tv Hannity FOX News April 21, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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are very merited. >> tucker: there are a lot of specifics out there. thanks so much for telling us tonight. appreciate it. we are out of time. our hour is done. but sean hannity takes over from new york now. >> sean: you gave me ten seconds. you didn't take the three seconds back. if you wanted it that bad, i give it to you. tucker, great show. >> tucker: i was desperate. >> sean: busy tonight on "hannity." the president tonight once again taking bold action to secure the american people. it's sad. when you really stop and think, this is about lives, isn't it? our fellow americans, you wouldn't know it from the media, democrats. the one guy that was ahead of the curve as it relates to china, travel ban, the need to secure america's borders, is now taking another important measure to protect we the american people at our jobs.
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take a look. >> we have a solemn duty to ensure these unemployed americans regain their jobs and their livelihoods in order to protect american workers, i will be issuing a temporary suspension of immigration into the united states. you heard about that last night. by pausing immigration, we'll help unemployed americans first in line for jobs as america reopens. so important. it would be wrong and unjust for americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad. >> sean: essential workers will be exempt from the immigration suspension for that would include doctors on the front line battling covid-19, other health workers and americans. we always welcome immigrants. but the president is right to secure our borders. why? we need to vet people, make sure they don't have radical ties. we need to make sure that people are healthy, not to be invasive, to make sure they are healthy to
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protect the american people. they have to be able to provide for themselves. yeah, 90% of america's heroine crosses that border. we need to do it for that reason as well. welcome to our great american family. the 60 day suspension will give us time to assess our economy, give americans time to get back to work. hopefully sooner rather than later. what we have now witnessed in the past several months, the media mob will never tell you, democrats will never acknowledge it, it's unprecedented. so is this administration's response. we are now witnessing right before our very eyes what is then and is the greatest medical mobilization this country has ever seen. president trump filed to get states all the critical supplies, the resources they need, most states, most governors were not prepared for anything. no emergency. delivered in the promise a big way and so far the federal government has distributed 57.4 million n95 masks and they
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are being built as we speak, 85.3 million surgical masks, 6.4 million face shields, 12.3 million surgical gowns, 638 million sets of gloves, nearly 11,000 respirators, the strategic stocks that number is surging. the gm assembly line is now working. they are producing every day. over the next week, more than 500 will be delivered as promised. we have thousands more than we ever needed, tens of thousands more will still be on the way. the president and his team triggering the defense production act and thanks to all these great american businesses -- by the way, they never stop working. they kept supplying our hospitals, our heroes on the front line, or doctors, or nurses, or janitors in the hospitals, the real heroes here, they were being supported by people that didn't stop working. just like the food going on the shelves and the medicines,
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pharmacies even in states like new york, they all stepped up to the plate. they never stopped working, they never shut down. farmers farmed, packers packed, truckers truck. thank god, they stock those shelves and stayed stocked. meanwhile the united states leading the world on testing come in the country even close. tested more of its citizens than any other country, many countries combined as a matter of fact. the president mobilized our great military, over 5,500 u.s. military personnel, they have been deployed across carico doesn't hospitals, 378,000 national guard heroes now on duty as well. the javits center came from the president, same with the comfort. that personnel came from the president. let's not forget about project air bridge, that's the public-private partnership organized by the white house. it sent massive u.s. cargo planes to pick up crucial medical supplies from factories around the world to get them
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here as fast as possible. so far, 64 flights have been completed. at least 50 more are scheduled. this massive mobilization did not happen overnight. didn't happen by chance either. from the very first days of the virus, the president has taken one bold action after another to protect american lives. there is an op-ed in "the wall street journal" rightly pointed out, president trump acted with dispatch to keep americans safe, even when that was unpopular. like on january 31st when president trump and travel to and from china. the first quarantine in over 30 years and subsequent travel ban's. the mob, media raised to call him racist. they said he overreacted. "the new york times" come the geniuses they are, they indicated days later, perfectly safe to travel to china. i wonder if anyone followed "the new york times" horrific advice. inquiring minds want to know. more confused than ever joe biden called the president xenophobic, hysterical, accused
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him of your monitoring the democrats, what were they doing on capitol hill? they were consumed by the impeachment stunt. they were not focused on the coronavirus, just criticizing the travel ban. days later, nancy pelosi, she was signing and handing out those commemorative impeachment pens and taking selfies? during the state of the union address, as he was talking about the coronavirus, she was busy with another political stunt, preripping and officially ripping up the speech and the preplanned temper tantrum for the cameras. february 24th, that genius who loves ice cream? she went down to the crowded streets of san francisco's chinatown, encouraged everyone to come visit. in march, the left was totally preoccupied with their insane political narrative that the president was racist for calling the coronavirus wuhan or the chinese coronavirus even though the virus originated in wuhan in china. >> we are not behaving well as
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the president does every day talking about the chinese virus, the wuhan flu, and all of these racist descriptions. >> why are you confusing this? >> this is a virus that came from the territory of china but came from bats. this is a bat virus, not a china virus. it doesn't speak chinese. >> the president says this is not racist at all one of course it's nakedly racist and obviously racist and blatantly racist. >> for the president to call it a chinese virus or a foreign virus, that is just so dangerous. >> the mob in the media spent march using the virus as a political weapon, which they did. other top democrats, they were still playing down the severity of the pandemic. comrade de blasio, march 2nd, encouraging new yorkers to go out on the town. "catch a play." the governor claimed the disease wouldn't be as bad in new york as other countries.
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wrong on both parts. new york is an international city. new york city is more densely populated than any other place in america. geographically, the smallest with the highest concentration of people. far more risk for a terrorist attack, a viral outbreak than anyone else in the country. yet the city of new york was woefully unprepared. in fact, sometime after 2016, comrade de blasio, the ever complaining they are actually auctioned off the city's 500 reserve ventilators but. he doesn't know who got them. the city's stockpile of ppe supplies were virtually nonexistent. when the virus exploded, which was predictable because they had multiple studies including the city of new york, the federal government came to the rescue and rightfully so paired the president, he ordered the construction of numerous emergency hospitals in and around new york. with federal personnel, he sent the usns comfort, staffed it with his personnel.
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constructed the massive, largest in the country, temporary hospital at the javits center, ordered both the ship and the javits center to be converted to accept covid patients. not an easy thing to do, you've got to change the ventilation, and the president also sent all the ventilators and the medicine that de blasio never had. but comrade de blasio not particularly grateful. shamefully standing in front of a microphone accusing the president of "leaving new yorkers to die." can't make this up. he said it. watch. >> i remember famously in the 1970s when one of your predecessors, gerald ford, didn't care to help new york city during the fiscal crisis. there was that famous daily news cover that said "forward to city: drop dead." my question, mr. trump, are you going to save new york city or are you telling new york city to
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drop dead? >> sean: >> sean: comrade de blasio, if president trump dl your sorry many more would have been infected, many more would've been hospitalized, nobody would've had a ventilator. instead, new york city, thanks to president trump, you can thank him, mr. mayor, thankfully a piece pursue biggest decline in hospitalizations, intubatio intubations, a death rate, not fast enough, but also declining. comrade de blasio should be thanking the president because he built the he sent you the ventilators you sold, the medical equipment you never had knowing the threats were real for you new york. you should be held accountable for your complete ineptitude, incompetence, and frankly you're kind of ungrateful too because the american taxpayers, we are paying for all of that. that means people outside of new york, you can thank them
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too. brings us to something -- we've noticed over the past several weeks. while the president faces a hostile press corps every single solitary second of every day, by the way, governor cuomo met with the president. the governor to his credit consistently praise the president, but a few hiccups here and there. to his credit, the governor has been thankful. the governor of new york has worked with the president daily. we have noticed the liberal media mob does treat him differently than president trump. he faces a far less hostile mob in the media. a quick example. >> is it possible your impulse to put a positive spin on things may be giving americans a false sense of hope? >> i don't think so. >> [indistinct question] >> where is dr. fauci. >> i don't know. whenever he's not here, you say, where is he, and you'll say, is there a problem?
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>> i'll talk to you tomorrow. how confident am eye of federal responsibility in action? not that confident. >> we hit the grim milestone of more than 40,000 americans now having died of the coronavirus. can you explain then why you come out here and were reading clips and showing clips of praise for you and your administration? >> sean: what you just saw? it's not shocking. i don't blame governor cuomo but i do blame the mob in the media. the same people, frankly, people rooting when donald trump became president that he failed from day one. the same mob that lied, smeared, besmirched, one conspiracy hoax after another. they can't acknowledge a single good thing the president has done. people should ask the mob in the media, the president's travel ban a good thing?
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that the president do a good job building hospitals for new york? did the president to a good job of getting the ventilators and supplies sent to the ill-prepared mayor of new york? during a national emergency, the mob never changes. they will even publicize the virus because they hate donald trump. that's how sick they are. we have their timeline. march 8th, fake news cnn, "it's trump's katrina." march 9th, "washington post," this is eric temple's paper, calling it "donald trump's chernobyl." extending the travel ban to europe, march 13th, when the president declared a national emergency, "time" magazine called it in the admission of failure. march 19th, fake new cnn claiming trump's lack of imagination was costing american lives and treasure. march 30th, "the boston globe" not to be undone by anyone in the mob accused the president of
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having blood on his hands. the psychos over at msdn see that live in that alter universe of theirs, they have one of their paid commentators in hopes that tens of thousands of people will die because of trump's coronavirus incompetence. april 11th, "the new york times," very same paper and encouraging to travel to china after the travel ban. they wrote that trump should have seen the virus coming. he did the ban ten days after the first case. you come in six days later, telling people it was safe to travel to china. yikes. monday, very angry msdnc -- former liberal steve schmidt. lost his mind. what happened to you? >> more than 40,000 americans are dead. this didn't have to be so. it's so because of the ineptitude of the white house response four years on from the
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promise of "i'll make america great again and i alone will fix it," we can survey the wreckage and the magnitude of the disaster in this country that has been wrought by the trump presidency, the ineptitude of the federal government shows everybody around the world from allied adversary what a clown show american governance has be. >> sean: it's sad, predicable, this kind of rhetoric in the middle of a national emergency. the mob in the media, the breathless effort from day one of the presidency of donald trump, literally make him into a villain. like, smear, slander, hoax, conspiracy, they did it all. letting the world's worst bad actor off the hook. this virus started in wuhan china. the chinese government attempted to cover it up. they killed scientists, murdered doctors, and suppressed important data that the world needed. they shut down all domestic
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travel to and from wuhan, and china, they kept international flights going, protecting themselves, infecting the world. they should pay some in china might be profiteering from the virus. here with more, the director of the office of trade and manufacturing policy, peter navarro. of all that china did, the fact that they shut down the travel, we'll get to the prophets here. within china, out of wuhan to china or china to wuhan, but left it open to the world, they knew how bad it was. they let the world get sick and die and they protected themselves. >> the chinese might call it the four kills, the killing of americans. they spawned the virus probably in that lab right there in china. and they hid the virus behind the shield of the world health organization. sean, what that data over a six-week period is allow hundreds of thousands of
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wuhanians to get on aircraft and see the world. why would they do that? it's just disgusting. what they did is they vacuumed up all of the worlds protective personal equipment, 2 billion masks, sean. that's why in milan, new york, and other places people didn't have them. now, sean, do you know what they are doing? they are profiteering from this crisis, charging prices for a 50-cent mask three, four, five dollars and sending us counterfeit tests. that's the four kills. killing of americans and people internationally put what's puzzling to me is why the mainstream media and the national democrats don't get that. the pupil that came out today, sean, was the most stunning affirmation of president trump's leadership. over 90% of americans see china as a major threat. over 70% have an unfavorable
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view of china. it's across party lines. i can't help but think of the 9% that don't see china as a threat. they are the common period over at the fake news media and national democrats like nancy pelosi and joe biden who basically don't want to blame anybody but donald trump for this wuhan virus. they are. said it. >> sean: you think this would be a haul element all hands on deck moment. it's not for a lot of people. but they do hold a lot of our debt. i think china should pay. >> one of the things i want to say about this, sean, that four killed story i told you, that's the story "60 minutes" should of told weeks ago. they wound up using 3 minutes out of context to blame president trump and the dog that didn't bark in that segment was the fact that they didn't have a word of ill towards china in terms of their contribution to it. i want to say to the american
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people that you got it right in the pew poll, got it right when it's over 90%. sean, we are going to have to hold china accountable when this is all over. what i'm focus on now is focusing on the supply chain to make sure that americans at the front line have the ppe and medicines they have and we will have do bring those supply chains home right here to america. >> sean: by the way, that looks like daylight. it looks like it's sunny behind you. >> i've got a north wind coming. this covid, wuhan coming into and make this country. >> sean: let's get our country up to >> lovely timelines, by the way. >> sean: things. we've got them for everybody. see and then all these politicians like ice cream loving pelosi. come to chinatown and february 24th, i've got it all
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there. the host of "lara logan has no agenda," host lara logan. sandra sanders is with us. i begin with you. i know you lived through a lot of this and that is the mob hates the president, they hated him the day he came down the escalator with melania trump. i don't expect them to change. you lived through russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine, mph, mph. i want the media to answer questions. in retrospect with the travel ban, was a good decision? next thing you want to say, what does the president do well in your opinion here? the hospital's, the ventilators he built, respirators he sent, can they say anything good? >> i don't think they can because they are so blinded by their hatred for this president, and they care more about destroying him and tearing him down and trying to stir their
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message of negativity about this president than they do about building this country up no matter how great of a job donald trump does, no matter how many lives he saved them on the matter how many likelihoods he protects, it will never be enough for the mainstream liberal media. they really wants to do nothing but destroy him and i think it's become a abundantly clear most americans, so much so they tune them out and it's one of the reasons it's so important for the president from the american people, he doesn't need them. he can reach more people without the media. i think that's why he continues to be strong and he continues to do well, the numbers reflect the good job that people think he's doing. >> sean: you have a very esteemed history. war correspondent, spent most of your life in war zones. you worked o on the news magazi,
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the ever so perceived as "60 minutes." a complement to you. i don't want to put you on the spot but i kind of want to do that for a living, how would you grade your colleagues in the media overall on their coverage like this, especially the president? >> well, i'm mindful of the reporters who have done extraordinary work. i know how hard people work on a breaking news story like this, sean, as you do. but at the same time, i do have to be honest because you asked me my opinion and i can't complain about being put on the spot. that's what we do. for me, the media is not doing particularly well because we have that saying, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, right? a more significant fact, something you pointed out all the time the president's actions in january at the travel ban,
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those kind of facts are left out because along with that are the opinions of millions of americans who don't have a strictly negative view of this president or how this administration has handled this crisis. what should comport every journalist is there are the hallmarks of a smear campaign here. a disinformation campaign, where the president is accused of racism and the whole conversation is about racism without looking at the substance of the issue that you are dealing with which is a virus that has come from china and all the related questions from that. >> sean: great insight from both of you. i think everybody in the media mob should answer two questions. i want to know in retrospect, did donald trump's travel ban ten days after the first known case in the united states of coronavirus, was that the right thing to do? does the president get credit, would you give them credit at a month's time building 25,000
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hospital beds, adding the personnel all over new york for the javits center, for the comfort, all the ventilators, do you give them any credit at all? the media needs to answer questions. congresswoman will cause io celebrating the crash of the oil market. senator lindsey graham a way in. china upping their antennae and the spy game against united states. you are not going to want to hear what we are going to tell you. that's what we do. straight ahead. announcer: wash your hands...
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americans. look at congresswoman ocasio-cortez actually celebrating the impending job loss in the oil industry, writing a now deleted tweet, you absolutely love to see it in response to news of oil prices crashing. education 1014 congresswoman ocasio-cortez peered celebrating what will be economic hardship in the time of crisis in the oil industry, the lifeblood of the world economy although you don't seem to quite understand that, these are career jobs for people. and theyy are going to lose the. just following the lead, i guess, of designer ice cream lover speaker pelosi who continues to put petty politics above needed aid for american businesses. remember, the speaker stonewallede the economic relie, for workers, for hospitals, for small businesses, for large businesses. caught downplaying the virus february 24th, has been defending china and at the w.h.o., despite obvious evidence of a massive cover-up that hurt
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thisat country. it's sick, ugly, twisted, not at all surprising. of course, the mob in the media, they continue to spend for pelosi. after a blistering trump added showing her hypocrisy in the $21,000 refrigerator, listen to the ladies of "the view," the hard-hitting new show on "abc news." take a look. >> this is just another distraction. okay, it doesn't look good, may be. she's got an expensive refrigerator. >> that's just manufactured fox news outrage and republican outrage. they are talking about, but her freezer! i'm really worried about the body's eyes being put in freezers in new york. that's what i'm worried about. i'm worried about there is no testing being done. >> sean: unfortunately the t disconnect between the left and reality is hitting every single corner of the democratic party. listen to what the pennsylvania governor has to say when asked this week about potential loopholes in the unemployment
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system that actually allow residents to make more money unemployed than when they are working peered by the way, the people of pennsylvania, very loudly saying they want to go back to work. take a look. >> a business owner asked if we have employees currently laid off and we call them back to work and we tell us they don't or won't come back because they are getting paid more with unemployment and the $600 bonus week we are paying them, what can t we do? can there unemployment be revoked? >> no. and for that business owner, if you ever face that kind of situation, there is one really simple thing you can do as a business owner for that is raise the compensation of your employees. >> sean: let's get americans back to work safely. breaking tonight, democratic governor of michigan is in hot water after being caught hiring democratic linked firms to lead efforts to track the spread of coronavirus and collect health data. here with a reaction to all of this, senator lindsey graham. senator, you are the one who
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rightly pointed out you can't pay people more money to stay at home. by the way, to the credit of the pennsylvania people, they are fighting to go back to work safely. we've got to do it safely. >> right. so let me just put this in context. i want to make sure that if you lose your job, that you are furloughed, laid off because of the mitigation, you've done nothing wrong, we want to make sureve that you receive 100% of your pay, but what we don't want to do, and unemployment is to pay you more that you actually received when you were working. contrary to what the pennsylvania governor says, it is not good for the economy to pay people more knots to work than actually work, and that's what we are doing. this has become a magnet to draw people out of the workforce. we'll never have an economic recovery until we fix this. you should get 100% of your wages, up to $50,000, but you should never be paid more in unemployment than your employer
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pays you because that really skews the whole economy. this guy in pennsylvania doesn't get that. i bet you a lot people in in pennsylvania do. don you agree with aoc that we should be excited with the distraction of the oil and gas industry? ask the pennsylvania governor who has a real oil and gas supply they are sitting on top of, do you agree with her? ask joe biden. joe, do you agree with aoc that we should be happy to destroy the oil and gas business in america? >> sean: i think it's a great question. governor whitmer of michigan, tomorrow we are going to compare the response of florida governor desantis with michigan governor. because she hasn't been doing so well. and for a lot of reasons, she's made a lot of mistakes. ron desantis did a lot of things right right he didn't get a lot of credit for. the coronavirus contract that she sent on social media that they hope donald trump gets
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coronavirus. >> you can't make this stuff up. athe the end of the day, the desire t to destroy donald trump by the democratic party is greater than it is to destroy the virus. in january and february, they were impeaching the president. nancy pelosi sat on the articles of impeachment for almost a month. the trial did not end until february 6th. chuck schumer, we would have witnesses all through february. my democratic colleagues here have lost their way. all i can say is that the governor of pennsylvania, you are wrong, my friend, when you say it's good for the country to pay people more to be unemployed than to actually work. that's not good economics, and most active americans are not looking for a pay raise. they would like to get their job back. >> they would like to get their job back there there's never been a medical mobilization that has been this fast and in the end every life matters. we want to save every american.
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we want to i want to ask every democrat running for congress, everyone in the media to answer, did the president make the right call as it relates to the travel ban ten days after the first known case in the u.s., and did the president do a good job building 25,000 hospital beds, mobilizing and providing the personnel, mobilizing the private sector to build ventilators and all the shields and masks and respirators and gowns and gloves, did hes, do anything go? according to them, he didn't and he really had, remember, even dr. fauci was saying the risk was low february 29th. you know, china really screwed everybody here. >> you know, china is the bad guy. i want you to ask the left, do you agree that the cdc guidelines implemented by president trump on march 13th saved millions of americans from
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a terrible death?? do you agree that declaring a national emergency on march 13th mobilized this country and save lives. did you agree that invoking the defense production act really med help the medical supply chain, we've got to bring back from china. february 29th, here's what dr. fauci said on "the today show." you need to put this on your list of quotes here. so this is the host saturday. so dr. fauci, people were working up with real concerns about this. they want to go to malls, movies, maybe the gym as well. should we be changing our habits and if so, how? fauci at this moment, there is no need to change anything on a day-to-day basis. the risk is still low, but this could change beer that's on february 29th, the smartest guy in america, i trust him. his best advice on february 29th, it's okay to go to the gym, okay to go to a movie, okay to go to the mall.
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stop blaming trump! that's what fauci thought february 29th and by march 13th things did change. by then, the press -- >> sean: this guy has saved lives throughout his career. we aren't criticizing him. we are making a point. china lied to everybody. i've got to run, though. >> including him! including him!lu >> sean: correct. coming up, officials warning china o increasing its spying on u.s. soil? that report straight ahead. ain . whether you're caring for your family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. we're working hard to answer your questions. like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. we're more than a financial company. we're a "together we can get through anything" company. now, more than ever.
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bring additional money for american small businesses who have been slammed by the coronavirus pandemic. the senate approved a $483 billion aid package on tuesday. it will replenish a small business rescue program, also provide hospitals with more money, and implement a nationwide virus testing program. president trump says he'll sign the bill if it passes the house. and giving the go-ahead for some businesses to reopen next friday, but many shop shopkeepers think it's too soon. one atlanta restaurant keeper want open for at least another month and one operator says to open up now would be negligence. a doctor in georgia state says georgia has not conducted enough states to monitor a resurgence. i am marianne rafferty. now back to "hannity." >> sean: and now even more major developments tonight surrounding china's propaganda efforts. according to an explosive new report from, beijing actually ramping up
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their spying efforts inside the u.s. to try and spread even more lies and deceit about their ndvirus response failure. and it gets worse, because drones being deployed to multiple law enforcement agencies all across the country to enforce social distancing, they are tied to a company suspected of spying for china. beijing biden still trying to rewrite history, now trying toto claim the president went easy on china. the exact opposite that is true. remember, biden called the travel ban "hysteria, xenophobic, and fearmongering" before taking months to change his mind, two months in three days to be even said last year that china was not a major threat. with the reaction is author gordon chang and iowa senator joni ernst. good to see you both. senator, first, i know that like
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south dakota, or meat processing plants are having these outbreaks. i know you are dealing with it in iowa, and governor kristi noem in south dakota. how is that going? are you able to mitigate it and get to the bottom of this? >> yes. working closely with the number of our federal agencies but also our governor kim reynolds and the folks that we have in our state level works well with those plant owners, we wish the best for those employers. we want them working safely. butng we know how critical our food supply chain is. so we'll be working with this is a priority andep making sure our food supply is saved and those workers are healthy. >> sean: i want to thank all of them. i want to thank packers, farmers, truckers. i'm in the epicenter. every store i go to is full and these guys who stock the shelves, they are doing dangerous work too and getting frontline medical people all the equipment. they never stop working either. gordon, you understand china as well as anybody and have studied it. more and more, they seem like
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they didn't give a flying rip. they protected themselves, they didn't care about anyone else in the world. how dangerous is this drone situation? >> the drone situation, we've gote to remember, sean, these drones will send information and images to the cloud. once it goes to the cloud, this is in beijing's hands. also have got to remember that in 2017, china passed its national intelligence law. that law requires every chinese entity, every chinese national to spy for beijing if demanded. although d ji, the drone company private, it's compelled to spy for beijing. i'm sure it does. >> sean: they hold a lot of our death, senator. i'd like to know if maybe they should pay some of the cost. eci'm getting concerned about te amount of money we are spending here. wants to take care of workers, want to take care of small businesses, want to take care of
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companies, i want to get america back to work safely, china should fit some of the bill considering they knew how dangerous it was. they protected themselves but not the rest of the world. >> there are so many issues surrounding china and we can start, number one, by not sending any more taxpayer dollars to china. and where i do have a bill, it is a bipartisan bill by merkley, manchin, braun, and me which would stop tax paying american dollars going to those wet markets inye china and purchase by taxpayer dollars of animals and parts coming out of those markets. that's an easy start for us. >> sean: gordon, i don't understand the wet market but i didn't even know what one was until a month ago. >> the wet markets are where live animals are sold and in many places like china, you have many unhygienic conditions because you've got blood, you got urine --
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>> sean: what are they doing with these exotic animals? >> there are all sorts of animals. what they do is essentially sell them and sometimes slaughter them on the site. that has created the unhygienic conditions. one thing we know is china opened up these wet markets again at the end of march, which is a real indicationf that chia knows that the coronavirus didn't come from the wet markets. it camevi from that biosafety lb which everyone has been talking about, including the president of the united states. so we know that this is from that lab. >> sean: all right. thank you both for being with us. whennk we come back, the presidt suspending immigration for 60 days, saying americans need to be first in line for new jobs. probably dan bongino and i will gang up against geraldo. just a prediction. straight ahead. ver. we've increased network capacity, given more access to unlimited data.
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♪music) all the way out here just for a blurry photo of me. oh, that's a good one. wait, what's that? that's just the low-battery warning. oh, alright. now it's all, "check out my rv," and, "let's go four-wheeling." maybe there's a little part of me that wanted to be seen. well, progressive helps people save when they bundle their home with their outdoor vehicles. so they've got other things to do now, bigfoot. wait, what'd you just call me? bigfoot? ♪ my name is daryl.
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♪ >> sean: >> sean: the president is taking more bold decisive action to slow down the coronavirus pandemic and hopefully safely get the american people that want to go back to work back to work. he tweeted his intention last night to sign an executive order to temporarily shut down immigration while america is recovering and getting our fellow americans back to work for 60 days. with reaction, foxes dig a better dan bongino, correspondent at large geraldo rivera. quickly, you want to come into our country, open arms. but we have to make sure you have no terror ties or drug cartel ties. 90% of our d heroin comes from e southern border. we have the health checks going forward in my opinion. you have to be able to provide for yourself, that's important.
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once we have those things, welcome to our family. >> you know, sean, this presidential order, this executive order, has to do with illegal immigration. you talk about the president taking bold decisive action to protect our food supply. the boldest, most decisive action he can take, he has taken. he has said that agricultural workers, the men and women who take the crops out of the ground and get it to the trucks, to get it to that supermarket that you said was happily filled, you know, those workers are exempt from this. thank god agricultural workers are exempt. basically the people who are affected by this executive order are people coming in the front door, coming in illegally, they are applying for green cards and what the president is saying --. be when we got 22 million americans. we aren't talking about sending anybody home legally working that's already been approved.
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dan bongino, going forward, president was right and way ahead of the curve on two big issues. immigration and china. >> yeah. you know, sean, this is a perfectly logical decision. i can't understand why geraldo would have any objection whatsoever. number one, it's temporary. number two, we've seen hot spots creeping up in the southern hemisphere. we don't even understand the r0, the kente justness level down the contagiousness level. this is a temporary decision. let me just say, we are eating ourselves alive with political correctness that isss preventing people in this media ecosystem from thinking clearly. you have a clearly dangerous virus that made its way into this country from foreign soil. the president is saying until we can get our arms around his virus, maybe it's a good idea to restrict entrance from foreign soil. and people are like, no, that's
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a bad idea -- that doesn't make any sense! >> as a practical matter, this doesn't affect people coming anf that there are no flights coming in! there aren't people piling up. these are people already here on some other kind of visa waiting for their permanent status. they are coming in -- they aren't coming in from the back door! >> geraldo, come on, man. have you thought this thing through? it's a temporary restriction. temporary! >> i can live with a 60 day restriction. those are the people who are panicked right now, people who are holding a tourist visa waiting to get in line for their green cards. >> sean: geraldo... let's get the 22 million americans back to work first. and quickly as safely as possible. >> not thinking about this logically, man. sorry. >> we are a great country. >> sean: we are.
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>> sean: north korean dictator kim jong un's health in question according to the new reports.'s we have our chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher live inn our fox news newsroom. >> acknowledges north korea is keeping very close to the best, the intelligence community is focused on kim jong un's health, and if his health his grave, intel is also looking at what external threats that might pose. kim jong un reportedly underwent a heart procedure and absent a key event including north korea's most important holiday, the birthday celebration of kim's birthday and file founder of north korea became ill sung.
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south korea knocking down reports that there have been no abnormal activity in north korea. sean? >> sean: thanks for that update as always. we are not the media mob, let not your heart be troubled. your shows have been great, laura ingraham. i know you have a lot of breaking news tonight. >> laura: thank you so much, sean. the news coming in these community tests, the studies that have beenen done in the antibodies is giving us new data and new perspective and wes are ewall over it. fantastic show as always but we'll talk to you tomorrow. i am laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from another busy week in washington. we will speak to one of the few academic voices o who had the courage to call out what he thought could very well be the werrors of using models that we touted by government officials and that help foreign government response. going too tell us now what fute predictions we should be wary of. what the heck is going on in
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