooms of coaches and gms all across america, do you think? >> the great thing about sports as you have so many innovators. i think it's going to be great. honestly, it is no different than the way we have 200 acting celebrities that are coming together for the challenge. when times are tough, we will do it with all challenge. we couldn't be more excited about everyone going all into
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donate incredible item or experience and really helped to raise what we held to be $100 million plus. >> bill: it is a great cause. i want to ask you about it with regard to the draft. what else is there to watch these days? i agree with you. a lot of people will tune in. tell me about the all in challenge with ellen degeneres and tom brady and timberlake and bill murray and justin bieber and just how much money you been able to raise for america. >> the challenge is really simple. we went out and challenged every athlete, every celebrity, every artist, every sports team owner to go all in and donate one incredible prize possession they own. we've already raised $15 million. we had so many incredible experiences. the entire friends team, a reunion with them, justin bieb justin bieber, tom brady donated
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his first shoes and jersey when he played his first game. that has $775,000 bid. either you can bid on auction items or others some items where you can donate as little as ten or $25 to win. things like just in coming to your house to sing to you personally. leonardo dicaprio, robert de niro, incredible experiences, however you want to help. donate as small as ten or $25. there are so many incredible experiences. we have already raised $15 million in our first week. we're excited about it. everyone's coming together on this. >> bill: yeah, do it. michael, thank you for coming on today. but the website on so folks can log on and ship and when they are ready. thank you, michael. out of philadelphia, thank you, sir.
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gotcha. we are here monday through friday. set your dvr and never miss a report. in the meantime, stocks are trading lower. clearly, you can see that on your screen. neil, has got the lowdown. he's up next. >> neil: all right, so much on that, bill, so much on the big powwow going on at the white house between governor andrew cuomo and the president of the united states ready for the senate to take up that $484 million stimulus. it looks like it's going to have a easy time with it in the senate. in the house where they still want to add some things on, we just don't know. very good to have all of you with this. i'm neil cavuto, and this is to be 21. energy prices are still declining. stocks were declining as a result. but it wasn't as crazy or freaky as i got yesterday when i got negative prices for oil. today, we came back a little bit. for stocks, the issue still seems to be that
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