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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 24, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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it stabilizes at the week's end. but people are worried about oil going away. maybe using the gas pump, but not so good for the u.s. economy. we shall see. see you tomorrow. here comes "the five" right now. ♪ >> juan: hello, everyone. i am one williams along with jesse watters, dana perino, and emily compagno. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." protest flaring up again in places where people have to stay inside. you are looking at a large demonstration today in madison, wisconsin. this is happening while president trump wants to see a "big opening of the economy" as soon as some states had down that road. we are also waiting for the coronavirus task force to come out and briefed the nation.
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in the meantime, six states starting to loosening restrictions. but debate in america building whether they are doing it to -- too soon. defending his decision to let businesses reopen, including gyms, hair salons, and tattoo shops. the president saying that he thinks it is being done too quickly. texas taking a moderate approach, letting retail stores do curbside pickup. anna gretchen whitmer, she is still feeling the heat. she is extending stay at home orders until may 15th, but also loosening some controversial restrictions on gardening, golfing, and boating. jesse, let me begin with you. i just was curious of what you would think, because georgia has been aggressive in going forward with reopening, but the president says he does not approve. a strongly disagrees. so what are other states to take from this? how can they go about reopening of the president is critical of governor kemp in georgia?
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>> jesse: he did not stop the governor, he said he was critical. to the governor has to make his own decision. and that is not forcing businesses to open. he is giving businesses the opportunity to open if they feel comfortable doing that. and that's okay. it's like when you sprain your ankle, right, you take a week or two off, then you tape it up and get back out there. maybe you take it to full speed, see if it feels okay. if it's okay, you can play. if it's not, you have to rest it a little longer. that's all georgia is doing. they are testing the ankle out, someone has to dive in first. it might as well be georgia. georgia has under 1,000 fatalities. new york has 21,000. they are doing pretty well. it seems pretty clear that some states overreacted. if you are filling up skate parks with sand, you are closing down a park for people to hike or you are not allowed to go on a vote and fish in michigan?
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can't take your power vote out in the middle of lake michigan, cast a line and catch a fish. that is illegal in michigan right now. i mean, you are out in the middle of nowhere on a lake and you can eat the fish. you don't even have to go to the grocery store. they will dial these things back, and i think it is a good thing. >> juan: all right, dana, thinking about people going back to work, somebody has a family who has a job. going to work every day, so what do we think about the fact that schools remain close, many of them not opening. does that cause a problem for people getting back to the job. >> dana: that is a real consideration. the businesses are saying, and you need to go back to work, let's say you are going back.
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you have this month's rent payment taking care of, but you're not sure about next mon month. you want to get back, but you're young kid can't go to school or day care, because that's not available to you, and maybe you are concerned about a babysitter. you're not sure if they have been responsible in terms of social distancing. it's super complex. and everybody needs to give each other a little bit of grace here. the governor of georgia is going to be responsible for if something goes wrong. but he will also get some credit if he gets it right. and people just have to see. when it comes to the governor of michigan, i will say, she has made this a pretty political deal. she started wearing that t-shirt "that woman in michigan," which was a reference to something president trump said about her and she took it to the next level. and don't forget this, she actually gave a contract to one of her democratic buddies to get some health information about
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michigan-ers. and she had to push that back. so she will be swept up and not be considered a vp choice for vice president biden pretty has enough baggage. he will not pick up hers as well. >> juan: now i come to dr. dr. gutfeld. yesterday at the briefing, bill brian, the head of science and technology and the department of homeland security said that the virus, they have been studying it, and it thrives in humid, nonporous conditions, right? so i was thinking to myself, what does that mean for offices, for trains, airplanes. it sounds like that is where it thrives. how do we clean those places up? >> greg: i thought that humidity fought the virus? >> juan: low humidity.
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>> greg: that's why you need that humidity. one of the solutions that we find is that very rarely is the disease spread outdoors. that's what research is saying. but there is potential for businesses to open up outside. whether you are a restaurant, if you can close the street and put tables outside or have outdoor concerts, outdoor rallies, these are things that you can do with a minimal risk to the people. here's the issue overall. you have 51 entities. 50 states and donald trump. and you think that this is going to be smooth and seamless and perfect, hardly. it's going to be messy, because human beings are messy. not all of us can be george clooney and be perfect. this is going to be an incredibly human response, and we are getting to the point where, i said this yesterday, instinctively we know that it is time to move, but it is up to the people. the people watching the show to lead the country out of this. because it is easier for us to
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share the risk. because leaders have a problem with risk. because they realize that they might not be back at the end of the day. people might turn on them. if there is one slight consequence, they will lose all of their support. so if the disease comes back, it will be around their neck and another hurricane katrina all over again. so the only people that can actually do this is the american people who share the risk. we can say, hey, we want to go back to work. we trust that the fate is on our shoulders. you can trust us that we will social distance and practice sound hygiene, but we acknowledge and share the risk. the media cannot come after all of us. they can destroy all of our lives if we are in this togeth together. >> juan: all right, emily, vice president pence what is on geraldo rivera's radio show yesterday, he said, he thinks
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things could be reopened by memorial day, do you think that is overly optimistic? what do you think about that as a deadline? >> emily: to our ongoing conversation about sort of the ripple effect in the economy and the fact that it is not a one-size-fits-all response, i think it is unrealistic nationally, but certainly realistic for some areas. and i have to point out, in terms of the one-size-fits-all, regardless of the phases and funding coming from the government, the ppp is a one-size-fits-all solution to an economy that's not one-size-fits-all. and we have to rewrite those guidelines so that the relief is actually benefiting people that it is supposed to and trying to support and help. and again, you guys have heard me talk about this for a while, but essentially the treasury has not changed any of the requirements and has delayed getting additional until the 26. so small businesses are waiting for additional guidance, and
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they received funds two weeks ago on things like table taxes, that they are on the hook for if they put it towards employees. but that is an additional 10% that they have to pay out-of-pocket. this thing is going to last beyond eight weeks. how do you tell a quarantined business to spend that money responsibly, or how do they spend it responsibly if they are burning through their limit during that time, and they can use it for actual costs and real purchases when the economy reopens in the business reopens. as an attorney, i engage with a lot of different people and i have to share with you a couple of stories that are illustrated what is happening with real people. u.s. veterans small business owner, seven business to apply at the bank, no funds left, told that small businesses don't get funds, and he is sitting on $3 million worth of unpaid bills because of stuffing. another u.s. veteran employs 30 seasonal and full-time workers at his small farm.
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tens of thousands of dollars in taxes associated with the business. one time first offender nonviolent felon, he is ineligible to apply. and a small business operator, quarantined because he is a restaurant tour. he is battling cancer, his surgery was deemed elective and is pushed back, and yet, he is determinate 99% of its workforce, sitting on $1 million worth of liability, how does this come into play with the guidelines? we need different one soon. >> juan: that was good to get a kind of front battle report from you, emily, thanks. tto the coronavirus task force will be out in just a moment. a new controversy over president trump's comments about ultraviolet light and disinfectant. the responses coming up right soon on "the five." ♪ it's best we stay apart for a bit, but you're not alone. we're automatically refunding our customers
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♪ >> jesse: the white house is blasting the media saying that they took the president out of context. over trump's comments about heat, light, and disinfectant. here's what he said. >> so, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous amount of, whether it is ultraviolet or a really powerful light, and i think you said that has not been checked, but you're going to test it. and i said, suppose you put the light inside the body that you can do through the skin or in some other way. and then i say the disinfectant, and acted out in a minute, one minute. and is there a way that we can do something like that?
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by injection inside or almost a cleaning, that would also be interesting to check. so even after the medical check. >> jesse: here's the president reacting to the media coverage saying he is not encouraging anyone to inject disinfectant. >> i was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen. now, disinfectant for doing this may be on the hands would work. when they say that something will last three or four hours or six hours, but if the sun is out or they use disinfectant, it goes away in less than a minute. >> jesse: all right, greg. i watch this as it came in. and to me i did not think he was being sarcastic. it looked like he was spent borrowing ideas to knock this thing out, what do you think? >> greg: there are a couple of ways to look at this. they are two things that don't matter and one that does. was it off-the-cuff? maybe, doesn't matter.
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was it sarcasm? maybe, maybe not, does not matter. what matters is that anyone actually believes that he was saying you should inject clorox into people, i mean, 1,000 days with trump as president and we still have an entire industry mobilized by an offhand comment. how can any adult believe seriously believe that he was saying, hey, people should inject clorox into their body? i mean, i kept wanting to believe that because you have a pre-existing condition to believe the worst about everything that comes out of trump's mouth, or the worst about everybody, really. i would challenge the media one day to look at somebody they don't like and try to assume the best of their comments. but i cannot believe that they are actually interviewing experts. so, just tell us, you can't put clorox injected into your body, can you? this is actually a new cycle. other stuff is going on. this is hilarious.
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>> jesse: i think that lysol released a statement on social media. juan, can you try to be fair? you cannot believe the president was telling americans to put leach down their throats? >> juan: i hope not. that's what i heard. but i hope not. it makes no sense, jesse. when you said spit bawling, i think you are right. he was riffing. today i thought he try to get off the hook saying that he was being sarcastic. the press secretary said he was taken out of context. well, you can't do both. you have to pick one. and the thing is, for me to see him at the white house in the briefing room, saying something like that, and believe me, there was no doubt you question. there is no question at all. he was just riffing, spit bawling, he just came out with the stuff. and i think that to some extent, you know, for people who are listening to him, i think that it is upsetting and dangerous. i just coming in oh, greg says it is the media.
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but i think that the president needs to be presidential and saying something like that, i think that it invites disaster. >> jesse: i am having dr. birx on my weekend show, and i was like, are you there, do you think that the president would say anything dangerous? and she said no, he was probably thinking out loud and trying to come up with a good idea. and talking to the person at dhs. >> emily: it's how heather will number one was killed in "heather's," it's pretty obvious that you should not drink bleach or the like. los angeles and maryland have reported that they have been inundated with calls, their public health agencies of people inquiring about it. so who knows, but i think it is safe to assume, unfortunately now that he has to clarify all of his comments. and i do think, however, the
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president's continued comments at the briefings undeniably offer father for his detractors to attack and discuss it in the new cycle. it's up to his team whether they will make the call that it's no longer benefiting him. >> jesse: i still think it continues to benefit him, but obviously that was a big distraction, dana, from some pretty important news from the dhs director of science and technology that outside in the like, or in high temperatures, high humidity, it has a very detrimental effect on the virus. >> dana: yes, one thing, setting aside all of this and us thinking about the science and developments, there are some companies and scientists that are working on using uv light as a disinfectant for like an airplane, for example, or something that people would go through, when you're going through the tsa line, and if that is a development that could actually work, that would be a good thing, not just in regards
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to coronavirus, but for a whole host of things. so hopefully if that development actually does come to pass, nobody is making fun of those scientists, because we do want to have a development here. and it would also say, if i had to take a choice that he was out of context, which he was. or sarcastic, i would say taken out of context. but the media is always looking for that. it's one thing about the media, but it's another one, i think the social media, like the individual people and immediately there is memes. that's going to happen if you don't have a really tight announcement. but it's not who he is. he was not suggesting that people drink bleach, but the companies were not putting out statements because of what the president said. if something doesn't, they will get sued. so that's another reason that you do that, because you have to worry about your own situation when the media comes after you next, because somebody decides to do something with your
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product that was inappropriate. >> greg: i noticed in one of the company is responding to reporters asking about it. it was like the reporters went to the head media saying, can you, whatever, can you -- this is unsafe, so it was the next layer of the story. we also have to remember that when donald trump talked about sunlight and talked about the summer and the seasons changing, that was declared as nonscientific. remember? am am i just remembering that? >> dana: what is strange as white is singapore seeing an uptick? i feel like every day, like today we got six new symptoms from the cdc. we find out more that there is actually an increase in singapore. it's hot and humid there. i feel like we still don't have enough information, and we are five weeks into this and we all want to get back to work and back to the city. >> greg: everyone could be indoors. >> jesse: may be the people in singapore are not social distancing and taking it as
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seriously as we are. coming up next, sleepy joe biden pushing a bogus election conspiracy theory, and was i wrong to put my dogs poop and my neighbor's garbage? you have all weighed in. the poll results are ahead. ♪ they're our neighbors, and our friends. but now, they are forever our heroes, too. and while they're working to keep us safe, prudential is proud to provide over one million health care workers with benefits that help bring peace of mind in times like these. and i don't count the wrinkles. but what i do count on is boost high protein. and now, introducing new boost women... with key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. all with great taste. new, boost women. designed just for you. many of life's moments in thare being put on hold. are staying at home, at carvana, we understand that, for some, getting a car just can't wait. to help, we're giving our customers up to 90 days to make their first payment.
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we're here to deliver cards and packages from loved ones and also deliver the peace of mind of knowing that essentials like prescriptions are on their way. every day, all across america, we deliver for you. and we always will. ♪ >> dana: welcome back, time for "the fastest 7." first up, we have to get to this. jesse igniting a firestorm of controversy, asking viewers if it was okay to put his dogs poop and his neighbor's trash. 40% said it was okay. but 60% said it was morally wrong and reprehensible. so, jesse, do you want to explain yourself?
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>> jesse: i was just being sarcastic. [laughter] >> dana: taken out of context? >> jesse: i am humbled and a little ashamed. i am deeply embarrassed, because now i don't even walk the block where that guy is anymore. i take a totally different route, because i am afraid that he is going to confront me again. and i now carry the little bag all the way back to the place, and i put it in my garbage. i am sorry. i have learned that you can teach a old dog new tricks. >> greg: it is an issue, because garbage men do not want to pick up a little isolated bags of poop. so it is floating in rain water and is a disgusting soup that sits there and attracts flies. where i live in my town, i have pushed for the death penalty, not for the dog, but for the person who does that. you will die.
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if you are on my property and you put poop in my garbage can, you're dead. >> emily: oh, my gosh. >> dana: would you ever do this? >> emily: these are the rules, you can only do it on actual garbage day when there are garbage can is at the curb so it is only and therefore a couple hours max and is at the top of the pile. so it does not make the soup that greg is talking about. otherwise, you have to know where the public ones are and that's where you walk too. that's how you do it, jesse. >> jesse: okay, okay, it was trash day the next day. so i did put it on top. so i did do that. >> dana: you wanted to say something. >> juan: i do, because i think that jesse did what was the right. i mean, he is picking up the poop and has the bad putting it in the trash. i'm with you. i just know that there people who say that somehow the trash
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can is there private property. the trash can is a trash can pretty put trash in a trash can. >> jesse: thank you, juan. >> dana: the polls are correct. next up, stay at home, parents. kids are now hiring virtual babysitters to watch over their little ones via skype, zoom, and google hangouts for about $20 an hour. some people say it is a bogus idea for opportunist, claiming that kids will not to listen to what their virtual sitter tells them to do. greg, have you thought about this? >> greg: does the virtual babysitters come with a virtual babysitters boyfriend? who sneaks into the window, drinks dad's, tries to get to second base while you are upstairs watching it in your pajamas, or you are confused, and it stays with you for 30
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years? you keep thinking about that night? >> emily: oh, my god. >> dana: emily, i know that you have nieces and nephews, i'm assuming that your sisters think this is not a good idea. >> emily: i just feel like greg is so in the '80s. my mind immediately went to all of the lawsuits, because if you get a virtual babysitter, then how are they going to catch the kid as he is climbing on the counter? i mean, what's the difference between that and putting on a movie? >> dana: can you imagine any parent taking them up on this? >> jesse: yeah, suckers. a $20. i mean, that is way too high right now. i would cut the price and maybe try it again. >> dana: juan, what about you. yea or nay? >> juan: the babysitter is not there. that's the function of a babysitter is to protect.
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what people were saying, the baby is falling or something. i will say this, that so many young people are being educated at home over computers and the experience that my family had is that sometimes the young people have trouble with the computers and how do you get this screen up and off and all that, so maybe a computer babysitter could be like the i.t. guy at fox. they just come in, and i'll come across a computer, and they help you set things up. but in terms of a real babysitter, no. >> dana: i could use computer help here always. football is back, the virtual nfl draft kicked off last night, some annual traditions like the commissioner being booed. >> , michael strayhan, you guys can do better than that. keep it coming. well, even the virtual boos are good. >> dana: this was the sports event of the season! what did you think?
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>> jesse: i did not catch it. i was prepping for the show. so i looked this morning and saw that the eagles drafted some guy who has problems catching the ball. i'm not really happy about that. so hopefully it works out all right. >> dana: juan, i know that you love sports, was this scratching the itch? >> juan: it did not do it for me, but i want football back, the commissioner said that he thinks that they will be back. he does not know if there will be fans. yesterday when we talked with terry bradshaw, he thinks they will be back. it's hard for me to imagine comfort going into a stadium with 80,000 people. it's, so, i am conflicted. but i would love to see the ga game. >> dana: what did you think of the draft, emily? >> emily: i thought it was like almost worse, it was whetting the appetite, it was a zoom cocktail party, but all we want is the actual nfl back.
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i do think, it sounds weird to say come up with the las vegas raiders, i am stoked about her pick. i'm really excited about the wide receiver from alabama. i'm excited for the season whenever it begins. but it was not the same thing as it usually is. >> dana: greg, i bet that you were glued to the screen. >> greg: we must be so bored that we consider this a sporting event. i mean, what's next? race walking? soccer? we will never get that far. only in america. >> dana: we have more to come. joe biden pushing an unfounded claim on a november election. find out what that is next. ♪ 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. protected lifetime income from an annuity can help your retirement plan ride out turbulent times.
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>> emily: the coronavirus is not slowing down the 2020 war of words. president trump and joe biden taking daily shots at each other. here's a president's latest attack. >> we have a sleepy guy in a basement of a house that the press is giving a free pass to who does not want to do debates, because of covid. i watched a couple of interviews, and i say, oh, i look forward to this, but they are keeping shelter, because of the coronavirus, whether or not he is going to be the nominee, i have no idea. but he is getting a pass. >> emily: joe biden pushing a theory -- oh, the president is starting right now. to the white house task briefing is beginning. >> president trump: working at a very high level. the percentage of tasks that come back positive has declined very significantly. last week nearly 38% of the test in new york were positive. this week that number is down to 28%.
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new cases are down 50% compared to a week ago, and fatalities are down 40% over the same period. in louisiana, the rate of positive test results has declined from 25% down to 15 percent in the last seven days alone. 18 states now show a decline in a number of positive tests in the last seven days. so over the last seven days it has been very, very significant progress. half of all americans live in states that have now taken steps to open their economies. just yesterday governors gavin newsom, california, tim maltz of minnesota, and to bill lee tennessee and announced restarting certain sectors. we ask every american to maintain vigilance and hygiene, social distancing, and voluntary use of face coverings. we are opening the country. it is very exciting to see. we have a lot of talent involved
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from governors down to people that just stand there and help you with the doors. there has been tremendous talent involved, and tremendous spirit from our country. our country is a great place. and it's going to be greater than ever before. i really believe that. i think that it is going to be a tremendous upward shift. i spoke with tim cook today of apple, and they have a good sense of the market. he feels that it is going to be the v that is sharply upward later on as we get it fully op open. today i signed to the protection program in health care, and providing $320 billion to keep american workers on the payroll, $30 billion of the paycheck protection fund will be reserved for small financial institutions including those that serve minority and distressed communities extending vital relief to thousands of african-american and hispanic-american, small
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business owners and their employees, the bill also deliver $75 billion for hospitals. so badly needed for hospitals. they have taken a really big hit. and medical providers in areas less affected by the virus. hospitals should work with their state and local health officials on ways to safely resume elective medical treatment. under the cares act, we are sending to direct americans, more than 80 million americans have already received their payment. $3,400 for a typical family of four. $3,400. that's great. and you deserve it. the cares act requires that the federal government send out a notice of what benefits americans are receiving to fulfill the requirement the treasury department is mailing a letter to me. it will include the amount, the economic impact payment, how it
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will arrive, direct deposit, check, or prepaid debit card as well as a message to the nation letting each american know that we are getting through this challenge together as one american family. that's what has been happening. the whole world is watching us. you have 184 countries out there that have been hit and now it is probably higher than that, but they are all watching us. they are all watching and they are calling and they respect what we are doing so much. i spoke with the leaders of numerous countries today. they are asking if we can send them ventilators, i am agreeing to do it. we have tremendous capacity, now over capacity of ventilators. we are filling up stockpiles for our states and for ourselves. the federal government is over 10,000 ventilators. and we can do a lot more if we want to do that, but we are helping mexico, honduras, indonesia, france. we are sending to france. we are spending the same -- sending to spain, and we will
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probably send to germany if they need them. over the past three years we built the strongest economy in the most successful country of the world that anyone has ever seen. no one has ever done anything like what we were able to do. and we will rebuild that economy. our economy in the not-too-distant future, i really believe that with all we have learned in all that we have done, we will be just as strong and may be stronger than ever before, even stronger than it was just two months ago. some interesting notice is that the fda approved the first at home covid-19 test kit. it just got approved, and dr. steven, where is stephen? stephen hahn is going to say a few words about that and other things. i want to thank him. the fda has been incredible, not only improving this come about many things that are at a pace that has never happened before. and they are being very safe
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about it as stephen told me. he has told me very strongly. but at the same time, they are proving things at record numbers in a record -- at a record rate, and it has really been helpful. many tests are going on, many vaccine tests, and tests of every different kind. and things are happening just like this event, things are happening very rapidly. i would like to have stephen tell you about it. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. president. i appreciate the opportunity to tell you about what is happening at the fda. we have a team of more than 18,000 employees including 10,000 scientists, doctors, pharmacists, and nurses. they have been working around the clock, because as you probably know, many of the medical products that are being used for the covid-19 outbreak are not regulated by fda. they've been hard at work authorizing tests and other medical products. as part of the efforts to support diagnostic test development during this global
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pandemic, the president has asked us under leadership to actually cut down as many barriers as we possibly can to get medical products into the medical community, and we have done that. the course recognizing the urgency of the situation. i want to emphasize what the president said is that we are very much paying attention to safety with reliability of the test. and i think that it is very important to understand how far we have come in just a few short months. the academic community that i come from, the private sector, the government, we have come together to develop diagnostics for a completely new infectious disease. and it is really important. we have heard from many test developers both in academia and the manufacturing world. this normally takes years to develop. you have heard dr. birx talk about the fact that -- hiv tests have taken years to develop. we have been laser focus in working with industry and academia to make this happen.
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to date, under the emergency use authorization approach, we have reviewed and authorized 63 tests, both diagnostic as well as serologic as the antibody test. we have had several point of care tests, because that can be done in the emergency room, the doctor's office, et cetera coming a much more convenient for the patient. and this week as the president said, we authorize the first at home test, by a company called labcorp. this is a test where under certain circumstances with the doctor's supervision, a test can be mailed to a patient and they can perform the self-swab and mail it back and get the results after that time, all under the guidance of a licensed position. we are not just letting up with the 63 tests approved, we are working with more than 400 test developers who are pursuing authorization for their diagnostic into our current policies. and under regulatory approach, which is flexible. many of those tests are being available.
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we have 220 labs across the country that have begun using patient testing using their validated tests. this has allowed us to increase significantly tests around the country. i updated to you earlier on the antibody tests that are used to detect natural immunity, and the fda's approach to make these available. while these are just one part of the larger response effort, they can play a role in moving the economy forward by helping health care officials identify those who have immunity to the covid-19. and finally, when it comes to therapeutics, we are leaving no stone unturned in finding treatments for covid-19. we do know that we don't have any approved currently therapeutics for covid-19, but we are actively involved with the academic and the commercial and private sector to find those. 72 trials of therapeutics are underway in the united states under fda oversight. and 211 are in the planning stages. so we expect to see more.
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this is convalescent plasma as well as antiviral therapies. work continues on vaccines. two firms have announced that the fda has announced their trials can go forward. one of which we have mentioned here before. and finally, in response to the president, the task force, standing up to the coronavirus treatment acceleration program, we are leaving no stone unturned. and looking to develop therapeutics for the american people. thank you very much. >> reporter: what about the antibody testing? just a quick question. kindly, just about an hour ago, the subject committee with oversight released some findings that the fda does not have any review of the antibody tests that are on the market. they are no guidelines to tell which should be out there in no way to test the accuracy. they are quite worried that these are just tests on the market, because they were not reviewed before they were approved. is that true? >> under our policy, we provide a flexibility.
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what we have told manufacturers is in order to market in the u.s., they have to validate their tests, tell us that they validated their tests, and then the package insert, they have to let people know and users, et cetera, that those tests were not authorized by fda. we have authorize four. as i mentioned, more in the pipeline. and these tests that have come in without any information to us but have been so validated. as i mentioned at the podium a couple of days ago, we are working with the national cancer institute as well as the cdc to perform a validated form of the tests that have been sent to us. we will provide more information as we can. there is transparency on the website about those tests and the tests that we have authorized. >> vice president pence: thank you, mr. president. from early in this effort president trump has called for the whole of government response
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to the coronavirus epidemic in america. and by that, the president made clear when he asked me to lead the white house coronavirus task force that not merely a whole of the federal government, but a whole partnership with state and local government across the country. and today we renewed that with our latest conference call with governors all across america. we have met with them today, specifically to speak about the progress that our governors are making expanding testing across the country. and we were pleased to hear about the extraordinary and rapid progress that governors are making. at the outset of the call, where we have more than 50 of our nation's governors, we have course had pete gaynor of fema report on progress, more than 30,000 national guard stood up, 5,000 active duty, military deployed in ten states. and we were also pleased to report that fema, hhs, and the private sector have coordinated
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the delivery of shipments to states around the country including nearly 67 million n95 masks. 105 million surgical masks, surgical gowns, shields, gloves, more than 10,000 ventilators, and more than 8,000 federal, field beds. beyond the report that we provided to the governors, we assured them that at the president's direction, this is one team, one mission. and we made it clear to the governors that we know we are all in this together. in the partnership that we have forged together really begins with mitigation efforts. it moves to making sure that the health care workers have the support they need to, but also testing in the forefront of all of our minds. we are working to make it possible for every governor to access the existing capacity to enable our states to be able to reopen responsibly under the
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phased approach that the president unveiled one week ago. a little bit of context, you may recall that one month ago, all the testing that had been done in america, 80,000 americans had been tested. but as of this morning, 5.1 million americans have been tested for the coronavirus. a quick reminder to our fellow americans, this was something from our scientist today at the task force paired we reminded governors of this as well, as testing increases dramatically across the country, cases will increase as well. but people should not be discouraged by those numbers. we are looking at very positive trends in hospitalization, and emergency room entrances, and we continue to see as we have said at this podium every day over the last several weeks. we continue to see positive progress, not just on the west coast, but even where the
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coronavirus epidemic is most fatefully impacted in areas of greater new york city, new orleans, detroit, and elsewhere. on our new lead to our phone call today with those governors, we heard the progress governors were making and implementing the resources that we have been working to provide them. not just the medical equipment, but also, as you recall, that map a week ago that showed where all of the equipment is all across the country in all 50 states. governor cuomo joined us for the call today. he spoke favorably here at the white house. mr. president, and his recognition that testing is a partnership between the federal and state governments as governor cuomo said today, he understood that the federal government works with national supply chain, and the governors deal with the labs to expand and implement testing at the state level. governor cuomo also explained how he is using his licensing
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authority to stand up to 300 labs that can do coronavirus testing in the state of new york. we congratulated him for his leadership and that and urged other governors to use their authority similarly -- deploying the national guard to stand out more than 23 drive-through test sites. testing 10,000 people a day. already testing more than 130,000 people in tennessee, and they are expected to surge another 15,000 people in testing sites this weekend in tennessee. massachusetts is an area we are continuing to watch very closely as cases have not yet stabiliz stabilized. governor charlie baker, after he thanked us, mr. president, for the army corps of engineers forefront hospitals, he described how they have rapidly expanded testing all across massachusetts. we commended him for that. and at the beginning of march, he said he had one testing site in the state of massachusetts, and now thanks to charlie baker's team, they have
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more than 30 testing sites. minnesota governor tim also reflected on the partnership that he has forged with the mayo clinic, the university of minnesota, and state health department. they are collaborating to perform 20,000 molecular tests. 15,000 antibody tests per day. and i am looking forward to traveling to the mayo clinic in minnesota tuesday of next week to learn firsthand from the governor about their efforts across the state to expand testing. i would governor tim reynolds gave us an update, mr. president, on her updates. she is tripling capacity through the private sector with the university of iowa, and iowa state university. she also launched the test website that creates an access point for people to fill out a questionnaire about whether or not their symptoms or circumstances would justify a test. she said in the first 72 hours,
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150,000 people went to the test site to receive an assessment. and iowa is testing 405,000 people per day in their state. in indiana, i spoke with governor eric holcomb, they tested 72,000 hoosiers to date, adding drive-through sites. and established by the state of indiana for the weekend. as other governors have done, governor holcomb last week opened up half of their elective surgery sites. and opening up the balance of their elective surgery site next week. in maryland, what we are watching closely, larry hogan expressing appreciation for federal support as he is continuing to scale testing. he had been in touch with the national institute of opening up their laboratories for maryland to do testing and we were able to confirm to him that walter reed hospital is available to
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maryland. in utah, gary herbert told us he told employees to do tracing in their state. in the last 26 hours, 33 residents have also signed up for what they are calling their healthy together out, and they have 50 different testing locations across utah with 82,000 people in the state already. others were just as inspiring. governor phil murphy of new jersey, the partnership with wreckers, working closely with the fda. they have authorized a saliva based tested that is being deployed at that site that is expanding their availability to contract what continues to be a very challenging environment in new jersey. and governor mike parsons of missouri, mr. president, also telling us how they have worked with google marketplace to create an online portal for more
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than 200 companies in missouri who have repurposed their manufacturing lines to create medical supplies to meet their needs within the state, and connecticut governor spoke about positive trend lines in connecticut. which has really been at the center of the outbreak in the greater new york area. but he also said that mr. president, that's a sampling of what we heard today. i know it's an encouragement to you, i trust it's an encouragement to people all across the country. at your direction, we are implementing a testing strategy that is supported at the federal level, but it is deployed and managed at the state level. we want to express our appreciation to every governor across the country that are standing up all of the labs that are available that are working with us and our supply chain personnel to make sure the reagents on the swabs and the
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equipment as they are to be able to process and test. if we will continue to increase testing dramatically in the weeks ahead. we want to thank our governors for the progress we are making on testing and for their role in urging their citizens with the mitigation and social distancing efforts that are really making progress. we are one team, one mission, to save lives and because of all the efforts that have been made at the state level, the strong guidance that has come from the federal level, and the amazing health care workers across the country in the first responders. mostly, i believe, because of the cooperation of millions of americans who put the guidance into practice. their cooperation in their prayers have set us on the path where we are slowing the spread, we are protecting our most vulnerable, and i truly do believe that they will soon come. when we will heal


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