tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 22, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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vegan senator cory booker chiming in, if you don't change your routine, there is going to be a mayo shortage in virginia. we can all agree. let not your heart be troubled. we'll always be a fair and balanced. we seek the truth. laura ingraham is standing by. laura, would you eat that sandwich, whatever you want to call it? >> laura: i don't think so.o. i don't... i don't think so. it doesn't look all that appetizing. sean, i've got to say. just seeing you laugh at the end of the show, don't you get the sense that the whole country just wants to bust out laughing? we all need humor in our lives, entertainment. >> sean: crazy people will say, "laura ingraham is laughing in the middle of a pandemic" -- know you are not! ln, she gives five seconds of relief. stop attacking the lady!
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>good grief. >> laura: alan has done segments on her show that's so funny. you need humor during difficult times and your faith and your family to get through. >> sean: amen. >> laura: it puts me in a great mood. >> sean: you had a great show last night. get on it. >> laura: we are talking to pompeo. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. why are the media peddling a shot a shoddy new survey on hydroxychloroquine so they can use it to do what? smear their political opponents. is this a tedious playbook at this point? i'm going to respond to theseha shameful and shortsighted attacks and my medicine cabinet lays out what the science as it stands says. secretary of state mike pompeo here exclusively with answers to what should happen to the w.h.o.
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leadership. this is very important. he's going to give a detailed theory that the virus accidentally escaped from that wuhan lab as well. and the coronavirus pandemic has exposed cnn what it really is. it's kind of a reality show masquerading as a news network now. i guess they had to go with some brand. raymond arroyo has a seen and unseen that's hilarious. you don't want to miss it.u but first, my thoughts at the end of day 37, america and shut down. when we use the phrase scientific shoddy on a headline in television, it's meant to conveys researchers must account for variables age, medical history, current disease progression just to name a few things. then the manner in which that data is organized, examine, and
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recorded can determine a lot about whether the study is credible or not. well, a survey or study released yesterday on hydroxychloroquine for use on covid patients is shockingly irresponsible. a top neurologist even saying perhaps an agenda driven. it was published in preprint form and not get peer reviewed and it claims to show that hydroxychloroquine shows no effect against covid and its use according to the survey could lead to an even higher fatality rate. sounds terrible. that's when the headline readers who hate trump and this network, that's when they pounced. trump and some on fox reported that patients were benefiting from hydroxychloroquine! i was one of them reporting on that. the study they say shows that "hydroxy kills people"... people not only is there no medical benefit, the study shows higher death rate among patients
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who took it. >> yes, much higher death. >> it actually could be harming patients who take it. medical professionals repeatedly encouraged cautions, but the president and fox news are not known for patients or caution. >> why would we ever think a fox news star or president should be promoting a drug? it's's outlandish. >> laura: first of all, i'm stating the obvious but cnn has zero credit ability. one of their anchors this week just made fake post covid recovery video. maybe people actually want to help america. ever heard of it? the jackals at media matters thought they had their prey trapped, and now journalism is such a joke that even "the washington post" and tonight for new york time reflexively joined the pig pile. it's just pathetic. i'm not a doctor, i don't play one on tv, but right now the
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french biologist released b his own study on hydroxychloroquine and spent 25 a few weeks ago. it demonstrated 91% effectiveness with zero side effects.h there was one outcome not good but in the patients that recovered, zero side effects. today that same professor who is a renowned infectious disease expert issued a devastating response to the researchers who looked at the veterans affairs patients. he said, "in the current period, it seems passion dominates rigorous and balanced scientific analysis and the lead to scientific misconduct. this article," the study he is referring to, "is an absolutely spectacular example of this. the analysis of the data shows two biases. liz quite as common in the nonac q 'tgroup.
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there is an absolute correlation between lymphopenia and fatality rate, which is well known. that would account for the higher rates in those two groups, which the anchors were so excited to talk about. it appears that one of the i tables in the study, it appears that it shows significant differences in outcomes, hydroxychloroquine, hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin, was given after patients were intubated. as doctors on the show have said multiple times and as professor raoul writes, that's on except the bull after the azithromycin storm that it's unlikely that hydroxychloroquine alone would be able to control patients at this stage of the disease. translation, the later you take hydroxychloroquine, likely the worse the outcome will be. you shouldn't be administering
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it here without explanation at that stage of the disease. this be hating the trump hating morons didn't even notice it, the untreated group received azithromycin in 30% of the cases without this group being analyzed in any distinct way. news flash, azithromycin is also a proposed treatment for covid with in vitro efficacy. it doesn't take a phd in microbiology to understand that the group that was untreated cannot then be treated with meds that are in their home when a partially effective at therapies. even thehe secretary of veteran affairs had to admit thes weakness of this study. >> that's an observational study. it's not a clinical study. it was done in a small number of veterans. sadly, those of whom were in the last stages of life, the drug
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was given to them. we know the drug has been working on middle age and younger veterans as related to the city of new york. working in stopping the progression of the disease. >> laura: so this begs the question. why did the associated press, one of the true professional media outlets left in america, why didn they go for the story? check out this headline. "more deaths, more benefits" -- this is the 18th! do they have any standards? they surely have smart folks over there who want to help people and they have all the caveats in there, at least read the study or the survey! like many others, i agree that wider studies, of course they should be conducted, they should be ongoing to determine the efficacy of this drug and any. but why deny or even mention the positive results in favor of the shoddy survey, like the one we
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just discussed that seem to be irresponsibly been repurposed by the ap? so what is driving this? is it a drug down my blind obsession to disprove the effectiveness of a drug being used right now tonight in medical centers with covid ???? is this a mad impulse to discount any is it triggered by a pure hd of trump, me? motivated by a secret desire to keep america hopeless, or the shutdown going on through the election? i'm open to any theory at this point. if the import was surely scientific and health focused, why haven't we seen the same volume of coverage and scrutiny of other far more expensive and also, you know, no controls, completely double-blind study, unproven treatment?
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i've talked about both of them, just to name t a few. of course, hydroxychloroquine as we said before is very cheap, highly scalable, been around for decades and decades and decades. big pharma a does not make its money on cheap generics. news flash number two. they make their money on new drugs and vaccines. they might be better, they might be the be-all and all, that to be fabulous. remember, a lot of the big companies, they give a lot of money to nih, cdc, and the w.h.o. hydroxychloroquine is part of the standard course of care for covid at the long island jewish medical center, staten island university hospital, and many others. my question to michael greenbaum of "the new york times" and all these other people, are they killing peopleop too? maybe we can ask brian sessler
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they have tried everything in their power to defeat him. but they fail spectacularly every time. in this most recent hydroxychloroquine episode once again confirms that not only of the rank bias, but in some cases there of banality and sloppiness as well. those are the thoughts at the end of day 37 of america in shutdown. joining me are to a doctor is in my medicine cabinet actually on the front lines treating covidin patients, including treating them with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and other therapies as well. dr. stephen smith, founder of the smith center for infectious diseases and urban health, and dr. jeff colyer, dr. smith, i want to start with you. been on a niche for many time talking about what you see day in and day out, with the therapies with what we have available.
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hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and others. why is the affect is effectiveness of the drug beingg maligned or what have you? what's your theory? >> aside from may be political reasons which i could never understand, it's other issues. one, it's not a drug we are familiar with. infectious disease doctors are not familiar with hydroxychloroquine which is not a traditional antibiotic. it affects the host's -- i know it's effective from our data. that's the first time we've even attempted to affect the host may be other than interferon to actually affect host cell metabolism with a small molecule to help fight the infection. it's unheard of. we are not familiar with it. it's a very unusual drug.
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it takes seven months for it to reach a steady state. the 7400 milligrams does being used by a lot of american physicians is absurd. it's absurd lead low, given to everyone of the same mass and weight. i was using the same 24-milligram dose for a 90-year-old woman as i was for 45-year-old man weighing over 350 pounds. one or both for getting the wrong dose. total u dose is what matters. and with any infection, treatment matters. and that's what we are seeing now and basically doing weight-based dosing as is done in fda approved clinical trialsa over 300 fda approved clinical trials i just quoted, several of the fda trials are looking at
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prediabetes, prediabetics, they have to use weight-based dosing, given a lot more hydroxychloroquine to the old obeseprediabetics. >> laura: dr. collier, i want you to get in on they think we are obsessed with hydroxychloroquine. we are actually obsessed with helping americans with whatever tools there are. if there is a better drug, great. if this work in 10% of the cases, do the math. 6,000 peoples' lives could be saved? i'm just doing the math off my head. what's going on here. what have you seen, doctor? >> we have really about three drugs right now that seem to have some sort of effect. hydroxychloroquine, brenda zamir convalescentplasma. what we have to do is we have to try all of these things. there are over 100 studies on hydroxychloroquine right now. just taking this one little data point and trying to make
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politics out of it is exactly the wrong thing to do. we need real science. ett it happen. >> laura: steve smith down that, i think it's incredibly important that we obviously had developed these therapies to develop covid-19 because we may never get the vaccine. i took a lot of heat and dr. smith, i thought about you because of all your great work on hiv and your dad's work on hiv over the years, took a lot of heat even asking dr. fauci this question last week. >> we don't have a vaccine on czars. they got close in mice. we don't have a vaccine for hiv. life did go on. the idea will have a vaccine, we don't approach much else in the same way as we are pegging going back to normal with a vaccine, did we? >> laura: "the wall street journal" quoted one of the country's top
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immunologists making the same exact point as i did, you'd think studying hiv and studying it, we have a vaccine, and we don't. i'm consciou cautious telling pt will have a vaccine for covid-19. >> i totally agree. i spent most of my virology career i did read that literature. their words a lot of wasted effort and money in the hiv vaccine after we knew a lot of the approaches were not going to work. dr. fauci is aware of it. not saying he wasted money, but he's well aware of the studies but we knew the most traditional approach towards vaccination for viruses were not going to work in hiv. no reason to think they would. so they didn't. we pursued them anyway. coronavirus to date has not had a vaccine development, as you pointed out. i don't know the chances of having one or not.
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i can't come up and you know, that's a crystal ball type stuff. eye of course hope there is one. but vaccines are given to a lot of people. but safety is one as well. just fsc alone is not enough. you have to prove that -- -- b1 dr. smith, i had to jump in. just really quickly, are you seeing horrific side effects if you give it. routinely say that these side effects are horrific. i think i took it when i went to africa three times on different occasions. it was a different dose, i didn't have side effects. are you seeing any horrific side effects? >> no. i am at 400 and day march 15th before i saw my first patient. the literature on this drug is significant. i started looking at the lupus and rheumatoid arthritis to literature. it's like a bandwagon here, but
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it's the best a profile >> laura: what you are saying is people who are on hydroxychloroquine for a variety of diseases, lupus, other diseases of the skin, it's been shown to be extremely safe. go ahead to come a really quick. >> yes, that's absolutely true. they don't even measure ekgs. also, the levels in lupus patients are five to ten time higher. >> laura: incredibly important. maggie haberman at "the new york times" had acr. bg group. a doctor who says hhs punished him for questioning hydroxychloroquine, the media ran all day with his narrative. >> he was retaliated against and removed from his position because he did not along with the president and other
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administration officials pushing hydroxychloroquine. >>e. this is a remarkable and depressing development that shows that politics supersedes science. >> he was pushed out of his job trying to protects. americans. >> one little problem of this. "politicalju has been working to oust him since last year. showing that he supported hh as acquiring more shipments of, wait for it, hydroxychloroquine. it looks like anti-trump sentiment is driving the news cycle whether it's against hydroxychloroquine and/or why someone gets removed from office. what are your thoughts on that little illustration? >> you see this all of the time, seeing this get politicized and for example, in the "journal of cardiology" back in september, there was an article about elongation, that's what people are criticizing hydroxychloroquine. one in 68,000 american teenagers
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who wear tested because they were using marijuana ended up hd cutie you didn't see it in the same things happening the air. i think we need to look at the scientist, let's get those studies get done. when you treat people earlier, you get better results. >> laura: can't wait until people are intubated, unlikely to work at that point. thank you so much. both of you have been so helpful through this whole thing, giving hius actual data. it's been really appreciated. thanks so much. i have a question. is the future support for the w.h.o., is it contingent on tedoros and his cronies resigning? i will ask mike pompeo about that. and the investigation on the origin of the virus coming up. awesome internet.
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♪ >> the global emergency declaration on january 20th, that was declared based on experts, i think we declared the emergency at the right time. when the world had enough time to respond. >> laura: that was wh of the secretary general, former marxistrect revolutionary, tedrs adhanom ghebreyesus who just today offered his defense of his handling or mishandling of e coronavirus outbreak for this comesng after a week president trump put a hold on the funding for the w.h.o. which is great news given that organization's complicity in check does covid cover up your
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joining me is our secretary of state mike pompeo. mr. secretary, thank you for being here tonight. earlier this week, i said that the global community should demand that tedros and his cronies resigning in order to get this behind everyone. what's the state of play regarding the patient shipped right the w.h.o.? >> laura, thanks for having me on. as you said, the to create given the recent history. you have created set a remember that this is not the first time the world health organization has failed to do what it needs to do when aha pandemic begins o break up. worried we are still not getting it right. you recounted what happened in january with the delayed announcement of the pandemic and the fact that china asked them not to announce in the world health organization didn't do that. even today, that the chinese
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government has not permitted american scientist to go into china, not only into the wuhan lab but wherever it needs to go to learn about this virus, to learn about its origins. we know it began in wuhan but we need to figure this out. an ongoing pandemic, still don't cyve transparency and openness we need in china, and if it's the world health organization's transparency to achieve that transparency, they have to be held accountable and what's been great that the other countries around the i world begin to recognize the w.h.o.'s failures as well. when this is an opportunity, mr. sec to pick them up for the united states to take a leadership role given the closeness that the w.h.o. has with china which sends a lot of its fraction of the money to the w.h.o. engiving everything that's happened, shouldn't tedros be called on to resign before we go forward at all in a relationship with the w.h.o.? >> i think we've got to take a real hard look at the w.h.o. and what we do coming out of this.
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we reformed this back in 2007 so this is in the first time we've had to deal with the shortcomings of this organization that sits inside the united nations. we need a structural fix for the w.h.o. >> laura: if we are talking about real accountability, the guy leading the organization, i don't see how we can be part of the solution. tonight you aren't ruling out that might be one of the requirements for going forward with the w.h.o., you are not ruling it out. >> i think it's right. it might be the case that the united states can never return to underwriting having u.s. tax dollars go to the w.h.o. we might even have bolder change ththan that. >> laura: mr. secretary, senator tom cotton wrote an amazing" piece that the u.s. government is investigating that if at all points to the wuhan lab. china absent disavowals any
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culpability from that lab, as does the chief scientist, world-renowned scientist that runs the lab, she said the same thing in interviews the last week. do you agree though that this is what the state of our information now, this lab was the source of the virus that done huge damage and loss of life in the united states? >> laura, we don't know preciselyy where it started beer that's the core problem. without journalists to conduct the same investigation that needs to be undertaken. it still hasn't been done. when we tried to do that, the chinese denied access not only to the lab at the wet markets, all the places that one would need to go through, identify the original source for this virus. still trying to get that information, still seeking transparency. >> laura: your predecessor john kerry, claims, mr. secretary, we need to
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entangle ourselves even further with china going forward. watch. >> we have to work with china. you have to work with china off in, all pandemics. you have to work with china on the security challenges of the region. you have to work with china on cyber warfare. right now i think the president is all over the place and heading in the wrong direction. >> laura: on cyber warfare, we have to work with china? secretary pompeo: we are getting drones to spy on our citizens, some of our mayors in localiti localities.. >> don't know where to begin other than secretary trump has taken a mentally different view than obama did then secretary kerry did, whether it was the ur trade relationships, whether being serious with china that w says when you conduct cyber attacks against us, we are not
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going. we would love to find a way to co-opt the chinese on all of those things, but it takes a willing partner to co-opt china i better but have the ability to protect ourselves from chinese decks. we recognize and work with them where we can. the what you about eight we don't like it speak >> laura: this came after iranht what it calls its first satellite, military satellite hours before this tweet. where do things stand at this hour? that's a pretty serious threat
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coming from the united states. what's next? >> it is pretty serious. a coincidence you ask about this question after asking about john kerry what you recall under the obama administration with secretary kerry, they took down ourhe navy carrier and john kery apologize to get them back. he takessi seriously the obligation to protect our forces wherever they may be, in this case our naval ships in the arabian gulf. we do everything we can to make sure we preserve our folks and that the islamic republic of iran -- last thing to say, they launched this military satellite. they promised the entire missile program was civilian and the person who oversaw the launch was the same fellow who shot down an aircraft killing 176 innocent civilians just a few weeks ago. >> laura: how comfortable are you dealing with kim jong un's sister if for any period of time she becomes the leader of the
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country going forward, given the concerns that some are expressing about kim jong un's health right now, mr. secretary? >> i did have a chance to meet her a couple of times. but the challenge remains the same. the goals remain unchanged and whoever's leading north korea, we want them to give up the nuclear program, we want them to join the league of nations, we want a brighter future for the north korean people. that's true in the matter who is leading north korea. >> laura: mr. secretary, thanks so much for spending some time with us. really appreciate it. >>r thank you, laura. >> laura: the reality show masquerading as a news network. raymond arroyo in seen and unseen. that's next.
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm ashley strohmeyer. president from adding surveillance cameras to the border in response to the coronavirus pandemic even though cases of covid-19 in mexico are low compared to the u.s., the department of defense is installing u.s. customs and border protection has declined to comment on that matter. and two cats new york testing positive for covid-1 covid-19 cg the first the cats likely caught the virus from people in their households
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or neighborhoods. officials say there is no indication that animals are transmitting the virus to humans though. those cats are expected to recover. i am ashley strohmeyer. now back to "the ingraham angle." for all your headlines, go to >> laura: it's time for are seen and unseen segment where we expose the stories behind the headlines. throughout the lockdown, cnn anchor seemed to increasingly become the story. for details kamil we are joined by raymond arroyo. raymond, what is happening over they at james earl jones' old "this is cnn?" >> laura, the first rule of journalism is to not make yourself a number of them have contracted the virus and demoted about their personal experiences.
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it almost appears as if they've launched a series of new reality shows. you can call this one, "are you sicker then a cnn anchor." >> coronavirus is, like, >> they are to test we are all becoming familiar with. a diagnostic test and this one, the test for antibodies. >> i've got a positive diagnosis for covid-19. i have a nasty cough which hasn't been too much fluttering away. >> as for me, i tested negative. >> christina said it didn't look right for me to be sick. it looks too much like what i'd be buried in. >> in my sickest days, i stopped thinking and only started
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feeling. i started thinking a lot about joy. why don't i go to the beach mo more? >> laura, the self-referential emoting is so gaudy. people are dying, people are losing their livelihoods. chances are young and healthy anchors are not going to succumb to this disease and to keep this narrative going every night that so personal, it is disturbing. because you lose all perspective. it's great to have perspective, but to become the story is a big problem here. and cnn should tamp down their personal stories. >> we are glad everybody is getting better. they are always nasty to us. i'm sure they are all great people. i hope they are all okay and i'm glad they are okay. >> i agree. >> laura: i don't really get it. is that the news? i guess that's news that chris cuomo came out of the basement. >> we are getting to that. but anderson cooper who had not
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contracted the coronavirus took a lifestyle tack in his story line. >> laura: is a contracted or contracted? >> i'm sorry! >> laura: i saw that. it was all about his quarantine grooming. you might call the show "vanderbilt rules." >> i took a razor and buzzed my head and gave myself a giant bald spot. i've been walking all day with my hand on my head... >> i hope it grows back. >> i think it will. >> anderson, we'll make that popular. people will be shaving holes. >> it's becoming very personal and jeff zucker years ago said he wanted to create must-see tv with a story line. read a article in 2017 where he said, i've always been interested in the fax but i've
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always been interested in what's popular. if you haven't got enough anderson cooper, he's doing a covid town hall this week with alicia keys, i kid you not. the centerpiece, laura, of the cnn reality universe has been chris cuomo, the covid positive anchor, he's become the star of a multiplatform show including his of and her brother which could be called >> my fever has gone up a couple of degrees. i'm not looking to scare people. i've lost 13 pounds in three days. the official reinjury from the basement. gave me one of these. just give me one of these. >> laura: what's that? >> if this was real, laura, it
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would be fine. this was a feigned recovery. he was out bicycling while he pretended to be in the basement. >> laura: he was out in the hamptons looking at his property, god bless him, glad he is property. but some guy saw him and started trying to covid shame him and said -- i kind of hate those people too. you should be back home! at least it wasn't a chinese drone. >> don't advertise your quarantine and more lies about it with your brother every night saying you are going to kill people when you do it! >> laura: joe biden back in the basement today, this earth day with al gore? it didn't go well. >> if we don't organize the rules, who organizes it? there is a so much -- anyway, one more question here. is it too late to address the
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climate change in a meaningful way? >> the look on al gore's face, laura. this is why joe biden is $187 million beneath donald trump. al gore suggested today that we get rid of gas powered cars. biden agreed with him. >> laura: i couldn't follow that line of conversation. an inconvenient segment. raymond arroyo, fantastic segment. great seeing you. we'll see you next time. up ahead, and it americans, do you think she is saying go to work? congressman mark green here to respond.
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>> laura: squad leader aoc's new socialist rallying cry? workers of the world, stay home? >> we talk about this idea of reopening society. only in america, when the president tweets about liberation does he mean go back to work. i think a lot of people should just say no. we are not going back to that. >> laura: we told you more than a year ago that she's become the voice and face of the democratic party, the true fault leader in many ways, and she has. will liberal leaders look at her more as they attempt to perhaps use this crisis to forge their socialist pact? joining me now is a congressman jim jordan and congress been mark green. democrats, already doing what they can to slowly roll any reopening of the country. but telling people not to go to work, presumably ever, if she doesn't get her p way with, i
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don't know, minimum wage or whatever they are calling it these days? >> the democrats are showing is exactly who they are, laura, released illegal aliens, let criminals out of jails, make abortion clinics are essential businesses, stop americans from buying guns, stop americans from going to church, and aoc now says don't go back to work for that social elision, that's what thee democrats have been forging throughout this crisis. the president put out a template how we should go about that, let's start doing that today, not follow the crazy ideas of the left. >> laura: congressman greene, tennessee is going to have a phased-in reopening, and georgia will be the first to reopen. the south is probably going to leave the country, it looks like, in reopening along with texas. were you surprised the president today said he didn't agree with what the georgia governor was doing here and he would've preferred if they had done it a
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little more slowly, were you surprised by that? >> i wasn't. it's contrary to the guidance the president put out. particularly those where people are in each other's face, so longs and barbershops. in tennessee, we are following the president's guidelines in the phased approach, and i think that's why the president spoke out to the georgia governor. >> laura: said governors are going to do what they do and that's why it's the beauty, you can call it federalism, you can call it states rights. using this crisis to remake america. you heard that from cuomo, youoo heard that from garcetti out in los angeles. what they really mean, aoc -- i take her seriously. people make fun of her, she's fighting for what she believes in. she believes there should be a minimum standard of living for everyone and government should
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guarantee that standard of living beyond a minimum wage, but a standard of living and she believes this is a good time to advance that agenda. my question is what are republicans doing to advance their agenda? >> you are right. they believed at all. the left wants to do all the crazy things i just gave in that list. they really believe that it makes sense for the federal taxpayer to pay states to let criminals out of jail, to let bad guys go free during this crisis that we are in. we've got to fight f back in the way to fight back is to talk about live telmex freedom, talk about liberty, and get our economy moving again. they are out to stop the things that we believe in. they are out to stop them so much, theyre are going to pass a select committee, we've got eight different entities doing oversight of the money that was passed and the cares act, each different committees providing oversight, they are going to put clyburn in charge, the biggest man of joe biden, they are going to pass it tomorrow because this is a new committee going to make the new impeachment committee to
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go after the president during the summer of an election year. >> laura: congressman greene, speaker pelosi is taking credit for getting that ppp funding akincrease. watch. >> mitch mcconnell likes to say that we delayed the bill. no, he delayed the bill. we are very pleased he finally came around to the fact that we had to go forward with this. squeal and that's interesting because just last week, she went on camera praising the senate democrats for pausing the i am a, plush. >> of the hypocrisy is incredible, laura. she is the one on delays those payments for a week, and then on the boats here on repopulating the ppp? she held it up for two weeks. schumer held it up for twok weeks. she praises him, this is crazy.
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it's almost like biden saying trump is not hard on china. it's just crazy! >> laura: congressman jordan, i have to say that chuck schumer is not worried about borders. basically he said, on an interview with cnn, the states opening up, tennessee, south dakota, georgia, we cross state borders. you could have the weakest link, bring that to other states, and i'm very worried about that, so he's totally worried about borders, h congressman! >> after all the obstacles they put up to the president actually dealing with they situation on the southernre border, doing wht he said was going to do, they are nowwa worried about borders. what the are really worried about, they are making it tough to get back to work. the folks i represent hearing from every day, they are ready to get back to work. >> laura: joe biden, heaven forbid would win the presidency of the day after the election. they say, the virus thing, glad we took care of that.
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black women are the strongest part of the democratic party want to signal that that work will continue, we are going to reach not just segments of our community but the entire country and we need to take it to the diversity of america. >> it has gone from i don't want to i would consider it to i would take it to if you don't pick me you are racist and hate women, that is all-time we have tonight, take it from here. >> thank you, great to see you. the debate about how soon is too soon and what is essential to our economy heating up again tonight as governors and the white house test 11 the next move to save both jobs and lives, the president saying he disagrees with the gop governors georgia moves ahead with plans to reopen businesses like hair salons, gems and tattoo parlors as
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