tv Hannity FOX News April 24, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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it is getting outside and being with the ones you love.. that will make you better. physically, spiritually. that's o it. mike huckabee in for sean tonight. have the best weekend. ♪ >> mike: welcome to this special edition of "hannity." covid-19, the impact on america. i'm mike huckabee in tonight for sean. " over the hour we are going to show you how this global pandemic is not just a deadly virus, but also a very serious threat to our very way of life. earlier tonight, president trump and held another task force briefing at the white house. joining us with all of the latest details, chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher. >> governor, let's begin with breaking news out of the coronavirus task force where stephen kohn, fda commissioner, said the first at home covid-19 test unveiled this week and actually be mailed from doctors to patients, who can then
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self-swab and mail it back. expert say it will boost access to testing as well as test numbers. the president also signed legislation today replenishing the small business lending program with $484 billion, $310 billion of that goes towards the paycheck protection program, which quickly ran out of money a few weeks back. president trump and vice president pence also spoke with the nation's governors today. topic one was testing, with the vice president saying a month ago 80,000 americans had been tested. today it's 5 million.. governors are also reporting that hospitals and icus nationwide are seeing very positive trends. and finally, one day after the president suggested that light and disinfectants might have the potential to treat covid-19, the white house says the media took the president's comments out of context, and the president said it was sarcasm. watch. >> a very sarcastic question
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to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside, but it does kill it and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. that was done in the fun about sarcastic question to the reporters. >> the department of homeland security did say sunshine and household bleach are extremely effective at killing the virus on surfaces. governor? >> mike: trace, thank you very much. tonight as president trump works around the clock to coordinateie the country's pandemic response, some are attempting to remake america in accordance with their own far left agenda. speaker nancy pelosi has her eyes on a massive new spending bill. it's a bill that would bail out liberal states on the brink of bankruptcy. now these are states that have squandered billions of dollars on entitlements, generous pension plans for public employee members, green energy programs and much more. now pelosi wants to give them
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more of your money. and while pelosi tries to get all of her friends to get a bigv giant payday, other democrats are using the virus as a political weapon. house lawmakers led by congressman james clyburn have already assembled a panel to investigate the president on his handling of the virus. keep in mind it's the same james clyburn that told his colleagues that the coronavirus was a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision. meanwhile, one of clyburn's colleagues accused senate t majority leader mitch mcconnell of wanting americans to drop dead. watch this. >> our front-line workers right now cannot afford for us to stand by for politics. leader mcconnell said to our cities, are states, are cops, firemen and teachers, he told them to drop dead. well, why don't we put politics aside, rise up and tell him that we put the country first?hy
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>> mike: joining us now, ohio congressman jim jordan and texas congressman louie gohmert. congressman jordan, let me start with you. t this is pretty bold. the democrats are essentially saying that republicans wantre o kill people. i'm going to ask you point-blank, you're a republican, do you want to kill people? >> of course not. democrats never miss an opportunity to try to attack the president and attack republicans. think about what they have proposed during the pandemic, release illegal immigrants, deem abortion clinics as essential businesses and stop americans from purchasing a firearm and stop americans from going to church. that is what they push during this crisis and they have attacked the president so much so they have now created a special, select committee. it wasn't good enough for the mueller investigation, couldn't get the president with this crazy impeachment over the ukrainian phone call, so now they're going to create a committee to investigate the
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president, even though we already have eight different entities doing oversight over the coronavirus response. >> mike: congressman, governor, let's go into that.s there are eight federal inquiries right now about this response. couldn't we use a ninth one?th come on, what's wrong? is that a problem to have another one? >> [laughs] governor, i love your question. that is exactly speaker pelosi's solution. if you got eight committees in the hands of democrats who are simply not doing their job, the solution is create another committee in the hands of democrats! so that is what they did, and if you saw the speaker's comments, she said we are going to do this in a bipartisan way, and probably has as 100% partisan vote to create a committee to try to impeach president trump. that is what it's all boiling down to.
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and as far as our friend, max, when he first said what he did about disrespecting cops, telling cops drop dead, i had to ask him is he talking about mayor de blasio? but apparently he was talking about mitch mcconnell. saying a state might file for bankruptcy is not the same as telling a state's employees to drop dead. cops, firefighters, these essential employees are all essential in any bankruptcy court would rule that way. they are essential, they've got to keep being paid. but it's not lawful to file bankruptcy for a state at this time and a lot of it, jim and i have talked about it, we have been concerned all along that they would follow rahm emanuel's advice, not let a good crisis go to waste, and you've got democrat cities, controlled cities and states that are basically bankrupt, and they
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might try to use this crisis to bail them out, and that is totally inappropriate. we are not standing for that. >> governor, if i could -- >> mike: go ahead. >> the committee's work for the taxpayers. the ninth committee's going to work for joe biden. who did they put in charge of that committee? jim clyburn, the guy who is most responsible for joe biden being the democrats nominee for president. jim clyburn, good man but he is the one who endorsed joe biden the south carolina primary. he is the reason why joe biden won that nomination. this committee is a bipartisan politics. it's about helping joe biden going after the president of ths united states, just like the democrats have done since even before the president was elected since they started the trump-russia investigation in 2016. >> mike: you made a good point that it was jim clyburn who resuscitated joe biden's career. now he's down in the basement, we haven't seen much of him. when al gore did his endorsement, one of the most awkward things i've ever seen.
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congressman gohmert, you might speak to the fact that when al gore was there and joe wass giving out some chop word salad you can almost see on al gore's face, what have i done? >> [laughs] it's very hard for me to read a blank face so i can't reallyy comment on what it looks like al gore was thinking from my perspective, but they all looked somewhat uncomfortable when they do that endorsement and to me, that included former president obama. c he could've done it a whole lot sooner. i don't know why it took so long. >> mike: congressman jordan, we've only got about 30 seconds i've got to get it in quickly but there are some pretty crony and things that have been done in states during the stay at home order. do you think those things are going to be looked at, investigated by the department of justice as to whether they were over-the-top or just flat too much? >> yeah, bill barr indicated as much and he gave a memo and awh briefing, a memo that said if
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you can go to the grocery store and maintain 6 feet of social distance you can certainly go to church and your car and maintain the appropriate distance in this idea that governments are stopping people from attending church particularly on easter sunday is flat out wrong. bill barr defending liberty has also said these protesters, he made statements in support of the people who are tired of what's taking place and simple want to get back to work, want to get our country back on the right track. >> mike: governor jordan and congressman louie gohmert, thank you both. delighted to have you here. >> thanks. >> mike: as we inched closer and closer to the presidential election, the rhetoric from the left is only going to get worse. some of you are thinking, how? r speaking of which, someone might want to check up on joe biden during this nationwide lockdown. he is saying some very strange things. during a recent online fund-raiser, biden pushed a bizarre conspiracy theory. it was that president trump may try to delay the 2020 election. biden reportedly told voters,
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and i quote, "mark my words, i think he's going to try to kick back the election somehow. come up with some rationale why it can't be held. it's the only way trump thinks he can possibly win." joining us now with reaction, fox news contributors tammy bruce and dan bongino. tammy, are we going to have an election for president in november this year? >> we are. the president has of course assured us of that. maybe that was wishful thinking on joe biden's part. remember, this is the party that was talking about having a virtual convention, not having people gather there at all. they are the ones who seem to be concerned about people coming together. remember, they are going to have a pretty big platform fight about their policies and they don't want the american peopleo to see that. but this is during a fund-raising call, as you know.. and i think there's a pointt here, because biden has had a horrible time fund-raising, and will continue to have a difficult time compared to the historic fund-raising the president is enjoying.
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that is a sign of lack of enthusiasm. once again this is an attempt to frighten people. this is all the democrats have, is an effort to frighten their own people into thinking that this is going to be some kind of a coup. whereas in fact, the president i think is looking forward to this. clearly wants to have an election. it is something, it is a restatement about the reformation, and clearly the approval of the way he's been handling the 6 a situation that the extraordinary situation that none of us could have predicted. speaks to his leadership. so they are going'v to want to,s they've been doing for several years, besmirch his character, lie to people about the nature of what he's doing, and you're right, it's going to be awful but the fact is that's all they have. now they are also just lying to their own people in an attempt to create more confusion and more fear.e >> mike: dan bongino, the ever timid and oh so soft-spoken, let
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me ask you, do you think it's the democrats who think this election is going to be booted out in the future? or would they rather it may be be postponed for their benefit, not for the president's? >> first, governor, let me just i am actually stunned that bidet remembers there is an election in november. he hasn't exactly -- some of his appearance is been downright disturbing. it's not that in these joe biden interviews that he forgets the question. he appears to forget he's actually doing an interview aten times. t you know, and listen, i know it's an election and obviously we should question joe biden's fitness for office, it is appropriate, but really sometimes, i mean it, it is like sad to watch. it seems like he is grossly unprepared foror this. this is a bizarre conspiracy theory. tammy's absolutely right, you are right asas well. that trump is somehow going to move -- it's just so dumb. i can't believe we have to cover this but we do because it was brought up by a major party candidate. but what's weird, the democrats
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have their conspiracy theory boxes with the president. one conspiracy theory box is president trump is not fit -- he doesn't do anything, he just sits there all day and because he missed the ball and all of this he is not suited for the job. the other conspiracy theory box is president trump does too much, he's the world's ultimate tyrant, he has this massive power he's abusing and he's all over everything all the time. this is from the trump is a tyrant box, that he has the power, despite trump clearly saying this is ridiculous, that he plans on delaying thes election. this is from the tyrant box where they just pulled in a but this is really just dumb. let's be honest, this is stupid. >> mike: there something breaking tonight, got to get a reaction quickly from both of some video dug up, the internet is forever but so is videotape, and from 1993 on "the larry king show" came this little revelation about joe biden. let's listen. >> california, hello. >> caller: yes, hello. i'm wondering what a staffer
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would do besides go to the press in washington. my daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator and could not get through with her problems at all and the only thing she could've done was go to the press and she chose not to do it out of respect for him. >> so she had a story to tell but out of respect for the person she worked for she didn't tell it. >> that's true. >> mike: but we know who it was, it was joe biden. tammy bruce, pretty much a bombshell. "the intercept" picked it up, it is now breaking news on what will the democrats be able to do in the age of #metoo? >> what they tend to do is just ignore it and the media then supports them in that ignoring. during the kavanaugh hearings i noted that women should be taken seriously and enjoy due process as we look into the nature of some of these allegations that phone calls are important. she told her mother, that was
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her mother, she told her brother and her friend and her mother, she said, had called "the larry king show" at the time she was aghast that this had happened, and somehow that now has been found once "the intercept" put up that this was out there and it would be good to find it. so this confirms the nature of the series of what she has said she did and this is now -- look, what we've known from the start is that, and what i've written about is that sexism, homophobia, and racism live on the left. they are using women, they ruined the dynamic about taking women seriously in the kavanaugh hearings because they said there needs to be no due process, that men are guilty until proven innocent, and in this case, thei simply do nothing at all and they've been ignoring it. they will continue to ignore it but this is a lesson for the american people. it reinforces the fact that the people who've said they are the champions for women and others
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who are disenfranchised have been lying for generations,, and it's time to make a change whend it comes to how we live our lives and who our leadership is. >> mike: well, it's going to be interesting to see how this all plays out. and if they call for him to step down as they were calling for brett kavanaugh. thank you both. coming up, tensions rise all over the country's many stateth and local governments are accused of massive overreach. trey gowdy is going to be joining us after the break so stay with us as this special edition of "hannity" continues. l l edition ofofofofof doctor bob, what should i take for back pain? before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first. salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, non-addictive relief. salonpas lidocaine. patch, roll-on or cream. hisamitsu.
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accused of trampling the constitutional rights of american citizens. for example, in houston a new mandate would find residence $1,000 for just not wearing a mask in public. houston's police union president is calling the measure draconian. others are protesting the mandate, which is now facing a court challenge. in michigan, state lawmakers are attempting to strain the governor's emergency powers after she issued widespread bans, at one point even prohibiting members of the same family from visiting each other. my guess is there are some families who would actually approve of that, but not many. governor gretchen whitmer announced today that she ist, going to ease some of the stay-at-home orders by the governor continues to face a wave of criticism. and in washington state, that state one vote away from releasing some of its most dangerous inmates. all to fight the spread of covid-19. in a 5-4 decision, the state supreme court denies the release of these convicts, including
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potentially the green river killer. joining us now with more, fox news contributor trey gowdyt you were in congress long enough to not like it very well. you are back home in south carolina, but what we are seen all across the country is some very heavy handed policies being passed out at the local level by governors and mayors. is this a threat to the long-term life and liberty of the united states and its people? >> first of all, governor, it's great to be with you. there has to be irrationality. any time governor asks the citizenry to do something there has to be a rational basis for it in the greater the freedom you infringe, the more compelling the reason has to be. if i'm going to imprison you or fine you for not wearing a mask, why can i hold you down and vaccinate you against the flu this fall? you don't want the flu and covid-19, so can i involuntarily vaccinate you?
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can i show up at your house and make sure you are doing your burpees and your jumping jacks because obesity and covid-19 don't go well together. where does it stop? and in houston, governor, if you can believe this, they are threatening to punish people for not wearinghi a mask. meanwhile in washington state they are going to let a serial killer, they are 1 vote away from letting a serial killer out because of covid-19. go to jail for not wearing a mask but if you kill for a dozen women because of covid-19 we might let you out. that is irrational. >> mike: you are a prosecutor prior to going to congress he understand the justice department. we also understand the power of the government and what they can do. the federal government can also defend civil liberties right now and attorney general bill barr indicates he is willing to stand up for citizens to make sure that constitutional rights don't get trampled on. what do you think is going to happen with that?
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he is a real lawyer. he understands that for a government to be able to infringe on freedom, there has to be a rational basis and sometimes a compelling reason. if i'm going to tell you, governor, you can't go visit your mom, that's a fundamental right that you have. so the reason that i already keep you from doing that has to be incredibly compelling. it has to be more than just the governor of michigan thinks it's a good idea. if i tell you that you have to wear something in public, there has to be a rational basis for that! so bill barr is smart enough to do that and will put the grants in the federal powers to not go along, the power of the purse and the power to go to court. >> mike: we've seen some pretty crazy stuff like in michigan. the governor says you can't mow
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your lawn. i have a hard time understanding how mowing the lawn will make me more subject to getting the covid-19 virus. >> you where the governor of a great state, arkansas. she's the governor of a great state. it's hera job to persuade her citizenry that what she's telling them they cannot do is somehow rationally rooted in public health. so good luck convincing anyone that mowing your front lawn is going to make you more susceptible to covid-19. look, i get encouraging people not to go see those that are vulnerable. but asking me not to go see my mom is very different from telling me that i am forbidden oner penalty of law from going o see my mom. and that's what the protesters and other -- i'm not a protester, but i want government to explain to me, if i'm going to infringe on your freedom, it's a r compelling reason. americans are sacrificial. it's not too much to ask why you are making me do that.
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it felt like is it rooted in some rationality connected with what we are trying to prevent? if not, we have this thing called civil disobedience and people can engage in it. >> mike: congressman, there are a lot of people ready to engage in it. iot appreciate you saying it because the protesters are all just a bunch of crazies. these are people who fundamentally know what their basic rights are. congressman trey gowdy, delighted to see you. >> yes, sir. thank you. >> mike: coming up, china's rejected request for u.s. officials access to the wuhan lab. gordon chang is here to react. later, what can the u.s. government actually do the hold china accountable? senator tom cotton has a plan and he's going to join us to tell us exactly what that plan is. that and much more as the special edition of "hannity" continues. people used to care. heck, they'd come
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all the way out here just for a blurry photo of me. oh, that's a good one. wait, what's that? that's just the low-battery warning. oh, alright. now it's all, "check out my rv," and, "let's go four-wheeling." maybe there's a little part of me that wanted to be seen. well, progressive helps people save when they bundle their home with their outdoor vehicles. so they've got other things to do now, bigfoot. wait, what'd you just call me? bigfoot? ♪ my name is daryl.
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm ashley strohmeyer. president trump walking back comments from thursday that people could get an injection of a disinfectant to kill the kill the coronavirus. president trump telling reporters he was being sarcastic for that comment coming as he signed the $484 billion virus relief bill into law. meanwhile, house speaker nancy pelosi saying there will be no more federal bailouts unless there's money to help state and local governments. in the upcoming partisan fight, majority leader mitch mcconnell says he's open to providing more local health at least for now. there is news from the congressional budget office, the cbo projecting the federal deficit and total national debt will both hit post-world war ii highs in 2020 and will continue
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for at least a generation. i'm ashley strohmeyer. now back to "hannity." ♪ >> mike: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." developing tonight, beijing rejecting secretary of state pompeo's request for access to the wuhan lab that u.s. intel officials believe is linked to the virus outbreak. and not only that, we are also now learning that china's coronavirus cases may have been up to four times would officials reported. that according to a study out of hong kong. here to explain more isff the author of the book "the coming collapse of china," gordon chang. i'm delighted you are i don't know anyone who can speak to this more clearly and effectively.d just how much misinformation do you believe we are seeing from china right now on coronavirus? >> from the very beginning of the outbreak until now, there has been one piece of misinformation after another.
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and the reason is for the communist party, the most important thing is controlling the narrative. we learned that, governor, on january 26 when the communist party announced its task force for the coronavirus epidemic,as there was nine people on the roster. almost all of themth were propaganda types or political hacks. there was only one public health official and i believe that her decree wasn't something other than public health. this clearly was an attempt by the party to control narratives, not only in china but around the world. >> mike: the secretary of state has been told no can do when it comes to having someme people go over and take a look. what does that tell us? >> it tells us that china has something to hide. and there have been repeatedth attempts of american office of cooperation, going back to the first couple days of january. they've all been rebuffed. there were a couple americans on
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the world health organization team that went to china for two weeks in the middle of february and they were basically shuttled around two meanings of locations. they did get to go v to wuhan fr two days, but they didn't get to do anything important. it was sort of meet and greet. i believe the americans were not permitted to go to wuhan, but i need to confirm that. the point is china is obviously trying to throw us off the trail and it indeed does not want us to understand the outbreak. >> mike: gordon, i'm not trying to throw something crazy out there.ut is there at least the possibility of the chinese have developed some type of biological weaponry and that's what got loose with all of this? is that even within the realm of possibility? would that explain some of the cover-up? >> you know, that's not crazy, governor.
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at the wuhan institute of virology which is suspected to be the out sorts of the bike break outbreak, they kept 15 sorts of coronaviruses. the question is what were they doing with those coronaviruses? most scientists believe that the coronavirus that they get loose was naturally occurring, it was not spliced. i think that china's officials, having seen what the disease did to china, crippling society, i think what they try to do i waso make sure that it escaped china to level the playing they did two things come governor. first of all, they tried to convince the world that this disease was not human to human transmissible when they knew that it was. also they pressured countries to accept arrivals from china. you put those two things together and the inevitable conclusion is, no, it's not a viable weapon when it started but it turned into one because chinese leaders saw an opportunity to cripple other societies.
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>> mike: gordon, on a scale from 1-10 from one, we don't trust them at all, to ten, we trust everything they say, what's the trust level for the chinese? >> the trust level is absolutely zero trust because we know they hav been lying from the very beginning of this. we know that there have been under counts of both cases and deaths. that undercounting appears to continue today because what we are seeing are numbers that do not match with what china's officials are doing. we see the evidence of a second wave of coronavirus infections in various partsru of the count. but the numbers that china is reporting do not match up. >> mike:e: gordon chang, always a pleasure to talk to you. your insights are invaluable. thank you, sir. delighted to see you. senator tom cotton has, with some legislation on how to hold china accountable for the deadly coronavirus pandemic. he's going to come on to
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♪ >> mike: welcome back that this special edition of "hannity." the coronavirus outbreak has raised a question of how can th u.s. hold china accountable for their lies, deceit, and flout misinformation. they are laying out one way forward by proposing new legislation, allowing americans to sue china in federal court. that would be to recover damages for the harm inflicted by china's cover-up. in the meantime, former u.n. ambassador nikki haley launching a petition urging congress to probe beijing over the outbreak. of all the trump administration and republicans sounding the alarm over china and the world health organization's failures, democrats continue to play defense for america's pose. join me now for reaction,
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senator tom cotton of my home state of arkansas.s. senator, good tona have you with us. >> good evening, governor. good to be on with you. >> mike: you and dan crenshaw have put together a package of legislation that would give americans some very special rights when it comes to holding china accountable. how would it work? >> governor, typically foreign officials are immune from lawsuits in our federal court system, but it's not absolute. we've waved it, for instance, for the victims of the 9/11 attacks. congress men crenshaw and i think we should waive it for the victims of this terrible virus. china's official lied about the nature of his virus, intentionally allowed the virus to escape outside of their borders to level the playing field with the rest of the world so they would not suffer all of these harms alone, they ought to pay the tes consequences. there is a lot of other things we can do. i have legislation with
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mike gallagher to bring back pharmaceutical manufacturing from china to the united states. they will invest a lot more in our military t tell mike that her chinese c aggression in the pacific, but courts to the er >> mike: if that were to happen, what would the chinese even respond to the lawsuit and if they thumb their nose, what do we do? >> in a lot of cases, they probably won't but there are consequences as well. assets can be seized. can but difficulty traveling coming to the united states. there could be serious i consequences if legislation a passes and chinese officials refused to even respond to those lawsuits. our legislation would allow china to fess up, admit what they did, create a pool of money as he did for the 9/11 victims, and we would turn off the waiver
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of sovereign immunity.y. i do not expect communist china doing that. it's important we open up our courts for the american people to sue chinese officials who are responsible for unleashing this pandemic on the world. >> mike: it would seem like this would be such an easy bipartisan lift for the members in congress, house, and senate, republican and democrat. why aren't thee democrats joinig with you to hold the chinese communists accountable for this? and i'm not trying to be partisan. i honestly wants to know.t you have rubbed shoulders with them all david what are they thinking question mike why are they saying, that's great, let's go after them? >> i hope they will, governor. in somee cases in the past, i worked together pretty well for instance chuck schumer, the issues related to china, may be the only time we work together on legislation. i do expect some democrats will join us, but unfortunately some of the democratic party, some in the media, basically want to m take the side of anyone
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donald trump as opposed to an president trump has made it clear that he thinks china isvi response before the virus. for example, you've said he's made it clear that tedros at the world health organization probably was spending for china and you have democrats in the media rushing to the fence of the world health organization. i think on this issue there is some simply reflexive opposition to president trump, even as is so often the case he's on the right side of this issue. >> mike: we were seeing you throw some flags way back in january about the potential harm for this. and a lot of people didn't take it seriously then. do you feel a little vindicated and by the same token, what did you see that the rest of america just flat didn't see back then? >> no, governor. it's one to say one can feel vindicated or feel good about her seeing alll of this when wee have over 50,000 americans who
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have died and 27 million americans who have lost their livelihoods. that's not to say one wishes to be proven right. but looking back in january when the rest of washington was obsessed with the impeachment trial, i saw the contrast between chinese rhetoric on the one hand that was trying to say everything was calm and under control and the virus couldn't pass from human to human when they knew it was highly contagious and even lethal, versus trying his action which reflected that they shut down schools and all of mainland china for they literally welded the door shut on apartment buildings in wuhan. they shut down air travel to hong kong which they otherwise would never do. the contrast to their lying rhetoric and their drastic extreme action told me that this virus had the potential to be a deadly pandemic. >> mike: thanks for joining us, senator. good to see you. coming up next on "hannity," we'll be hearing more about the covid-19 antibody test. when can you get your hands on
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one of those tests? dr. nicole saphier will join us next, she will explain. she's got a brand-new book out. she'll tell us about it. stay withti us. principal is by your side. we're working hard to answer your questions. like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. we're more than a financial company. we're a "together we can get through anything" company. now, more than ever.
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a lot of americansns very curios for the antibody testing for covid-19 especially after a new antibody study in new york suggests nearly 3 million new yorkers may have actually had coronavirus. joining us now the way in is the author of the new book "make america healthy again: how bad behavior and big government because they trillion dollar crisis," dr. nicole saphier joins us. we keep hearing that this ish te most important single thing we are going to have. i'm hearing some may even come in the mail to people. >> governor, it's great to be on with you this evening. the truth is we've been waitingd for these prevalence testings because this gives us a good idea not only how many people have been infected with the virus but how many people have recovered and are possibly immune to it at this point. we saw a couple of smaller studies come out of california,
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the biggest one being released from new york just this week, 3,000 patients. i'll be at that's small sample size considering the population of new york state, what they are telling us it's a higher infection rate which is also a lower fatality rate, meaning if you are amount of people being infected are actually going to die from the virus. that being said, this is very different from the pcr test, thb molecular test. the nasal swab is looking for the presence of the virus. the blood test is actually looking for the antibodies that your body has produced in response. it's much easier in the fact you are having to give blood like you've done many times before as opposed to the very invasive naval swab. at home usage, i can tell youhe that there are many, many private and public companies who are stepping up and developing their own antibody test so people can have increased access to them.
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>> mike: over the past couple of months you've been a very calming, reassuring voice from the medical community having people understand some of the specifics of this. giving people a due sense of concern, but not revving people upbu to be scared to death. i'm wondering at this point in our dealing with the coronavirus, should americans be hopeful, optimistic, or should we just crawl up under the bed, get in a fetal position, and wait for the end? >> let me tell you, i believe in giving fax over fear. the more intelligence you have, the more empowered you are as an individual. the truth is i'm extremely optimistic at this time. we have finally flattened the curve which has been the goal of the last few weeks and in many cases we are seeing declining numbers. the truth is we have to be cautiously optimistic. yes it's time we have to start reopening but we have to do it in a smart manner because the economic fallout, the anxieties,
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the depression, the suicides, the drug overdose deaths from increasing employment rate, we also have to take that into effect as well. yes, we have to get people out of the house. we have to do it in a smart it did see a lot of reason for optimism right now. >> mike: your book is so timely. "make america healthy again." it's more about prevention and intervention. why is that really the answer long term big time for the health issues of the country? >> it's quite interesting in the sense that the book is timely, although covid-19 didn't exist when i wrote the book. we've rendered ourselves vulnerable to covid-19. we know the elderly are dying from the illness but those with pre-existing medical conditions. in new york, 94% of people with severe illness or died had one pre-existing condition. when you have 60% of adult0% americans with preexisting conditions, that's why so many people have fallen ill here.
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we had to make makeshift hospitals in central park because we didn't have enough room in our hospital systems because of this chronic illness epidemic we have in our country. had we been more prudent before, living healthier lifestyles, and really just having positive incentives to live a healthier life, we would've been much more prepared for this virus. unfortunately, in my opinion, government intrusion into our health care system has taken us further away from being a healthier nation. >> mike: dr. saphier, we've got to end it there. i'm so sorry. your book is great. "make america healthy again." coming up, record your this next as this edition of "hannity" continues. in 1986, the late reverend david wilkerson
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confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at ♪ >> mike: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." during the pandemic, you may have noticed celebrities o complaining from inside their
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spacious mansions or singing songs on social media social social media tostay rele. comedian ricky gervais' has been known to poke fun at celebrities. he says, i quote, "i've got nothing against anyone being a celebrity or being famous. i think people are just a bit tired of being lectured to. now celebrities think the general public needs to see my face, they can't get to the cinema. i need to do something. it's one you look in their eyes that even if they are doing something good, they are thinking, i could weep, what a good person i am. ." unfortunately that's all the time we got left this meeting down the evening special thanks to sean hannity for letting me host tonight.ho and in invited to see my show probably titled "huckabee." guests include roger stone, and country singer clintcl black big you can go to for
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local listings or to watch online. thank you for joining us tonight. sean is going to be back on monday. i know you arei glad to hear that. stay safe this weekend. the "ingram angle" starts right now "the ingraham angle" starts right now. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. can america reopen responsibly before it basically craters for the next decade? georgia is out in front and you are going to hear from folks throwing their doors open. larry kudlow will tell us how the administration's focus for may has now changed. plus what's the truth behind the fda's announcement today on hydroxychloroquine? and with trump was trum
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